OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, April 04, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1885-04-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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SATURDAY, AFfilL 4, 1885.
J. K. 'l'H HKV, lrprlf nr.
Jacob mitchell,
News is current on the streets
Hi it tliu Sierra Grande raining com
pany at Luke Valley have thought
it wise ami expeJient to discharge
a large number of their operatives.
Thin was an unexpected blow to
the minors and business men of
Lake Valley. It leaves a great
2tUtMtiir of iun oat of tiii.j,lyii.ijt
who know not where to go, or what
to do. Miners claim that the mines
were producing large quantities of
good d lLl I jib nLnre-Loid-tu
wer receiving their rngulur
large dividends. That there is some
loggerhead business at the Ixjttora
of this affair, is believed by both
public and private individuals. It
is well known that the railroad and
Sierra Grande mining company
have been at a misunderstauding
almost from the very day the roiid
was completed, in the matter of ex
tortionate freight rates. Several
steps, which heve almost terminat
ed in tbe suspension of the mines
on this ground have taken place,
but by the road yielding lightly to
the just demands of the mining
men, further trouble at the time
was avertod. But it seems that for
bearancecan be no longor enter
taioedy and the mine owners aro go.
ing to- fight it to the knife, bo to
peak, if needs be. But this war
of rates does not give those idle
men employment at present, and
leaves the business outlook for
Lake Valley anything but encour
aiany blame tiis owners unci
managers or tne mines, ana say
they have their properties listed on
the New York stock board, and this
matter of suspension and resump
tion of work was done to mani palate
quotations, ana eitner "bull or
"bear" stocks ns would result to
their own benefit. It is also be
lieved by many that the discharge
nt these men is only temporary, end
within a few days will resume their
former places. It is a matter of
extreme complication to us and we,
with others, can advance conjto
tares only, and await the grand fx.
The preliminary steps are being
taken to build a smelter in llillu
boro. Mining capitalists have just
learned that our fine wagon road
inter from eJl the mines in tho
surrounding country is the most
feasible point in New Mexico for
the investment of capital in mining
machinery. In the absence of rail
roads we have the most practical
in-let for the hauling of ore in the
great southwest. These points the
Chicago and Denver men have, jot
ted down in their memorandum
books, and are going to make the
most of it There is much wealth
io store far the enterprise.
The miners who depend upon the
work in the mines of the Sierra
Grande, at Lake Valley, complain
very bitterly against tho stock job
bing process which is being work
ed upon them by tho "bulls and
bears" of th New Yoi exchange.
The number of mou given work
and the output of ore, depends
tirely upon tho desire of these Etock
gamblers. If they are bearing the
market, work slackens or and is
so reported; if bulling it, an extra'
force is put on, and the miners
tthow tip plenty of pay dirt, and up
goes the quotations. This is mor-
any wrong, ena win yer cause
trouble. Albuquerque Journal.
Chicago had a $100,000 lire last
Tuesday morning.
New York C ity i yet smoking
from a $1,300,000 fire.
St Louis is to hare a scull race
for tlta championship of the world.
Beverly Hailey, a negro boy,
killed his father one day this week
JilVTU U1B u ... V . wuv - "-J -" "
...I. (-:-. Uim llo Thiu rw. '
iui S i-.--
tarred in Jack6on, Teun.
Interesting Items From the
Mining Center of Sierra,
Our camp has been rather quiet
the past week. Rain ond bad roads
have kept travel nnd freighting
bound up. The jajiuert have U'-,u
all to work in the hills and the
bummers and loafers who like the
sunshine, have kept in doors.
There does not seem to be freight
wagons enough to keep things mov
ing. Hay and feed are scarce and
merchants complain that they can
not get their iroods in.
One of Greggs teamHters remark
ed the other evening that they were
eight days making the round trip
from here to Lake Vulley. Rain,
the cause.
The latter part of the week line
given us beautiful sunshine ond
dried up the road.
Gregg's teams now load both
ways, ineyiiaul ore down from
the mines here to be shipped east,
and bring ore from Lake Valley
for the smelter here.
The Iagorsoll, on the north Ptr-
cba, in wliich the Wise Bros., of
Las Vegns, have an mterest, have
struck another fine body of sol-
phiJes. Mr. Wise ought to have a
great many friends among the
north Percha boys, as he has done
more probably, for the develop
ment of that section, than nry oth
er one man.
The Guledonin boys ore now do.
ing development work preparatory
to taking oat some more rich ore.
IJnrtmiin Allen and Wonier, who
each have on interest in the mine,
are working it, and have a lease, or
had, from A. Barnuby, the other
partner, who is in with Judge
Bums, in the saloon business.
Marsdorf and West, owners of
the J. S. Phelps, are to work on
their claim, on the caut side of
Kentnck mountain. Although this
is on the wrong side, as some think,
yet they claim to have a fine view
of good ore.
It is scarcely necessary to go ov
er the lint of mines that are contin
ually shipping ore. Nearly all of
thene are increasing their output
of ore. Some lurucly. The wet
woather Las been ugaiiibt those who
do not have ore sheds.
The smelter boys say they are
going to "turn in" next week. The
smelter will start for a long mn,
4c It is to bo hoped so, nnd may
they not stop until the memory of
mt n runneth not to thoir beginning.
And as the tail end of the kite,
the concentrator people ure talkiui
of starting up. Success to them.
The camp needs nothing worse
than good reduction works to re
duce t lie low grade ores, of which
the camp is full.
The hand grenade racket took in
the town Wednesday evening.
'Pike" Rogers acted as fireman in
putting out the fire left by tho
hand grenade man.
The lion. A. J. GfiBton, member
of the California lecislature. anl
ate Speaker of the Nevada legisla
ture, is here for his health, and to
pay expenses, Le hns Lxen doing
th town as ogent for a book of his
own writing, called the Ready Law
yer, or similar title. Your corres
pondent escaped him, which was
fortunate, as I heard a gentleman
remark that he was a "holy terror,"
whio was intended to be comtli-
tA new bakery ana lunch room Is
beiiigooned up by some parties
who have been through til the
camps from Colorado to Arizona,
and pronounce this the Lest of alL
The bakers Lave good j udgmeut so
The March winds have passed us
by tliio year, peace U thou' ushts,
or rest rather.
The Canadian war is still furious.
A peaceful solution of the Russian-Afghan
question whtt ever
that is is promising.
A woman aged 82 vears was
burned to death t Chainbersburg,
Ohio, Tuesday la&t.
At Ilazelton. Kv. Fred Marcroff !
- ' f
commit'1 'J'cHff lust WeduAa'','v. 1
----- -
, No work.
St Louis & San Francisco R'y
No change of curs betwen
Through rullmftn Falrtce 1ep
ing enrs nrc now run daily with
out change between San Francis
co and St. Louin, over the South
ern I'ncific to ttieJJeeclles, the
Atlantic & Pacific to Alhnquer-
qtie, N. M., the Atchison, Tope
ka & Smiln Fe to lfnlatead, Kna.,
nnd the St. Louin & San Francis
co railroad to Lt. Louis.
This is positively the only route
running through cars to St.
Louis. By this lino there is on
ly one chiinge of earn fc between
tho Pacific and the Atlantic
coasts, which in at St. Louis.
Passengers from St. Louis and
oil eastern cities should buy their
nnd the St. Louis & San Fran
c fsco railwny. "The Great Thro'
Car Route." Flense call upon the
ticket agent and get full partic
ular. Trains having through car
"on for St, Louis leave Albuquer
que at 11:30 p. in.
V. P. nnd Gen'l SUuagcr, St. Louis
D. Wihhart,
Gen't PassenRcr Act., St. Louis.
Mail and Express Between'
Thoroughly equipped for comfort
and fast traveling.
Onlv dv rnscbej ft"d !"bef "fid
lite drivers,
Through line between the PacifiY
coast aud the east, in connection
Railroads, thereby forming the best
and shortest line between the
East and the West.Vith all
the modern improve
ments andjeonven
iencea for safety
and comfort,
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars
Are run through between St. Louis,
Kansas City and San Francisco;
Through tickets to all prinafripa 11
ies east and west on stile at the fol
lowing stations: Albuquerque," N
M., Holbrook, Winsfow, FLigstaff,
reach Springs, Kingman, Piescott,
Arizona, the Needles and Mojave,
Via Langua to the Indian village
of Acuma lti miles.
Via Wingate to Ft. Wingate, 8
miles; Zuni 43 miles.
Via Manuelito to Ft. Defiance
(Navajo agency), 25 miles. Canyon
de Chelle, 65 railas. Keani Canyon
90 miles. Via Holbrook. Tri-weekly
stages to St. Johns, 83 miles. Ft.
Apache, 90 miles. Sprinnervflle, 93
miles. Show Low, 50 miles. Tay
lorville 65 miles. Moqui Indian vil
lage (no regular stage) 90 mile.
Via Winslow to Brigham, City and
Via Ash Fork daily stages to Pres-
ictt and Whipple Barracks, 54 miles.
Daily stages from Prescott to Phenix
and tri-weekly stages for Ft. Verde.
Via Teach Springs to the Grand
Canyon of the Colorado, l.S miles.
Via Kingman, daily stages to
Stockton Hill, 10 mile. Mineral
Park, 15 miles. Cub at 14 mile.
Via Yum to Signal 40 mile.
Via Needles, steamer to Yuma,
Colorado river agency, Ft. Mohave,
Mohave City, Hardyville, Arizona,
sudEldoiado Canyon, Nevada
General Panr jnt.
F. W. Skiih, Gen'l Supt.
.sLaltc Valley
Defy Competition in prices cj
JBnttcr, lEgrga,
rmmpt attention given to order
and Mia&&r
Fruit ,Mte9
receivod fioia neighboring camp.

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