'fit flrfrw
VOI. 2
NO f
Arruii.xKv at Law,
Klns'Min. .- - - - w It rxlrn.
fcajrWjll practice in till tho
(.vims of the Territory.
A t S A V E B
Main St., Opposite the Hank,
Kuij'on, -. New Mexico
5. B. Nf.wcomb, F. W. Taeki r,
l.lls Crtll Pli, P. A I KXANDKU.
New Mexico. H i I It-born, N.M. -
Newcomb, Patker S Alexancfnr,
Alton eys and CumiHelurg
At Law.
Hithhoro, - - New A'crico.
Notice of 1'orfeitnre.
Jul tin lirii. lM
To O. A. Cu4tfi) orttaeiiMif and Juccii Din-:
Nmii-t; i u rehy pivot 1 1 O l.i;tit or
lit mi-mcii. nnd .lucoh Ulub Ihut the nntler
Mjrted have iierfornted tho uniiti! nmriwitteiit
work for the vt-ar ISHt, aiiiouuiiii..' in One
I5'i')i Hnntlfvl il-tiitim. n twin ihf Mm.ilni;
rl.-tr mining cttt.tn. ktiutiicU in the
Kt'iclt It-tn? - tn'tiln-T li-trict. cttiltt
1v ttl hierrit. itii't TtiiTilnrv of New Mexico.
r'"ffr' net h"1!)'.' mft'l to the i-nnitrrr-td
u- to time of mcicioii, d.itf tit' record etc : atid
vtiit tttid em-h ttf y-ni -ir- hereby ntifl"d thut
iittl' tt vim (my your irioi don of i-.il, i uk- e-lnt-nr
expeiulei;, loyethtr n-ilh till rn.t ate
-tllilll' rt-tllli lllc dun- Ml pillllt. i rtini i.l tli.
notice, your jitter -el (n nfi mitr!? ehtlin
vv ih be f..rtvilcd und liivmue Hit ;irup. r.y
nf ttie undi-ntifftii'd nct'iirdit'i: to the .Stmmi-,
of tiic L'liil'.-ti cimi-i-, Sitt. ami
II. II Bartov.
ttiAni.t. . At tiioimon.
Noliie ttf Forfeiture.
TtYrtlot v of Ntivv wexicc.
Comity if Mmtv:!. -Kiii::Huli,
Jan. 3,d, 188j. )
To A It llnd'on-.-
No'ii' i: f . ci'i-ly yivtwi to a A. II r.udloiti;,
th-it tltt1 iitirii'i'i'li'ii.-d h -i p '.rfiirnii.il lit tut-
Uli tli..-t'f i-m''lll HOll. f' i' lll'Veai" If-M. UlUHUtll
tug to i hf ftiiit n' (;i" f flttmii Hundred d llti'ii
uuill titt; I. i n miiiini; c .tilil, aal. U in liiii
lir -mid" mi' itti; di-lrict, county orsierrn,
'fi-rrlhiiy of New .V-ico. r"fcr'-m: -to ihe
r .'ci'r'li it hereby intidt. a to locution, dut. of
f' 'cutli u d tif Hfiin lit, it it. ; a tit1, you art. licrit
l'V I't.tifii'd tlnit tin 't't.!. yon p.-ty your pjojior.
Violl O! uid tlftl' M-lllftl ! l-xllt'Ullt'd H'itiiin 1U
il.iyf frivm tit1 dtti. of pnnfirHlion oftliU
I'liiit t. votir iiiU'iti. lit Hitiii tiiiniiij I'l.iim
v. 1 1 i It" furl "I t"d fln'i b.-coini' tiic prnperl) of
In- nnd riirni'd atvoitlin to ttic fcta us., of
ho I' illi-il Siat. auction W!t 8 . r
Tuum Cooiiiua
Jiniuaiy oiil, 1885. )
To 0. A. Ctiissrl, or his 06iyns,
nml Jiu'tili bines :
NdTif'E is liLMt liy given Mint tha
ii ti'Irvsitrni'il linvp performed llJ
Htiiiiil ii.-.-f.iHiiicn t work for iho
ji'iir lSiS.', iiiiiiiiittlinj; to One
(S lnO) Hunilictl DiHtus upon the
I'tilei iriso tiiiiiinj; claim, fit tut led
in tlio Iilnck Iiinp;e ininini?
)intrit't, nullity of Kierra,
Territory of New Mexico, riU'erttnce
l.t'ing mittle, to the county records
n.s to date of location nnd record,
ftc: Hnd yon nnd each of yon (tie
licrelty noiilicd tluii unloiii yon
Kiy lour propurl ion ofwnid uhm's
jni'iit cxpi'iidi d, to;:othcr with ul!
costs nrtTiiinff from tlio data nf
)iilliriit ion oftliiu notice within
ninety days from the date of the
publication of thU notice, yourin.
ti iCft in said niininjj claim will
ltocoine forfeited and liecorne thn
properly of tho iindercigned itc
(utdinj; to the Statuteu of the
United States Sec. 3mv.
I'orfeitnre olkrs
KiNc.tiTox, Nk-.v Mkxico,
January 3rd, 1885. )
To ?. A. Ca'sil, his assigns, and
Jucoh Dints :
Notice U hereby piven that tho
nndersiK'ieil have performed tho
atiual assessment work for the
year nmonntini to the onm
of Otie(ifUIO) Hundred Dollars
i. pon the Monitor mini ng claim.
Situated on the Dlack Range min
ing Patriot, county of Sierra,
Territory of New Mexica,
reference heinj; hpreby mad
to the county records at to
date of location and record, etc .;
and you nnd each of you are here
l y notified that unless you pay
your proportion of said tuxesmt;iil.
expended together with all costs
nccruing from the publication of
this notice within the space of
ninety days of the date of this
notice your interest in said min
ing claim will become forfeited
und hecomo the property of the
undersigned according to United
States Statutes, Sec. 23:11 3mw
II. IT. Bartcs,
Chari.es ArTiionso.
'olloe of Forfeiture.
KlosTPtort, rMfnrt county, 1
Territory of New Mi- ico
To FrrnOc . Mooni Oinvrr B. Huore, A M . Me
Pinpil nd c. W. I yli.-
Nottrf in hfrctty iiivi-d to Frank B.-oore, Ol
iver S. Mta.re, w. A. wctlij;l ttd c. IV. Lyke
that the uitdiTfiencd h p rfo-m-d Ih ao
i iial atfiiii"nt work for the yi-ar at'inn n
in m oi".i$10t hundred 'nl,r. "P"" ttteN
va.lii miniiitf claim, aituatrd tn lh a .! K.inBi)
miMtnitdifttict cr-tinly of Hlwra. and Terr tory
of turn, refeiencf hi rcby b l ? ind" to
thf count? record" a t date of locution, date of
record t ic, and too and ch of yv rn hrcy
nottacd that tinlcw too pay your proportion of
il a in tnt expanded. un-Vtt wnti all
rt aceniitiir from the due of p ihlieatton of
ihio noiice. vonr intttrctii mid ininin? ciatoi will
b firfeiP-d and become the p-opnrty of the oa
d'rifi,d irr rdt.ij in the Stataiea of the Uni
ted Stat, Sea. 2H.
Attohxevr- a i'--Law,
i Hilisbcro. - New Mexico.
rractice in all courts.
Deming, - . . X. M
If Vull MHilt iill
Watches, Jewelry & Diamonds
soml to
W. O. WILLIAMS, Doming, X. M
IEob-.rt Won, Cmiplti)tiaiit
(icort'e Hitrtn!!!!1,
In the District court of ib! 3r- Judicial Vi
tr's! In iind for rti -rra Oouniy. Nw wxico.
Tli mid rfupftiiili!!!!, WHiIami TrVr(ii und
MiiipIiaJl Oaniihv ur h.t,tv n.iliilt-d that a Hint
In C'iianc 'iv liaa been coinnit-iicpii u-'ii. tt them
und the utUtT rii"unilriit above niimed. In aid
Ui-lrut court forth "-nit, of Sierru. Tt-rritorv
nf New Mcxiio by mid conipliijnattt, Hub ri
V7t. tu fftrt-ciu' d ,)t t'ftnijtlaiiiittit, u'uinHt
lUf. ScaMd"1 mint?., in th liittcit Um:g'!
mini) jt d:!tr'rt. ftirnifrly iu i:;iM iuw in Slmi.l
t'ouuiv. w. vH(r. fur witrk and 'aijor dunoand
pi-rfni:i(!tl on .iid mill'- tiy coini!;i!iiHiil fcric
"("ndf'tiir; nniott.iiinc to fimi f 2i'.iiirt'thrr
vithctif ice, ir-d iliat iuiit ti.cy entet tli'ir
ih rtrancf. in 8,ud ttiit t:i or brfot u th iir-f dnv
of trie next Vprtl tei in if j,1J couri. t(in-.n'fic-ing
on thJfu dtiy nf Anrll. A. I). 1M0. d'cr
1'iio cuxrikcisu tliiitin will be rendered anlnat
Ual-rt FcVufiry 4th. A. D. 1SS:(,
Picket A Ki i.hjtt, Uv.aivtK ft, BowntN,
HoiicttTri fur Com- Clerk,
piaiuant. J liy mcuouh (.ai lki.
Ot'puty, Clerk.
I iolitt ;! triM".
Tlie Arm of Lnuurd tt Tonn?, h('rtoffiri t-if-inii;
bt'tw en Win. Ltonurd end Kdward W.
VomiK bur tin day boon d-p!v(d by mutnn!
p iircm. Edward W. Yonn rrtirinp. The biiln
dii tti obi fiirm rontrsctcd prior to Jan. 13th.
i8!W). vmII bp col i'.-ted by Win, Leonard, who
i ftuihoriZ'd tf r f'ii't for the fame in tlttohi
firm iiaint-. Tlie indt-ulcdiiefp' of ill old ftrm hue
be'n, H"U!n(d byb n"W firm iindit the turn
.min'j of Win. I.JOdiniiit t'o,
William ('. Lbonari
KllWAttlt W. Yl'UNO,
K'n'iton N. M., Kob. Jd, ittM6,
Laxu trifK at I. ah rnrncfl,
MOTIVE Is huroby riv n that ih inliowinii
aN M ., .Murt;h,4tU IHH7.
' "natnt'tl ilcr ha- lil-'d notic nl IAh Intfiition
to tn ia Una1 proof iu :ipp(i i of hi- c I it i n, and
thai taid pn)fwill l. m-adv bfforc iVidiat.o
l-rk of Sirrra ' o., N. M..at HUUboro. N. W.,
on April lit , 1KS5. vix : -lamca I Kot-tor on
Uer-Jai atory Mut"m'nt No. 17:14 tor Hie uvl,i nwi4,
nw4 nU rior. 3i T, & 8. It 7i,
Hi- ' urn! hf follo ii.g wi.ii''Kt' to prove hi
I'otHtnu ! rcsidenctf tipjn, and euliivilfon of,
-aiu lit nd. v :
ani'-a damn, Furt Parka, .'olni Ruitl
and Jauirn y. lruvr ii tif Hiornn'ountv. N. M.,
inliivv KPKhtftr.
forfeiturT "not ice.
March, lt, 1KB.
Po 1. W. Tcmnr"et or hl a-si;:n.i;
iioiK K U hereby givpti thit th iindtTflirncd
'hove i"rrttrm'.il tti Hnuai aetnoiu work
for the yetir IHHI. atiioiiiitiitt; to tin- film of ono
(ftlUO) liiiudrttd Dnilar npon the .Minnie mining
ttiricr. coiiniv of lem.
itiim. isiintiiea in tne
Kl.tck Itmi.'a niluin.'
Territniy of Nt'W Mex
v mud" to the courtly
u-o. rt-f ttrence bein? hereby mad"
recoidi om lo ume uf lot utitin utiu record, etc. ;
and y.tu urn h'-rntty noiiii-'d liiat iiitii-a tni pur
yon.- pronirti'.ii! of fiii i afst'itKnteitl ixji-'ntli'd
l o.-t tlittr wi'l. nit cot ill i-tlttl fti-e'-pmeiit ex-peiiiii-cl
loi-lht r with nil ciMte Itccril't'g finnl tie
(tubi ciition nf ttiid ri:t-ce v.iili.u thu npu-eof
ntiu'iy dnvt of tint dite of tl.id noiice yoni inter-c-at
tti titt inittinir claim wilt b'.comu furfeitttd
Hmi beceait- lit" irojictiy of the ui:dt-:ic,iicrt nc-
coi-Uiuk lo tiitt Uu.I'jJ buty.H. See. alit Sintv
V. K. VANii.tn.i.
Kixoston, Nkw Mkxico, )
.In unary Sid, 1 833. j
Tof!. A. Ca-sil, orhirt aHsignp, and
Jacob OinOM .
Noticiuk hereby given lo (J. A.
(!;issil or his assigns, and to Jacob
Dines, that the undersigned i.avo
performed the nnual assessment
work for the year 1881, amounting
to One ($100j Dollars upon I ho Lit
tle Michigan mining claim, situ
ated in the Black Ilango mining
district, Sierra counly, Territory
of New Mexico, reference being
hereby made to the county records
as to date of record and location,
ftc. ; and you and each of you are
hereby notified th:it unless you pay
your proportion of suid assessment
expended, together with all costs
accruing from the publication of
this notice, within ninety days
from the date publication of this
notice, your interest in said min
ing claim will be forfeited and be
come tlio propt-rly of Uie uitJor
tiigned according to the Statutes of
the United States, Sec. 2024.
II. II. IUhton,
3mw Charles Authorsoh.
if V
KINGSTON, - - - N. M.
E4gGue6t will always find the
tnbesuppliBiI with the best tho
market afford.
N. B. I have motto arrange
ments to supply to customer
Fresh Fish and Oysters, which
will be kept constant) on hand.
iH'klt-lS III
We keep the largest and best"
selected stock in tho Terri
tory and tvorything
Cheaper than the same can be
delivered by any outsido
Mining Matters.
from tha 8Her City Enlcrprlmi.
A rich gold strike in reported on
Cherry creek in tlie Buitoh. The
old wngon road crosses the lead
where the nol. was found. Sever
a I men aro n v at work 011 tho
Jiunes Kt. iMiitr itwule fttrike
of JpoOO ore u the Bit? and Little
Colorado tnioen, in Chloride Flat.
The vein is eiyht inches thick
Tho oro cnrricH brittle nilver. Sev
eral tons of ore have alreudy been
taken off.
"Busty" lTolnint) is jubilant over
a strike made iu th (iuusiht iu
Cbloriile Flat, on the Sherman
belt. He says that tlie tslale, of
which there is a large tpuautity,
will average $35, and that there u
small strettk of mineral through the
same which assays v20'W. "Itusty"
has many friends in New Mexico
who will be glud to learn that Le
has struck it again.
A two-cav shipment of ore from
the Great American mine tn the
SwiBfcbelm mountains lust week
netted the company $3300. A force
of twenty men U steadily engaged
in taking out good ore from this
property. There 13 about 2(X0 tons
of what is termed low grade upon
the dumps awaiting the erection of
a mill at the property.
During the past two weeks there
has been .shipped from Whitewater
thirteen cars of iron ere to the Ben
son smelter. It was produced by
tho Santa Eita mine. There was
also shipped one car load of high
grade ore from Smith, Tower fe
Go's mine, at Georgetown, to the
Socorro smelter, and one car of
concentrates, from McGregor &
Bros, mill, at Georgetown, to the
Socorro 6melter.
A test made of the ore sent in
from Gold Hill by Black k Burks,
to be worked nt l'iuos Altos, shows
thut the average grade ore will do
very well to ship from this camp.
A sack was picked out of the ship
ment by Col. If. II. Carpenter,
which wan believed to bo an aver
age, and it returned $77.77. Tbo
hauling and treating of this ore by
the Tinoa Altos mill will cost but
little more than the freight chnrges
from Lordsbtirg to Socorro, thus
making a largo saving for the mine
owners of that camp iu shipping to
Pinoa Altos.
A rich gold strike was made on
whiskey creek, abont eight miles
from this city, on Sunday last by
Messrs. Matt BoHeorans and 1j IL
Gordon, who located Harry Gar vey
in for one-third. Tho lodgo is
about twelve inches wide, with
from one to two inches of exceed
ingly rich gold quartz, specimens
of which are very line. Several
men were immediately put to work
to develop tho property, when the
true merits of tho btt ike will Boon
bo ascertained. The specimens
oreated quite a sensation on the
streets. Everybody was talking
about thw now strike. No other
mineral seems to create so much
as free gold.
A Soya Fiffkt with an EfCle,
From the Balttmor.i San.
Thomas Jones, aged twelve
years, had a very severe battle with
an eagle a few days apo. The engle
attacked the boy while he was
crossing a Held, and buried iU tul
ons in the fleshy part of Ids log.
Tho eagle was shaken off, but again
made an attack at the txy'u faco,
tearing the flesh off in Boveral
pluce, touring off one of his ears,
splitting his nose, and nearly
jBoulpiDg him. After a gallant tight
me ooy succeuueu in Kollu,b
of the bird's neck, and choked it to
death. The boy is in a precarious
condition. The bird niaiirc;l eight
The Arizona copper company, of
Edinburg, Scotland, Ima sued out
two replevins in the United States
circuit court for a receiver for the
possession of copper valued nt 813,.
300. Tiic plaintiff.!, owners of the
mines at Clifton, Arizona, Ehtppnct !
1 1 -1 . 1 t ' n .-, 1
cruue copper to 1 ope, uoie K vo.,
anil replevins co recover posiwwioti
of the copper Celine juent upon the
failure of that firm. The United
States marshal seized tlio eopper.
UcrrrnaiBK Mn.twr.dl lit Mlri-rnn,
Kroin lite Virginia Ciij Chronicle.
The snowfall on the Sierras has
been very light the past winter. At
the summit and Cinco the greatest
average depth falling at one thno
this jour hus not exceeded six feet.
Hie average full in former winters
bus been over twenty feet. J11 the
winters of 1807-8, when Cisco wits
the terminus of the Central I'acific
railroad, the snow fell to a depth
of over Unity feet.
This was before the snow Bheds
were built when the railroad com
pany had over 1,000 men employed
in shoveling snow from the deep
cuts between Blue Cunyon and Cis
co. The passenger traius at that
time consi.stod of ouly two c niches
and one baggage car, and wei
drawn the last eight miles from
Emigrant Gap to Cisco by eight
een ten-wheel locomotives pvor
800 tons of metal driving a snow
plow as large aa a two-story house
in front of them. At that time the
line of the road wouuil through a
trackkss forest over forty miles in j
length, stretching from Truckee on
the east to Alta on the nest, trains
frequently being brought to a
standstill by fallen troo.-l obstruct
ing tho track.
Of tha vast forests that then cov
ered the sides and crowned the
(summits of the Sierras along the
line of the road scarcely a vestige
now remains. Since tho building
of tho road a swath over twenty
miles in breadth has boeu mowed
through tho ancient forests border
ing the track, whose dark recesses
obscured by thick foliuge had uev
or even been penetrated by the rays
of the Bun before the advent of the
iron horse. The decrease in Uie
snowfall is said to date from that
event, and is mainly attributed to
the act of that portion of the coun
try being entirely denuded of tim
ber. utMk Hcellnv for !,
National live stock association,
St. Louis, Octolier 17th to 24th.
United Rocky Mountain stock
association, Salida, Oolo., March
Montana ttock-growing associa
tion, Miles City, first week in April.
Colorado and Brazos association,
Maroh 3.
Wyoming stock growers' associa
tion, Choyenne, April 6.
Utah and Idaho fitock-growers'
association, Ogden, April 13.
Western Kansas stock-growers'
association, Dodgo City, April 1.
Northern New Mexico stock-growers'
association, Springer, April G.
Central New Mexico stock-grow,
era' association, Socorro, April 5.
Wagon 5tound stock-growers' as
sociation, March 30.
Lincoln County, New Mexico
stock-growers' association, lloswell,
April 6.
Castle Hock end l'onil associa
tion, Eikius, April 1 J.
... ... a-i
The cnstom.T officers at Portland,
Oregon, hauled down tha Ameri
can flag on March 1 ns an expres
sion of contempt for President
Cleveland. Tho president should
remove tho whole kit and caboodle
of them at onco not because they
tried to insult him, but because
men who are not capaplo of per
forming public business if n busi
!t :i t n . t.
IfOgan in mi tie "auxioua"
ia Illinois.
r.SOLIMI HAM. KT 4.1 Ml N,
Tbt-y Are Bud and t'nrnf, 1 nt
H urfcClkan Other (.iris.
Mr. lloliiugshead has contribut
ed his viuwu of the ballet to a con
temporary. According to him a
ballet gill ought to be pretty, ri d
it is all the butter fur tin Tonntto-er
laasl.ers come to look at her.
vihtle, if they wait for her ou' vh;
the etago-tloor, it is 110 businni 9 cf
his. That a ballet girl ought to !
fairly good looking is unquestiona
ble, for her mission is to exh l;t
the poetry of motion and to -tore
in tableaux. Mothers are tot
admitted behind the scenes, fv
thora is no room for them, and
clearly the manager catinot see all
his ballet-girls homo. It therefore
depends very much on the girl her
Bcilf what she does out of the thea
tre. Hut the famo may be 6aid of
the girls in telegraph offijos and in
shops. I do not know how a ballet,
girl is exposed to more temptation
when dancing oirw-rtiij'itli--th-'
fiKitlights between her and the
spectators than a shop girl behind
a counter. There are, no doubt,
girls who go into the ballet us a
means to an end. But this is the
exception. Ballet-girls, generally
speaking, are relation of persons
connected with tho theatrical pro
fession. The thsatre is their world,
and they are accus'ned to its
ways. At rehearsals they haiig to
gether, aud iu their every day gar
ments they look very much the re
verse of houris. Thoir chief tleas
ure consists in outing sweet stuff
and cakes, on which food thejr like
to lunch. Their language to each
other, und when in tho room whero
they all dreps, is not refined, but
rather the revorse, anil it would
probably surprise a girl not to tho
manor born and suddenly thrust
among them; thiti, however, ia Uiej,
worst that can bo Biiiil against ,
them, and when they leave the the
atre they do not loiter, because they
havo but one thought, to catch the
Tha Pi ale Uirl'e nebula.
From the Nan 1'rKncli.co Cull,
When a girl reachos womanhood
and her family desire to in licala
to the tribo that thoir daughter has
reached tho marriageable porioa
she makes her debut, as yoa say iu
Englith, but the Tiuto girl conies
out iu an entirely different way
from Unit udopled by hur white sis
ter. Just beforo she reaches wom
anhood her granamother ban es
pecial charge of her. To that old
lady, whose years are supposed to
have brought wisdom, the girl is
given. She schools hor in doinos
tio duties and explains to her tbo
nature aud importance of tho wife
ly 1 elation. The girl then goes with
two older female relatives to a tee
pee, which is a small wigwam,
where she remains with them twenty-five
days During this time she
performs work which ib supposed
to be strengthening. It consists
chiefly of piling wood. Three times
a day, at morning, noon und night,
she stacks five polos of wood, mak
ing fifteon each day. Every five
days her illations take her to the
river to batho, and at tho oud of
tho time she ijives her clothing to
ber.atUmdaEtaand returns to the
family lodge. ry frequently the
wardrobe which se present her
female attendants is mite extensive
and is revalued by tL.m hs a valu
able present When the young
girl has spent twenty-fm days iu
the teepee she has made hr debut
into the society of her trib, and
that is considered as a publio no.
noancemont that she
is roady
Miss Mattie Mitchell, daughter
of ex-Senator Mttchell, of Oregon,
iitho bHUirit t elle cf WeeLincton
J uK-iety.