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county 4( UMBUS DAILY COURIE R0ECTEB AS SPEAKER 7 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm VICTIM 1 1 XSsS s i9 asp tmi&aj DSlsHNfl, N, M, Jutr 3tr11 if Ifee FKftk CiiwitiaHy,-, 4 hi cUIhiM W bo a afattut hm as il, the wrill now holfc hs the eced sH iralwn and senj few. at Mm mMi M X feel jter ' There to ! flaw of m mm tmnkkm wMhta Ml feel of tw well U WDtllbltad. H In confidently believed that In the near future thU company will br tw i a iMkyhw well A mwHfeff of peoriectora, lrj-ig Id secure leswcs. nave vmiicii uio well recently. Other oil companies In Oa-llfofHfc are ImwlUiotlng with mi c?c to sCHrig acrcawn iimi tin loiw all tkm Ml. I.una rniiuly, in and arouwd Dewing, will mj lltor- (Highly drilled. ' At tm feel Iho Florida well west M Vcmbm U afeeki In oil sand Mtt In y'lehbig cooeldcraM'C oil, bTrt owtfttf la ta hMru awount of Wtr In Iho wcH the riV-nt anil mmWy or the oil U not kiwwn. The hmhi element hM stopped drilling and In now lntslllfi easing when the. sand will ) drilled out and probably rased off ns previous similar' trta liaa been slim iur, l hp mil uofliinu ing to pound down for Iho bis pool. II li IhoueHI by 'Onny lhaj o 4 bicker ran rock (ban heretofore en countered V) imminent and that be neath It wHI aw pool of oil the Eomfroiy hinhi lor. For Urn fourth time last Sunday morning the AngcliM well cat of Dcmlng Spouted artnstan water from under overlaying rlay, strata at fff) fecU The lt Mrlko caused Iho witter tn.rian 12 tH asuwo Iho anrfaernf Mte arowa4 Itt Iho c No IrowMu ,wi fM4tnd In raatHg.oK Iho flow k 'a few wlnwant an.fW the Htur of MA (tow mhH the Mwount of wair ( M, iMtnMeiv (Contbuied on Van 4, minimi I.) Hwkmn of the Onfral Iaor Uiilofl In regular meinc at Labor IfiwiH , tw witty njnMod a Nt4u- ibm ii HtvH hvroor O. A, Imrn M W mak twra on Latw day, AffHtqtMrnue JeraM. iiaawaato of Iho wwow. le fnaalwn elwaapi fw mraawaKi are Sv-, Sown m prmoineol in r elrefe! a (o ho e hatrwan of Mm niiercwM. Thfl final meeting of all efrtnmR. leetnen (o mki final arranftNtieiU fw Hmi Itor day narado and prv aruni wlH be held .the first Bumlay In Aiifiut, It nna nnnouiicet at the weelhim. Tho move of Iho laborer In Allm. iptettpip' Ui enter politic in taken wHh a noniartliiAn viewpoint. It wa Mid. Tho liica.l t wa e(i, li am In tako a ataud for any par(lohr party but to make a tinltnt el am for tho-candWalo who II la believed hi (hr iuteresla of lalior moatly at hearj. Tho nJeellng Hunrfay to be tiehl na!3Qfl clock. Dy iVasoclaleil l'rc.J PAHIH, July 3I-Uolshovik caval ry foiTCt have advanced to the at I'ruMlan frontier, according to a re port from the French military ! iion in wartaw lo tiio rrcneu ror elim office today. Tho lloliuvvik line exlcmk from Hiiwalkl, fifty miles northwest of Orodnu, more than alxly mile to a potnl aJinoU directly north of War. aw. tho itoiaiioviKi mvo not ac tually crOAaed tho bonfcra of Allen ieln and JiUrienwrnler, but are fru IcrnlatiMc wHh tho flermans. Tho mMw aaya It uitderatantle IIim fliriiintu anil f-U Jlivlkl arn ne- IwJIaJiwr t i)kj.t The, therj Warw frn tn iwrtM a wetl from the eaU BARGAINS! 6M feel of 2 toeh a)vun(tnl Hp Ht tl eowWten, We lter foot- Houra ami Window ai MM nrke, Amo wcmm hand I-innWr at a very, low pHcc Who good neccmd hd Hath tub. 1 rr) thing lo FimiHuro and a amaM asaortmcHl of HoninM. JmJ arrived, a few wiIIcji of Heed FiHuHurr, brand new. CARROLL & NORWOOD "Hr mv m mix, rxm-rmv TODAY Mm 'I Mfbt H ANITA STEWART fHHjl ' 'i ii. i ALSO A. Big "V" Gmntdy Knights t Knighties Temgprary Suspension Of The Daily Courier Tlil Uiuo of (4m Ovlumfein Dally Courier will biyUM Wl until aomo limo-m Iho ftHaaaa. aVyeniMna; noon tn.M)H mOvcWaaW' Oamp Furlong and Iho ,i!xiffecfM 4 tho comlnir campalfn. -., .Nunirrmn reasMM eaJer Into lhi decliiotwlhn rmMflkaaasIii IVilnrii. npreriH Hthal trtnwehwiIeSr liinni la not iiliieUiitly etnilppnl Um priMlueo a popcr every day and n latvu weekly aim Then n train print paper I almost unoblalnahlo and iho Increase in price in wUly dnyi hm been S cents a iKmnd. Unusual condillim, creating a de mand for n tatewldo Democratic woe.kly nirwiipaper. have arisen and Iho suspension of one or the other newspapers)! compulsory; Hicowtier? of the mmer plant are' nwrenV les chagrined at the outcome, -as .tho publlcallon of tin; Dally' Courier' was a plcasuro and it success from alt viewpoints has been phenomenal. Tho Weekly Courier, however, will h a real Drmocratlo news paper, faf superior Mo any news paper ever produced lu this section, or um siaie. , a, ,Tivlb' nirrehnnta and advertisers patriotic, and from" one inilnf Tf view tho auspensinn of the Daily (curler will imj a lessening of your , monthly expense, without, It tfl hoped, a falling off of patronage. INCHF-SK IX BUnSKItttTION I'MGB OF TIIK COI.OAIDUH WF.EKI.Y COUIIIEII The sulerlptinn jfricn of tho fiJ'v lumbus. Weekly. Courier SEl'TF-MliF.n I. Iteo, will Iks; 'One yar , ,KiTp 6ix months :. 2.00 1I)W months Z- "65 Klngle copies J, ,11 Eor the Nt&t Thirty Days The Price A: WH1 Bt'Only $2.00 Per Tear Oct hi on tho ft! Idea subscribe, at ontlc. hat Winr, Cw VI By Associated Press, WASIIINOTO.V, D. ft, July The osltlon of tho Democratic party wltfi roferenco to the league Of nation "will bo hm4 perfectly clear wlien Governor James W. Cox of Olilo deliver hfci speech arcepl. lop the DcmocrMlo pViitentfal nomination, Ucorge White, newly elected chairmun of the Democratic national committee, declared In an swer tb an Inquiry by Senator War ren Od Harding. Iteoubltcan candi date for the presidency, u to the Democratic parly s stand on t.he kd minUtrslIon's foreign policy, Mmti Back U m By AseocSted rrew. I.NDtANAlOI.ia Ind- July 31 Tho striking mine workers In Iho iimiana and nimois .coal fields were today ordered back to work by Presi dent Iy;wl of tho United Mine Wrtrkay of America, In a lelegram itfreelei' lo every local imloii hi Iho affecllxf ititlrlcls. Pp'Sldent lwU inttmrlnl t-hem to Immetllalely call iwtimpi nai take CadMt if S389M In wwwitw wi ssVfinw ara Hp by Thmi RririNrs FLAftSTAFF. Arix. Julv SO-Carl Bteckel, who runs a trading post at Tolchaoco, on Iho Navajo Indian reservation, today reported hero and at l4o same tlmo notified American Hallway Ilxprcai Company officials In Chkatto that ten dsva ato three meivwith cntnty auilcasea went into Canyon Diablo, 08 mile eaat of here, cmcrgcti wun (bo auiicaseis welghtnl 6nvn, Ix.nnlcd a train and left. Fifteen years ago a Sanla Fo pas senger train was robbed of fto.KX) at Canyon Diablo. Stockel recalled. He -kl that ho and O, II. I lender- son, atallon agent at Canyon Diablo, bxpiorru um eonyim after tho do. pnrturo of the men, and found one shallow hole and another bole about five feel dcrii both holes being near a ntck on Uio side of the rough canyon woU, sails vm h:imi JBy AwoclnUnl Prcs.l NF.W YOltK CITY. July 31. ArehblhopTilartnls today sailed for Ireland on the steamship ltnltlc, de spite Premier I.loytl Oeorce'a alele- nient recently In the Ilritlsli housed oi commoiH in ejieci lie wouio liot t permitted to land- Kainnn ile Valera, president of the "Irish re public," wa present but did not aM QU Uw UtlUc. One good thing about imlltlral speeches talked into a phonograph Is that It Is easy to change the rec ord,-ltoston Olobo. NAfU VISA, X M July W. -Cr. e(wice- eurrounHwr Um Amih of Lewis Payne, a iornHT Mhtirr, here, followla roeelfd. hy Mm ot two oJege4 "Mack bttHT UM, art tclng invrrtlsnted. A wonera Jurj- decided that Payne rtfed of poison ndmliUstered by an unknown hand. Ills di-ath occurred In local looming house. Person In an ad joining room were aUracled Jr Payne's ten-am and shmils of "MurdrrP To Uioso who answered his cries Payne la declared lo havn said ho had taken n drink of water and that It was killing him. One of (ho alleged "black hand" letter wm receivd alKtul July 15, lite other only last Saturday. Tho flret lold Payne to leave .!() In gold on a lonely mail, where lliern would ho a lighted lantern, and lo leave the country wihin SO days, under three! of death, The seciMid also threatenefl death Utile he left town, The pnslofflce nVswtment was notirieil of ihe fleet M4er awl a man was sent from Denver lo ssi with Payne to the place-where IHo taller was supposed lo fhd Iho I mh led lantern. Nothing was fcnmd. An anslysls of (he dead xwait tlomaeli conlenls U to be made I'nyne'a life wni said lo have been heavily Insured, Friday night about M mefntieri or Ihe Columbus Investment Company met at the Community Koiiao and Under I lie tutelage of Attorney f-proai were orgnUril as a jw4( roocern. Jamea li. 1venwnoi was HwH lirofllnVnL Judge T. J. Ode, vice presliWt. Artliur Hloch, secretary itd treas urer. ' The lhn,e officers above with the additionuf JHnstlWWtei aid ArtblirW. KvaiKCWr;i''lhn luanl of director. These officer bod office until January. ciiaxci: To fiirr honey haoc. A meeting will lie held In Ihe near future of the gentlemen who con tributed money for the purpow or leasing and buying land for oceu imncs by the government here In Columbus and vicinity some lime ago. It In the Intention to oraHmbto a stock company and Issue stock pro rata lo Ibe amount or each In dividual contribution. Crepe paper at Dally Courier of flee. o- - The Darning Com rncfcisil Ecsftx3ftr, will be pubKthed next Sat urday, Aug . 7, It wii be an edition of more than two thouaand copies. Onyx 1B1- - Don't know 2 His own wife raBBk Many men are tike that, 44Bsa BBhIBhBb probably, lint lliis man JBf ajflfajBaj didn't even rceognlxo vr 'JsasssssV his wlfo when he saw Xaj wMBiaT her. Which I different! JV. I William Fox .- (l I mi jsr " asm 1 7aw ' t'mm " ft-,3 V,, Xj r sOaaBaSI