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Columbus daily courier. [volume] (Columbus, N.M.) 1920-1920, July 31, 1920, Image 2

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r,re CotuMnyg coflM coLttMst?, KW Jfyy
Kiln iHrtttoM PiAUAm
Unseeed m mmmIIm matter at
tho poUff!c l Columbus. N, M.
NnnteVM 'Sjf HI1 AlSail JfcSa
TtM AMecl(4 ITe 1 taetaatY
ly (entitled to the uae (or public
Hob of hit news dispatches twilled
in It or rial otherwise tredlted In
this paper and also tho local newt
published herein.
Per ilnslo cony.. 03
Ontt wecli . .20
Onto, month
Three month 2j50
Bli month! 3.50
Ono sear OXiO
Onl Insertion, gxr limn ..30o
Six Insertions, her Iiicl 75o
Classified ads an4 reading notices,
10 cents per Hue; by tho month,
H cents.
ol. 1 WKKKLY CIHJHIKR. No. 23.
Saturday, July 31, 1920.
Tho thlrtl tilirly Is launched and
sletsrted vtp. As was expected, ill
r.Mform twdvtow for tocIbII4IIiih'
or inHutimi m nr as poaeiMe,
Government owners Wf ami eroo-:
craUe, control (political operation
tit hII public utllllirf and natural
resources, including largo uraiioirs,
stockyards, gralu elevators, walrr
power, colli stnrtap) ami terminal
warehouses, railroads, mincsi ell
lands, pipe line and tanks, tele
graph and trli-pliono lines Is dts
,V general program of government
money loaning to Individual or
group Is ndvocale n well tis cer-
tain forms of single lax,
Taken as a-whotc. Hie platform Is
o direct attack on our whole Indus.
Itial Aslit its developed tit ptlvale
ranllal and Individual initiative.
While the plalfnrnl declare for
IOO per cent Americanism" and de
mands that the "people" tie given
their rights and llherlies" which
they already have), il In the same
hrralti advpcales policies which if
adopted would set up a socialistic
form of government in 'his nation
And would lake away from a prt I
vale riuten the right In go anenii
and develop private Industries as
has been the right or every man in
I lie past.
me piatrorm or me new party ts
nothing more or less lhan an exlw
Hun of the North Dakota Nunpartl
san league scheme nf socialization
of Industry.
Do Americans wish to cunnii
their rights In individual Initiative
In litis nation? Iln worth lliiuking
Jame M, Cox, whoso likeness ap
pears above, Is the standard bearer
of tho Democracy of today as well
as of all precedents. As tho cam
palgn advances tho assurances of
I ho election of Cox and llooscvclt
havn been made certain.
IN HONOR 'W mbsrnm
The west has all In gain from
railroads going back Into private
Take Just one or the transmit t-
Denial lines the Southern Pacific
upending SI million dollars for roll
ipg stock alone.
Tills Is besides its share of the 10
million dollars spent by (ho rrult
Express for refrigerator cars.
Another item Is that-of a Irons-
continental line sending a represent
alive to Kumpe Ui revive tmmigrj
(ion for fnnn InUir.
The Southern I'aclfie i opening
all its agencies In revive colonist
rales to the west and tourist excur
sion rales.
The west suffered from auspen.
slon of all Ihrse policies under gov.
enimenl operation, hut will soon
feel Ihn Impetus of Iho oldllmo rail-
mail policies.
There ISjin element of our conn
try favoring return lo public owner.
ship except, the radical wing; nf tho
laW federation.
A monuuirtit In honor of Col. John
Singleton Moby of tho Confederate
anoy, ejected with foods contributed
by the imiple of the entire South,
was unveiled at Wnrrmton, Virginia.
The gnuilto shaft Is 23 fret high.
Near the base Is n bnmte medallion
In bss teller depleting Hie famous
leader of the "Mosby Hangers,"
Pointing out that other coun
tries aultt their steamship lines by
subsidies and that, their vessels op
erate at a lower cost lhan American
ships. It. M. Sammes, traffic adviser I
of tho Alaska territorial shipping
board, has issued a statement de
fending Iho new Jone iiirrchanl ma
line act In general and section !M in
particular. This section provides
that the preferential Import and ex
port rail rntes shall apply only lo
freight carried in American Uit
loms. Foreign countries had carried the
commerco of this country lonK
when tho United Slates had no ves.
sol that these countries had come
in look tinon this traffic as their
own not only the commerce be
tween such cnunlriegA'ud Iho Untied
States but tho commerce of the
l niti'd Stales with all Counlrd
KnglUli ships carrying a larpe part
of our commerce wllh Iho Orient
and Herman vessels our commerco
with South America,
flnrmanv had found years before
llial the most effective way to build
mi her merchant marine was In re
serve for carriage on German ships
Ihrlr export and Import Interior
tius ness. anil Ih s was uono ny prei-
erential rail rales on Ibis traffic re
sulting, as evsryono knows, in Iho
hullding un of a wonderful mer
chant marine. Japan followed suit
and KiiHltiiid usea tue equally nice
llvo weapon of the order in council
In exclude foreigners.
The Jones bill represents knowl
edge gained by hard work and long
study of a very difficult problem.
It should bo known Dial this Is not
Ihc. measure of any twliljeal .parly.
'Hie memuers of the commitU'o tag.
ing, keenest Interest. In the mailer
were annul rquauy ujviu. "pJr
were Senator Jones, chairman, and
Senators Knule Nelson or Minnesota,
Haider of New York. McNary of Ore.
ton, Itepublicans, oix) Senator Hans
dell nf Louisiana Democrat Wiilo
Senator Jones deserves groat credit,
every senator-attending the Hearings
manifested a single purpose, which
was to prelect American enterprise.
Tliit Eii it m Jwi a pegwnins. i-ow
of us raoeke tMi shipping is tho
most InlHcfttfi "businesa of moderr)
limes. Mletskoa will happen. This
Littf will Iiava lr( lut nnipn.-led from
Hfm U time. It Is a buslneiprot
mi, one of sentiment, wtd Is
tlM.'u Int., n almnln iliiSlkiAOf
rrseved Into a simple questJon of
heHer Use American, pees r
folate lo lis ul their own, eommwee
faMfif ship or are gohg to
The leading enpper stocks are
selling al about CO cents on I lie
dollar compared to value before
the war.
No one believes Ibe world will
stop using ropiter. or that Iho de
mand will Ihi grealer than ever
when the after war slack is taken
The ore reserves of the great
western copiM'r mini's are sufficient
In supply I lie world market for no
In 1010 when ihc American copper
mines were straining i-very imlnt lo
meet the demands of the god of war
stocks went to 8130 a share.
With I he stream of gold flowing
back in this country from England,
with silver stabilized at a dollar an
ounce, copper will not remain long
n the (nlmggan.
Henry llrock. original discoverer
of oil in the Seven Lakes field, is
drilling for the California-New Mex
Ico Oil Company, and their well Is
now down 200 feel. There are in all
now five companies drilling, tho
Huby Oil Company. West Oil Com
pany, California-New Mexico Oil
Company, Ilronson Oil Company,
White Oil Company. The Seven
take Petroleum Company shortly
will begin drilling. Tho Nine-West
Oil Company, to n depth of 700 fed:
the White, lo a depth of 400 feel,
and the ilronson, 200 fet flallup
Mink CuiUiU
Fir Sqtfuw Cwrt
Former Attorney General Harry
U ration's announcement thai lis
will lie a candldato for tho Demo
cratic nomination for Justice of the
supreme court Is carried by ' the
Uovis Jumnal. Fallon's homo is at
The Democratic Judges of Iho ills,
trlct court, Judgo II. 11. Ilyan of
Silver City and Judge- Sam U. Ural
ton of lloswell, have been mentioned
as iHisslhle randidates, but OS far as
nuyono knows al lliV slain house
neither had announced 111 candidacy.
Former I'nlled Blales Senator
Thomas It. Catron will bo a canui
date for the lleiuiblican nomination
as candldalo for I tin vacant justice
ship, hut Chief Justice Frank Y.
I'arker, according lo friends, do't
Intend lo retire from imltllcal 'life,
so Iherc will bo al least two candi
dates for the Hepubllcan nomination
in tho field.
Ctois Niftfs 701
Cars fir hrnfK Crip
Clovls nretls 700 cars for the
movement uf Curry county's wheat.
Tho elevators ai -tho county seat ajfi
overflowing, wagons and trucks an
standing In thf yards walling for
die Santa 1 e lo rurmsii cars, ami so
tar not more than one or two ckr
dully have been supplied by the rait
mad .'ompany, accenting to icuers
to Attorney Oeneral O. O. Askrcit
(ion) tlovis business and banking
inti-i-cats. OnO said that 81 unloadeil
i nicks and wagons had been counted
In I he yards on one day,
1511 U. S.tewtirs '
StiiH "Paris W
mmfm mm
Ttin rank of wamrnt officer, next
below Hvcund iuiotnU 14 boen
rrealeil by tbo. army reorganballon
net of Juno 4. IM0. Kcordins to
word Just received al Uia army re
rnilllng vitflce, ailttswenU Wlm
made from amswsf jstsvcomniissioned
nifiuers who nv nq m isshi ten
years' enlisted jiervkw. Unlisted men
who serviil as officers of Hie army
at some tlmo belween April 0; HII A
and November IL ,, and whose
lotal eervleo In Hw nrmy. enllsleil
and cominlsslonrtl, amounts lo flviv
year, are eligible fotf "sefvicd for
appolnlmetn, M well as persons
serving or wno u&xc Ktxca, ti army
field clerk, or field clerk Of tho
quartermaster corps. ,
The new warrant officers will In
elude band leaders and in the uata
of Ihose Who are to bo assigned lo
duty as hand leaden) they ant tn he
appointed from persons who served
as army band leaders at some Umo
Mwew tlir j:iyen u"a!fs.
warrant oincers wm recijivn n
baie nay of t.T.'0 a yvir ami the
allnwsnees of a seond llenlenartl
Applications may he mode; through
military channels, Nn .nnnolntmeuts
as warrant officer 'Aill bo rtwdo
until after Iho results nf Iho cxnmi.
nation which arc now Mng held
for cpmmbslnns era nnnpimeed.
iMaAsJ 'AHaayMSk Ta'
MLfcji CM IWfif
A .largo number nf officers of the
naval n'snrvn force will ho recalled
In active duly for training during
the coming fiscal year, All these
officers, excepl those In Iho con
idrucllon and civil engineering
corps, will bo required .to perform
this acllvn duly afloat on naval
Fitness reports must bo submitted
on reserve officers by commandlne
officers Inyncdlalcly upon Hie com
pletion of the lour or active duly
and forwarded lo Iho bureau of
navigation via tho commandant of
the naval district concerned.
lines reports, complete In nil
details, will bo submitted on all re
serve officers recalled tn active
Inly for training. Irrespective of
Hie length of lime the) are on active
The French Oil and Oas Company
started Its first well last Saturday
when tho first load of timbers for
(lie rig left this city for Iho location
on he Chester Decker form, Tho
Springer Times.
The Springer Ditch Company pur
chased 2000 acre feel of water from
Charles Springer at a cost of 50000,
Tills nmmjut of wfjerUJ, lie suffi
cient tn suiiiily hto uema'nds of the
Sprinter farmers fdr tho season.
pwliile their dam is being repaired.
springer Times.
I'AIUB, July 3 1. Deserter fro:
t tin American armv who came I
France still number 1500 in tHo
1'arls district, according to a report
made by Iho Pari police to Captain
J. A. Warden, who Is supervising
Iho apprehension of Ihe deserters
in addition to Investigating bills still
being presented againit lha Amerl
can expeditionary forces. A all do-
M'rter have the reputation with tho
French pollen uf carrying guns ai)d
ncing cau men generally, mc po
llen shnnlv notify tho American' att
Ihorltles of their presence In some
particular place, but do not atlemhl
to arrest them,
mm IN mcxtity.
Homer S. Cummlngs' sncech at
Iho Democratic convention In San
I rsnclsco Is now being recognised
as tlio most complete answer lo nil
interrogations regarding tlio sound.
ness of DeMoeralle policies and nar-
licularly the achievements nf Presi
dent Wilson's administration that
has been delivered before any audi
ence anywhere since James M. Cox's
nomination. It is o political com
pendium wlileh ovnry Democrat
should mcmorUe, as it furnishes the,
sinews for unanswerable arguments.
District .Attorney Vaught railed tlf
Attention of tho Democratic nomb
neos' meeting' to this particular Cum
tnlngs speech and advised. ,r,!l to
READ It and VSK IL The Columbus
to do so simply j'url'"' vlll hi, the mw future re-
suiB wants aaql'UB"e " remarKaeio oraioricai
WtoA VfieM Ti
Tfr Hit 8 6j53ljKI
1.08 ANOKLRS. Ca), July 31
Ganoline has been so scarce here
(hat when a train earning 200,000
gallons arrived from Oklahoma Hi
was officially welcomed by Mayor
M. I'. Snyder and Officers of tho
Automobile Club of Southern Cali
fornia, They met the train al At
hambra, notr here, and rode back
on IL
AKllON, Ohio, July 31 Hccause
I hi! ro was hut ono movlo in tho town
and therefore thoy couldn't see., a
new show each nlKht,,'nlt!i Half,
IS, end Lillian Toddle, 10, liavo left
their home In Kent, near here, c
corditg to tiieir parcnis.
"9sm . . .- .ja
Aftr 44 ysrs of sdvnlurs wllh ths
Jlf ssvlflf ssrvle, now ths United
(( ceast fusrd, Cspt Hsrbsrt M.
Knswlss, suftrlnUndint of ths Third
4ltrl(4. I nloylno his flrtt days o(
1n4m from responsibilities sines hs
Md Mrvtcs In 1879. Hs Is at
WafcftM. R. I. rstlrsd on a pinilon,
with a rsoord for continuous duty
with tW coast gusrd.
Cattimwi's AssKMtiM
The nxcculive Iward of Hie New
Mexico Cilllo and Horse tirowrr
Association will meet In Silver City
August 0. All stockmen aro cor
dially invited to attend bolh Ihe
morning and afternoons sessions,
Question of liliportnnn- to every
livestock owner in iVw Mexico will
be discussed, such as legislative mat
tcrs; national forest matters; cattle
sanitary board matters; prosecution
of cattle stealing cases; prolecllon
of stockmen adjacent lo Indian res
ervatlonsrand many other miostlnns
of Interest to Iho livestock Industry
of tho nation.
Tho executive board is nnxlous to
meet all tho stockmen of this sec
tion of the state, and II Is hoped
many of tho local stockmen will
4ako ndvanlaaawif this meeting Ui
present thelrJocal problems ami
jcarn what has been done by tho
association in mo short tune since
Its organization.
il.. ku nil
Rlovf lo Wf"X
votor. xjljtmj
Itikswell huy Mvmfi
ground. '' "
Xa Cruces shtps tfi ,wouit
raWiatro ilally, , ',
Alhuquerque-Bean growers Ko-M
mnelinc hare. . ' .
AlbiniuerquM gel now coffee
masting plant. '
iJirdsburg-Duncan eyanWo' will
rejiorled a succcm.
Snnrty OoliUen ConwHwy Strikes
oil in Union county. '
Hone slaris mnVo Irt'bulM'alfalfa
mill and warehouse.
Ouallly of wheat reported ,Mltcr
than that of last year.
Conlract for hard road from Las
'ega lo Mora awarded. f'--
Klinriara nf frciehL Car nerlnmil
hampers grain movement.'' 1
Curry county wheal 20 per cent
better lhan first esllmated,
Havener made headouarleraJor a
new couperalive grain' firm..f
Carlsbad Light and Powfr. Com-
any installs new equipment
Moiintainalr makes plan to tiro.
ids storage for hlg bs!tm crop,-,
Plans ore under way for a HM0.00O
fanning tilanl In AllHiquerque.
Dairy imiusiry grow to consider
able Importance n stncla valley.
Albuiiuerqiie fooffnt company ,
builds $7000 addition to wareliousn'
lloswell reports seven btsr oil drill
KMindiog away In tho l'ccos valley.'
Conitruclion start on DewOiomo
conoinics building forUlato unlver-
slly. . , .
IrtMiurg Fluorspar. siinduce
here seek more favorable shrpplng
Clovls All hope for roving tthU
Minuner hl.vted by railroad car sit-
Preliminary survey made for'nlrm
line from Seven LakrsdU' ffcld lo
llluewaler. ' t , .
iticaroo receives ngo.nead'caiiigj
New company takes over Valley
mines in Florida mountain,
Copper stocks have suffered a dis
heartening depression since Ihe war.
nig government purchases on hand
when tho war closed have been
unloaded and tho market sag at
I7H 10 IB cent.
TIOUU and Tim wers two kittens,
and wlille their mother, Mrs,
Puss, tried to bring thftn up as well
mannered kittens should be brought
np, thoss two naughty kits quarreled
all tho time.
Tops? Kitten, their slstrr, wss a nice
quiet little puss, and Mr. Fuss was
very proud of this one wHI-hliarc3
child, you rosy be sure, and that was
pot reason her brothers never missed
tLChsoce to plague their slater because
h was always le'S. up to them as a
Hut the one thing they nerrr for-
Se was what took place In Ilia bnm
one dsy, though It was not at all
Topays fault but their own.
, Un. Puis bad offered a prize to the
oee who should catch the first mouse.
M was to be a red ribbon for their
sck and each one, of course, want
ed IL
"Ota, we will get the prize," said
Tim to Titer. Topoy is so nice she
would not run after a mouse. Let as
.go la the barn and watch this, toorre
,tog: Tfcctr I can wear the ribbon this
''sfternoon'whcn w sit ovr In front to
ths sua.'1
"I am going to win tho prUt," said
Tiger. "ITon can't hay It"
"Ob, I know III got ths reoasi
first I" said Tim. "I can always beat
yon runulng."
"Neither of jro'fi will gt It If yott
stand there quarrelluc said Mnf.
Fuss; giving each of her sons a tap
03 their vara wMch raent both scud'
Hse late she barn.
91m stt:(Jea by tisa blfgest hole,
and Tiger said that was not fair, so
they pushed rsch other about until
their mother, hearing lh racket, ram
In and settled ths dispute by saying
they both should sit by the hole, and
the ono who caught the mouio would
have the prize.
It was a Ions time before Ihe mouse
came out of his hole, tmrnuse they had
made so much noise, but at lest he did
come, and such a scrnmble iou never
did see. Over boxes and palls and
rakes and hues they all flew, and then
Tim cauxht it, but Tiger took It away
from him, saying that he saw It first,
and that the mouse belonged to him.
Tim Kitten said It was his, and li
began to push Tleer, and the first
thing they knew they had fergelten
all about the mouse, which had es
caped and was running for lis hole,
Tim and Tiger tumbled and clswed
at each other In a terrible way, quar
reling all the time, each sarin the
mouse was his, when Topsy, who was
passing the born, heard tho noise and
went In to see what was going on.
, Just as sho entered tha door tho
mouse wss running for Its bole, and.
quick as a wink, Tepsy pounced upon
It and carried It- oft to her mother.
That afternoon when Mrs. Puss sst
out in the sun with her three children
Topsy wore tho red ribbon, while her
brothers looked at her with envy and
"Sho took my mouse," tald Tim, "I
caught It first,"
"It was my monse. I nw It befora
you did." said Tiger.
"It I hear another word about that
mouse both of you will go to bed with
out your supper." sd Mrs. Puss, "If
yon two were not always quarreling
one or yon would have won the prise,
hnt your sister eaimlit the mouse and
brought it to roe first and the prise
is here.' 1
As they were to have a saucer of
cream for supper, Tim and Tiger
iimuim H wsi not io tauc any, more,
hut Tim whispered to Ids brother end
"Who wants the old red-ribtxm any.
wayr I dnn'f. Only glr k?ttoa wear
muse inings, ,, Tgr
"I don't want l, cither," said Tiger,
roiling over on the grass, .viiny kit
ieas csu't fight with 'ribbons on their
Weather and Crip
CondttKMS.iR N.M.
Tho week (ending July 5T7) wai
warm, partly cloudy and favorable.
Many local thunder showers oc
curred, but omo districts am need
ing rain. Tlio warmth and dryness
required much Irrlgutlon, hut pro
moled rapid growlh. The harvet of
spring wheal. oaU and barley con-
unues in central countios and or
winter wheal and rye in northern,
along wllh tho second culling or
alfalfa, whllo tho third cutting of
alfalfa Is hearing In southern val
leys. Corn, beans, kaflr, cano and
sorghum crops ore growing rapidly,
Willi much corn In tho roasting car
slago. Col Ion Is blooming and fruit-
lug nicely cxccnl In fields lncklmr
cultivation. Cantaloupe shipments
are beginning from southern valleys
nun s urge yiciu is promised. I'oar
shipments also continue and early
apples aro on the market. luingo
condition aro fair to good, and oven
excellent whero showers havo fallen
while stock continues In excellent
condition, v
M Sumsts try
Liw Pmj II
Former President Tafl wa n Chi.
ragu visitor Juno 20. In a Chicaca
Trlbimo Interview the former prc.
neni is quoica at expressing lha
belief that "reasonable and common
se"nso" enforcement legislation prob-
iimy iM-miiiiing iigni wines and beer
would in Hie rulpro make (ho wet
and dry flghl a qulel, orderly and
uiiuuiruaivo corpse, '.
No doubt there are ilin u-hn
would like to make, tho manufacture
or sale nf whisky n capltaJTcriini.
(line It took to wrJto.IL Tho people,
would robot 8alMt H awthat 1$
Iruo of any lnv bearing. on'tha
subject. U mutt ha sane, tcnilblo
and In harmony wl!ithe wishes of
ipe people, ,
CAUGrr with stole hoksg.
IJcnJamln Martinez was bound
over to lliq grand Jury of Colfax
rOunly In 11000 iiond by the local
Justleti cdurl. Tie horse- alleged to
liavo tteen eliilen was fresh branded.
Marlines claimed lo have bought
tho animal hi April, hut bad im'blll
nf sale and did not know tho'man
hp houshl It of.-Springcr 18'lbclf.
Krncst Olibcrt )s now counly
clork In fact, succeeding J. P. Dines,
reilgnciUHillslKiro Advocate.
Hrldgo whist score cards at Dally

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