Newspaper Page Text
HII.LSBOnO.SATUBDAY. FEB.27, '(W I'-jHUea! (;1cm. For (lit past year our Demo cratie friend have hud (lie reign of territniial and national government in their own hands; that tlicy will not hold the territorial reign after licit November, i a conclusion In which we are all ready to concur. Thi. however, depend on what kind of a man tho Republican party of XewMenieo put forward at the next 'flection. If tho Republicans arc o foolish a to put forward any of the La Crures gentlemen, we w ill agnin be doomed to defeat. What the Republican party of New Mexico iineds, are men w1tn have no partic ular axes to grind in fuvor of any clique or clan. We want square, conciontuoii Republican who will not bolt a. republican convention just because the othj fellow happen ' to got the nominal iou. We fear the creating of local untie on local and mercenary question will be introduc ed for the purpose of weakening our rank, but if the Republican party are wine, they will promptly ait down mi any scheme of thin kind. This ij the only point on w hich the Democ racy cn "down u" and we ap-j prebend tlwy will "e it to their ut- moKt ability, is. Narrow View. There in one paper in the country that is in favor of leltintl j all cattle, at IK l iuUh chance with disease, lhe wirn" nf the onnosition to uiiaran tine ia the rtr.nHA Cocnty Amoi atk. Silver City Enterprise. Litllo too sweeping in your osser tioiis Bro. l,eonard Wo are in fa vor of raining the quarantine through rtnin month in the year. We do not believe in traustmsing or ruodi fying the spirit of our fuir govern inent for free dealingrco access and free principle for tho special benefit of a few a against the masses. We believo in fostering our own interest, and presenting diseased, catllo from coming into the country when there ia danger, but wo believe there U ill way a happy medium between two extreme; that medium it what we are after. To bar out all other news paper from coming to Silver City because you happen to have the field, is on a parallel with tho idea of bar ring out all taxable wealth because it might accidentally jeopardize aontboilv's individual interest. Dro. Leonard, you are too narrow, another trip to I.ns ('nice and Riley & ityneraon will have you peoneil. hierni county ha now all the stock she can comfortably feed, and we are not in fuvor of having any more come in, but one year ago, we worked to have Sietra county settled up, and we don't go back of tho bush to ay so. Hicrra county is now pretty well e tiled, and we arobocjiung Grant county, in point of taxable wealth, will sink into insignificance when compared w illi Sierra for 1880. t njust Ci lllclsiiis. Tho following ungrateful ami untrue remark, we clip'l'roin tho Vegas Optic: Cnptain Fei hel's troop of Cav alry, stationed since, la-t suinmur nt llillshoro, in Sierra county, lmsjuwt received a f;eh mount from the Kovernment, all of the old horses having been exhausted standing around doing nothing. Last spring, shortly after the Apaches were on the war path. Captain Fechet, who arose from tho ranks and never saw West l'oinl, exhibited extraordinary f uergy in his effort to come up with tho liostiles, and altliotigh he did not succeed, ho wui so mantf ally ill earnest that tho people in tirant and Hierra counties mado him a dis tinguished exception in their dis paraging talk about army officer in general. Hut the captain suddenly let down in his efforis and for many mouths past Inland bis troop have done nothing but loaf around llills horo in 'nclorious caseand inm-tivity. They are freshly mounted, but it may well be doubted if they have earned it." The above remarks evince a spirit of lecklessncs and disregard for truth which arc as sweeping and presumptuous as they are untrue. Captain Fcchet is now lying at the point of death, but wo know of our own personal kuowledgo that before be took sick hardly a duy passed that lie was not seuding out troop lo investigate some fictitious rumor jibout Indians, and to say (hat the Cnptain ho lit t used every exertion in b: prayer cntc'i t Ti r Indian would be a downiigbt fubiication. Grant county papers are boasting - f our (iimI iuiiw oiily $2o Utnlwiti In Kingston, tliey jiave their streets ttith 1 10 re, and no man lis a mine u jles it runs $500 to the too. Look at the Lady Franklin, Black Colt, Superior, Kingston, arul last but not least, the great Mrike known asMtha ComstrH'k lode, also the ''Templar " Talk about mine, ch T IVby, you fellow don't know what j jjiinrs Tho La Unices Ucoublican, i - ul - li.hc 10 columns of delinquent tax list in iti last Uue. Dona Ann county real estate w ill soon be The Peming Park case uow baa Another faze to it. It appear that the U. 8. Land Commissioner at Washington Iim ordered a hearing at LaCrure on the lltth of March. ti.. . M.i,..n is authority for . ..... ii !... ino siaiemoiii n " . . ... . . -i-......:.,,-;., I intend to appoint am .r.. ........ treasurer and auditor anoui tne i of April. This is, of course, only an April fool. And now, several of the papers coincide with our views with regard te tho danger arising from holding too many big cattle conventions. The Silver City Enterpiise which bus heretofore been ft rip roaring cattle convention paper "took a tumble' to it mistake. Bocorro and Grant counlie are quarreling about their ore outputs. If Sierra county could get actual tKti.tic on her out-put for 1885, she would make both of these coun ties ashamed of themselve. We will wagtrbig money dial two mines in Sierra county ha turned out more mineral and of higher grade than both Socorro Grant coun ties combined. . ... A bill ha been reported imoriu.ij in congrcs, which w ill be of interest to mechanics in thi territory. It provide that for all personal service redered by any mechanic, laborer or servant in the District of Columbia and the territories to an amount not exceeding tlOOO, no property shall be exempt from seizure and sale under execution, if action i begun within aix month alter the last ser vice shall have been rendered. There will be a general cow hunt on both side of the Rio Grande, commencing about five mile above Kl rao, Texas, and a far a ltin eon. Cow men from the different ranches are requested to meet nt John II, Riley' at La Cruce, on tho first of March, when full arrange ment will be completed, A there are a great many stray on tho river, it is hoped there will be a good rep resentation. Tho Sahimil mine south of Den ing have boomed and boomed along, until at length ihey have struck human skeleton'. V) telling how much thi ore will run to the ton, but wo arc informed that it heals pyritc of expectation all to nothing. The Silver City Knterprise says: The man must have been about six feet hlnh. The lower front term were somewhat crowded. rragmcms o clothing showed that he w jre a cheeked tlannel sliirl ami canvass was a victim of cither rustler or ln- diaus." Ono who follow tho silver contro ery now raging in Congress and tho newspapers, will not gei oven flattering opinion of tho American people. According to the monome talists, tho country west of tho Al leirbenics i populated with fools and knaves, who aro trying to cheat their creditor out of twenty per cent of their dues, Hut according to tho silver men, our business cent er at tho east arc nests ot crime, where the eonscientuious thieves plot atiainst the light of the poor. It I... donna that foreigner will 1 not take us at our own valuation. Tho man who i "not hero for his health" is queer individual, lie is lhe man who doe not believe in any public movement j he is the man who dops not enro two "hui rah in h I' which side is up, so long as it brings ; ...I.:- ,.ir..r. I.n Hut man ho ion holh aide of the fence at once in order to "keep in" with all panic; he is the man who oppose anythink and everything that call for money to make needed improvements, ho is the man, in fact that oppose every thing that lend to Ichsou the pile which he expect to make before he cll out and leave the country. Do any of our reader know of such a man? Socorro llullion. i lion. A. Joseph is working in the interest of hi constituents. He ha introduced a tiumhei of hills, and among them are several it piuMcd, w ill be of immense benefit to the Territory at large. Among these mav be mentioned, a bill reserving i the land at the head of the Pecos a a national park: the organization of a regiment uf volunteer for pro tection against the Indians; a bill appropriating tlOO.Ooi) yearly for educational purpose, for the period of six years; a bill to provide for boring five artesian well in this Territory; a bill to establish a gov ernment assay office; a bill to estab lish an army and navy hospital in tli Territory; a bill to create anoth- cr judicial district; a bill to settle private lam) elaini 1 The people must get together this fall and elect an aiil'.vsilroad man ' to the legislature, one who cannot be bought up with a railroad pass, j The miner ahould have their ore I shipped for about one-half -a hat it ia, now costing them, and they tdtould ! sen to it and make delegates pledge I jjn,,,,,,.,,, they will use all thsir efforts to acquire legislation looking to a reduction of freight rates on the railroads. Our county is rich iii'f'ove, and the boys leel confident of i mil,; aiwl uilvpr but the railroads are . -- ; i.ceci..K .. - native spunk enough to resent mi injustice and imposition. Now is tho timo for cheap trans continental travel. The Santa Fe, the Southern Pacific and the Rur lington & tuincy in connection uiih il. llioiver.t Rio Grande, and .. .. i :. ...,. r..i...l lhe I ...on Pacl.e have n augurate, r. u if tin witii'it rtf ..el-. ,un,.., - .1 ..1.1 1....... il -i11 competition siionm Kc.r u,., soon bi possible for the tourist to travel first-class from tho Missour1 river to Sun Francisco just for the sake of his company and a chromo thrown in. Thirty dollar 'for I rst- class and twenty d..i;:i.. f-.i - class fares betwi n il '-i- r. ! 'i is now the jireviiiiin,.; i.i.o i:n the piospect of further cutting. When the railroad fall out tho people got their recnge. Every year any tho Hon. David Davis, in a luttcr to an eastern lit erary paper, every local paper gives from $100 to $5,000 in free lines for the sole benefit of tho vicinity in which it is located. No other agency can or w ill do this. Tho lo cal editor, in proportion tu his menus doe nioro for bis town than liny other ten men, and in all fairness, mail to man, ho ought to bo sup. ported, not because you nny or may not happen to like or admiro his writing, but because tho local paper i the best investment a community can make. It may not be brilliant or crowded with gieut thoughts, but financially it is more benefit to a community than tho preacher or teacher. To-day the editors of lo cal papers do more work for the least money of any men on earth. Sub scribe for and advertiso in your local paper, not as u chaiity, but as an investment. Exchange. The House committee on military affairs, by a vote of ix to one. passed favorably on Laird's bill for raising a volunteer cavalry regiment in Arizona, and New Mexico. Said bill places tho militia on equal footing with tho regulars, and enables them to inako domain! upon regimental quartermasters to supply any de ficiency which may exist in horsns for said militia. It further provides Unit each officer and boldicr shall be fin dished with two ponies. Trans purlation by means of pack trains as well as government wagon is to be supplied. This is its it should be, and !. ad the proposition been curried out years ago, hundreds of valuable lives had been spared, and hundreds of thousands of dollais in property had been saved to swell tho wealth of tho country. Wo trust the bill may becomo a law. Illllsboro on a Room. Hillsborough is continually improv ing. .Machinery is arriving continually ami it would not be surprising if the town did not double its present popu lation in six months. We commend the good judgment of the town trust ees in putting the prices of lots within reach of all. Good resilience lots can be bought for from $10 to fit). The latter amount will buy agood lot con venient to the business part of the town, and now ia the time to buv. Hillsborough, it will be remembered, not a inusliroon town. It ha seen its day of fictitious spasmodic boom, and is now the permanent couuty seat of the most prosperous new county in New Mexico. A tho couuty grows, so grow Hillsborough. No county in new Mexico can hold a candle compared i with Siena in point of mineral wealth, v e are producers and not consumers. We aro not dependent on the cold charities of a soulless r.iilroad com pany or companies for existance. Rig gold and silver dollars to the amount of hundred of thousands of dollars per mouth are dug out of the bowels of Sierra county. Mo county between the Mississippi riv r and the I'aeitie ocean in thel'nited States of America, has, or is, for its age, producing as much gold and silver as Sierra county. These are big assertions, but they are nevertheless trim, and Hillsborough is situated right in the heart of this kind of a couuty, and don't you never , forget it. XIEKlli (iKAMIE (0. j In accordance with the resolution of' thecoinpany, maile last year, the Sierra Grande Co. is now ready to exchange ! Hierra Bella stock for that of the Sierra ! Grande, at the rate of one share of the! Grande fur two shares of tho Bella, and ,, . ,. , they therefore request all stockholders to bring their certificates at their ear- liest ronvenience to the companies ottice for transfer and exchange. Stn h a cannot bring them in person may luomni iiitrui vy inuu igrtnvr Willi uclosed jHwerof attorney duly dated, signed and witnessed. kinstum poixtlus. The public school w ill shortly open fur a three month term. J If. Wise, of ban Vegas, will shortly resume wolk on the Int'ersoll mine. ,.,.,. ,,)Ije j )oa(loJ ;th stranger every day. i .;., :.. .. .,,:.. ...., ,,,, They have struck a very nice streak of 'sulphide ore, which is rich. The Iron Clad still continues to iui 1 Vetting it I I , FranUiu a..d Superior Illint. ftrtf llltti,,K ut quantities o preriutis ore as usual The new stone hotel in the lower part of town is about ready for the furniture. Lumber is on the ground for several new houses, and quite a number con template improvement shortlv. J. R. Itofrcr is enlarging his Long ' Rrani h billiard hall by an addition of ; i a iH reI,rted that the Kevfctono 1 j,,,,,,,,,., y mi t,e s0,th Perclw has been ,,,1 tu t.aMtern parties for f i0,(KK). Roger it Thurmond now propel tho I. on1,' lirunch saloon ui Kings ton . Too Woods, ISirdio and Dick, have -i-r.i. ! ! . " lor good among us, and !ian".:i'i!"i'.i'i business for themselves. I.. J. Chiii has disposed of his stock of groceries to It. Pitcher and P. Otten ualler who continue the business at the old stand. J. R. Frazor, who has been absent two years, has returned once more With his family, and will now nuik. his home here. Every Induing house and hotel in town is full toover-tlowinu, and as a consequence, the soft side of a plank to slei'ji on, goes at a premium. Mr. Peterson, of the black Colt mine, returned on last Thursday from Soc coro, where he went to attend tho G. A. R. reunion. Tho recent big strike of bom silver on the Coinstnck mine, iuis set t lie owners of property in that vicinity tu prospecting more vigorously than ever. The boys over on the North Pen ha, since the recent rich developments in that section, all carry their heads thrown buck like a collce pot lid. Get there Eli! Jlilty and Morg. Don ahue have leased the saw mill above tow n and are now ready to fill all orders from a lath to a Vosemite log. Kingston has no railroad ami is not shedding tear fir tho want of one The camp is on tho evo of a boom. The Sierra bind and entile com pany have commenced tho transac tion of a general business al Kings ton. The property which Thomas & P.roche are working is looking splendid, .lark says he bus "got it" now, and says be can keep th pack train running! KKYSiONF. and THMI'LAR! Those are the names of two mines on the North Pen ha, whose bodieaof rich ores exceed everything ever know in the history of Kingston. Among the guests at the G. A. R. ball, we noticed Dell Chandler of your town. I'ellisu whole smiled cn He lium, us well un a nimble and grai e'iil dancer, lie only hits the high places in the floor. The soi ialile giv n by the G. A. I!., Post No. 12, on last Monday, was a raml vucccss. Nunc twenty or twenty- live collides were present. Anions! those present we noticed u number nl ladies and gentlemen from llillshoro. Di. J- E. Thompson, of Kingston will soon reach the final period in hi history of the Apaches in the southwest. It will be a good-sized readable book. Tin first performance of the Kings ton minstrels, took place on last Sat urday niht according to programme. Tho boys were greeted with a large and appreciative audience, and the perfojmanee far surpassed the usual efforts of amateurs. Fioni the Scicntifii Ameiiican we extract the following : Presenilis Wood Ties. (let good heart limber and season well, then dip in a vat of hot linseed oil and charcoAl dust consistency "of paint. mixed to tho This will fill the cracks, etc., and preserve tho tie for from to 10 yours. I have known posts treated in this way to last 20 years and they are good yet. Coopwood, Miss., Jan. 21. lS8(i. F. M. SiiiKi.ns. (change to get lilcb. I am reminded by a recipe f,,r marking or indelible ink in the "Sciciit ilic American' for Do 2i! to i 1'11 attention to, lor such pur- pose, the common Chinese or India Ink such as rome in t':it stick-! tiauiii gnueu, itiiu mxgiiisea ny i 11.. :l I I I I . i . drauglitsmcn. The Chinese laundrymen mark clo,MCI' thl ",ul "y Chinese servant assures me that it is indelible, In consequence of this assurance, I lllMlkeJ ,,ulll0 handkerchiefs with . . , . ,. , , , ... (.Innate ink (which 1 bought in Can- ton !n 1S51) almut thn0 ''"tl' ago. Thus far after repeated washings, the marks continue to be black and, ai . ,,HrelUly iJelible. Santa Barbara, Cal., Jan. 21. 1880. Geo. s. J. Oi ivfr. Wts hercti)' Inform tlic public (list wc will wit b renp.iunllip for the sccouuts or debu of topluje, uiit'tva. mint, wlisnthlldren or wtclhearu Milium! n written or verbsl order fr iir ui to tbat rflVcl. J. . Ct'Rass. THE GREAT EG UL AT OR -PURELY VECZTAELC -are you- nrj tfittG? flt9 tU -?. 1 HtOM Ciller- I i nmia i ! fuliv momine nrl It to all ito BufW lion hiliout AitRt-ka or aov Disea rmiwxl y dinarmntrtd tatu cMliwUvor. W it IjKHN'AUIi, KawaiCitv. Mo. 00 V0U WANT GOODSntfl I fluff-rrl intptinely gjJrj'S'loi -th ViiEI ftlnra- - -- - mrH, liejitiiiclie, '. A i 'iiii' wo ). tul.en Mii'ni'niu l.ivvT l;.'tfulto-. ii.ld me it a a itira crura t T my irou1-!. Ti e fi.t dm? I trn!t relfeved tn Try uvrh. ami In cub weolTa tltn ! atrmis ttnd hartr I ever wn-t. It - Otm best iutictao 1 rer I twit f-.r Uj pl j. 11. CI KliNrfil A w, i;i 'Ni'M,V. av;eBHSTi?aTioHi Tt'sMmi'i'- cf Hmiam W ksfk. I'hl f-.!:Ffire "f (-a. : " 1 uf''i MTiniiuf.s IJvf Uf ula( r for Connl paii'nf n: li -weln, cmuM hy a t-mu"rary he rantr'tint rf tho I.ivt-r f'-r t'. lust tlnf( or foul year. a d alwna with daTUtcd bftaflV' im CfiLOKEL I sUV-V?: m of tli l.ivf r, mid )u-vn .-n in ilif of Xnkw : (run) 10 tu k i mini of cnioinl, v hicti itsiitrally Ifit . ni up fur thrt't; r fmir Lately I iiuvw Iw.i Uk.Dff .Simmi'iit !,iv.-r INitlttT wii(h iravp y,e rriirf, Kitiiuui HUT iiti'rruUvo to bi:ai uoas J- lit-'!.'. tii!a-fooft crLY cr.r.'citizi UANi:FM:Tt:RrD DV J. H. ZEIL'.ISS: CO., PsHedojst'cPa. prr:cr, c:.oc. .Notice to Passenger. Passenger for Ft. I.ouis and the East should huy tickets via II.u.stkad and the "Fitrrco Link," hy this means get through car without change to St. houis. D. Wisll.UiT. Ci. P. A. "Frisco I.ine," St. I.ouis, Mo. itnuiiu ir 7;i rsi ti LAKE VALLKY N- MKX- lliis house is now supplied with not only a good tuUe hut also the hest bleeping npartmen's in town. B0?1IU) with or without l.oimiNo. I). G. Meredith, I'lopiictor. 1IMI.LU IN I I 111 II lv lllHlllll, Legal lil.inks. Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and Tohacco. New Mrxieo. Atchison, Topeka AND Fc Railroad Santa In connection with the Atlantic & Pacific R.R THE CHEAT MIDDLE ROUTE I'etween the Missouri river and the Pacitlo coast. Tho only through line from tho Missouri river to SOUTHERN! COLORADO AND HEW MEXICO. l'tillnt(ti) Slccjiiny CVi.i'8 Curried on all Ej'ress Trains. The Eating Houses along tho line of the mad are unsurpassed. They are under the management of Mr. Harvey, of Kansas City nut Hest hotel manager in the country. 1 hose houses are so arranged that from Kansas City to Denting, passengers have their regular meals, and can get, always, a tirst-clas well cooked meal, at a reasonable price. lilt. dOlIN W. WOMACH.S Womack s celebrated Indian Bitters. " ,iict S iisiunv anil pile uintmen Womack's magic Liniment. Great Die ; to Suffering! tunanity j Fistula an I Pile? Cured ! wuhoiit n o. knire. no rin iiff.Trd, w:t b j Womack's It i u.f cnnror HSTV1.A, UUNP, lll.KrilXi & ITCHING Tll.kS, TETTKIt, KINCiWoKM, POISON OAK, AMI OI.O SOKES OK TW EN TT TEARS' STANIMNO. Price per box ... SOets. GARNER & CO., Manufacturer and Prnnri-tor. St. Louif, Mo.,a..d Mobile, Ala. I tiai H II 19 iki I A. I'ERRAILT. PerrauIt&Galles Dialer in Fall Arrival NEW GOODS, j'liM-M DRY GOODS - Including New Silks, Colored Cashmeres, Ladies Cloth, Tlaiil, Fiench Ginghams and Print. New notions and fancy goods of every description. Lot of Mew!2oo$sIies uml Clothing. alland and beconviucLd. Lata of the older fctock marked down and t.enew cheaper than ever. Cigars and Tobacco, Queensware etc. S&- Finest Brands of Wines and Liquors always on hand, jpzs neii. iniiis i us, JLnke Valley k Willnhoro, DEALERS IN SUPPLIES. 'Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Grain, Molosies, Potatoes. Canned Good and P.utter.'Eggs, etc., a Specialty. Our Slock Is O OSIPIiSTE, Our Prices Low. The Best Assortment Groceries Also a Good Line of Hats, and Caps, Boots and Shoes, all Solid Leather, war ranted i tit R!?. fr- Prompt attention gives to Orders from aeighboring ramps. "3X The largest stock of goods ever opened in town at prices that defy com petition. The ladies arc specially invited to call and inspoct stock ai d prices. Tatrorage solicited from neighboring camps. No blow; No talk; No fancy prices asked; Convince yourself by , calling Cheap HERRIN. KELLER Hillsboro and II E. GALI.ES.. and Opening of iiiia' or Mex. lew Mexico. of Fancy and Staple in Town. on a House. aud MILLER, Lake Valley.