Newspaper Page Text
Pbicc $3 Per Year'. 1. E. CURRKN, Huron and mumiiTuft. tLH For Delegate to Congress, Joseph Workman Dwveii. Of Colfax County. i .. 1 ... 1 j Republican County Convention The Sierra County Republican Convention will meet at the Court House in Hillsborough, At 1:3!) o'clock p. ni., Wednesday October th 1886., for the purpose of nora inating candidates for the different county offices to be filled at the en suing election: Consisting of a Representative for Grant and Sior- ra counties in tho territorial aerably. Probate Judge, Probate Cfork, Sheriff, A ssossor, Treasurer, Sup't Schools, 3 County Commissioners 3 River Commissioners Ih different products of the county are entitled to tlie following representation in the convention I'rrrlnrt No. 1, I.nka Va 1 1 0 Di'lt-gat... " ' a, Illllaburuniiti, I " " t, Killgitiill II ' ' 4, Laa raltwnai, 4 ' " " I. C'ur.hlllo hVjLMl " " . Unfton, I " " TCanmla AlaninaaS " " " MauJoxa, n " " llvrniua l ' " " IORlrit!w H " " II i.iiloriilo " " IX Kiifla 1 Total liiimhtT II. It is desired that the RepubJi- cans of the several precincts hold their primaries for the selection of delegates on Saturday, Oct. 2d and at the same tiino select a member of the Republican County Central Coin mi (tea to represent their pre cinrt for the next two years. Prox ies will not be recognized unless persons lidding them are residents of the precinct from which the proxies ore obtained. Ity Order Cent. Com. A. Donaldson, Chm'n. Democratic County Convention. The democratic convention will bo held at tho court house In Hills. IWo on Thursday, Sept. 30 tli. at 1 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of iiominatiugandtdates for county olllces and faking proper action regardiug a leghdative ticket. The different precincts of tho county will be allowed representatives in eaid county convention as follows: No. l-Lako Vallny, 4. JS'o.2-HillHboro, 4. No.,'1 Kingston, fi. No. 4 -Las Palonias, 3 No 5-Cuchillo egro, 2. No. C-Grafton, I. No. 7 Canaba Alamiisa, 2. No. 8-Aivinj, 2. No. ( Ilermosa, 2. No. 10 -Fairview, .'!. No. ll-Chloiide, 2. Nol2-Ki)gle, 2. The county democratic commit tee of the sevend precincts will bold primaries ju their respective precincts for the purpose of naming their delegates to attend said con vention. Koch delegate chosen must be present, if ixwsible, or Bend legally appointed proxies. Hillsdoro, N. M. Aug. 28th, 18S0. J. W. Stiver, U. W. Holt, Secretary. Chairman. The Rio Grande Republican published at Las Crucet, where the distrirt court is now in session says: ''Most of the forenoon was taken up with the argument of a motion to dismiss a suit brought for col lection of the forfeited bond of June L. Fuller. Monday. The case of the U. S. vs. June L, Fuller charged with having stolen a registered letter containing $800 while postmaster at llillsboro in 1884 was reached. It will be re inemltered that th grand jury re fused to find a bill in this can's and that June Fuller was tried and convicted on information filed by (Jen. Adams, who was then post- office inspector for this district. An appeal was taken on the ground that tli u trial ou information was illegal ana tlie spirit I was sua tained. At tlie last term cf court an indictment was found and it is on this. . indictment that he was tried. Tho district attorney was osHwted by Col. Fouutaiu while tho dnfenje was ably conducted by J. fllorns ioitng, of llillsboro All the forenoon was spaiit in se Acting a jury and Tuesday and Wednesday A new special agent, Mr. John L. Crockett, of Little Rock, Arkan sas, has just reported. Among tho knowing ones it is said, that Supervising Special Agent Smithes will have to go. It is understood It r has preferred ch urges against Commissioner Sparks and thut the Arkausaw senators are helping him. Ou the other hand, Sparks says Smithoe is unreliable and has been captured by the land thieves. There seems to be one case specially, which sticks in Spark's craw. Smithee examined and reported upon fifty entries on the lower Pecos river, and he re ported them sll right Spnrkf did not believe it. lie ordered Agents Wharton ami Foley to re-inveuti irate them. They did so, and re oorted them all riht, still several settlers in the vicinity asRrrt tha Wharton and Foley were fixed, so Sparks sends out other agent. It seems pretty hard to find an hon est special agent of the democratic faith. Dame Uumor also has it, that Smithee and Webb, foreui an ot the hits United States grand jury here, were in, and every man who wonld not come to the scratch was singled out ami indicted; that Thomas Smith, ttio district at torney, was an unconscious tool in the bunds of these man. he and the the casa occupied the attention of clerk and marshal benefiting great- ine court aim tlie jury brought in ly in fees. Die rumor seems a verdict of guilty. The case will be appealed to the supreme couit. r . w . . UUI'TAIN JiAWTOX, WHO 18 8 brave and honest oflicur, admits in an interview in San Antonio that Lieutenant Qatewood, of the Cth cavalry, captured Oeronimo. Gatewood, who is' as modest as a girl, would never make the claim, and it is fortunate for his reputa tion that Copta:n Lnwton is not otllictod with those petty jealousies thut so often disfigure the charac ter of army officers. i Ik ho iiemocruts wiio lire so prejudiced against Mexicans that they cannot supjHirt them for office, need not throw Anthony Joseph over their shoulder en that account, for he is not a Mexican. Mr. Joseph is the son of a Portngue father and a negro mother, was born and raised in this territory, but doos not claim to be a Mexi canexcept when among stran gers. very plausible one, and there are a good many people here who be lieve it firmly. Now Mexican. 1 here seems to be trouble in the rank and file of the democratic party in Lincoln county, as the following from the Interpreter, will show: "If the democratic party is to 1 run by the cattle as sociation, we think there are just lots of democrats in the county who will vote against tho nominees, just to teach the pary that if they expect to succeed they must be decent and show o respect for the law by supporting the policy of President Cleveland in rooting out ami punishing laud frauds. Interpreter. It would make a big hole in the democratic majorities in New York and Chicago if the anarchists were all hung. Deming Headlight. Yes, and it would nitike a big hole in the population of Deming if the boycotters and midnight stranglers of Darning were to got their just dues. it is understood thut tho re publicans in tho Territory will open their campaign simultane ously and earnestly on the 22nd inst. The leading towns will lie supplied with enthusiastic speak ers. The political pot will soon be boiling, but it will not boil over and booome excited from unusually mtense heat until after the uom nations mr county omces nave been made in each county in the Territory. It is all right as long as tho new s paper man does not present his bills, but when that is done the friendship which had heretofore existed bstweju the editor an I tha patron, is now forever severed. If a newspaper wishes to be well sup ported and have lots of friends, it should never think of preseutiug bills for printing or anything else. Any oditor who cannot pay printers house rent, board ami stand off tho washer-woniau, without bothering his pRtrous for money, had bolter stet'r clear of tho printing business. The nomination for sheriff on tie republican ticket appears to bo at this writing, between Wells and Storey Initli good men. Arthur DonnldHon is a good boy, ir, ami, Hlthongb lying a little in the back ground, may come iu well on the homestretch. Alex. M. Story announces him self ns a candidate as nominee for the sheriffs office, on the republi can ticket Alex, is an old timer in this district, and wouid fill the office with credit to himself and friends. Shnft-Ledge. i . . See the annouueement of Col. Jus. Parker for iv-election to the ftsiessorship, Mr. l'arker has made a good officer, aud should have th office a second terra. A. li. Laird, the prospective re publican candidate for sheri of Grant county was in town Inst week repairing his political fences. He is confident that he will receive the nominat ion. Enterprise. It will be a sad commentary on the party if he d( e get it Mr. J. A. Railhtd has entered into partnership with Mr. John Deckert in the Deming Rrewery, and the firm will now lie Deckert & lvaitliel. Mr. Deckeri is a first class urewer man, air. laithel an Al business man, and the two will mono a Wain that is bouud to have success. Headlight They are good, houest citizeus and we ore clad to note their co partnership. The Shaft-Ledge is full of min ing patents, and we are glad of it. It is funny, though, Curren has spent f 1400 for printing material in Kingston and never had the satisfaction of publishing one sin gle patent. ANNOUNCEMENTS. W ara anlhorlxrcl to ftinonncc tli name of Kalilrr of l.aa Pnlomap, a a rniiditlnle for the ofllce of Courtly AmfjiKor, atibject to tlie ac tion of tin K":'ublitau eounty convt'nti'Ui. Wo are authorized to aanoDtire the name of li Bum T. TuiinN, of t'lilorldi-, aa a candidate fur tl onVe of sheriff of Sierra rounijr N. M. aubject to the action of the Democratic County CoDvetuluu. I hereby announce myself as a caudiilato for the office of Sheriff of Sierra bounty, N. M., subject to the actions of the rebublicsu con vention at llillsboro, Oct. 0th, 1886. Alex. M. Storey. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for re-elecriou to tho office of County Assessor, sub ject to the actions of the democrst- ic county convention. James V. Parker. We are authorized to announce the name of Ij. Wells, of Lake Valley, N. M. as a candidate for the office of SherifTof Sierra county subject to the actions of tha repub lican county nomiuutiug con vention. We are authorized to aanouuee the uame of Arthur Donaldson as a candidate lor the otnee or H.ioriu of Sierra county subject to the actions of the republican couuty convention. mm Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the urilinarr klrida. and eannot be void in coiniietitton with tlie initlittnde of lov tent, abort weight, alum or phoaubate powarr. nuiu only iu ratie. hotal hakinq J'uw wukm Co., MM Wall It , New York. CITY DRUG STORE. "Prescriptions carjtilly prepared. New Stock Just Arrived. Wm. S. Staudish, DEALER IX Drugs. Medicines, Toilet Articles. Com lis, lirushes, Notions, Stationer r, Cigars, &c. MEAT MARKET, Beef, Fish, BEST OF Mutt) II, Veal, Always on by Sierra Land & Came, Sansnge Hand Cattle Co. W. P. Tossell, m RAGTICAL WATCHMAKER AND J EWE LEU. Opposite Postoffice, Deming, N. M, All work warranted. ARTHUR DONALDSON. Surveyor and Civil Engineer! Office in Hydraulic Office, llills boro. Orders by mail promptly uttendod to. B. NF.WCOMU, LasCruces, N. M. F. W. PARKER, llillsboro, N.M. Stock-holders M feting. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Sierra Graude Min ing Company will bo held at the company's office, in Philadelphia, Pa., No. 119 S. Fourth St Sept., 29, lS8f, for the election of Direct ors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busiuess as may oome before the meeting. John 13. Mel lor, Fres E. II. Yarnell, Secy For Sale Cheap. Artesian well lxriug outfit con sisting of eugiueL( 10 horse power) drills, etc., in lact all machineiy necessary for the complete boring of wells. Address this office. Col. Woodall will give reliable attention to the delivery of all goods or expressage placet! in his charge. Yi ait for Woodall's hack and 1 happy. Nswcomb, Parker & Alexander, Attorneys at Law, Hills boro, - - ew Mexico Elliott, Pickett & Elliott, Attorneys at Law. Hillrboro. . . New Mexico. A. L. CIBSON. ARTISTIC Boot and Shoe Maker. Latest style of "lasts" just re ceived. Cowboys boots made to perfection. Iieave your mensuie when in town and get a comfortable "Understanding." a u a. M o E? a T5 a 09 3S SO las a a Gregg. Mciiol: kin, PROPRIETORS OF LAKE VALLEY AND KINGSTON STAGE LINE. Running aj line of four horse coaches from Lake. Valley via Hillsborough to Kingston in the Clack Rang, the Switzerlaud of America. JOS. E ASKEW, Cen I Manager. LAKE VALLEY, N. M. a w 5" a P a 9 O ONI HOTEL BY Chasdlkb t Mead, Hillsboro, New Mexico. s-The only First olaas Hotel in the City.-- Livery SUble in Connection. Strangers visiting Hillsboro will find this house complete and com. modiuua in I1 its appointments Tables supphe with all the inaket affords. Rooms large and well furnished. Sli-rra Laud aud (utile Cutupaajr. T)hi trull 1 I. il.i'ri 'v ..u tlie Lit alila ii f . 1 hu lullow n- man II. 1 nor: fiu uluiuldii. k MCtp M ',,, ih r.n... li S J f""" ",,,l f S'lf.-i'l ll l c nl tli- J -- TS'i' ur ii'i rt'io'U A. ' p. Mi, Siena to. rocurua. . o nbiivo l on. . ii mi- cit a tl i f our tiramU fm II liulil- r. S ' Ci'iixral Mail.K.'. .) ' i..ti Miittr 4. S. L. V. SIERRA LAND & CATTLE CO., Horses S L C on loft hip. Sn)eVr ' .V S J4a A Srosrer. Kiob tin CiMhi llo Nsru and cnuntU )r Alnnio-i. cnwK. ur murk, c-rou "IT ih! ll'l r Kill: uu rtxl NifL HorM ...... u out t 1a but p,,t oruc: I'ucb llo. Slrrrs Co, N. M. Wllllaai raltw. WUUmm (Vltoa. The Hillsboro Restaurant- KNFER, JENSEN Proprietors. The Only Restaurant at the Coun ty Seat of Sierra County. First-Class in Everv Respect A IT Owp rcc I ai4 on r flit a dft. Bur maik: Kouotl I.U.V In vch cr. r O ultlrt aa: Lk Vallrjr, N. M. on r.Ul iu. Geo. Ross; A, aa per cut. P. O. Hilla- boro, N. M. THSirMI at IIJIW Jingle T. K lair j. Hillsboro, - N.M. Tho Serra Grande Hotel BY MRS. MORGAN. Excellent meals, the beet of beds and courteous treatment. Charges moderate. Lake Valley N. M. Indian Springs, L i v I V 9 bob both ears, also, cattle branded XT on left side earmark: jiu- gle-bob both ears. Ranee: ke Valley, N. M. llon and rart Hr.r bib4 thua: 4 plmct4 om a wi an. or p; io, n itberaU b4 crop oS riM ar. f. O lUrii KlnarttoB, a. H. Miry Taple. Rraad for Mook : Kar Mrkacroptw4 to U. rifkt b4 1 ! bwS ( U. Wrv Cut ahow. brand wliirli atmk I" lra.i to U. H. HallucIC januarjr l.l 1. wh thu braml run undivr said Ipbsj for ll cat tle. Won left s Ii o u 1 d e r for isorapany horses Lease expires January 1st 1HS7. W. J. WORPES. P. O. Palomas, Sierra Co., N.M- KOitCHF.KM Jk Urmrgf I'ewrll. 1 ThtKv la ouf atok brainil uad v rt a;de of .o.l on lort aboul trrof bin4. II. lure on tb. K rajio f kUmc t Hon. Dun Aoa UlUUtj:. S. AL Cattle brondrd oa '.ft at(t a.Ml kurv-t it lelt boultler: . r mark, rrop nS" art and a wallow rk In r fill I'. O. ktldreaa: Ldiaa V aiM.,, S. U. Xlhur lattlo Co. lUmli on t)rr Kork of r'alumaji. 4 n iva DonB r Hir .itttia au4 oarka an ft.lluwuj or caul,.. orF'o Ten or o rol una nindd on .Ithnr ieot btp; for bor " crelo aart-u tar.ndil uo rinUI 1'ioilltlvr. Ujru. b. or. V. O. aillr.i: HerntoM. M. M, Grajiea M C. 1 I'larrd on lift of atUt. riatwl apro tk aft abotiUor off IVtH. pel tk of uairaa Hluil. alMk otb. left atiuultVr jt kunat. 22 OD right hip or side. Half circle on right hip. V. Grayson, P. 0. Palomas. '. M. o .fl Ittinrb on lojia r.ek vbl ai a at. f I ake V ... Itraoa tm Ult tla of el Ir al 4 n Iber ala uf na- alot-b. V tl a14r: Ukt Y alta. V M. IT"- HZ on left side. P.O. address: Hilliboro, Nil.