Newspaper Page Text
if t ilkrf, ttieta. I r ..V HI- mm l( riM tit Ik iinM: N-t, a MHIML HW M.NM. lltl H4IMI. ( .1 mm Bit -i m i i.i an. ?. v -I fg ,, . MH J Mt-'Kuki f Of "" U. 4ui4 tttwi I III. ft f ftiA4 Hti ttl II -fc ll .!., Hon irt li , .lt I. ti(wt4A a at i Ml . fit - - 4 irMfc INN I , MHI V or OIO f 1 . t4. " -V- , M li' U f I III I .lMi t. t - t - r. larval . r isw - t tin J "., f - fo. It, Jt a " !ivaBLgaAJiiii'i'ie'.fiii..j i'..1 ..' J'-J'iBUU .'..JJUJJJJ -'.JLLil-'ar mmL (orsTY paveu. There li baro possibility that the I Southern Pacific company will find it j necessary to chang tho freight clivih- l.... I L r....... f . .1 .1...... ... li........ J. t R'CKIX, t.llurati. Proprietor. JtttC fclFTIO KITVNI aa jer - Tk ataaiUa . - I lo I. Mi HII.Lfll'ORO, FATT.'TIDAY, May rHA5Gr M TIUI TIME. I ravi. t aavt t aVe V!ley . !(:. m. Arrlvs tt Suit U: a. eu. ASIVS. I eat 'iitl far I.. Valley I :i . a. Ar.-iva at V. VaVtV i tif m. CIElS SWEEP. Sierra county warrant appear to Lo on the ri "5 cent on tlx tl illar U now being offered. This Inula ml her suspicion seeing that nil rur outstanding, jvarrents are in the hand of f.mitiea. Those j Pfningite. can now offer a high price ami get in j i, p. Mc Donald, proprietor of tti nil tl. f.nUUinliiiij warrant and fri..r jIo .ii. keeps constantly on , band Ihe choicest li.tioie, wine aud thereby have a coiner on th wr- jigar. rant market . Parties knowing themselves indebt- liif..i-iiiimt.1 f,.r the ! tJ Tlioi. J.anoii, iif the l)illborou)fh l iiloritiiintciy , Mr in people r(r . H c()MiJ) ,,.w)lr,, ,, ettu t tlioy did Ihrir work for tlie mini (y fur lillle or nothiii"; ami had to sell their warrant through poverty f ir 40 and 0 cent on the dollar. The wisdom of the Kindlon and I. like Valley profile in their demand for a "clean sweep" of co mty com Inimioiinm tli in full carries with it Burros Wanted! j ISotic i hereby given that tha follow- j , ing named avtliaar lias tiled notice of hi : int. 'prion tn make IiiihI proof in support pack ' of bin, Ulni. and tliut attid prool will TO LET A coittiacf. to Slpadv eiiiidui'iiit'iit for twntv ... . i . . , owlnti U th iua.iraiiiv of Ilia watnr ' ' . . ' ' . V , " ' HUOro"u' - N ' uu , . ,. , , . ,r. . , or miriv iurru. jnuuire a( inm !" " npjiiy bi iuv joriucr fiarr. i 111a 14 eiMruiiragiiiK tic to Ilia diflifartpnrd j office. ectied from l!nton at bedrock ricea-at Htnia. Kellor it Wilier a id nclt n'l'.iil fcma and aound rrwa)ti-i -aia nt c or ctlirwia will ha advurtied The "Tit!"'," the "Clique tta" and other lint tiranda of cigar at Xuinliu-ton'a. Merrln Keller A Miller kpep conataat 10 II F Kill UK NOTICES. Ktiifulun, Sitirrn iiounty, S. U January It. IMS, T Jolin II, TJlor: ' Yon r hfrftiy tiotldcrl ttint I hr tuptnti t' Out ItiKlilrrd )' In Inlivr .il l lii,,ri,n nit;ntM tii"R (tip " linjliir" mine or Iwlr, i tiiiU''' In t tic (lurk ILtiifn mittliiK (limrict. tiyrtucly tiriiBt it"' Mrrn t'n. S. M. 111 will up. Hr hy crrlilii-llr of Uirwttun tiled in lh oflli- wf 111 iirulml' rlcrk. ainl ex utlicer rerunler uf thtruuniv uf Ci"rrn trritiry "f .MhwHuxIi'u lit linlrr In hnliUill'l irr;ul' linilfr the irml. fimn nf Si-ctluli J.I-1 Ili-vlMi-'l HtiiHUfs ol :ic lnl teit Htuti'4. Iflir tlii Hhi'innt reitulrfil to hulil Ibf Kmnf fur t lie yiai ennui;! Iiiii'iubi-r 31. &' CASI.MK..O IJVCV, on pre-emptioa decUrutury atutmiietit No. lit) for ti e w j e j ki-c. U t U k r j w. Mi names Hit! folloHing witnexneR V) prove Iiik cuntinuuus rtKiduitc upon, and cultivation of, mtid land, viz: June I). 'JuycM, Kpifaiuoitivera, Andrew Welch, J use M. Apoduca, ail ofiiicria county, . .U. feb lit Loui NO li. SuiKt.tlK, liegiatcr. c (A 2 CO 3 rROPUIETOKS OF Lake Vallev and Kingston Staoc Lin 1 ELLIOTT, riCKETT 4 ELLIOTT, j ! I I ATTOBNa'T-AT-LAW, I ly T hand a l.rg. aupply .f grocerie. M, Hilisboro, - KcW Mexico ! liorii etc. I iura at i i-ii-otriicr. vmir iulrresl tit mid Alarga .lock of Boota A Hhtic juat J' 'SZKi ' u,. , g .NsCovb, I dtr Kutil Mi-1tuu i Jau 18 Jul M. J. MiCIfGMY. J. a. litJIK I I'. Mr. MtIonuld of thia p'a. ll niitdilty ill.- Th rltirena of IlilUbomttgU, ere pining f r rtu-uuilH m and colic. Mt-I.'ohiit ta A Co., lft thia fdaca la T!inrday t'-r Kingittoii. "TheV go hut to return,'' Mra. J. E. Cnrrati, who haa been it k for the pttbt two weke, ia tjnite liermlf aj;in. i;. J. Ityan'a mineral water 1 fully up tit MumlitH; we know wherof we eprak. The proof of tlm ptnldiitg i i-he'Aing the firing." The Kfhoul in thin pi tire, under the chnrgp of Mm. Jewett, we learn in do acll. Il.-r pnpiU iiooiii to advance in Hi jir attidieii. Tlio praying peoplo in Southern Nw Mexico, (if tlicre are any) might make a point hy pelting down n tlicir mar luw boner and atippltcate for tain. Tit" weather in tl.U lot ulity. for the past few tiny, imi he!' it ouiewhat windy. Thia may not be new, but it iit iievit!;i'Ien tine. The troop left their camp ncr thin plnt'p Tliiir.-.ilay niorning on a a.'uutitig vtpoditioii in the mountaine. Tlicy ttok with Iheiii itt-vtral pat k iiiiiUa. l.-pnty Hhcritr llall reltirncd lust Wcdticmlay from a ddmtbI iIujh tin HKcefekful raitdniii hcout oyer inunn Irtin, (nil ami dale in K'Uirh of cuttle ii ud horsa tliicv.ia, It Iihi liccti rtinmrod tlntt Indiniii Iiiivo I'ccn e'ti lecenlly on Ilcrcndii ritih. The titnior luck conlii tna lion. Mr, A. I!. EHMt, oi'iA of the aipiare ft lawyt rn in tliia county, rctitrticd to w'Hlcn'uy uflcra tdtort btmiiiCHH trip tn l.u ( rncji. A man hy lite name of WatUon, met with a v ry painful acciilcnt one tl.:y ' tlda tvpck; vrhib-mining t li the North tttt; A lar,-c nnmher of aix and aeven col umn rule for aula at thia ollice. Kingaton people aHk ua w liy we don't alio up otir tl d county olllciaU? Kingaton will ntmn have a paper of her own and can tail in to ber liearfa ponUnt. Our eoiiimiaaionera procoetlingrt are pithlialied and paid for in county war rants which net th publisher only P; cenle per aipiaro incli in caali. Prohably the loweat price paid in the I'nlled titaloH. We learn with regret, tlmt our enliniuble fticiitl l)r. C. ('. C'rewa ha feccnlly lout a pair of hia valua ble mnltd. They were ignoinin iomly allot down by aomc iiiixcreant who liH not the fcur of (iod before liia eye. itleution Cattle Owueri. Tlieru will be a meeting of the rattle in ner at ChucUillo Negro, May 20th, for purpose"! organizing a Cattle Aa jociatiim for Sierra county. All cattle rower in aaid county are respectfully olitted to attend. It. II. IIOI'I'IR. Nathan Ukavhon. V, b. I loritwui.i.. b. J M'KHOV. JO. Kwt. f7 will buy a good babic carriage. lnijtilie at this ollice. J.aa iH'e, New Mexico. Laud Urrni at Cat'cra, J.uumj It. I Sit ToJ. J. Atv: Arrll 11 nun Yon art licrfliV li'itlni"! fhlit I pjtprTl.lei tip- : M.-r.i.l,., i.'.iran ih. t . r n.i i'i ! " ''O' ' l'i l Niir't,." ii.Iiil--, or Killllll.l ill 1 .d'iameu'SiiVlVhr. '."iS! i !' ." ":. '''I''''!'?..'.!.is'..'.!'5u.''u''''1- ;;f i U,, M.i.l Mof u V urt of 1,1. claim. 1 " ' , ict that nam prouf a lir lia ran bn, m -r. . l J fr ( ' ' ' !' "J 1 bata Jitilxcof nlerriiTOiinty, .v. M. at Hill- i .",n ' ?. bor uf li. un June 5-1. ISMi, via: .S'atha.i tti-..y- i .V. ' 7...... . vI'.J V..-i.. tV. , , i 'nun Hi, mra tail entry :o. Uui lr tin. . 7... 1 ...,,... ,,'r,,i-i,.,,. ,,r ,.f E. V. TiiiKiK H. Al.KXANDIR. . IlilUboia, N, il "Newc o mb FarRe r STATe x a n cler , i Attorniy-At l,n, o m X a -i " CD in Kunning a line of four-bore coachc from Lake Valley via. lIilbroiish to Kingaton in the Block Iiaoge, tke Switzeilund of America. Joseph li. Askew Genl. Manager, " " LAKK VALLEY, K. M. u o Al -1 o u o 9 I I .Ni'W -Miixit-n, - a. wi:t , ir:tii..., ,.i. Hliiin lil.-. tor rn "'""""iuulu, .f tlie probate e'erk amt ex- J New Mexico. ; zsi Heviaiul Stiaiitc. i. -. 'Jl irl in i anil .ii Mi aei ..L . ... . iM'iinr tli aiiioiuit ri- ... .,nr. i ,w.n, .i..... : ,ur ,,,, v,.,r f,in.. v.i.b.r ai, 1 II VI ut, ml.l lul rUi Jaiuaw-aiauMB, TUaai l.nwn Trarmy. All of iieria county. N. M. rbNI-Nti'i. tHIII.rit, April 17, It ' Kegliler. Botlct of Ferfelturr. KiwnsTn, Plerrn ronnty, I'errlliiry or New limb s Man-li i llW. Taj. K. M r It RA T. You are hereby nollfle.l. (hat u luivt .pi iiipd (::ra In lubnr ami iiii- 111" I'nlleil Hlu(e, 1 iiilreil In ii'ibl ihe imiiie A' i.l I If wlilthi ni ieiy ibiyn alter iht urli- of tliii I M notice of iMiblli-ittiuii. von lull or rtl'uaa ta uolilriliutn your puopnriioii oi mu-n rxi.enui aura ax ai'o-oirner, your tntLTi-nt In iHi.Jelicu. . ulll l,.n ili. iiriiitMrl. itf ll). .11 1...T 1 b. I I 11 utter .Hill HectUm jau U Jul fcMYbKR KEF. I). HOTICF.I Tarlieii wihliing to ioKert mining HtrntH. f.irliMtioe notict-H and atiila of provenieiitx upon in a 'll i.e-' in no ui thai1,, , , , . ... r. - n, .... i.. yeirr. lb.). ihsi anil Wi: anld mine li iluly I attachment uitiKt pay lor the name lu reiwteil In ilia proper book, of n nt. and I advance. Thia ia imperative, l artiea for a mora purili ulnr ileii rlntlon nf mLI mliia 1 kn,.u iii,i I IikhikhI voa imli'lititil to tia t'nr reneratic ii bereliy made to lal.t retool Tlia I ,1,1. i.;,,,! ,. Wnrli will uIi-riu cull and abnipeiHtlt.ii-t beiiiK ilieaiii.iiintie.liii-eii ,"!",k1".'1 ' " .!..!".. I to nnid aulil mint for anld yeara iimlvr the Pi a- arunc ai um ui iruuv;. yiilnii of .ei-ilon XJi of tlia reyim-il iiainiei 5otea from the t'lucltir. t'oiuintiiiirateit: ) A visit to' mining canip at tlio Ui'lncieia wua rewarded by meeting our old friend Mh.ey, vthoae face hrcitka out in amilea like ti.e wate front a ai inch iiomcI. The next to graaji our hantl wn itnclu Poller, the lone IUI1cin1n.11 of the camp, and bin voice aotinded a low mid tweet I'rn-hn. ncur Kiiitfjt ni. a rock fell initio hi i It', .itilntr iitin of hia le jm. I a the 'rippling of tlm brooklet to ' Tlie Wade varielv eniiiiiunc fuilr-d to ! the thirsty ear, wa be of tlif t'nileil Htatea. Now if wllliln iilntly day. iiom tli lervlra of liiii notica (or wiihiii ninety dyi or tlia aeryU-a of thia notlie by publication) you .all or retina to 'onlrlbiita your proportion of ui-li axpeiidltiira ai a owner 1 out- intareit In anld i-laim yi ill bei-o-iia tha properly a lh lukn'iberi undariuid lac lion UH. J. R. Aurw aleli a J. K. ac'iiita Klajilon, lierra -onntr, N W February 27, 111 To Frl BUM: You are hereoy nollCi.t that I hava - aroyaiuerm upon the lone Htar mlna or I lie JOllK'Hl IfKCVl IH UW Lin, le, ail. late. I In tlia lllai'k Knna;.' lulninf ; NliVADA SALOON, Kingston, N. M. f.'hoice Liipior and imported Cigaia. Municaud Singing nightly. Sparring every Saturday night. I illilrlrt, 4-ounlv of (.rant, at iireNi-iil known ai fcli-rra couuiv. territory of New Mexl.-o. in onler to liul.l the lal.l preuilx-l miller tlia pruylaloua of aerlion j:i'.M, rcviaeil felalutea ef the t'niteit Htalen, beiiiR the amount ri-quired to I111I1I the aainu for ill year i-ndliiK perem. lnrlUI iM'i, and if within niiie.iv il ivi alier llni.'rvl. a of iinili-e nf pulifleutlon, you lall or refima lo routrlbuta your proportion of inch axpanriiliire.1 a i-o-wnrktr, your lutareat In aaid u'.alin will bei-oma the prop, artv of tha lubacrlbar uuder tlia aaiil erilon, UK rKANK rOKAN feb 17 Md Kltiiton, tlarra ooiinty, N M Kabruary 27, 18M. Ta fd Balrd: You are hereby notified that t hava ei aen. led una hundred dnliara lu labor and lm proyeinenta upon thi Bl ( hli f mini' or luda. Itualed tu Ilia lllu.-k HhiiKo ii. 1 ii 1 ii k rilitrii I in l-lerra county, New Mi-ilro. n willap. poar by eeriltli-aie 111 loealion Hied in tha iltl. e 111 probate elerk, ami ux 0HI1 I renordar of the county of hiernt an t terrluirv of Saw anked tl to 1 ",,lco 111 or'"'' 'o liol.l tba aal.l prembiea jdeise tlie entire an lie.ii-o a(. thia plum on 'i-t Wrtlnnadav. i-M-niiig. Owing ti a not tvry foil hotisty uod ixunaii'j fitage, llieir pi'iigraiiiino vt.n not :iim: all i ni l i'd mil. ! The c iili.r an i chicl of thin up: r I hit" been vi I ,r: i n between thia p!:i i I wild Kiiij.-,. hi for the put tieck oi tvto. ; liltinj; up and prilling ready to puHixh : a H i r ttl tlie Inal nicntioucd plm e. I In hie l .cii.c tl.ia pitper inn been in ! i liamiiiit the li iotiiiH editor. I lt'ttcia iiiii'dllejl for in the Po.tofiiotf j ,1 IliiULor. nHj.'Vnv 1 !-)(. j j: l:. n". JrtUo P.-ileiiatit In, .Ifkiia 1 a is, Mi-.H Alice, !' utililc, t Kr:iey, 1,1.1. I CHI , W. ('. Me Ntt, Julio, Noble, JmiU'N. P. ii-cr, llloga. l.ii bS iUoti, Win. Pllitl, Pen I. Smith, lii ry, 4 Hera by Tliunii. tl.e (itaiid Ariuv bait on V1' ht w a a m:itih in every par About furty couple) partici pated, anh it waa. t.r.. in, niucd by all to If lid. I'Vent of the reaaoll. iji.ite friini Lake Val'ey and Kinga '!), Iui.l.a a nnmbei fi.nn riiucbea tlirougloittt thecotinty, were treent. The afrit'tot decoruui prevailed, good iniuic a in altetiaJance, anil the atip- per at tba retaurant, waa jnat aimply iiniueni. The tie aiti.Jhin. T he Ilnfr liko apponV.une of nr.. n'.hcr til! ti.m r, next met our rye: even body known Tom Smith. Miiiiy fiiiiilinr fticpa, wboie ihiiiich littvf CM'iipcl mc, biingi to mind in. i ideiit of liniea .ofie by. I failed to mod Mr. I Moan and it!, liic-i t tio to cabin tluor ttlwaya j had tin- 1 itch tiin;,' o i tlio .int-aidu. The amount of dut nd tiuggets ! that bnvp pnsc( thiotigh their hands j would, ii I'ltlhcrcd inn pile, make ven anttlitor cnvioiia, wboe con I tempt for wealth i proverbial, t)n I i in i ti i v. we learned that Mr. liosa has taken op a ranch anil i eneagctl I !in tlio cattle btiaiueaa. We winh " ll i ill hllcccan. j . t-a - - i Mahterit Sale of Ileal t tie nnd I'er. ! ! noil a II lea Thereto Atlacltcil n.l II. I...... I.. . I H.itl ... ..e,iHfeia I I Notice la hereby ali en Hial bv virtue of a 1 1 di'i-rei' iltilv inii.le and entered of reeord, on t the null lny ot April. A. H , bv till' . i ... ti. Jii.Ibi' of the llltriel ( ourl or ihe Third .lu. mm cai(ir- L.. y iiiir. of the larritnrv nl Ni- Mex. i ' ii-o. uiihin nnd for tlia county of Kierra in j j i tiHUibt.r aitllny;. lu fitvor of John M.'' I on. I , I. .un n. 'A n. Iera.i t a purlin r Jloltis bus . j ! ni.Mi nn.ler ibe lirm au.l atvle of Me j tlrlde A m, 4'tnupl'iiUHnla aK'iiuat I'. A. ! It l-.l, ., ei i ,ii . enlli it I barl... A K(''l.! j lti.i.(ioti. I. -ui: Whereby It hh. ordered ad I I J lill'i d Htl.l decreed .bat raid Kcapondeul I wltnin liicnie itii nail iroui ina uaia oi uuiicr tlia prnv lalnua of aectlon i(JI, revla. d aiaiiliea of tha United Htaiea. bln Ilia amount required to hold lh aame for Ihe )ear tmltiia lieciln her , Hal niel If within ninety itiiya after the acrvii-e ef tlii tinlica ol publication you or reluae tu onlrlbiita your proportion of audi cvp.-n.llture ei a co nwnir your Inlerast in tlio a.U.I rlaiul villi lii-i'oiua the property of Ilia aiibaerlbi-r iimlvr I III. a ill I aeelloa 1M. fia. n. utat rRAKX fokah. Lihd Orrn a at I.a ritccm, Jauuiiry ?3, IMiii. M.itlet Ii lierel.y tlrea tlml tha following n a ino, I aettler luia lili-,1 notice of hia liiteiiilon lo make final prool in icipport of iiii i'ImIui. , ami huh aai.i prnoi win he inane otiore uie I'robale I'lerk of SU-rru couiily; at IlllUboro, I on Itia 0ih of Miirrti. tnsti. j liKiiKtiKVV. II L'N:i v K E K. on Peclarittor) i Kiatemeut No. I.'l",. for Ilia aku wl i n i ; i. ate U tp 17, i r 7w. I lie tianiva (ha follow Ina; w itne.-t' ta prove j till eouliniioua reiiileuca upon, and cultivii i tlou of a.o.i Uuil. i iz: lieorita Kluner, lieorite j I'lOvell. John licl.eod, l.awla, a. i of Sierra county, N M. KnaciiuU. auikiija, Ke.-ilrr. Fairview Hotel. Fairview, . . New Mexico. Mm. M AYa-R pKOItllTOK. i All that the ma.'keti aflorde iaauf j plied Ihe table. The public are re- j rit;eatd ta give thia hnna a call. Dick Wcod, Proprietor. In tha best advertising meJiam, THE : ' " ADVOCATE. fvotlce. 1). Lnngadorf hereby notifies all who owe him and have given him checks or noted payable, that lie wiiii one of the poets, of the (irand hotel ill El Pino at the time lain hotel was robbed, and hereby notifies hia friend not to pay any of aaid checks or note. P. I.AXtitSDOrtr. Viiiirons to Lake Vaixet Stop at T. D. LAY'S S Z O O XT a For the Finest Winea, Litjora, and Cigaii. Fine I Iiilliard Mull in Lake Valley. HfKirat clusa In fvry pntti-u!ar...fV Luke Valley, - . Arte Mexico. W IIII Willi! II D i r. IViCcad cS Knoe??, Prop. The only Restaurant at the County Seat of Sierra Countv. a tyKinST CLAS3 IX EYKKY aKVfKCIjKl MiIIs"boro, - Blew Mexico. r37iiO. IPIEaRQHI IB .ills. KixuaTON. Nhw Mcxinu. A general banking buaineaa trautaeted. All business entruated te our care will liave prompt attention. Faithful attention to the interest! of cnetoineia. Chargea aa reaaouable as ia consistent with aai'e banknote Drafta iaaueii on all the .principal cities of Europe and America. C0BBES1' OXDEXTIi koiXTxa Bnoa, ?lew Yark. Kiaa-r Hire an Bias.. Cblrar. " " " t.aa Yeaa, N. at. ? fROYALPttt'at'a mm POWER iiii.Lsnouoraii Orabann Mitchell, Proprietor. The oldent eatahliahed Meat Market in the city. Wholesale and retail Butchers. Tba litat of Beet Pork, Mut ton, and SuilM-. . CCl'NTiW PRODUCE . Aiwavi on Hftud. I C'tCNTRti. Bank Ai.BejiBKgt!. M. . CnutRAUo National Bank, Utnrar. C'i, Kinr National Hank, Po Txai. VINCENT WALLACE, Cashier. "XII: (1KH MAI OOX"-- Blew Eflcxioo ;OH SC AGO ! COTTAGE ! 0RGAf! j Ifaa attained a atrmd&rd of exoelloao. wbioh j : adiulta of no atiperiiu-. ; iicontattiuvcryiiiiprovam,ntiiiaiiiiTonuT. , , ctniua, riuu aau money can proouoe. Firat-claas rigs at reaaonable ptices. Corrall attached. Hay, Com and Oats, kept on hand for sale. Calls for team answered promptly dy er night. 43. M. T M lilNU O IV, I.roirlator. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vmies. ,A mar vel of purity, alreuglh and whole someneju. More otonomiial than the otiliiiHiy kinde, and cannot be sold in compel ition with the inu'ti ttidn of low tent, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY IN TIN CANS. Uoyitl linking Pow der Co.. 100 Wall St.. New York. i mm i wmm IS HAKTHD I'Tew . mxenu YSAita. s. i. c. CHAPLINE i CO. Law, Real Estate, Collection ami nil) flt'orrt-, pay tu km11 t'mnplitiiiftMlt U , ;iutoh, Mil Ml tii IIII -r la II II vi I min 1 1 1 1 J - r-i I'm issi mihI 1 HfitiV-otu t'riti 'Ji with intrt'l ltit rou Iruiu lltt tUtt f hM itcr, hihI nil fimin, ri itfiini'ii Mitit Hlloivaiit ei of t ourl, Hirt In tU'fttiiH of iitvim-Ml h fi)rltl mill Mi ling Brokers. Nkw Mexico i r dil o u!i I'.c 1'ual and ti.e txta u i., acii the prope lltllsborotigli. After lancing, and ao- ; iilj.neifl' . ,.r i.v..r. ..u rl ll...r...,l' ll...., an, I i,t ll. ,.t .. lent all'air reflects much I (bat Hie urileniaiu-d. Krauk W. Parker, a anvciHi aiaaiur in i ia'e..iu.i.'i - .erty au.l rvat eat,ite, i hereinafter apac tied ce.-dto aell the aaid erueertv rial conxerno until a reasonable length ! real caint.. rislitaaud prtyllauea h . t .I,.,, -ti ... 1 1. ..i. ...... .......... v. ... . . ... t. m . i . . v'. i.oiiM ,cp(-ci ... b.tuca with music in their ItearU to alrcaiu the hours of morn away. 'a The writer witm-Mw-d a drill of Cap lain Fecbet'a tr.M.p on luet Kundav mcirning, on the plane near town. The troop prevent i a tine appearance, Their Cfjnipinclit. were in good condi tion braaa and ktvcl shone, aa did the violiaeed leather. The drill laatod about en hour and ana executed at a-wulk, trot and gallop. Colonel J. Morris Young, a cavalry other in the late war G.. On Olarl MASON. o h ST. a SIERRA LAND A CATTLE CO.. IIoksks S I. C on left liip. Cattle. Half crop in each car, Conltact tsken for Stone Brick or Adobe Work! limy ht ii ' t am rv lo imv lm icvual tttiiu a 'l unMiiiu Hforeanol t ihe It i k livl mi-l ticM bidilvr for mull lu hand juiblic vviulut lu wit: The VTrtlini-it fourth f th NurTlimHt ijUHlltT, iiik, thy NottliriM ftiiirlli ol ill' .NurihMCrii uuttriiT of vt'viloii Twenty Six, t;Mi in i ott iiktiiti Thirii'fii il:t) Mtuih Khuu t Kit' i.t) Hi'! hi hifrrH t'uuutv, ItTrMury of! New iiAli o. intfi'ilii-r w iih nil mitl wingti nr. ) ... the litifMiitKa, uint httu'ry, nUnt hnif nu, im- of I1V uoncriptioil ill IliT part of ill liruviiut'iii. ritttitMof wrty. wtttvr witvs mid ; (tri vt-li ttt tin rt-In Hint thtreuutu iM-hniRtim ud being nil uiUMt4-id will), tu lit u li u ati4 (iiiitprlelUi; lit li ntiiuiaonlir fcn-iwu ; Hti'l t ml t-A llm lt( KHi-V t . l KN TK A -TOlt" ui u ti. oiUmi ni hiiiitittt'urtl 1 fur tlio fiiirpo. ol ruUucinx t'uiiiitiMUi j iitimorranu iuiu(ai Thm Onrani are celebrated for volume. , qualnynf lon, quick roajHinae, nrtiatlo dealgn, f beamy In OnlKh, iiorfoct eonulmotion, makliif I thain tha moat iloftirHhlo m-fiana for bomaa. aeiiuoiB, cnurcnoa, iiaiirfa. aaA.-iiiir, . ... niTAni.isncn nr.prTATion. i!9EtrAi.rD rAciuTini. vVOr.UJJE.V. risr KATCSIA.X, oatBiasD, kAaa this THS P0PULAI1 OHQAK Inttryetlon Bo:Vt end Piano Stools. Cataloenaa and Ptioe LUU, on applioatton, nam CillCACS COTTAGE CSSAX CO. i.r.ancolph Ann Stt.. CHiCAOO ILL. rrtJlic WHITE is Kino. on hip. v j -' -i-i irf.v. r Heiult)uarteis, Sif.m:oa Kasch - R. H. HOPPER, (leneral Manager, Hilleloro, N. N. Count. Patcxxti lm iTIj ,i4Staaa W biTelore. the utHleraianed Hpcctal Mhaier i In t ra- ulll. uu .lllr.ll.r. Ilia tjth ilnr - iillO witr.PSaed the drill, and expreaft-d , June. A . !.. 1K--S, at ihe hour of 1 clock. ' . I i-ii , i , . - i lit Ihe alieruoon ol tnai nay, al tlm Iront door i tiimseifat highly pleaae I. 1st Lieut-io, the ,urt h.ntae, i.. ti. i..ii f ntit.i...r . t Olaluofe eounuaiiilvU Hie troop, i'lld t -"" uo. ui bi. rta. au.l lerr.i...y ol li.w 11 i Meairo. aei. al public veudm-to tha hixheat lJtlltenailt r lyntl and tieareant C Uln- ; and beat blU.i.rior .aab niband. the property. , , , ... , j ra. I'Uitaa .np-hia and iinvileuea aoova (tea ming, the platoona. W e rot.gratulate , icuatrd au.l .ivacrioa .. or to uuck Hi. .e.,i aa run tain Kecliet on tha Una ruP.iMu.n I 00 nweaaary 10 pay off lha aaid aeveral captain remei on me tins curu.iibti j 1UU1( 1!d ,luuul, , Biuny aa, anf bia tronn ah!ch are ara rnnvince.l toaeiher with eoaia of ala. and xe.utv to u.-ao oiareior LIME AND ADOBES it SJCJil tJ non in the service for efficiency. Tbe peraoccl of "G" troop fa in strong contrast with other we have seen. All the men seem to be young, lijbt and Active Americana or Jish-Americanf. And right here Ut us say, tor one noraemauanip, we valJ ai ilill.boniugh.. Sierra eounly. Kew VI. 1 110. ttna iat day ol Mar A. 11. r W. HAi.KER. r rial Maatvr ta Cbaucary. J. JJORKIt YotNJ. Owilctlor lor Comptalnauta. UUiaborouab. K. M. Heavy California underwear at Pr- 23.000 fresh J. I. M, ceued at li. K. & M'a. krcs'ly if ever bv. M-rn I!., etjual of i "u11 J"Iei' iut , w lr 3Leut. GiJmor, and for a drill meeter tariii no atiptricr. We learo from tectleman who has known bi family for many year, that h is a ' chip from be old block," that bi father. Major Gsneral Giimore, wasthj gallant offi cer who taade tha n'ege of C'barlaton, S C, daritj t!i rblil. " for sal. Addrea C. C. Clark, lliib.borough, N. M. ' areata, Re-issuess, and Trade-mark s j aecured, and all other patent cauaea i in ihe Patent Olfice and be for the courls promptly and calf fuly aUeuJ ed to. Feea Moderate, I make no charge unless patent ia secured. In formation, advice and special refer ences sent on application. J. R. LtTTII t, Waehingtoa, D. C. Mear U .8 rlntOSie. cigars Just re. i I GIBS3N. . AUTISTIC Boot c Shoe Underw are for the million, at Per rauit 4 Oalloa'. jauoM Anything in Ihe line of gei.ta furuiah ing giKxIa. ir..iti a cauiluic needle lo an elegant a'rong pair of mini r a overall at J'crrault Ji Uaile . 11 a k 1: 11. I.ateei atyl. of "I.aata" just rceid. Coibov Itoot made to MAfection. Leave yonr meaaure w hen in tewna get a comfortable "Understanding." ia.i a tf I Ui Vtl! tr . Kw Meiire G. H. BLOOM, DgAI.FR IS AI.L kinds ok F HTM WIlPIUMEa Agent for the improved White Sewing Machine. Thia sewing machine j t he beat ever made. Writ for prieai. VEMJNQ - N. U ULSOS3 HOTEL, JOHN OPGENORTII, Manager. THE BEST HOTEL, The Best Rooms, and Best accommodation in the. city. Tables are constantly supplied with the best the mar ket affords.' Furnished or tiuCurnished room to Let. CITY DRDG STORE Wm. Shm:llsh5 Prop. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMP.OUKDI Prugs, Mediciae, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Stationary, Confectioneries and Cigar. Pur Liquor for Medicine. HILLSBOROUGH, . . . NEW MEXICO. :r a. am, Ml Kriao'l a.-eSaHnaf la-t ..r w,ta:a, l..a. 1. m. m... .W.i 1M aM. I . i...m.m. a.M. la-, ai .al..Me uaM-.. a , .u ... ... J VSktTiai.C mm al.W cat x a na at ea, It'um a. aa. aa .uu u la.a tev.M. Sa4 aa. la, . l.rrY OO., CyvmiV MtaeMcaav. IS THE PEST MADE. LIGHTEST RCXSIXG, QUIETEST and SIMPLEST IM THE WORLD. Silf-Setting Needle, Self-Threading Shuttle. And Only Tcrfect Embroiderer. NE PLUS ULTRA. A not buy any olhcr bejorc inilinj the WHITE. utt lott,- Ceeat !, altativ waiter gaal Cek XIow Op-ea iif 4 ij4t.