Newspaper Page Text
- ... v & f V ' V -1 t ... : i i.; . f I ; . r... i: . A T Hint VpM.iMt ti', n ij ii "uir.; t4ic i i n i univ i' fii'-ninj; n-rimi; u j uii Xtttta X. MlHIti IMfi'tr?. ' .!..,, ifi,..t in, i.atih!.. with the! fn'UUei; that (nrml M.lca will I. public interests, to i-cnd to the f'ciV able tn accompli-h all that lie In . ii In ilt'i il L ill! ! II.... . ii j , . . . ;- any information or crnntm- j 4i tj,,,,,,.. ,,!M,t,.m M l,lo,l HlU.SBOliO, . RAfTltliAY. May 8. ; l-nc in tli n.inn f i!i. tiov-';,, , rr. . - eminent touchim: I li! mi'i vul . iini i WASHISUTO I.ETfSX froc) 0'ir r.os'.i'r (.'jrroir.nn.l tnt, Washington, May 1, ijsiS. Tho Ilvue was t brown into a wild etiito of cxcit.miput. over (lie personal antago' hisni between Mr. O'Jsi'il, the chairman of tha labor committee, an J Mr. Koran, who i next on theoimniittei., Mr. O'.V.-ii, in a speech some, time ago, sj gke very significantly of "so:n one" who pretended tn represent labor nrgnniatioii.s on tit" Mo ir of the I landing at San l'lauci ko ! ("Lincse Minia'cr. if the-u Mr. .McLaughlin and her acrom i died daughter Katie, visited Ili'l-t-, j h '.rouh t : i m week. The Advcx-aik ackuo vied'."' a pleasant call. The Kni.'hts of L-ihof lnv or pr:i n ' ;th1 a liukltitr powder miintifac j u i i is tr company nt F.okhart, Jnd., in tlie c.ioprratiie plan. Twenli live thousand dollars is the capital stock, which divided into live do!- Tin Chicil; Tribune savs clmlera i vy likely to pay ihc I opera; ion L tried hlii't ii vim! tlirtng tin.' im i tn - I of :.- '''. Ihejlar aharcs. They n begin ilinisir troubles settled Thov h.ive been Illinois promts to fun, :h four of the tehty-thre changes in con uross necessary to gain the lepitldi cans a niiijoi ity. M:p. Virginia t .i i'ii.hoii, ilia ;ail ,vho )ni lid Icn down lleniy U lit U'isriii, joe il'arkbiiru aid li tliiuiiol jiidinunt ili'inociatit of l.fiiiim 1. 1 1 I hveii appointed ;ie!io:ilir for it thir l t ii n . is h l: The trade iS.dlar has I n Usli I ntrt on n n x ions I mole i he ucias oi t lie lol I I nrnod , to pro provid liv that (he,! . 1 "P 1 K'0'.vlins lit c.icli ithei's heels since then mo! it 1ms , ..i i , : intr for tho icdenii. ! ion vtrvn gvnri ii i v ii.uiersiomi in. n Ml. i v , ,. ',. ' 0"in. roran would lorce tl.e iigh t U's "" ; r-w- the floor tif the IIoi'.sP. In ptisl thirty cur wage. When to d iv Mr. Fo,vi, ur se t ,. Have li.ily .tout-MI nnl at llcaioe i linn' the pu;-hi:.-ing power of ei oi;- I.:: not decn-n-ril, but it really Hit'.itri ll a.i it t hen h as. ilaiijiiiter ol liiV. A 1 .. x T "r "t .nil ; iell. t b.'j foil nder of tho Cuniji'ielitx chuii h, niid wis reconitnf u )(?d to ! Mr U.ives for tin. pla-e eiht voars j ago by J.-n iilacU and (ii'innal I. a r- ili..!d J OLSASim j Corrd! I'liiverily is to Lav a prx.fn or of pini"al ni;iiir. l'afhidi lp(:i i i:a two bfle-bnll !luU compose ( of eoloic.l wonioii. Jatnc A. llarr', I'm urano kinjf ol Florida, rct.vive.d SfCS.OOJ nut tr bu oration crop this your. '.a lbtdsmi, Polnmbia eniinty. N. T., U tb Jaresl appln orchard iu the rtorlj -a 1,000 tJeei on .'1)0 acre. The dii.y voting m in. to ba in ton nnx, itiiiHt h:vi) a narrow -iti'tpe ojbiaiil down liiu aidu of liU pmiUloous. JiiHclcl let, worn on t)i left Iirelc7, arc the l.itiwi n jrvhy for arUto cratitt do;". A white uppnh ran"; be sold in Host on si I a vi llow pi.ih cau l be sold is N'uw York. R:inio tinpalriut'o 'conn lrc! haa daub id paint upon tno Sohhvr'a .Moauiuenl in Sarate k. Syrbijjin appi trea t'itS a -ak robitiou ofaoait au l carbolic acid will kill lie.. In twntit y im.i) iiim ilnmuhnat mfm-z rx Inform (ha jublie that will not ba rip'jnail fur Iba accwuuli or dt-bU of mip'.ujrfiu, une'ti, uuu. wicnicblldrca ar lh:irn wllhunl a rli ton ar verbal aflat fivia u to tbat fffoci. J. t Ciaaaa, ii'ivile, cvonbtM jtiestion ( f knew vh:it to rxpi ci , and the riio.' was formed, about t lu contestants. The whole Hioisc closed in inonnd tlieiii. Kvcrv seal on the npuh.iean fide of the bo;i.- was vi-ant, nji 1 the ineiiihcrs ha 1 cr o-vdtl over lo tho scone of ulrifo. lie fori Mr. Koi'hii ha. I iinislicd his exp'a'i it ion rt point .of order wm and he I J'llled -nt to ordei, noun the pronndM that no e!rir" )n been made n;,'ainsl him a'l' ctiii',' !i; char actpr as a renrcseutat i vi. Ihil-i'i'! I.inioln i'S i ii t u:lo a Pi lit Louisville a shirt lime a;;o as ti Ilia :;pi. a ; i- is. lb aid he had retirrd lo private life and would only talk about a pro aire of Colorado Ikiji inetcuted from tea acres to lii'ly thous.iud. Iortifin I. ()-iv, Uto hare ihi year a f l.OOJ.O.l). bri ;a an 1 railroad work atiops costing $j,(X)0.00O. l'rinpenK Sara WiMienutroa, of lha Tb iiIlm, thinks that Indian A;;cnU ought U fca tinny olllcura. Tho rcturtid from Nova Si'otia nntiea for lfc32 !ii'.v t J..t')i,811 tuna of coal ive -e produced. 4.' tuna tif irou, aud 14. 10. oitnues of gol I. The eiirht railroad line liarlnir thflt termini in liosion I wrn rarricit nvi't A l.ile I'liariiig i forty million iiasscnerii the pant ear, Hi to l heir fune- wi,i' ou'y iu''t flal accidents. From a (locic of ulicep purelnned thro ! veari a''o lor f .Mti, a Culiiepiier. Va. i po.-ed Ii -bins trip.. Vahi .'. toil .nitty, (la , cd !!'; "dry ticket," niak 115th to ii.lopt lo'l cptioii. are 1.!!) counties in tbff til t , and man i an "lickei u" in only twenty l;o of them. , , Now ihat l hat. con iitutitina! pro hilii ion has been adoi'tcd in Rhode Nhnid; ll is discovered ihnl tin re tm been a prohibitory law upon the .ialiHe hoo!;s since" 1 and thai lioeir..;! h.v fiu irnde to i-n force it. The At:'h I'e Ml!', at le, s I his Mimii of nsoii, Tope I; n it iinta -I . bni hi c lc en bvfineU- ei of an u ( iae lcj;4i I 'I . fib it and tr-ipy tenilory suous t'1 '.ht'O Mr, Ileach would n i! alio' im'iils oo!!-('!t to hp f,':ven I'm him to proceed, and he was taken'the floor. L'he disappointment of the members n ho had expeetcd to see a lij;ht w:m painful, Suddenly Mr. Collins' c.nick ivil 'i;r-tfd a wnv out of the (ulliciilly, h.;t t ht fii;h( could go on. ".Mr. ftpea!-i" hesiivl; "if 1 now c!ia.',:e diiedlx Huainst tha ;.;-mi!! from (;hi,. ...i i. . .... . ... mini uiu f.'eni.cniau trom i.-.-ou i implied, pan he (hen ha.-" fh p.-jvi b'KO of the fl','.or ? It i.el.l iha' be might nr:-e In a quest iun :f j.ei aonal cvpnination if nirythin had lieon sab utleetin;; his ehmaclm as a Jil-lliber. ''Jben, Mr. Speaker," aid Mr. Collinf, "J wiil make any charges iiece?nry lo give himthi floor. "This raised a lui.ii, and Fonin thanked him. Aitenhat the apeuker would not alh w anv trifle in?, and, nfirr Mr. O Xeil had had ahout ten miirtiles' tal"; in reo'v to ...I. , t .. T ' 1 l xiiau .in. I'oiaii jijm nirea the matter was hiirhed up. lion,o leu back to it limit. Mr. Morrill Hailed up in t he Pr-n-nte this week the bill to nppropii ate i-'lOO.ODO for the erection" imnie diatep- Yoiiili of Iho E.'aeiiiif'l lmisi,,n of anolher building ol fjual si!e and similar e.vletior, con neeted willi tho present building by. corridor, and ercating the I'roi dent, Secrelarv of the I'm a.-ury and Sprrslary cf tho Intetior a coni- ,i.nii i j st-u-ei, iiiaici , ii an I ma t i vol. tract for the erection of t he j ncpiiprrs of t hatf i 1 1 i (ige to box - om.uin.''. Jir. Mmra iiii:.iii.,l mo 'ott I tit ivroarliTT ami Ilie ilnilv ,lu.l,t.;i? I'riuker's chaise to the it; and j my yesterday Whs one of the hes! e v.-r deiii erc.l lo a . jury in this o'liitoiy, and Wim listened to wit h iniOUKe imeres'. ihcjury generally tions and duties, he j:niresed es fmioly npun them the duty o ' ianner Inn realized U0U, and haa oa ma tiny; no tndi-lni. iit ngaiiHi eiti ' u' ,;lln 'laiuhn. .fi.a unless noon au.'licient nroof .! .. Tl,. Aimuiean Tret Soriety rcporta ' dial il tan (lisiniiuti'il y.lKKj.yju pagea ard lo imliit f ..i.e..M. i... violatm ! of evanvlioal lilcralu.-o In iti ra.l vo- of law, where there wore reasonable tfiar- . ,pr. i Riotinds to believu (liein cuiitv 'I '.o importation nfMllh, from Knropa ! p In tlilj nil,!.,' I.. I, i.t.ii.A ., I ..... -,..,., ..7 IIIUIV , ltni p cr jue Jou.'tial. I lensHa tlaa year lia.i iu previuua $w on-t. The A nit'i ii'o u dies from over- wmu atot auxii.'lv. hen he is Me ' II . s u. J ie Oi i is school with a tfan THE CRT .JB!l LIVEfl WA TiW "2.1 -iEf tlr.arlUiCrZ t0nRu. tnud hn d'yfid brown tuf ; pmi in lb back, aidrf r chuU -ofif-n muifthcn f r :c..mtam ; lonr 4iutrli ; nl ietll ; ntt-i,mi uu ad ikti-f brb, o in t'gftium , flaiu.rncf taJ Mid wWUiKHti : bMU aUvtnattif Ciitiv tnd taw; kikilAiha of memory, with t'tnM mmmuob ot kAinf failed In di 'Uttttiig wluvA Mhl o bavt rlit; tlibdltyt ajiiiiu; tfcck, ('(wrirc of iht and cya; dry ctMi(H ; fvver ; rratlft' Ks ; .t ur'nc u uaif aad htgh colored, mm4t it iiiwvcd u itaud, 4pmv a todtmtM. iwm liver mmw -A. rKBRAULT. X 1. (1ALLC Perrault.& Calles Ii a!r In detcrni inat iun ihc claST. lie il ii. 4 ami lii'k any fc.inl. '. and l he cm.omf i 'i u l v in', o a cac. i. a'l intended to trihutnrv and 'coil; main land. (i. nei al M ib's ha mad' a good be uinniu;,', and I he indications are I hat t", i ron i in o and bis hand i.f en I -throats are lo have a sound llnash inj;". lCxti rminntion pho lid be the aai'-il'v, ai'd we pieiliet, that fun eral Miiis i!l make the Apache trail too liof to be com fo-rt able, til the red i'.evils Alhnquer.'.ie Journal. a i , hea of Mkf-fun, ceil jump f his size. Me enlers upon a condition of.iiraiii 1,0 is lie ,i 'iu.i. At he goes on it nets worse; must he iu politic at 'Ji, ii, h at HO,, fp' at to a i i it .. uiahly succoi'ds !' is decaying at Hiid dead at lit'. He ou-lit lo be dead. It is a fining piinishnuuil for his au l icity and bis steady vio lation ol the Ian ol '"3"H i.eaxeuwoi ;n i lines. bi vTt!v md im tK Vnitb I lrf4lt Un ! ft hcallbll ftrtt. ItacUwtth tatraordluaraci7iaM IVER. KICrjCYS, and DOW CLE. u irntTiui triano rcl MalarU, Hvpil, 'titl;tin- HiUunsnvM, ftik linailab Jauntll, hui, C'ollr, Mujol loreilon, lt,ivl CainplaUaa, Ktr., Ell, luivmi by lb mc of 7 Million U HaiCm. m THE mi FAMILY r CtJlJraa, (v AUulU. d t tbc A(d. IUI TO TAKE IN .VTccMiilioil tf THI JfSTEHI J. H.rErLiN& CO., ku nrain,ti, rl:iLAL-tOUU. TK I KICC kl.M. .totke ta rasspnjeri. rassenfera forSt. I.ouia and tha Fait ahould buy tieketa via and tha ','KmTco I.imi," by tliiameana Kt through car without rhanja to St. I.ouiaJ ib W UN ART. O. P. A. "Friaro Una." it. l.onia, Mo. Fall Arrival and Ojioalng nf GOODS, Klaaat liiapla j- mm I,AKK VAI.LKY N .MKX llii.i botiae ii now aupplied with not only a good labia but alio thv apnrlmtn a ia tawn. Decoration 1 lay conu s aga' n short ly."' Amid !h i i!i ti. w i . h cnendcir;! in the momentous "trug !e fur the survival of the in lie v-or'-' "I bn"inis5, let in not for-gi-t tTj liunoi". the memory of those who made ', he - "i . ty ecu i e. lo ii- and our chi'drcn, Oi.o iiumio -i . 'i ,i . lie hundred A letter from our correspondent in Hillsborough, which .we publish, in full on our Spanish pae, giveandi ploiiihie leseiiption u the stale o! a flairs in Siena coiinlv. It is re- portfd l hat hardly ...iy .-non fell there last winter mid 'tip to the prep cut not a u,ni (if-ain bus vUhcd mat. . i : i "; .... t-Iieep fire j sufVersorr imiiier.sley and 1 in great numbers, in fact to such a de gree that it is-JWiTd the me ear. case nifl create a pestilence. Al though being very well mtislicc with the presiding judge of tin thi'd judicial district, our corres pomlent says the native p.-pulniioi ia soiikw hut grieved that, there be ing over five hundred Mexican vo ters in that emi ity, the judge ha.- rith or BQ.-UU) without I.oDuia It islh.i b.dief of ine Gentile In'tUah. that within tho lust year pluraf mar riages haie been uioru niinierotii thaa ever beforo. 'VV'"-' In I'Vi and I'.nglaiid a aeaffohling Is cTtijd eompleii) in advancu of tha building -a practice which niiicU diiuin ialiLM the chance of an accident. Mrs. Ho ilh. mother of tli ftotor, lives in Piiiiadclp.da. She haa a kind, mid face, and ahe lovva to talk to bw s.r-ba. lln canio hoiiiii with a serious faea. hi. e. who was a.l love nnil sinih-s, saw In an i in: n: t that unnict.'iing waa tha in itler. lie turned Jo's fa.aivay when lio nit 'united to elaiit tlm warm ki.,so( creeiinr on hi lips, liar amil annls j beat alecpiiif xMtnin lur. It was li e first time h ! had repnl-ed lier. "(Ijory,'' slieaaid eagerly, pteli ma what il is. lias year , lore grown coid? Treat nn fraiikly. I It ia bettor to know Hie trulli tiian to be kept la aupene.-' He keiil Ida j head avcrled a miiiiile, his 1 p trmn- b'e.l, then he aaid: "Oil, heavetisl i Florence, how can yen wear that mask of deceit when I know alii'" I .il''f utin r.mntMil as tiaf fnna iaa ' while. "All what?" ' j , "Spare mo !i s id rciMt it," h erm- ! r lZir l!"ug"VCco W.itiiliamCa, "I will not spare mi, I insint upon : knmviiiir what it i mi mean. Tell me. j jt!r and Watch mak.ra. alio in uiicu. ooii.u iioi jtiiuu vimun tiaa abused your mind. "Alas, no!" be said, "I was an v. j witness of ii all. Do not add deceit tn FitVitMfy frnr- rtnvn your other crimes. I was ihora and LGrnmS "Ug CtOrC. "w Msnqwer jVwelre rfonhrt n.e 1 W oaw n iinir aiioci ieu. ll oi nara nil .nnl A ..a ..ll'l "' ' " mo im muni 1 Kilvp Calm yourself, madamc." I siw tob , you, the wife of ray bnsmii when i Dp,?,! 1.N0, em mil ikh iriuiit niy eye ai on you. j You were on ltroaihvav, niitigliiijr witii i j the piddv throng. He was liurryitii; ! frf, Ear and Peformltfu DRY GOODS flil'laWiur Vuw ilb.- ri j .s . - . , v,ur,B vaanm.ra., ladia. CUtfc, Plaid,, n..fc ,a' thami aud Triuta. Kair tiaand faatrKoodaaf artryd adj,t;e. UUaf .na.d.ndUconWn.d. IuUeftll. , haapr thau evtr. OiVars and Tobacco, Qtxcncvvc ro etc. I). G. Meredith, I'ropritlor Br Firm Bra.J, .nVinc.a.dLi,. a hand. PROPRISTORS OF THI rning Drug cto m-ter Jewelry denhrtinf i,t , II. Skiikh, lata with W. il. Lucas A Ci.. NIVT MEXICO 1811 SI'ili L1.F3 ii! E-also Valley & M II&boro JIiAI.i:i;s IX on. You beckoned to him. You niada i Dr. T.J. lalon, of the Suriaal li. and t ttiily protectant p eaehcis In i ignored tlifin l.-y not aiipointingoiu C'ievi land have formed tl) llllll'Mtll New it is in o u io cms ur ii y newspapers. b' tor ti ine contracteil quarters ollhe I'l-cs-ident now fjr resilience purposes Ho said (he K.rrdiitivc b:;d only tix rooms, anil the sei vniiis bavo to go nnUide to get lodgings. I! --id,.. ). faid flic lower portion of the. man sion is not propu'ly drained. Mr Morrill addcil that Hi-is i. u m. the approval of the present Incentive, as it had of his predi ecssor f.,ur ve.u . 0. Mr. IUwy did not think the nr ifcngmient satisfaitory. He woub! hi sorry t ) son the present buil.liiia turned into mere officts. It ounht to bo ire.-crvi J fro:n that because (, Its historical associations. The bus iness ought, lo be d me outside of j f and he favored the erection of biti'diug just we5t (,f tht) piPb(M;i mansion, ami between it and the War, Slate and N.n v diMo ,,, , s, for the official me. of the Teesidc-ut'i-residence, Mr. Morrill replied ihr.i Mr. IZaw ley had not examined this pui.j et ns ;tentivclv as the public buildii g committee. That eomnjilec u.iani- mousiy favoud the bill serin! nr4 who had been coiuti proved it. .e si id it nas tirju. I to any president to ojiiine him in t! pifsont building as it nor exisis that half away from h o.Tiee and JJl'O paiieri shmil T help their Su i.Lr. al liii. "Alien mi nis; ers o!' t he gospel engage in such disputable business 'hey go outside ol' . le ilimaii -phere, and no otiarters ahould be i .! r," i ; .P! mrrt'mtti& or loss to i,i kIiow l th:-m. It k i an'io-olis I, r 1 r,s linnu herd '" i an oiki v ii, 1 1 ii u buzz Telegraph Raffj !f dafVdf A, Jii'.,jt, tint (Vol bis been inane ,"ilhe o" -i li ai'df of the Tacifie states and Ti rf torics and in the ritea of cnhle-grann bet.vecu a v. const iiiid'urvpiC,' ' In a circular to 18 sent to nil igenis we.-t of llie Misotir., tl.e lur ..r reduction is czp'aiiied as follow: i com . ...; r May 1st. IS sr., no tai'ilF betivccii n'liees within a state or Territory will rxeeed fif y cents .r i i nls and three cents, for of their nunitier a.s jury eoinniifsion. ers for the selection of grand ami petit jurors for next term rf tin louit, Las Vegas Chronicle. iu re;i!y to tho above we would ay that cntllo and sheep are soril.) ng in "giviii iiymbel?' "I'rii( here hmtbeen little or no min, nc rtheles.s, ail Ihiiigs con -idei od sloe! i nave went through ,tue winter well oh nen is jiiueh leos lliau was i xpieeled Voik calile which have been skin ed alive with bull whips in the band rijiif hnll I ll'l.s lulliVfn rici-iik ifin n I ! - mik. I in 1 lie i r chips, laugci.tti liowcvei have couio out in fine em . the door n if fearful tliat one of tha f leiegrapiwc aigsu until you nttracteauia fhnmrvof Indinnapolia. Kill be at thf , " " , , I Kto (.ramie Hotel, las, Iron. "Merciful powers! she gasped. April oi h to Sth, and l)en,in Fridai j "You see I know all," he continued. 1 and Saturday, April 10th ami llth -"You did this on the public street. At j Dr. Luton hies for th pst tnntv-livi first ho would have gono tin and dbrn- , jeii's. made a Kpeciall v of the eve, eai pardod von, but you wer.i importuti.i'n. and delfirmitie-, and has alraightuml You caught his eve. vou bockoned. l!a """'' ''' " thousand cross pvim. amiled. and von "went down tli thor- ! !'." ,ll lu v" mHciied ami the mnsi oughfaro tog'ethor." i t'""'""t '' forthe cure of cJuhfer;. j "'Tis false, as falso as" j apinal dibeases, crooked limbs, Ac, fur I "Madame, it ia too true; I led you I j mailed. Tiles treated wilheut pain or aw it, Let us have no nonsense about detention from biuinesa and a eu r It." ' guaranteed. I Then she sank upon the sofa. Agsin ! he turned his manic head In lihlo his emotion Tho diamond tears heean to come through her lingers. Helpless- Bess, indignation, and ihamtt were) trutrrlin together In her aoui. I Suddenly she looked un. Perliana, ! lr. you will tell nin wlioAe Is." "Certainly," replied the brute. "lis was the driver of a n ateniie om nibus." Then ho went suddenly o.u of ! Trgal BMnka. Confectionery. Fruits, W. B. DAWSOW, SUPPLIES (fee. Fugtir, Flutir, Grain, M FKHtH I ossca. I'fttaloea. Cara.J Q fti m an J Elitttr, E-s, etc., a Kjacialty. ' Cur Si'ock Is C O 2 P , S3 "X' Our Prices Low. Illnnlc ItitoUa. ra c.i my is t he hannei con it v of N- w Mexico. each additional wo. I . (meet .1 ..... This re . i, ii ii. Im f ('. i.' ., .io I ' t-ci,NT ion Wll larifTj which, are , ii -v - '; jeve '.-let i.ii). rmm i -r r V:'- ." ! J. fc and man j the ti'riit' from a ,-ofTi 'o in Caiifor. ! bit of i o format ion that bus a . l-'! ... - ........ r... ', .... I' g "I "" in" iiisk ot'iore ri'iu. n;i j ma to Gr.Tt, Uritisii, Ir I'r.inee ii'i.'l be t ivc my J'oc.r n.'( cor no: (I. . I v pnnany lirii-,) c. i.Js s.V'r word. T( V (uuntncs bp- bu is there in ofl'.cc frmi j i on.d ' jjn-faoii' ?- n nd . ,,. . ,. ip, p. i;t 9 a. m. ail cannot cet ; reset t lari.T beiond ).tnrlnn win ' r t. I. nu ll is tint ICS I F,d li d lo the new ta; i when be desires lo escHDC, Ilrijljn could notVwent to the i : i of hi y- ' her file, a:i i erecting an other building. Ilebides. be calico the tttentiiu to the fact tint hill the present mantion nould le preferred intatct. The bill passed with a few differ; t ing votPi. A resolution wa ofTered by Mi oT. lii.' i . ti.e r-YiiMtA yesl rday, 'i'lie n'-.ove -i ' '"! fu. cf iweflv eight c:-nt per wr rd to lirrat I.-ri; tian, 1 1 r; i n -i and Fiance', am t . ml) 1 ' e.i cents per uorl (, many, th prcneijt fafiiT being hitv two iph's per iv. j" . ' s 1. . r coo .' iiiiic v as ao ra due'lin inade' rates. earn to te en? te eastern i nt. on , r,.rmn, f i;u it,,. T,. nonwronc son citizen says: "lie has croalcd n good inipresj'ioti, and all who have talked with bin . i i vc t hat he will accomplish something iu tho termi Dating the Indian (rou iii Uu b full ! n,e.i.y and activity; keep his own i'o VJ ' ! i'lo-elv, hi i hi- ni' i with every . possibl. bciii,;. One '. hii.g is c I tain. The hostiiti) will never tio eu pf.1 ir with ammunition bv be govriiimetit senilis, fur the policy of li ,r r ,( eo nd "'Hieticafly' 'abnndoVcd. Indians t,t ot her tribe-!, , mid fcaied t; rv foes f the Apaches, will ror.ntilu'e ;he auxilliary forreiti the chase There are many other suggentei ehangrs lo he made in the tnethoe of warfare ngiiiiisl the hnstiles, al! o: them improvement upon the oh' polsey. i .. ! r.i. miles realises tin. Arizona is the gnavp in, tury rcpulntions, mid be - !.. id a task that ptiiini-ra uolhiftg bin a -i in S t incalculable hard soijn, priva;ion and (oil. Jf, liat brought to bis assistance, (.killed am tried officers, and it wiil bo no pi,, nic parly that be wiil sooo start af. in the r nefadf .. t ....I nm tl 1 ; t .. I -I - iii.viiii:n;B niPllni 11, nilfll llllll. Tlllil PI1Q j m i jdrie I her tears and said somebody im , A '".7'w" ! a ld. She was right, on y sits got the per- , Cigars and Ttibacco. -N'rir 2Jrrie.o Atchison, Toreka . - , . V V ""' 'i ' Fo Railroad Tia Prialuctfon o?0i!. As new wells lieeimio prodil ill Te Ik Hie Wnrrcu oil field the price of crmia oil steaililv roes' down. It luia nnr reached a lower point than at any lima , Q C H t Q since tho uses of pctrnleuni have" been ! fully understood. Over thirty million' In connection with tha barrels of oil arc stored up in. iron tanks I of the pipe line, and the shrinkage in' . i o Tl 'C ll T ahioofthis imnienso slock il some- i Alintir i I lPIIlP V I' tllin'jf utiparalieled in the trade. With-i 1 tUlllL1Vy CV 1 In four montha over eleven niillinns of dollars have hecn siihslracled from the wealth of holders of oil rertiliuatea. and he Uest Assortment of Fancy and Staple Grocciies in Town. buufor the liiligenee with which tdl waa THE UREA T MIDDLE ROUTE i(l.,l Linauf (lata, an J Caps, Boats ani 8a.s, all S.lla Uatkar, ear ... 4 a X X vrlfttvi m. t J. Tramf lattention givai ta C tilers frow aelgbberiBf raaita. a re It i.- ' sold "short on a rapid-falling mnrket Ketween the Misouri river ami the bardly a .speculator of -the contingent Tacifie coast. The only through .,i.r ... on wpui, iiija foin.tjNi.fllsVurMH ver to left with nionev eniiim i silaiff n"l T j . p ... lingle certificate' -Ylie industrious men who develop the petroleum-producing district of Pennsylvania owe a aiight debt ef gratitude for once to the oil tx changes. Occasions seldom arise In any trailic, based upon so unstable a com modity as potrolejipH Nvhcro Iris lanb fcstlv snfftvla riSlIf IlirillpV ntl m fnllm. market. That the nisjofilyof operators Pullman Sleeping Can Carritd hou'tttj ov-wVe0 f T'- break from eighty-eight cents to forty. The Fating llontas alone tha line ef SOUTHERN COLORADO A5D WEW MEXICO. The lariat' tlrttVZt liximUd- lewn at jirifri tb.t Jfr petition. The ladiea are specially iuvited to call and insert alotk - aad pricea. Fatronste solicited from neighboring camps. How; Xo talk; No fac"y prices- askxa; . Ceariaae yenraelf k alliag en a " Dim cents, is reasonable evidence that low prices are not an unmixed nvtl to men who are ollered an opMirtuuit v te stake money Uxn ther oouiiug. 4tk!Aia liuord tha rea l ars unsurpassed. Thay are under the manageuienl cf Mr. Harvey, of Kansas City TBS . llett hotel manager io the coualry. Clicap 'Soiiso. HERRIN. KELLER and UILLER, A Nebraska eattle king, who t.M 1 bese heuaea are ae arranged that from more nionev than he knows what to d Kansas City to Detains, rsncBtais ri'.tm,,R Vrd",'.e1 .,oK) w"r,Jro,,, "'e their regular uieala. a4 nis little daughter s do . It will ron.' . . . . ..t nt .,.iin .n ,u .tn. " Tl. "n aiwaya. a nrsi-rias " nmMiui; uiiancn, Ol i S Hilt' J . . , . , , Ing dresses, white jet opera haie aod t91ui "' ' reweeaeU rwe vtbar temfcolorr ; 0 r ;':'''' i V . -I' a - ( '' 4 " ' i 'A " s 1 :i "i