i. E. Cl'RKEK, EillMr and Proprietor.
fcl'HKt'RirTIO KATWi
One y nr ...
fcilx mouth
Turf lumitbs . J '
l.fsve I.ukc Valley - 1C:20- m.
Arrlv at Null - - 11:5 a. m.
l eave Suit fer L. Valley 4:5 p. m.
Arriva at I. Valley 6:4 p. M.
l,o-nl fintln-rltiir.
Mr. Hopewell the handsomest
janiel do; in thu county.
Received at the Drng future choice
asiorttnent of fine candies.
Col. T.T. Chapman of Kingston would
lie a good man fur the Territorial senate
that is, if he could be induced to run.
Hliirts for the shirtless and pants for
the pantalooiiless, at Perrault & Ual
Jes'. jau 30-tf
l!ro. Leonard of the Enterprise is a
good fellow, but we doubt if lie will
tver make a statesman.
Vnderwaro for the millions, at Per
rault & Galles'. jaa :iO-tf
Capt. Ellis, one of our best citizen?,
had the misfortune to he thrown from
a horse on Wednesday afternoon and
received severe injuries.
Genuine Camel. -hair underwear at
1'errault & Galles for J4.00 per suit.
The lLxiviation works at Lake
Valley will soon bo supplied with
(...! by n large force of men.
Heavy California underwear at Per
rault and Galles for 11.00 per suit.
We w ere pleased to make the acquain
tance of Mr. lloiiijhton. of the cattle
linn of Howe & Houghton, an J a ueiuai
broad-gauge gentleman he is.
Roots and shoi'R to suit the most fas
tideoiiH, at P. it U'n. junuU-tf
Jiinies Howe is in Raton frmn
Syracuse, Kansas, and ropor's a
rush from that section for no man's
A mammoth htock of letter heads,
bill heads, cards and envelope re
c ived this week. We now have on
hand the largest stock of stationery
ver shipped this county.
Mr. C. M. Toinlinwm, proprietor of
the (iem Saloon, imbued with the public
(-1 irit of which he is characteristic, has
erected a huautii'ul Awning in front of
his place.
Two hundred dili'crent styles of un
derwear, at P. A U s. jan :i0-tf
VII. .
lu tlw UUirirt I'uuri, County of Slwrra.
Tlie laid itrfemleut Newtuil Marsh, I"
tafrfby imtltlf't that a milt In aiiiiipsll nan
hen emu me need airultiM hiiu III tlif l'1-lricl
Court I hu eoiiuly of niirra. 'lerrllciry u
New Mexico by siiiil plrttnntr Mi'linU liiilii'.
and that lita properly has, been altaeheil and
dtnuairel elaiiued five Hundred Pollard, thai
unlet. yon enter your ipearauee In sunt
suit on or before Ilia llr.l day or the next
April lerin of Maid court colmueneliiK on the
til lit (lay of April, A. 1 IKMi juduuirlil by
detuult iherelu will be rcudered iifaiiin you
and your property Hold U hjwhIv the stuue.
W. .1. .IciHUN, Clerk.
HVJ. M W llevuty.
XEWCOMB, I'AKKKRiS! A l.fc. A Drill,
AUuruvt lor rlatulilf. Feb.
Burros Wanted!
TO LET. A contract to pack
ore. Steady employment for twenty
or thirty Burro, 'inquire at this
The new gold mill, notith of town
is being rapidly erected, and parties
wanting gold bricks to carry back
cast w ill please send in their orders
as soon ns possible. Bricks furnihsed
in any size or caret. Address all
orders to this office. 4
Tho El Taso Tribune, by C. W.
Greene, advertises the Sierra Grande
.Mininj? Company on its dead beat list.
This company has paid old Greene
lots of money, but then, old granny
has a sly plan something like black
mailwhich he uses ou the eastern
stock holders, anJ makes the western
managers, "Chip up" pretty freely.
FOR PALE. The valuable pro-1
perly known as the Sikuka Jhimi1
1. . . . a . . , . . , li I',.r.l inr mhIr ut
saloon, i.nice alley, f.nqiure of i i,i.,i, i.i. i .r en at iho iroui door oi
the 1' i letk on:ee. in sm ... ...
Ililliboiu. ou Ilia Hilii day of Apr I ' . I. I:
between I lie hours of nun rle aim ail like I.
ir.XTKl.-T. trade rimmI husi.iesH
' house and Tvf, in IVminu, N. M.
for adobe residence in IlilM.oroiii'h.
Iiiipiire of ' K." at tliis ollice.
Those who have taken sit miioiis Llv-
r Regulator declare that if nets the
liver in action and and invinri s the
system in such a way as to destroy the
craving for Mruntf drink.
Koticeti herebT lven. that the unelaliued
lotl, iracuaud pareeU of laud, and Iho im
provements tliereon, siiuutiil williln Hie
Town Kite of llilUboro, coiiutY ol Sierra,
Terrilorv of New Mexico. llavluK been iluli
appraised, and mild appraisement duly Hied.
Now, llmrelore In aceordaiica Willi la and
authorilv it, uiu vesle.l. 1 the uiuloraiKUcd,
l'reideiit of tho Hoard of Trilleen ol the
town of Hillnboro, in ald sierra eonnly. do
ehcrebv ahe notice to all whom It may eon
era, lliat eaeli and eery one ol nald nil
claimed Ion, liaeu and parcel" ol land, lo
Kcther with the iiuprovemeiilH thereon, win
DUlillc veiiouu i'i ut
ilms A Kleiner. Kineston. N. M.
Capt. Fetchet, is very ill with in
(laniatory rheumatism at llillsboro.
It is feared that he cannot recover.
Latkk : The Captain w ill bo re
moved to Fort Clark Texas, whera it
it hoped tho climate may havv a
I eiieficial olTect on his much imi a'n d
system. Mrs. Fechet, wife of the '
Captain is here and will accompany
her husband to Texas' They will
probably stait nest Monday, pro
vided the weather will admit of his
b ing moved.
LiKUtbody A Jamps makes a specialty
of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes,
hats.caps, etc., and will give customers
better prices than they can cet else
where, jan 3ti-tf
Tor Sale at a Barualn.
I .Minlnx lloi'.e Tower MoUl.
y. .
1' A UK
W. I l.AKk
l'reaidenl of the
lioilid of Trm-
tee of the low n
of Hills boro.
eo'llity ol SUrra.
Territory ol New
Law, Real Estate, Collection
Mi ting Brokers.
KiscsTos, - - Nkr Mexico
Remove the cause by repulatini? the
qowls, by establishing Rood digestion
and bv quietinn the nerves with Sim
mons Liver Regulator. Trv it, and you
will soon know the blessini; of good
health and sound sleep.
Notice ttt Stockmen.
Notice hereby given that the Sierra
County Cattle Protective Assmiation
will bold their regular meeting at Lake
Valley, N. M., Saturday, February, 27,
lSKii. (ieneral invitation is extended
to all stockmen to be present, by order
of the association. jvuHCt
- Hue linker
the besl lilll-
eliluc lor Hie purpose ever made. AI.o one
Self-llunipilii; t ar and one Iron lluckel In per
fect urder, never havini; been iMed. Apply
to U. L. IIKOUKS, KiM-orro. N. U.
II u-.i llnlicrj fcticel, .uu 1- rtiucuco. Aiit ioy
for Conncr'ii I s. Type l-'oundry, New S"ork,
it li cl the lireal Western Type Komulry, t lilta-.
ko. All type ciii on Die All'iuoit hyutciu of
bodies. Ircle' liolil all reliuhle niakers.
Kvcry rotiullle of a priiillue odiee furnished
at clu.sett prices lor cali. New hpeclinell
llook. now in preparuliou, will be sciil when
eoniplcied. rite lor cellulites. Audress
N. C. Hawks, 322 Battery St., S. F.
Kingston, Sierra county, N. M.
January lil, lssii,
To John I). Tiiylor:
You are hereby notified thai I have expend
ed One II uii'lrcd pollars in labor and ilnprox e
ineiits uii-n the "Templar" mine or lode,
:tuatecd In the Itlack KmiKre mininir district,
fonuely tranl now sierra Co. N. M. as will up.
pear tiy eertinciue ol location moo in nieottlie
of the' probate clerk, and ex-otllccr recorder of
the county of Sierra. territory of New Mexico in
order to hold said premises under the proi 1
lons of Keelion J.'l.M Kt vised statutes ot the l:nl
ted Slales. belli'.; the amoiiiit required to hold
thesaine forlhc yeareiidin lleci-mbcr ifl.lhs.'i.
And if w ithin ninety days after tile sen Ice of
this notice of publication, you fail or refuse to
contribute your Top'rtioti of such expendi
ture us . co ou ucr, your Interest tn sai l claim
will become ihe property ol the subicnlt r uu
der said Section 'j:iJI,
lull IIS !lin M .1. -ollV.
J. S. PKJA It V K I T.
I 'lnnl li'or ol lM.
Lanii GKftcK at Las Curt rs,
February 17, lHS,i.
Notice la hereby irl ven that the follow
inn named settler has tiled notice, of his
intention to make final stijiport
of disclaim, and that aid proof will
be made before Probata Clerk of Sierra
county, at llillsuorouuh, N. M., on
April ti, 1-s.stl, via:
CASIMKRO RACA, on pre emption
declaratory stiitenieiit No. l.V!il for the
w j I c sec. 11 t 1-1 a r 5 w.
lie names the following witnesses to
pi'ne bis continuous residencu upon,
and cultivation of, ssid laud, vit:
.lose I . Teyes, F.pifanm Rivera, Andrew
Welch, !;is M. Apodaca, all of Sierra
county, N . M.
feb L"0 Gt , Kioii nii G. Siii':!.im.
Blcad c Ilnccr. Prop.
The only Restaurant at the County Seat of
Blew Mexico'
l at !.a C'wrrra.
Xntl'. in hiro!)V rlvi't:iHt th folliiuinir
iimke llitftl nronl lo wtiinC:. uf lilt i lulm.
Mini that Midij roof will l- iITv before Hi
I'mbuitf Dcrk nf hlrru (ouiit) , liiiUboro,
on thv Ath ol .March, 1H.S".. 1
KutfiiH'iit io. v4. fur the 1 1 n w u i-
i, t c u, t 17, r 7w. n(I
H ltniiit-i ttie ftillnwIiiK witni'HKpd to rV ul Httl lun. I. viz: Hvotkv Klmu-r, iiornS "CC Will IiaVtt rolllt attention.
I t)W(ill, J Oil It Mi , ctfl, i-CHltJ 1 IIOtUpMIIl, Mil
of ii'i'i'H t'ouoly, N, M.
Kicw Mexico,
Kl'Utsu li. SlliKt., Regliitcr
ATTonNKYS--atLaw, t
V cut
A general banking business transacted. All business entructod to
Faithlul attention to the iutcrrnU
ustomers. Clmrccs as reasonable as la consistent with safe hiinl-n,,i
issued on all the principal cities of Europe and America.
Kew Mexico
S. H. Newcomb,
Las Crnccs,
New Mexico.
F. W. Paiikki;
Hillsboro, N. M
Mrs, Siaiiley has loft Lako Valley
SJ"or the cist, being called thither by
' ,i.
the ill hc.'ilth of her
iiiJ.uit daurli-
(ients Ftiriiisliiiip; (ioods of every de
ecriptiou, ut Porrault & Ualles', j:i0tl
Mr. Win. Holt of the Long Brauch
palooii in Kingston, was in town the
iir.jt part of this week and paid the
ollico of tno S. C. A. a visit. Our
friends from Kingston never forget to
dive us a call, undue arc always glad
to see them.
Lar;o Invoice of pure Kentucky
Whiskies, just received at Perrault
tialles at P. & U's. jaulJO-tf
Handsome suits, made to the Queens
taste, at Perrault iSc tialles'. j.'JU-tf
Co to Lijihthody A James' for your
lry (foods, clothinjr, boots, hats, and
caps, or anvthitij; in the line of Ladies,
ients and Misses wear, at El Paso
prices. jan 30-tf
Sierra county, for the purpose of
representation in the legislative coun
cil, is attat bed to the Council Histrict
composed of the counties of Dona Ana,
(irant and Lincoln, and for the House
if licpreseutaUves to the county of
Anything in the line of gents furnish
ing goods, from a canihiic needle to an
elegant strong pair of miner's overalls
at Perrault it Ualles'. jan .'K)-tf
Mr. Kellcrof the firm of llerrin Keller
A Miller willsuc-eed Mr. J. JL Webster
s postmaster in .Hillsborough. Mr.
Keller will make a No. 1 P. M. and we
duly extent to him our sympathy in his
new position of "much trouble and
little money."
All miner's, ranchmen ami cattle
men, including their "cousins, their
uncles ami their aunts," are cordially
invited to call and examine our new
ntock of goods before sending their
good money out f t Uie county lor poor
goods. l'jciiKACl.T A: Uai.i.kk. j '0-tf
Children's wear
jau :jotf
John A. Anderson, of FaiTvSer, vis
ited Hillsboro this week. Mr. Ander
son is one of the prominent and enter
prising litizens of Sierra county who
owns much property, and is the center
tigurc around w hich many enterprises
Hoys suits complete Vest, Coats
and Pants from $Lo0 upwards at
Pebraiji.t fc
The road from Iliilshoro ;to Chloride
is now completed and we would l
pleased to see more travel. Everybody
can now go over this road w itl: a lightly
loaded two-horse wagon and our friends
from CMuiide are invited to take an
excursion to the county neat occasional!)-.
Big stock of goods just received at
our house, which will be handled on
the motto of "Quick Sales and Small
Profits." P. & O. jau 30-tf
The Humbolt Miring Company, lo
cate 1 in Engl-, Sierra Co. N. M.t has
struck a ric'a body of "royal metal" on
one of its claims in the Cuchilla Negro
mountains. This company is ably con
ducted by its president, Col. David
Shirts! Shirts!! Shirts!!! -Shirts 'till
you can't rest o'nights oh! we should
nave said shirts in w hich you can rest
all night, and slumber serenely until
broad daylight in the morning at Per
rault ii '-tlli's'. jan .'iU-tf.
And now it is supposed that Mrs.
Ilyrou, wife of the Deuiing postmaster,
was instrumental in that $l:t!l regis
tered package business for winch Win.
SweetWillie, is charged with purloin
ing Mm. I5yron, Wm. Evans and J. P.
Pyron the postmaster arc. not to blame ?
Mr. Waterbury, the C. S. inspector,
is the man who should be decapitated
knowing what ho did ahuut Byron. Mr.
Waterbury was informed several
months prior to this transaction and
came to'Ueming and allowed the mid
night schemers to rive him tally and
soft soap to such an extent as to cause
h'ni to report favorable on the V. M. of
Doming. .Mr. Waterbury knows bet- i 'V'f aim me i . jii. nenerai wouiuuo
well to look up Wateibury's record
around the country.
Fairview Hotel.
Fairview, - Is'cw Mexico.
Mns. Mayer PitoiiiETort.
All that the markets affords is sup
plied tho table. The public are re
quested to give this house-a call.
In Tows this WKEk:
II, II. Hopper and w ife.
(I. M. (Jrovcrand wife.
Miss Nelly V. Snyder.
I!. II. Powell and wife.
1 .1. Cella, Kingston.
Mr. PlemmoiiH, Ilermosa.
Moses Thompson, Kingston.
Prof. Taylor, Kingston.
Ju lge Kahler, Palomas.
Judge Holt, Kingston.
Mr. V. J. Warden.
Judge W. P. Keil, of La!;e Valley, is in
the city. With the assistance of Dan.
Tucker as Marshal, they ate preserving
law and order in the Vallev.
At the residence of Don Bias. Chaves!
in Hillsboro, Nw Mexico, Saturday
February 21). ISHtl S.Alexander Esq. and
Miss Aurora Chavez, vtere united in
marriage by the Kev. K.L. Choate.
The ceremony took place at 7 o'clock
p. m. and after the congratulutioDs of
the friends present, the entire party ad
journed to the School house, w here a
large assemblage was in waiting for the
brido and groom, on their arrival. The
music began and all joined in making it
one of the most enjoyable events of the
ltlt. LIKIIK.'S
Wonderful (eruiiin Invigorator
Permnnentlv rirevent? all t'niiattiral I. nunc?
from the hyMlein. tune the nerves. ktrentllicn
till- iiiiic1ckh, check the wknU InvlKornleK the
whole avsiein, nml reslurea tlm aitlicted to
Henlth ainl llnppineKii
The rriixoii io niniii cnmiot g'f cured j
Seminal Weakim, J.uut of Mmilmud, etc.,
in owiw to aeomiilieutitiii.eitHeil I'HOST.i
which require peculiar treatment, tie.
Liettiifx I nciifarator is the mltf pnxitiierttre
far PROSTATOHRIU:., villi peculiar
Sjierinl Treatment, med at the l.J ElilU
tlsl'ESSM'A .
If pimples Hpp?ur on he luce, tf yon become
lUtleiss anil iti-i!iiilent look nut fnr the coni
tilicalliin with Vital Weakliest ami loan ol
Vitality Uniiwn a I'mniaturrhea. HinulreiU
of live have teen lout for the want of proper
tri-atmenl for this complication, ami thnuxaiiilN
have lost all their property anil pleusui'v In
life from it" effects
Price of Invigorator, $2. Case of ix
bullea, Jill. Sent lo any aitlrcS!i, eoveruil
ecnnlv from oliscrvalion.
Moat powerful electric helt fret to patients.
To I'KOV TIlWuUFCI. 1'OWK llf tll 1N-
A 2 Bottle Given or Sent Free.
l niiMuiauiMi iree anil priiavv.
Call or ail'Iics
rtnt dciiry direct, hnii t rntwitea, 1.
Private, 40" Mhmdii Htre't, four
blockfi up iury Strcut from Keiirny. Mniu
fcnlruiicu throuKli Dlspcunary Druv store
Kingtuii, .Sicrni county, N. m
January lt, irtt.
To J. J. A voy:
You lire hereby noliflcil thai I expanded up
on t fio ' I'd Ntirlo" luiiic; ni' lode, sitimled tu
ihe Itlack ll.tnye inhiinr district, oounly of
(irHiit. rtiul Territory of New Mexico, nt will
appi'Hr hy eeriiliente of tocutioii tiled tor re
cord in the oftlec of the prohule clerk Mini ex
o'hYerr.K' r I t r of uid cmiity of (iniiit nml
IVrritory of New Mexico, in order to hold
tsii d premiM'M under the provUiouH if Section
J;:J4 Kevined fliltules or the l ulled fchile,
heiiii; the Htiiounl reouirctl lo hdd the siime
forlhevenr endin iM-et-niher 1, lV And
if tt itliin iil'iety tltiys Mlh r the Kcrvli-e of this
notice of puhtieatioit, von (nil or refuse to
contribute your pHoporlioii oi'mieh exnendi
aure nn a co-owner, your intercut in Miidclu m
will heetiinc the jtronerly of the utilise. ,hr
untler wnid Kccliuii
jun Iti-;Jm .SNYDER RKKD.
To Tlionias rititpntrlck. Charles I llpatrlck
aiul John r iupalrick:
Yon are herehv notilicl that 1 have exnen.l
ed tine llninlreit Dollars in luhor ami ini
proAeinclita upon the Itepulillciiu l.oilc
.Mine or inlnlns! claim situate In the Itro
iiiple mining .tisirict. i onnty of Sierra, ami
I errltorrol civ M x ico, in orik-r to hohl the
Mil. I pieloises llllcler the prnvi-iolia of Secllon
Jii-j I. licvisecl Minnies ol the I'niteil ftntc-,
beiiiu tlie iinioin.t r .inlreil lo hoi.l I lie nunc
lor ilie vear cmlln. I'e cmlicr .;!. A. I). Imi
Also, that I have ,'ieiih .1 line 1 1 mnlreil
lars in lalior ,ui,l imp... v. menu on mini lie
plllilieaii .inc. or ininiol.' claim. Ill or
;ler lo hohl Hie .ami- ninlcr -hi,; Section of Uu
Ueliseil Miilillc. of 'he I' illicit Stales, bci ir
ihe ainoiint re.inireil to hold the situie for tin
year eliding lleeenilier Jil, A, 1), li. Anil, ii
Wiiliin . luclv ( '.hi I duy. alter tiiis notice o!
publication, you fall or mlnn; to contribute
your proportion ol such expenditures us co
owners, vuiir interests lit said claim will be
come the properly of lllo subscriber under
aid Section :IJI.
Jatil0-3in THOMAS COrillt.VV.
Nowcomb Parker 4 Alexander,
A I turanv - At Till w.
II illshorough,
N'etv Mexieo
Geo W.Williams&Co.
Jewelers anil Wati h inakers.
Doming Drug store.
Manager Jewelrv ili iiartuien t : Mr
II. Si:it-ku, late with S. II. I.ueas & Co.
Silver City.
KoliNTrt BmuVSfW York.
Knur Nii-i'-mi, -Ann. Chlraso.
CiKTiiii. Bin Ainronofi, f. M.
I'moKAiiu Natiiikai. Hank, l)nyr. Col,
Kibst Ban a, Kl Puo '!'.
-rut: ciu.v
X .
In the best ailvertiwing meJitim,
Til U
l- GIBS3N,
Boot & Shoe
M A Ii. i: II.
Latest style of "Lasts" just receivcl.
Cowboys Boots made ti peifeetion.
Leave your measure when in townand
Bet a comfortable. "1'iulerstaniliii?."
Lake Valley, - Mew Mexico.
Stop -tt T. D. LAY'S
x a O O XT
Fur ibe Finest Winn, Lii.iv., ami
Cigars. Fine-t Uiliianl lliili
in Lake Vallev.
tWl'Irst clam In
Lake YtiUt'u,
every pinticuliir.ll
- Xcw Mexico.
aveats, Jte-issness, anil Trade-murks
secured, and all other jiatcnt causes
in the Tatent OHice and before the
courts promptly and carefuly attend-
Mr. Alexander is the Deputy clerk of ej i0
Ladies' Misses and
at 1'errault & Galles ,
Sierra county, and a member of the law
firm of Newcoinb Parker & Alexander.
His estimable lady is the youngest
daughter of Don Bias. Chavez.
The Advocatk with the many friends
of the younj; couple wish them a joyous
happy life.
Las CBiCKs,-.7Ar!
February L'.M. lHHfl.
Notice is hereby given that the ap
proved plats of
Township J South, Hange 2 Fast,
Township i;i South, Kane 2 Kast
Township H South, ItaiiK - Fast,
have this day been received from the
Surveyor Uenaral ami will be duly hied
in tins office March 'Sti lNSti in accord
ance with the instriH'tlens of General
Land Ollice. after which date tilings
will be accepted for lauds embraced
Edmund (j. SniEi.ns,
Fees Moderatfl, I make tjf
charge unless patent is secured. In
formation, advice and special refer
ences sent on application.
J. K. Little,.
Washington, D. C.
Near U.S.ratentOffire.
Kingntou, Slerr county. N. V
February 27, ISM.
To E.I Batri:
You are hereby notified that I have ex-
f tended one hundred dollar, in labor Slid
iiiurovetnenta upon the iione star mine or
lode, Miniated In the Ulack Range ruining
diHtrlct, county of tirsnt, at preneut known
as Sierra couuly. terrjtury of New Mexieo, In
order to hold the .aid premise, under the
provlkinaaof aeetion 2W4. reviaed suiiute. tf
the fulled State, being the mount required
lo hold the same for tha ver eniliuc Decem
ber Dim ll, and if within ulueiv day. alter
the service of till, notice of publication, you
fall or refuse to cnulfibute your proportion
of such expenditure, an a co-worker, your
tuterent In aaid e'.aiiu will beeutue Hie lirop
eny ol tut su-bxexiber uuder the sai-i ecituu,
2324. j-bank roms-
Feb. 27 9M
Kingntun, Sierra rotinty. N. M.
lebruary 27, 1SS6.
TO Kd Bairtl:
You are hereby notified that I have ex
pended one hundred dollars tn labor and Im
provements upon the rlig Chief mine oi lode,
situated in the Itlack Kunne milling diilrlct
in Sierra county. New Mexico, a. will ap
pear bv certificate ol liM-atiun filed la the
otrice of probate clerk, and x-otflrio recorder
of the county of Sierra aud territory of New
Mexieo iu order to hold the .aid premise,
under the provisions of section 2324. revised
statute, of the I'uiled State., being tha
amount required to hold the same for the
year ending December 3lt IsM, and if altliin
ninety davs after the service of this notice of
publication you fall or refuse to contribute
your proportion of such expenditure as co
owner, your merest in the said claim will
become the property of the subscriber under
the saia section Mil
F !. ii. 90'1 FUAXK l OaAS,
Eye, Car and Deformltiu,
Pr. T. J. haton, of tho Snrgi.ial m
firmarvof Indianapolis, will be at the
Hio Grande Hotel, Las Cruces, from
April fith to 8th, and Deming Friday
and Saturday, April 10th and lltb.
Ir. Faton has for the past twenty-live
years, made a specialty of the eye, ear
and deformities, and has straighten!
more than one thousand cross eyas.
Artificial eves inserted and the inot-t
efficient braces for the cure of club feet,
spinal diseases, crooked limbs, ic., fur
nished. Tiles treated without pain r
detention from business and a tm t
mailed securely wrapped,, to any ad
dress in the Cnited States for three
months on receipt nf
Libera! discount allowed to post
masters, agents and clubs. Sample
copies mailed free.
Address all orders to
Fbankmx Sqt'ARE, X. Y.
Chronic Looscbpm of the llowels
results f om imperfect digestion. The
cause lies in the torpidity of the liver,
and the cure is take Simmons Liver
Regulator to aid 'digestion, to stimu
late the dull and sluggish liver and to
regulate the bowels.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A mar
vel of purity, strength and whole
sonieucss. More etonomicnl than
the ordinnry kinds, and cannot be
sold in competition with the multi
tude of low test, short weight, alum
or phosphate powders, SOLD ONLY
IX TIN CANS. Royal linking I'ow
derCo., 100 Wall St., New York.
S. L. C.
, rsaB f H I
Houses S L C on li ft hip.
Cattle. Half crop in
each cur.
lira ml. S. on shoul
, der I. on side and C
I on hip.
11. II. HOrPER,
IlillHlioro, N. N.
Mcsat Market.
Ornliaiin Mltiliell, Proprietor.
The oldest established Meat Market
in the city. Wholesale aud
retail Hoteliers. Tho
Rest of Heel
Furl;, Mut
ton, and
country Produce
Always ou Hand.
First class rigs at reasonable pi ices. Corrall attached. IlaiVCom and
Oats, kept on hand for sale. Calls for teams answered proniptls-day or
'. l. TOML1NMO N, lroprletorV
Compiett Novelsand Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almott Givtn Awaf
The tWInwtrn ttoithi r rtuhtlshit. In nom wphlet farm. mny rf ihflm lmii1sMslj n1 ill nirifiM
hm f tMtsl tpv Hpn ftMMl pHpP. Thut irrai of sjrvwl iHul
ltl witdoui nndliii irifi -hi itiatii Him ho t ilia wvwltl 11 ku w mihu.
MIB. Kuk booh I cunijilt'le in lurlr.
1. Thi Wldsw ll-4ott I'nprMb Thl Ii tlm tvk
trr hii:h tour ft nidi nut l its luuglitti 111! ihejr tri.-l, and
ll ti liiil luniiT lu ila nr.
i. Fun?? H'prk for Htm A Jm m ml.
Urely new work b mh thlt nbj.fl ,iiita(itmi t uJ
prsK'llual Irmruotlno lor nmkhif fxtiny hntkoK, wall
tnxiaBt, hr'krt". li wnrk, eiubf older, te,, ls.( yto
hiDdr Borl vltiitnilt 1 1 1 u it r itifii
. UH ram's) Fulrf tnrrm Tor Iho Ypuiif. The
fluttt ooli'-cilmi of fail) atujiei vitv "UttlutinJ,. Ta oil Hi
rH will h .l.'ti (hlH ;'h
4. The at the I.4.L. B Htr ITalt.r R ttit.
' Tits Lair of III Lake ' is a i. unarm- lit irr. ftud ul all
tho work r i:aii no-ii la moit ticattddil than Ihla.
VitiiHitl afKlluuvlle (r l.ali. aoJ (Jutlemt-n,
f "I ir io l oitenf.s an I Rimi hrtJu, h Itlg HU lulu f
tuoderi rtl'u'lt fnr alt ooaasloui.
I. T ip HUndMrd Lt tlvr WrltfP Ar I.aHe aurl
G-ul atoii. a eumpioia g U la eot rcpyni Ifiio. l!n
lMM. Ju o to tit uwuuil fer iu latat tKHika aatitil coal IV9
Han RttRlnod a Plandnrd of excellence w hicb
situiiiM ttt no HiiK'rior.
ll coiiiHlnsrvi'i y liiiprovoment that Inventive
guiiius, ft kill mid uium chii prudutx).
EX OKI iMbt'lJw TEAB8.
villi tnituiiifrsiM fnmts nd eiamplta.
V tntt't- Kvfwlnaj ICrrrviilluiia, a targt aollffolloo
' fUn( i'!ira1oa, 1 iitl-auv linnii, Pniiltj. nc fur
.iinl aih nni, pritait iHaatritialt, aud aiaDiuga i
tomr in ilrat4.
. UWtlutfuca, HMlfil1tn and llradlna ft tarn
Hid -ho'.-ti j.iilfcilou for aeu ml rliMliloua aud itslill and
ri '1 rt'rialiiin'iii.
9- furlnr Mrttflf mni Ohrmlfiil Kprrlmrnfa.
a h.Btli talil.'h lella how la p rhiiiH ltmitr-U of aulti-tuff
Irl-ki lu utacta aril aiHTiiat'Mifl auk aiuipla
m. tha Moma Caak fl'tal. anil Famllr Phval.
plan, eoniainl if liundrcda nT ft cii-iit rn.iHinn rs-i-ipa
a -id hl'ti tt linui'kri'in-r. al ttTinj tut is aura i.l im
Mxi n all -lien' be tiiii-il h'tnii rtui- li' S
It. Mitnttvpa antl l'H1ain In Par way l.antla,
P Trr imt'tri -iliiit tnt lii.iiui;tm Ihmii uf itnn'U, d i r
l( Ihe (M "tilhr Hf, ti ttt. ttianiK-iiaitd aitaiaina f Ilia
pMilo nf fnnltitt eiiintrlpt; lltuanalMl.
H. Mlttrra I'nmplrti Ktnrlco hr Popular Autttora,
airat;liif loiv, Ititoinron an-t dctiiil a aioitra, atott.-a ,.f
"dfir life, of adtaaiura, af rallaa lila, a., alt t rv lu
larlll. IS. The Muda-rlaf U'll, Ifiiaaaraatl Fmm, a Urt
aallsrniinn of ilia fuimr trte. k i.-lie-. iiis.i, pneffii,
and Jttae iiat hia hm-a writttn ftir attntf rrar i (litis ir-l.
I. Iariil KwowlcdaT far tha Mil Hun, a avid?
hook of urful tn foituatiou fur all, upoa aiaui and tarloua
iibjavt ; Hlti !rii-d.
U rlli'4 lUoh. A Karal, by Uu. Con.a., author
f " Uark HT. ala.
W. t lh H'arU'a Urrrf Jlnrrl. Kr 1
an ni mimiif in nit until an ino aiaran, cia.
II. UlldrvtJ Trrvanloa. A X.iil. By Tha Dah of " il.tllr Ha mi," rie.
I ft. Iurk Iak A hoial. hj Hugh Caaaay, authof
af ,,4,a rm.-k '
19. Th Uyaifrr nf 1h II ally Trc. A RartU
B the airhor f ' Umi Ihntne."
to thudtiw a oa the aaw. A Karri, Pr n. t,. Par
ja-m, auilior of lr ad aud CbtHt and Kiaata," aia.
St. Tha Urar H aaaaa. A Kaval. Hy Mra. Uaakcll.
utltor ir " Mai t llointit, tta,
at The rroira llwp, A Moral. Br Wllkla Catllaa,
author ul "Th.' Unman hi Whllr," fia.
iv Hi A f uarl Karaa. A Naval. By ITra. Hmrf
Wno.1, auihnr oT ' nil Lvuua," tit.
II. lH'ai1u"aNt. A Kovtl, B7thAuthrtr'lHra
Thome '
Ii. llm U lathrOld lloair. A Naval. By alary CttH
liar, auiltur ol Hi Idm Prilia,' ate
John llawrrbawk'a Wife. A "aval. By Viae
Ititltx k auihoraf "J.'i.o llalifaa (itnUtman," rta.
II Lady iswrndullnr'a Urtaai. A Ktrtt. By tha
author or " )ia Itiuiur. aia
3 Jaapar Itaari Barrrl. A IVartl. By MUa M R.
Brad ton auihar af Aurara Kiord." tit.
it LrollHt. A Kotal, By Mary I toll Hay. authar a
''BrflHda Vnik." ria.
an t.abrlrl'a Marriage. A Xartl. By If I lk It Calling
auihor of No Mam." tic
SI llatlil IIhrI. A Knwl. By Mra. Aaa I. Biaphraa,
author nf ' Faihloit and Fattiitta," ria.
SI Kraphiat lha blrlwlaal. A Karri. By Mar
Crvll Hai , it itnor of '-1,. aliddlrli.a'a HoDft," tt,
11 Iryrllrr arlran. A Note I. Ry Mlaa II. I. Bnuf.
don ii i t.'-r of -- l.adr Au4tfr a farrrt," tta.
SI Kaalt-at "k Tni Mvaiiav tr till Hafiana. A
Xi-ifl II? KfaW, 1'iartr ati'liar nf "The Birth Maik ' tie.
. laoldcH lUan. A hotel. By iht auilwr at
K'-ft Thoma ' rlfl.
M Valrrlr'a lata. A Knrrl, By Mr a, Ahtxaadtrt
ii'hir rt "111- W wliif III." rlt).
IT lat"r lUoa-. A N.xal. Hy V Utile CalMaa, aalliaf
af "T'.a Uaiuanlit H'httr." rta.
Anae. A Kaial. By Ura. Hrary VotM, latitat ef
"Kail I tunr."
n Tha Laurel Buah. A Tr,..t. By Mlaa Maloak,
amltitr of ".I nil Haiifaa, Urullraian." rtr.
M). Amaa llarlrn. A Katrl. H HMrgt Kllat.aathar
r "Adaa tlrd, " 3ba MUI ua ibt Flaaa,"
Vooka B1 t t.. I !,( n ft.tli. 4 f..r l .ltO.
p'atA.MaLl.X JhXWB 1UMIA, 1
TCi will aanrl anr ttar af that hnaha aad anr atatifn, aanialnlnj
i.rlupa of all laadtD naiirra and honka fci I H enla lu alamna Aav
i. Kni t I'. It. m Kfi(cm l.ftirr. or Moutj Urdtr, aud addraaa al
TSA Kllheet HUaet, I'hiUdalphla, Pa.
Weie. & Wtaiiillslfa Prop.
Ilrugs, Mcdiilne, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Stationery,
Confectioneries and Cigars.
Pur Liijuors for Medicine.
Thrs Orimna am wlphratwl for volumo,
qualltyfif loin', fiuli'k ri'Mjionw1, aiiistlo l'lni,
iM-auty In Dnixh, lH-rfect ronniclion, makinit
lhiin Ihn inoft ai-inililo irirrm for tioojea,
aehools, cburt'bi'a, ksliri'a, aoclt'tica, tto.
rRTAHLisnEn repvtatioji.
vsttifALED rtriMTirs.
lilI.I.i:D WORHItEK.
a i i i
Instruction Books and Piano Stools.
Good meals, atttntire waiters and good Cooks.
House Open
day and night.
Catalogues and Prioe Lists, on appUoatioa, ;
i. Randolph and Ann St CHICAGO ILL
TOR 8Q6.iZ.
Will ar atattafl fH.K all appliraau. and to ccrt-wrrrr vt
laat year itaat ardrta K tt oaotataa ikMt ! par,
fjotiiuatraaauaa. pe, ayraratr drr.f.ii..oa aa4 a
eiractiofsB ft.r nlantlcr all rartr'.lat of Klifl HI,
aad FLOUVll BKI IM. nC-Kai,a. Ibiium
a all ao-taMr ta Mailci U' t-art. Ii.
Pa Ma FERRY CO., Detroit, Mot
A large tork of Hoots A just 1
received from tfoBton t bed-rock j
frire at Iltrrin, Keller AMiMer'i.
i ? i:ui..' pop.: -f Wrt?VfV fwt'-yr ri"
;.';H.1. li ol..llll.,fl "I",? (lAl"rV,Ti'. (ti-
j , ; f. I"
i lu-t--1. J . h '. 1 i iirrr.rH' , 1 1
km in. ini n ni'i.-t n!s,:i;!.: i'TnMr-1m"i i
;; ii.'ii i- il v.i: j in) t It iii ii.!l ' a i L.
I.,.-,! iiT t tV. J-1 "'NiltH' A M v rt', aw i
t i f'ri ulati n !!! y t'.1'aS t !iat rf all
a . j.rfi !.- nCfUi' .ivi. I'ri' f I VP f
-,c.-f.i, t .1 'h-' t. t !-v :i r .fFi'ro'ari
: Jt i tt., Vu,t:9- .'X';i.eioTay. N. V
a a tit" a c , . a
iunn:!fl h- u
-, I i i i.. ;iia in I
.1 ( r if n c m.iri.
,iU l'-TI',
, ' - f'T p-irra
in i
m - i . r a i rj
Tlia Shortcut Route
From El Paao to Calveaton, New Orleana, 8t. Loula an all Eaatorn Polnta.
PaRfipnppra lor points in Cntral America. Belir.e and P.ritiHli llondurna will
rei eiva inforniation as to the nailing of tho ateaiiiorn by aiiplyinK to the Travel
ing ranBeiiger A Kent of the company at T. A P. office under the Central Hotel.
Solid Train run throtiph to St. Iiiiin with Pullman Ruffet Car. Through
Rates as Low as any Other Line.
A. IV HUKPARP. At KI rso. i. A. WM.aoM. TraTHIm frft.aad Pass. rt., 81 as ,
ucu. l a., ana Tiikel A;t. Galctun. Tra.c Manr, Calvka
i, mwmn
i r:T w u j: x
i t
i ! rr.
'mii' 1-
Lake Valley, Hillsborough
and Kingston.
our-hora Paily Line. - - T. O. Addrm, Lake Valley, X. M.
jrarnu:i. j