OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, December 19, 1885, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1885-12-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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N 4b
0. 42.
jP 1301 111 c
Muk m a nth.-Merrill, Keller A Mi Hit,
J'enault A. tiulles, Was Chaves, .lose
J) una; 1 nr. Win. S. St aiuliti.
IIotki.s. J li 11 OhiM-north, Mead A
' Mbat Makkkts. Oniliiiiini A Mitcht
1'eliN tioiizullcs, Pedro liivcnt.
( 'aiii'kn'i Kit A J.rn.KKiM. Lewis. &
I'lACKsMnii.- -John K. Smith. .
Hi HIT A SlIHK M ikkii. I. T. Filll'dick.
Sa 1.00 nx. Toiiilinsoii A AilkiiiH,
Las 'KicLi, N. M.,
IU-e., '. I Si'..
'nlli'C 11 hereby irlvsn thai tin- follow I u tc
liHiiit-U senior luivi; lik'il nolii'ti !' Ihuir In
tention In 11 nke tlnul I'mof In iiiort ol iheir
11 ni i
respeeut t' t'luiiiiK before Ihe )iri.uiii' cil'li; to
llillkljoruuiili. N.
on J u 11 utiry
.! . i i 11 l l' ti ii lioti: 'Inci.lo Aniujn. MiKUil IIiiih. lrln.i-
II. t. Mfl t.lliil.l, J. I.. .Mil lieisoll. Ml,n.lla ,, ,1,,,;. IVlltelo t.omuilc, 1 1
M. Toiii'insou, Tlintuas
1 lllllKlll.
Toxsoitiu. Aiitikt. X. K. Martin.
Fiii:u;im:iis. C. C. Crown, to-o. W,
Moor.-, Jewett, .lose Pedro Siiii-
The change in train time on the San
ta l e road will not make material dif
ference to Sierra county people, except
ing pnrhaiH, that it makes a doiihlo
change once at Nntt and onee at lliu
eon in going to or coining from Fast
anil West. Passi'iigersgoing Last taUo
the 11.10 a. in. train at Nntt; going
West wait at Nntt for JS.lU p. ni. train ;
going to or coming from Silver City
close connections are made either way.
In going from Lake Valley to El Paso,
passenger wait from llMwumn till 'J.'.'A)
i. in. The principal alteration is that
the Lake allev trains will in Inline
connect with the Homing trains. The
hanife is favorahle to Silver City. Wo
arc indebted to the emu tonus station
agent, W. L. Sanders, for these facta.
leave I. like Valley - lf:2u. m.
Arrive t .Nntt U:" . m.
l.i'nvu.Nnlt fcr L. 'alley - 4:.".S ii. m.
Arri.o lit L. Valley - fi: p.
Hliaklti A rmljn on ilcolanitnry ntuttnn'iit. i
o. IWI, for i ii I. i 1 u I ini'l il i '
J. nee l!i. l II. rw. V itni'succe .1 W Mllrhel (
.MU'iml Illicit. Tliniilinl Murells mid Jo.e I'tr- ;
Icetii (jOliile. uUuf Siell eoiailv. N, U,
Miguel 1Ihc on ilfelnratiiry htitteinenl, No.
tionzuleii, nil el sierr.i rmiuty, N. M
J V Milclli ll lii fiire tliv jinli.- cl' "itiil court i
OH llOIII'!U'!ttl .NO. 7", l'ir B t i 1 C i, Ni'f 1H. II
l II-
Mead cE Knocr, Prop.
'J' lie AHuiiU(i'iiU! Demoernl siiyn:
"A postnl iiiiil ton JieiiKcia: man
this morning "Say, ilio Iloston ix-
eursiiiiiisits have Hrriveil at Monterey. !
ln you know how I foiiml tlii out?"
Tho repiirler iihiiiHrliiii liite cnl vm-
nitim. "Well," replietl the clerk,
"In one mail-hag from Cilifoniiit,
myself an J another postal man.
irVun nnv Ix,shnnnt -it tin' Pniintv Sont Of-'toin,.ir,,i .mi.,,,,..
Arinijo, Tlii.iiluil Mnrilin iiml-Jnsu IVrleio : 1 1 1 U U1IJV 1 1 1 1 II I I U 1 1 ill UlU Vvlllll) v'cclL ''1 ' teen postal Cflllls coin" to Iloston.
i They were all written full, ami in
some cast's the lines ran across each
TrnRFveriit "tiintlrrrnr BPrrt-ttr-4tt-
if Sk i nt colllll y. . M
Joii li. Mt Kit:.
Sierra County
S. 15. Nkwtomu,
l.as CrtiePs,
New Mexico.
F. W. 1'AUKKli
Ilillshoro, X. M
Newcomb Parker & Alexander,
Alloriii'V-Al -Iuw.
llilUhorougli, - New Mexico.
Hillsboro, - New Mexico
Fairview Hotel.
Fairview, - . New Mexico.
.linn. Mavkr I'i;omi:Toit.
All that the ma.kets iiflorda in sup
jilitul the lahle. The public mc re
iiestetl to give this house a call.
l'lAI, l'liOllF XoTHK.
La.M) On ci: at La Ci;rri:s.
Nov. '.Hli, 18'.
Notice i. here given thai the fol- ;
lowing naiucil settlers have lileil no j
liet; of their intention to m.ike liiml j
proof in Miipport tu their respective!
claims heliire the ( Icrkofthe I nitiate
Court, at llillslioriaigh, N. M., on
Jlcceinbcr I'.Mh, ISSo.
Curpio Chavez, on leclnni!ory
Stateinent, No Il'S, for w 1 '2, s w
1-4; w 1 li, n w 1-4, see tp 14 s, r
"i w. .Witnesses: (!. M. Toinlinsnn,
.Imlson K. Stroii";, Win. 1'. Hull niiil
Felix (ioii.aies. all of Sierra counlv
N, Al.
Harry (ioodrich, on Iuclai nlory
Slateiiieni, No. (i.V.I, for s w 1-4, s w
1-4, c w 1-4, see Mt', n e 1 4 n w
1-1, sec tplls, r 4 w. Witnesses:
(i. M. Toinlinson, Win. F. Hall,
John North imu .Iti.lson h. Strong
all of Sierra county, X. M.
Jonx K. McFik,
nov 14-."t llegister.
Hillsboro, - New Mexico.
The FBOKJik Bak
Xnw Mrxico.
A general hanking lmsiness transncletl. All husiuess rutrtistetl to
our care will have juoiiipt iittent ion. Faithful attention to the interests
of customers. Charges as reasoiuihle as is consistent with suit; bunking.
Hral'ts issued on all the principal cities of Kurojp niul America.
C 0 H K E S 1" 0 X 1 t V T 8 i
Koi iTK ltli". Ni tt' York.
Kihmt Na ti"Nai. Hank. I'liii'Ho.
. " l-a Vtiriis. S. M.
l'liial lrof 'ol ;.
I.ASO ill TICK, AT LsCul t KS,
Krci'mher 11, l.
Notice is hereby given that tho fol
lowing iiuiut'il settler has lileil notice of
his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, ami that saiil
proof w ill he uncle before Kcuister ami
Receiver, at has Cruces, N. on
.lanmiry 14th, IKSti, viz:
.1. . Carpenter on declaratory state
ment, No. L'JHi, for the e J n w . soc 17,
anil o J s w , sic K, tp II, s r :w.
lie iiaiiics the following witnenses to
nrovc bin continuous resilience upnii
innl cultivation ni. nuki laiiil, viz: inns
II. Ilc.inphrev, T. A. Hichanls, .1. II.
.Milleraml Halton lialuhsli, all ofSicira
eoiuitv, Now .Mexico.-
John U. Mel ii:,
t'KSTii ti. Hank A i.HCut- tRoc. N. M.
1'nuiitAiio Natiosai. IIask. Ilfiiver. t'ol.
Fiiixr N a rioK ai. Hank. Kl I'uro 'I'ttxim.
.r m im mr mm
k Ceo W.Williams&Co.,
Jewelers and Watch niakers.
Deming Drug store.
Manager Jewelry department : Mr
II. Seffkk, late with S. II. Lucas iv. Co.)
Silver City.
KAIKV1EW - Now Mexico
Mr. MAYKK, l'roprietreBS.
All that the market nllord is nip
plied the table. The puhlic arc re
quested to give this house a call.
Oreliainii A Xltcliell, I'l-ojnK tors.
The oldest established Meat Market
in the city. Wholesale and
retail Butchers. Tho
Fest of licet
Fork, Mut
ton, and
Alwavg on Hand.
YiHiTons tj Lake Valley
Stop at T. D. LAY'S
La mi (Iri'ici:, at Las Chicks,
Heceinbcr 11, 1KK.V
Notice is lierehv uiveii tlmt the fol
lowing naiucil settler has flletl notice ol
his intention to make liual proof in his
support of his claim, and that said
proof will liw made before l'robate
Judge, at Hillsborough, X. M., on Jan
uary i:i, l!-:.H(, viz:
Joseph JO tiihiiore on homestead No.
KSHi, for the n ! n e 1, and hc n e ,
see li, tp 17, s r 7v.
He names the following witnesses to
I rove bin coiitinous resilience upon,
and cliitivntinn of, said laud, viz:
Krancinco Kaseon, Havid Springei.
Freil Shaw hihI Fscapiila IIjstMii, all ol
llillshorotigh, New Mexico.
John li, Mi-Fin,
Laxo Ofi ick, at Las Ciii'i-es,
I'eciinlii'r 1 1, lSKo,
Notice is hereby given that toe fol
lowing named settler lias filed notice
of hit intention to make filial proof in
support of his claim, and that said
proof w ill be made before l'robate Judge
at Hillsborough, . M., on January ,
Francisco Iiascon on homestead Xo.
1(170, for the s 1 n e , nee 11, and w w
J n w J, see VI, tp 17, f r 7w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, Hair) land, viz.: Fred
Shaw, 1'edro Canada, Joseph K. Idl-
more ami J.scapulo liascon, all ot Mer-
ra county, Xcw Mexico.
. . Jons 1!. Mi FiKt J
" liegiVter."
First-class rigs at reasonable prices. Corral ! attached. Hy, Corn and
O ils, kept on hand fur sale, ("alls for teams aiHweretl promptly day or
TO t 1,1 M- At A l li. I .' M, lrH--loris.
Jh3tTIi Finest Itesoit In the City for Genlleincn.-i(i
Finest Wines. Lioiiors and (Mgars alwavs in Stock. Private Club Koom
attached, and everything Frst-class.
-J ('itizens and Strangers arc Itespect fully invited to give us a calf '
Saloon adjoining hotel
Dead Letter oOicc on account of the
writer using both hides for his us
Ihutic ilcsciipl ion of the country,
and one woman actually pasted a
slip of paper onto tho bottom of one
card, so in to get all tho one cent
stamp would eurrv. Oh, ves. Thev
have get theie."
. -... ... -A
Laying Rooster.
There is a very curious phcnoioe
lion taking place with .Mr. (ieorre
Murphy's rooster, which he lately
traded for with a country friend of
his, that is inexplicable: a veritiibh
rooster laving egg.. This sounds
very queer, but Mr. Murphy says it
is a fact, or else there is some tin
foreseen jugglery that ho can not
iimleistauil. the rooster goes on
the nest everv diiv. and after the
functions of the hen have been per
formed he conies oil', utters a deris
ive cackle to the rest o' t io fowl-'
and goes on about his business n
though nothing had happened
This peculiar fowl has been watched
closely by (ieorge, and he lias seen
j 111 in go on the nest daily, eonio off
cackling and there was mi egg. Xo
hen was ever seen ubout the net nod
the rooKler is monarch of that baili
wick or not. This fowl has arous
ed the admiration of our soul, am
is an example worthy of the emula
tion of the husbaudiiiiin. lie lias
seen tin toils and struggles of the
overworked and greatly oppressed
hens, ami has eonio to their reseui1
and helps them to supply the de
mand now seriously fell in commer
cial circles and at (ho boarding
houses. Ho cares nothing for
protection tariH', a tpriu" for revenue.
Mr Citorgo Murphy's reputation
for truth and veracity is unquestion
ed, and he wishes us to announce
that if any o:i doubts this state
ment lie can como mil see the per
formance w ith his ow n eyes. Chni
man ( Kan. ) Star.
lie griimlilt-n In Hit' itioniluf.
( rlilntr fiinii bin lucl.
He Hriimlilcii ut lil ("kfi't,
At tt cottW', mkt'i ami lircsit.
Ilu Kriiiiililin l lilt lini'Vlii,
II. jrriiinttlt'S ni hi knife,
liv jrrtuntileA .1 tint Uliit'-clollt,
Ami grumblf! al III Hlfe;
ll t;roiiilK' m tlu pni'i r
U lillc Ilia roii'liiix o'.r I he u.ui,
lie Krunililt-i h( 111 'ttii!ilir
W hen he lint a putr of iihin'M.
lie gruuililea t tliv i liK'k
W hen ti n l rl k 111 k out the hour,
Auil iimiubl.H at the "ill lime,"'
W han ttiert ioiii a IIiUh tlii.wer.
He ftrilllllil.a Hi llir t'lillilr.a
riieii lin y nrt" I'lstiHir in tlu atroi't,
Score One fur Fountain. )
Boot & Shoe
M A ii. 11 IC.
Latest style of "Lasts" just received.
Cowboys Hoots made to peifecticn.
jj.j.-oroiigli, New Mxioc
1' R K K
7 j ) I, j we still red handed from tl
I j P . mission of new intirdeis. and
I ing to the account of a civil
S3. fttuicIfcEi9 Prop.
C A 11 E F V L L Y C, O M p o V X I) K V
, Me.lniiitii, Feifumery, Toilet Articles, Fancy (Joo.ls, .Stationery.
Confectioneries and Clears.
I uro Liquors for Medicine.
Leave our Uica.Miio w hen ill tov
got a couifortablo
I'nderstar .
Luke Valley,
For ihe Finest Wines, Liya' , "-
Cigars. Finest tX-"
i. J0 Valley.
l'Jl,'ii.. - roiU" in the
. yc-issiicr nn J Trndc-mnrkt
CrtN"' Vnnd ftU other patent cause.
u'v ' . nffi,.- .,,.1 l.c t .
Ta O""- ut'ion: tin"
cd to.
j....0io and Vai
Vno. lOuei , - -w
1CCS tctH'ulred- In.
charge n.,,.ilir,v
I formation, ""i
Till' TKXAS oc 1'ACiriC RAILWAY.
enccs f
Th .Vhortobt KouU
From E. Pa.o to Ca.ve.ton, New Or.e.n., 8t. toul. . E..tl,rn Polnt,
. Passenger Ae.it of the 'on,panyr l lAI
Liwilcnaiit Fouiinritf-.i deserving
of aood tlcal of praise tor his ile
teriincd J'tirsuftof hostiles whom
1 m biicuessiuiiy routed last
yi.ednesday. Ho had just returned
I from a long and arduous scout into
I Arizona when, having returned as
j the Whiteho'.iso, ho dropped the
worn out parly ilmt had been with
him, picked up six or eight fresh
men and ten Navajo sco its ami im
mediately pushed on on the trail
into the snow -covered Mogollcins.
Overtaking the hostiles n( Jajk on
-T 1 11.0, f J'!'.".' !'K of bo m Jtii while t hey
I i .... ... : ii i i . i. "i" ----" - - -
tne com.
accord -
in it who
was with the party, finding that his
Indian senilis would not attack, lie
,,..n.,,i u ttim ins iew men, cap.
lured liearlv everv one of il, .,;..!
horses and all their blankets nod
(iviitiuiu, .Mgut, was coming
ion, and Ihe hostiles, scattering like
a Hock of quail, made pursuit im
possible. Several of the hostiles
were wounded, and it is believed
that two were killed. TlTerc was no
pausing to hunt for water, ro-shoe
horses, or for auvthinir ck-,. I,,.t
A'A'IF 1rrrt,!' 'lnuinet pursuit un,lr
"KAILO many dilliculties, until the hostiles
were overtaken. Citisens who have
! been in the field durinir the ...
seuson with anpof tho troops of the
8th cavalry operating in Sew Mex
ico, are loud in their praises of the
untiring energy ami determination
evinced, both by tho officers and
men of this regemont, in their efforts
to overtake tho marauding Apaches
who have been carrying death and
destruction through this part of the
southwest. We aro auro tho meas
ure of success already achieved by
Lieutenant Fountain will but spur
him on to increased exertions, and
llo (rumbles ut I lit.' fiuti'TiiT'.-
At tliv ay he t ill" Hi. ntv.it.
Me Kritiiitilfii tu lila Hula room,
lit) grumlilta on thu atulra,
lit frriiiiitil.y nil till: uy toi'li.rt'h,
Ilv grunt hlca aftar iirat cra.
lit' irriimlilca in hla ult'op,
While I) Iiik In li'a lied
And I olluu lulicy to iny.elt
lle'tt griiniltla it lieu tta'a ilvml.
- .Kit'li.iiiie."
A Jmlgi' Who Caved.
Kriini tlic Silver flljr Hiilcriirt:
About 1,000 heeve. il be snip
ped from the Hmi Simon rn7reL, thin
Messrs. Kidenour, Baket & Co., of
Kansas City, my Hie Live Stock
Indicator, shipped last week to LaLe
Valley, for the ranches of the Hienn
Land & Cuttle Co., 205 bulla. Of
thewo P0 were urado short-horns, GO
grade, lImefiiU and fij grade gitf.
lowavs. Our rentiers will reinpniber
the nhipnient t f 22J bull last AprTl
by the same guntlenien to the Anuiui
Land mid Catt'c company.
The Pein.sco stock association, of
Lincoln county, expresses itself to
tho following effect: "Immigration
can rest assured that the aistw iiiij v
intends to dn
As wo roilc out Iroiu u town l
Mississijipi to view a plantation
commercial traveler for a New York
house expressed a desire to go along.
He procured a horse and joined the
party, and his company was wel
comed. A mile and u half from
town we canio to a written notice,
post oil on a board, and everybody
stopped to read it. It was ft notice
of sheriff's sale, and tho colored man
who tacked it up was still on the
round. The notice was badly writ
ten ami worse pelleU, ana me
drummer laughed loud and 1 ng
over "caf" for calf, "deC lor debt,
and "slieriif for sheriff.
'What's wrong wid dat noli?''
asked the colored man in n Very
edgy voice. " v
It's too funny for anything,
was the replv. "Somcon had bet
ter go to school."
"Dat's mo, sail. I'm u Constable
an' I writ dat oil'."
Oh.youd.d? Well, I hope the
c-a-f will bo told."
"Yes, sah. You come along wit' 0s8illo for t'.'.e department to
me, sah!" :,..:.. ,,,,.1,.,. it an effectual quur.
'With you?" tiir xho cliaracterrstica of
"Yes, sah. I 'rest you, sah!" ful.().pneumoniit iniike it ft dilli.'
"What for?" jt disease to cxtripate, except h
"Contempt of court, mill. Cm fnol,(er of the animal, and
right along." ,0 niiarantiuc of all that hi been
"Where?" exposed. Ho describes th effect
ttefo' do Justiss, sah! VVs'JI our foreign trado in livetock
fioi i ho existence of con
'I'SU tinft -
. .. .i wouo. iimiiiie the cam
CoiiX f . ' .
n"ku ftfa.
Wyo,,Y- , '
V vwf .1i" .r3 ' - ;
,ir free trail: "(rtaltoii
,e bureau of animal Industry
,nniisioner of tho agricultural
meiit, snjs: , tiioinw c.i-
b the bureau does hoi auuioi-
io slaughter of animal, affected
oiitmriwiu. diseases, and it i
" M
abotitAin cafl" L
aT7 .li iJWiuer was advised mm
himself to be taken before n wlorftl
Juslice nearly lwo ,uih,t rm ,jlt,
xj'i.t. The Constable ha.l picked
up i colored man on the war who
made mid swore to a comi.lak:l.W
me iiruin.nerwas duly nrruigned on
o cnarge, itlthuuiili bin Honor
seemed very uneasy about il. 1
colonel acted as counsel fur
prisoner. When thn .. rf.Ji
he said:
"Vour Honor, who is h i wr,r"
"I is, sah," was the dieniM re-
i'iy. K ;
"Has this mu !,., lV cun-
tcmpt for vou?" f
"No, sah."
"Then how cay you trv li fo1'
U'l".!'.'!' .lwmvi. ...... .....
Ihe old mm, scratched 1 ,IC"I'
ui'onedii law book wrong UV,
and linallv ienli,.,i.
"Do Prisoner am -l.-.i.trwl, btitl
,d wiyai J.ht it.
slicep am
ICs(l"'tldllS Upi
I'ommerco from the
been a very great bnrdvrn"jl
the ioduction in tho vl n
s t
ill the e'A-ctcd states hai iv
utotis, 1 ""
Pr a .
raaii vuv oviltlllVI.
II. M- Taylor, secretary)
ternalional liange Cat llo e'
Orowers' association, has:
ealLfor the first conventio,
will Lev to iinv i . .
""ut if he U discha gci l "e
of his innocence, wlu.rr ;o get
therifll.t to put costs eu '"?"
....I. 1 . .
"SKeii mo Colonel.
"Where do I? W,v ' do law
book." '
"Whuh one?" ;
"Do one at home."
"I take exceptions, J"l,r Honor,
and shall carry this ca'0 ,lu! Su-
premo Court," said (lf!idonel.
"I'mjih! Dut iilien e"e. lie
prisoner am dibcliaif'1 fr" his
fine of $1, nn' do eonsbl " fined
for making a fo,, if himself nn'
gettin' dis court oil i"ted up in a
hard knot afore whie folks!"Kx
change. The difference hi-wcen a lawyer
trying a case fand a ft i that one
ii lying for u fec tm tho other is
feline. "
Why do old maids get mad
they peep through a key-hole
see twoloTcrsa ktssin'? whv dti.
cattlemen, to Im held at J
January 1880. , V,'
tiood blood Wilt tell el
breeding of mules. It is ,
mules out of well bred nine
abb' to'fndtue DfifrV -rm.,-,-,t-
stnntl more work tl"t those
ed by cohl blooded mares.
Dr, Hoyd opened the
cattle convention with praj
ginning as follow: "Oh, Ii
silver ami tho gold are thi.it.
the cattlo on a thousand
These are the stewards g.
The cattle, imirket seems iA
looking up a little oi into, i rues
some classes have improved slightly
at Chicago. Advices from Kngland
are to the effect that the luarket is
higher than for some months. At
Hun Francisco, owing to various cir
cumstances, the wholesale price hua
also advanced quite perceptibly.
There appears to be a general opin
ion Unit the the live stock imlustiy
can accomj lish some good for itself
now that the two national associa
tions hae been amicably eoinwlida
ted. With this complete
r.r il... fcu-iiutiy""'
II. S W i . '
... ,
lien be kVJ
' V"
I -
;; " ' e ?- v
. f K
ti, '
V.Ratcs asLw as any OttW Line.
Ticket AtO'aiveiiton. n.i,
wo trust he inoy bo even inor aue.
dc an old bachelor kiss olher fo
Cl.riMm. A3VM- yeM j, S.ratcutOillco.
F.I ran
.. r.. i : a i f . ' . .
.Vanajer, Cahnkia.
C - X ll'l-:A'u.,.ic.,,Kt democrat I later!
- r

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