0ARRIZ0ZO OUTLOOK. V FREEING -i y Luwrencc Perry corvs-raiiTyk c wlet.ijn;cV Cea Itu l.ln id n.ir.1 Ifntt ri ii ilpin ' p 1 tv .11, bin llnlliliml III thn mi. . ill (III- inllnt of till' rfpmilRh Amiri.iie un" nml fiiiKnrtl to llllpui (M nriri-l him .Ire llilly hilo lili' 111. HI n Wit BliluuK. I l.n .lnlm.la Win If i In l he tut nt ruiililiiR II liriiiitiful I'lHIII I n 1 1 . Kill' IIiiiiiUh lilln fur llin urn -IHb nuil m von Imr nnine nn Minn l.tl Tnnsn, a ('liliün pMrjot. I.iiiit lin I niel her nt a Imll. A nnprpt nnrvh-n mini wnrnn Hol Itih Hint the Klrl In it Hpy. Mina Ui Tnnnn Imvrn for hpr home In I'lilm. Huilón I uhlfieil (ii follow Imr Tlmy inert mi thn Tnniiiit (rnln. Minx l.n Tonii IiiIIh llollon li? In it Culiiin hi nml cxpichhi'S iloulit liinllMK (tin nlm-rrlty of 1 1 in t'nllnl Ktnlnn. Holton la nrilnrpil lo reinnln lit TMmil In nunrtl the trnoi transport. Jin n.nca llin lriiiiii.rl from (Instruction t llm lnimlH or il iinitillern nml rrporln tti Ailinlrnl Hhiiiihoii for fuillirr iluly. Ilbllon In nt'tit In (li'iii-rnl (Inrilii'H com tnrilid In llin Rulan of n nnwnpnprr ror lKiniliiit to ImcnilRiiln rulMin iilot hehIiiM tho Aliinrlrnn ItnopH nml to fount Ihu plans of thn H i ! ii I nny. li teeln n Irumcil Ciilmn Ifittli-r In tin- work fimicnlliiii Imnlili' mminc tin 1'iilmnn III llin IntrrvslH of tin- Hn ttlnrilH. lloUon In PlsH ly rrlcmlH of tin- spy nml lntnr Onli-reil rxi'iMiiil iin ii spy. fin i-aeiipn h(l sanen thn Amirlrnu tronpn from fs.ll 1fiK liii' ii hpiinlMlt hiiiIiiimo. Ilii lenriiH from Ornrrnl Onrrlii thnt'llin py In Imn 'i'niiiil i. olio of tlm miiKt trimlnl Icnilem. llollim I n lien purl In I hi- IwtM" nt mi Jiniii. luiiKiilKril iik n HpitnlMli iioliller lm 4tltl'l HillllllIKO, KOt'N nt nlKlit to tlm liotnr of Minn lili Tonfiii, nlirrc ho ovrr vitirn ii illnnimiliMi of llin Hp'inluli plum liy Icnillmc nrmy nml nmy inmninnili-ri. llo Irariin (Imt the HI'IimIhIi fpit Mill trnvu Hip luirlior nt KnntlnKu on July 3. Iloltou i'riiK'ii nml nrrlvm In nlKlit of llin Atncrl en n (tori In time to roe tin ndiiilrnl's I1n lilp anil nwny. After frnntlr nlKimllni lie In nnancrt'il liy thn llroolilyn. llo wnrini Hrlilny of tlm liilnnlloni) nt tli Hpnnlili llert nml wllnrimrH tlm ilnntrun lion mill rnptiiio of llin ciii'iny'ii vriiHfila llollon trui rm llml Hluifli-r lian rrrelinil nirmi from I'rrsldrot MrKlnloy Oe rlitiliie Hint llin will' h oh ItiHlllutFil fur llin noln purpoHC of firi'lim (tuba. Hp InnriiH Unit n iiippIIiir of illunnllHltpil Cu bnni In to lie liphl Hint ilglit tu Plot iiRiiliint llin Ainnrlraii nrmy. llo Riven ,MI l.n ToHwi llin prralili'iil'it iiirnaiiRn. I In Hpli'H mi llin n.ri'lliiK mnl linnr I'ca nolit nltnmpt In Inltumn (ho filhun hkiiIiiX the AnmrlraiiH. Mini l.n Tnma ilniiminccM C'phiioIu nml rniul MctClnlny'n lia'iunze. (Inrcl.t nml hln noldlnri plum I'pHiiol.i iinitpr mrnal. Ijilnr lm la or- Imml ctppillml. Tlm HpiinUli forrn ur imilcr nml rlluflnr cnlnra HuihIhrii, CHAPTER XVI. A Frightful Revelation. Iliillon'n rlilo ImrU tu (lio clly was (lio most foilnm ho lini! ever Inltrn. In tlm nnnh of u liuml lu Imil lircn low ered f rnui (tin IicIkIiIh (if ocKlnny to tlit deptlis or (lcHiiilr. A licniillful ilronin Mnil livun lived nut, mid (ho bit ter rinlitlOH of wnkiiiK Intel coiun. A. ho nut licforo IiIh lent tlilnklnR, u tun ti inimi'il In front of him, holding IiIh Inoad Kdinliruro In IiIh hand. Ah lloltoi! Rlanccd nt him curlnualy hla fato.llBlid'd wllli recognition. "I'lernil" hu cried, rlHliiR. "Whnt do ou want?" Tho Cuhait nodded lo htm Rrnvely. "Can you coinn with me, l.tcillntiaiit Iloltou? It Ih very luiiortnnt." llollon, without replying, accom panied the Cuhftii. Tlm two hurried along until nt length tin Cuban stopped In front nt lung, rambling. oiic-Hlory hulldlug, evidently und at uno linio an n bar racks far tho Himnlidi holdlero. lie limned down and tooU oft IiIh hIioom. motioning llollon to do likcwlmi Iteallnlug Unit tho Hitiintlou iih rife with Importance, I he American -a' down mid compiled without a word Tllül), ilalng In hlH HtockliiR f i Pltiro loolt from IiIh puckel a kcj .in lilpuyd tho door, and entered, motion lli'g lltiltbn to follow. After the) we-o lioth Itlihle, the Cuban ilomvl tho dooi nnd looked It, withdrawing the U. v and plaoliiK It In hU iwcket ngnln "Silo line nth arrived c(," remmk. 0 fierre. "I mu lniip I ion red n would ha too lute.' "Too Into for wlul ' Who did ynn utMBOt to find here' whltiiered Ilol tan, nlnaiMt Irritably )T Uwr l'inrrp Hiuemed hU nrui anil dllontly pointed mil Into the night. Following the tuun'n linger, llolton aiv the form of u woman nllglitlug from a pony. Ai hln nye utrulnvd bo rNiKiilzed MUv l.n Toann. liy bur nido was a man and, a hl (toe turned toward tho building, Ilol tou gaxped and whUpried hoarsely to Ills companion. "divo ma thnt key!" Ttio (Jub.tn'i hand tightened on his urru llko n vine. 'HO--COUU'. ! nm certain now tho "way It clear. 1 feared ho wns bolow, ilt la all right Come." gWnelhliiK In the rullow'H manner piada Holton'H obedleiico Implicit. Without it word hu folio nod tho man. 'flic Cuban had lighted & candió. Fol lowing the light, llolton could nee a (flilR tunnel opntilng bnforo hltn. ta (tro apartment Itself wrro soverol eleo tftcal rtPpllaiioaa, and & piul, -button twtu tu UlU Vill. 8YNOP8I3, OF CUBA.1 1 V llliiati-ntloni 1( 'fig ElluwartliVtiun, frí orvaiGiiTK lit cmuTlmiTrA, llollon mandril greatly nt what ho una going through, but tho mnn ho had N'-en with MIhh I.a Toku wax up peimoHt In his mind. "I thoiiRbt that fellow, Cctnola, wai dead," he tuild tciiHtdy. I'or I lie ninti with the girl was nonn other than that of tho omnlprcHont and Hppnrniitly Immortnl waiter of tho Now Wlllard. I'lerru laughed wllhout mirth, "Tho man In n dovlll" ho replied. "Tho firing party nt his execution was "elected by nn officer friendly to htm They nhot over IiIh bend. !lo protend ed denth. TIiuh he rnenped, General (nrcln wim tricked by hla own men." llolton nodded. "Hut whnt In tho meaning of nil tlicso Instruments?" ho naked, "And why hnvo you brought mo hero?" Tho man faced llolton gravely. "This tunnel," ho nnswered, "loada under tho henrt oí Imiitingo. At short distances It Is packed wITi dynamite This key will roloaso llu spark that sets It off. It Is tho plan that tho city and tho Amertcnn soldiers hall be blown to pl'.'ces, after which, the Cuban soldiers non- gathered on the secret trail, leading Into tho town, will rush In nml assume, control." "And Miss I,h Tossn?" ho asked iluavcrliiRly. "Senorltn has been selected to press the button. I havo brought you here to stop hnr. To anvo tho city, to save tho American, to save horself, for when that button Is pressed alio dies here." I'lerro sank on bis knees, "Oh, Mr, llolton, save her! Hho loves you, i ou love herl Have her, You can, nnd you alone can," llolton struclt tho man on the shoul der and his volco was stern, "I will saro her," ho paused. "So help me, Pierre, I will!" The candín was blown out nnd the two watted In tho darkness. "Hut why," whispered llolton, "has Miss l.n Tossn volunteered for this work?" "Ilccaiikp," was tho reply, "tho per son who presses that button will never Icavo this place. It Is Intended that It shall bo destroyed so that no traco of tho mystery will over bo found." llolton's heart grew sick. Undoubted ly the girl, In her blind, patriotic fury, had come forward as a martyr to gire her llfo for tho country sho loved, At the moment there was tha sound of n lock turning nnd then tho door creaked, llollon and l'lorru wero lying behind bom o wine-casks. The next InBlant they knew the girl was In ths apartment with them, They heard n match strike RtI dandy she had lighted a lantern fur a As His Face Turned, Holton daaped. soft yellow glow filled tho plneii. And now llolton, peering through a craok between two caBks, saw her. llolton nrosn sllontly and stole to n position directly In front of tho nwltch key. When sho returned shn found him there with arms folded, standing ns Immobile as rt statue. She did not scream. Her lips parted nnd sho stood still, staring ut him with dilated oyes. So they stood for tho spaco ot a minute. To Holton It seemed nn eternity. Then sho spoko. "You!" Her voice wns deep, but ax piYsslonless, , "It Is 1, Miss La Tossa," responded Holton. "Why -why ban you como baxef '! hare como to save roil from sour- self. You aro In the grip of a great misunderstanding." lleforo llolton's steady, compassion ate Razo, tho girl's eyes fell. It was as though tome message from tho Ameri can's heart had reached her. At any rnte, her volco became moro gentle. "Vou must lenvo me, Lieutenant Iloltou," sho resumed, "1 I " She. paused, lenlUIng what It would menu to havo llolton lenvo her lo per form her deadly task of shattering tho city nnd Its American occupants. This thought caused her to reel. Then, as though with tho flashing swiftness of lightning, sho sprnng to ward dm olllcer nnd throw one arm around his neck, tho other reaching over nnd touching the decirlo button. "Now, Mr. llolton," sho cried, "If you movo 1 shall press" lleforo sho could completo her sen tonco Iloltou raised Ids shoulder over so slightly nnd her fluger wns tluiH re moved nt least nn Inch out of renili of tho llttlo knob. 8hn tried to spring away from hlin, but llolton held her. "Miss La Tossn," ho began, "I enmo hero becnuso 1 lovo you that Is my only thought. 1 lovo you. I linvo loved you tinco I first saw you, I havo spoken to you concerning thn American ns n mutt would speak to tho woman ho loves, with tho wholu truth In my heart. I havo talked, slnco I saw you this morning, with scores of high officers, nnd I cnu tell you dint what I havo already snld to you Is tho whole truth. "Cuba Is certnlnly and surely to be left to tho Cubans, Kngland, France, (Jorniany. Italy nil great countries havo been officially assured by tho stnto department thnt It Is to be. Hut first, order must bo restored hero and tho wheels of government set going, To that end General Wood Is to bo ap pointed military norernor, nnd In good timo every single American soldier will lcavo this Island. Thcro Is no doubt about that. Ah, Mlas La Tossa, bollevo niel Tor, as (lod Is my Judge, I have spoken only the truth. "Ono moment," ns sho essayed to speak. "Losing you Is a prlco too great for mo to pay even when It In volvcs sivlng my countrymen. No, I cannot lose you and Uve. 1 do not with to lire. And so you havo not bcllovod me. lCvcry look, every word of yours tells ma you regard mo as n liar. So bo It." Ho moved away from the push-but ton and folded bis nrtns, "Vuu nro now at perfect liberty to press that button. I shall not inter' fere. I shall ntny hore nnd dlo with you. Thnt Is my wish. Llfo means nothing now for me," A cry of horror broke from tho girl She stood swaying, surveying tho two with staring eyes, llcr gano nt length fastened upon llolton, standing there, his nrmn folded, his broad shoulders heaving, bis dark, handsoino face turned to her with nil expression of great tenderness. Something In his itycs, something tnagnotlc, tho power of his great lovo for her, tho Intensity of his emotions rlvtted her gazn to his face. Slowly, In splto of herself, sho crept townrd hltn, fascinated. "llunccl How uiy arms hnvn nehed for you. How my heart has bled for you I Itaneel Come." With a low cry tho girl sprang to 111 in. In his powerful arum ho caught her. Sho looked up nt him and kissed lior. Her hands caressed his face. Hho drow his bend down onco moro to her lips. And thus In the darkness, with po teuthil death nil about, love, the con iiueror, triumphed. CHAPTER XVI. , The Day of Peace, Ten minutos, perhaps, had clapcdd , when I'lerro, who bad thoughtfully wundered nwny down the tunnel, renp. penred with u winning "Ahem!" Hollou, exulted lo the seventh heaven of happiness, glanced nt Pierre, nnd then shilling to tho Cuban, ho seized him by the arm nnd led him forcibly lulu the tunnel again. "Now then, Pierre," ho laughed, "you stay hero until I call, or I'll set on dawn on somo of this tljmimltu and press the button." Ho saying, ho returned to Miss l.n Tossn and gave such an account of himself ns n young man very much In lovo with n bonutlfut young woman may bo expected to gire. A little later they mado their way nut of tho building. Her pony was still standing where she bad hitched It, hut Ooiiiola uud his horso were gone. At least, Holton assumed that Cesnolu hnd gone from the fact that his horso liad departed. As thoy wnlked to the Rlrl's pony, though, Holton, with n RUdden oxcla matlon, lecncd forward, There, nl most at hit feet, lay tho body of a man. The elrl tnw It almost at the snmn Instnnt. "Whnt Is It?" sho asked tremulous ly. "A man," wns tho solemn reply. Holton lighted n match nnd bout over tho body. Then ho straightened up nsi ugh he had been struclt la tho ful "It Is Cesnolat" ho whispered breathlessly, Peinóla!" Sho bent down uctH her face was ctoso to the dea4 man, aad her hand, reaching out, came in con tact with a knife. This sho withdrew, nnd, standing up, trcmblüta, sho held It toward Iloltou. "You must get rid ot this 1 " aba rled. "Itld of ltl Why?" "Ilecauso It Is Pierre's knife." In a flash llolton saw It nil. Pierre, coming out had sean tho spy waiting for tho explosion. Filled with hatred for tha man who had led his beloved Itanco Into this tltundon, ho hnd promptly paid off the score, "tllvo mo tho knife." llolton wrapped tho thing In his handkerchief, nnd In good season contrived to place It whero It would never be found, which Is getting u bit nheud ot tho story. In' tho mcniittmn tho two wended their way toward headquarters, Ilol tou leading thn horse, the girl walk ing very clono to his side. Tho recent ordnnl, coupled with tho discovery of tho body of Ccsnola, bad unnerved her, nnd occasionally a dry sob broko from her lips, Iloltou decided that, mora than any thing else, sho needed lights, good With a Low Cry the Qlrl Sprang to Him. cheer, and good food, 8o thoy went to tho Venus restaurant, and there, amid all tha brilliancy ot its military patrons, tho blushes returned to the girl's checks and tho laughter to her lips. After their meal Holton and tha girl set out for tho La Tossn estate, the girl on her pony and Holton on n horse ho borrowed from one of the generar nldcs, When they reached the estate It was nearly midnight. Hunco wus delight ed to iinii itwniiuig ner a message from her father lu Havana, assuring her that ho was well, uud that through force ot circumstances ho would re main In that city until the result ot tho present campaign wus determined. Tho girl wept over tho letter ns she handed It to llolton. 'Poor, dear father!" she cried. "1 trust he Ih happy as happy as as ." llolton crushed h?r to his breust. Ah tu tho war, but llttlo remained. Tho fleet uf Corveru had been wiped out, nnd thus shorn of sea powor, there was really little usu In roslst nuce on land. So It camo about that pcaro wns agreed upon by commit slouers of tho two countries. It was on this day that Iloltou, with a long leave of absence, and many Mat tering odlclal papers In his luggage, stood on tho deck of a great trnnsat laude liner, looking down upon tho crowd assembled on pier uud bulkhead Id wavo farewell uud (lodspecd to friends and rotative who wero hurry ing to tho continent to spend the last brilliant days of tho waning summer nwny from tho scenes ot bloodshed nnd disenso. dote by IiIh side, with her arm tightly locked In his, was a girl so radiant that sho attracted tha atten tion of overyouo who passed the llt tlo group. Hho had just kissed her fa thur good-by uud hu was turning to lenvo tho ship. "And you, Thomas," ho said, "will not bo soirish. You will lot my duugh. ter como tu me on tho estate fre iiuendy." "As frequently at sho wishes," laughed llolton, "wfeen 1 am doing my two years sea awtlce," Tho father laughed and waved good' by. Hut Just boforu tho ship sailed they mado out hit figuro dashing to thn end of tho bulkhead, "Kathor!" crlod tho girl, "what I It?" Señor l.n Tossn held aloft an eve ning newspaper. "Penco!" hu cried. "Peace hat been declared." "Sho turned to llolton, "Peace," she smiled. Holton pressed her arm. "Wus thcro over anything but peace anywhere In all tha world?'' be whispered (TUB KN'DJ And six feet of bathtub makes most of up equal. If tAH vUtl lllttlllliflll f.1llH M.1.ll clotlir, ue ltrd Cmna Hag llluc, At all jood grocer. Adr. It All Dnpendi, "I see by tho papers," remarked Miss tild)gurl. "that pugilists fight lu n ring. What kind of u ring is It?" "For spurring nn engagement ring Is used." explained die old tmchulor, "but when It Is to be n fight to n fin ish n wedding ring Is lined, I believe." The Horrors of War. "I linvo Just been rending a story ot hardship mid suffering endured by a llrltlsh cohller thnt drow tears from my eyes." "Tell me what happened In tho poor fellow." "For three days lin was cut off from his comrades without so much ns u grain of tobacco." Instant Alarm. "What muda you turn nround nnd walk out of thnt hotel?" asked the mnn who was currying tho big vnllse. "lo expensive," replied his com panion. "How do you know? You never tinco naked for tho rates." "Didn't have to. Didn't you sea thn potato they had on the desk to stick thn pens In?" " 'Of course I seen II." "Well, thut's enough fur mo. Any landlord that kill n fiord to throw po tatoes; nround thnt way has too ex travagant Ideas fur us." Scarcity of Canary Birds. Canary birds will suon bo worth their wulght lu gold, according to deal ers, who declaro that tho war has cut oft tho usual source of supply the llarlz mountain In (lormnny nnd that not ono of tho llttlo feathered song stent had been received In this coun try, except n few from Japan, slnco the beginning of hostilities. Former ly ns many ns 10,000 canary birds wero received In Now Yorlt from (lormnny lu n week, and tho best of thein could bu bought for 7G cents to $1. Now, however, the stock of many of tho principal bird stores In Now York has been exhausted nnd tho few birds e- hnnd nro bringing from JS to $IC of with tho prlco going up as the su lessens, Hit Bones Gave Way, Klghleeu hours under 23 feet oi stoun and dirt proved too much for thn bones of William Chapman of Wheat Shcnf, Pa tho other day. Chap man was caught near tho bottom of tho welt hu wns cleaning out on IiIh placa, when tho walls collapsed when lie stnrted tu climb out. Tho stones arched over his hend nnd hold back tho dirt. Ho wns nbla to talk with his rescuorH through tho pump log. He conversed with IiIh wlfo nnd chil dren through tho tube, but when the lust earth was taken from IiIh head and tho men stnrted pumping oxygen Into his lungH, ho collapsed. It wan found IiIh hones hud given way under tho strain. The only sure tiling about n suro cure for anything Ih that It Isn't. MESMERIZED A Poisonous Drug 8tlll Freely Uted, Many pcoplo aro brought up to be llovo that cofteo Is a necessity ot life, and tho strong hold that tho drug, caffeine, In corteo has on tho sys tem makes It hard to loosen Its grip even when ono realizes lis Injurious effects. A lady writes! "I had used coffeo for years; It seemed ono ot tho ne cessities ot Ufa, A few montha ago my health, which had been slowly fall ing, beenmo mora Impaired, nnd I know thnt unless relief camo from somo source I would soon bo n physi cal wreck. "I was woak nnd nervous, had sick headaches, no ambition, nnd folt tired of life. My husband wns also losing his health. Ho wns troubled so much with Indigestion that at times ho could ent only n few nioutlifuls. "Finally wo saw I'ostum advertised and bought a package I followed di rections for making carefully, nnd added cream, which turned It to thn loveliest rich-looking and tnstlng drink I ever saw served at nny table, and wa havo usod Postum over since. "I gained flvo pounds In weight In as many weeks, and now feel well and strong tu every respect. My headaches have gone, nnd I am a now woman. My husband's Indigestion has loft him, and he can now eat anything." Nnmo given by Postum Co., Rattle Creek, Mich. Ilend "Tho Itoad to Wellvllle," In pkgs. Postum comes In two forms! Regular Poatum must bo well bolted 16c nnd 25c packages. Inttant Poitum Is n soluble pow der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly In a cup of hot wntcr nnd, with cream nnd sugar, makes n delicious bover ngo Inatant'y. 30c nnd C0c dirk, - Tho coat per cup ot both kinds Is about thn samo. "There's a noason" for Poatmn, sold by Tlrctcrs.