Newspaper Page Text
II LI.snOKO.SATl'KDA Y. FF.B.20, '8i Why We Laugh. ""! buvrM t bonnet, MM. 'car: My derlsm 'Hi trimmed with kill ; 1 hv no ruudi, mid I'vteoms bcrt To if run Kill lout till- kill." "Your bu"! mid siii oar be !;! nsiu r The fslliar roughly iuitlonid htrr; h hunt hr hrud ilh cheeks aflame, " ilic isTajr Strnwan-d, "WUJUu. ilr." ' lilt tftt hon u ltli a dangerous Jifc-lil 'Itum! knb ) 'll Irluiaird sllb kill! Well lri Klin lu Iht hmi t tilflii, and I ill jln.ll.i fool jour MIL" h d to deeiid on, this gone Hi d the olliccrs, soldier and nail on who town was doomed to die. (served in t lie Mexican war fur any The ieoile wero dujcd. They ' pariod during the your 1345, lfl, '47, 20.00 Cly aa Opinion. VT have been asked our opinion on the cattle question what we thought '.K-ut qnaranline la, ami last but not li-nst why it was that big cattlemen iij:hril all the leading politician In the country ? It is our opinion t!it the cattlemen are not to mu h to blame fur thi diroct Jy, a are the j e' l in general. Poli tician have wtji that the rattle busi ness was a good medium ou which to Work into imtoi i.-ty ami political pro ferment, therefor they have used it. Tin-re was a time uhru a man eouhl raise cows without being a politic-mil, but according to the view of Djrscy, Ityuerson, Uijoy an J the run! of the sore he-id political gang that Jay hai passed The politician by organizing cattle conventions fWr mutual protection for tthis great industry are aot coiliuing themselves to the advancement of t ie knowledge, of the tock business, but e tea -hiuglbc people that tbey are on the war path ami propose having legis lation their own way. Spoi-iaJ legisla tion if you please, for their particular , brtii-es. Thia was the worst uiovo - f-j? tbaatUe interests tliat could pows ibhbavj rouie to light. It has opened ihe eyes of the unsuspecting public aa lu the object of the big cattlemen. It ia looked upon by the small cut (lumen an a lyoH which ia crouching itself low in it lulr ready to spring upjlilheiu with legislation and annihilate tbeui. Therefore, w e say tliat this parading .amen ! the cosvitry and .-ailing enliven- tiona here, there and ovey where to or ganic against tlia uiasa ia placing ynursuJvcs ia a combatiso position, in viting useless war. The large owner we believe should have just pro tection, but ho iniiHt bcur in mind that the small owner and tho people awing tha balance of votes, consequently the lialanoo of legislative power. Therefor we say -that when politicians in the -eaitletnisinoss flourish the buttle ax, they are doinj cattlemen more harm than good. The quarantine law bus i.o right to bo kept on winter and summer, aid U only nhowa liow narrow MeiMrs. Jtynerton an I Kit -v aro to advocate tch an oi.t-atfn in a free ouutry. Tha Advocate appreciates the b'g rattlemcn nfHierra county. They pay moat of our taxoa. and they arewluit we are proud of but we do not propose todocivo them by telling them Hi at thi y tmvuirnt thevorld by the tail and a down hill pull. 1 ecu It, and they utraighl wny took and '-18, or their surviving widow, up I lie piece of public IjixI in qtics- j Secondary evidence of an honorable atiori (not as company) but as o dinchare may be recoived in rue of body of net tier on the public duiu the lo of the olllcial document, or ain. r the ptoof of receipt of a land warrant The i:iilroad Inntig.Ked AM rject- lawfully procured, ahull be siiiricieiu tnent suit to jiut thore people otV of evidence of an honorable dixchwrge. public domain, which I hey the mil- j No soldier whose political disahililie road cunipanii's took up and fenced ' have not been removed ;hall be en In without any authority in them lidled to the bedefit of'thc act. vested. Now the iiesliou arise what lejjul right ha the railroad company ( to put honest sett Icn off of land by ejectment which belongs to the government. Let j lint ice be clone. "Give to Caczar (bat ahicli belong to f'near" hut do not rob the Trojan to give unto (he Tyrian, The Judge of the Supreme court cannot understand thi raic too thoroughly, as tlio more they undcrslaud ii the more conclusively will they perceive the dark hand ofsclicmcry, money and inlhienoe playing upon the un suspecting innocence of the poor buv honest vocmanry of ihe cwuntry Tim people tif Ieming have been reduced to poverty lighting lhoe rich corporations and their only hope n nv is to look to the justice of the court. The next "fat take" in our oilicc goes to tho printer who can tell out of What foreign Exchange the Socorro Bill lion purloin it funny poetry. The two li paper at i.m Cruces (Uiloy Si Ilynerron) fay ('ol, Frsxeu i up in iSiem 'jjnnt.v. lis astonish ing how clour those fclloas steur awiiy from us. The money which keep the totter ing Kl faso Tribune from collapsing at once wits stolen from the territory of New Mexico, The paper is doomed to early demise, however, as the djoiU piu t of tho amount stolen bat already been exonded.-.ujlver City Sentinel. Wo believe lius silver question is .life, but as long a there is any poss ible, danger of U'Juoncli-ition, silver will be depreciated lu prhie, and value of evory .character wili it. generally (kprojiod. The free coin age act pliould Xtocome a law, while the proposition ft repeal tho JDund bill should be dccatcj- K. K: Burdick, president of Micm bres River Cattle company, visited Silver ('ity thi week, lie has re cently associated with him in this company Messrs. l.iudauer and Wat ers, two of the foremost men of south ern New Mexica, who purchased the iuteiest of K. II. Speed. . The com pany ha now upon its range, w hich extent from the Hio Grande in Dona Ana county through Sierra and into iirant, about 7,500 head of well im proved cattle. Puriug 188.1 the company marketed COO head of steer allied) netted 41800, and (luring the present year they will turn otf at least 100U steers, Thev branded last year 1800 calves and Mr liurdick ' assure us that he has fully 200 un bonded ones Ujnou the range yet to put the irons upon. The herd taken all in a 1 1 is one of the best in south ern New Mexico, and the company withal is 4iio of the most prosperous. Silver City Knterpriso. Yes, this may be very true and stilt Mr. liurdick doe not pay taxes on 300 acre of land in Sierra county Hi cattle are running in on the other poor fellows and enlmg them out, tiu'y are kicking and Ihey have a ligth to kick. S7.50 81.C7 115.00 H AIL t OM UK TS. 1 lie Court, the lUllrowl and the iVepJo, 1 it possible that the Democratic JinfjCe of tho Supreme uourt of New Mexico cro going to .ill low Iheiuscl. ves in spit -of all hiw, justice and equity to (U'f.ide that Dotuiug Park casein fusrnv of llie rair oads. The .railroad eompaiiios had no right to take up that. laud, they had no right in law or equity to the liittil and they persecuted the people oa that laud imply because they did not want the public to compete with their big -depot eatijijr hoiuo for the public transient tide, The railroad have, we luidvistnnd, K'Cincd tho best uinel possibly in this ruse and the jieoplo pray that for tho sake of justice, for the future morals of this Territory that the Judges 'of .lle .court will not ussitit the j.iilrc.atl i-ouipaiiica to Ihece them out of their homes. It k downright -tibUipatloti on the puri of the railroad companies uni jt now .remain toio sikii if tho itemoeralic Supreme Judges of this territory are going to allow themselves to i o liood- w inked and haiir.iciijqiail by the railroad iiifioouce. Jt will rusort to U ioebu,t r and .bloodslied, as ihe peoplr'are right in thiscar.e. Tho railroad companies had n l iglit to take up this land, they have no just grouuda on which tocuul"at jt, but aging a dis graceful Croexo out on aioor disabled people mtiJe of la-iv, justieo and equity. We invite ouufceadiction. It is custixnary to remark by some that bad not the lo,iii;J arks been jumped it would have been much belter for the town of Denting. Indeed, but who taiicvd thia The railroads themselves. They sold eopie saost lots lor liy figures out on a desert piece' of land away ft am ublic traile and traffic ha starve we ht t:,y) and then buij! a big fence tlirm and the depot (outside ifciits in them wasted) and . " instriu'(3 lhair ronduc ni braVenuu'.to circul "lories rq?rding the "ep the (xsveling Hie MnuLo ho-uue'u committee elfectiuillv disposed (if the Kuslio resolution requiring tho February bond call to he paid in silvrr by lett ing the eoiisideration of Ihe resolu tion go over till a meeting of the committee to be held after the date .vhen tho call bonds mat ire. .This so far as it goes, ia a victory fon the anti silver party, but it does itotgo fur enough' to bo of much value to either Jianty. TUe side U'liisdn will gain most by inaction i the jio that favors tho iircsviit law govccniii the colniige. Jf (iio anti-siJvcr njen arc willing to shut oif discusaron, tho bimetalist sJi.Julct bo content t fall in with simple a do-nothing jHslicy. Could not Ji. V, Wade, Ksq. late district attorney and all that, tell us just why Johu Weaiherfoid'a Jbond wa reduced from $4000 to flOOO, when the property in sight ample to pay the large amount the same property selling a short time after wards for f(750? Say Wado why did von have that bond reduced ? The public is interested $:i000 woith And whilo you aro about it, ym might toll us, too, how JiKilgo K F Wilson camo to havo ono-third Inter est in tho ffi750 den'i. We have all Ihe facts, V'adt, and at proper time and in the proper way they w ill h utilued, but we wihii to give you an opportunity to nuiko a c.baii treast of thw afl'yir. f'itv Sentinel. Win. Evans, wlj st one time was assistant p..stmaatr nt Deming, has been arrested at jfaiiSMs C:ity. A registered letter, ontatnihg $139, was opened while hehcli that oflice. White Uaks Era. Oh, ho ! Thi is tho aanio Win. Evnni and llto ame neptew of the Mine Mr. Ilvrou who runs the Dewi ng Post oflice. The sumo boy who created tho amnestic scandal with Mr. llyrons w i.'e laitiu nmor a id tho same outfit which lielped to boycott us in Deming, tKs aaiao gang w hich bought the Detuis; 1. O. and scared tho other P. M. ut of the country. As we tohi them at the tinte .might did not mak rijLt" Vut tL'ne would develop the true 'iuniarduoss of their bein-rs and their srtion1ike chicV-en would coma Latuo to roost J I t lias arrived, behoM the result. The . following arc the bids and the route Jet for carrying tha I'. 8. MaJI to and freni tho various points ia New Mexico : From (irafti n to Eugle 04 miles, six times a wk 13300. From Hillwboro to Chloride 50 miles Hiil'J. From Lake Valley ' to Kingston 30 miles, six times a week, l;)'.0. Froni Fairview to Cherryville 3-1 tliree tiiiies a waek, IHll.1). I'wui Ft. Cuiuming to Florida 0 miles, seven times a neek, $:)10. Froiu Las Vegas to Ft, lSaseom 125 miles, three times a week, $-"J'.M). - From Tuluroaa to Seven Ki vers 325 units, two nines a week, J.JUi i . From Lordsbuig to bilver City 50 miles, three tunes a wvek, $1010. From Magdaleiia to Sail Francisco 1-.') miles, once a week, l-'.lu. From Walrus to Aioia -lJ iiiiIch, mx tnuud ji ucck, ySoO. Fiuji) Mora to Las N egus, 3 timos il week, f-0. From Chiiporitu to Fort Sumner 00 miles, tlncu limes a week, $110h. From Itoswell to Fort Sunuu-r Ml miles, twice a uei k, yioOo. From Las duces to Fort Stanton 140 miles, six time u week, $74'JO. From Lincoln to Itoswell, 71 miles three times a week, $21 80. From Itoswell to Seven Itivers !l miles, twice A wcvk, $1370, From Santa Ft to Espauolii, sniles, three tinMe a week, $.'100. From Curtice via While Oaks to Fort Stanton 120 miles, seven tinus a week, W01. Ceo. W, Moore, Saiices as lCoud jsui-ervihor Jesse K .Thomison, Services as School superintendent Tafoya &. Vallejos, Wood for Jail and Clerk's idlice Nathan ii my son, I) a yl i cat 'warrant The resignation of George Kich ar.dson, Justice of the peace in Prec inct No. 10 and of Oeojge A. Adams Justice of the peace in Precinct No. ( were read and auccpted. . (;. A. Adam was duly aupoiutcd Justice of the . piice. for Pikciiiet No. 10. The following persons were ap pointed Itoad supervisors : II. C. McKay for Precinct No. C J- V. Sotieier " " "11 Win. Marshall " " " Ordered that n duplicut waarant be issued to Nathan (iruyson in place of' warrant No 437 lost or destroyed. Kesolved. That ou and after. Feb. 15th A.I). 188( the Board of county eommishioners will not audit bills or mo 111, mil oi otint pjisonert; ex cept as provided in Section 47H Com piled laws of New Mexico, and the Sheriff is hereby instructed to furnish board for the prisoner in accordance with said section. Proceeded to examine the bids for printing during Ihe year 1880.., The following bids were submitted J. E. Curren's bid 40 cents per square inch. W E. Thompson's bid 40 cents per square inch. J. Paik Liitle's hid 30 cents per square inch. Itesolved that t he print ing be given to J. Park Little, he being tho lowest bidder, provided ho furiiish,.(inc to the county for tho faithful per foi'iiiancc of lire sum2. voicu 10 appropriate vootrin war rants to aid in buildiiig a wagon road across the. Black liange from Chloride to the cunnty line, , And the cleik is hereby oxterevl. to draw warrants for said amount in fayor of E. F. Holmes. Ordered that all atreets ami, alleys in tho town of Kingston, Sierra, Co.' N. M. usuirveyed and platted, he juid i i .. i . .i i I. i ... ma neruoy iii-eiaieu I UOI.c lltgliway Ordered that (J. W. Gregg he and' is hereby fully author wed .audi em powered to take such steps ns ho mny deem priqicr in tho mutter of Siena county N. M. ngnim-l J..B. Riuiitull of Albuqueaque N. M. and to pro secute said J. II. Randall. , either' in a civil or criminal avtion at la,w4 in behalf of si.i I Sierra comity. ' There being no further bt'siness- tho hoard adjourned to met l.he. first Monday in Apiil A- 1. JSti.H. 0. W. Gbeoo, J. M. WtiiKTFK, Chairman. . Clerk. Wo hfrcliy tnfim ths pnli!le that we IU : a rfHnllil- nr th otthts jt rtw. a. .jMplu.iees, uni-Ti', suntM. witi"i'liil1rn sr ! t)ieitri Mlih.iiil a nrlnou ur vvrlml onli r j I rum i u lUl cflrit. J. K. (ci.iii N. A. FKItKAt.'LT. 11 V.. (iAI.I.FS TilKE . SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Far all DtKatc of Ote lirer, Eldncyr, Stomh &d Spleta. P.-tratinn. now o crl-braicd 1 a stmily Mctliciw, nri)(inAtd IM the Smih in HM. Ii sctl liriill)' in ttic liWtli and KirtiifV and wnrrrcla th artton of th jver,nd i, there fore, tlir itfmi prmrtt4rr intulit'lnt, wh..ifv the ticic iws.t iny pr ve la - In ill common lii.ttc if H, tin .ftltV1 l.y any other rae.v riite, rtTrrl iHtiy cure. The Itfjnlalnr It safe to iJmiimirr in any Cftndtiion of ihe -iym.and uuUiir no rlreuui tftmcie emtt It do Imrui. It will iiiviorjt li'-ea g!a of wine, but no intonc-th brfr-. are to to inieinperainre ; will rullili IU ycHtaWan, cH-nipnl htiditrh, Miitl fwifr hHv ton up ih )tiu. '1 hi dote if Hnuii, uoi unjtlraHunt, and lU viriuci unduubtcJ. No lotta of (lui. no Intor rtiptUn iw totMK of Utitir lUt KegitUtur. ChilJrrn complain inn of folic, lltttljWti. or Sick hloiimi-h, a teA-jt-'onful cr nuw: wilt gi fUc. If taken rreaMfn..lly bv tint expo-U to MAL-tVlA. ili rxp I the p.ivn nJ prult t tlitni frum atUtfc. A IMIYKH'IAV IrHIM'. ' I ive Wen prat ticing mrdicrar f r tweotv. TCra. ami have never awe iw no YctcB ' compound that would, like Sinimom'Liv lutpr, promptly and cflf:f lively move the a tfuk. and At iUe tunc aid (Himead cnog til mgcMivr anu iiimiiit: ir. Perrault&Galles lea I e in III MIUSRS SUFFICES. Fall Arrival and Opening of- NEW GOODS, I 'I urn l llili of y.l L M. I1int6m,M.U.,Ws. m IDRY GOODS in 5cw Mex r-K Til AT VOi: KT TIIK OFATINK. i-kai'AKt'U av t J. H. Zdilin Sl Co., Philadelphia, Pa. .Holier to Pa tensers. i'lasHenyers for St. bonis and the Kast hlivuld buy tickets via II i.stkai and tho ;'liirvo Link," by Ibis means gel tliA'ligh ear without changa-tii St. r.. r. a 1). Wish Airr.. . "Frisco Line," St. Louia, Mo. Including New Silks, Colored Cashmeres, Ladies Cloth, Maids, l'renel (inghams and 1'iints. New notions and fancy gfxxla of every description. Lots of lew loofo Shot' and Clotliing.. loiiinilssliMifx I'locesdings. The lions. j owuiKltee on pen ion yesterday adu sn amendment to the Mexican pension bill, introduced in the House Ly Ms-. Voalfrd, end directed th mcpttrt of tli bill tc die House. Assorted ip.n in coniniit tce, tho bill fcoihorizes tho Sccretar)1 ip own to pu . j of the Interior to place on the pens. Tmnsienl of Darning Hillsborough, N. M. Feb- 8lh 1B8C Adjourned mooting. Meeting was called to order by U. W. Gregg Chair man. Present, G. U'. regg and K. F. Holmes commissioners and J. f. Webster, clerk. Froceeded t rcimine claim for rebatenuuiit tf taws tu the follow ing aHiount- .ordered rebnted, vir.. : I Len in Kelleri: Miller Conrad Hots Xoel t Smith fc'ocJ v4 Ooiglma Chas. Lougea ii. 'V. (iregg John Russell C. R. Dry-am. The following til.U.-ere allowed and warrants ordered Unawn, via: ' (Jco. V. Crane Sl Co Jiooks, $ COO Chas. . CSrenne. StatKturor E. Curren, Trinting Ferrault Si Ciallcs, OHioe rent (January) do. SuppLc for paw per do. do. iurjail .9.0t Herrin Keller and Millor Supplies for proper 25.00 Jno. W. Kllis, Interpretor 10.00 M. Coagrovc " 3.00 James P. Parker, Coma. ' liceutes W. 8. Ptartdish, Jail suppliw tIS.OO 18.00 l!2.50 7.50 3.00 13 50 6.00 23 100.00 11.20 13.00 25.00 S'o call attention of our readers to an novertisemeni of. ihe Chicago Cottage Oigim Company in another column, and we. take, pleasure in recommending to tho general ) iblio a company whoseOrgana have attain ed a popular leputation for their superior niu.sieid qualities,, nrtistio beauty and general excellence. Thw roinpany rank among- the largest and the best in tho L'uited States, having a capacity for liianufiicturing 800 Oigans per miuitli, aud its organs, are shipped into nearly every inhab itable portion of the, .globe, Tho members composing the firm of the Chigaco Cottage Organ. Company are men of experience, iutegriry, skilled in their line, conduct their busiutss on an equitable basis and their fiuqie is destined to be a bright one. ' j LAKK VALLKY N MKX- i ; Thi$ house is now. supplied with init0tily a good table but also the best i,nle?ping iipartmcn s in town. i norinn 'iiU :-nt '.vilhotit I-oiKiixo.', . 1). G. Meredith, Proprietor. calland and he eonviiici d. Latsofthe older stock cheaper than ever. marked down and tha nw Cigars and Tobacco, Quecnsware etc. a8 Finest lUsnds of Wines and Liijuors nl ways on band. B. DAWSON, IX 1 KI.l nil. Jlooka, Lw:ai.J?iak. Con feel ionery. Fruits. Cigars and Tobacco. ui!i$on, - - Xcw fcJ'iva, IfIUbr lew Mexico i win JL:sIi4fc Valley & lWillHtnn9 DKAl.F.IiS IV 37.23 1.50 ion roll, at the rate of aighl dollar Jno. Clarey, Jail guard (J.tnyj 1 00 per irtoB-.h. tha nnme of sll sui-viviug W. F. HU " " " 124 Ml A GiioiC Visitant . Castle Haven, in Dorchester, en tb Chonlank, is n tine old estato and man or hoiisu, eoiiininnding one of the most eouspicuoui sites in all M:viyl.iiicl. The tall and imposinsr house and tha stalnly Lombanlv poplars on tlw hvw can be seen for miles bom upmiddnwe the river ami they loom op as cou-plc4t mu ohjee's from the .npposita Talbot shorn. Caslln Haven, as nu tsUlo and ruidu(iee. giKs away iisek into colonial times, nnd, like soiue other obi places. has hanging' about it soma wivird and fiscinatiug storii-s. Mr. FliUlip Lc Oi.mpio is the ocemvint of C'.istUi liar en. He is a praetiivii ma interested in farinin.' tiio estato, and thinking in flnilelv moru of entiii aud stock than of ghosts and spirits, lint the ghost, has ajrain bien about it, nil the same and has given nn indttbilablo manlfes taiion of his prose i-e.. Ouo day last wees. Airs. lecomptu wa. having din ner prenari'd in the kiUihen. iniaff a hoavv No. 9 cook stmys.' While the! dinner was pronnrinj and tlie stove was covered with Uuiins- no's and ket tles and other cooking utensils, Mrs. Lecompte went out. leaving oe obs in tho kitchen. When she went back a tow miuutes afterward, site, found mat '.lie stove had becnturtiud over and was then with its les ia Vne,air, whiie the pots and kettles and other cooking utensils were In their proper places on the stove, but were sesling on the floor. The tire in the stove was burning as us ual, tha boiling water, ia -tho pots and kettles staid iu and kiipt ou boiling, nothing had tallea from 4h. stora or wss disarranged whilo It -was Inroad over, aud llicrw sat the Move, complete ly reversed, w ith its Uet 'Uppermost The stove-pipe rvmnieed in its pliico on the stove and ia th chimney and was drawing ns usuaU hut it had to be In ken off before tho stove , eoiUd -b righted. This stnoirt nxwrreimu is the wonder of Castle ilavea aad. tho whole neigh borhood arrMM.k -i.'uiMi.ViA) fctlgtr l Atcliison, Topeka Axn Santa Fe Raifroad i pju connection with Uv Atlantic & Pacific R.R TIIK aii$ AT MWDLU ItOUTE .Ueiwefej; the Missouri river ami the Pacific coast. Tha only through ly,; from the Missouri fiver to SOUTHERN COLORADO AM) NEV MEXICO. Pullman Sleeping Cant Carried iqii (JI Ejrpremt 7'rttins. Thoatinp; Houses along the line of .,tha,road are uusurpas-ied. They . ..areum'or the management of ,,i . Harvey, of Kansas City. TIIK , IH'tjt .ioteI manager in the couutrj' ,1 hese4l0,1es are so arranged that bom vUhjs City to Ilemintf, passengers . hve their regular meals, ihl , an get, always, a first-clas well evoked meal, at a reasonable price. . Ilt.,JIIN XV. WOMAC HH Wanwfk s calehruted Indian Hi iters. Won,ack'f tistul ud itle Ointmen Wonuvu-k's magic Liniment. Gre.at43lessing to Suffering humanity ' .itJtfytuhi and Piles Cured Withoulk use ci knife, no psin D-rf(l, with VtTomack'S OIMTOTETATT . i It it tart csrefcwr nTi mund, Bi.irimu. & itchiso . .I-m.h, TKTTEK, UINWOK, ItllAON- IUK AND OLD 8KES ok twin .v TY TEAKS STANMKO. Price jitt box - 50ts. ,A GARNER & CD. ManuXan'.tur.'rs and rroji.-iiir-tprs, Stf4.ois. Mo.,airiMioi!e. Ala. SUPPLIES. ColTec, igar, Flour, Grain, Molosses. Potatoes. Canned Good and. Mutter ,"Kggs,;ett?., a Specialty. Our Stoak. It, a O M. P - Our Prices Low. Groceries in Town. Also s Good1 Line of .lasts, audi Capa, Hoots and Shoes, all Solid Leather, war- roted i W Kl. Prompt attenhior give to Cedecsj from eighlKiring camps. -x The largest stock f gpeds ever opened i town at prkee that defv com petition. The ladiea are specially invited to. call and inspott stock an u. Fatronage solicited from neighboring camps. yourself by prices No blow.; 'o talk: Xo fancy price asked Convince ciuiing on a Cheap House. HERRING KELLER aud MILLER. WilTsbofo and Lake Valley