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SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE HILLS BOROPGH, NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 188G. No rain wanted. John Worden was in the city. Canada Alamosa about washed away. County conimiasioners meet October 4th. Joe Tborn, on the democratic ticket, will run well. The gentle voice of Mr. Spike is again heard in the land. Lewis Enhler, (hough slightly disfigured, is still iu the ring. Democratic primaries will be held to-day throughout the county. The Sierra ,Co. Advocate will be found on sale at Standish's drug store. A petition to relieye sufferers at Alamosa is being circulated m Kingston. Fifty Jndiaus passed through town yesterday, on their ay to the Navajoe reservation. What's the matter with candi dates for the legislature? No au uouncements ns yet. Master Johnny Crews was thrown from a burro Thursday last, and hud ins arm broken. Who wants to be County Com missioner? Who wants to be J ustice of the Fence? Who wants tj be Supt. ot Public Instruction? I he campaign in this county this year will be close, short, Bharp and very earnest. Both parties are pretty equally divided. The republican executive com mittee are doiug little or nothing in Sierra county. Com, come, boys, this won't do. Thos. Murphy and Lewis K.ihler of rnlomas, hud some misunder standing. Result: busted hand and sore head. It is now an assured fact that Mr. Thos. Murphy, our worthy Mierift, positively declines to be a caudidate for re-election From tin Chloride Black Range. J Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Beckett now reside iu Peoria, Ills. The late heavy rains somewhat paralysed the Chloride creek road. Work on the Chloride creek road will commence Monday morning uext. How to be happy. Attend to your own affairs nud let other people's alone. The republicans of New Mexico are going about their work this year iu a manner that will win, J Mr. Story made many friends during his short visit beie and will receive a hearty support from this vicinity. There is every indication that mining operations in this camp will be more active this fall thau any time since the '81 boom. There are fair prospects of several mining companies commencing active operations in the near fu-Curo. O'Donovnn Kossa went to sleep in a New lurk restaurant the other r.ight, and the proprietor covered him up with a British flag. His words cannot be printed. They would bum holes in the paper. Rumor has it that deputy sheriff Lull will be a candidate for the sheriffalty of Hierra county, but not Lin ing his announcement we cannot 6ay. OtHonimo and Natchez remain in San Antonio, Texas, until it is nettled whether they are to be tried for their villainies in Arizona or not. The following prominent per sons made a short sojourn in our city recently: J. E. Jennisonand daughter, John Kennedy, Thos. Scales.Mary Yaple, Win. Little field, John Yaple and others. The telephoue office is now per manently located in the .sheriffs offiice, next to the Unjpn hotel. Much credit is due W. C. Hadley, who has had" the courage "to come to the front and put his money into this enterprise. With Marble auA ILidlej at the helnj, the future success of the telephone line is as sured. Music played in Kingston can bejieard plainly in Hilabbro. TJie deiuocracy'of Sitrra county are 'putting forth the delusive aigunifcul that Dtvyr has no inter est in, or sympathy with, the mining element- This is a silly campaign - subterfuge, far-fetched and presumptuous. Mr. Dwyer isnow, ud always has been, in sympathy with the mining in dustry, and if eltcted, will do all inhispowei to foster that indust ry. During the Inst cprwis year 1,120 new newspapers were started in the United States, and 9G5 of those previously started perished for lack of support. The projectois of these enter prises always leceive any quan tity of promises of support, and mighty little of anything else un til after long years of hard labor end the expenditure of larg sums of mouey. , News reached here last Monday of the accidental shooting of Chas. Yaple. Charlie was riding on the range and had occasion ta leap a ditch. In doiug so, his pistol es caped from the belt, and striking him on the hip, exploded, innictinc an ugly but not dangerous wound. Mr. A. M. Story and Mr- Rey nolds, two level headed republi cans, no m Kingston are in Chloride today. Mr. ritory will apptiar before the republican county convention in quest of the nomination of candidate for sheriff. Mr. Story is an intelligent, pleas ant pentleman and makes an ex. cellent impression upon those who meet him. Black Range. We uie clad to note the hos pitality extended to our republican friends during their visit through the northern part of the couuty The Black Range is correct. Mr Story is a pleasant, agreeable gen tleman and a man who will be credit to the position he seeks. Mr. Story is a capable, honest miner, and while the Advocate awaits the actions ot the conven tion before disclosing its choice, we must admit that Alex M. Story is a No. 1 man for the office. D. Do you approve of the incon siderate and unwarranted action of the National Administration in its bullying and browbeating de mand upon a friendly sister re public? 10. Do you approve of the revo lutionary action of Gov. Ross and the Territorial administration in attempting to displace Territorial officers in defiance of law and the decisions of the law of the Ter ritory? 11. Have you a free pais on the hanta re railroad and if you answer in the affirmative pleas state who gave it to you and what for? Inquisitive Democrat, TO ANTHONY JOSEPH Democratic Deleqate to Com gress: The voters of Dona Ana county ask you to answer ths following questions: 1. Would vou have beeu a lpfral voter if the Republican party had not have secured the adoption of the 15th Amendment to the Con stitution of the United States? 2. Are you iu favor of a tariff for the puroe of protecting American industries and American laborers? 3. AY hen the present adminis utiou was howling that 95 per cent of the laud entries in New Mexico were fraubulent, and thus foully aspersed the character of the good people of the Territory, did you in any manner or at any time in Congress, as the duly as- credited representative of New Mexico, raise your voice in protest against such villainous asper sions? 4 What have you to say to the citizens of Dona Ana county in justification of your attempt to have Fort Seidell abandoned and the military forces of the government removed from the couuty? 5. How is it that in the matter of land grants you have secured favorable action on the part ot the Surveyor General of your private land grant, while the same officer has taken unfavorable action to ward the bona fide community grants in Dona Ana ceunty; such unfriendly action tending to the rejection uf the Dona Ana, Santa Xomas, Juesilla and otner sucn grants, and thereby imperilling the homes of more than bait ot our population. 6. Is it not true that tha mail facilities of Dona Ana county, and more particularly the mail service between Las Cruces and the county of Lincoln have been reduced by the democratic administration at Washington since your lncnni- bency of the ofliae you now hold, and has not such reduction been entirely due to your neglect and want of influence in the admin istrative circles? 7. What bill or measure have yon caused to lie enacted into a law for the benefit of $ew Mexico sine you have been the represen tative of the Terrtiory? 8. Were the charges preferred by you against Governor Ross be fore the Senate Committee true, and why did yoa go back on your self and withdraw them? The leading feature of the ter ritorial fait will be the grand show of editors on the ifci day thereof. The Stockman will endeavor to be represented. -Colfax Co. Stockman. Yes, thats all right for you fellows who have passes, but the Ed. of the Advocate pitys his way, consequently he cannot be there. The state question will probably become an issue in the present campaign, at least it is the hobby that Mr Joseph will perhaps ride to death in the futile endeayor to be re-elected. Optic That's what we want, and tho Advocate favors the transforma tion. We don't believe that Col. G. N. Prichard was the man who said "Damn the newspapers." George knows, if he knows anything, that it was a newspaper man who stuck to him when he made his debut into territorial politics This, too, when all but the paper man had tied. L. Wells, of Lake Valley, will make an excellent sheriff, and if nominated, will surely be elected. Wells will add great strength to the republican county ticket. It is rumored that the Deming strangling ring have bought the in fluence of the Albuquerque Demo crat to abuse Harvey WhiUhill and other democrats of Grant county. Our pioneer barber, Mr. Martin, is again at his post, and as a pro fessor of criuicultural ab. scaudicision he has few equals. He is again ready for business and will stay sober for a long, long time. He welcomes back all his old and many new friends. Give him a call. A petition was raised last week, in Hillsboro to extend the A. T. A S. F. from Lake Valley to Hillsboro, eighteon miles. 12,000 was subscribed, with a probability of raising much more. Robert Sowall, of Like Valley, will attend promptly to all for warding and commission business entrusted to his care. If you have any freight to ship or rceive, write him to attend to it. Charges mod erate. We ore glad to call the attention of our citizens to the advertise ment of Chas Zahn fc Co., who have just opened a first-class bakery and confectionery in Hills boro, where all can be accom modated with the "staff of life." Important Notice to hunters and trappers. I pay the highest prices for raw furs and skins, specimens, birds and water fowl's Bkb. Send for price list to W Mwl.r of In the Dlelrlct l'uri of the r nrj .' lic'.l Dielrlct, Territvrr ef New Mexico, within end tor the county of Sierra, therein, November term, A. D. leM. Jerome H. Nultna, I t ritinlif.l . I "ml Uf Debt end Attachment. The Black Kan( If I- I Damagea, ITJJ.tW. Inr and Milling Com-1 pauy, a t'orporalieu, Defendant. Tho aaid defendant, tbt Heck Raege Mining end Milling Company, a corporation daly In corpoiaird under lbo lawa of tbt Staitof llli noie, tniled li lea of America, la hereby not! tad that a anlt at law bjt an action in '-debt" kaa brrn commenced areiinl it in tha Tblra Judi cial BUlrict Court, of tbt Territory of New Ma ico, witbln and for tho county of Sierra, by tha id Jerome II Kulton, plainlttT tha funeral bjeel and uurowe of .aid lull, la to recover Iba uui or inree uonared ana nity (') emiara damagea, tbe aainc being for mid on account ef e judgment in favor of eald Jemmo B Nallon, plaintiff, aninil tha aald Black Kaage Miulnf and MillluK Company, including latcratii and coata of court therein that aald judgment ait o obtained on tbe aecond day of January, A. 1. 1HIW, in lUa Circuit "ourtof Ureene county. State of I lllnuie, t ailed blatca of America, at tha city of l arrulion. in aaid Ureene county, at the December apeclal term thereof, A. I. that your pinprrij iu aaid Sierra county hat beau at tacked, and Ibal anlree you enter your appear ance iu aaid auit on or be'ore the flrat day of Iba next term of aald court, commencing at Hillalwro, In aald county of Sierra, an tbe aec ond Mullduv ul November. A. 1. Ittae. HIUC be mg Iba aib day of aatd November, judgment by default will be rendered areinet yon and your propel ty will be aald to tltf) ll'e enme. W. J. Jul,. Uerk of the M Judicial nitlricl Court, Terrl torv of New Mexico. J. M. WKIISTKK, Deputy. J. Morria Ytiung, Attorney for Plaintiff. Land edict at Let Cmiea N . M. Sept. It. lea. Notice la hereby alven that tha following named aettler baa filed notice of kia Intention to make final proof In aupport of bla claim, ami that laid proof 111 be mado before tbe I robate C ark at Hillaboroiigh. en Nov. 4th. IS", vli: WIIHa n Coitnn 01 d -claret -iry Hite-mi-nt No. 1MI for Ike aw i. aeenon VS. town- h!n 16, a r 7 wet He nemea the following witnetie te nreee hie etmtlnuona realrleui'e tipen. end cultiva tion ef aald land, via: a.C. Tiuiiip.J. D. Thomaa Edward Murray. Wni. C. Kunnele.all of Sierra county, New Mexico. EDMUND O. SHIELDS. Begliler. Lend Office, at Laa t'rucea, N. M , July 30th lam Notice la hereby given that the following named aeiller baa filed notice of hia Intention o make Anal proof Ir. aupport of kia claim, and bat aaid proof will be made before Probate Clerk, et Hlll.lximitrk . en Hentemberih. IHM vie: Joee Maria Uercta, on homeetead No. "a'i, ror lota a and , aec. , lot : aud nwu awv ate. 8, tp 14. er 4 w. He namea Ike following wit- nefaea to prove Die enntmuoae reaidence upon. and cultivation of, aaid land, viz- Juan Oarcla. or Sierra t'ouuly, New Mexico. Trutuieo tiarcla, " u " " Martin Sarrerai, " ' Fabian Silva, " E. O. SHIELDS, Beglater. Notice of Forfeiture. nilUt.orongh. N. M July n, IMe. TeJ W. and Janice Bkowm : Notice ia berby given ihut I, ih nnderaigned have exvendeo-oue kuudred luu) dnllara In la bor ofiou each of tile following mlniug flalmi, to-wlt: Wlt'oniln, F.tgbty-lhree, and Oelden Puree, eilualed In tbe !. Anlmae mining Dia trlct. Sierra county New Mexico, for the year 1HS5, in order to held poeReMion thereof nnder aection !H4 of iba reviacd alatutea of tha Unit ed Htatea, and if witbln ninety daya after this notice of publication, you fall or refuaa to con tribute your proportion of each $3.o expend iture no ce owner, bceidra the cast of tele ad vertlnemeut. your Individual Intereet In aaid clatme will become the property of the ou'ler ii;iied in acvordance with the atalutory enact ment, .lae. . Hurt. by Chaa. R. Hart. Ally iu fact F. I Mgllsao & Co., Lake Valley and Kingston. Staple ant) Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, loots, and Shoes Groceries and Provisions. Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods and Hats. Shirt and Suits made to order. NOTIONS, FURNITURE and CARPETS. Our stock is large and complete, and we propose to sell all gooda on tbe smallest living margin of profit end respectfully request share of the pnblie patronage. Orders from the interior solicited and prompt attention guaranteed A. TERAULT. N. E.GALLE9. IBM? -JDIALEDS IX J ft-TMINCR'S SUPPLIES.- NEW GOODS. Full arrival and epeniug of NEW GOODS., NEW GC3SS Goldspef, Boston, Maes. Philadelphia. Ueneial Secre tary Turner of the Knights or Labor has issued a general circular to the 9,000 local assemblies of the order, calling for a geueral ex pression of opinion regarding the establishment of a public news paper to be conducted in the) interests of tuo jnignts or jjaoor. The scheme was suggested at the late convention in Cleveland. It is estimated that the total mem bership of the Rnighta is abent ono million and a per capita tai fo fifty cents would yield the eum of $500,000. Fquity, the Official Journel of United Labor, is to be its title, but whether itehall be a doily or reekly still remains to pe determined. Answers to the cir cular are to he sent to the general secretary-treasuaer soon enough for him to formulate a report for presentation to the Convention, .kn IS A 4i.L which meets at menmona ucl nn. fteTicfc er hut. Trneman F. Chapman aud ) Uoaen Tbnnipeon VS. I hitncery. liu.-.n, and tha In the td Metric! unknown heira of naniel teuri, Territory of uuien uecvarru, ana iua on-I new Mexico known pereona claitnauta of County of Sierra mtcreat in me t.auy rrang lln mine and the Rattle Snake mine, eltuated in Ike counly efSlerra and Terri tory of New Mexico. Tbe ealil defendanla Dtiran and the en known kelra of Daniel Dagan deceaaed. and the unknown peraona claimant, of Intereat In ike l.aily rranklln mine, and le luttla Sin ike mine. Itnatcd In the counly of Sierra and Terrllury of rtew Mexico, are tiervoy noiinea mat a ault in t'hancery bae buen commenced agalnat them in the Third Judicial Dlelrict conrt for Ihecoanty of Sierra and Territory of New Mexico by vaid tun- flainauta Trueman F. Chapman and Motee 'honipann. to quiet the tiileto tbe aald I.ady Franklin mine and Hattle-Suake mine; tkal ga leae you enter your appearance In aaid ault, on or before tke flrat day of tba next November term of aald court, com menctag on tba Bib day ef November A. D. ttte, decree pre coafeaeo therein will be rendered agalnet yon. w. J, Jobi.ik, clerk, hy J. M. Welitter, Deputy, t.'atron, Thornton, Clancy and Cockrell, and J. Uorrie Vonng attorney, for FlainliS, .luly 31, 1 two. FORFEITURE KOTICK. UlLL.nokouoH. N. U. June 1-th, UM, Te A, Lafave. hit helri nud repreauntatlvei: You ere hereby notified that I hare expend ed Two Hundred Hollar In labor upon the ktanrhe.ter mining clultn, altuate iu Miorra enunty. New Uexlcoand l.aa Auitoaa mining dlatrict, recorded April lid IMS, In bona Ana county, New Mexico, being the esaeamnent work required by law for litMand lt!. If wllh in Ninety day alter Ihla Notice by Publication yeu fail or reltme to contribute your proiur. tlen of anid expenditure ea a co owner, yeu. intereat in tale claim will become the propertv oftneeukacrlber, J, U, UUKl 1 kN l, ' juue U-Jm Land Office, Lea Crncea, N II., September,!, 1BU Kotice It kerehy flven that tba followlng-nam-rdaeitlerhaa lied notice ef hit Intemljn te mke final proof in auppertof kiaclaltn, and that aaid proof will be made b.rore tke I'robale judje at illlltboro, on October mth, 18M. via; Jeaua Miria Lucero, on dcclaiatory atatement No. 17, for the aw ! ae a M aw 1. 14 " aec. lb tp 14. a K 7 w. He namea tbe foliowini wituee.e. to prov. hiarmitlunoua jeaidence upon and cultivation of, taid laud, via; Jeau ttarie I'adlllo, Aquablto Torrea, C. Fad 1 1 la, Rentolo klarqace, ell of Sierra county. InMuxDO, Bmiilm, Kecttter. Ind Office, Lai t'rnrea, KM. September 1, 1M Notice It herehv given that the following named aettler haa fl led notice of hia intentlen to make flaal proof in auppor, of kia claim' and Ibat aaid prool will be made before tke Probate Juce el (llllaboro, en October 19th IDM, via: fcmia verie rtdillo on llwiaaalead Ne. for n. e e. w. V- n. w. V4 e. e. t. tec. if. Tp. la, t r. a. w. He namea the feliowinf witnetaea to prove bla contlnuoua retldence uon. aad cultivations of, aaid land, vlt: J. M. Lacaro, Aquakite Torree, C. Padillo, Hetnolo elarqaaa, all of Sierra Cooatj, New M dxico. kiuuiD U. Bc(iaieJ. Land Offlce, Lea Crncee, N. M. September 1, 1M. Notlcejt hereby clven that the followlnf named aettler baa died notice of kia Intention te maketnal pioof in aupport of hia claim, and that aatd nroof will be made before tbe Probate Judge of Sierra County et Ulllaboro, en October Ivtn, inno, via: Aquaniio I orret, on avciamvif tutement No. IMe. f or the e. w. t a. w. V aec. II, nVi ow. 4 nw. ne. eec. H Tp 1,S H I w. He nemea tbe following witneaaea to prove hit conlinnona retldence upon, and cultivation of taid lead, vix : Jeean atarza Padillo, J. M. I.ncere. f attiuo, Homoie jaarqvee.eilof sierra county, M. kt. v. tinvn, Bar I tier Lted Once et Lae Crncet, M M. Sent. It. 1M. Netk-e It hereby fleca that the followlai named aettler haa fled notice of hit Intemien to make final proof is eupportof ble claim: and that anid proof will be eaa.e before the Pro bate Clerk et Hlllaberet f h, en Oct. , laM, .vlt: William W. Sreltoa, ea declaratory ata'e- mant No. . for the ml, nt, aec. It, e4 ne, ne,, ai. eectlei ea. towoamp ii, toutn range weat. He aemea the followlne Wltneaaet te pieve kit eonliuuout retldeace open, end euluve Ion efaeld land, vli: Jamea toater, Jemea at Urever. lamee klitckel, 1. Cam bell elleflierre ceuaty, N. M. tDXUNDO. SHIELDS, Keglater. The Finest Display of Dry Goods in New Maxico- Including New Silks, Colored Caahmars, Lrdies Cloth Plaida, Francll Oinghams'and Printa. New Notions and fancy goods of every description. .Lote of New Doots, and flhoei and Clothing. ciqaks and;todacoo. queensware, etc. Finest brands of Winea and liquors always on hands. UILLSRORO. NEWMEXICO. Herrin, Eelle r S le Wholesale and Retail Dsaters in General Mirchandlu W carry, the Largest and Best Selected :fttook I jt Sum Cooir. t We buy from first Uaads, and oar prices defy oompstitba. tock of DRY GOODS, Bot8 -nd 8hoe, "aU LUMBER, POTATOES, May. Cram I FLOUR, And Building material. 5 We gira ORDERS from neighboringtoaaspa propt attention LAKE VALLEY AMD alLUBOOO.