OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, March 13, 1886, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1886-03-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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J. E. ri!!!KS, Klitnriint Proprietor.
Parlies wishin,; ' insert !ii?ninjr i NICHOLAS UAM-Kei)
patents, forfeiture notices and suits of ; X Ktt'TON ,i Attsil, I
, . , . . , lu tbc uistriet I'onr . I'ountv nf sierra.
auacnnteni must, pay n.r me same m Th) ,,,, ,(.,,.d.-nt Nemoi Marsh. More.
advance,. This is imperative. Parties hereby untitled that mill In ...Mimpsit ha.
. . , , i , . . . i been coinim-nced atta-iist hint ill the Pl-trlel
knowing themselves inuelited to us for I uurt lor tlie county of SI. mth. Territory ot
lilt'lOII Mcllohls (HUH
Burros Wanted!
TO LET. A contract to pack ;
l'li.ul I'riinf oll r.
Land Own s r Lis Cut cis,
February 17, issrt.
Tim immmiwi nrmi .11 v r
lilcad cS Knccr, .Prop.
ii.: . i.:... i . r i. ...ill ... - n I er Mexico liv aal.l i
UIIN klllll Ot WOrKUOl 'H'HMI I "Mil BHD ,...,) . . .. . ,,, , ,, I....... ., , t ,. I, ,.. lid
nettle at once or remit the 1111 lie v
( louts Furnishin
lauiuiici claimed I' ivo lluiulrvd Indian., tliat
I uioia von cnler vour snnearauce lu suld
( loods of every I mot on or before the first day of the moa
hi list 'MKTItn It ATI lt
Mi 1 year
J UK-ui In
To uun.ilii
I Ml
1 la)
lIIl-LiSnonO, SATl'IiDA Y, March 13.
i um.r. is tdais time.
I.enve l.uke Vlllii'.v
A. !., Ivy; ituteinciit liv
default therein will In rendered aitnlniil you
and your properly .old to satisfv the same.
W. I. .IHHI.IN, llcrk.
IIV .t. M WKH-STr.H. PepiUy.
NEWCllMH. l-.WtkKlt.V AUXtMitlt
Attorney lor 1 In i n 1 1 it I i-h. .'0, 5 t
. a. m.
. n:5 a. m.
- 4:,Vi i. m.
6:40 p. M.
Airily, til Sun
Ifino SuttV.-r I.. Valley
Arrlvu hi 1.. Viilk-y -
,0-lll l.'tll lll'I'lHK.
tl. K. A M. havo added on addition
to their Hture.
Keocivol nt the lmg Sro chuii-i.
aij r Lsti -nt of li:ia m liin.
Jir. Tims. I.aiioii l:an l111 1111 aiMitim
t i Mcail it Knecr's restaurant.
,Tii,li,.i, ut li.i.rmilt .( ;il lrn' IZttltf -lrll l.Tin 1 KHitl i-olir( coniiin-ni iiiK on Hit-
- ' i li 1 1 ti day ol April,
Mr. J. W. I'liin, our worthy i-itizcn
who rpreiveil iutcriml injurieK while at
temptini! to r'ulea fractioiis liorso a few
weeks ni nee in ntill liuserintr liptwcen
lire anil ilentli. We hoiie to be able to
chronicle hi rjrovery,
FOR SA1.K. TIip vnhinble juo
perty known tin tlie Sikrha Maiirk
Saloon, Luke Valley. Enquire- of
Wilms Kleiner, Kingston, N. M.
Ilermosa one of our neh-'liborinff
t.nvn is look in-; up. It will pav boiiib
Steady enipluyiiu-nt fur twenty i N'ofieo in hereby given that the follow-
, . .i : it nuiiieu (ifttier nan tueil nolle ol ins
or tinrty Jiumw. Impure at biH , in tf-ntiini to iiihI-i linul prool in support
(iflice. i of liisrlaim. ami that xwiil iiro.if will:
I l- niile lielore 1'roliatu t 'lerk of ierra
fAXTril. To traileifno.l In
' bouse and lot in Iftiitiiit,
tiiini;. N. M.
for H'lulip lesiileni'P in llillsborough.
Impure of-rv. at this ollue.
eoniitv, at 1 1 illshor.HKh, N. M., nil
.April ti, iz:
Those who have takpn Siinmnns Liv-
...2; .VOT'lroiThc onlv Restaurant at the Countv Seat of.
Sierra Countv.
t c see. ti I U s r w .
He names the following witnesses to
prove Ins rotiliiiimos resiilemu upon,
ami ciiltivutioii of, s.iul f un-t, mz
.lose IMeyeK, l-'piiamn liivera, Andrew
system in snrh a way as to destroy the
Kutlee i lo-ri-by given, tnat the uuclalm 1 eravinc for slion drink,
lola, trui-u unit piiri i ls of laiot. ami lli tm-
liroveuiell! lllefl-oll. Hllliuu-il mhiiiii tpftr anA A nrfytilM
Vi, Mli- of HilWIi-iro. ,,,,., tZtf uVJtl&VX,
lerriiorv 01 ?ik aho. hhuim ......
approiM'-l. anil aiiiil nipruli.eiui'iit iluly lile.l.
Now. ili.-relore in ai eor.iioiie null Imv and
ailtliorilv ill in vehleil. 1 llo- Uliilericue.l,
I'n-siili-ii'l nf llii- l.our.l of Trulee ol llle
Iowa of lltilslioro, In oiii.l SU-rr;l county, ilo
lo all tt n.itn n iu:i
rl!e;ulator4.-claro that it sets the ! eleli, .lost M. Apislai a, all if Mi-rra .
liver in action ami ami invitroratcs the I i-ountv. N. M.
fch I'll lit
or Sple at n Barcnln. - "in- tinier
.olultii.' Itorse.rouiT llnil. I hi- ocm inn-
Ilfne for llii- TMiriiOM ever inaile. ANo one
Self lliiiuiiiiK ltr unit one Iron ltuckel in n-r-feet
order, luvrr tin vin u Iteeil in-eil. A I -1 I '
lo .. 1.. KHiluKS, SiK'oiro. N. M.
FnMI Ml (i. Sllll'.l.ns,
Hillsboro, - Mew Mexico.
Khirts fur the shirtless ami pants for tell tin that the younit man's thoughts
the pantalooiilcsw, at lVrranU & j ! j,i New Mexico turns to eettinit rid of
b''- J""" j.avinp his winter hoard bill.
Mr. lU-cUcllof Kington vi.iu-d the; y firav(l0n ()f ciifon.i.
Hl"Bl ""S W,,'l''t- .... ut r I visited his brother in Sierra County
I'lidcruare for the millions, at 1 er-
r.iii!t& tiailes'. ' janAi-tt , this wrc-k. Mr. Cirnyson nllliouli a
Stuge aftemtagpcoui-li of pa-tsciiger J very rich man is, neverlhnles, a very
lire arriving duilv. And bound fur , brimd-minded ' man, and one who
King-ton anil Hills'.oi-oiie.h. jlins spent Feveral hundred thotisiiml
I ......,. nt tinea ill Sipmi CoUIltV. !
loon no I ailll'l -liair uini'i " i
Ferrault A Ciallcs for 4.U;) per suit.
Den. s'.icriir Hall has lucate.l an ex- rmm Termosa. We are very thankful
tension t yl. M. Wobstur'n big ""''k" f,,r the appreciation manifest in behalf
near Lake Valley. ; nf the Advocate in Ilermosa, and hope
lleavv California umlerwcar at IV-i- that we may always stand as well with
ranll a, id (iullcs fir Ssl.'W icr suit. j ol!r neiohhors as we do at present. AVe
Klla t'urren, iv,'ed two years, diank! shall always try to be broad, truthful
i ,,1.1-eutrate 1 Ivc this week, itie appears ami rcliuble, and on this ground wc will
to lrei-iiveiiiig. . j fi.-ht it nut.
Hoots and fchoes to suit the most fas- 'The (Irnnd Central Hotel at Lake
tiacous, at 1'. & t.i's. jan oii-ti v.,,.y has been greatly remoile'ed and
vi...,, .t. (' mo, iLfu-of (he Courthouse : improved and is now one of the best
l'.iMim T Hall have en-cr -d uu hand-, houses in Lake Valley
ilii'i-.o..' iriv.. ,o.-.. 1., ul I uli.im It liciv eon
of our niinint; capitalists who are mi i tm, uiui emu and every one of mid uu-
.. . .1. i i i , ir claimed IoIn Irai'ln and liareelH ol hind, to-
their way to Kington to stop off at . 'J' .Vuhii" inipriveiiieiii- .Hereon, mil
HilNboro and co down to Ilermosa. le oitered for Mile nt puljlie ven.lui- io tlie
.r ., ,. ... : lilnliet lii.l.li-r fur cash, hi the Iront do.ir ol
Chance to strike it bij; with a little uu I'roii.iu- i u-rk oilue. in id luuu of
iiillsl.oio. on Uu- linn mi) oi ,pro. i. h. i-u.
beliveeu the hours ot gun rise and "lliml
. I'AllkLKlt. U. W. I'l.AUK,
jjec y. l-re-idelll of the. i
hoiild of Trus
tees of Ilic town
of lllll-tioro.
eo-inly of Sierra,
Terrllory ul .New
tiionev down there.
Pprinp, trentle sprinK is upon us, ami
now is the season of year, when the
"vounc man's fancy turns to thomrhts
nf love" so sans the poet, but they
I .l.'J linln-ry ir,li el. sun Kralu isi .i. Aem y
for i'onni-r'n 1'. K Type Konuilry, New Vork,
ami llle Orcilt lArnte'l ll Tl ie l-'olilntry, tllira
o. All type cu-4 on Hie Aliuuoit mut.-iu of
lioilii'-t. I're-i'.eH from nil relhilile lniiiiir.
Kvery reipli-itie if a t.rlulinif ofliec fumi-died
nt eloMe.l lillcef for cah. New Speciiuen
Ifook.now in prepiiriition, will In- neut ivlivil
conipleled. W rlk- for cullinatew. Address
C. Hawks, 322 battery St., S. F.
Law, Real Estate, Collection
Mi ring Brokers.
Kingston, - Nt Mexico
Ilemove the cause bv reiiulatini; the
1 list of cash subscribers this we;k ., ZllZ
T T ll' I ,niiL-l,l . - ,
inonn Liver Iteulator. I ry it, ail i you i
wnl soon know thu blessinj; ot goo-1
health and sound sleep. .
Fairview Hotel.
r i i r N' i v w , - N v w M e x i c o .
Mhs. Maykr PnojiiKTon.
All that the mn.'krtft afTords issup
A'wd tlio tahle. The public aie re
qiit'btetl to pivo this liimse a call.
Land Omn xt I-ah run
JitnuHry ivft.
ittira I licn-tiy given Ituil tlw follow t hit .
Itmio'ii Ht liltT U:is ti U il notii'c of his hili-ltlioll
t nuiktf Ihiil rmf in imp port it lili rlitint. !
nut) llutt Miil roof willliL niruk m Irt tin
1'rolkittr clrrk of KK rm romuy; tit HyUlmro.
on Uu- fith uf Mhh Ii, lwii.
liKiUKiHW. IH'NSAKKK. on iVi-Urntory I
Ktutcnioiil So. 1 Jl'v for lUe i t it w j rt i a i I
I. m c 1J. tp 17, n r Tw.
Iln imiiK'H the following witiict-Ni" to prnvi-,
hix euuiinuoit rt.-xltlt'ii''1 upon, tin-1 Miltn
lion of sul-1 laixt vir. lfortfc Stotii-r, 1rtri ;
I'ovtflt. John .Mcl.t'otl, l.fwU tliotiipMou, a ,
of itirrn comity, N. M. j
Tit-o PEIHC-IA Baals
Ktw Mexico,
Hillsboro, - Mew Mexico
Kingston, sierra county, N. M.
January in. is;,
To John I!, Taylor:
Von ara ht-reby nott'led Mutt I hftveexpeud
r.l One Hundred liollam In lalior and improve
inellln npul! the "Tenipliir" mine or lode,
rtttuateed ill the Hlaek Kuutre inliiinir disirlel,
fontiely Urant uow Sieira Co. N. M. ai will tip
peur by ei-rlitleau- if location tlti d in the olll.-e
nf the pTohate clerk, anil ex-nllicer recorder uf
the i-ount v of Sie mi. territory of N en Mexico ill
order to hold miid Jireiuisi-n Uli-ler the proi'in
ions of Section i"M Kcvl-eil Hialutes of the In)
ted Stales. Iieiio; the iiiiioiint re-piiri I to tuild
Audit uithin i,iiien-.:iiyiiiier tin-.i vie.-,.f Newcomb Parker & Alexander,
this nntlr-of pnlllleull HI. you full or refltNe lo
eiititrinule your proportion ol Nin ii cMicnill
tureasii co-owner, your iiileresllu mod eliiini
w ill In me the properly of ihe milihcrioc-r un
der mi id Section -''2
lilG-3nl M.J. Vcfl A l'l i HV.
J. b. HtJAKNlirT,
A Keneral blinking busines tiaiisiicipil. All business entrusted to
our t-are will hav prompt ntleiilion. Fuiihltil attention to the inteteitii
of etiMloineia. ('har);e as reasouiihle an i ronsihUMit with sale banknote
Drafts issued on till the principal ciliea of Llirope and America.
C 0 K It F. S l 0 X l F, T S :
KocNTj-.r lino,, Nrv Vork.
I'iui-t Niirju. HvsK. l 'hirat'o.
!. V.-j;. X. M.
S. B. Nf.wcomii,
l.ua Citices,
New Mexico,
K. W. I'akkih
Hillsboro, N. M
Atlorny--AI' l.nw,
i-oiue Mjrii. I
A nianiniotli stock of k-ter hea-ls,
bill heads, cards and cnv-elojies re
ceived this week. We now Uzxj on ;
Land the largest stock of stationery
ver shiipi)d into this coiinly.
When orlering your freight hauled!
from Lake Valley remember Hr. Crews ;
is a very prompt ami leliable freighter. J
John .Ti ill us
has taken the maiiairemont of the hoiuo
a id sul!ii-e it to say his reputation ns
a hotel man is a jrmirantee that the
house will be kept in apple-pie order.
. -..a. i, i . ..i.. 11
Iieais H'CI. reus cm. uo-ifi i-"1 ; rrui the syst
Give tin m a cull.
- ATuuilerfiil (ieniinii lin lirnmtor
rermani-iitly preveno- all I " nun hi rc.l Losses
from the aval tonea llle nervei. Mreiisllien-
the muscles!, eherki the wii-le, iuiiK'O'iife llii'
iviiolc kviH'Iii, iiinl ri .-lores tho uillii led to
The trees in the ennvons are putting lleiilih and Happiness
forth tbeirweb-oniefoha-je. and no more iS,,H,-(m V,W, .. uf Mnhm,l, Wc,
for S months will the syre and yellow ,m 'niq In uriiiniilinilimi.mVf'l I'I'i IS'I'.I-
i,,.,r.,r rn.tiinn ol ii sninl,re mono- To li It'll EA mill II YI'EHA ETill'.SlA,
Two luin.b-cd oiilcrcnt styles ff nn-L, . , naj .sti(, -A,VA r,nv julhr lm,l m,l. Ir.
tlerwear, at 1'. it ij .-i. jan oll-tt " , , I.irlmi ' I niiiionilni m llir uuhi iiumlurriirr
, ,. , strnt-.-s ofcomposed svenite andirranito ;-r I'jtOSTA TOHH II EA , villi cv'ir
We are wiliiho.diu- mtntion r Mr. (ll(.l.out,..irvwi theOsearWilde ,,;! Tml,.;,t, mcl ot the 1.1EHIG
Welter's U-i strike near Lake alley, s,n.,iw trt.ad th.-i, eiftiloentm-tals ' UISI'ESSA 11 V.
until we have pitied full an 1 Wli-te ' , ,(ntrKst wUh tllP spani.l, Dairer, I u'C ZZXnu!
'',UU- ,. ,., K1.t I t'H' " ""'' vill lie h,w in
Shirts! Kbil'ts. I Sll.rts .. -Mlirfs till : wa;j f,,r arl cipportllllitV to insert its f llii-u'liave lieen lust lor Ihe -Iiinl of proper
von can't rest o'ni ,'h ts - oh! we should, . , . , ,, ',,,,, t,i, : treiuinenl for this eoiupliiiiiioii, iiinl thousanila
la e said shi. is. n winch vou can rest ! I"'""" ",t" '' ton.l -r-. , ll)Sl lH , . ,,,,,,, and pleasure ,,,
ult ihMiud shnoln r siVenely nt. til ; f -ot as-he wanders forth m the v-entle ne ,ro,u m " ,,,
broad davlnrlit in t:ii; moniinn, at-1 er- spring t. nip to acquire tlie nrcniiiprous i,u,.Sl tm. mih to any uii.ne, eoveren
- ' ju ;J'U' ! lona n.UitorinK auruin. : 1$ froc lo patients.
Mr. Clear ban Uvn u.-bt- Ijm bi-anb ; AI riark im Rcttlnn out at!)le-tror , ,?' 'w-ltjWii "f laa ls'
, ....... 1... .. .. . . j 1 ' ll'l
rrt to a iui ua:n;it; Kiit-i in i- an,i ctiierwiso lieantirv inr his piacp.
inr and o'lK'i-.vi.-fo iiiinrnviii tho wail; i-rp Avvfir.TK in anxious to every
urouu.l tlie Court Uuiv-i - hud v oii'ulato Ins exainplo. itliiTip o
llandHoiuo piiits, ma i t.) tlie iJiiefMis : inHt iivs capital to invest as does a
tiU at JVrraalt liallc.--'. j.iiMl innif(.h-tRtbm anmnp pepV t remain,
Wla ro is friend iHirrarh ? We miss horo a town looks mijrratnry af.d ap
Jiis inajestu: jM'csvuce from among our j pcav of a mushroom pmuth-nn one
homo circle, and it isfeanJ that boiiie- ; nauts to invent. We fv, and pav "it
that nrttliinjr
a Bottle Given or Sent Free.
: foiiMJlutOoi. Ir, o untl pri nlu.
i l-iltt ot ilM-s
! -iim in-iii v Mivci. .m I' ritnciNPO. ( ftl.
rri'U( t-Jiiruiici", 4U-"i Miion Stivrt, four
:huvkM up i.-arv fHrcct f i win Kc-nrny. Main
tiUi'am-; tltrouj;" Iispcii!ui y Druif store
Kiiiifiton, Sierra county, M
Jaiiuury 10.
To J. J. Axy
You art he rob v notiflnl that I rxpridcd np
nn tlie Del Nort'" mint'; or lode, uituuicfl in
Ihe HltH'k Pinnae iniuini; tUsttict, t'onnty of
(ininl, Mini Ifrritorv of New Mt'ieti, ns will
Hp pour by eeri itieui . nf locution liltt for re
cord in the ofhre of the probate rlerk mot es
ortlcef r.? ' r b;r, of . he e-maiy of 'irant and
iViritoiyof New Mexico, in order lo hold
a d prvmisei un-lpr the iirovWbiu" of Srrtlon
j;tl!l lii-vised Hlt44utt H or ihe I nind feiatet.
heiiiK Die it in i m ni. re-tuired lo hold tlie same
for the veil r einlinir bi ecnibtT HI, lHfv. And
if within tii iety t1u s alter the service of thin
notice of piiblicul hhi, von fail or rcl ue to
conlrihnte your paoportiou uf ucU cJiiiendl
niire an a eo-o tier, ytmr interest in Knidi-la'tn
will become ihe property of the nuhsc nhvr
under naid Set titiii
. . . .
To Thom;i Kltcpntrii It. ChHrles FiUiiatrlek
und JiHiu I itpiHricL:
Yon nr hen-Uv noHilcit that 1 liav pKnenil
cd VMil H'unliv.i lMllum in labor it ml im
prtnemeil fptui tli' Republican I.ode
Mine or iniuiuu 1 om Mtuine in the liro-
tmdr miniui! li'ri''i, ( ounty of sli riu. and
Terrioirrof pw M xieo, hior.b r to hold lite
said pieiiiiM-s: under Ihe provMi'-tn of Seciioii
-M.'l. Kevivd Minutes if the Ciiltcd .iHte-,
beinK the innotml requned to hold Hip mimic
for ihe vcttr ciiilinK. Iteccmber ;tl. A. R is-M
Alio, thai I havr expended One Hundred Dol
lar in labor and improvements on said Ite
I hi hlti-a ti I. ode Mine, or niinitiK claim, In or
iter to hold the utne under said Se iion of the
Hevlited ftlatutea of Ihe t iiiled Stalett, bviu
ihe amount required to hold the same for the
venr eudinif Oeccmbpr 31, A, U, W. Ami, il
within iucty ( IHi ) dav alter thU notice ol
publicution, vou fail or rr(us to contribute
vour proportion ol ' mtcH etpriuillttrc h co
owiierH, your imcrohiR in suideUini will be
come the pruferly uf th) ubsenber under
Niiid Mud. uu 2:4.
jan lti-aiu TIIOM.49 '(.OCHItA.W
CtcNTmi. Bank Ai.urvtBqvK. N, M.
i."tuh National IUsk, henwr. Vol,
Fiunr N ATloh al Uik, Kl I'aso Teia.
New Mcjrieo.
Blew IHexico
tiling hvmi.-nial b ir ii:i to happen. J fr.uii iir.ictical evperienc
I.ar-e invoice -f pur.i Kentucky so booms a town in the eshinatmn ot ,
W'liiskies, just receivt-d at lVrrault & ! stranaerii in tho far west as :l"es a j 'Jf -i J ri wSf5,f
dalles at 1'. A (i'.s. juuoO-tf 1 ,;lllifestatinn amin? its people of cm-
'I his ollice printed a line assortment tentme.it and a disposition to remain.
ol'ilruj; labels for V. .S. Stan-
.'ist. this week. reiidv-L'iiinm
always on hand. " j by their improvements.
(io to LiL'iithodv X .lame
bi a iv i: it.
iidili, driitf-iHilWn.roHBli ia a permanent, -R j,Mwt Mvlt. ()f oj HK,,-. jHt received
imcd paper j town and our people should show tms ; (,ow,M)Vg j.(J))U M1H,1(, tl) pfe,.,;,,,,.
' for vour i
ilry jioods, clothintr, hoots, hats, and)
aps, or anylhinj; m the line ol I. miles,
i o uts and .Uise,-) wiar, at LI 1'nsu
1-nces. jan oil-lf
Two of the brightest youny men in
Xotlee of Koi fcitiirf.
KlN'ivTov, Sierra eountv,
Terrilorv of New Mexiru
Mureli H.l issfi.
To .1. F. Murray. You are tierehv notinrd.
o,,. i liuvu ..t i.ioldi-d :IKI lii lnlinr ami irn.
Kingston palled on u.s Tiles lav last, but 1 provi-mi-nt nn the "K l.ec" mine 1'ovihe
... , ,:, i..,, ' r lsxl. 1s.s ami tsfti: anlil mine is duly
.according ti jiroiui.so we will alistain i ;.(,(.nr,,, d (ll lh, ,,r,p,.r honks of reeord, ami
from mentioning their names. n more piirtieuhir d--seriitinn of said mUM'
reirerenee is hercliv noi-le to said r rd The
Ladies' Misses and Children's wear i aliove expeerliiure tx-linr Hie aiuonnt required
at 1'erruultA liallus'. jan ol'tl
Leave your measure when in tou naml
yet a comfortable " I'nderstandinj;."
Luke Valley, - New Mexico.
avents, liP-issuess, and Trade-marks
secured, and all oilier patent causes
hold said mine for snld years under the pro- , :., , J, Talent Oili,on.ld before the
vision of seclioll '2 VH of the r"viseil stiitllles I
In Colorado iiewsoapers UMially get of thy I n s..,u i i .. , ' "v ; court pioiii.tly and tareluly nltrnil
juud for iiriting up a ...air s mine. i
New Mexico editors usuaby gcti.bused
for mentioning the mines.
Anything in the Tine of-gents furtiish
ing goods, from a caiuoiic needle to an
elegant s'roug pair ol miner s overalls
hi ferrault cV Oalles'. jau t-tl
llunn's Coini.iercial agency dotires to
Jiiiuw the staiuling ui'tJje -S. 1 . C C .
We refer them to liidenuiu', Uakt-r i. Co.
jn Kausaa City.
All miner's, ranchmen und cutllv
men, liiclinlliig ineir ruuiuini i.n
mules ami tiie.r aiuus
Ceo W.Williams&Co.,
Jewelers and Vat li-tnakers.
A - - - t Va.aaA. aSS,B.A
WCIIllllg VlUg all ; First-elnss rigs nt reasonable piice. Corrall attaehpd. Hay, Coin and
Manager Jewelry departnicn t : Mr ; H its, Wept on hand for sale. Calls for teams answered promptly day or
II. Ski run, latu with S. II. Lucas & Co., j night.
Si! rt'ilv fi.M. rVt M I. 1 IMll !S, l'ioii I. Kr
In the best fi'h easing medium,
Visitors to I kp Vali.vv
Stop ?! T, 0. LAY'S
3 L O O
For the Finest Wines, Liipus, and
Cigars. Finest Milliard Hall
in Lako Valley.
Hf-First clasa In er-ry pnrlinilfir.a f
Tjtth: Vulli'U, - - A'cip Mcj-iro.
ent vail ii
t lit UI hc WUtll l like 111 (Ki.t'i
itf u lit' i.'l i , itiiT lb ink "r "in- imi c. Nlu tin- I Im
Ill i io i It lmuut lurni tlit-ao Liuuka uull i-Mil INI
Comp.'eto NovolMand Other Works, by famous Authors, Amost Oaten Away
Th Ritln(n4 IhA ar ptibtisln 1 In urn pnmpl.lfl luriti. inani nfihi-m hnnrfMHicli llltrMltl in-l r prltilf
lis. wun.nu inert in niuoi ina
lcti. kv-.U IhxiK I iMiui-U'ie lu IimIL
1. The Widow MYtbilt lnpcrm. Tbl l h Km. IB. ho Wnrlrf'a Merry. A Vrr1. Kr Prorenca
inr wlil di unif hhiihIiiiiiHi.-is liiufiltrit till liny Oln-t, Ut.4 ! imIi n ni,ilH .,f I he ll.-mu m till llnrh,' tie.
It i U.I UliroiT IimHi a-.ic Ii. l lbln-1 IVf Hlllun. A Nwtt;!. Uf ' Tli Duutl
1. runi'r War I for lloitic AdnritmrHt. n n anh r ni Muli.i iinin." tuv
lir-lf new Tnik uimii tnii iki at .cohliiihik ,.) H. Murk lut . A Nuvtl. l lluh Cuiiumy, nulhuf
Fr.tb'i In .trueiiotM d.r niikiiif fim-t hnm-n, Mali nf " n'u-l Hi a
nHi'l-, lwit.-ii.-i,. lie wnrta. umUtol-l.-iy, iu.,io., r Tht' ltiry tf thtt llollj Tre A Kwtci.
(Utflr el-i;iiHt ilhittrf l ' It in- nu h-ir tii ' lm 1 biitiii-."
firtiMiii'M Fulrjr hinrle fur tlie Vvuiiff. Tht ; -U ain. tn nn tltr hunw, A N'uvrl. At H I.. fhf
luei ,-rth , iimi o( Lut ini , t ,;r i-nldi .ln'-l. I n : eliil-l- I je.m, nr'u" ! ' Hi -i-l mti 1 Ut.oiKC ami kUf ." fir,
ran win iv dt-M :hir-i wiih Hi -ni ! The ir W urn an. A .Vl. Hj Mr. (.LfH,
sir IV.Itn
Absolutely Pure.
dnvs limn the service of this notiei' (or ivithln
niiii'tv dnvs of the service or this notice ler . n,l to.
nuliP.entioiil von lull or refuse to eontriliiltc i ,r , , .'
vnnriiropo ton of seli axnendifiire asa e. . Fees MiKlerats, and I make no
oivnir i oui interest In siini cniini io nicoiiie i s .r i . , , , . l.;,,,, ,! ,.. 1,
This powder never varies. A mar
vel of purity, si length and whole-
snmriiess. JWoro economical tlinn
Mcat Marltel,
Oriiluiiin A Mitchell, I'ruprlctoi's.
I he oldest estahlished Meat Market
in th city. Wholesale and
retail lliitchers. Thu
Lest of lVet
Cork, Mut
ton, and
Ahrava mi Hand.
. The l.ml
T'. l.li ol die l.-iHli ' I. toii.HT, Iff.a . I
llir n H f Sfnti i- I mur bfatinlul ll...il il.l.
ft M -imuhI nt Klliiucllc f 'f I I itntt' m-n.
itH- to ji oil- ies tit.l tfoivl tiOKdlli4, hlii lb iuli ill
mil T'i -0 tiii.. .r all .- :ioin,
T HtuKlxrif l.rllcr U'rltrr for T it H- ol
fl-llt .lull, n I'oin i lij i v KUlh'lu rt.wr- -puk l.-lii , (filing
Cll'i lliei llilil fnr III" iHUli .m 1 1 l.'il t Ifllvlta f HVTf
, n Ith iiitiii ne i in f'it uu aii'l r tMtvptrt.
i. Hliticr K.vt-iibiftT l('i-rfHtttit, ltr 'anllroi Inn
. -il-.( i ii.im-li-i, l.i-iiomi. .iiui's, KioiIpi, elf., fr
n-'iil itli"Mn, r i v ut ilieturltnl, uX nvculiifl at
iitiiv lH olritoii.
R IMulw(H, HtrttiiOnn mnA llratlltir, t Hrt
i"1 Phu.i'f iiei-it.Mi luf ..tti.iui i'hciiliu hii-I u lia mid
ftirn1 rH'erUllimi lll,
If. I it r litr Miitflc llllil f 'lieililcul rvrtrrlmrnf,
b h-i.ti I0--M lei1. Ii.im- t p iiin.i I Ir (4 of n ,.u.h.
III t lU IBlrt Kit. I lllUU"lU tVpvllmellH i rllliil0
I'). Th lluinti Vak llool. hI Pnmllr lbvl-
4nt, e inl.ill.l t linn lied of i-vii 'i. l.l I'nukln ( .-l.ol
nd hint In In.im-kreir. ol n li-ltint tm Wvuru ail i.iii
&mn ail iam tv ini'.tc hionf i-iii- li--
It. MHNN,r aiot ruatnin In Vur A wbt l.nnrt.
(n( tlin M'vitliur lili, Iiihiii. in-t'itK-i-riii.) uiiiioiiM uf il.it )
Piplr T -r r..onlrb: lll..iri(.-..
)i. KKtiM-n t'nmidt-lit ttnrlc to Copulnr Aiibr.
roibri -l ; i.p, loi.iiiiM,n nn I if Veil sl.Mli, M.rt-- of
rtdlft v hlfi, uf adyniituff, nf iniiii ,i; lilt, Via,, nil rt In
ltiretln I-
M- The llun'ffft nf W'U. Iliunor anil Fun. Hrnr
ol'i-fiLtu of iha Inn..? al ot k : In ., nnoi-loi. pix-nii. I "I an I
nl jok.n tut hut ft horn rltt n for amuc i ,ir ; II I in i.
H reril KtiMub-li' for the .HIHi.ii. a haiol
kok of iiM-r.il It. f-Miialiou (of ll, npJU limur mi l arlou4 :
iihj.ie( : iiin irntrl. '
IV ,hII.I llitrk. A NipI, by tlufh tVnway, oilii.r i
f" Urk Iivh, i tc. I
tvM. rUA.Nkl.IN Kwi tOMI'A.S., 7 k llavit UoU 1' hlUiUlylila, I'
Bj Wllhl rollluc,
By Mr. Iltnr
nth.. i
it The Kroci-H Id-rp. A Nnrrl.
iiih n nl " I Ii.- oltim. In Willi-. '
I't. It r 4'inirt 1'urin. A Kutl.
W ml au li-r 1 " I'hm 1.W.U-,
In I utM' fl. A Swvrl. Hlh Aut'iorofDcira
i. Ilai k tn the Obi Home. A Nottl, B?MfTfcrA
litr ai.'li, r ot lllblrn T'- r I r-lp,
. Julin ltnwi-rbuitl.' Wife. A Hani. Ht Wli
Jin In k auihornf ' J--lni lUlllii lenllniii,' ata.
VI. I.ioljr irtolollMf'a Hrean. A harl. Kj tha
autli'-r nf liit Ih.irn.-, aic
J Jnaiier llimc'a Hferet. A Nnvrl. tj Mtu H.Jt-
Ilia I I iu amhwf dl Auriga r'iTit, ' rle.
Jit l.rnlliie. A Not. I. l j Mart t acit II ij, aaiher nf
Mrrti In Vc-rfc-.'" fi.
f.iitirli-l'a Mnrrlna;e. A Nortt, fly Wltala t'Bllliii,
Biitb.ir of n Sainr. cc.
M Muvld limit. A Vfirrl. TAt VIri. Ana i. fliih(Da,
autbi r r ' ('lii.it. mul I aini.if rid.
VI ItenphiaT the W litrlwlnil. A NofH. By Wart
It t;i . .im o' if " o..l Wid-1 i-i.in a Mi.U'." in.
n Ihi.'lev in-Iron. Nl. It Wiaa II. K. Br4
if.n . .1 ,.r ' I.adf A .i tlf-r Kri-rrt," ato
II t:lt-u I Ttn Vimui kp ihi naMKtM. At
X "fl lit I V. I'l.-rtT hiiH.m nl "Thr Hinh Mart ' ata,
. A liul.li-n hailii. A No ml. Itr itta auihur uf
i " Hit 1 1 'nn (-N!.
' nlrrle'i Kale.
' 111'h.if ef 1 In- WoPll.a (
: S.r-r lUa.. A Nhirl, Hj Wllkla Culllnv i-jibof
Ti H .-Hian In Willi,-, ft.
Antic. A Kairt. By Ura. Henry WmkI, author af
By Mra. Alaiaiiilrr,
m The I.Hiirel !lHh. A Kotot. Br Ulai UaWk.
aiillirr f " J-diu HallUx Hanllamati " rie.
-H. Amna Itarlen. A Ntnt l Hr Urorg Kllol, aiUhof
nf "Aduia Ikiila, ' Ink MilliMiiUa r'loaa, ata.
anr fanr rtf thfwi honk an4 attf fatalfMinr, mnlalnlnf
Ira-llH n-r and In. tnr 1 V rent a In lamp. A My H
r Moiuj ordar, auil a IJitaa i
ITas attained a standard of exot-llrnee which
ad.nita of no B.iierior.
lleoulaliis every luiprovement that Inventive
iroiiiUR, akiU and money can produce.
Tr rl IS" r Mi as. a.
W E3a Fl WS.ZliUUTU9 JLA7U9a
tlie property of the auh:crihcrs under said svk
il-l I.
Mch 0 3m
.1. F. SKI IV.
J. K. Mc'Av.ni E.
Las Citrcr.s, N. M.
February L'od. lfWd.
Notice is hereby given that the ap
proved plats of
Township 12 South, Kange 2 Fast,
Township b'i South, Kange 2 Last,J
Timnsliin 14 South, fiance 2 Fast.
are eoroiaiiy , ,i.:s ,i ... iHeH received from the
invited to call and examine our new j surveyor (ien-ral and will be duly tiled.
t, irk ot trout s beloiii se.iuii.g .lien . -,n tll-la (,ii ... iar.. , -,,.. tssti in acconl-
lioot' in iiiey out f the county lur l'""r liinrf w ith the instructieiis of General
. .. i jl.ll . . ..... ,
foiniatiou, advice and special refer
ences sent tin application.
J. K. Little,
Wasliinj-toii, D. C.
Near U.S.PiitentOriice.
sold in romiietition with the niiilli
tiulo of low test, short weight, nluin
or phosphat ponders. SOLD ONLY
IN TIN CANS.. Hoval Baking Pow
der Co., 10G Wall St., New York.
l'fcllll.U 1 -X iV li.lLl.i-S.
i M'u i Land Ollice. after which date filings
. . , ilvrill be accepted for lands embraced
good-natured aim ; thL,rein
LiiMi'Si) G. Sno-i ns,
Mm. l!urlo:i,
eiiterprising lady is in the city, with u
view to introducing the Little Jokir
washi.ig machine, wbicli is a splendid
;, , t ,m Klncaton, Sierra rountv. N M
I l-'ebruary 'Ji, 1.VS6.
ii,.. u ..el. o.iiiii.lcte est. Cnnls To Ed Baird:
.v .. ... . . Vou are herchv notlllcd that I have ex
Alld l'ants llolll i.0U llpwalUi at ! r.i.1i..l one tnoidred dollnra In l.ihor and
,.,,,.. u',,,.. lnilrovcmenls tipoii the I. one Star mm- nr
1 l.I.KAl 1. 1 iV. UAI.I.I-JS. j lode, situated In the Hlaek Rane mininit
. district, eountv of lrant, at present Vnown
Jack Thomas -OUe of tlieoiviltrs of as Sierra enmity. Uiritor -f vw Mexico, ill
. ,i,, ,,,,i, ,.,.. order to hold H aald premises nialer the
the "KeVBtoue passed tltrollgU town ,r,1T(,on,(lf siti .revised alalutesef
Tl.ii'.'-iv but f-t'le ! t- st-'P I'Ver. Jack Uhrl uited statea. I.eii.K Ihe amount re.nired
AUU.Bi.a ui ... i- I t- hold vac same lor lii liar cii.iiuu Ik.iiii-
says, that he will be a credit to ills ! t.er llst isw., and if within ninety days after
folks yet. W e should smile. j fail or refu.e eontrihnto your proportion
Fje, Ear and Deform it its.
Dr. T. J, aton, of the Sorgi ml in
firmary of Indianapolis, will be at the
liio Crande Hotel, Las Cruces, from
April oth to Kth, and Ileminj; Friday
and Saturday, April Kith and 11th
Itr. Katon lias for tl.p .asr Avni.ty-Iive j .
years, made a sieeialtv of the eve, ear i-h
ttml fl.-f, .r.iii I ion nml tins slmiohlenil
more than mm thousand cross eves. i X
I Artificial eves inserted nyd the most
cllicient braces for the cure of clubfeet,
spinal diseases, crooked limbs, Ac, fur-
j nishcl. Piles treated without pain or
j detention from business and a u e
I guaranteed.
8. L. C.
I I a ,!h organ
TO fl - f J
vff FIVE
J m YEAR8' !
f 'Lji I -ol:
V l: F S C K I P T I O N S C A l! F F U L L Y C 0 M P O IT X D E D
Drugs, Medicines, Purfumery, Toilet Articles, I'ancy (ioods, Stationery,
Confectioneries and Cigars.
Pure Liijuors lor Medicines.
These Onrans are celebrated for volume.
I qtutlltfof tone, quick roaiiot.se. nrtlatio riesljrn, :
beauty In dnlsh, rH'rfoct construetion, making j
thorn tha moat noalratiln rtriraiia for honioa.
enonia, cnureuca, lonirca, aociciiea, etc.
Lit-stock of goods just received at 1 ,""t b ; exp.-mlltnr. a. i .-..-ivorker, your mailed securely wrapped,, to any
lii uiiaa V . , r . i . ii i .. : interest in said Calm will become the prop-, . ...
nur iii.i.Ko ului li will ne iianuien on
the motto of "Quick Sales ami Small
Profits. " P. A J. jan yo-lf
Word lias beeli received from Fort
Clark, Te.v as', -to the ell'ect that Capt.
Fechct is rapidly recovering. The
-4:limate of Texas seems to have been
beneficial in this particular ease.
I.ightbody & James makes a specialty
of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes.
hats, caps, etc. ami w in give custoviers
t-rlv of the subscriber under the said seeiiou,
Klafrstmi, Sit-rra conrrtv. K. W.
i'thrutry -7, 1S.S6.
To Krl Bnlrd:
Vou are hereby nntifleil that I hrv- px
pended one hundred dollar In lahr-r illim-l-rovements
upon the Mix Oiirf miu- or lode,
situated in the If lack Hange ouuiilff tlistriet
ill Sierra county. New MexW-l.. as will sp
ar by eertlrlcate o' loeatnsn fllert in the
i ofliee. of proliate clerk, and x-flSeio recorder
: ,--i;-,- -i . ,i ' . ,i lot the countv oi sierra ami lerriiorv ot isew
K-tter prices than they eatl i-'et else- . Mpxlro j rrter to hold the aaid premiaea
'W here. jau .MUf !iidT the provisions of seeiion itm, revised
dreji in the J'nited States for three
mon t lis on receipt ot
Ijlaeral discount allowed
masters, agents and clubs.
copies mailed free.
Address" all orders to
. lilCIIAUI) K. FOX,
to post-Sainpte
Chronic I.onsrne of the llowrN
Hohses S L C on left liiji.
Cattle. Half crop in
each ear.
Hrand. S. on shotil-
iter I. on side and C
on hip.
Ilorulqunrtora, NirvFru Hanc,!.
(Icnoml Mftiingpr.
Ililluboro, N. X.
PT" r!3 Bi73 i!S7rk TV
till tm fAftttatl Khri't all arrll-anta. tw4 traatnaaar af
lut ar witftoni ararnac n. it ontaioa aiiaat iau pftfaa.
CKTABLISnr.D ncrcTATiox.
House Open
Good meals, attentive waiters and good Cooks.
. day and night.
Instruction Books and Piano Stools.
Catalogue! acd Prloa Li.U, oa applloaUon, Faaa,
. Randolph and Ann 5t$., CHICAGO. ILL
.t.l..l.a r.f thu I'nltei1 KtritS 1.. ll t - . .... t
Mr. Thos. O'Kellv, f.rmely of Hills-! mMU, required to hold the same for the : results r om imperlect ingestion, i lie
l orn lint now temnorarilv located in ' J,'"T c,',,n l'eeen.her :ilt isk". and ir mfthin cause lies in the torpidity of the liver,
I.oro IUU now temporarily ioi ico in . jMr rty after the service of this noiw e of . , ., . , ..'
I'eming visited HlllboeO last week HI i pnblicaswHToii fail or reluse lo rontilhute ami toe cure is law; r-imiiionH i.nrr
romnan; with Mr. C. It. Bloom. Mr. I ZXZL ;tc,,!:'Viio;''e,,:r";i 1 Ipulabrr to aid 'digestion, to stitnn-
lllnr.UM. ftir.m. r iral. a.V;ritil.n. n4 .ftlu.O.
Iimu.nl sr ni.niin ar, v.timi-. r I r.Ml.r.a..R
M. I..OKI D SlMI, Hl l l,tt
I. n p."-.'!. U H.rtt U.r l.-a.r.. 0m4 fci Is.
D. M.FCaaV a CO., Detroit, Mkaniaan.
A large stock of Boots A Shoes just
K talks of return'mi: to H'ilUboro this ee..nie rr"l't.r' lhe ""hacrlber uuds.r , late the dull and slupgUh liver and to received from lloston at bed-rock
'. i 'he HI4 seeliOll ,.1.1. Lnlit lb lus-al -.11 : 1--1I twill
f-prtllj. ; run. T!ld ritAK roitA. i v ...-.. ... . .. , rrirra mi nrrria, aanrr s wnivr I.
The Shortest Polite
From El Paao to Calveston, New Orleans, St. Louis an all Eastern Points.
Passengers lor points in Cntral America. Pelizo and Pritish Honduras will
receive information as to the sailing of the steamers by applying to the Travel
ing Passenger Agent of the company at f. & P. ollic under the Central Hotel.
Solid Trains run through to'St. Louis with Pullman Ihiflet Cars. Through
Rates as Low as any Other Line.
ti SIlKPAItn Ael.KIPnso. J. A. WILSON, Trnrellnir Friff. and Puas. Tift., El
lien. Pass, ami Ticket Agt. (ialveston. irafhc Manager, Galveston
ii riHiiiii iii
II II VII 11 llii
ri ii
ii kt w i; i: -n
ILaltvc Valley, IIilIboroMt;U
Four-lioraa Daily I.ina. 1. O. Address, Lake ValUv, X. M.
, I
f. f'
i ;
t r

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