Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, NOV. 21, 1885. Th Governor, in accordance with tbeuaual custom, has issued a proc lamation to the people of the Terri tory, calling upon them to set apart Thursday the 20th of November, as a tiny .f Thunksgiving, and prayer for the many blessings we have enjoyed in thepxst, and closes his request in the following language: "Let secu lar employment be discontinued.and prayer" iiitf praTseThTilsicnsnd "miitlf, feasting and dancing characterize the day, expressive of gratitude for the benefactions of the past, the joy of the present and hopefulness of the future." 'MMMMBBMWBII Sierra county always gets the first put at new judges. Dou't you think it n(e)iee? Judge Henderson says thai when a man has his bands op and w gun pointed at him, it looks like an arrest . Our new District Attorney, S. M. Ashenfelter, is an old 'print.' See how we rise. The power of the press will show itself. He got there. Don't take us for im oyster, .Brother "Op.' because yon found . us on the half-shell. Did yon take ih for a 'geese' because we tried to fly? Ferdinand Ward has been enn teuced to imprisonment for ten years in Sing Sing. The latest report is to the effect that he is all "stove up." , Banking and photography go hand-m-hand. The New York banks now employ a special pho tographer to take uegitiyes of any auspicious parties Who may pre sent check? for payment. ' J J-JL.-'-"jl L Judge Henderson has expressed himself well pleased with . the or der and good behavior of Sierra's peoplo. lie thinks they are posi tive men, ol few words, and quite Micro wliAn flirt piiha ml Id for it. They tell a straight sioiy, nnd hit the nail on the heud every clatter. The kind mention made by Pro. Kistler about the Advocate com ing out on the half-shell, is - appre ciated. There is always a reuson for such a crime. Some ' of our subscribers, who are in poor health, could not stand a double 'close in one week, and a feeling of consid eration prompted the act It was courtesy prompted us to send our exchanges, aud while there are some who would prefer whole-shell, yet some are so afflicted that half is enough. True, we came out a little one-sided," but' this week' have" broken out all over. The grand jury found an indict ment against Thomas Brandon and A. McKelvy, charging them with being implicated in the Lady Franklin ore stealing. The charge being, "For having concealed " stol en property, knowing it to be bo." Upon the evidence given before the court by T. F. Chapman and Ed. Doouttle, it was shown that about August 17th, a sack of ore was stolen from the Lady Frank lin mine valued at $383.50, aud found secreted in a carral in Hills borough. The reporter could not understand whether the charge re ferred to the above mentioned 6ack, or other ore aid to have been stolen. The defendants were ably ' represented by Messrs. El liott Pickett & Elliott and the Territory by the uew District At torney S. M. Asnenfelter. The judge charged the jury to bring ii a verdict for the defendants, there being no grounis to snetin the jditre. . . T i in imiii pi iraiwt m wmm WILLIAM S, STANDISH, Proprietor. (PRESCRIPTIONS CARF.Fl'I.LY COMPOUNDED.) Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Confectioneries PtJRE LIQUORS FOR lriLLSBGliOUGir,- Juic Henderson haB decided the case of Wade vs. AshenfeJter, alter a long and lenrned argument by all parties, in favor of, ,4V C. Wade; holding that the Governor has not the right to remove or sus pend. The judge has shown him self to be a hard student and well read in law, and the short time he has had to read the New Mexico statutes, proves the fact that he is a hard worker. The Sunday Law stiould " be re pealed, ns the enforcement of it makes a great hardship upon all parties. There is much to be said for and against the justice of let ting it remwiu on the statute books, and at some' other timo we will discuss the points. The District Attorney cannot be censured for corrying out the laws ns laid down, and we hope the next legislature will be composed of men who will exercise reason on this as well as a few other points of interest to Sierra county. 1 ua aott popunr wea)Kiy nowapaiwr um. to ac lanea, machas u, engi arrt j og jUaroaariea. m vanliaan and patenta arnr pobliahaa. Evary Bum Iwr illualrat.d with ipltndid inrnion l;i pnbhMtionfurnialitmanoHY1utblsmcjdMd nt Informal ion which no prnn should Iwi aitbout. Th pitularilr ol tha HciKinrio Amfbican it auch that iu circulation noiirl, riiuala that of all other napara of ita alaaa combined. Friea $120 a Jaar. Uiacoiint toC'loba. hold by all newnjealcri;. 1UNN CO., Publiahera. No. 361 Broadway, N. V. aappax jaBBM Munn o. nara Mai o.sKgr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB prautic befora tha Patant Offlca and hara praparad mora than On Hundred Thou- nd aiiplicatium Iiir iiatvuta in lb a Coiled btata and for.inn omintnra. I AHMiajniUKOl". " ' i-' V" laaeurina to inantora hir rihta in tha B .. . wt. . . ... L' I . rl Vn.M . . . A -I 1 .ikM il..ra Inm Ivniiaa maiaa, v auaui., i--ai""'. . Germany and othnr forma-n countriaa, pre paid at ihorl nntica and on raatonable Wrmi. Information aa to obtaining: iatenta cbaar fullrrivaa without eoarga. Hand-booka of tnronau aautin am. -r - " Amariran frw). Tha adantaa of anch joticj la wall uodnnituod bf all paraona wbo wiah todia Boae of thair patanta. Addraaa MUNN it CO. Offlca BcaHTIFIO Ajiiajca, Kl Uroadwa, tw urk. . ... f . . .4 . . i a K.i.nhhn MILWAUKEE, WIS. GEO. W. PECK, tor and Proprietor. The Funniest Paper in America. What Vaccination is to Small-pox PECK'S SUN is to the blues. PECK'S SUN Is one of the most widely read and popular papers in the rountry to-day, and stands without a peer in its specialty Tha Originator of lha Olrbratcd IA1 1V 1A11II. SPECIMEN COHES FREE To Any Address. Bear in mind that by sending , a Postal Card t( this office, v SAMPLE COPY OF PECK'S SUN Will he mailed you Free. DOU'T KSllieT TO tlHD AT OKCt AND TIX TOC1I mikllOM TO. $1" ortii or rvn roB 1c A DURESS GEORGE L LORD, Koa-n-aa Masafar, . MILWAUKEE, 'WIS. Si Articles, Fancy Goods, Stationary, and Cigars. . ' MEDICINAL PURPOSES- NOTICE. Notice is hereby civin, that the unclaimed lots, tracts and parcels of land,, and the improvements thereon, situated within the Town site of Hillsboro, County of Sierra, Territory of New Mexico, having been duly appraised, and said ap praisement duly tiled. Now, there fore in accordance with law and authority iii me vested, I the un. dersigned, President of the Board of Trustees . of . the town of Hills borough, in said Sierra county, do hereby give notice to all whom it may concern, that each'and every one of said unclaimed lots, tracts and parcels of lands, together with the improvements thereon, will fe offered foi sale at public vfdueto the highest bidder for CHsh, at the public office of the Hillsborough Hydraulic Mining Company, in slid town of Hillsborough, on the 16th day of November, A. D. 1885, between the hours of sunrise and sunset. J. W. Ellis, G. M. Fuller, Sec'y. President of the Board of Trustees of the town of Hills borough. County of Sierra, Territory of oct 24-4t " New Mexico. J. MORRIS YOUNG, ........ Attorny-'Vt.-Law. Hillsborough, -' New Mexico. Final Proof Notice. 'Land Offce at Las Cruces. ' Nov. yth, 188-3. Notice i. here given that the fol lowing named settlers have tiled no tice of their intention to make final proof in support 01 their respective claims before the Clerk of the Probate Court, at Hillsborough, N. M., on December 19th, 1885. Corpio Chavez, on Declaratory Statement, No 1223, for w 1-2, s w 1-4; w 1 2, n w 1-4, sec 9, tp 14 s, r 5w. Witnesses:. G. M. Tomlinson, Judson E. Strong, Wm. F.Hall and Felix Gonzales, all of Sierra county, N, M. Harry Goodrich, on Declaratory Statement, No. C59, for s w 1-4, 8 w 1-4, e 1-2 s w 1-4, sec 30, n e 1 4 n w 1-4, sec .31, tp 14 s, r 4 w. Witnesses: G. M. Tomlinson, Win. F. Hall, John North and Judson E. Strong, all of Sierra county, N. M. John R. McFib, noV 14-5t Register. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mar vfl of purity, strength and whole eonionss. More economical than the ordinary Ivindu, and cannot be an! it in rvtmntitinn mitlv tfiai nuilti. ' --f - tude of low tat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY IN TIN CANS. . .Royal.Bakin Pew, derCn.'.iot? ttu1?St.;'Niw "York." ' ) royal, ftwii! City Ticket Office at Corner of Old Central Hotel. Has the Best Eating Houses, Best Track and Cars of any Other Line out of El Paso. Always on Time. ' .. '' ' ' . Kansas City, St. M)uls, Chicago, " l I- la I pnia, nasningion AND ALL POINTS F. C. GAY, w. F. WHITE, Gen., Passenger and Ticet Agt, Topeka, Kansas. Galveston, Harrishrg and i Antonio Railro?i: The Original "SUNSET" and "STAR AND CRESCENT" ROUTE, The True Southern Pacific. AND POPULAR SHORT LINE EAST. ' . .' ! . 1 VIA. SAN ANTONIO AND NEW ORLEANS. PUIiIiIVZAKr PALACE CAR From El Paso to New Orleans Without Change.. ONLY ONE CHANGE OF CARS TO St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville, Cincinnati, Baltimore or Washington. Trains leave EI Paso for Houston San Antonio, New Orleans and all Points East at 2:15 A. M., Railroad Time. 1:20 A. M., City Time. For information regarding Agents of the G. H. & 8. A. Railway System. -a ,. A. D. SHEPARD, H. C. LOGAN, : Ticket Agt, El Paso, Texas. Western Pas'r., At. El" Par T. W. PIERCE, G. P. A., Houston, Texas: ' -' And All Points in . ?, ? Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona and California- Favorite Line tp XToart3aoastr ovi-bh-oat. ftiThe Great Popular lloute Between the"H , . . EAST AKTD THE WEST Short Line to NE W OULAKS. . , . ... 7 Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars DaMy between St. Louisi For Worth, Deming, Dallas, El Paso, Marshal and New Orleans"; WITHOUT CHANGE. Solid Trains from El Paso to St. Louis. Fast time, First-class equip ment, Sure connection. , ' ' See that your ticket reads via. the Texas & Pacific Railway. For Maps, Time Tables, Rates and all required information, call on or address, ..... U. V. McCULLOUGH, L. HOXIE, . Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt., Third Vice-President, w v, Galveaton, Texas. St. Louis, Mo. RAILROAD. "ALL THE TEAR" Trains Run on Mountain or Standard Time. Stage Connoctions. Via. VYingate to Zuni Indian villages and Savoia, N. M. Via. Holbrook to Snow Flake, Taylor?, Snow Low, Fort Apache, Erastus, St. Johns, Springerville, and the Moqni Indian villages. : Via. 'Winslow to Brinham City and Sunset, A. T. Via. Ash Forkl Daily Stapes to Prescott, 54 miles; Daily Stage from Prescott to Phoenix. Try-tYeekly Stages from Prescott to Fort Verde. -. Daily Stages from Kingmam to Mineral Park, Stookton, Fort Mohave, Mo have City, Hardyville and Signal. Daily Stage between Peach Sricg? AND1- 'V: THE GRAND CANYON OF THE. COLORADO. Only Eighteen miles from Peach Springs. Via. Th Needles Steacat to Vuma, Colorado River Agency,. Fort Nohave, Mohave City.- 5 Hardyville, Arizona, and Eldorado Canon, Nevada. . F.W.SMITH, W. C. DENNISON, ' General SuperintenaeoL ' Gen. FreighV and Pass.' - - -' ' .. .'. ' '. W C. NLXO vg3t, Albuquarque, N. M. -., 0" TRAVEL TO , ' ' New York, Boston, Phi -L1 a General Agent, El Paeo, Texas. C. L MIXER, Local Agt, 1 P?o. Pates, Time etc., call or address the 71