OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, November 28, 1885, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1885-11-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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i. it it
VOL 2.
HO. 39
Dr. Hlintio,
fir. 'I
San Francisco, California.
Treats all Chronic, Tiivate
derful success
i,.... nVr.rol f ' N
Jlttssas Ol 0(u.
I., 1 ! -J J ...
IB H lieVel; lilllli
eiii-r for ivvous
nTlrS 1 ity- Ex 1,nust
r,:?LZ'A?T. f.ru... l.'MJn ififii
kt?-vaYi';i Imnotenev. Pur -
ysis, anil all the terrible effects oi'
elf abugti yithfijl, , fijlll'ftid ex
cesses in niaturp years-fibch' as "loss
of nieiioryJ lassitfUle, ' nnctnrnal
mission, evasion to Boefoly, (InifiHss
of vision, noises in the head, tho vi
tal fluid passing urfobKftrtiat.fiii'.'the
urine, and many otlief 'dij-Paojj "llinf 1
lead to'Mi6,aj4alv and lefltlfi: . ..if
Dr. 5lliVle,"vli6 is it -"regulST grnd-'
us ted pliyitian, yiii gree to ijil'eit
Fiqe Hundred Dollaw for a fuse of
this kind the vital liest,orative (llH.
er his special advice and tteatincnt')
w ill npt cureiJtrr-J'or anjthingilnp'iir;4
or lnjnriiiiis found in it. Dr. Jiinfie
treats all priveat' di.eatca succefisCul
y, without ' mereuYyi , ConHiltation
free. , A, tiiorouh examination and
jidvice,"' lnchidinj; ;lti' 'anafyf'fs 1 of
urine $5. 1'rice of Viral' Kest'ora'-'
tive, a boitUj.jorrfoup times the
qantily,'$lU; nt io 'any address
upon1 receipt tif price, or 0. O. Dse
cure from observation?1!!)! in piivato"
IS if? 14 i )
.Sample Bottle; Frod h
:t 5 i A i 5. Si Is,
i i!l lie KCiit to anyone npi.dvint; by
;tter; stating ayinptoms, sex and age
rrrioevretv-Ml rugurd to iillvbusi-
r.ess'trnnsactlohsr ' ' - !- :s-'
Dr. Miutieu Kidney Remedy Nej
hrfitiettin ures'airpiiiO'i , uf yice
and Bladder complaints, Gonorrhoea,
Gleet, Eeucorihoj." For sale "by -: all
Wruggiets;. $1 a. lott!f'six bottles for
- - .
.r-y;. !,:o
Dr. , Mintie's Dandelion Pills are
ib test arid cheapest Dyspepsia find
Billions ewr in ilia , market.';
iialc by all druggists. . ; .
-M (ZTt2X(7E OV CA ns-
. "' ?. t r"."
Stwf f a San FriM Uto, Calllorikla, and
St. l.ouls, Mo.
Through Pullman Palace Sleeping
iars are now run daily witbout
change btetoiiSan lT?uoiwo j
Cala,and.St Louis. Mol over
the Sdnth'erif Facifi tti tLA
The Atlantic and Pacific to Albu
querQue, N., M .; the Atchison To
peka& Santa Fe to Halste,a(l,
Kas.; the St. Louis & Sun "
Fraaiciscor Railnoad to , -
T3y this lice there is only ope ehanpft
ot Cars between the Pacific and
'It'n.r.tic cnfiH'which at vSt.
Louis. ' Passengers for ;St
' Ijonis and all Eastern '
Citiesrshoul J buy tlteir tictets-r
Awn St. Lows &! S,ii .Fhawjsco Hrj
' The Great Through Car jCoute."
' V ' ' :'" . ,' . ; ;
PMASE oJf upon' tea f'tck'-t AijTit in a get
fall p.irtifu)rvTj3jn baving iliroujrli cr
for tit.1 Lon!t Ituiici AilwqiiTqu l)ally at
C1 . W. ROGER?, D : WISH A R T,
V, f. Mutt, -f ,Gfn'l Pi s,
it.- iiiP. V
.'OTIClS.' r' ; '
Hi I! shorn. Hiorrg Comity, )
... -( !.. .i ini,mili latlUl' I
.... .... r. lIST-TYi
ill bo ri-ci-iv. il ut tlieoihrp
'oMllt? Clnrli Irf'flW 0
ou ii I v OoiiiuiiwMniii'r or
.ii'irn i-oiintv in lIiilH!i;ri) imril tin? full iluy or
O't'ibfr. 1 H Li. ( hi noon ), f.r chiiijIhIiiij; tlio
txtKNl.'urltim'iif'.tlit' v ii'!H roui'. ftinn l.nke ll--y
' 111
in. i
tfU'liliiri'!,' in. (I ul-iim-n ,'iuit !!rr.ii'.-u. I Her
nHlic ftu ,.. th,, M U at &,tumh.M
thefouiU hac. 'I'll.' work will In' cilniii a
,.i-j.1i. fur mud !('(J on 1 lie fill" Hi Iimr I 4 ) lull
Thi-MUtl'l"iljiu b.'li'ii i 1)iVii (.! mi. I of
-ettrf-tmhu.TU'- i r ,'h- in' oil. illi-li'-l tij'
Mirvv ami m.ul. ,i.ik r--i.T:- -v-.Tir-HTn -br-ri-.j
11 1 r.- ! I) fl-.'Mi-ii i.-. ..e.ubtt ii.ti 1ts."i.'
(in llic U.Mli fi.i. "I S-p'"Hil..'r-1rt:ii'.'ili'iiie
In n i' I Ii mil. i t nil Iki Ui .t llji; -uisi'i.
'1 in! ' 'iiiiimiiioutiii! n.'s.TVJ I IH' rtjjlit to tejvt
any ami nil 'i .a. ."i , ' ' ' ;
5-4t t'luiiriiiiiii Co., Com.
- ': Notice.df iFocf-fitures, J
Territory of New Mexico,
'To'C. Evans and F. E. Everett j':t
fon Hro-'hetcby iH'Uficdtbut I have
c.xpeiHica oneirroi'j ituikhu uixihu
in labor and improvements upon tho
'?Jmick Ivodo" ot iuinein order to
Hfild- said pveniiss' under t ba pin is-
iontif efction 2'YH lU-v-weii StautgsJ
Yr( the lAnlod States,, ,ruOlS tli()
amount required to bold the auu
fiir il io, ,ycr en di og ' I)i3'iii bor 3J st,
18S4, aud if within ninety days 'from
the services 7if 'thi. nolice by publi
A.'trion you fail orrij'iise toooutrib.iUe
yotn- proportion of sucb. expeuilitUij?
as , co-owiiern, .-your jnferest iu said
Claim ; will become the'. pv.ipicity of
the subscriber under ' said section
2824 : O. ii. fiYUNEV. -'-
Notice of Forfeiture-n ,n
Kingston'. Sierra County' 4
, , Territory of XeV Mexico,
..'. .'I -U "pliyr'Spith 1885.
' f To Jr'a'Jlyaiis aiul T.' E'.'EVcTOIt,'
you ar(J. beley niitfiied tlut' I hive
expended pr,tf(10p) :lnjiidred dollars
in labor arid Improvements i pon the
'Paris or mine in'oviKr tfi hold iiJ
premises'uu'der the provisions of sec-
tiona ,2'J'4:h Revised StatU' of the
VniM';Mn'f.e,' WinrllVe'KnioUiit' r?-
J quired to Hold tne same lor ine year
-. i- i . i .. oi nno i i.:r
vUhui tiinety diiys front tbtmAtvices
oC this , notice by publication, you
fliil'or refuse to 'contribute your pro-
jmrtiotiPbfl 8iiclL Expenditure nj co
owner, "y'fidr Interest in'- n'id 1 rlnim
Will; become the property of the mib
sa'iber, nder said section 2.'3-1.
?' S " ' : , SYDNEY. !!
EL1.10:rT, riCKETT i 'ELLIOTT,'
Attorneys-at-Law, '
New Mexico'
" - ' I
Terrible Endemic.
Fever and ague, shatters the most
vigorous constintion and the alter
effects Of the alkaloid often taken
to arrest it, quinine, are scarcely less
pernicious." ' The best remedy, not
afone tn malarial stricken regions
tn Klifttffjfcntiivcs c Iwt alT-in t hose
ibrtio'iis'of iomliand Oenral Amer
ica where malarial fevew fcre-r most,
prevalent and malignant- is.lIo"tet
ter's rtomacJi Pittex. IHj remedial
and preventive effects as an opponent
of fevers arc owing to its i tonj .'. in-;
fluence. ... s
For sale by all Dnig'?!i nl t)ik.
i i&'&BiK)
;bti nejai iSl
l.MKLLlO'tN'T ItlltDS. , ,
Hunters : Iloldinjr Their Own with
Sun Frmicisco Call.
"Dove shooting will bo good, this
neasoti,',' said ft Montgomery utieet
gnu-de.'iler, yesterday. "We aro
Belling loU of a.niuuition, fur tb
season opened, as I, suppoiio you
arii aware, June lst-",!
v "roting larkti aro ; pretty good
hooting, too," remarked a cu&toiu
er, "audlhere.'are lots of 'em about
1 got two dozen yesterdny
"The lark is u cute bird," said a
grave looking gentleman: with
Scar on his face. "They Jjnow most
everything' Now', vhen one fetuits
out ufter the young .birds, (the old
ones will go ahetd of hirli, and Bort
of Jure him "away I :remeinber
one day in particular, I wus iafter
young larks, and oh old bird came
and within ten yards of me.
waited for him to risa to shoot, but
he would not stiry and let ue tjet
close enough to catch i Jiiin iu my
hand.' , 1 call that pretty; ctite. J
was so tickled that I let him go.
and didn't have the heart to bhoot
another lark that thiy."
i "The cock quail i will do pretty
much the same,'' feaid the first
speakei'j ( 'T have had h cock quail
go a few yards before the doc and
entioe him away, fr.oiU' the brood,
getting him off '.a few hundred
yards before he rose."
, "Yes, that's so,'" ' 'fisen'teti the
man vith ih(j scar; "the quail (is
very craity bird. 1 have known
'em to do things that -one would
scfucely believe ,uuloss they taw
'oiu Sometimes I am afraid to
tell them for fear people would say
I -was noi truthful."
' "O'b C right ahead," said tho
gun-dealer. " W'a all , Ino w : you
iaere, and we are sure you wouldn't
state any thing that whb not so."
The man with the scar took but n
match and whittled it down to help
irhfl nloJg with his story:- "i was
out' one' tiny last yedrj" he- feaid,
"just at the beginning of the sea-'
sou. My brepchloader was out of
gear, and I was shooting an old
percussion gnn. 1 canao on a bevy
of quail, and the dog was ahead,
working steadily.. They got up,
I threw my gun .to my shoulder,
and just as 1 was going , to lire a
dark object flew betweeu. rue r and
the game. It discomposed me for
a second, but I pulled trigger all
tho same. 'The gun did not go off,
and when examined it I saw that
there were no cups pn tho liipples.
This puzzled mi ft I bad , capped
them carofully,,and -the caps'were
exact filtiu'.' 1 putj.oni' ia. brae f
cups, aud nioved along,-,. The dog
came again !to poi'ut. I 'liiikhed tho
bevy when the same tiling ; occurred
again. Tin drtikol'jfct flew across
me, and the h;unuiers came down
without exploding tha pidce. Then
1 knew how it whs,; nud Cliere was
no wore astonished -' nyvri in ie
stute of California tlTat da-. I cuu
tell y'ou,'! aiid thoVroboiituftr thrw
aside his-jnacl pi6kexl out a v flesh
on.-, und wLit'lIod'awyfn silence.
"5Te'lirJuit 'nfM ft?rt askod tjm
gun-d'pjtllrl 'by ljddltith gim
go og? s y iS
with the scar. , "That, dark object,
sir, was tho cock quil, and as ho
flew 'across me he picked the cap
offtunipplos of tho gun," ahd ha
of tho scar gazed defiantly at his
auditory. ' There was a pamf ul si-
lencb jor-a few miuenlW. Thd gtta-.
dealer trilled, nervously with the
pistols in the phow-case, and a man
who was having a "gun . rosighted
brought it , to r Lis .shoulder and
looked at tlio ecar-taceu person
across the barrels.
i , "Jle picked p the caps, did he?"
said a little fellow in a hunting
coat. "Well, "that was pretty smart,
sure enough. It reminds me of one
day when I was , duek-shooting at
Bridgeport. The birds flew pretty
well in the forenoon, and 1 worked
so hard that at lunch time I was
fagged out.' 1 took a nap after
feeding, and when I woke up the
deuce a cartridge but sit was left
in the case by my hid. Some fel
low has been nipping my ammuni
tion! I thought. I'll ' just ' ' 'sham
sloep, and perhaps I'll catch bim.
I half closed my eyes and In a few
minutes I heard something stirring
close alongside me. I threw my
arms out rapidly and caught the
thief, and who do you tiiink it was?
You could not guess if you were to
try for a month. 'Twas an old
mallard drake, sir. He ripped tho
shells one by one and sunk 'em in
a pond ju:t behind ma. Aud the
won't of it was, he'd mistaken my
whisky-Husk for the powder-horn,
and that was gone, too. Now, I
call that 'pretty ell ver for a , , inalk
"I'm sorry I ain't keeping an in
sdiie asylum," .said the'gnn-dealer;
'you follows would bd trotttjd : cint
as the prize lunatics, but aal ain't
and only selling powder aud phot
and guna and fishing tackle for a
liviug,and as I don't want to have
my place' mobbed, I you'd better
withdraw, and let rne attend to
business, liut before you; go, if
j'ou should happen ou to any" quail
or duck like the ones you've beeu
telling of send 'em in to me to
stuff, please. And give me notice
the next time you start iu on the
yarn lay, for I'd like to get some
gun rags in my ears. I'ishcrman's
lies, indeed! There ain't a fisher
mau in tho state that yon-fellows
can't beat out," and tho man of
guii3 retired behind his counter
and hnmmercd away viciously at a
dented barjrel. ' tt ' i "(
i .! -J i
The, Hut I'iplpdo'1,
"Speaking of nitro-glycerine,"
said Dr. Iioberts, tle oil torpeilo
man, to a gioup ot ' irgisiaiorjsj m
Warren the other day, "and its ex
plosive droperties renunds me of
one incident of a thousand that I
could relate regarding it. At ' the
factory where the oil well torjxuloes
are made we strain the nitro-glyo-
enne tlirough the crown of afelt
hat, and when the. hat has served
its purpose wc destroy, -it. One
day some of the woikraen, instead
of destroying' the hat, 'washed it
thoroughly and treated it with al
kalis in order to destroy the effect
of the nitro-g1ycerine Some two
years afterward one of the men
ran aerosn the hat, apd his, .curios
ity was excited as to whether it
would 'explode - if ktruck' ' a bard
blow, lie placed it on ono of the
iron artoti tiiat sun out from the
tinner's bench in tho factory and
struck -it, while his companions
looked on; in-wonderment.) He
struck it twiee without any result,
but the' third time it expoded, blew
the iron arm through a brick wall.
Kbckd t!e man'down and broke
both of his arms, and wrecked the
interior of the tiu fchop." Ex.
Banking on Faiih. ,,';. ,
. The president of one of tlio larg
est banks down town, whosa depcis
ltH amount to , upward of tweiity,
millions, was asked if banks , could
not determine their .position with
moro certainty; than tho Manhattan
Conipauy seeni?d to. .be able to do.
"It ; is. inipossiblo," ,; said ho,
"Jjiinks must re)se oonfidenco in
someone, and if an employe ha.4.
bee1!! with them for a long tjeift,
and they kuw nothing. against him'
and much ift Lis favor, ;they cannot
et a' 9y to watch .his, notions. I
tnko'the secutitiea jn my faults on
trust. That they originally came
irr I have the evidence-, of riiy
books, and that they are still' hero'
1 presume, for no one is allowed
access to them unless jie is au em
ploye of tried, probity.", j f
"Then," said the reporter, "if
your employe - of .. tried ..probity
should Bubstiluta. packages, pt
brown pnpor of the same size and
appearance as the package of gen
uine securities that you have, when
would you know of the change?"
"Not. until the securities were
called for uise, and were opened,"
auswerod the president.
"That might not be n
we asked. , ',''
"Possibly not for, years." 1 11 ' v ' 1
"If thepiickage should abstract-1 - Ta
etl altogether, wha'ri would yonf '
learn 6fit?" if '"i ' ' ' '-''
l ''Not until our regular' exaTnina-"
tion of securities, winch is done in
bouio banks four time.-i a yenr.Bomo
twice, some once, hnd some not' alJ,
or wlieii the Bank Etmnhi&r visit
us. Many banks ! learu of trouble'
first in this ltst 'way. You must
understand it would bo inlissiblo
for us to go dowii every ' night or
every week in the vaulta, oien tho
packages, and count what they con
tain. - We do' not' h.ivei enough
force to do this, afid we must . tako ?
some things for grunted."' 1 '
"What, then, is a batik examin" T
ation?", . V, ,1 ,-.-,f ,,,,,
"Merely exnra in at ion of tho out-, . ,
side of the packages, ud checking ,
them bn the tally liLV , ;j7j , .j
ir i' ott ilo'uot then- know. f ,whe,thtr , 4
the twenty millions qf BecuriUea
u have in your- last report one, ,
two or three millions may not ,
since have been abstracted, your rt
stockholders losing that much?" '
"I da not kitow, but I believe, m-o ,
still haTe themi ' Absolute sctia-.'
ty is nnattaifiable,'? answered he, '
smilingly; N. Y. Sun. ;
; (The. Atlant i Ooastitutioi notes
a remarkable coincidence of vutW',
in the lives of Jefferson I)a vis ami '
Abraham .Lincolxi .until ench jtj
proaohedi t,,,cli'aricterc. ;of liji "
puhl i career, They were . both
born iu Kentucky, -Duyis lu' 1S03
and Lincoln fn .J.b(Ji. They '' both. 'r
were removed . from iheir.. nutivo'
Htate iu , childhood, .D'ayis being'
carried to the southwest and Xin-1
coin further to tbq northwest then
so called.:
of them
their pi)litical careers, at the same
period, in Davis' being'' then'
a presidential elector for Polk and
Lincoln ami le.ctor for Henry
Clay. Both 6erved in the Indian
wars of the west and - both- were
elected to" congress about ; the same
time, 1815 and 1S16,, 'And, "lastly
in tho parallel, iu the same year
and almost upon the enrue day,
they were called. upAJi o preside
oyer their respective, governments,
Davis President of the Confed
erate States and Lincoln' of 'the
I'uitcd States. ' . ' '
u l
' 4
' j
: O
;. - . -

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