Newspaper Page Text
JEATII or THE TICK rKEftllKST. Tho angle of death baa passed over our nation once more, on the 2oth, at 4:45 p. m., at his residence in Indianapolis, Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, Vice-President of the United States, died. His death was very sudden and unexpected. The cause being attributed to par alysis of the brain. He was at the time of his death. CG years of age. He had formerly been governor of Indiana, a United States senator from thesnme Blate, candidate for vice-president on the ticket with Samul J. Tilden iu 187C, and was elected vice-dresi-deot on November 4, 1881, on the ticket with Grover Cleveland. He would, hnd he lived, been the pre siding officer of the senate, which is to meet at Washington on the first Monday of next month. Mr. Hendricks had always been a dem ocrat in politics, nnd had held nearly every office in the gift of his party. This leaves the President alone in the executive, and in case of his demise before Marcli 18S9, a successor will be elected by the United States senate'. ?i!G (III III! Hi SMI. tfflil Mil WOE Ri. WILLIAM S, STANDISH, Proprietor. (PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED.) Drags, Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Stationary, Confectioneries and Cigars. .o:- ... rUKB LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES HILLSBOROUGH, - - - NEW MEXICO John Koogler, one of the largest hearted newspaper men in New Mex'co, has assumed charge of his old paper, the Las Vegas Gazette. Imported meu don't see m to do as well as the old-timers. MIKURA COUNTY VM. KIMI.VI.M. "We, the people of Sierra county, should be thankful for the bless ings that have been showered upon our heads to-day ns never before. We can feel safe in our own homes, being possessed of the knowldse that the time has come when men who have disregarded the rights of others has come to an end. Law end order must and shall prevail in tho laud. The hard earned money invested in property by our settlers has, to-day, the protection of the courts, and men can walk the streets at any hour of the day or night with the same safety as in older and mure populous cities. Our wives and daughters may uow be Been upon the streets without fear of insult. The don't-care ele ment are rubbing their heads aud there is a demand for thinking caps with a few, while othors are huning the best way out of the cauntry. They have been put in the balance and found wanting. The scales of justice have been held over the heads of the crimi nal class for the third time, and each time the hand of the law bore heavily upon them. A few more seasons of court, and ws of Sierra county, will see a change in the action of some who to-day are disposed to call this law business a force. The impression that many have will change, and they will find out that the juries mean business, and if it's justice you'ro can be accommodated in any size package called for. If its murder in the first degree, we will hang you; in the second, imprisonment for life; horse-stealing, five years and a fine on the siae of $1,000; Assault and battery, from one month to three and a little fine of $5 to $150, ac cording to how bad you want it. We might run over a few more, but think this sufficient for the nresent In time the price list will be published foi the accom modation of those who may want in be accommodated. Ihere is one advantage we have, you are all well known to the authorities, and you want to "look a leedle oudt." The Adtocate has a way of getting at the bottom of facts, and all we ask is a wink. We will get there, Eli; and if you dou't behave, you will get there, too. The next term of court will be held in Aril. Pre pare to meet the consequences. King Alfonso, of Spain, died November 23tL, at 8:45 a, m. At the time of his death he was sur rounded by the members of his cabinet. The cabinet met imme diately, and the Queen was ap pointed regent. The body of the King was intered in the palace of the Escureal. Col. Clay Taylor, who recently Ti&ited Hillsborough in the intereht of the land ofiice, has been ont of employ of the government tinea November 10th. ELLIOTT, PICKETT & ELLIOTT, Attorneys--at--Lav, Hillsboro, New Mexico Hi . . A. mniaA i inmost ponuinr veexiy towiionca, innobunioi.niKiiiwnnir flwruTeriM. in cii'..oiii; ami tuumU t r published, hmf nnni li. r illuiilntrd with tpleudid anirriwinmi. Inn pnlj'.ieationfarniiilifBauiOTtyaluablBfncynlowdi r.f iul.rmlicn nlli'.'h no puranimlinuld tin without. Th popalnritjr of t'm SiNKNTlMO Asu-mcA mieh vhat it circulation Mir y il '-! ' other import of iti claw com nd. Vnca w a vr. l)irniittu(Jlubi. Md hv all nwdJor. k.iTtrv i. ia W-l . V. '-lilt lliniulwa V. W. V. - AC. hill alo hnd Thirty ffll rNlY 111 mmmmmtmmmm praclita Uutore I I 1 lia rntent Offlra and haw prrpored I I Imoro than One Hundred Thou I f lnond r.nplhaiiwi" 'rpnitula in il i If t'n"d fe.t. and foreiJti cumriM. i C.iv. a".. Tra,lf-Mrk.. t onj-nBlii. ."AmigutootiU, and Ml otbnr papora f. r riuarmany and otlwr f..nmn count r , pre J I pared at hort notice and r.n raaaonabla ttm. I Information to ohlainin oanta ohrar Ifullnriwi without chart:. ."n"-bJk." "! infornialmn aout irw. .r" vi; , (1" through MunniCo. ara not.c.! in the '''" Arnariran lra. Tha adr-ntaca of -nch notice i C.T" un.iiiit.Hid l.r all p.r.u. bo wi.h tod- drVi"!"' ro.. cm .Scxxsmrio AlliJitcj. Cl l.roadar. w vrU. Subscribe for The Advocate. SI!, MILWAUKEE, WIS. GEO. W. PECK, Ktlllornild Proprietor. The Funniest Paper in Amebica, What Vaccination it to Small-pox fECK'S SUN U to the Llucs. PECK'S SUN It one of the most widely read and popular papers in the rountry to-day, and utands without a peer in its specialty e The Originntcrof lh relfbrnffd HAD 1IV lAl'Ilt!-. SPECIMEN COPIES FKEE To Any Address. Bear in mind that by tending a Postal Card to thia office, v SAMFLE COPY OF PECK'S SUN Will be mailed you Free. DOH'T WtllBCT TO fttn T nwfl JkKD TLl Tor mwoiu to. Jj WOIITH or FlU FOR AUI'HEM GEORGE L. LORD.. Una in naa Manager, MILWAUKEE, WIS. JS OTIC 10. Notice is hereby givin, that the! unclaimed lots, tracts and parcels of land, and the improvements thereon, situated within the Town site of Hillsboro, County of Sierra, Territory of New Mexico, having been duly appraised, nnd said ap praisement duly tiled. Now, there fore in accordance with law and authority iu me vested, I the un dersigned. President of the lioard of Trustees of the town of Hills borough, in said Sierra county, do hereby give notice to all whom it may concern, that each aud every oho of said unclaimed lots, ' tracts and parcels of lands, together with the improvements thereon, will be offered for sale. at public vrdue to the highnst bidder tor cash, at the public oflice of the Hillsborough Hydraulics Mining Company, in said town of Hillsborough, on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1885, between the hours of sunrise and sunset. J. V. Ellis, G. M. Fuller, Sec'y. President of the Board of Trustees of the town of Hills borough. County of Sierra, Territory of oct 21-4t New Mexico. jTmorkis YOUNG, Attorney-At-Ln w. Hillsborough, New Mexico. Final I'koof Notice. Land Offce at Las Cri-ces. Nov. 9th, 1833. Notice i. here given that the fol lowing named act tiers have tiled no. tice of their intention to make final proof in support oi their respective claims before the Clerk of the Probate Court, nt Hillsborough, N. M., on December 19th, 1885. Corpio Chavez, on Declaratory Statement, No 1228, for w 1-2, s w 1.4; w 1 2, n w 1-4, sec 9, tp 14 s, r 5 w. Witnesses: G. M. Tonilinson, Jtnlrfon E. Strong, Wm. F. Hall and Felix Gonzales, all of Sierra county, N. M. Harry Goodrich, on Declaratory Statement, No. 659, for w 1-4, s w 1-4, e 1-2 w 1-4, sec 30, n e 1 4 n w 1-4, ec 31, tpl4s, r4 w. Witnesses: G. M. Tonilinson, Wm. F. Hall, John North and Jurtson E. Strong, all of Sierra county, N. M. Joh.v It. McFie, nov 14-5t Rogistcr. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A mar vel of purity, strength and whole eomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi tude of low te6t, hort weight, alum or phophate powder. SOLD ONLY IN TIN CANS. Royal Baking Tow der Co., 106 Wall St., Nw York. City Ticket Office at Corner of Old Central Hotel. Has the Best Eating Houses, Best Track and Cars of any Other Line out of El Paso. Always on Time. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Elegant Accommodation for all Classes OF TRAVEL to Kansas City, St. LouIs, Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadel phia, Washington AND ALL T0INT8 UOETK iLlTD AST. F. C. GAY, General Agent, El Paso, Texas. w. F. WHITE, C. L MIXER, Gen., Passenger and Ticet Agt, Topeka, Kansas. Local Agt, El Paso. Gabion, Hurg anil h Antonio Hailrod The Original "SUNSET" and "STAR ANDJRESCENT" ROUTE. The True Southern Pacific, AND POPULAR SHOUT LINE EAST. VIA. SAN ANTONIO AND NEW ORLEANS. PULLMAN PA LACE GAJR From El Paso to New Orleans Without Change. ONLY ONE CHANGE OF CARS TO St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville, Cincinnati, Baltimore or Washington. Trains leave El Pnso for Houston, San Antonio, New Orleans nnd all Points East at 2:15 A. M., Kailroad Time. 1:20 A. M., City Time. AS" For information regarding Rates, Time etc., call or addreis the Apents of the G. H. & S. A. EailwHy System, -a A. D. SHEPARD, H. C. LOGAN, Ticket Agt, El Paso, Texas. Western Pas'r., Agt. El Paso, T. W. PIERCE, G, P. A., Houston, Texas. ill i if &n And All Points iu Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Favorite Line to SFortlxoastii Southeast. CTbe Great Popular Koute Between tbe6ia EAST AMD THE WEST Short Line to NE W OULANS. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars DaMy between St. Louis, Fort Worth, Deming, Dallas, El Paso, Marshal and New Orleans WITHOUT CHANGE. Solid Trains from El Paso to St. Louis. Fast time, First-chus equip- ment, Sure connection. -. . See that your ticket reads via. the Texas A Pacific Railway. For Mans, Time Tables, Hates and ail required information, call on or address, li. W. McCULLOUGH, L. HOXIE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt., Third Vice-President. Galveston, Texas. St. Louis, Mo. ATI AX-TTIO & PACIFIC? RAILROAD. "ALL TIE YEAR" TIME TABLE. Trains Run on Mountain or Standard Time. Stage Conner tiom. Via. Wingate to Zuni Indian villages and Savoia, N. M. Via. Holbrook to Snow Flake, Taylor?, Snow Low, Fort Apache, Erastus, St. Johns, Springerville, and the Moqui Indian villages.' Via. "Vin6low to Rrinham City and Sunset, A. T. Via. Ash Fork. Daily Stages toPrescott, 54, miles; Daily Stag from Fresonlt to Phoenix. Try-Weekly Stages from Pre6Cott to Fort Verde. Daily Stages from Kingmam to Mineral Park, Stookton, Fort Mobave, Mo nave City, Hardy ville and Signal. Daily Stage between Peach Springs -AND- TKE GRAND CANYON OF THE COLORADO, , Only Eighteen miles from Peach Springs. Via. The Needles Steamer to luma, Colorado River Agency, Fort Nobave, Mobave .City Hardyville, Arizona, and Eldorado Canon, Nevada, w F. W. SMITH, W. C. DENNISON, - Geue.ral Superintendent Gen. Freight and Paai.'Agt W C NIXON, Agent, Albuquerque, N. M.