Newspaper Page Text
iff,; . J f i. ft j: f 4Mb h M u iron- trial. . f . 3 .;. ffcf-W ;','. f-'-;r S t - te" -4 ft . on. 1 ;. - .wfcfWteall ..) ,',) .t . ,, ft ' . I I ! - h imt' US ICrtil :fUltillff jtlio liOKtilr . Ajii'lic (ii-nil .lown in rvi. HUvtUY lieu wn not in ( lu htpt for ilu. Hi !,, j-'t . V til ..' f ' ' jW t Mrxi. l.iouN'iiant Mnii! mill 'iiioiii uhcii (inidy Hi killiil il. Ii:mT!! Lull will I'p given iiii.i-sisaj:o.sATi iU)AV. ri:n. nso THE JIJITI0X IHsri-TKW. AHirrlrmi Sttlillcrs Miol Uowu hj (lH'''ll lO )ll ONIKKH.) rii&icoTT V T.)r JmiiiKiv 27. ! living dijiutcli n rci-civcd ! liore Id-diiy from Fort Howie. Ii ikI Cnjitiiiu KolitrU and in oiiii of lii liitCft ropoi-l. lloit lii I. ('en en'oin'o.iih ri'i..ilud. foiro ,.f l.oMile. Atwrlirj, wliirl. tvill j iM, ,.,!, j ; , ,().)p t 1.. nriciidpi- Vonit of twonly tn.-k and miniH Womril and rliildirii tinder coin inn ml of lliu (Hhii Ai XiiIj Iic., !croiilino, (liiliuiilnin mid Nuiki. mill Hint llirio 11 10 I tvciity-lu'o men ftill .nil, Wo would like li know 11111I jKMliitpM Ihi'nlil (irncrnl will toll u: "Wlu-i'o nr.? Ilium- twrnly-twi I rr.l-i.ktim ?" diitH'tcd to tlto Adjiil4iiit-i;n.'inl til ; Whiiipln IlHi-ra-kK : "TUo r.,iiiinnnd ri.r .mliimiuH-rui.imiltoi. find tint 'T.',..r Cij.taiii t"rtwf..rd ntnirk llir 1 ,J,(! .-ounliy ran iiimmfurl urr it own nnMiio mmlil lilty ntilri until l.wpgt (.nntion, if it U given tinirmid iiioni.y i orNwori,' Mexico. Tlic liontilt-ft bp- cnott;li( (tnd ilicv'it lliirtlic; honi(, mid lliu Ticniotit. I1.n1.4p 11 1 KMistou H now i.'iuly fii n.-rmiiiiin.l 11 If IntiiHirnt n x. t . Mr, Olio Ilill'llrlii'li, llir? ).r itHiiiiyrr, Iiih moved lliu iismiv oflice to 1'. II, miuuitv' old kIiiiiiI. Hlrikeu on tlx Xoilh IV-it lia. Win. l'ui-j.lfl Inn I. mill, d liin inler Lull H Oil IliC i li'lilillro dil . I under lit... Cornel! .'uiversiiv U to liavp 11 irofn , iiUHjiieeH of llie Jl. A . .1 ttli of Kins-1 ,,r pliysiritl riiliinv.. ' (on. innl will he held ut the i ,. ! I'ldhulrlplilii Inn I wo hftso-ball -shiU I., ,, , comnusci! of colored women. i K. Hull. , it , ! I J.-iines A. lliu' llie oniuyo kin? or I Mi.i Kill ift I.ntl"lili'n win the ' Fiorid.-t, rce-ivril ;:!,oo I ut-t for' liii Ireeij.ienl of Iheelenmit fun, od'errd ; in 11 mice l.v (i. A I!. I'om No. 1: .to 1 1: c nio.-'t ifijiiihir yoiinji hulv t A. l !:i!l!Ari.T. errau !t& -II 1:, i A 1 f.i:s.. Calles j u. Jl.iil-,o!i, ( o!iiniln:i connly. N. 1., ' , l .!.. hii-oe.i !i,ile orelmrd in Ilu; u ol id uun trees on ;ioo tie re.. mne nh.rmd before- an utUck '.-uiild lis iiim.Io by tin' -"eotm n.( Oed. A UntiB. Tho iieeBi.niy expenditure woii M tie iitthor li.-, bul there i.- tin (he liiill, 'U having I'eeeivrd 11 in.-ijoiily of nil 1 he vole., east. Anion;: llie 'ueKt tit tho C. A. it. hull at not i. -I'd 1 1 in 1 ilea mi 'it fares of Mesrs. j est iii the Keystone for $:(0(l rash. 1 ;,, r-j-.- IVrmult, f. I.uiiiinii, S. M. j Mr. Celht spenn to get into all I he j Tntnliin.m and June 1.. l-'iiller I I. ,..; l.,.i ..!! I 1.. . " I 1 nll,-l.olo. 1 '.H ri I IM n, imv .-in- imii n 1 , i 1 .- tun previom tol eeome ft ''hloated.liond hohler". Never mind (Vila- a bird in the hand is worth two in the hmh. : MIIIW ru., ort.. i ihe dressy voting man, to Iw in trM no.v, nin it have it narrjwstrim of In aid down the side of Id; pantaloons. .T'-welc'.! hrni'i li'ls, worn on the left ! ffiv!.-, are tho latest imveliy for nristo- . era tic tlojjs. A ...I.! ' . I . . 11:.. 11 ,. 1 1 . f 1 n " inn' si u:, -.11 i-rii , ue sojo 01 ij isinn "I 1 ., . ... ,, 1. ..... 1 .1 nun ii il ium sijnas.! eau I tie sihi iu New Vi.rk. Jml.'e Demx. Kit llillliy and Thus, j Some uiip::! riir!'" senin'.lrel linidatih Caiiill Intve leeentlv Herurnl a horn! on j iiHinint upon Hie Soldier's jMetiumeiit the (ialili-o rlaim and are lakin-.' out ! in "iaratoe; .1. i He.' Tall Arrival and Ijienin of rtitiiiing; tight Itittinj; two ItoiiiH, took f Rood re.noti why the t?overniiieiit phiee, and the entire rauip out fit, of ' should not make ils eitnuou as well I ho li.iBliU-K, in. Itiditiij Iheir Iioi-m-, full ii.Iii the hit tidal of tho ei.ut. The Mime day Cnptniti Crawford, nt the t'f(tirt of I ho liolik', who netil h .ii-, arranged f.u itti intoniew, to takt" idH.e next day bclwern him mid NitU'I.ei! mid (ithet of lh ronpgiide. Tim next mortitii, hm.J lioforts (bo iticelinf took plrtrr, Cap tain Crawford's command as mlaek--d by a Mexican forro of lot) men, ml Citjiluin Crawford, in endeavor ing to make the Mexican- under Mttttid that (bey were .nHurkiiig it fiieinlly farce, wn k1io( throtigh the lit'iul And niortally wonmleil. He .lied on the IH1I1 ittnlnnt, 11ml wan buried nt Xvctiri. A day or two iiftervvtinb Lieutenant Manx, who insiimcd .oiniuitiid, Int.! an interview with lierouinii) and Natchez. They .leniro to talk to (leiieriil t'rook, iind M ailt to meet him in about a mouth 11 Khort ilnlnitce notttli of Wan liennr .nun, .itexiro. .1110 Mfotitt nru ron tidrnt tbnt llie rrtipgade are coin de(ely worn nut and will Hitnonder to (iem-nil Crook. They liave tinned over to LioiitiMiaut Matts, Chief Kami mid iiiiolhi-r buck, lb" wife ami child of (ieroiiiiii.i, also ihe jfn of N'atehe. iind lwo other women a IioNiae." in ilu Hiuall arum, or at leant exlend kin h guarantee to private concerns an would justify them in providing the neresnary plant. Ku-n if we ordered cannon from abroad we idioiild have to wait some time before ! we could get (hem. And combler alioiis of tiiitioniil safety ttri;e the iniiiiufiiclure of gum. on ourowu ooi). Antler to Pa 1. 1 1 she in. C. H. Lxt Ofkick, ) Li CincKH, N, M., Jan. 28, 1SS.1. To I'nbliatier ! Owning to the growing neglect of (lie publ inherit in this district to Mi. ,1. Mediitighev has opened tin a new boot and shoe hboii iu Kinir- Hi on. j i -Xeinlv all the vacaul houses in! j Kingston are now filled and very few idle men to be seen on t he si reels, Kingston is eerlai uly improving. Messrs. Chapman and Th oinp-:,ii are making great, improvements in not only their mines hul in their rr.-ideneo properly. New barm, new fences, . View dwellings, and natural Mlcni of wnl oi works for their own use is now established all Ibis and moil! is being done hy ( hose enlcr prising gent l,ein,,n, I Ir. Spaulding i gcll ing t he King- Syringing appie tr.-". -v'l'i n weak l arbeln; aei, ,vil! ., , .,,,,, : solution ot sjap aim 1 1 ,1. nW'ii f ill ill t'.lr.ili nru' ii uiit.i 1 ; - Kill lice. 1 sign (hat inuni'V is nleittv. 1. . , ,1 ,1 , ' , in tweniy-three years the w'lfat item- All Ihe leadiuu' pleiisure resnrtr have ,'e of Culoradn lias in.-t eased from ten Cair.dl C'l,, I.. Kingston added vocal music tu the ol her at I rac tionn. W. C, F.aton of I Iheiil , Knntneky is on bis way it!i a 1 cwHpuper uijllit The Kingston (iuards will shoitly coi.i iiicih'C dril h ng in mil i lury I act ies in earnest. Card .if Thanks. Kimik'I'iin, Feb. 2. ISStt. The ollieers ami ineniberM ol'll, A. II. Post. Null', of Kingston dinire to return I heir most cordial I hanks tn the citizens of Kingsit iii and flillshoro for the kind and liberal patimagit ev tended to the Post 011 Saturday evening, Jan. HOtb., ami also In Met sis. Park t Wallace for slon C(;neeuti'!itor under headwav, 1 wxeelleiil inusii- furnished on Hi make prompt return (f) this nfliec of! and will noon he ready to treat on ! occasion. H in reporleil that ticroniino ttud In brttid now in Old Mexico, tiremur feilfd with hiiinan blond, and ready to Mttt wilder. They have grow 11 lii-ed of their picnic, and mm! lo return lo the reservation. I.eKhe terms of nurronder bo unconditional and proof of publication properly sworn to, I find it, necessary to establish Ihe following rule in accordance with the law regulating publication, which will be strictly enforced. 1st: Notice of intention to make final proof, 111114 be inserted in ni eonsceulivo issue of weekly papers. Tlii villi' in inipt rtitirr. 2nd : All publication tioliees must b! published in the newspaper prop er and not iu supplement form, mid the aflidiivil of publication must show that the notice was published In (he newspaper propel1 and not in Mipploiuetil. fid : The. day micceeding the sixth publication of any notice publishers must iniike the proper allidavit in as re.itiired in all proof mid contest not i. -en mid transmit-J be same with ottl, delay to Ibis ollicy with hill tiiere'.ir. Publishers are especiallv hen HivM-r.itin.lulH give Iheuiselve-. H'iucs!cil not (o deliver the proof of tip, let them be taken to tiraut and fcierra counties, formally tried for murder rut.! bung. The blood of poor Mrs. Water, and a hundred iheiK, try out for vengeance, (jur ouiiini, above nil other, is responsible for tin cm. I Ajia. ho war, and (he hideout old moiistrr ought lo have hi nek broken in the prunenee ol'all the Indians 011 Ihe Han Carlos rt-M r tali. n. . A 11 .tii , Dent. . 'r arc of t he Kiiuir opinion and il the govrruinoiit takes Hie inluae and hang (ieroiiiiiii) and Ills aeeomilices in ihe prow n.e of tho n ibr, il would ,10 a nholesoiiiu lesson for (he lithe Apache; Ibeto iita mi pert,! il ion anion pttiilieiitioii in claimant, Mil in every cas mail the same to this office. Any publisher who shall fail to cum ply strictly with (he foregoing ru'.eit, will without notick have all further patronage, of this ollicu wit hdrawn, Very Itcspccl fully, KllMl'NIl (i. Siiiki.iw, Register. ntl.iiuil Points. A hasty glanei) at both homes of ('ongresH iiidieale that no measure designed to interrupt the coinage of silver dollar, can pass either chum- the Hiime that when a redskin is bung 1 1'l,' i t i-lo of tho deuiocntl s. bin koiiI can not get out of Ihe bodv iuiv! thcrefote can not go to the Jlnppy hunting grounds, and they irefer Ihe most painful torture to a J.rinp cravat Sujicrstiiion would do more for in I ban ii en. Crook iter did in a parly, was Well .b-liued in (he Senate by Mr, I'ugh, who, in a good ualni'cd and (eiiiperate referone.i to 'Ihe adininisliatiou's Kilvur policy, I said (hat 011 thit mailer both parties allowed ditr.-reiice ofopinioiui with in the ranks, and that he had no disposil inn In ipnuiil with (he President for holding views nt vari ance with hinaowu. After this ex planation he pitched into the gold- Oranvillo Stttait of Montana, prnks about pleuro poetimoi.iit on tliriiiige nit follows; "We only know that if range cattle should once he t (Hi ked by (his dreadful eoiiige, i bugt and the hanks wit bout in. 'ivy. t hat I hi re u on Id lie uo inriiin of rou-I Snow.len vhowiis sup.ninteu- tr.illiug it, and by (he lin:e vve f.ittnd dant of the Pliiliiilelphia mint for .nil, ey expei icuce nnettu-r tiiere is .......j- .., iio.i u. m h iceoKin,t-u , )l(,ir p),o-e of business 1 . . .. . .... I. . . . . .1 . ' danger Il range cattle lium Jileino- xniuoi ny 011 coinage, mivs unit . x (inbUnioiiia. our herd-, would he ' C.iiigressioau I lour':. de.Uiat ion tbnt Wfpt from Ihe face of the earth. (Mir I here aie fifty million counterfeit only Mfely lie in (he ctiacliuenl ol , "i'vn ilolinr in eiicutat ion is ridieul ueb laws, ami upon the ..per at inn of in. He said that it would be ini nihil RVslent .if inspeelimi jit ill possible for outside parlies to coin nod circulate imitation dollaiK tu any considerable amount without detection. The dolliirs could not be minted without costly machinery of special patt tin. The old fashioned uf moulding is a verv slow Tho l)r. has also bonded the "Seven Brolhcrs'' mine for ifsniii), Wilms it Kleiner are now enjoying the big saloon trade of Kingston. Wi- are informed that, .Mr. It. 1'. j tiieusno lias purchascil a corner lol 111 ivingston anil will ere.-t tliereoti a fine building. Homo heartless miscreant poisoned Mr. llackclls educated (log. The poison was brought into the saloon mid dropped on the Moor. 1". A. I'lbmi has now a large, well filled hardware store. All of which is due lo his own energy and industry, King-Ion now has three very good remit unmix all netting good tables, i Among them we mile Ullwall's, j I'etlo's and the Kuglish Kitchen. 1 i 1 1 There has been developed another 1 big and a richer ftmly of ore i.i the! Lady I-'ianklin mine near Kingsion, ' than ever before. This mine is iin- pro. ing every day, j Tho Templar mine on the North j I'erclut is one of the richest mine near King-lon-itnd has a (1 fool vein of precious 01 e. The Hln-els i.f Kingston are crowd ed with strangers, who have tin' needed "dust" wherewith to buy "chuck" for a prospecting trip iu the hills, and busine.s is livelv, Kingston lakes the cake for liming among other accomodations a first class " Moot-black " who is an cxnr. in handling Ihe brush. Tho beautiful stone hotel al King slon, which for two years has been under construction is now Hearing c Jiiipletiou, and to say ihe least, ii is a beauly iu design iimUt model ol' workmanship. The future success of the homo depends upon who opens it up on the start. Messi.-.. Wilson it Jtyron deserve credit for thei1 j energy and persevereiice. j "The'Voods". Ilirdie and Richard j are giving oeal and instrumental : enlertainnienls at Kingston. Wilms' A Kleiner of the California Ilrewcn Saloon have n'curcd I Item mid the j result is its usual ,1 big crowd. ' McArdle iV Askew are beaulifving ' Among 1 he ) noticeable attractions is a panel of- 1 1 Tiu.Cnntc Walton,- resembling edr-'j iiigated tin. but which in reality is : made of rag anjl paper. It is very 1 ( '. T .1. . li.vim, ( 'oin, lb WlHTIIAM, Adjt. eri to Jifly thousand. , I'oillan l. Ore., is to have tint yeor n l.(KW.OI!fl. hridgii and railroad ' work- I shops cos ling $,'),I!;0.(KI'I. ! l'l-iiu-css Sara Wiiiiieiuueca. of ihe Pi- ' We-", lliinks- t.'t.-tr Indian Agents ought m be unity ollieei s. The returns from Nova Seotia mines ( for VJA2 show thai l.liiii.Hll tons of coal were produced, i . l;i'i Uiis of iron, and U. 107 ounces of go! I. The eight railroad lines having thrlr termini iu I! jstmi have carried over forty million passen ;er, the past year, with only eight fatal 'accidents. From a (lock of sheep juir'-hii-avl three years ago for :!o(i. a Culpepper, Va. farmer lias realise, I KJij, and lias on bis farm JiOO iaml.s. 'J'iio Am.-rieaii Trc.ct Sociely rep.orta that it has ilisiribiited 77,liOU.U,JU paged 1 01 evangelical literature 111 tha pasl I year. NEW GOODS, 1 'i ik -t rt-iit.i. r )RY OODS Including New Sil Colored Cashmeres, Ladies CI (linghaius and Prints. .lb, Plaids, French Tin: iiiiixirlatieu of eaille from Kuron Mr. J. M. Ihilleck 11. id fumily relatives lo t;.'is u"milr.v prone cs to he more ex- f the well-known linn Wilaon !ro.. " u "- inerchaiits. arrived lliis week lioin their 1 1 1 1 1 1 c tu Alabama and will spend the siiniii cr iu Kinislon. I.AKl- VAI.LKY N- Wl-X-I , 't his liuine is now supplied with j 1 not only a good table but also t lie best sleeping apai-liiicn s in town. I tensive this car tin. son- It is the belief of (lie Cenlilcs in Utah, that within the last year plural mar. riages have been inofe numerous Iiihd ever before. In France and England a scaffolding is erected complete ill advance of the building a praclieewliich much dimin ishes the eh. line of alt accident. Mrs. llooiii. mother of tho actor,, lives in Philadelphia, She has a kind sad lace, and she loves to tall; !i lun New notions and fancy goods' of every description. Lots of cailand and beconvinci d. I.wtsof the older stock markml down and Ike new ; cheaiier than ever. Cigars and Tobacco, Queensware etc no i) or withonl l.onfiiM;, II (1 Meredith, i J'roprielor, ! I VV. B. DAWSON, I in-: - i.i-.ii i ! iciimu n .i.iv. j Legal r.laiiks. ( 'on feet iuiier , Fruits, j Cigars and Tuba.vo. : t iit(;xloii, - - Xfir Mt'.rico. Atchison, Topcka AM) Santa Fo Railroail In coutiection i I ! 1 t lie Atlantic & Pacific Til i: (I UK. IT MIDDLE tUH'TE lletweeu the Missouri river and the Facine const. --The only through line from the Missouri liver to SOUTHERN! COLORADO AMI riZVV MEXICO. I'ullimiu Slrt'it)ij Curs Cttrrird on all h'rjirrss 'I'm ins. The Fating Ibnises along the line of! I'.CSiXFSS lilULCTOIiV. M hi:i -Hants. -Ueri-iii, Keller iv Miller, I'crratill A (ialles, Idas Chaves, Jose Alert. I 1 1 1 Hi. 1st. Win. S. Staudish. IIotki.s. John (Ipgenorth, Mead ic Knecr. Mi:-r M mikk-is. Ornbauni ,t Mitchell i-'elis (ionzalles, Pedro L'ivi-ro. Ca uitn it 11 A 111 11 01:11s. -- Lew is & Clark. Hi. wksmitii. John t!. Smith. Foot & Shoe Makkii. I. T. Ilurdick. . Sa 1.00 n s. Tiuuliusiin & AdkiiiK, ' McCilverv vV: Pivcn, Strong ban, Her H. I-. Mchoiiahl, J. II. M.-PlierHon. ColiHAl.s.- ( J. M. Toiii'.insuu, Tie, nun Lull in ill . ToNsoitiAi. Ait-rtsT. -N. K. Martin. Fi!KuniTi:iis. ( '. C. Crews, Ceo. W. Mom. ,- -Jeiteti, Jose Pedro San diiv at. Nntice tn Pass -users. Passengers for St. Louis and the F.ast should buy tickets via IIw.sti:aii and,' the " Fin 11 o I a si:," by I his means get, through car without cluing to St. 1. Wish aim-. "Frisco Line," St. Louis, Mo. THE GREAT firp- Fines'l "rands uf Wines ami Liquors always mi baud. New Mvxiro mi & HK.VLF.IiS IN i Louis. (i.P. A. I -iter I k " I p D T T - J 1. I JJ 1 f lilh Plat,.? '(',. Il'ce, Sugar, Fbitp- 0" ran (.rain, M. Fuller,' F.g; losses. S elc, Polatocs. a Specially. Cahiicd Cijuds and LIVER Ilu- r ;;vl me 1111 -:ti':l-i c .1. . They, are tinder (he iiiaiiiigeinenl of Mr. Il.u vcy, of Kansas City , Tin: Fest hotel manager iu liu- eounlrv. render it iinpossiblc for t.iir rang, .ill lie to rem.' iu roiil.iii wih in fertrd allium!.'' A lady riie finm Host, 01 10 th. Kotitliwesl Hentiiicl of Siher Citv, han.ltome and cost much more then 1 1 1 eorrtig.Vcd tin, ; .. .. , 1 hese lions, s are so arranged that from Notice 111 Ibis issue the business Kansas Cily t, I leiuiiu-, passengers card of Chapliue.vCo., Kiugstoii N M i have their regular meals, and This linn have teccnlK oiicned nil 11, can get, always, a tirst-clas liable price. nice next door to the Pcrchii where they are prepared to w ell conked ineal, at a r. Ili ioiix '. At k s Ileal Hank ,i 1 1 . .,11 I... .;. :...i. 1 . , . . . . ..I . . ii, ,1,1 i,ii,i 1 11 - 111 111111 1 1 in- stating that be i .die of --pighiy-' J"e, and the . 0111s so mad. w ould be ( Pcil Fttt C II toiuand" Kves of Massa.b-' palpatdy inferior to those minted bv "'" ' " '' t'"' eiiioo and ... i 1- -el . 1 .1 1 -Mining Hinkcis. tine Ihein a call tiw-tt and ask Hint tin. rlmmi. inaoliinei v. I hen, grant ing t hat (In- .... . -. 1 , . , , , . Wlielt in the citv. would bo for mirh ,lun lorn females ''("u conhl 'e made of stand ud - in hi Indian-ridden ro't-ii-v !-te ' ",,,,h1 'i. in pel feet imitat ion of thai ' Tl"' KIV, nu. let-the auspices Womack s celebrated Indian Hitlers of Willeox 'well-to-do cowboy... after I niantifiietnied by (ha govern ment ,' ';f ''osl No- '- A- n- "" bnt Womaek's listnhi and pile t 'in' m. 11 landing the from llm Itoston ''"w. mks Co!, hnowden, could it be ! s'lii'day n ght was a grand success ; Womack s mai, Liniment. maid, remarked: "Send a drove ,,f! circulate freely? Willi all its "'"'"y n.l linaueially. The new and if the t. k In well : ''ppli'".ces. the govennent bat been j '1' gni ball belonging to the able ( tbiat only tifly million silver I 1 lll '"it iniHy .lecorated w lib dollars il seven veins. Kvidentlv ! evetgivrn and (lags and brilliantly Vm along, graded, I will try to cut unci out of the herd."' The mine sentiment lire doubt Ic tMHenaiiu-.. bv other ! cwmterf. iter could not duplicate j ''ghle.l, and theoecsiou win voted of (hit very many Kvrlena Ad.u.i. in ; '' '" si'i rt i ' '' ,,v I'1''1 K'' ! in tl.ii neelion U'iln.T K ltinn lAgwia, tihrrr aitd b..i was the ; 1 U'eccsjaiy bullion t x 1 1 . 1 1 its 11 , Hrncral Sh.rmaii is alrcadv tired C -I, Sii...en concludes lh a there of this whim that iiiaib- him leavni'' very few colintericit dollars iu Washington and t-lio.. t Louis a j circulation; f.-mer, he thinks, than al place to live in, mid in talking of " previous time 111 the nistory of ; by all who piuliclpaieJ m bein the most enjoyable enlvrtainnieni : that has ever taken jila, c in King-(on. Mr. 1!. L. lia-ney, so long and favor-. ably known here, bat associated him- istif mill. Mr. Ciiat'line ami the tirin I have oiK-ned an ottice nexl doer Ito the leaving that dar The (.entinipnt "c S0'1 nmrnt. II looks, 111 short, IVr. ha P.auk f,r the j.rai ti e of law (.real Messing to Siill'.-ringbutnani ty h'ixtuLi on I I'ilrs Cinil W.tlifitu n ,i, khio-. lie t:lin MiT-r,it, will Womaek's It Is mi.s f.irrt'iir kisti i a, ni.ivii, iiit rtuxo & it. iiim; l-ll.l S, TKt t Kil, IJIVl.M OKM, -(.S0N-ClAK, AMI Ol. t) Sours OKHVtN TV Tl- Alls' t-TAMUXli . in Washington Vet'ins d W stbat if the General will coina liomr-, all w ill Lefoiiriven - t.d lctid..i, there are . . . inorr rflly fills tht-ie than ever a if Mr. Iloar t itnlulging biniself 1 loin the known standing r-f (lie !:entle- '. VvUr per box little iu that jnoju-n ily l..r joking '-"".posing the firm, a guaranty GARNER & CO., 50 cK for which the rototind fvim-i Michigan i .b. i ..f can le bn 1 that all business entrusted lo their a I lenti.m. will ie'eie pi.enpl Manttfacluieis and Fropi ietor, J Si l.ouis. Mo., a..d Mobil,-, Via Ollt.l IL-l..!, i Mime or j .wttril wiih n brown fur; p;,in m the bil k, suli. I or j in( ,,llrn nil -n l,,r Klinlllllati 111 ; mci- "i ii. i,,..i,i II- i.-ll,( ; Miinct lll,:s tl;ii,st-:i an.t it ibr;i,h, or iiiMifslioil , Itianliucy .,n,l jH-Kl i-liitl..lion; ,.,Hels i,luiis,tfly cosuvi; lui.l lux, I.i hiUhIi, , ( mcmery, with a r.atiit'iil .enutiuii !,f liKving IhiIpiI ,i ,1, smnclhii.K wlnvh mrhl In h.vrlss-ni'ow; it. v ; l,,u .rit , .1 lliu.t. ,v.nowi.,ii,;., uf llv. kin on u ill y rnii;b ; ti vrr ; ptieMiiie.s ; ii,c urine is cunt y mi! hili tolurcit, muS, it :.ilimvd lu.u,,d, du- its a utiliitiL-nt. 'Tf j IPURCLY VCCtTBl.l:) I W crnrr uly i,s,,t i tl South tu tutpid l.ncrtua In hhv action. j It acts ivllli tMitrnuriUiiurj rllli-ai y uit ttta KIDNEYS, and DOWELS. hS fFFECTU.U tm,'.fiZ FOR ttMiHili.ftiSftn, ItiluUNiifMt nch ntuMiut'no, tiHtiiiutue, Wciitul n.-prrvxlon, )ti.tvtl Complaint, j 1:1c, l:tc, j THE EEST ftMVt MEDICINE ! For . Iiiiitrvn, for Ailults, ami ft tlic Ak-1. SA;E 10 TAKE IN ANY CDN0I1IOM OF THE SYSTLM! J. H. ZclLIN & CO., .ui, I'illl.AllKl.l'lllA, PA. 1 i;k r.. f.1.011. '4 Tr,R M g DR. LIEKIfi, CC 1o llisieiisary, fyfNlt P e.Vr-St..Si.KMi.els, I () 1'ointtii'tcl t, ijunlilieit hs. 1. 1 cinn innl siiri;i-iitis rcjjtihir v ii- rim Cldist Steciiliiti in Dm- t nilol siuu-. hoso t.i-iiO:s lu-rlVot iiivlhu.l mt i-iir.- miolii-iiii', iii-ure i'in-v mel ri itNASrsT tim. Xjef nil I'riviile .'hriinic stet rr .-,-iv,,,, , ii4..a,,,.. .ni'rlliiHi .vis,-- , ' aiaiut, 1 s, -'-h.'i... i.,;t.i, wa tprta, bwtitittf rtT O ef lit S'.Jtdi. Son aiitt. TkMit i "e--' Q 2-M fuel ecrniiOKicii citri-.l 1 V3 tJ for liic I X 7m- Klf Ihni'l. M, I, I'll ((,( tf I'hjffiistl tt'mlnr, Fuilinfl , 9m V' wo.n, 'f.ii- Kur. Shwirt i.. .j i ' t- . . V Mtrrriitiir. rtr.. front j ttiitttllf'ti fttllits. tir lt4tf en-l..' y.nt'.i, Our Slock Is Our Prices Low. The Best Assortment of Fancy and Staple . (iioeeiies in Town. Also a ioo, Line of iLils.aiil Caps, P.aats an 1 Shoe.s, all Solid Leather, war ranted I Ik lip. '" Prompt attention givex to Oftleni fnniu eighboring ramps. l jirb, Ul-IW-t. , Itlera payfron lf-rrte.-a rt-lit? paiw.pnce 3i, I-i irculara ar.d ,im , OO.N, Cllciuaall. O.uo ' l lie largest si oek goods ever ojiened in town a,,, petition. The ladies tire specially invited to call li'ri"isH'Vi prices. Patronage solicited from neighbnring e No blow: .No talk: No fae y inee.s prt Pit iJ.riislnl'iii;-. stu dh ni( Co., r iii An ftttiv Mmn r Womi In Chca Mr H(hiu rnJ LiprnrM. t.roftimin id. rk. vtilarad mm . to mt ImIt M nift. tt ten l. Jartford, Conn. Ilk L 3G.929. ' "- . Wt lirn sMatiiifr r avli M ro4 Kellrr Mltfv V4Mrulm . T rr-1l(tinc uriii ii.,! fur lUt Mh joa nine r(. uu npatti innrm. . C m ir KtAtieJ Ave, Nawtrk M,.nhin r - iVC STUDY. B'ttk-kcfpinff, Business 4lllL F..rnm. Pnmaniihlr- Anthmrt! Rtiott. 4liafl tie . f iK'foiiitlilT fmiffnr hv mall, ( irculnri fyce. A MO TIT. Afnt VnrttHI. hrt rtlnKHFtlrleMnthc world. I mnple Jit, tU AdOrcwJlV URONMN. iUi a nf. Mica. $250 Ui$, dee. iloifft for CTUift;jei wUtt rfeoBrar. . . P. BuVElt ft CO- Coatoviile, !'. CANCER ? Tratf 4 nl cutwI wtlhrnM thi n!P. ,, r., iijui rni ii A '-'iir-ia i.. i uai'.M.u., Aurora, aaupfo .111 CTBillfiC AWTAUT OIVEX AWAY V I IttRil f, v.olm. ..iili.r. ll,u:o r'c-. A-taTrli V C.A.LOUaAN.laoiiiiaike.&ireen ki.Lojla.ilu, A. N. K.-b. KoTTtma" tUtlK WRITING TO ADTEftllaKttjC pMM Mr rBM Ah A4TTAWUMat i - .umbw Q u4 uu. iutwtt Mi i0 -la. l