Newspaper Page Text
$i$r .muifir ilvara!, JJ ILIROI10,ATl'l!l A V.J A'. in, 'Kti Tho Hillsboro hydraulic mill hat sigjiiu started nu. Kingston 1i tlio greatest jlu4 Ititi t grade ore producing eiuip in New Mexico. Tlii in;' look jncrcdilib- to aoine Lut it i jvwoylhrlf fact. Mr. lltmiiels, otir aorlhr rhncioak f, has Ii.jKiJ 'of Jin cjU'iikiou of ftlie "Rnake" in.iiw to Meswrs. Chap rmn & Hi(i5i . fluid by power- -ftttorOJ-. - The CI. A. K. Imll nt Kingston promise to lie thu grandest u Hair of t lie season, This bull ia intended a a dedication hall, in honor of t lie j O. A. Jt ami In .init in idcfiaj ing the I'S-M-tnie of seeming their hull. Juu. 30th 1580. - In' conformity with section !137 f tho compiled law of .Now Moxioo, -wtrerpwTttrpiiW:i.Tralia'fwx'rii"iiiuT expcnditurea (if the county irf l-iieria, during the ynr 188.1, vix: :lmxIJITI'KKH. For real rnlnle, $7'-,(1.2.'5 Personal property, 2.V.l,oO Hooka and stationery, 353.03 " County offico'vxpense, rout, etc , 100,00 ' A'ourt house expense, 11.00 " Klection expense, U.00 ' Incidentals, 18H.32 " Jail nnil guard expense, (!,112.2." " Justice court expense, 5 J 1.0" Probata omirt expense. 72.25 25.0 1.5.00 71.00 'l.'.oo 4. MO 2.40 1 C.Od 8.01) 70.00 2.5o (l.'i.OO 100.(10 , 21.00 20.00 20.00 1)11.00 Printing, Public roads,, Salaries iiiiJ com. missions, Pauper expense, 2i!2.40 7.500.H.") 2, 075. 20 1-11.00 $iK,i7j.oa 3'ot3, Amount iuid into the county treas any by the licrill', $1 1,820.05 nujii ii I j mill into the .county treasury from other aourei1, (17.00 Tho bond of M J. Wolfnnd Pi- ley and Adams, tt butchers, wore , approved. The fJUwiug bills mere allowed jand warrant ordered drain: Hc-.iite Anuijo, rare of piuipor, frrrnult. i fiaJlea ofl rout December, Gory W. Crauo Cm., blank books, J. K. Curton stationery, do do printing W. ). Thompson " Pedro Vnllejos roud super visor precinct 5, (f, II. Poors roml supervisor precinct 0, J K Thompson, services nn school u peri n louden t, J K Thouijiaon incidental ror ollico, K ' Holme salary mid iniVsge, J M Webster salary as pro bate cUjk, do incidentals for oilier J F JJnrdick rent of room for pel it jury, . J uliuJDuaa h.'joxi.'iiLuI.rou.iu - for grand jury, Luther Wclli) rent of room for prisoners, A K I'ilkin sulnry and mileage 52. no J W K 1 1 i interpreter for school superintendent, (10.00 M Cosgrove interpreter for J i' court, ;;.oo J X Allen expense in J I' court 117.01 J T Thorn ttl.'o J V Kllin inttqireter in J ' run it, Q M JiichitnWon expense in J V court, 3 Mitchell niterpreler in J P court, TreMol it Kin k uce of team Everybody .LouM read i he n port of the liiiiinciiil ntntemeiit of the county for the your 18H5 pubiii.lic.1 in thin ixHiic. Kverybody nhoiilil rend it, and know how Sierra county Mliindri. We are in ovm1 condil ion nf. tor 18K5, mid our iixxpee are very hrignr. 1' in;iX'Titv. Mkiiciiamk. Herri n, Keller A Miller, 1'erraillt X Uailcx, lllaa t'iiavea, .loxc Alert. J)i (iii r. Win. S. Slandialj. j llona.K. John "(.jfciiortli, Meal it j Kneer. Mk(T M i iikitc Ornbaimi A Mitchell 3"eli tioiiaalloH, 1'edro Itivero. Cuii-iatku A, Lewi 8 A Clark. Bi.ackkmiti!. John K. Smith. Hoot tk Kiiok .M akicii. I. T. Ilurdick. Sai.oonh. TcinilliiKon & AdkiiiM, Mc(iilv-rv A I liven, Strong A t'liamller, I), t. Mcl'oiuilil, J. 1!. Mcl'lieritoii. (.'lIKIIAI.H. . M. TolulillHoll, ThoinaH I. allium. ToxKimiAi, Ai.tint. X. K. Martin.-'' riii.ii.iiTKii.H. ('. ('. Crewa, (ii'o. W, Moor., Jenelt, June l'edro San- iluvat. c osmopoSitan LAKE VALLEY, N. M. -A. riTJJAl'I.T.- -II. K. (1ALLF.S.. Perrau It&Galles Dealers in IfoiiNo Iiiin been iiiiMliccrXCTSIRS SITPFLIES. and t'ummlial throughout. 21.00 5.05 COO Total, UJ 1,017.05 Lcavi nj tt deficit of ?U,501.0S , jVtlefit, IV, (ItlRflU, Klli'iiiu. (Jo. Coin. J. M, AVfciwTBit, t'lerk. L.IKE Vllbh'V inn. Tho itiperiuteiident of public .Nchool will apportion nil tliONchool "oiul now in the troaxurcri 1m ikIh ;lo the aeveral .district. 11 1 is in iioeedsiii'j' to enable four ditrietn to Jiave a three months tchoul taught during the spring montliN. With nut this npiortionment several tlin- ilriula wutiibj tiut be able to begin m heol before Me.iteiuher, tlio lant jnouth in the m'lioul yen. Mr, Allen lUcktlnun, of 1j4. Valley, has bucw iromoted in Cap. tain of troop K; 3oepb IVckert to J''jrt J.ien, and B. F. Parka to SiHond Lieutenant of the snme .-troop. Tlmii Major ThompsiurB old 'iimjinny, ami ia one of tho best rojn of envahy in the militia oer- ie. JJ. J oimo Tlniiipii ewulewiplatei unoving but k to Kingnton next week io engage in the jiiactme ul hi ju eaiyou.. fOM M ISSIO.V Kits' P KOCKKttl . The Hireling was enllcil to order A. K. Pitkin teamit, A. K. Pitkin, (i. W. (Irogg 4i ii d K. P. HoIiiick, eommixNioiiera, jnd J. M, Webster, Hoik. V.eeeded lo eU.t't cjiair fur the einuing year, nnil 1. W. (irogg vvna luly elected. . Mr Toby apjumit'd before tiie u i3 ot the mine. -Wui4 fw ftgevt of the Vermont A I V, S. llopcvrii wan appointed !o ilimuLt Ctll Co., and iiNked "- .iiiemxor for precinct Xo. 4. that Kit.72 1w ikifuoded on iliek (ieorge 11, it avii nj. pointed road conveying jiri.ionerii, 10.00 Thomiii Laiuioa une of team conveying prisoner., 22.00 Win Whalen aervieca on Iler- moa rond, 0.(1(1 J K Kniith repairs on jail, 5. 10 ISIiin t'havoH aiippliea for jail, 25.05 Herein, Keller A Miller, do :i().22 Perrault A (Jalles, do do 52.20 'I'lionum Murphy jail guard, 12.00 J T Thorn do do 21 00 JnoChirey do do 0:1.00 Wm V II a II do do J 24.00 A I ItickeiHon do do .'t.'t.OO J M VV'elmter tranNCi ibing iiiaekH and brand), (iO.OO J a uioa P Paekee commissions an anHOHHor, 221 .08 (J W (irogg salary and mileage, Ii5."0 Adjourned to meet nt. 10 o'clock a. m., January 5, ISHii. January 5th, 10 o'clock, a. m. The meeting wan called to order by (I. W. r'gg, chairman. Preoent, a full hoard. The following bills were nllowed and wniranta ordered drawn on the upecial: Tax fund. E F Holmes services on Hermosa road $ 10.00 A K I'ilkin, do do H.VI0 Saucier Hioh., bnlanee due on contract, 1,250.00 The following bills were ordered paid out of thu court house bond fund. J M I.pivii woikoti jail 5.00 J K Hmith work on jail, 5.00 K W Clark work on jail, 8.00 llorriu, Keller A Miller ma- lerial for jail, 3. SO Thomas Murphy, collector, pre sented 17 license! amounting to $150.00 and rcqueated that they he retailed, ns they were erroneous nnd uneollectable. They wero ordered re bated nnd the collector eredited with said amount. The (uiunty warrants paid by the tfloasurer, and those received from HP FJEW ATiD KEAT SLEEPING APARTMENTS. Fall Arrival and Opening of- NEW GOODS, Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mar vel of purity, strength and wliole- aoiueiii'sa. .11 ore economical Hum the ordinary kinds, anil cannot be nold in eiviiipetiiioii with the iniiki ttulo of low test, short weight, a I tun or phosphate powders. HOLD ONLY IN TIN CANS. Ifoyal linking Pow der Co., 100 Wall St., New York. Fairview Hotel. Fairview, - Xew Mexico. Man. Mavku PltOIIIKTun. All that the luinkota nfl'ords is sup plied tho (able. The public are re quested to give this house a call. Board with or without Lodging. I). G. Meredith, Pro. Qaraixd Goixfcjtral Hotol, LAKE VALLEY, NEW MEXICO. Itecently opened by .Mrs. Koelover is now the leading hotel in Lake Valley Iicst rnoinu and best table in the oily for the money. convenient to the depot. IlillsVno and Kingttbin trade resjieetfully aolicited. Meals, three for if 1. Iioonis f.I ier night. DRY GOODS In lew ?lex MORE TERRIBLE THAN WAR. Work, Ambition and ra ssion, cause i.,,, Agony of Mind and Bmly, and Destroy more Human DoinKs ov. ry year than AH tho Arming of the Work. A- L GIBSON, AUTISTIC Uoot cS Shoe M A li. Ml It. Latest style of "Lasts" juat received. C'owhoya liootn made to pcilcclioii. Leave your measure when In town and got a ennifortiiblo " riulerstaiiding." Lake Valley, New Mexico. B. L. C. i i; rr PJ. T1TT.T TT-i TT-T"N.Tj LiFE ESSENC rneluding New Silks, Colored CasbmeresLadies Cloth, Plaids, French Cinghaiiis and' Print's; New notions and fancy gondii of every description. Lotsof icwISootsfthocs iiml Clothing. i n an I he coiiYlrt! d. Lots of the older stock marked. down and the new ' cheaper than ever. Cigars and Tobacco, Queensware etc. BfaS" Finest Prands of Wines nnd Liquors always on hand, jggi Ilillboro. lew Mexico. it. oon- This WoudfT of Mndnrn Choniistry is primniineiMl to lie unorjnaV)(l for i Tiiwcr of ropl.i lUhiug tlio vitality of tho hml ., liyauiinh'iu'nil tlioiisvin.,,1 . HiibiioiiLs i nio juiMrti, xiiiiiii uiio ii. i vij our iHianco, and lor iiovclopiiig a tho Puvi'm and Viiiiotion. of tho System to tlio highest degree. It actabs a upeiiiRe. surpassing all thime of tho presuat a ; f..r tlio spemly and permanent euro of att ibiraiineinciils cf tho Nervous and Hlood Systems, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility, Mental and riiysical Depression, Incapacity ;r Study or Business, Noises ia tlio Head and Ears, Loss ot Energy and Appetite. Iking a natural Rostorativo, its cjurgUiag effoeta aro net followed hy c(irre8i.,..Ung ro-aetinn but ara Permanent, a:nl aro fiqnnatly shown, from Uio lint day of its aihaiaiBtra tion, l.y a ninarkahlj Increnso of tho Nervous Power, wi:h a feeling of Vigor, Strength a ul Ci.iufort to which thn patient has lmig lice:i unaocustomod. ThoiiorvoussympU)msdijaiiJuar, aJ well in t.'ic Fn actional Derangeiiiout. Sleep becomes calm nail refreshing. At the samo timo tho patient gains tlesh, tho foa tnrej presenting a striking iinprovumeat ; tho laco becomes fuller, the lips red, the eyes brighter, the skin clear and healthy. Ths hair of tho head and hoard grow and acipiiro strength, aa alio tlio nails, showing tha Iniportuueo of tho action of tlio medicine en tho organs of nutrition. It gives back 10 the human structure, in a suitable form, tho Lively, Animating; miemenc or xua wmcn. nas oee.i wasica, ami exoru a:i lmportauti l.. it. .1: ,1.. 41. i. :.. c. HI I Mr - .. . i r . that Buoyant Energy of tho Brain and Muscular System which renders the Mind Cheerful, Happy, Brilliant and En ergetic; entirely overcoming that dull, inactive and sluggish disposition which many persons experience ia ell their action. Price, $1.00 por bottle. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. lAXOLKY & MICH AIXS, S:m rraJieLsco.AVholesalo Ag'bk luMiisnce directly on tho l'.rnin, Spinal Marrow a:ul JTervmu Syateni, of a Nutritive, Tonia and Invigorating character, thenshy eheiliiug all wasting of tho Vital Fuid and tho more Exhausting Processes of Life, maintaining: w the collector iapai inent of licenses, !s, ,,,,,, v , AX1) & C VTT, ,, (,0 I..... .....1 .1 .a h i. II.a ' t.i..v i.ti.4 ,4-n, tiit lilt; 1885, were compared with the war. rant record, found correct and or dered filed in the (dork's oHir. It was ordered that warrant No. 7"2 bo cancelled and warrant be drawn on special tax fund for &.51..1:. 22.50 20.07 taxes, as the same hail le (.aid in Socorro county upon hnwiig that ,Uio amount hud been crronootts))' Jaied, it was ordered refunded. 'j"1ie following abatements were Ttnade of tbo taxes .for 1 S85: (CLas. Sisg.Uiry row Hi 13 to :57j J. K. fcniittuio 11.23 to B. I). Mason, " 43.00 to J. V. an4 O. T.W.w froiu M V to JIuiulolJt MUiiuji Co. from US "3 l A. Oonudei from .17.' to T. Moutoya " 30,70 u .Juan Molino " 7 60 to The follow leg abatements wcto rnadc tf the tx-s for 18S4: J3Iack Kange Mining & Milling t., from t:i22.()0 to $ 103.84 C. iJ. Myers fiaw 2J.C-0 (ra S, Poot " $,3 U) I'liANO. H on bhouMer, L on sulo Hinl C on hip. Heiiilijunrleis, SitMifiA IIanth. I'oslolTieo mlilress, Hi)lnl)oro, N. IS. 11. II. HOITEI., Cieiiernl 'Mnimgor.'" Mark. Half crop in each cur. lband. S. on shoul- dor L on side and C on hip. auiervisor fur precinct No, 2. Ordered; That tho work on roads iu pm inct No. 4 Lut done during the mouths of January and Fcbru. ary, and due road siiprvisor of said precinct U Wreby instructed to work on the Animaa Li!! near the ranch of Julian Chsvws on the Ani mas river. Ordered: That tlio work on roads in precinct No 3 he done during tl!nr01lt n,,g to Suffering humanity iiioiuns oi January ana f enruary. 1II. .MIII.N V. KIMA( k H Roxnodioa, Womack s celebrated I ndiau Pilters. Wotnack's list iilu and pile iMntment Womack's magic Liniment, The Largest CARPET BAZAAR WEST OF CHICAGO OR ST, LOUIS. ' Wlioosale and l!e(ail. Albuquerque, N. M. I! I!H li I ,1 lilt liake Valley Il:Ill?4bI DKALKIbS IX s TJTJ H ! -jnd Mr. Ilockwell, the supervisor, is X).(Xb directed to expend enough of the t).00 road ta for J he j-eat.l.SlilL-lJi liwish- Fistula and Piles Cured Without im a, kiilfn, no fain uir.Tvil, tilth Womacli's H), 00 , tbe Lli.K'j) across tlm l'ereba rroel-. tho work to ba done under tho an-! erviun of tlio commissioner fori TTYTTTsfTnS JfT the 3rd district. , 7'he clerk. was Instructed to in- n i. ,u.t trtot 00 00 j vito bjdw ftejiu the publishers of the visti i a, nusn, m t rniNO & it( iiinm 00.00 , everal papers that are riiited in rii-f s, tkttkk, iunowokm, imhsok- J. H.TOIILINA'S 11AAAK. Fine Wilton 'a Vel vets and Body P.rtis- sela, Moipiettos and Smyrna Pug, I.ino- Voted, (.o apiTojiriat fliJ.OO per jiena county for tie printing of tho I oak, su ui.n souks or twik rijonth to awd the Kiugaton uiilitia iConiniissioneiK Proecediug during! Tr fiAUs' stamiso. jn eecuiiiig an armory, ami the H' IS(5 -Jerk ia hereby orJcrcd to draw war ran i)OJJthly for this amount un i) fUTlhft tyders of the board. (G. W. Greou, J. M. Wf: iiktkr. Chairman, Cl.rfc, Price per box 50 sts. GARNER & CO., Manufacturers and Proprietor, St. Louis, Mo., ni.d Mobile, Ala. ble Oil Clothe, Pa rnate's La.ic Curtains Lambrequins and Shades ol every Fab- ric. a aBtMJMmmMr&ssmKBiaiiryaaBS: warn vrirr(M 1.1!.. I".. !JAfc .Urj.WSTT'.T 0 . if: ""XI J. Ib TOM LISA'S ItAZAAIl. Tanestrv rtrnssels. iniionrti r.xira. su pers in all wool and Cotton Chain. In grains. Fancy and , .'. ' ' ' .niji.' 0 i Plain Cocoa Matts and matting, and iu fact everything lirst- lass. .ITec, Sugar, Flour, drain, Molossos. l'otatoes. Canned Cloodsj and l!ntter,I.giij, etc., a Sj'ccialty. Our Stock is O O L E' T H , Our Prices Low. The Best Assortment -of Fancy and Staple Groceries in Town. Also a Good Line of ilnta, and Caps, Hoots and .Shoes, all Solid Leather, wal" ranted t W !;. Prompt attention give so Ofdeca frsnu aeighboring camps. "r. The largest stock of goods ever opened in tow n at prices that defy com petition. The ladies are specially invited to call and inspect stock and prices. Patronage aolicited from neighboring camps. No blow; .No talk; IS'o fapcy prices asked; Convince yourself by ert-Httig-oii ft I Call attention t the vtiv l evel and hando:no line now on hand for the fall and winter trade a line which for quality and artistic niciit atanda A No. 1. Prices alay ril.t. Country cuius j r u j tly atUndid to. Strictly 'One-Price.' Cheap House. HliKKIN, KliLLbR and MILLbK,' Hiilsboro trd Lcla Vallev.