Newspaper Page Text
f ;! f l i , i ,1, ' ! i i ! - i f' ' : 0 .. . V- ! r.. 1 1 1 '1 f V 11 TRAMPS' PARADISE. A Horn York Neslauraul WM.u lirirnra (Till Appi-Hntlim. After ii very ji!c;ts,i!il lunch in Parle row, Detective. (iillcrt (.'arr hum! to n reporter: "We kimw how ull ilreent t'il(! live; miioso wi hoo Iiow llm Jjcgpirs and I imii t-ut llirir food. Let i p lo Traiiiin' Hull." Tranii' llall in a muni restaurant, if in can ! sO Htvlril, ill IViirl l reel near CliHlliiiin. The mjtii over tlie lir bear I lie in fccriiiliou: 'Small liiliiiuiiieo." TIhtu arc half a dozen table tin t twcnlv lour KtuoU in I lie lac. Tim t allien ere niiulo of rude inntcriiil mul nru covered witli while oilcloth. There urn n few (-heap pictures mid theatrieiil hhow bills I i i i i i up on the wall. 'J hit - JkjJc'liiii ih in the rear aim commnm rales with the eating (iluee lv menu of a door in which mi itiiitiuv Ini la-en cut. 1 liroiiirli IIiIh iloor tin dishes onleri'il by ciiMtiiiiiers me Iiamleil jtint. The cook and llm kllrhen are j-iiridlv ki'l'l in euln-ooii. No outsider lia allow eil to cnler the in slcrioti lab oratory in which lhcieia,-t of tin1 l.ii. finises of New York arc ireiiroil There are no waiters for the proiri' lor, Mr. K. Ilarniiln, U too wise Ii (niMl nil uiii'ei'H in mi reonimiiciil n tniHincK. lit iicIh iii waili'i' ami cn.-li-Jer. mid his deep Iioiimm's pocket in Ihu till from which lie nuikc lianoi Mr. Ilariialio Ik Ihi iiiliu Italian of nn oic h;;iiioii naliire, muiii'IIuh; in tint Way of M eroa. Ixlweeii Mr. Wanllc'n fat Ihu Hint I nail Jleoii. lie fairly Imbblos over with ifood ii ii 1 1110 ami ini jiresKi'h a casual visitor with the idea that he is ready al any moment lo throw his in im around the kI raiiirer'i Jieck and kiss liim on hold checks, after the traditional ami rc'iti-rtiant Italian fashion. A curious crowd wan iiur takinc of Mr. Hiinuibo's cheer. Thorn were two liliud niendicaiils and two blcar-eved women who shared their r-ioils, a criide who linhhlcH out on the sliiniiis of Ills lee's, an or;r:iil frriiidi-r wlio had l n -1 1 t il his instill liicnl iiiider the lahle at which he oat mid 11 viialiond dressed in soldier's uniform, who is doubtless familiar to the ireneial puhlie a a broken-down veteran who lost his arm at Kretlericks Imrjf. 'I he d lies were of the coarsest l-rockery, the knives mul forks of Ilia commonest kmd and Hie spoons of pewter. "It docs not pay to have ex jicnsive, article here, said J)electiv L-nrr, wnu an expiaiiitiory sumo; -1 in riistoiurr iiiijrhl bo tempted to leavti the house and lake them with them. Mr. liarnabo proudly exhibited to Ihu rcjiorlcr Ins lull of tare ami price list, t leads as follows: QUEER WILLS. Cl Ills ' (Plll-I f'uptf coffee or 1 en , ll'YIcil fish. Jiiiwl of uollccor leu m! Itei'iMii'Mk Cruller I I'ovk rlitiR 4 Jlnwl of Bnlip ' I rieit t'i'illlis 4 Itm-i! Iivtsr a Pork ioxl I euns 4 llem'l Hlew ii Siiiikuki'S 4 J neil limit :i lii-es'l piKltlOnr 4 llAsh II l,ler Kiel lineioi.... 6 linns! lleurt .1 llniiil lii el h J'les 4 I'edl I'lllli'l 6 1'ies, liillt 8 llosxl motion fl lire! Met 4 i vvn I I'le'l euriH . . ., & Mtllloll slew......... 4 MfireHronl 1'itik slew ..... ... i ( Ii H'hcll slew . , 4'iirneil licet' Hliil ohIi. 4 llitasl veul ...'. J'lK iH'Hil call. . 4 Hum Mlel I'KK . la t nl Out eliepa. ....... 4 llioiilitlri'er sleuk . . . Ill i When llhked liow he cinild sell food lit niicIi n price and cam rtu v prolit, Mr. Harnabo smiled, shrui'ed his Is I k hi ! ilo is and said: "Kconomv, ienor, iilwavn economy." tin leatinj; J rallips Hall Ilctcclne ( air saiil lo the reporter: " There is no mystery about the matter. In Iho hotels Ihu unused food left on their plalcs by quests at lneal liiiie is soiled mil when brought luick In the kilchen. Kvery eeniii( Mr. Harnabo calls Willi his waon, se cures it and recompenses Hie cook Willi whom he Isdoin;- business. I Mat Is Hie cook's pelctuisite. .So it is that the precise arlicli) which a surfeited millionaire refused lo his stomach i s tcrday is consumed coiiiplaccul ly to day liy One-cvcd Jimmy' or Sloh-Im'I'j- alike' in Tramps' Hall." .V. 1'. 'J'diijrtim. t . ONE PER WEEK. Itiiw ii I'rii-miit-liik Arllsl THiikrn Itullier rrrrMrloun "l.ltiii." A newspaper correspondent from Washington says that the "pen-and-ink 111:111" is slill h mystery lo the olliecrs of the secret service. The most stren uous i lint Is have been made to catch liiiu, bill he lias eluded Iheir ij-'ilancB Mi far, and there is not the slightest trace of his identity or locality. The "peii-imd-iiik" man is the person Kiioi.ii in police circles who Itoikcs cotiiitei b it money with pen and ink so cleverly as to puss it wilhoiil detection. The secret service has about lifty speci mens of his handiwork which havu passed the -.crutiiiv of Hie bank clorku and tellers, mid In en delected by 'he experts of the National hank redemp tion aj-i'iicy of the Treasury lepnrl liti iil. The 'peii-and-iiik man" de voles 11 i-t of Ins time to twenties and fifties, lie bits made a few ten dollar notes, hut thu bulk of those captured me of lite denominations indicated. T he secret s TV ice olliecrs believed for a lotip time that the "pen-ami ink man" was seme expert who merely linp.i'W.l h.s h,i,ii' luiic hi coiiiiti r fejunj;. 'They hac (riMii up that tlieory. and tire now firmly conviie ed that he is iiiakinj; a lixinj- at il. The reason civen for this is the olliecrs h:ie information that he produces intti of these counterfeits each week, which returns liiig only fair waees. The "pen and ink man"' is a wonderful ex pert, and his is an instance of a man who prefers iloiii' wroii at less xva;rcs than lie could earn by doinj rijrht in a respectable aioc.itioii. ( 'iirii'.imt I 'num. A Common-Seme Toboggan. Tho best tidKij-jran I cersaw was of hit Lory. it h three w omleii strips about ss thick as Iv, oof your liii'-ers, rai-ed from the Isittoin to serve as runners. Instead of wooden railsil hud a pod : r..-.c r-i .i.a;w :.:-.-;::. 1 :hr:,:i Ith.-s fillers ; but one of the best points nlsiiit it was that the screws and rivets did not come through the hat torn at all. Bud timl is eiy imjtoitant. since if llm K'l'ews project the least bit they will tear the ice all to pieces and spoil the lide. Hiidcs. the Mn.w gets into the hob s iv he re the screws arc sunk, and make the bottom of tlto totmpan rouirh. The tolMi-jfrnn I speak of was liit!.- liHvir than 1 like, for thou-rh a heavy to'oopf:aii po s a Utile faster, it in harder to pull up hill, and if there, is an accident there is more likelihood of petting hurt. l"p in Montreal they trii d ateci tolKfr trans, but several peo ple w ere serhm-lv injured by them, and I her wire finally cwiidcmiicd. Cor. J;o'on lU ruhl 8pltfol i'niofH Mr hi. Arii Aniluui tu llava ltiig hy H III." One of tho nioNt curious features in this "revenge by will" in tho many times it has deceived tho ends of the will-makem. A very remarkable in atanco occurred not many years ago, and la recalled by the writer. A gentleman of largo fortuno was married to a .lady of norno attractions. For a I iron they lived happily( hut aoon a disagreeable temper began to 1 exhibited ill the husband. This lat ter t uned to a positive dislike, qiiito undeserved on Iho wife'a part, "d which deepened into a malignant ha tred. Her fnrliearanec nnd temper carried on matters with tolerable, ainoothnesn for aonio years, when the husband wan seized with an illness that proved fatal, and he went out of tho world in the old ill-conditioned way he had lived. Jler friends were congratu lating IhemNclvi'H 011 this release, and a she had but a slender seltlement it wns known that all his large fortune must come to her. When his will, however, wan opened it was found that every thi.ig was left away from her anfiil aiiiflngenious devices had been used to deprive her of the smallest arti cle of property and, with almost dia bolical malignity, a last blow was given, "and 1 nmde this disposition for a rea son that she herself best knows." This acandaloiis Insinuation only recoiled on the head of the testator, for her friends knew her character too well, and the charitable set down this ungoverned hatred to something akin to insanity. Tho lady uceepted her lot, but not long after a relative, who was also a lawyer, happened to be talVdiinr to onn of tlie witnesses to the will in the si reel.. Suddenly a gentle man passed them. "There's ft coincidence," said the lawyer, "there's your fellow-witness A. ii." "Oh, was ho." said tho other care lessly; "I didn't know." "ii'hiiH" exclaimed tho lawyer. A quest ion or t wo followed, and It came out Hint the two witnesses had signed at .different times. 'Tho will collapsed of itself, without even a legal proceed ing, and the lady was triumphantly re stored to her right. Dim might, almost wish that Jicr bullied lord had been al lowed one peep from Ins grave to know the failure of his malignant ellurts. lhiuecr, t he famous miser, beipieathed to one legatee four old stockings, lo an other two more old stockings, to a third ft blue stocking and his red eloak, to a fourth an old boot and a red flan nel pocket, und to 1111 old woman who had sometimes given him food his jug without a handle. The legatees were naturally disgusted with their bequests the Jug was found lo be full of sovereigns, ana 011 examination me other articles named were also found to lie tho receptacle of the dead miser's hoardings. J ho writer once saw the will 01 one of tho ('anierons of liOchiel in Scotland w ho was beheaded for pnrtieipal ion in the rebellion of the Forly-live. It was diiled Hie night before his execution, and after forgiving all his enemies, with Hie exception "of Appln and his bloodv son." it. went on: "I leave to tny eldest son, lhmuld, the buckles 1 have on mr shoes. I do this because they arc miide of neither silver or gold, kut of steel, and that is the oulv metal that will avenife my death!" N'icosort of sentiments after forgiving all his ene mies. - Vmnujn Aew. Si U. H. HsNAToa, of Indiana, saya Ht. JaooU Oil eureil him of rlinumatlsm. Hon. R. M. Mebane, U. H. Mlnlst-ir to Franco, ccrtillos to the power of Hod Htar Cough Ours, which costs but twonly-Uve cent a buttle. A clergyman was once tilling a pulpit by the seaside. Thinking to im press the truth more distinctly upon the cong -egation, many of whom were seamen, he drew tho figure of a shin trying to enter a harbor against a head wind. Unfortunately for the success of his metaphor he knew little of sea manship. After pulling the ship into several singular positions, he cried out, In a tone intended to be emphatic., "What shall wo do next ?" "Heaven only knows," exclaimed a disgusted old tar, "unless vou let her drift starn foremost." N. i'. Mail. A mono otir f bines" brtkrn w not!' Ah T.1111, Ah Sine, Ab I 'hong, but no Ah 'J'Lem. Js he dtadiJ'liilaMpaa Call. Wom.n it t dlsrasnsetful t slueOM llundml on Ilia blnlj.Uy of a cviilMnuiaal -2'A Jnlmmr. It l W1I1I that there am more lies Mild In the senleliee "I Hill Khd to see you," thiol in any other six winds in Ihu KukIi-.Ii Ian K""K'' 1 1. Ilrrol'l. Tim wav lo sleep," savs a sclent isl , "Is to think nf nutliinc, ' but this is n mistake. 1 he w 11 y tu sleep is to tut Ilk II Is tune lo iret up. .V. 1". ''.Vrii-.oi. e AVui'N a ciHiitlrynuiti was asked what wns lite w fist nf a dress, he reckoned ft was the pm t Hint itriiKKcd oil the pavement.- ilMlltll '(l,t 'l.f. Ik iiii old inniil is described 11s "an unnit- preprinted bli's-in,'' should nil old biti'lt ehir Is. termed ' 1111 unappropriated ViiksT' CAimii J'uhunr. " Niiri" "You awkward brute! You linv dropped vniir lircml and luittcr nil thn II11111" lie -"Tliiit'n nil rtKht, in v dear. Nobody will Ret It ; 1 have my font oil it." Juil.e. A tVpstritx fnrniei has diseovet'ed Hint bclt-.ine will kill I'niind.i thistles. Ho pinned ls'll-.iue on the roots of sollte mul hey bitve mil Ueun.1110 nniee. fii'tti-tue Jlrirlr. TiiTallds' lintel and Hurcleal Institute. This widely celebrated Institution, located at HulTalo, N. Y-, is or-atiixed with a full sljitr of eighteen experienced and skillful Physicians and Hiirneons, constitutina the most complete o-yaniiation of medieal and siiikIchI skill In America, fur the treatment of all chronic diseases, whether rnipilrinf- nicdicnl or siirKieal means iur meir euro. MarTnloiis suueess has lajen aehleTed In the cure of all nasul, throat and lung diseases, liver and kidney diseases, diseases of the (liKnstive ornans, bladder diseases, diseasBi Jsveuliar to women, blood taints and skin liseasen, iheunialinin, neuralgia, nerrous debility, paralysis, epllejisy (fits), sperma torrhea, Impoteney and kindred affections. Thouhiinils are cured at their homes tbrounh correspondence, 'iho cure of the worst ruptures, pile tumors, Taricocelo, hydrocele and stricture! is guaranteed, with only a short renidnuco at the institution. Bend 10 cents In stamps for the Invalids' Ouide. Hook (HW pa(-es, which gives all particu lars. Address World's Ihspousary Medical Association, Xliitfalo, K. Y. In close application to business nothln( on this footstool exceeds mustard plaster. Chicago Mail. Tonn-t Men, Itd This. Th Voltaic UbLT Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated El.m'Tlio-Vol.-Taio Hai.T and other Ki-kctrio Appi.iano-;!; on trial for 30 days, to men (young or old) altlictml with nervous debility, loss of vital ity and all kindred troubles. Also forrheu niatlim,neuralKia,paralysis,and many nt ti er diseases. Complete restoration to health, vlgor.and manhood guaranteed. No risk In curred, ai 30 days' trial Is allowed. W rite them atones for illustrated pamphlet, free. Wnaa do one's teeth usurp the function! of the tongue? Whon thoy are chatteriuj, .V J Y. l.cjtr. In another column of this Issue will bo found an entirely now and novel specimen of attractive advertising. It is one of the neatest we have ever Been, and we Hunk any one will be well repaid for examining the oiiwif display letters in the adver tisement of Prickly Asb bitten. Aiivkhtisiso Ii a rood deal like making love to a widow. It can't be overdoue. Chicago l.filgcr. The Oble.t Tree. Which Is the oldest tree! Tho elder, but the old mullein plant is the oldest in worth, for it Isnow recogui.d of more value than cod liver oil in consumption. Taylor's Cherokee Koincdy of Hweut (turn anil Mul lein will cure cougbs.eolds and consumption. A cow died iu Springfield, O., from eat ing too many apples, which gave rise to louie trouble la Older. Chkaya J.tdytr. Pis r's Tooth Aciisliiioes cure In 1 minute, BUo tVI'nn'Ntipnur'iiiiphenlssiirl beautifies. 25a. UsaaAN (John Itsuovsa kill! Corns a Uuulona, Onr swallow doesn't make a summer, but if It is thu right stuff it will tnakee fall. - Judije. rile t umors, rupture and fistula-, radically cured by improved methods. Hook, 10 cents in stamp. World's Dispensary Medical Association, UuU'ulo, N. V. A TonNO lady wrapped np in herself U a dulicate paivul. Uhuago Taciram. Foa sudden colds, hoarseness, or irritation of the throat, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Riimktiiino highly rrired, yet always given away a bride. llul Upringi A'nei. Dbt and gray hair will become moist and dark by the use of Hall's Hair lteuewur. Th two ears of clvllir-atlon plon-eerj front ier. I'htladclhia Vail. Van Dr. l'ierce'i "1'elleU" for all bilious attacks. A WAi.i itT, like a fnckknlfo, ii only useful when open. -V-w ittven A'tws, SI month'! treatment for 60c. Tlio'i Heuiedy for Catarrh. Hold by druggists. At.t. a farmer wants ii the earth. lAncrtl Cilircn. WHAT WARNER'S safe CURE CURES AND WHY. CONGESTION OF THE KIDNEYS, BACK ACHE ixvh.tnnATMOfi.nii' the kid. ShH, MIIjAIH.KU OU lit IX AH I' ,HUAS. Catarrh of the Bladder, Gravel, Stone, Dropsy, Enlarged Prostata Gland, Impoteney or Ceneral Debility, Bright'i Disease. WHY? Hncauso it is the only rente dy known that ham power to cjrjx-f the urie arid and urea, of which thero are some 5110 grains secreted each day as t he result of muscular action, and sufficient if retained iu tho blood, to kilt tijc men. It is tho direct cause of all the alsive dis eases, as well as of Heart Disease, Rheuma tism, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Insanity and Deuth. This great specific relieves the kidneys of too much hlooil, frees them from all irri tants, restores them to healthy action by its certain and soothing power. IT CURES ALSO Jaundice, En largement of the Liver, Abscess and Ca tarrh of the Hile Ducts, Biliousness, Head ache, Furrod Tongue, Bleepletsness, Lan guor, Debility, Constipation, Gall Ktones, and every unpleasant symptom which re mits from liver complaint WHY t Hocauso it has a tpeelfle nnd j'omfii-e action on the liver as well as on the kidneys, increasing tho secretion and flow of bile, regulates its elaborating function, removes hf ul formations, and, in a word, restores it to natural activi ty, without which health isnn Impossibility. IT CURES ALSO female Com plaints, Leucorrha-a, Displacements, En largements, Ulcerations, Fainful Menstrua tion, mnlies rregnnncy safe, prevents Con vulsions and Child lied Fever nnd aids nat ure by restoring functional activity, WHY? AH these troubles, as is well known by every physician, of education, uriae from eonyetlon and impaired kidney action, causing stagnation of the blood vessels and breaking down, and this Is the beginning and the direct cause of all the ailments from which women sutler, and must as surely followas night doesthoday. WHY Warner's Hafa Cure is acknowl edged by thousaudsof our best medical men to bo the only true blood puriler, is because it acta upon scientific principles, striking at tho very root of the disorder by its action on the kidneys and liver. For, if the ho artan were keit In health all the tnorhid wamtei matter deadly olHanoun If retained in the body, is pawled out. On tho contrary, if they sre deranged, the acids ore taken up by tho blood, decomposing it and carrying dcatJt to the most remote purt of tho body. WHY 93 per cent of all diseases which afflict humanity, arise from impaired khL neys, Is shown by medical authorities. Warner's Hafo Curo, by its direct action, positively restores them to health and full working capacity, nature earing all the above diHeanen hemvlf when the cause it renweed, aud we guarantee that Warner's Hafe Cure is a positive prevent ive if taken in timo. As you value health take it to avoid ieknema, as it w ill at all times and under all circumstances keep all the vital func tions up to par. Wo also tJuarantee a Cure and liene flcial effoct for each of the foregoing dis eases, also thatevery case of Liver and Kid noy trouhlo can tie cured where degenera tion has Not taken place, and even then Henellt will Hurely be Derived. In every instance it has established its claim. AS A BLOOD PURIFIER, particularly in the Hpring, it is uueijualed, for you run nof havejmre blood when tho kid neys or liver are out of order. lAtok to your condition at onee. Do not jiottpone treatment for a day nor an hour. The doctor can not compare record tilth tin. (live yourself thor ough constitutional treatment with Warn er's Bafo Curo, and thero aie yet many years of life and henlth assured you I Ji 1.1 1 11 Bevprsl lulls sre p-ogre-ilns In t lie Suiirrme Court In ri'suni lo counterfelllni' vn'H known trsile-nuuks. lirilBiril.'- ,!l'.ei" n,..u... u....'....' .... .. ('A K HOI. IO SAI.V K. If rsillr- whoaY-ire ttie genuine for IIENSY pai.vb mtj -. in Una the oil's rfmeo for curing; burn-, brut-ri, cut-, nor-., wound, pic. Thp b'M h.-llnff Olntinpnt. A Tkxas editor says: "We never could understand nhv so much shot should bo m.,wt...l it. L,llO,,r I. ,,-,! ul.ll,, ninliv young men pnrl their hint' iu the middle.1' Tiuvsti'Tiovs in piuilirv are apt to breed laid bloisl. Men arc always indignant hen thev eel a fo 1 of each other. - .'ur- Ori'fi"' r rre 'iv-. Wirs, Is'fore a lion's cage, to luisband: 'Whst would vou shv if (be burs were to sud. h illy .break, and Hie bun local nie up!" Husband, ill v ly : "I should say he had a fciiod appetite.'' Turn uiiTs that burn - Kcjoctod tviiimiiiil etionn. A rot I tii v exhibition- A woman shilling a hen. I a'in'iioi .Uafcrick. Tar. artfulness of women is increasing. Thev even have desigus ou pottery. c'Ah QO On"'0i. Small fly whir ls, cast hollow and loaded with Inn!, is a foreign notion that juomiscs to become )opiilar in this country. They a fiord the samp ccntrifii'.'al jmwer as a lare fly wheel, r.ka and take UJ Icaa roxiiu. 3 - fir Spring Medicine KTfirybody nf-li nnd thou Id Ulte food tprlng ntllclna, fur two ri ABontt 1st The body Ii now more imcrptlble to bneflt fnnn mi-dti lup than t any utlirr ifon. Jhl. The iuipitritlii wtilt Ii hve ftc?umnU(rl In th blHMl ihotild bft piprllftl. Bod the tynti-m itlvcn lime nil trt iigih, before the pnitrattug effect gf warm wrmhr-r are fctt. IJiHxl'g srprtll ti the belt prfnir mtlclne. It purlfli-a tli blood. It vlmrprne the appetite. It tohfi the dlgnBtlon. It overcotnre dcblllir. H biilldt up the whole nyat em. Try It end you will be convinced of lUsujMjriurliy. Piarly Your Blood Remember, we do not claim thftt Ilood'e Hareanft lilla will da lmpDHlrtlllHea. We tell yon plainly what It liaadnn, end itiimlt proof a from eourcf-t of tin- qtt toned rfllaMllty, and tut you frankly If you are ufft-rtng f nun any dUcam or afTortlon cauaed or pro nioiril hy Impure hlood or low etate of theayitrm, to try llotvl'si firtmr1lla. Our exiertfnre warrant ui In anoiirlng you that fou will Dot be disappointed In the rritilt. 1 can rpcotnmfnd ITood'e fUreapartMa to all ai a aafe, pure nicdw-lae. It curHl me of torrihle head avh- a, and currtl my lit tie girl of welHur In her neck which ha4 hern Unoed twice.1 Ma a. F. K. Loau, Oatea Avenue, Urooklyn, N. Y. "When In the uprfng t frit ill run down and much debit It aietl, I fouoti Ilood'i Harxpai ilia J tut ihv niedl rfne tohulltl me up. My wifnalao, after much physli-al rniHraihui, fuund in In uir nrw lift- and laming bt-no-flt. rpon our little plrl, who had been itck with m ar-b-t fever, tt effect waa marvcloim, enllroly removing the poimn from lirr hlood and rciiorlmj hrrtogot-d health. K U. Stratton, Swampscoti, Mam, "ihavetnt-d IltVHl'g Sar:ip-irllU and find lttobe the beit rviuedy lor Impure blood 1 have ever taken. ' il. 11. 1Uitk, ticket afiint, r. & It. lid., tiouud Urook, S- J. Tone Up tho System I connlder Mvl'i Raraapurllla the best med!r!ne I erer uied. It sivre mo an apprtite and refn htn leep, and keeps the cold out." John 8. Fouu, ut l?pruce Mrcet, Port lend. Me. "Hood' SawaparUIa wan a Godsend tome, for It cun-d me of tlsp pata and liver complaint wlih whfea 1 had suffered A) ytiara." J. 11. Horm'-kch, BouiU FiJ6urg, .V V. " I took Hood's Parsaparliia for pneral dehiiliy and was wonderfully beuenied by It." J. 1. JuH.nbom, Marlin s Ferry, O. Mra. C. W. Marriott, Lowell, MaM.,wns completely ruredofslek headache, which she bad had I years, by Hood's Sarsaparllla, Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold nil dnun-tit-. !1; nit for -ft. lr-T-rrd by I Sold hj til drii-rvrtatlu !1 nil for ST.. rrepftn-d by C. L llooll CO, Arillirt--.rle-, Lowell. Uin, I C I. HOOD CO., Aimtliecurtrl, LnwrIL lau. 100 Dosos One Dollar I 100 Doses One Dollar THC ST TONIC. This oi41Hne, comhinlnf Imn with TMire -rwretable t-'nioe. quick i n1 ciin'PieU'iy C tarre Iysprpel, I nd tarnation, i k Bsa, lmitri Mloml, Malaria- lltlJla sus4 Fvvwrsw 4 ftemimlstftsw It ian uulaiiuiff n-oicuy iuj l;scat of Ktdnrv avn4 Liver. It is intaiueM for Piaeas peculiar to V smta, and all whole4 stsJentary live. idn-ncH Injure the tret h.oaup heaila he or pr'nliice 'tmst1)aitton (Mhrr hon itf'iumr fib, tt tertfhrs awsi HriSrt the hlo-oil at ,mu!sin the aptHitte. aUls the ajuimiiautin ct fowt, relU'Tee llrantiurn an.1 iU Ichlng, and treniiTbens the mr-lr n1 hrrv. T lalrrsMltflrsit Krvfrs, Iaaltadff Lsw h ! Ks-riy, rtc, it him no cjul. tT The renuine has a bote trwde nerk ami mimed rvJ lltiea on wraptr. Take no otnrr. , Stos vast IHVI CSKBKat t-0w vAltlwOsB. The Wat and snrest Rrnrnly for Cnre of nil diw-vrii ranwd by any deranjmnrnt of the Liver, Kitlnejn, 8toniach and Howrla. Ii -IK'p-'im JSick lleatUrhe, Cooellpation, Rilioui t'ompIalnUajid Maljuiaof all kinds ) .fid rrcUiiy tO lliO iKUlfivtut iuilucucc ol It Ii plranaat to tfi tatfe, tonr, ap the yotrai, rwrtorw aad prefrrre hoalU. It Is pnrvly rffUblc, and caanot nil to prove b-H-a-ll, bolh to old aad jomag A a Mood rarillrr It M naprrior to all iilhrm. Hold fTfr-rahrrr at $ 1.00 a bottlf . wlibnnt wriil-i-rVnTyaur t'ni-Uoaii. Our Hlrr Dt l- V KtWl TTo.i. unit Srra urn M'W. PrlVR. "WlfKn. Mi l Mill K. COCWT 'loinMS laVnl-inbln 11 nil. rrfbb my t.M rmmrm. iVi-i.iim rimm FrnlM, nnfT prtr ll.l, TtllkNUN) lllN-lm. Ummm. &t h ker froai KVft-ic-rltHU-i, I'AlXKSVlia-IC, LAKK CO., OHIO. STOCK fMnUTSic ! Q MUSTANG Survival of the Fittest 1 FiMILr MKDIUNI TR1T DAS HEiUl) MILLIUNS DlltlMJ at IE ADS! A BALM FOR ETtRI WOCIKO 0 ISASD BKAkTt The Oldest & Best Liniment FVEU HADE IN AMEKICA. SALES LARGER THAR EVES, Tho Mi-xinan Muslanc Liniment h boi'n known or morn than Ihlrty-flTe yean ua Ilia bunt of nil I.inlnients, foi II nn uml licnsl. Jtn tales to-'lajr arr largrr tlian ov-ir. II cures when all ollirra full, and penetrate! skin, tendon unit mtionln, to the very buna, bold; every wnoru. ELYS CatADQU onr i ii nun V-aa iHnnn UnLfllTl DHLI7I filfcMm ur":., rl jiAYFEVER ff. Clean aea tlie Hi-ail. A I lay I n fl a 01 matlon. Ileal the Borca. Iteatorea the Kenaca of Taslo, Smell, Hearing. A (Juick Itelief. A I'oiiive Cure. HAY-FEVER A particle ti applied Intoeaeti nn.trll ; It affreeahle to nil-. I'rlce fvi retiiH l.v mall oral IlnidKlfila. Hendfor circular. KLY lilioTIIUItK, Uniiik'l"' uwego. N. If. FORCOUCHS, CROUP AN0 CONSUMPTION USE n OF SWEET GUM AND MULLEIN. Tho Hwoot Onm from a tree of th same nam growing in tlie South, ('ombined with t-i'a tuaUo frotn tbn .Mull--In plHiit of tbu oltl nldft. Korsala I'V nil ilrovKlMa ut Vr cent ft nil ) (U per bottle. AL1 Ktt A. TAlbQU, Atltanta. Urn. PERCHERON HORSES! 5UO'Lr--"r MARKS ANT.4.IXION9 Ml tho UM popular families. allrowrttea witu yrztendca leliifrejrs In tJjel'erclieron Hlul-IIook o Jirnnce aud America, KG ou hand at Ouklawu rarm. Tho I'vreii. ion 1! tlie only t roncli iicid pn-a eninK h sunt llrx.k in both (.Vance and America wlieiH elnjtbility to entry la liaaed on aiillientlo kIIkt-w. I Imvo a Jew imiKirted stallions of fiulividiial axoellenee Unit nut rllaill t" entry III 1 110 IVl-l'llel'llll Kllld-llookl -llicll 1 Will Sell at Imlf tlie. price nt oediureed nninialH of equal ipiiearimeo. lOO-i.a-re Catalninie, Illustrated with emtruvinca akutcne-l l.y IIoha llnnlicnr, luuttreo. Addn, M. W III MIAH,. H a me. IMi late Co., Illinola. Red School House Shoes. HENDERSON'S B'hl Mum's fur Boyi and (JirU are sntilanr) Blinictive. Thry will Ilt't tllBHIipolllt vou. i - it iv A K nl 1HI TAT IO I'tur are Blind d frauds. Any nmnu facturcr, Johiienr re iHlldealrr, whu ofTeii for hhIv a (Shoe with a riicture. (if a arhuol Kinst placed upon ttift ttole tli ere of (whlrti Is not ttltdt' tT ('. M. Ili'iidrinon A Co.,, it Uablt In proper ut ton. look for Him Llttli Keil fee llnniie " nd see that Hctnleratm'B iiMine Is on the lahel hefort yuti buy. tirud for a set ut our fancy bcbuul Cards. EPITIIELIOlfIA! OR SKIN CANCER. For seven years I suffered with cancer on my fae. Kluht tnonths ago a frlentl recommended the use of Bwlft'a fipenifir, and 1 determined to mahe an effort to iiriM-tire it. In this 1 whs sut ci-ssful. and ot-K&n u u-e. The Infliirtit-s nf the nicdlflne at flrnt wns to somewhat Safttravate i he sore ; hut mum t he Itiflsmnm t ton wHSHllayed, and 1 tu'caii io( inprove after rh first ft'w bull it-. My Ktin'rnl hesllh ha ureal ly Improved. 1 mil stnnrer, atid am able to do any kind of work. The caneer ou my f-iro began to rtei-rcawe and tht nirer to henl, until them la not a Vestige of H loft unly a Utile scar marks i he pi are, Mhn. .Iuiuib A. Mc Don a us. Atlanta. Cla, Anmiatll, im Trestl-e on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tita swift spartFio Co.. Drawer a, Aiianta, Ofc I CURE FITS! When 1 n um i a i . mssn njerc i y to atop uim Jt atlms aud ttmn hnro tliem rsttirn a-:iin. I mn a ri1 cal cat J hao v? fh- tfi"M f FITP. FlMt KPST rr PAI.UNO SICKWKJWa Hfi long-Murtr. I w.rrsni my remofly Irt eur th unt r ( Bocsusa eiftcrti hs tailed i" n.fiwin fur na new rwolTtng acnr. Hondat ni-s fi a trosila and a r BiHila uf my InfsliibiS tfiiiin-W tilvs Etprfnt and Oitica. It cotia jv Bulblna f'T trtnl, mul I will cure yt.o. 4iiai Ut. U. U. KUOT, l toarl Si.. Nw Tor. n Ptno's TternMv for Catarrh la ttisj Beat. iil to Use, and Cheap-eat. Also rood Ar 0M In the Head, Reattach e, Hay Fever, Ac so cauu. No Rope to Cut Oft Horses' Manes. It HHti RICllll.l-: mttlnrd, cm m l te aiipieii bv any .Saca- re Hslier to anv run or me v.t. rre, on receipt of 1. S-.. by sll hstldb-ry. lUntware and Maniriti le-anrs. 2i''cll U'tuuni lotto iriiir- tae-smit i.,r I'rffe List j.C- LloufMoi .E. Kaihr-ster, N V. 0 AL rar m v9 on trial, with prrntiuni. torrniv .tk Ot wiv-i-onl sttint.inu idcl von will dm- F trilmti' ItNttiHi'Hof our I AMII.V AlT A.u i v .a i.. f ;.E pit n:.S. ;i- rhnri t(. follow. IV-ople aluava huy sW Pt.urPOMpnftorir.vinpitatrtnl. Address p1 Family Maoaink, Wxandctt. Kan Cm TKKS BVAItD IUMH 17 unnc STUDY. n U 111 a K'tnos, rrnirtnnti!p. We win fnrnfsh dT-ltcatet of MVK STOCK C TS, or a-iy other tut shown In any &pciiuea Book, at or tv-Inw tj. id r'''"" f"r sme. . lkl,LLO.l. NUVM'M I R CO.. t.ertriMTpets nml Sureotv-tera, Hi Wm bixth SU. kauas Uir. B ok-ko,piinr, llump smititP. A' iH,iiKltc. M.oTt- katad. 1 1' . t hi in nth It ' dual .1 ! mail. ltvui"i e. saIesmenwanted fJ,?:s ftninm 14-rms. st i u- t t-i (em c and waiarv wnu -1 Bixam 4 Cx, Manf ra, h uwnti1 ',., Liuctn-.atl, O. A ook wiwih ai tMirtwii(i. ifiit frf-r it,- 1 nion i tilt 1 o.. Ni'rt .S.J. S nl aiatupft 1t jtoat 'a. 1 kfll r!CDC';KwtAWP.OmfrpaTfrom ULwIavllW .unmhainni; Im-Ho.-! rel tev- , fesikloit alio linn-f , riprnrmr yars; I tucct-ss or in- f c rlic f r circulars ana jswb. An art! Man or OfMr In rnrf ii.untftt'Wliouf tod talartaia. -,-r. t'at)vtt,ti oniBt Fa: 1 "ari 1 1 ul&ra fra. tttaadard Saivar-war Co. lioatett. Mm. S4Q u1' WELL AUGER i DRILLS A.;..,, aa C. A.BM-. RF TT CO.. Ca! kku.u City, HO. W M. K n:o.T.irl attl. -.h!NT. Hnrv ...ii-frr.' N I- 1...V. I C i . 1 ..a;r.i i.i,-, l a. FREE: LOVE ". "r il. 1 -'".lt tKkS. .UiiSmiN. laiM,.ir, allca. ' eonrt iozoUMifiv.i A..N.K.-U. Ko. 107 T-.trd ai-rnrrj -raht ta, n.f- 1 " WI-IH TO Al.Vt KTIURS, li.M.a .hi ir..n.eai.-ri. rr.. aii-.-a I pl'a-r Miy jroa . th Adverttitv-aiaat la I LI'oM'.MU..iu.kunu.,IU. I (hi papr. a James I'. Nunn. Ilrand NUN nn on ln't ihialii 2'-i lu'hnfl li 1 ar Ii fur horM' and 4 Inrhi'H Mr cattle un rlvlit Blilii and tuarkfid with a hwoIIow fnrk In riarlit rar anil un der bit In It'll er. I. O. artrtrna"! I.Hko Valley. N. M. tirorgn lloss. Tho bar A nn ,lie 'eft nido. The C in left Jaw or oal Ic a threelni'h irniid. (in liornes mil burro nn lelt lioiiider AC p. (I. Hfldri'ttFi: lllllsborouifli, N. M. S. M. Sovrtl Inch flffiirrS in left aklo. fmil or hrund, OO " oft etiouldrr- .nnrk, JiriKlc bob in "iich cur, I'nloniiia, Sierra t o., N. M. J. H. ovnian. Morps brandwl on It-ft four ahouldfr. entile branded oa if fl n; ovfr ht n niiM ir nnd lin- dfr slit In thr-other. Shpcp markfd tho .itine as ciittln. ,). H. Nf wnmn, Fairview, N M. Diivlil K ran sou. Four inohos hfrh oalvfi and how, ii tnchf'8 hiKh for irrown cattlp: brand hlKh on loft aide of en-urn ann on lert II n nk of horsffc P. O. a1dnB: Eugle, N. M. 'Mioinas I nulls. T H (connpctfd.1, S'i inohoN .vido. 4 inches hijrl.. on left p an irfwive. Have iuIIh Virtiniiod 0D rrw Horses ind Efl hrtmdfd EJltiiiNGD 1 1 neon itlt slionl- Ifr. 1. t. liddrcKM; Thomas-IiifIiH, I.uko Vulley, N. M. t Hi tliui-l eonneeted allrnnl on i lulit side or rtfiht ii.p. ilHiiKe Uerenda r'ret'k. I 11. Hddr'HH: l.nke Valley, N. M. John K. SnnlnnoN. This brand Is IiIkIi upon left hip. Hiiniro betid of Turkey lreek. .lohn K. Hnnunos. I. l. RddrpHH: (irnftnu, sierra Co., M. M. Missunri Cattle Co. ii.ntildf r. Hy O. Ii. I'oi-rw. 1J. O. Hdlri-fs: HonnoKa. S. M. Hunch on Pry Fork of T'Hlnmna, i nillt'S north of He r nnsa. lirunrls and inirkf) a? follows: Kor out ties nirolf ven or e rcle uno mhikUmI on plllier idf or hip; for hor fs. rircle! e veil lirandcd ou right i. t. llarlhi. V. 11. KobrrtN. I Snyilfr k sAi-t-f-IWtJ Cnttlp branded on hi- If ft sidn; horpfft 'Tim-it'd on If tt hip. I. O. nddrfm; (Jrafton, N. M. Tho above Ii my mark and brand for "Hltle. Some stock on the ran irf brand ed and marked thus brn tided on the left hip. I'. I), address: (.ration, N. M. It ore lies V Scrk. The above in onr stock hmnd used on IfH fiidf of cattle and on Irft shoul der of horse. Haiigo on the Iiio (Ira tide. I. ). addrpta: Kincon, Dona Ana County, N. M. Rot'kfn. The abovo brands and mark tied on either aide of cattle uid on either ahoul (rr nf ho rue m un IFoi ditiile Sliouider only. C-Side. C-Hlp. r. O. address: Snyder & lleeken, Monlleelln, Sierra to., N. M. I'atrlck (arinody. 4?- Sk WEB The above t the mark and brand of l mriek arinody. V (' on left side of Hltle Jr left (ilioul--ter of hor-tea, where moi covered by oth- r iiranoi.. V. I). Hddreaa: Sua Marvial.N. M. M. Yi. l'olloek. On left pide of entile and leftlhiyli of hor-tea. on left Jaw. Mrs. M. W. Tollork. Ilanire, Uarendo piniarsi. P. ii address: I.ako Valley. N. M. T. kin sot. k."-ri ii i n y.'l Horse and rattle brnnf-j made thua: and placed on left atde or hip; also, 14 m.iu oti uither Hi tnd crop off rifht P. O. addrea: KingMon, N. M. Crown cattle bran led Id different laces; calves and lorses branded od eft thi-rh. P O H.1ra.. Cachilio Nrsrrr, Sierra o Npsrrr, c V k. liro-ticr Uros, Voonr stAck branded W on left houider. U on left -tde and C en left nnd quarter, and ar rearke-tl ssl tw fork and under it in either naht r left ear. and tin ier bit in o(oite ear. HvrM, mules. Imrron an! ail ither stock brande! W on left hiftd (pisrier. KaTiae Stuth iMamond creek, st sMe of R a k rnnre. P. u. ad1rM: ChiOnJe, iMcrra County, N. U. Kvvut 1 -Ma Ti T -XWm-AT fm - mj,. Snifum I). Ueillf. V -- R Ki a. HI " aMtlftl OfF either side, vino It, yl BniMHH-i- l am II U IJ( on -Tie. otj rar' exU'd'i-K from onji to the fUier; tt-lndi hrand f"r aroi hi tie ana wjitMr tor hoiw-t. ifore i At.A on left . Vor tm h rt ..onth,."riTi'ear!ud hulf uudercrop. off Ibe left ear. IU slHriiiiiii. Ilrand and rent ......I u. r,.iinws: (in rattle: Son jaw, R in uliolliuer, m. dde, T o" blp: l'i' u In-united wit If hiirtl. c o u ii - . '.r...t used thus: 'A ,.Hrins-fc.eropin rr u n i in --- half in right ear. P.O. 'KllPyi N. M. . c. -JBaWfc -V C8 R A T 3 Na.,v"' Lv' George Powell. norden & Ilallook. 1 i vv r i ii tr- ("sllle branded on left side and horses in lett snouiocr-. iir murk, erop oir left and swallow mrk in rlaht. p. o. address: f.Hae. Vulloy, N. M. .lo.l ui U on HUH""" - . - ,fl ribs, six ini'b lettern; ear marks: iwaliuw " .-..I, car: horses hrunded "W" ft shouinT "" neh letter. . p. O. sdilress: ! D. II. Hallnck, . Palonius, N. M, John Me Lend. Cattle branded thus oa left side: nih : horses brand 5 hfl: enr mark, roll in ten eni. ;. o. address: ,nk Valley. Sierra Co., K. M. J. r. C. Itiiskell. rattle branded ou riarlit "We: nuraeis on riKlit hip. John I'redericK C. Jlussell, , l J,ake V tiller. N. M. Vermont nnd 111" (Jramle Cuttle Co. III I ii- oi nii"i" left aide or shoul der and some wifh. mine on riant sine. -villi various oilier .rands. Horses branded ' or T E L on lelt up. 1'. O. nil dress: ,Hil Miirriiil, N. M. A ranire on Canada do Alamosa, near town ol same name. lira ml on either ir both -.ides. Alponso do- liour- 5 ''"'';. .. I MOIUUM-iiir, i jNfW Mexico? Haujrf on North Fork of i'liloimiH creek, fi't B:do ut ninck liitHKe. mm ks of oritr imtl fitoek various; incffiisf will bear swhIIuw fork in tho pitrht. lIorKCS are iirtindeil X on left hip. W. C. Kendall, Man , P.O. l-'dirview, h. 11. .1 Alley Knnrliea. lletween Blaelf raiiRe and Klin Ma teo inoiinta n.s. Trios. .1. Wnirht. ' Manau-er. 1VO. firnflon, N. M. Ilrand of caltli ind horxes pnme is ut, entile ear niar- AVti under bit lir 'eft enr. Diamond ( reek Cnltlf Co. 2U. la J J -rmmti. m tm ' aw-rt Itnnu-p on tnond creek, Oift-west ui.l.wif li)ni-li rttnu-H Cat! lo limnded and car nisrk i-.howii in ?iit ; horne brand, ink on left thiol.. )ld Mock all mat ks. E. I). Davitwon, Manaifrr. "P. O flraftoii, jN.M. Snjder Itros. Si Sceiiree. HanehonC'uehlllo Neirro and l iiuada ile Altiniosa ore-". Kar murks, erop off md split right: un lorlnt left. Horse nine us eitttle but m left shoulder. Post -oil! --e: Ciii'tiillo, Sierra Co., N. M. Hill ii Adami' lluiulus. NEW iiKAisJ. Kmipo on Roar reek LetweenFalr v ew und (irafton. Kar murks of old twk vnriouc, .oumr stock besr -WHlrTiW fork iit rijrht a;id under bit In left or v ice versa, llor-e- branded on left shoulder T H connected sumo us il.l htnnd on catt lo. 'lock branded uu ithf r side. IV . address: rairview, N. if. Oil) HltANU. Illrttk I 1 yefaw I an go C.ittle Co. Hsiifre, west s do of the Itlaek KflUfte. Mftrse hrand, D on 'ei't wide, othf rcow hrunds, OtO- on e.theror bolh sides. It. ( . ('Hntwcll, J. I Petrle, W. H. Ystes, I'ost-oflice, (Iraflou, N. M. AHDITIU.NAL intAXDS. -B Horse brand ini uii. Canjon Creek Kanrh. Hrand r X M. C on left shoulder, X . en 5 .if. M kft khip T Z on s de I ind hip and leftside J! Ilorsn l.nnd 1 lin left hip. Kanra n Canyon Creek, ioeorroCounty. Chapman a Miller. proprietors. P. O. address, li.i new. Sierra County, N. M- jr . a . 1 p. j. Sandoral. Home! and cattle braoded as ahore, ar mark, piec-icut ut of left ear aad sin. P. Randoral, Hilisboruua,. K. C. Heara. Cattle branded on eft hip and side. branded on eft thuth. iH.naAna, X. M.