Newspaper Page Text
t. :-" u : X- f i k' ' -.51 - i If!' a . r "ii i : " - . r ' I J I! -. h I ft 1 e" W would inform oor reader that Mr. J. E. Hell, o Alvendo city, Texas, will arrjvo in Hillaboro aod take charge of the bierra Coun ty Advocato ttie lirst of the xnoutb. Mr. Bell comeg well recommended as an editor of ability and a practi cal printer, relit i jolly, Le is a Democrat, and will doubtleau, sail ' under that (lag. V hope be will confine Lis Democracy to opposing tlift Muapeaion of silver coinage only. Mrs, Moulton threatens to cow 'hide Haas Kistler, we want to Le on hand to see the circus. II L J Tt , Qzv. On ast livext to see the 20tb anniversary of the sarrender of 6en. Lee, on the 9th of April. llW'i ha knocked the chip off ol England's shoulder, yet lit aii probability there will be no wor. A C0S0BES8 of Ministers, liavinp tinder consideration the union of the Bereral Protestant churches, will meet at Philadelphia in May. ' 'Ina effect pf the war news In California added over $0,000,01)0 U the valu of wkeat in that state. Should prices fall again California will feel poorer. ' t '. l '3 James Lilly, living near James port, Mo., and a well-to-do farmer, has been in bed for eighteon years and is still in perfect health. He labors under the illusion if he gets out ox bed, Le will die. M i Ch the first of May Father Bonr fiude will be consecrated Bishop o Arizona at Santa Fe. The Bishop of Colorado, Bishop Lnmy, and a iarge number of other dignitaries of thn Koman Catholic church wil be present. SEeeenBeenesssai , Mark iUYKES, an old Pascha! boy, who ocoaasionally painted this city in glowing colors, is an officer with Beil, the Manitoba revolution 1st, who is now giving Canada no end of trouble, Mark was at one timocity attorney of Tombstone. Enterprise ' - U-l. Cot. Webb very kindly informs A Washington correspondent that he is making as hard a fight as possible agaiimt Chief Justice Ax tell, and if he succeeds in getting him out then he will turn Lis atten tion to some other New Mexico officials. If he -waits until then, the other fellows have nothing to Imx from hfta. Herald-Tribune The St Louis Globe-Democrat is authority for the ttntemont that Courtrigbt and Mclntyre, who are wautod to answer tbo charge of murder, committed in the American rolley about two years ago, ere now in Oautennla serving ns lieutenants in the army of President Barrios. That, to them is better than hang ing New Mexico. L .J .'i .i .q Tub land office received large lot of pntenta from the General Land Office, all signed with the signature of Grover Cleveland, to the u umber of 113. They d.ite back for five years ard were all pre-erop tions and private cnah entries-Nine-tenths go to Lincoln county, the balance buing scattered over the district. Republican. The question was asked Lowcry a few days ago what his name wb before be mt Georgia. The great jourualut silently uhook hid trian gular head and that was all he said. If thore is any more of the same naiuo brand left in the family he raunol b blatuid for changing his imme. Luterpnee. We would suggest that "Lowery'' change bis name entirely before he visit to Hillsboro. Tni New York Herald of the Jlth iost, jointvlly says : "A public UUCUIileut CMiiod f!' by ill Beuate, on laud frauds in New Mexi co, deserves the study of Mr. Sparks, tbo new Commissioner of the Land Office, who is. we believe, an honest man. There are things iu it, which if true, ought to send a number of publio officials and oth ers to the penitentiary." Precisely ! And Joe Bell was mad United btates Attorney for New Mexico, for the special purpose of protect jug these thieves from prosecution, j -Ex. News has just iea hod n that lh bierra Mining Co., at Luke Valley hve cut wagoj and saleries throughout. Thia cut, roruingim mediately Bftor the recent diaclmrj-e ( mure tLan 100 men, lends some o lor t the report, recently cur rent, th'it the mines were apain manipulated in the interest of otock jobbers. On the other hand, it is whispered among some thnt.ihe re cent committee of directors who have viaited the mines, have private ly reported them as play- I ut. This latter fact would account for t ie late heavy drop In the Btock, whatever may b the true inward ness f thet.e maneuvers uo one- seems to be able to tell, but the m biaal observer can readily see that sornethina is "rotten in Lh nniark," .nd it is opinion that "Denmark" is located iu New Mexico thia time. Suiithwsst SontincL - Wayn. tu P3 Co., UnnoH, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRANCE I'arafccroa Ura ri.lnd m S3,00U,U0O, wklch lacUOea 75 PER CHT OF ML K5R8E8 Wbb vurtty of i4 I ,itlbtl by iVrlr 0-itUrrMS imiM (i in, 'HTM! 1KMIKM UK FUAKCK. ?VErA IMPORTED TO AMERICA. lIUiKIIN HAP III ;srtt4 Breed I2aies, Iropsrtsil stallions, Old nowfU ff lOO COLTS, "iMffMi SUwk at 0rii fnru wlu'o I ciiiiot fnmisb ib ib inraal fdI4 pdlrs Ttrlflod hf ih eiflrii Prmt dtlliw ttt I nnmbrB)n4 rtcortlln th Slud Bool h Frnr 140 TftM t ftlt'OtfU ml f e. It tf iliBsirfttsxl wtili dls rilMi Hm ol ttj EAh'hhfon of tba Be At Rippivu rcArew r frmnrm, 1 44 I pa?. tns(t by M. W Dtinbsja. u(t crews from life bi liOSM LILLWALL'S Restaurant I . For the best me&li to bo found in KINGSTON, NEW MEXICO Ouet will always find the tables supplied with the best the market af fords. N. B. I have mndo arrangement to supply to customers fresh fish and oysters, which will be kept constantly on hand. Tlip finest tonic for nervous peo- Ipb is HoiUetter's Stomach Bitters. which insures perfect digestion and BSHimilution, and the active perform nre of their functions by the liver andtiOTvets. As the system requires tone throuph the influence of this benien medir ine, the nerves Rrow stronner anil more trnnnuil, heJ- aclie eeae, and that namiless mi ioty w hich is a peculiarity of the dys peptic, gives way to cheerfulness. To esmblitli health on a sure foundution use the peerless invicoiant. For sale by all Druyibts and Dealers gener ally. Xotlcs ofTorreltore. tTfi. Siw Msxtm. ToO. A ra-h iw1cti d JccU Imiicvi NoTicn ! hw'iy it-n to a. A Ciii or ))! Miuns, nl .Info!) lltnn tint ih" umli'r iincd E prrtniitied bt nni r:nf lit woik fur th tour lW4, tmnauilnir to one (H) llundriHl tlollara, atKHi Un Morning milling oimra. itnird to thn lurk intntnif District. eoa& n I Finn, nil IVrril.TT of .Vfw Mi-xico, rcfcrcnc bHim mU to the count) recicU u to date of locMon. tiof rorri rn-t mt ., and rA-li ol Tou hfrfhy t'i-d tint uulrt u par roar pn-tHrtlon of aald awvaa Birot xprodl. tftolllrt with ll cnat ciaing H" ' ot Pliii"" of thia notlca, yoor inlerrat In aaid milling tlaim Kill ka nwfoiiid tod boc-omatha i-roprty of tha aid i-raignr4 cvordioi to tbt Utaiatu of U I1 Bitnl SUl, . MW H. 11. HaS-TOw. . (idUi Alio- fc OTOSZACZI i Tlx SaSlOJI-a. Baafe. t KlNOSTOl. Nw Mxxico, A Roneral banking business trniiHactecL All bursiness entrusted to our care will ha,ve prompt nttent'on. Faithful attention to the interests of customers. Charges ns reasonable ns is cori eistent witli safebunking. Drafts issued on all the principal cities of Europe. COKBESPONDEXTSt Koi.'KTr.s Bitot, TwYork. FiitaTMATi'kAL Baku, t liii'ttio. " " taa Vagaa. N. M. Qity Ds-ug Store- :o: Wm. a. Hi .Ml.lI, Proprietor rrescriptions carefully compounded. A full stock of medicines, PEKFUMEWEd AND TOILET ABTICLE8. Stationary, Cigcre, Tobaecos. Tare liquors for medicinal uses. niori l!ii,'.SB"K''0ri, The oldost and most rjssirable sotpping place in the Range. Elegant rooms: Tables supplied with the lct In the market, tiample apart ments, Billiard hall and a well supplied bar of whiskies and Cigars. , OTTO F. GENTZ, Fail's Vallcv ui, Ililli Defy Competition in prices of mm id i J&iittvv, Prumnt attention civsn to orders received from neighboring camj HILLSBOKO. A. rERAULT. DEALliRS IN BIincrsf goods of every diiccslptiaii. Cigars and Tobacco, Queens ware, EStc. V kfwm the larcesf and aeTelected thing cheaper than the same can be Cosg BETVEEN N'JTT STATION, L KE VALLEY, HILLSB3RR3, AND KINGSTON. EUXS FOL'E-HOItSE DAILY LINE. 0. Address - . JtjKaTBti. Bak AtCQrmrs. H. M. ( i.i,uhaio National Bank, Drurer. Col. HH'l National Bahh. XI Pao 1 vxaa. VINCENT WALLACE, Cashier. Hotel. New Mexico. FPOFRIETCR. & wm asstl ffiiSI.?fcor' IBS' IfU Frsilt, Etc., LAKE VALI II. E. DALLES. Wiaosaad stock in the Territory and every aelierel by any outsiae House. Perrault Ctallcs- roves - utt, ew ilexica. S)ct"r r ff' )$ f'V w i ,j ffltain Mttr, iliA-cstu.v, New Mexico, llarch 21,18feo. j To L. B. Reed: Notice it hereby given that the undersigned has performed the an nual assessment work for the year 1684, amounting to the sum of One Hundred Dollars, (1100), upon tba Ohio mining claim, situated on the Black Bange mining district, rounty of Sierra, Territory of New Mexico, reference being hereby made to the county records as to slate of location and records, etc., and you are hereby notified that unless yon pny your proportion of said assessment ex pended, together with all costs accru ing from tlie publication of this no tice within the space of ninety days of the date of this notice, your in terest in said mining claim will be come forfeited and become the prop erty of the undersigned according to United States Statutes, sec 2324. M. B. Donahue. , KxscsTOJf, Xi;;rM;aico, January 3rd, 1885. To G. A. Cattail , or his aligns, and Jacob Dines . Notick is hereby given to O, A. Cussil or his assigns, and to Jacob Dines, that the undersigned have performed the irnual assessment work for the year 1884, amounting to One ($100) Dollars upon the Lit tle Michigan mining claim, situ ated in the Black Knnge mining district, Sierra county, Territory of New Mexico, reference being hereby made to the county records as to date of record and location, etc:; and you and each of you are hereby notified that unless you pay your proportion of said assetsnient expended, together with ail costs accruing from the publicntion of this notice within ninety days from the date publication of this notice, your interest in said min ing claim will be forfeited and be come the property of the under signed according to the Statutes of the United States, Sec. 2324. II. H. IJaktox, 3mw Chakles Autiiobsoit, Forfeiture Notices Kikqstox, New Mexico, January 3rd, 1885 ,, To G. A, Casail, his assigns, and Jacob Dines : Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have performed the anual assessment work for the year 1884, amounting to the eum of One ($100) Hundred Dollars upon the Monitor mining claim. Situated on the Black Range min ing District, county of Sierra, Territory of New Mexica, reference being hereby made to the eounty records as to date of location and record, etc.; nd y i.i and each of you are here by notified that unless you pay your proportion of said assessment expended together with all costs accruing from the publication of tilts notice within the space of niuety days of the date of tnis notice your interest iu said min ing claim will become forfeited and become the property of the undersigned according to United ouues btalute, 6cc. i omw H. II. Barton, CltARLf.S Al'THORHON. KINGSTON', N.EXICO ) January 3rd, 1885. ) To G. A. Cassil, or his assigns, and Jacob Dines ; Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have performed the anual assessment work for the year 1883, amounting to One ($100) Ilcmtlred Dollars upon the Enterprise mining claim, situated in the Black Range mining DU'triot, rountv of Sierra, Territory of New Mexico, reference being made, to the county records as to date of location and record, etc.; and you and each of you are hereby notified that unless you pay your proportion of said assess ment expended, together with all costs accruing from the date of publication of this notice within ninety days from the date of the publication of this notice, your in. terest in said mining claim will become forfeited aud become the property of the undersigned ac cording to the Statutes of the United States Sec. 2324. 8mw. II. II. Bartos, Chaklis Actheeso.v. Notice f Forfettnre. Territory of Kw Mtzlre. t'rtniuy of Sierra. Ungatoa. Jan. Srd, 1S8S. koTtet la herrbr firm n A. H. PnHlnnf. thaltt' unHoralnurd rrfrnifd Mir an al aaaamant wirk for thcyr-a IH4. amount tog to the aura af Una 4$)uO Hundred 4 llara nion ilia tt; rutninir r aim. aimatptf in fhc -ofntd wtntnty di-trlct. fwnll ofSltrra. Ti-rrtiry of Ni'w Mi-aico. rlrtnci- to tha rcmta t hMvbT mxde ai to location, data of record nd sist'anienl, ate. t and o are tiore hv iLrtiti1 t joa p your pn.wir- tion f aait aaarraairat npi itifid within 0 daj-a from tba data of publication of thta nti"-. yonr intrraat In aaid ntulnr claim aril ba forfaited and baaotaa tba properly of he nnd'Tairned tacordiof to tba atatutc of UiaUuite tla, aaciion ZKl. In ( a aoiA f cocntAM. Skunk,' Raccoon, Mikk. Mosckit Boueht for cash at hirheat nricea. Send tor circular, whkn ifina full paniculara. E. C B0U6MT0N. Howard StrMt, Ka Tark. Dr. TilinlX the, 'No. 11 KEARNEY STREET. Treats all Chronic, Fiivato ami Special Diseanea with the sanie won derful success as of old. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SJgis a never failing '.Y&eure for Ne v.(ta vveuiiity, ixnaust inul Weakness, Supermaiotihoas, Lust Manhood, Impotency, Paral ysis, ana an me len'iuie eitecis 01 belf abuse, youthful follies and ex cesbes in mature years-rsuch as losa of memory, larsitudc, nocturnol mission, evasion to society, dtmnese of vision. noint'R iu lite head, the vi .il titi id pussing unobserved in the nine, and many other diseases that 'ead to mt-anaty and death. Dr. Mintie, who is a regular grad iih"1 pt'ysicinn, will agree to forfeit "iqe Hundred Dollars for a case of his kind the vital Restorative (u frrliis" Htipcinl eilvice and treatment) will not cure, or for anything impute or injurious found in it. Dr. Mintie treats all priveat diseases successful ly, without mercury. Consultation free. A thorough examination and tdvhe, hid iiiiing in amiixsis of urh'e $?5. Trice of irnl Restora ive. $: a bottle, or U ur limes the quantity. ?10; petit uny address upon receipt of price, or C. 0. D. se cure from observation, and in private name, if desired, by A. E. MINTlE, M. D. Sample Bottle Free. Will be sent to anyone applying by letter, stating symptoms, sex and ago, Str ct .-k kv ia ,fcai. to all busi ne transact inntir Di Srinlic'n Kidney Remedy Nep hreticum cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Letieorrhoe. For sale by all d: ii;gibts; Jl a bottle, six bottha for Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are the best and cheapest Dyspepsia and Dillious cure in the market, lor sale by all druggists. YOU2IG MEN -READ THIS. Tuf Voltaic Belt Co., of Mar shall, Michigan, offer to Bend their celebrated Electho Voltaic Belt ind other Ei.Ectuic ApPLlAXtiiH on rial for thirty days, men (young r old)aff3icttd with nervous dtbi'i y, lops nf vitality tuul manhood md all kindred troubles. Aleo for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, md many othpr diseasea. Coui'dete ptoratmn to health, vic;or find inanhoo guaranteed. No ritsk i incurred an thirty d:iy's trial is allowed. Write them at one? for illustrated pamphlet free, l'ofcrUmui'e l" licu. Cnbort V.'t at. C'uiiiil4ii4aut an icirtralTfirtman, UunFbjr Alli'O .I'illlHm Bryron, Rfponnrnt. ii tha DlsfVt co'irt of the 8rd Jndktal Dll ti let in and for Hii-rra Couiny. New siexiio. The acid reapnndunta, Wll-fam Bry'.n and '!rlioI. Daimliy are hi'r.-hy nolitird tbat a fuik n C'iii'.licery haf been cmilm' tire.i a;jiiii?it thcl.r lid 111- Citli'T reapoiidtTilb ubove named, in .aid ilHtritt cort for iliu "-im nf bierra, Terrliorf f New Mexiio by t!d coniplaiuai.t, Kob. rt Vent, to fnrerloae a llru of citmpiainant. aL'atnat he "Seaeide" mine. In the lilacW lianiic ninli-g district, formerly in t.raiit tiew iti if ieiia uuiitv. N-w. Mexico, tut work nd Ubi-t don, a r.d x'rformed on aiiid mine by cntp'i'UHiil fi r rc pi'iid.'itte amonMliiir to tt, t- hiri erntost'ther tthcuta c, ai d that time they cut ei their a p. I'lirance, in aaid euit on or before the ftriit iUy f tne next April term of eaid court, commenc- g on the Sih day r .Xpdi, A. 1). 1H5 a decree ivi cohraai.0 tbtrelu n ill be rebdercd agamal item. Dated rebrnnry th, A. U 16S. .CKtT A tl LIOTT, 1 tlEOBOE It. BfllTJIA't, Huiictora for Coal-r Clerk, pluinant. ' j By Kichoia" Oahiip, lianty, Clerk FORFEITURE NOTICE. March, let, It So. o M. W. TMhAfMrt or hi i"f eiit vIOl'H E ir- hrrtuy tftveit that the underIjrTifdf ''lmv p-rformetl th itnaul f..jHiitiit wr.ik "r Ihp yew IBM. to iu- uoj uf One ?iu;) Hi-tntr'-d Diy4!r npou the .Mimi.e mining .dim. Siumted !n th lii.ttk limine tviulittf (strict, county of ier, TirUoi y ut Ni k M x- CrU ".iitie! m nnuiieii n:iu riTOrtl , t'lC . ; nd you are Acn-by uowilvd ihitt unlf jou itf proportion of puid vwM'iit ix'prtidta i rth'T wi'h all c rt of nid avatMonit cx iidd toythir with afl eont accniing fum the nhl cAilon of th i.fiic wtthiit th x uf nnrtj dnv( of tlif ditf cf thh tMilicryuuJ init r- i in iata mining ciaim v-ki neron.e lorieiua ind bifime the proptTty of the ttidf.tTirtieri c- Notion of I 'orrIt :tr-. Unfftrn, SU-?r conritr. Territory of New Aii'itcu T Frank . Mom-e fHllver E. Motre, AM. Wc. Douga) and c. w, X.yke Notxe is bcri-hj uien to Frank B. Mnre, Ol iver K. Moore, M. A. McdotiSAl ai d c. W. Lk that the ndt'rtifc'ntrd hi pcrformtd the - an. aual aseBTT.,i'l work fr thf year ia4, amount, tnt to one i$10H hunrtrcl dollain, upon the N. rada m'Mi.K claim, iiturett tn ac b rk hiti uiinini! dictiKl frnaiy uf S'rra. and Twin ry of New at iHO, refienc iH'rt'by btiugntad to the county r'ordu a t d ttc d U ( ai ;oi., dat nf record. eti.,and yo d eet .f yu an- Ivit-nv md inefltrul tipen4'-d. toircur will. al eot acernin' tren fif .l vit-Mrs! n.t, n' nonce, voar init-rei . wimhui ihmd w le forfeited and becom th' pr-tp, rt of ity uq detiitriu-d acordit5 q lb Statutt- of the I ni Ud Biau-a, ec &4. Jmw VfNCIKT WAU.ACE, Have you h CARDE?J ? tf TOU HAVE tOU WILL WEED Am wut wmnt Ik BfH nt t - -mtu 1 b at 9m4 Cavuiofn win vnnM y. ,u-r oer tB hs 4M'"aT nt "" jt m BftiM irrr (nil, mA jom vubt Ut y kln hravtne llftkftf. WM. H. MAULE, . it ltl Tnmt at-.Ftlla.dvipila. s r - -