Newspaper Page Text
A it .V : - r ) ' ,,, , j , ,,-t , ; :r-r i-i- - - . i. - i ... -J 4-, r-tr-2 -r rf ---? -r -r 1 3 VOL. 2, Br, mintie, ,THE 6PFCULI8T, No. 11 KEARNEY STREET Sao Francisco, California Treats all Chronic. Tiivnte "anil Special Weart with ih? erftrfv i m r, f jl fb THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ,.1. Mil'? (I. iilili I I 1 1 I v ' $fS-'lire tuf eitUUl Del.ility, ExhauHt TOhhI Vitality, .Sell) faili. inTti Uc'HTcnPSs, ,; l?l, mill ilil II1U H'llH'li; ' cs'sP8vin matuVAVtirllu'cn ' iVr.wl tt nienxii-y, MUsTlftuljhrr VI ininsloif. "Vf.isWii frlf-Ht .Trit .C HrrnVft. of vision, noixi's in tho lieHil, t lie vi tal tl u ill ;i!siiij; .iVr,ivil ji tli urine, amJ iniiriy; :ot1ri'i'is'piie!.;!tfit. l(tto inritilTiii l iitli. y 1 Dr.'Mfnti, wlio !" k tig-illu; gitd totted jihysiciiinwiil itrcc to forfeit Tiqe If utulrful foIU.ri!)V'iV , this kind the Re.storaM ve (nil- J ilerhiu special' and nii'ilt) not, i?Mro()Jsf'ti',auyLJiirg iuijuut-'. t injurious fi)tiiid in it.'1 Dr. !fintip treats all priveat diseaseK (sypcesAil-, ly, without jiiercury.. .Gori!t)luiti'n free. A thorough exumination and Advice, inelMding ail' " analy-d ol uriie $5. 1'riee of Viral Jtentprav. tive, $5 a hvttl. or four 4inien the quantity, $10-, eu't to any address upon receipt of price, or COv'O. te- cure from (jb.servut,k)p, riv!ie name, if desired, br 'Ai'F'MINTlE, MTD." " . t f a t f ? Sr k i , I Sample Bottle, Free! 3 -f ij ? U . ' J i I ti Si .i 'Will -1)r Ikii't tr hfivoiic f)pplyi1ic;1. letter, st.itii.g syniptoins, sex and uc, tj'trict BciTCi-y in- regard to, lyisi- Dr. Jrintic'i Kidyey, Itomedy S'ei hretiepiw fttier't W'icind:,.'if KitlnCv and Bladder coinplaintH, Gonorihu'ii, Gleet, Le ii corrhce. For ale by all "Jniggiists;' $rilpttlc slx" b'6ltl';Mi Dr. Mintie'u Dandelion 1 ills are the be st a'l. J olieaperit: Pripep.iii nh Bi.liojLiajcurajfn ;;tlif 'niarkeftf PH cale by all druggists. j . , , ST- LOUIS, AND SAN FRANCISCO . 3 ' ' RAtMVAV. :o: St. Louif, Mo. -IJJJI Through Pullninn Palace Seeping Cars are now run ilnilv without chairge(bi-iwf en i Jnucis). Cala.,8HilSt: Loii..'jMo. over W 1 fJ thSAiitlirn lii to the ...Ji. The Atlantic and Pacific to Alhnr' phi? Pirn c , , querquc, N. M.tlieAtchison To ' peka Sauta -Fe'Sii'llaWrii!;';'0.. 1 Kbh.; the' St.' Louis fe'Sair ' - IrauciscQ Piailiro&d to . ; , Py tb is m there is only one cnnge , , ot Cars between the Pacific nnd ;t Atlantic coi-ts, wliich is fit it, ., Lt)UW. , Pasi.gors :for, St. , ,J :' ti:tT !! ! 'tarjUL " ' ' VIA. HALSTE'D KANSAS r i ,..,.,,,n.-v .. i . 'The Great TUrppwh ar Konte.'? . y. -.'.. PLEASE rsll Irpon lti Tikt Agnht and gn ; hiil particiiarst. Tr.nin iiavin thr.mph cur - i -A.1. I ... - t.-., , CO Tir nu Lm -.aaaea Aiimrnwrque uiim; ii -H: . a- C.W. R0CERS, T. P. d CJo. Mkb.. WISH ART, uim cDonnnnu UiLhdUUUUUUIlj at -'--v.,. - f-J? XOTICKS. NOTICE. IIHUhnro. Sirrra County Si"! II- It..-.. V.,.- MUvi, v'iciiii Pranon.:il will be roci-ivi-d at the fiflice of lhH'irk, of me County I'limnilHrnoii'-rM or . ,, fj.,,,,,1 T?i-pi. Krrnfr r-i--.irira county in UiiMioi-o until tin- Si Ii (lay of , tlOllt Ol a iJl I1IUI ill Pf , Ueei b l- Ucloli-r. lSi.. ( at twin ). tor c' i (t tnr Hie citij;.mJiii of ill" Mii'.'on roit'l from UiUp ViiM-y tot Horil-' via. Ii i li-0 iro and ll run :i . Th"r" ft; TJW.WXmu f ite ami i!i. (mtimf Hut. ImJI 4 Mufejhi &,' ; I - ..'I ll Sue. i. Til" WOlk W.ll ll-.t i" 1 1 1 1 1 1 U II ! Th' ..i!l' ol four ( 4 I hi Hi ,1 t., niti-1 in t"ii i 10 ) Ki.-l uunrmr-wf- C.i '.'l.l. I'll'' iriuiU' wid ho i"Htat)li-h"il by i HIM v -v nii'l frrad" Fiaki'fcl. The w irk will Ii" nil- (I to h tini-li it l $f,vviiil';f 1"!1 1-S5. r"(iiir in i lit- it ii .i in I .. m I'1 ' roiil-.,Mill I'll flioii llm fame i Te'mn'.i-l.ii.-ir. rcaor- tho nlu to ret 'y-J-'-' ! E. IITK. upS-lt i'hwirman Co., Com. - - 1J-W"1 - - fT J." C. EVWnHflr F. E. Eveif tt : Vhi, h'rJV itqtUl t tlut ixpt iW pl oiieXfl'0) bnnarv(4kllii'ri jn lubor unci iiiiirovcments upon tho " D in U:k Lode'' u- -iiiinf, in order to lioltl Mid:piwnl nirflhe provis ion o'eetiH" i;U4Rvie4-St.Uutet9 ol- tlioi initd. 'Xei,llwijili 'tt.: amount lei) u i ret 1 to hold llie tuiiiii for tife year oiriii Ueceniber 31st, 1881, and if within ninety Juvs from I he service!! of 'this notice by publi cation yon J'at or rofift") U V-0,,'tr'11? vour jircjporirim.Ufhiudi xfie'ndjtuiu hh ci-o tiei, your, interest in said claini; tv ill. become tho.j property of the subscrilior nntlcr Mtitl seclion 2324 , , O. K. SYDNEY, fJotice of, Forfeiture-v ' i i i j . i ii .. . Kingston,, Sierra County, , - V Territory (if New Mexico, 5 -ti M'tiii'i .Vr Vny 30th 1885. . yai ae herl-f iH'hl'nfil that I It aye exindeil ono (lf) ,'jindreU (J.dUrs m: labor and injpwiytioieiits upi tft PaMi"Or in fne ih r)t.lrli hbhrso 1 j'feiniHes under the provi-siuiie of sec tions 4, : Re vised .flat ues of the IT h i fed S UUcW be in jj "thd in uu a t ' i -quired to hold the same for the year ewing Depinii4.f aki8ji.,lnd if VHhrn' TifTietY' rlnrxfnim be aemces of this .notice by imblicatinn, you faVl' or refuse to ciintrilHite your pro- pftfori i'fif ich Jttfrditur; ? po oiVrt 5'otl r 1 n t e ret iV a-flitf-tifii n will beepme the property of the sub Kcrjber, under tnid rtection 2324. 'TO 2UK-"--Z ,0.cil.fFYDSEY? j fir rap VLIOTT, TfCKETT ct ELtlbiT, Attorkzys atLaw, Hillsboro,' : - ! New Mexico lWt iafstfS M That Terrilile Endemic. Fever and ague, shatters the most vigorous coiuuitution., and the after oftpoUof , tl,e 'alkaloid often ' tnken o W i;, are fccan-ety ie.s rierniCioilg. ' The bi The beat remedy, not arinl Ktrl.Lfn rt'l'l(li) alone in malarial stricken regions i rt'os'lif Sooth aiicllTentrnl Atner- I ica n hera'inalarial fevers aro :niost Vireralant and in.iiigaant ia HoUet- . . . ..... t. ' .1 :.i ter S fctomnen uiuers. lis reiitt-uiui anil preventive efFi'ftH as an opponent ..... t.- . . fl JcvcrS arc OWIHR, l US 'luniC. in lluencc . . , -, '. For laid by all DriigjiitJ and Dal- l!ASI frPur j r'i3 . r.tsk Kt.. . . . ..' oiebija miiutv. M M NflUFMRFR 01. i RSt; VJIIIIUl UUWI1 I I I . Ill IVIkHVl . J f (, MV J. j , yy "Doing Up a Husband."' v - ; : "... "' " . ,'), . J . , ( The other evening a policeman noticed a woman of respectable ap- pecrance walkiim up and clown in loon, us if waiting for Honicbouy inside, and ho finally accosted her with: "Do you wish to see anyone in -there-?""- -.----i-iil.'-:'.- "1 should remark!"' was her I " j I - ' r , . .. , prompt reply. , t "I've got n .hua 'rnd iu tlifre who is fooling away money that Ought to be Bpent in clotnes' for our children." - ' ''And what are you going to do?" ;, "Jn the first' placei'l want to get him outside. In the. pex,t plicer I don't want you around here ; when he c6tnei out. James is sometimes buck ward .about' coming forward, mid 1 may havo to adopt heroic measures.". . . t , . , '"How will you get dim out?'..,. Just then a boy whom she had apparently met before and posted came up anXshe baal to him. , "Now you go in ' quietly and whisper to him that there's a; man out here -who wants to Imy htsdog. Ha H got titoO dogand that'll bring him. .Officer,. you, go on!" (' ,"( The boy weut in and the officer paseed ou to iu doorway. It wasn't a minute before the man and the boy cunio put of the saloon, and the man' looked tip and .down acd said: "Where's the chap who wants to buy my dog?" , "ller he" r&!" replied his Wife as .she got between him tnd the door. "Henry, come home with mel" "i won'tl" i i "You shall l'V , t I "You go buck home and wait for me! You've no business following me nrouud!" "Will you come?" . "Ko!"., , , , . -" The officer saw a rush and a strugaric, and two dark bodies roll ed in tho gutter,, but before he could reach the scene one dark body gasped out: , "Let up on me and I'll go moine with you!" "I knew you . would!" nnswered the other, as she jerked him to his feet.: .;....;, ; And Iheu three dark figures moved eileutly and ghostdike ,up the avenueall walking iu.the mid dle of tho road. One was the man ! who wanted to sell his ! $50 dog. j The other uis, , the woman who j wanted to buy it.;, -The rthjr I was ,l ii: . .J Yii.t.14 'J ' 'It tue woy who iib'.i nci-eu hp . cut r ; lUiu! h "t irga'u.'tis "bo 'f iVodgl t! r -tire .Jif ot '"UieproCeiifioii. Detroit til of i t' . r'.... .. ... i A rcDent fti'ticrifyjn the New Yrork H'tirld relf.tfsof a liostonian woith $20,000,000, that he habituully rides j in the rear sent of '.the car to and , from his surbuibnn home, so as to nave irrtej-eston t'" cr faro 'y l)e" tfiiithe last 'one for the conductor a- - t v Hi 'jji.. mi iu rytcn. 'i ! ili'l! tHitra wVlnership with the'j'Witig maii spoken ot in Itul 3ftxrlr.x?S k'i devout at ft&s.y'&fljjfc yeMbat he '. . . .... irjnj.neciasijw ui'iuiua rw.i .ui f. the contrioution uox nns passeu him. Now that the shop girls In Lou don ara weiariug the Lair cropied Bliort, society has taken to wigs. : S-1frcrlU fcr T'i:r Ar.vfk.AT2. . Samuel l-'razer, -according to the New York Herald, lifted a barren waste of BiTioke-colored ' intellect above the Jefferson market police court railing and lookod sadly at Mrs. Frazer, who was pointing at a lump as big as a doughnut on one chocalate-tinted cheek which she said Samuel's fitl had raised there. The magistrate looked incensed. ."Frazer, you and your wife wero here ov?r a year ngo.Tr7T , "IWdi." ' ' ' : ' "Slie was stouter and more ro bust then?" 1 ' "Yesaih." ; "She was less careworn?" . "Yessah." . , ' . I "She was yourger and more kindly looking?" .' ' ' ' '' .' "Yessah." . ' "' " ' "Yoy'ie the cause (if this." "Y'es'sah, I'm 'sponsible for mar- ryin' dis 'ooiuau Do . udder' tin you means dona gone dead dese ten muiis." , . . .-. : . . , "What? Taken another for bet, ler or worse in that lime? . Well, you ought to be satisfied." . . ) -."I am satisfied, yo 'onah,'' 6aid Samuel, solemly. "Dis un's wups." , a . A Surprised Young Man. A Jioston mau residing nt th Highland, havina succeeded in saving quite a sura of money, re solved one evening last week to go in quest of nmnsement. He found it, and reached homo in the early hours of morning in an inebriated only to disearn by li's hedoide the stern visage of his father. ' ,' ..." ' "Whore is the child you have seceetecliu this room?" the latter asked. f r m , . . . . .'t ', Cv this tune.ithoropglly rjuis- ed, putly b'y asloiiTsLmept catised by, the ' question, be . jfaltered, "What child?" ; ' .''There is no use denying i, re plied the old gentleman; 'I idis tinctly heard the voice of a 8tnall child coining from thin room."" At that instant tho voice of a baby, coming directly from the eido of the young man, was heard. Horror ttfuefc. he tiickly Jturnexl dowp thebed eiotjiVf whf'ii the fortif of Ii diild t acditJ six Jnonths old was brought to light The old gentletnaiv-ftttei-ajiquiiing about hia son's wheieajjouts the previous eVenmg,- ient the lnlantJ lo tno home pu.arlon stfeet. The young n ) an , i t ni a.Y Je sa i; 17 was u tun a r- ried, and was ignorant as to thtj manner in which he' 'obtained the child, but had u faint recollection of placing something in bed on his arrival Iiome. " ITo""lias "left ' bif drinking, having feigned the pledge He Bay tluit it is -bajl enough to pee snakes when' he 'gets drunk, but when he finds himself in pos session of a baby, then it is time to leave offdrinking. Boston Herald. An English scientist snys the earth's surface is slowly changing, aiuf what is' a valley "to-day may lliflift mmintjiJn n.' million venrs ) A man who: contemplates erecting u residence in tlio valley should remember this, and bo pre pared to find" his hnuse on the top of a high mountain iu the year 1,001,83.1 Ex. Turkey is popularly supposed to to o, aud, yf 4nphappjr wqnieiia yet there re no old maids tbirfH . , Mary Anderson says tho first thintfishff ever play-nl-was "hooky" ornkenH from his uluniliers, ; fro bf hool. . NO. 33 1 What a Small Boy Did With a Nickel: ; Two little Upper Maine street' boys are laying siege to the heart ' of a wee damsel who sits on the front seat at the primary school, and wh is dividing .her attention between both of her admirers, who are dead tn love.. A funny thing ; was that which one of them did one day this week. . Hid pupa, gavo him a iiTcfcel f or being boy 1 1 t-di;la t buy cundy, although that was the original pleiTDywliicli ho bbtained the nickel. "Not at' all. He "went over poste haste k to the abode of Ins littlo laJyimd . gave jher 'the money en condition that she would hold his hand! and his hand . alone on the way to school the uexfc duy., The trade was struck, and. the licit morning the "programme was car ried out. ; The fond 'mother of the littlo Miss saw, as the ' result of this secret transaction, oue tearful little' boy in a blue blouse waste1' Bkirt weepingbitteiMeurs over the front yard feucc, .while, down (tho elreet, iu, proud consciousness of having euchered adreaded. rjval marchpd the other boy. hand in hand with the little girl. lioOi were called- back-,-nrid 4t-ws a loss joyous trio that j next went - up the street-'! The father has great hopes of his boy w ho. struck the bargain. Lewistou (MeJ) Journal. : : i A"S6lemn Question. '"':;' t jt :.,-M.J, i ,. ;....,. A distinguished Boston divine of unusually solemn, anuV impress ive appearance went out to a coun try town uot long t.'go to lecture. He arrived early- in the afternoon, nnd all the town, of course spotted hiru within five minutes as a very saintly man. : " 1 , - -i-b He went into a drus-btore, ; and, in tones that froze the blood of the young clerk behind the 'counter, said:' :-" .'.:'' ::-i ; 1 Young-man -lo-you-smoke?" i.l"Y-7-:yrB.Bir,,rreaid' the tremb ling clerk'Trn sprry,' but t Jearn ed the habit young , and haven't beeu able to quit it yet," , ' "Then," said the great' divine, without the movement oF a mnsclo or the abatement of a shade of the awful solemnity of his voice, "can you tell me where t can get a good cigar?" Boston Record. ' . Judge Henderson is evidently a man who .understands liis ' busi ness. His charge . to the grand jury at Hillfctioro indicated that" he lie uad not only nan previous ex perieuca but that he will make ono of the best judges tho territory has wtr liftd. v Hriljoa-lif feJ--t!ie -reU. . from some of the- corruption of Sierra county and there can bo but little doubt but that he will do, the same thing next monlh in this conhty. .' Tho practice of officials taking money in lieu of. bringing indictment against parlies for va rious offenses will:, bo -carefully looked into und. it is expected that there will be some very interesting developments iu the ; course of, tho investigation. Headlight. Ad exchange says that n, folded newspaper placed under the coat in the small of the back is an ecel lent substitute; for aa overeoat. Now is. tho time to subscribe. Evansville Argus, . . r ,. A Connecticut' girl who :only weighed fivo pounds when the wca horn is now I t ynra old ond tips tLe tenia tt 3CHJ, . ,