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I , S -,3 I V - r r: v n I i T Is ; J ! f..v; HILLSBORO, 8ATUKDAY. April Circular Letter from Tifrntlvd fotnmlUoo nf ( cnlral Sew Xcxlro Ciil tie Growers' Am'u to lilt) .MElirKRS OE TIIK Association. At (lie regular annual nicotine of the Central New Vex ion Cattle Cirow rrs Association held srAlbuquero,uc March 11, 188(1, the following resol utiun, recommended hy your rxccii tive comiiiiile was tinnnimoinly 'lojtted : Hmuhvil, That owing to the fact that Territorial Association lit been formed wherein it i pro posed to transact nil of t ho Kxeeuli ve work of the local association and, Wjikkka. Thnt the Central J tw Mexico Cattla Growers' Association cover a largo area, and. WilKliKts, To continue a an or gsuiizal ion in active operation might interfere and conflict witb the work of the tentorial organisation, nnd, Wiirkra, The Central New Bfrxioo Cattle Growers' Association has, during its two year's existence, accomplished great good, nnd by its vigorous action in the apprehension and prosecution of rattle thieves, bioken up various organized bands of thieve und sent a number to the penitentiary where they are now serving out their term of im prisonment, n well n causing many outlaw and had c'uinieicr to lenve t lie territory, and, WiirnrAS, our unices are com-1 paralively free from the lawless elo metit thut bin tern oo serious a menace to our intercuts, nnd, Wjikrkas, In the accomplishment of this work the same bus been at tended with a buye expense thut ha encumbered thin association with a burden of debt, and, W'MKl.E.ts, In order to roli.-ve this association of t lie debt now inclined, ns veil a to carry out n plan fur the disnrg.iiiiation of tho association, and the organia' ion of the inter -t of Ihe cattle men of Ibo conn ties of lb rnnlilio, Viilcncirt, Soeorm and Sierra, be it therefore, Jr:ulvi'tl, That the executive cemniittco are hen by instructed to rolled upon tbo assessments ordered a expeditiously as'possiblo, and so soon a:l all the debts are paid that they then order the ictuin of any lurplita fund that nitty he on bund pro rata to tho artive membership of the association, and make public Hiinounccnient through the. New Mex ico Stock Clrower, thnt lb (Vii trl New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association bus been dieotgani.od and no longer in existence as an A ociiition, and that the association shall then be di.-oiohed. This coinso was rendered ncccs f;iry anil was ad 'mimI by the execu tive committee fur several reasoiis: ' 1st, Tho area of the country em braced within the liniils of this iin aociation, covering nearly L'Otl miles efjnare, too lurpo for one association. Z.el. At tli" 1 1 mo or tho orjaiiiza of t hi unsocial inn the territory embraced, iirno especially t he soul It em and western portion of it, was the homo and iiiil I of operations of a large number of cattle and horse thieves and outlaw front varum atale and territories, of several mall bands of thieves who were working in I.armony with other in eastern Aiujiia in running olf stoek, arid there existed in Sierra eouutv half scorn of the worat outlaw nnd The nuipmeiit of dir..ed mi t in- in New ilc.iio. I!ut never ii.'hd, thieves in tho central portion of tbo j tesd of on t he hoof is being uitated j we, the people, tiro foolish to say territory biiinl the bar In the ' w idely. Tbo railroads oppose it for ; anything about tlte things. The Leavenworth ami Santa Va IVititeif I the res. in that it p bettor to j ballot box is the p! i to icnliite tiaric until at th! present time, and , chip live meat, but it i. only a null ! 1 1 is, ami next rice', iu.t tho time lo for the oast few months, tho raritfc , ter of time until a lar?! portion of: do it. of the ineinber of this association j I he wcstei n cattle wiil go lo the have been comparatively free from , market onV e Keiitinel. It. rli.nreilulions of thieves and tome, v aoe, K'U tis wli.'il von j v '"" r, lnl: l"""111" ' " "-'"' ii Tor li.i v in s: in- Wo lisrcby lufurui lire fotbllc (list i wil! j tiuL l. rfjHiiHiblt l'trtho a'-roiiiit or dtbU , A. of ..-lui'to;. s. iwie1!;. iuini, n Iv en i'li!Ur-a or I k i i-ih'-oiH ii linui a written i' vsrtjal uriler I froie vi Ui i l!Vi t. .1, K. Cimii, i their inve.-tmenl in cattle and horse made safe and profitable. In the caie of J.yi;c!i Bros. vs. firavson et ul., now on Uial at I. us M !T. yj 'vi.MTMi ii:; vi"xa:s.e'H4 ni s.l n.nel. work within so bort : t'f'tr t lei tins m. tier Ko '' l efauil 1 ..,.,1 ,1., , r i r..ii 1 in: c:ifi: is lie l.r-L Vade tell us what kno'v about the Weaiherford t aie. i 'ianiHKes o! iMeu, leclcd Irs herd w i i li the J u x .is lever, r f t he kind in : a iid idiirh interest is j result. Col. lly-1 to be hurt.---Silver Citv I"1'1" " ",i Uif' l'1"1""1'. ihumuiiccu j l the II, bb lo piove, that the disea-se; fii.ln t lie e;,ri ie.t iriie. I the let I it';i v, a petiod of time upon an usse-nnent i '""1 '' criminate yourself. A full ).'. ,,t ,ii,K- r,i l (nil) lo 11)0.0(10 rat- expose will soon be made of this lie bus iieccarilv nut a heaw lax piece of dirty work, nnd j ,m""ft-u'd Hie me.nbcrhit)--.rc per head ! " K"'"K to 1. hurt. Silver City! tin- i lid i fcr 1 SS t. L 12c bead Henti ul - . .. ' t , u.. .... t ! - i had exi-lt lor the year nnjnnu i i-pcjr-i in-u , , , , . ::.;. 1 Thu silence of the Hio Grand" f-r w hen l!n: cnili'.reu ol 1-rael went tor imo, io nwiuM'ii ia:icn'j 3.u .'0 sj:!i vy hi im 01 im .":. J- (H.t Vltlt.V j tUJlMt't v.t &UmX AT.istfi XS33 SHi 'i ' '.:! . I IP errau n. R. n ai.i.vr Iirbr in olfiiTC" ?r 'r'l-s tew;:'.l;;'-'H, l-v;t-i; M-jjJ3 HI tion fees and annual due, bringing about the general desire on the jiart of the nimber for a relief from th' burden of h avy assCHinents. 1th. That smaller aaaociation of a more local nature. sy one each in Northeastern,' Northwestern, aouth- eastern ank southwestern cornel of tin- teriilory beirlofoie embraced in the Central New Mexico organiza tion, can better arrange, for round up anil can moro satisfactorily sub erve the common interest of their membership and at a very alight ex pense, than Ihe present 'arge asso ciation. fall. Owing to the recent organi xation of a territorial asiociatiou for i he discharge of general and execu tive work such ! has heretofore J'epuldican concerning land frinuls ai d tiro "greut and good'' f'(), (.'lay 'li-ylor, i o dense that it ran be cut with a knife. This tilrncn uouml oiniiious and indicate pretty clearly that somebody is "guilty'1 nho is clofely connected with that paper. iSil vtr Citv Sen I inel. In traveling over the agricultural lands of tin; valley, say the I.a-i l ruee liepnol lean, a maikeij im provcnient is visible in every direc tion. Hue laiuls are Ik in),' put un-j uer culliviition, new ditches made, and u more lively interest is mani fested in gene'iil. I'tess. Yes, but you cannot get any pure for your produce after you raie it, as the Santa Fe road can lay it down cheaper than you can allord to raibe it. The Santa Fe road luu u corner as ibo Northern Central and Lincoln county anHiciiitions, there remain no longer any necessity' of audi an organistion a this. (air lly disorganizing the Centra Aseociatioti and organizing into four local iisMu int ions at suggeitled, the territory now embraced within I lie limit of this association will obtain a representation of eight in the ex ecutive committee of the teriitoiinl association iiutcad of two. For these reason, your executive committee deemed it bet at our Hireling buhl just previous lo the annual meeting, to suggest anil leconimend Ibo action afterwards taken by the association at its annual spring meeting, March 111, l.HKli, We also have to report that your executive committee have very thoroughly examined into the ac count of receipt and expenditures of Mr. (. 1- Ihooks as secretary and treasurer of I lie association and that we find them in erery. way correct and accompanied by the proper voucher for all expense incurred from the organization of the Associ ation to this executive committee, of any expenditure made by him that was not fust authorised by the executive committee. liy thu action of the association at their regulai meeting, cutis arc. snade for tho catilu men of Dcriialillo and Valencia counties to meet at Albu querque, Monday, April ."lh and the cuttle men of Socorro and Sierra counties to meet at Socorro, Thurs day April 'J'Jnd, for the purpose of carrying out the plan of reorganiza tion ns suggested by your executive committee, or such other plan a may seem adviaile to those present when such meeting take place- Hound-up for the spring and summer will also be arranged at these meetings and your committee urgently request a full attendance. The meeting at Albuquerque will bo called to order by I'resident 1 1 . II. Atkinson, if bubo present, or by j either J. A. Stiuson or V. A. littl- vey, number of the executive com- in it too. The meeting at .Socorro w ill be called to order by Secretary (i. L. I'rooks. I u conclusion, your committee beg to sav that thev have, to the best of Hie largest ami oest org.uuzeil l.aiul (lu.jr Hl,illty, discharged ol cattle ami Iiorau Uucvcj evor known in the territory. Their or ganization was so period and em brsctjil so many individuals in both New Mexico and A rizomi and llu ir operation!, rnusU:ii)g in running oil cattle to their rendezvous in lite M mutilans in th S k i Carlos reser vation, the establishing and supple ingof butcher shops, running horses intj Old Mexico and the protection of thieve and outlaw in general, were so systematic ally planned and xeetited, that tho oili.eis o( the j law and tho cuttle and horse owners, 1 J Fountain will make art etfort c'jnsiJured in an individual sense, ; o be elected a member of the loner seemed powerle to break up ibe j bouse front Dona Ann arid Lincoln giug. Thi association not ouiy ' counties. thoroughly broke up lliis largo or-I ; nized gang of thieves, aeuding! It costs twice as much to ship a ir i, . . .. i ..: la.ieiiupon tno larger niiauu. ,.,, ,., rt,,f ,),! lory, and they propose to hold it un til we get some square men in Ihe legislature. Again wo me compelled to con tradict the seemingly official report that (icrnnimo had surrendered. Oeroninio together with Natchez and a band of twenty-four bucks me in camp a few miles houiIi of Ibe ine in Mexico, and say that they will surrender whenever (len. Crook is ready. lint even if they should do ho, ii would not end (he war for Maligns at Ibo head of thirty war riors is still in the held, and prob ably several other small bands. down into ICrypl, tln-y look theili.-'-eiiso v. ith thi io and infected tie' lieidi ,.f ihe i".;y;i! i.i'-.s, which died in grew I ii'n.leos, w!.iic the cattle of tin I -i Mei.tcs , I v iiig ino- ulated with ili.-li in jut, il id not, mller from it were hardened or accustome 1 lo it. Tbo Sacred Writings Were i: ti'wdueed as a leading authority, ul t hough there was a hot debate as to the t ame of the book, Col. Tom Cation insisted I hat it fdiouhl be spoken of ns the Holly I'iblee, whil" Col. f!viieis:i insisK d that it was ihe Holy liible, and w'len . Judge Hon mildly auggcslcd that it should be spoken of a.i tho Holy liible, they both j. u ned hut ly against him, insist mg that, tlicn; was no ueh word as "holy" known to tho law. Tribune. Of;i no -f.-u )',.l- Ci""t:ii.v.! V. t-'ju b) ,t II I-A :,;! t .1 j-o'J !;.. f ,-i;i C el ij. t ..'i, ui f--fl rt;,U-U.Z : (T-.Hs-iHivn H ,fi tiisr T i",!'l ft'-in'.'M ;il:"l LH-j.i l.ijJ'J 'Ji.'.il b.'-.'iilH'iiiJ I ,.4 A ru Kail Arrival niifl i(-Jinij tf - 1. s v -1 1 '.'i 'llljljl j(. A. rtiiiit.Ufff ! ";(!jni'n:.- '; rj .."'jj X 't luw ;.i 1v'ii-vj j'i u V,V '. '-i ntV'iu;. p;3 tlL 1 , 'l'.V.t', r ,j: U yil .i -.jii'J ti.t.l't- -1UI f 't Kllieot Itplak T -.. . . H lit 4 II IvMiiVS-, j.V3'j3 3i:i fcAte: d: Y GOODS in Iery Mex. ' e:f H'a i,';e l4.. K ! Louij. The pnik cao has been set for liKiiring before the land ollico at Las Cruce April 'JS. Il was otiginally srl for March 10, but was postponed on aocounl of the deaih of Win. Ilond who had filed oil the property under the desert land act. The 10 cision will involve the title to (he entire south bull' of Sec. "7. Dom ing Headlight. How i this, we understand by the Headlight (which carries, a pocket full of free railroad passes, that the companies bad devoured all thosi! people, body 111. d soul without salt 'J'lie tarilf question is getting in to a still worse Istig'e in the House, u ml the chance! now are that if the Meirnoii bill is passed, it nil! be by its niuiii . Tho rol'oriiieis, being pledged to some sort of tanil' legis lation, are. dcierioi nod to pass a bill, even if it dosu'i do anything. There is much talk of trailing, by which Urn bill is whittled down so as to satisfy certain interests- It is claimed that the only thing of im portance the committee ha thus far secured on tho free list, is inauu facluicu lumber. liepuhlican pro tection ist s i Uiliie from this ihatcdr-i tain lifiiiocrals iTlmse statu in lor-1 hest 1 .Vo'.icc to i'assencrg. I'amengera f,,rSt. Louis and the East ; should buy tickets via H.u.stkaD and j the "I'm n o I. ine." by this means get j through car without cbango to St. I Including New Silk, Colorad Cashmeres, Ladies Cloth, Maid, F;r.cli Ciinghamt and Priiitj. Kw utiiand fancy ggod f trerr desoriliwa. l.uUof I. WlStl.lKT. (j. I'. A. ''Frisco Line," Si. Louis, Mo. &ew!Soota.2oc nnd lathing P PV??!1! Ml I ill rs'lsudsnd UscouriuotJ. Utsofths older stjck marked dawn aJ tisoew liWllJlWl hht Sill eh.aper than ever. I aks: valli y N Mi x Cigars and Tobacco, QuecnGwuro etc. Two trauips were winking the Ion 11 yesterday on the begging racket, and struck the wrong place whenihey reached I'olieeniau Mi guile's residence. Maguire was at home and quietly marched tho beg gars off to t he city jail. A Unlquer que Journal. That policeman should be "bounced" at once. It is no crime to ask foi bread whe-i our country and its robbing monopolists have brought our workmen to ibis condi tion. Mnguiro ought to be let. out immediately. Thi house is now supplied with not only a good table but a!.u the sleeping apavtmen s in town. esls might stand in tho va of their voting for ihe bill, Lavs ngitedtoi vote for il if their interest were,' with or without Loin. Mi. cared for. Ii it should ho developed that this is the case, Kepublicnn w ho are protectionist say they will vote with the Heniociata who are fleet! sdeis 11L belli I . nnd leiss the' ! , 1 bill as proposed by Mr. .Morrison. If there is tin attempt made t ( dis criminate, they will insist upon cjii sistency, and im.ko all nitli r alike. fctf- Finot Brand of Wius aud Liquor alnay 011 hat. Iew CO. D. G. Meredith, Proprietor. Ceronhno ar.c! ia'.c!:o5 Esc?.:jsJ i Ceo W.WiijinmsXCo.,; J :! rs and Watch j PRO?RITCRS O? TK2 ! 111111. H2 I-13 3 i i lske Valley lMEnbsro, imposed upon them and tbatlhey will continue to so act until the af fair of tbo association are wound up to the credit and honor of all concerned. W. W. Tims, Chairman F.x. Committee. Atteot, t. L. UuooKS, ifecietarv. Wonder if Itro. Pickson of the Oplice er stopped to think why il was that New Mexico shipped ail of herbu'ter, eggs, chickens. Ilour and nearly everything else from Kansas and Colorado. Come, Joseph, (.111 yon tell us why there are no liouving mills in New Mexico? this loo , in a country where ihey raise from ,10 to SO bushel of wheat to the acre? Can you tell us Ibo. Dickson, why meat canncro are a failtuie in New Mexico ? Can you tell us whs Las Ci io cs cannot ship hci iapes and apples its far as lcmin Giore. TTIth Kiaks inn! t ;. Sijtinws- l- Mannser Jewel, v ih-pai tment : Mri I Ma i i k, late wiih S. IL Lucas A Cn . ; ilvcr Citv. 1 !Eii.r,r.s l lb. Ine Men . (VKKY L ri''i ) W I.HN fsm V ba- rescheil pin. I'F.MINC, NIV.V MKXICO. 111a. wlnlo 111 ATail-i, Chiefs , hcele a b". 11k i oil 'i '!!. IV. rlc r s'iy 1 1C Ne vs quarters at ehiirge of Nelchrs am for liheitv : March J.'. Tv en l.v.l wo buck s 0 1 1 t squaws e.-cipcu u'i": i'--- chiefs .Neither ( eron i mo. N :i .-b. :i 1 of lliose who e, 'lined b..te 1 cc eaplme I. 'I he h : :' stitl in ehnrge of Lieut M;r.i-, giin,; sou:! w est . The e.jetipe was made in Ihevi ciuilyiif San !! ma: di an 1 an, h. How Lieut. Mans permitted tin chiefs to escape is not explained, but be should be held In strict ao ro nit for bis diM:oUs blunder. All. c TT P P u u 1 1 Jj 1 Jj H Lye, Cr.raiiJ HriWmititt, ' fr T. J. 1 at. m. of t ' i o Sur.!.ial in-I Urinary of Induinapolitt, will ,,. at the, l.'io (liuinle Hotel, I, as I 'ruces. from 1 1 1 ' 1 10 00, 11 110 1 io m in 1 ri. la v 1 and Sulur-bf, A j 1 1 1 10; li an 1 nil,.- - j ye;-: ne a Sugar, FUur, Grain, Molo,.e,: fotatoe. C.Kud CU. ai and .lef..n;n..s, to: I has Firaicbteii.l ....... '. u 1 . , ft , fljipi mil', ; I'l.T.' I 'l:ri e ; Alii iciel cm j etlieiei't br.ti I r-iii..l di.-c.e jri'hc'l. Iia , .!.!. ii'ioi n : ' l.ll'.Oi ico 1. lit ii'-a a I ci oss c en. I inserted :.nd llie innsl s fort h cure of elno feet, : s, crooked limbs, Ac. fur- j treated without pain or ci I :: i:!c-'i Mel a m a j in:. 1 i:k is Mi SI tEGKCry, lit.llllv ll'lllkll, Legal Plank. Confectionery, Fruits, Cigar and Tobacco. f.'Mo:i, - . Xric Mr;:ico. V Samrtlilu In a Name After .No i'i -paraii'.ii ir ..11 t:.i.s pa,- r wo! ; (no miles) 1 aeei'i ted by bis b mor, Win. i. j J, . , 1 . . , .Miuir, on 11 1: 01 we I aci tout l e compete with Kansas and t ali- . . ., T , , ,, . .. 1 ",'OI M.M-ll 111 1 I I I S I . 1 1 ku. ...I 04 I fomia fruit in price? And Mill, j . ..NIW,.,,-. f Vl. !'. Josie dear, yen tell us the railroad j Nourse. Since the iiir..riiiatioii don't discriminate. What do voii ' '.as been rccched, Mr. Nourse has lest Atchison, Topcka AND. ca'lit? We fear that von are a:; Ibis berl girl. The 1 . 1 .... 1 1 1 . . . , , ' lit ' 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 ' .1 1 'c 1 1 x 1 i ,,.r r,-.,t, ti.,,-..A ,1 ., It.... " ' ; be bo-hci lc l an.l l.iiniel under t! Diek.on, and not from honest con -, hv ,.,,,. viction. Santa To aiiroad Our Stock it ! 1 Our Pr!c8 Low. ! 1 i : The Best Assortment of I:ancy and Staple - Groceries in Town. Also a Geed Lias f tlats.aud Cap, Boots and Sltoe, all Solid Litkr, wsjr rnt.d I 9 Uf. & I'rompt stteation tiv is Crdsn from i(hboriug rauips. "UW, uuarx- ol our: ..sod, 1 1 e will I:i coi.ntclion with the Il is ru red that our own Nicho las (ialle Till be a candidate for lepiesentative from fcieria county, Horace (ireelv tuice w rote the follow - i 1 . sublime lines " I le k is.-ed her 11 ader the flairy skies'' but the i:ili llient com posi tor w ho was not .'.tn.iiii ar with Mr. dreelev'a mail nscri pi. set il up thus: "lie kicked her no 1. r t'i;- cedar slabs " and then weal t st. jAllantic & Pacific R.R;CJlot3aisas partaaa, Tho Las Vegas Optic hauls us over tho coal for speaking of ibe discrimination practiced by tbeS. F. H. It. and remarks very earnestly that said road doe lint discriminate, j Il is useless to sav that the Optic , .. ,, ' Las ( ruces. N. M. pets a pas and i on the "policy" M.u.11 'c'i fsv'. tide of the quest ion, but we are -not j Notice is h ereby cn 1 11 thut the ap goic.jj to allow a "policy retort" l pro l plats ..f Ir.e ti. nal "ouhlie in-iice." It .11 I Townships S. !', 111. II. Sonih Laue 1 i j TIIK ! u:::at middle noriE between Ihj M:.- niri river ari l tlie j I'a. ilie coast. The only through I line from the Missuiui river to SOUTHEHiNi COLORADO ANIi Tht largest stock of good errr opsntd in town at prire that Ief m j petition. Th ladies are specially inxitfd to call aud in jf wet stock assl price. Falronsg aolicitsd from neighboring eauips. ' No blow; No tslk; No farcy pness iki; Conrias ynrMlf kr i PJEVV rvlEX.CO. salliag ea a I i-i.t T,i nv'ii,, s '1 li "ih pcnds upon whose ox is coved." I . ' 11 " .'east, township 11, i II tho Optic ox was gored now it i j w,. Township 1 would roar. no thruo of il leaders to ibo peuueu- j car load of produce from Icming to tiry, drivingTully twenty or iw y ' Kansas Citv it doe from Kan. five of t member I'roui the tern- ! a City to Iteming, and Joe lbckaon .ore, severs! of them with indict-1 sa the .Santa Fe road don't discriiui ;nrits prnJinj at fi.-ii.c to liiejuate. .jorialiou of 1-1,00') and an addition- J n dividual sxpenss t j the cattle j A eomuiunication to the Tomb-';r-u t in Sierra county, notably t stone from Ft. Apache bv way of .'1 Jb f 1 " SI Oil hi, I at-,. YV I !..., .,..1... ll.A llll.llt u I t but I ; ,. ...a ., In,.! .1? t,..,l-H' Wt V L itl.l - ' -I j ... :,.,,.,. uill tit n-.-pol.. 1 f-,r J:l Is .i., in New Mexico hy giving largo ehip- lirl(.e,( 'l!u-.ic,n. .nth Lange i I'iiHhkih SffcfiiKj Cms Can-inl 111. I liitllr : jwst. Township hi Soiil.i TI,. i. not . ni!ive hool hnv io 1 v,Lt' T""-'"i 1 "Utll New Mexico but what can inlorm Hit-editor or the Optic How discrimi-; tnf surveyor .racial an 1 w listing Jii(;h tarilf ha virtually ; tiled in tliis oib. e, April checked lb investment of money , Halite 1 1. 1 ne,. 3 west. Township Pi South Uange ;t . west, have thi day luv:i re-.ive 1 (Vun J b,, ,:.;: ' i, in je er. I land Odice. A!lr wunn eai. r.r'.ke up several smaller band and pnt are liable to lcaxe at any Ino-tL.---.ugh its ytein of reward and inent, as they arc all pnitinj; on --csive action, placed uiore than th'ir aint and ha inf war dances. -rs iu Kaiuaa City rates over their road whicb cannot be bad by people I I. I'Vi M s C, ll'Fl I , l;e-S. i all t.'j press Twins. The Fating Houses along the line fj the r . I are uosurpas'e L They ar under the manauenn-nt of Mr. Harvey, of Kaunas City 1 1HS Lest hide! mansirer in the country. ' 1 hose house are o arrange.! that from Kansa t'iiy lo I'einniir. pavhencr have their re alr.r im ais. arid van get. sl;. a Srst-c'a tte'l co, '. i !'i,.i'.rt a reasonable ;ric-. ; Cheap House. HERRIN. ' KELLER and MILLER Hillsboro and Lake Valley