Newspaper Page Text
V r-v j- -r,,.- HILLSB3R3UGH, SIERRA COUNTY, N, M NOVEMBER 14, : 1885. 1 1 f VOL. 2. NO, 37 Dr. BSintie, ' TBS SPECIALIST,1 " No. 11 KEARNEY STREET. San Francisco, California. Treats all Chronic. Pi ivate and Special Diseases witlRhiio won derful success as of ul J. THE GREAT ENGLISH RE 'EDY "in n npvtr fnili .wry r . :vLCcurr '"' erOtlfc lt.,l.;i;- FrLnui cd Vita lily, Spin- It.ll - 'i-w n t'ciniut or I'hoa,, Wftr.''t lkf.,....wl S Jnipoteiifv, rami- jsistnnd at) the; terrible t-ffoi-t " of " self abuse, youthful follies ami px cesses in hioMire vcnrit grji h an loss of nieinoiv. bisHituVlo. nocturnal . mission, vasion to Hiieieiy. iiinuifK of vision, noises in th Uoi: i IK vi- tal tluid pn'ssins unolisei vi'd In 'ihc' Di-inh k'' I.imIp" or mine, in order to urine kud Inany otTier'tliscasi'. tliaf . li.ld crti.l under the pro is- "lead to inhiisty rind death: ' ion of swtion 2.12"- Rt-vUed Statutes Dr. Mintie-, .,i1io is a regular gmtl of., the United ..jiHies, beinK the uated jihysicisti. tvlil ugme io fuiteii amount icq u iced . . lnll ihe siinu Fiqe Hundred D.ijlnrs for a eas-i .! . f..'tlie year . endi ng D.-ceuiher JJl-t, this kind the vital Restorative (no ' 1881, Hud if within ninety tlavs I'imiii , der his special advice and 'hen intent) 'th- her vires tlii nuiice b,- i d'li nill not cure, or for anvthinit iniiune cation you fail or refuse to rontril-ute or injurious found in it. Di1. Mihtte treats all priveat diseases siireessfu ly, without mercury, Coiisiil ati -n free A thorough examination 'am! advice, including "an ami!y.-i- o' urine $5; Trice of V iral RVstnra tive, $3 a bottle.' or four limes th. ' quantfty, scut to any' address upon receipt of price, or C. ;0. D,: se- . cure from vy lion, ai d in piivatr name, if desired, by A. E. MlXl'lE. M. D. . k ' Samnle Battle Fee - AVill be seiit to anyone applying b letter, tiiti:.g eviiifitomi', sex and ajfe Strict sccresv'i'ii ri'ga tl 'to all lui'si nega transact ioiihr. , , Dr. Mili's .liidney Remedy Xep. liretieum cures all kinds of Kidney and Blaildercoinpraints.Gbnorrb.ea, " Gleet, hetiooi i lue. For sale by : all druggists; $1 a bottle, six buttles foi $5. i- l .)-. ,i Dr; Mintie's Diindelion , 1 are 1'iHs the beat 'ai.d e'leapest Pyspepkia and J Billious cure in ;he, eale by all druggists. market.: For, "FEISCCLIIE" ST- LDriS AD SAN FRANCISCO .. ; . k. 111.11.-. i- ko QUASGE OF CA RS fietwren Smi Francisco, California, mid - - -st.- to! -h J-U v -Through Pullman Pidare Sleeping Car a rp1' now run th.ily ithotit ? ( harge- between San f raociseo Oala:andSt. LNvurtMo. over1- the Southern Pacific, to the XFKll.r. The Atlantic and Pacific to Albu querque, N. M.Jthe Atchison To peka i Seiita Fe to I (distend. Kas.; ihe St Louis fe S'ui Francisco llailroad to ; t. Lou By this line there is only one chnnge "".of C'irs-irtwrpn th Pnntie and Atlantic consts, which is at St. Louis. lV-sepgers for St Ltuiis and all Eastern Cities should buy their ticuets VIA: WISTEAD KANSAS St. Ixiuis & San Fkakinoo, AMD ST. Louis & San Fhamiooi KT ' TU Grfttt Throntrh Car Route." ' I DttAE n npaqtu Tick-i Apcnt nd 8-. ter's Stomach Bitterg , Jts remedial rflmps nf Sierrn county, with it is said marriages are more eatis Xfuil pmicniar.. TrJD hainK throng c and preventive fffetfs ns an opponent i H.,iahoro ns tilft factory on the average than where rm for St. LojU 1qc Albaqaerque Daily at 11:10 r . C'.W.RQIiERi.-. D. I$II-rirt' P, Bd Oen. Mn.. Gn'l Phm. Aft. S.. i.oia. Mo. al. Louik. Ko. i h;ai, Norn ks NOTICE. i ; ;' HitUioro. ci. Sierra Comitv, 1 HV'nf N' w V' rrt-ii; uieiuli.T 1ft lSS'i. I ' ' Ti'iriimv' Coaled Prniiofild will be r"i;eW 'd ut the office ofthCl rk of the I'ouiiiy Oiiuiiiinnioii'-i of Slairarim tv In iliilnimni until Hie Si It day of Octob'T. 1Sj (hi noil), lor co.iipl'-lnii! llie coi,! . ucilna nf 'h watii ton i fiom uilf Vn 1 -y - t toi lilorirte vln. 11. ixo iro una uinm-a.- i ""i- . Hic ( nittho o.ioriii' ri ii ui iui-IU..UIU ... I the -on. b . i n" uin w.i' ' tuiiiiia Uniite for Mid uedon Hi-md-ol four ( 4) luiih. Tli"ioudU.diim-lli.t hi Mliei nicaiid of !" bwK Tii- piiiif i i ii; i,iiii h-ii by n.r vii.UTid'-uk'i. rii" tw wi i b' r-nmr dn. be flu h d b. Nov m'Dii l.ili lv8 tiuihe'ih rt.i. or pi .nib r . ti d-th.v HI" r lll-l.llll ' nr."- ... . ... . Tlie :u.iiiii.-I..-i ren-rvi iu riUI lu rojoct illiv HiiJmi A.. I'lTKIN'. I II .1. ,11.1.1 o i .... F...t . i ' " . Nji'icg of Fjr.e'.lure- Kingston, icnn County, y Tt-iritiiiv nf Nevv Mp.xiot, : ' Mav .JOth," 18.-!. . To J. C. Evan niul F. E Even-It : ' Vtni iire h.-ret.v I. .til'i. 1 iinve i . . . i ,i,i. I i I .!..! I..-- 'xpi'iiot-ti line t.ii'; iiiHKiM-" in l.i'0.stii iinn,vetii u "n nn- vonr proportion nf stieh eXjie-t li 'tire it iu ihin ill il in i,i c . ; r ....... t it. .il I c aim ,vill become ihe prope. ;y of the Mil)- Miibm- under saids.-eiioii 0. It syt'NEY. 2:1-2 i ..otice' ul. FirfeUure- Kington. Sierra Connly, Territory of Xew f exieo, Mav 10th 188.1. ' To J. C. Evans ami F. E. Everett, yon are hereby; notified that I have expended .me (100) hundred dollars in labor and im'jirovement's upon" the s iy for h fact that thero are im Paris" or mine in order to hold said 1(,)lfirt true GsUire .' vwiifl . of" gol I premise- "' V,1' - i, ...... 'Vf-M lfii-l ,il Siu!m. fit I lie i Uniied Sta-es. heing iheainonnt re- i . . . I, .i i ..... i ""' -' - qmreu to mnu n.e same . , e.u yf . hi- pl,li,atio, you fii or r-fuse to Wmtribiite your pry- portion of such 'expenditure a cp- mpii.m. t-mir intercvi in si in claim wt I I't'coine l)ie proper! v of tlie sub- ' .. , !, . (,,,. wviber. under fUid sf tiou 2.124. 1 . - O Jt. SYOXF.Y. ELLIOTT, I'ICKETT it ELLIOTT, ' ! .-, t : ... ' ' Attouneys-at-Law, Hillsboro, , New dVexIco Tliat Tfn.ble E i.leinfc. Frvpr and ngur. uhatters the most vigoroug constitution, and the after efl'ects of the alkaloid often taken to arrest it, quinine, are scarcely less yiernicious. The best remedy, not alone in pialarial airicken recions nortimi of Sontb and entral Amer - -,. ... v..... mer- ica where fevers are most?: prevalent and malignant is Hostel ot tever are owiiik o. i 1,0.111; fl,lPn(), . rfflSTETT5v Jl " - CELEBRATED lV ST09XACU iffi i SltTIP ,rr gaL? by all Druggists and Dal-"will en? generally. ' SCENES IX SIERRA. ' ' " ' A Fellow Townsman Visits . the New r..nt v.vvi-8 IlnSnmoof LU' I'l una v , . - v . m f ------ I the People and Mines, i ' ,' i . ; , i From iIki Lns Vw'Opilr.. Ciil.t. Nick Galles. of IWlsboro, CHt;,lu.of ttio llillsooro ninrna ,,,', i , i . Cl,ni,,,,y 1M8 nil illdepeili Pllt COU1- lm)H'J, K ,,,,,,,, J in the militia organization of b t hp Tvi fitorV. He. It'lB lllltde H '" 11 , K , , , Ihfl inisf. rtuiie I" he liorn too late in. iinr.1 nunc. t' urtic!i)tte as a' dier (l the' 1 h 1 ' "late5 unplwM uitiu'Srf; howevrr, no ' ' ... . inon-l 'vnl lie.rt brftts within the; breast of t.n American citizen Son I tines out toward the old vein of U. S. fiiMiit poKt." and he w i do idi iif can to aid .them., M1 ," ' l"" lu 1 ' l"r , V; .1. ..,,1 I I i i liilllnifK 1 1 1 il leWP . - i tir.'.vrtoii .V to., nave jum Hiarteu u,. tlieir gill quirtz ten -stamp mill, mid are pounding nway im jOa-tni ool 1 quarlz. It makes a, t-nderf.t. t's iieai t jial.dl.ile to sl. w liiingoll Ini ku mid go'd nuggets iu pi-ofusi hi .stored in the safety vault's i if the company.-' The .boys lmv several magnifi- - . . .. ''I't H I m i wiui.i tr.i; miles of the h mn, amt there' is a good buggy r .ad to the mines. They' Have tlions.ndif tons ..f gol i ore in sight that will run SjO n ton., At' the water level t,he ore has bo- etinie ifdiellious, ho til it, it will he liecessory to erect suitabU marhiu ery for its production. We were shown immense workings, mid can - ore l l.t : .-onslit nt mines. This . ,. . .ii ..: i. . - .1 : i. camp win o neani wo,.. . . ... i ii.. i i i i ,1Par nuure as on m toe ,.e8l l,I"t'i,I H 'i "'""S tl,Me ,n.,n are very rich. I lie great tiouoie ia no water. Nearly ; 100 men are in. w IK ill, ill t-,?r:iiii ill iiirwr- niii .i ...... .i. ....... .i. ... i.An .t;. . , . , . . R tings. Ilopewel . one of the n ' h j I , : I. 1 .. I 1.' .. .i ..-1. .... . 1111, is a wlpde-souled Englishman, and, aithough he ran the blockade dur ingthe war, be iias become thor oughly re constructed, and can sing "Marching Through Georgia" with a' good will with the boys. Sue- ' ' ' Wheninll.tlsboro, hunt up that bnrbpr CiKin. He was nn o 1 sol - 1 dier ar.d did honorable . service for he country.' Get him tobing 'That little ld log cabin ir. the lane." It wil carry y u b t"k twenty ye irs j . t, ,, ,, i i to tin' tune the old plantation , mel- ! ,. . ' i ., - i . odies were stu lie I on the graui at !-'nH j I ' w 4 ".'"' 1 : " A h-1 was our surprise to meet ii n -r vi in: our ild Ciiiii'ide r lomii.g nrd hlv , estundib' wife and ilaugljter. who i n. r ''f ii' i ott l.iitt Vpima thrpf ve.irs iifonn'l , i . f. i. nil Imlo mill lipni'tv llitd Fleming has dtveoped jnto a blotiiiiing miss of sixteen fm'mmers, blithe mid giy, and as light he rt ed s the mountains and scenery snrroum'in? the enmp i Kint.'n.' . . i ,,,' , The merchants of Kjnpston ami ITidsboroare nil complaining 0f Cs,.i trade. Lu.g trains of ore wi, ., re met with enntin'mllyy earrvinj ail I an 1 silver ore froir. ,f J..,m'pi, to therailro.d and re- turning with croods and supplies. ! riiee oainp" are emphatically oor , mininrr c;.mn. I he minea . " ' TV Tom tne grass iwrs una tnere, is no doubt but what the mining , . , . , . : , , , ; centers, are not oniy gooi ones put ; vrove in the: near fnt.nre ofl fabulous wealth. It ia engealed j to the buys that they 6tick to their cnmps. : ; The future Is brighU "Stand behind your guns if it takes all summer nn 1 winter." Ul. oyion A. Jiuowies, post commander of Custer post No. 8, at Deming, is one of the, old 5th Iowa infantry. At the battle of Lookout MaunUiu lie was taken a - - T ... , . . prisoner auu aoiourueu iu rewr - , . ItVlSOIIS .fi)f Olltj VeHf R diXV', first I T.,. . n n i t i . in Lii'hv, tlion Belle Isle, then iu , , ... . . . , ti Aiider)ii ville. At Anders iivule, that on enrth, he made two es- ,' ; . . ' capes by tunneling out, but wns . . t-' tu soon recaptured, wns put into the , . . j - famouschiiin gang una into the . , , i .i . 1 i i - i i i ' 1... .. ' . l j unauie v Kianu up, uui butvivpu all, and was exchanged at Sayan unit, and from there he came home ! Ke in pioneer in New Mexico, j ., ' . , wiiuinc here in lbou." and ' is ' a . .a,ni0(T niiri ol,ftin. BiHstic grand nrmy man. ' ; A.M. Skirey, late a private Co. H, 2d Nebraskt cavalry, is an old miuei from way back. He fiays the Storey Brothers have one of the bent mines in, the; Kingston, camp; although just beginning to produce, the boys my their prop- erty will yet make a noise equal t t lie best. They are whole-souled, - .R1Kjr yoil wallt'tobe well received, caj ut tjie sitey lirothers camp; M l)uys wjCKrimk frm the Bume .Huie(.M they wijj aivide tlie ilbt cracker. Capt Thomas Burn?, late acting muster of the Mississippi' squad ron, is u hearty, Muff olc. "sea dog." He made a record on til Miosis siopi river and on the Gulf of Mex ico during, the late 'unpleasantness.' e lia nlJ excellent mining prop- 1 juJgmeut u9 nu ex. stands his For any ln- foi'imdioii wanted regardimi min ing .properties in the camp at Kingston, hunt up Capt. , Burns. He is still "on deck." ' J. J. FlTZOEni.LL. Teacher.-"Yes, boys, 'honesty is the best policy.' It will surely bring its reward it will give you a clean conscience and will prove ! a blesinff thr.iii?hout vour whole ,ife; r nni fil(Ui we ,mve felXM ,,',. own number. , John Smith btand Up.".. A . , 1'' John Smith rises. ! ; i , , -T - , , T Teacher-"Now, Join, when I , . , ... was coming to scln ad this morning, , , . , , ., I linjxleued to dnj silver quarter otit of jay- pocket,,, without j the , , , , L V fdightest knowledge of the fact, h . , . ' llli YM, nnrr nil uiii-nu nun iinwic . J , 1 . ' ........ fK'V. reiui ned it to me Tell , the Iyys wliot prompted vou to douch J ,i,l an honor tble act, when you might have kept it for yourself." Jobti Smi ih "Please, sir. 'cause 11 v '4" ' Uu8ssian women are, reputed to - i f:t 1 Have eHeciaJiy pngerous, mciim ting eyes, j which ' show., a Tartar origia : They are said to be ex. trPni,J' neiruess ana vindictive wHr.Iti tlinse who yield to the K1 f bftrm ' their glaaces. -T? Under the Spanish system where rotirtahlu IS cam! on often Wlth- . , , . , riU..Bn u, hUjui,i.b m.-ie tangible than casting sheep's eyes. . ..;..i : .1. 1 nunuttiiiiui.ij i biiuwou. T-7- : . Subscribe for THE ADVOCATE. How a New York Cf p'talist Rpaid a Kindness. , The building itself is on the sit'i of the old , Washincton Hotel This hotel, by the way, .was built ' on the ground once occupied by the mansion of Nathaniel Prime, i i the Jay Gould'' of fifty years ago. It may be added,. ;pnrenthetically, 111 1 t- una same uanuer, I'rime, once when u-.poor young mun. went to a ! Southern planter on a visit a! the time to New York, and asked for a loan of five thousand dollars. ! "What' security can you give?" nsked the planter.' , ' The word of an honest man," ausweced Prime. . , The planter eyed him for an in stant and then replied: "Vou khall have it " ...Hi . ( This Bum gae Nathaniel Prime his great start iu life and he soon paid the debt. ' Years rolled on and he became the leading banner of the city. One day the planter, who had befriended him at the outset of his career, came to hire; in joverty and asked him for the loan of the same sum that he had . Imt Prime, so opportunely.' The bank er remembered him well but asked: . V.hat security can you give?' : "The word of an honest man," answered the , planter, eclu ing Prime's own words of years before "That won't do in Wall street," was the banker's reply . ( The "planter seemed dazed by such an answer and left without a word. The man who wns capable of such ingratitude tiad become a miser; a nionmauinc on the subject of money, and in his old itgo be coming iiir-nne in the midst of wealth over the thought that he might by some possibility die poor, committed suicide by cutting, his throat in his mansion that occu pied the site, as already stated of the present Washington building. -Ex. ,; . ' .,,' .... 1 . 1 ;Koctor called qii cholera patient, a German, and prescribed.,., Next day found patient well. t " Well " said the doctor, , "the medicine brought you out?'! r, "No, sir. I didn't take it.", ")Yhat did you take?" . '1 ate sour krout and turnip sauce." 1 ' ' 1 So the doctor wrote in his mem orandum, "Sour krut and turnip sauce good for cholera." ' ! I Next week another call. ' t Irish man this time. Presciibrd ' sour krout and turnip sauce. Next day called. Found Irishman dead. So he wrote opposite' the memoran dum: , "S)ur , krout and turnip Bauce good for a Dutchman, but doath to an Irisman." It is asked: "What can be bet ter than a woman with n cataract in her eye, a waterfall on her .head, a creek in her back, forty springs in her sji'rt, and high-tied smops?" And it is answeced' "Why, one with a , notion in- her Lead and swimming in tears." "Papa, are you growing still?" asked a young hopeful. "No, dear; what nukes you think so?" ' :' - i ' ; " "Because the top of youi Lead i3 coming through your hair. 7 A placard in a barber's shop wiudow announces "Boots blacked inside." ' But must not that te tery Dwl for tLd stockings? 1 ; 1 :-'.V - - 4