OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, October 02, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1886-10-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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rwci $3 Tin Ykak.
rikllDHANII PH.il'IIIProfl.
i'or Delegate to Congress,
Of Colfax County.
Republican County Convention
The Sierra County Republican
Convention will input at the Court
House in. Hillsborough, at 1:3')
o'clock p. m., Wodnesdiy October
4!th 188(i, for the purpose of nom
inating candidates for the different
county olliees to Imj filled at the en
suing election: Oonsikting of u
Popreseutntivo for Grant nml Siar-
ra counties in tho teiriturinl as
Probate Judge,
Probate Clerk,
Sup't Schools,
3 ('minty Commissioners.
3 Piver Commissioners.
Tlia different precincts of the
county are untitled to Hie following
representation in tlm convention:
I'rccli.et No. 1, I.uk lloy t li.i-triiii,.
" " 1!, liitiHlitiniiiuli, S
" " 3, KlntcKin tl "
" " 4, U I'alntT,, 4
" " t. Cm litlln NYgrui "
" " 0, Omfion, 1 '
M " TComhU Aluiuona 1 '
" " KSju.lwt, U ".
" " B llcrmnn '
" " lo l-'nlrvl.-ir i "
" "II ' M mil. I
" " It KhqIu 1 .
Tnlill lillllltl'T HI.
It in desired tli.it tlm Republi
cans of the several precincts hold
their primaries for the selection of
delegates on Saturday, Oct. 21 mid
at the Bania timo select a member
of the Republican County Central
Committee to represent their pre
cinct for tho nxfc twoyenrs. Prox
ies will not li recognized unless
parsons holding them are residunts
of the prtcinct from which t!ii
proxies nrc obtainod.
Py Order Cent. (Join.
A. Donaldson, Chni'n.
W r nlhorli'd to mnioiiiir Itii- iminn ir
l.fwl Knhlrruf l.im I'lilnmim, an a (--imluliui- fur
tht ofltra of County Amu'mnr, uliji.rt lo Hiom
tli.na of tbu lto;iiilllut) county innvi'iitlmi.
I hereby onnounco myself as n
candidate for theoflico of Sherifl
of Sierra county, N. M., subject to
the iictioiiB of lh robublicr.u con
veution at Ilillshoro, Oct. Villi, MSG.
Alcr, 51. Ktorcy.
We are authorized to announce
the name of L. Wulls, of Lake
Valley, N. 31. as a candidate for
the oflieeof SherilTof Sierra county
nuhject to the actions of tha repub-
Jicau county nominating con
vention. W'a are authorized to announce
tho name of Arthur Donaldson as
a candidate for the ollieo of Sheriff
of Sierra county subject to the
ucUoim of the republican county
1 hereby annoutico myself iu n
candidate for the office of county
commissioner of Sierra county,
hubject to the actions of the re
publican county convention which
utiels in UilUlioro, Oct. ith. 1SSII.
Eli Hilly.
I hereby respectfully announce
lnyaelf as mi Intiependent candi
diite for election to tho office of
Sheriff of Sierra couuty.
David 15i kkk.
itlA nr Btill selling for little
or nothing in Kaunas City and
Chicago, nml this Mate of things
may continue for ttixly days yet,
li.it fat ulcers i:i Dwcember will
biing fuir prices. It loust be ad
mitted tliut the calf crop this year
wh short, as it alw was hi.t ynr,
iitid from this fall prices must ad
vance, as steers cannot be sent to
mullet if they me not in exist
tMiee. llalon Comet.
It is said thnt Sirs. Cleveland,
tin I'rcsident's mother in-law, and
trm Trcsidout will return to Wnsh
nrton this week. TLo White
House has been put in jieifeet or.
tl-r for their reception.
There is only one class of editura
who now fuvor the land going to
the jiflo pie instead of the grubbers
mid tliievt -that class isjcompobetl
aliiiost entirely of preacher-editors.
This is a good bign. and shown that
(Jod, justice and ihe clergy are on
one Hide, while the devil, the Santa
t'o ring mid policy news-pupers
on the other side.
The Advocate would advise
our f!npirir.g county politicians to
desist from one thing and that
thing is tho swapping oil' of friends
on their own ticket to get in llmm--selves.
H'e want ovary IUpublican in
ftiorra county to vote for J. W,
Dtvyer this fall. If we cannot yet
justice from him, we certainly can
not from Anthony Joseph who
owns u land grant.
Mr. Storey passed through town
Wednesday on his way to the
railroad station with his brother,
who is very sick. Mr. Storey has
had little or no time to attend to
campaigning, owing to the illuows
of his mother and brothers.
Mr. Clary had hi.i prisoners out
tiiis weeic, clearing u j the streets.
Our court house is 'being put in
repair, picpniatory lo the fall cam
lid. IVstof Cuchillo, is in receipt
of the following dispatch:
Lake Valley, Sept. 21st, ISfIC
Let Father I'riiitn have SI 30 iu
provisions for the sufferers iu Can
ada in bflhtlf of tho citizens of
I.' L 1 , 'II
ivingsioii, ami i will aan l you
It. H. IIon-En..
There is one beauty about our
republican eimdiitatjH, which is
different with tho dcniocratii can
tlidato; for s!trilT. Our men,
will 'tt an ntiio support
id hoine, whilo not one of the
democratic aspirants for sheriff
can say this.
Advices from theU.S. hind
olli.'O at Washington are to tho of
fset that the e.ltlwrs on the
Deming parks will get Jmr laml-
o are glad to heio:hiH, the
railroad company soever hud any
title,to the lamV Lut Himply ti ied
to litilldozo 'the people because
they ( the railroads) were rich and
powerful. If Secretary Sparks
tloes this, he will forever t.tund in
the memory of tho people as a nnui
of decision and character, whose
eijual bus never filled tho position
of Secretary of the Int.
We are dead down on any
candidate, who will coinnnnea
trading and swapping. It is not
right, and should b.) sat down on
by all honest delegates.
Why should the nnuera vote for
Joseph? Is it beciitisu ho owns a
grant and has always been in favor
of land grants, and uie they in
favor of paying royalty to Mr.
Joseph for the favor of digging in
the ir mild? Theie is no reason why
the miners tthould vo for Joseph
and tiiero is every renso.i why
they should yoto agsinst him.
They certainly will vote next No
vember for a man who has the
ability ami the industry to protect
iheir interests, and that man is
not Antonio Joseph. All thinking
men, be they Mexican or American,
tuineis or ranchmen, cattle men or
sheep men, when they haye to
choose between lhvyer and Joseph,
will vote for Dwyer, and no amount
of humbug can prevent it.
11 i 1 1 i i-
M. Harbor, J. liilmo, T. Fit.,
patriek, J. E. Thompson, Judge
Fun: and F.Cahill
Lake Vai.i.ky Di'i.koatks.
II. Herrir, Do? Stanley with
proxy and John Thompson.
Cin.oiiior. Dri.KOATUs.
J. 11. Fecnon, J. H. Vvillianie
with piusy.
Knoi.k Dki.kuatf.s.
51. llubinson.
Wiuihington, Oct. 1, 188C.
President Cleveland's partY
concluded, in spite of the threaten
mg weather on 1'riday morning, to
make the hunting and tishing eX
piiditum for which arraiigements
had been made. They were con
veyed down Sarnnao lake from
l'ruspect house on the hltmiu launch
ami afUtr a cany acrotis country,
they hiok Hiuall bouts and were
trans)'rtivl up the U'ujtietto river
and into 15i 1 upper lake. Ihe
rendezvous will be at Mark
MoodyV, on Tupiier lake. MckkW
liHi n wide imputation as a deer
hui.U'r and ho agreed to "give tho
I'l'eHidoiut and his friends a hunt
From a source that is unujually
reliable, l learn that on or a little
after October lt Mr. Munning's
resignation as Sycretaiy of the
IreiiMury v i 1 1 bo formally accepted
by the l'resident. My information
is tout 51 r. Manuhi'' would hav
willingly resigned before he left
WiiKliington, feeling sure that he
would never again be able to re
suiiie the active duties ot his office.
Hut the 1'ivsident did not wish the
step tnkeii then, for two reasons.
The first wan that ho bad quite
enough to tlo at the timo without
having to look out for a new bee
retury of the Treasury. The nec nd
reason was that as Mr. Manning
had left Albany and came here at
soma personal ine.iivenit'iiee, to
suy nothing of expense, the 1 resi
dent desired or was willing that he
rdiould remain in cilice until he
got even prcuniai ily, although he
(itd id work for Bix months. After
listening to all this 1 asked my in
foi nouit if be had any idea as to
who would take Mr. Manning's
place. "1 have an idea," said ho,
"but I am doubtful about the
propriety of giving it publicity.
Well, if you want lo know, I'll tell
you. My impression is that the
Cabinet will be recast. There is
another member of it who would
like to go oat. No, J will not tell
you who it h, but I know tho truth
of what I Say. I think if llnu'o is
a new tjeid the President will be
dnpoM-d to give the Tteasury to
Mr. Puyard. He was chairman of
tho Senate Committee on Finance
when the Democrats had that ls)dv,
and would make a much hotter
Secretary of the Treasury than he
mflkos of State. 1 never thought
of this until it was sugg-htetl to
me by something 1 became cogniz
ant of iu the course of my official
duty. Two or three incidental
happenings hour out this opinion."
"Well, who would lake the State
Department?1 1 asked my infor
mant in socio astonishment ut his
developments. "Let mo answer
your question by asking auother.
llow would the Mi.ioi-isiupi phil
osopher and htaU'suiun, Lamar,
lo? And then," ho continued,
'that would give the President a
chance to tlo something for Uncle
Joe 51c Donald, of Indiana. See?"
And with that he Went into his
The report that Secretin y
f, ulnar contemplate matrimony
again was the subject oE consider
able comment in the Interior de
partment Saturday.
fk 5
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes. A
marvel of purity, strength and
Morn econonil'-fll than tho (Hilnjiry klnili. awl
ennnot he uld in cnimit'thion with Ihr tmiliinttle
of low tet. hhort wnk'hl, alum or !ihnn.li.'Uv
on okk Co., ion Wall it., Ni'vv York.
ptr Prescriptions carefully prepared.
New Stock Just Arrived.
W'm. S. Stundish,
Drugs 5Iedicines,
Toilet Articles.
Notions, j
S T A T I O K E It If,
Cigars, &c.
E;:r:, McArdle I Asksw,
-ritoriiiETons op-
Punning aj lino of four horse coaches from lke. Valley
via Hillsborough to Kingston in the Pluck Pangr, the
Switzerland of America.
JOS. E ASKEW, Cen I Manager.
Ciiaxoli.b & 51eap, Ilillshoro, New 5Iexico.
KTThe only First '-cites Hotel in the City."!
Livery Stable in Connection.
Strangers visiting Ilillshoro will find this house complete and 00m
niodious in -ill its appointments
Tables supplm with all the maket affords. Rooms largo and well
M. nii l.uiiJ atiJ ( it:li C nip. uy.
' In- l,r n.l Ik iihc.I
5Iutt on,
G tuie,
Always on Hand
Sierra Laml & Cattle Co,
W. P. Tossell,
Opposite Postciflice, Deming, N. 51.
All work warranted.
Surveyor and Civil Engineer.
Ollice in Hydraulic Ofiice, Ilills
horo. Orders by mail promptly
attended to.
Las d uces, N. 51.
F. W. I' All KKK,
IlilLboro, N.51.
The Advih'ate is supported by
the people entirely upon its nierith.
It is noithor the sl.ivo of the people
nor the mercenary instrument of
any faction, ring or clej le aad it
hoisted tVunume of J. W. Dwyer
Pecause he was tlu br.'st m:iu. No
paper can expect to have any po
litical influence on its renders w hen
it placed that influence for sale to
the highest bidder. The Am'oCATK
is the vehiclo of the ideas and
principled of its proprietor, and
those principles are not for cale to
the cHinlid ite who offers the most
Newcomb, Parker Alexander,
Attorneys at Law,
nilldboro, - jtew 51exico
Elliott, Pickett I Elliott,
Attorneys at Law,
IIlT.i.Hitono, - - New 5fexieo.
r "V ' n Urn ii'-l "'u "
s , 1 In- 11. llow im ii'-'i'-
C I . 11-1 : ' o
O I.., .1 i-u ni. .1 1
, -i-i J 1 'I' u"-'
t II t
.v V. I It I' It'll'
(j iii. .cr. ft 1 u '-
1 f our I r i!i !
S. L. C.
Horses S L C on left hip.
Hnjder lirwti. Kcearpe.
itiinrln n m iiMin
Ni'K una I'tiufxiii
"VV -It" AlUllKV It I TK't.-
mr 111111 nt. i-rcii on
ml npl't rft li : 1111
i.rlnl li'I'i- IIMfio
-.1110 11H caltlo but
n loll Nlio'iltliir.
I i.m ot'.ioc:
I ui'li I In, Sicrm
- 1 '-
U., M.
-V. H. V 'TH.
Pobett Hopper, Judge W-d,
Pol t. Pledsoe. Dr. Pooth of Las
Crnees, Jas. Wilson. 5Ir. pocoe
One of tlm horses attached to and 5li . Duran
t,-,fltii i-ei.iM 111 -oiuiiit,- naiKs viivinulLt,,,.,-,!, ,,,;.,i;
I.-.W ItiMulvtr.t Kif -K.v --U.f '" any waurcii iur tn comin
Letlce. -O" i campaign. '
Tho nntiou-d coinniitteo of the
anti-saloon republicans met lust
Friday at Chicago. An executive
committee was chosen, and the
subject of campaign literatuie was
diseusevl. It was decided to
present memorials to the st ite re
publican conventions and do
every thing jnissible to get the
paity to commit itself to temper-
auce evcryw hero. It was decided,
however, to work strictly within
pol ly iiurs and to diiiciiuruge ull
third-party movements.
5Ir. Penchter accompanied 5Ir.
Storey's brother to Kansas
Ceo. Ddwitt, from Herniosn,
passed through our city on Lis way
to Kingston.
Our esteemed citizen, Mr Pur-
Boot and Shoe Maker.
Latest Btyle of 'Jnsts" just re
reived. Cowboys boota made to
Leave your measuio when in
town and get a comfortable "Undcr
Btandiug." The fiilisboro Restaurant-
KNEEP, JENSEN Proprietors.
The Only Pestauraut at the Couu
ty Seat of Sierra County.
First-Class in Everv Respect.
William 4'utton.
G C rtJ
r;j'r lunrK: iuiuuu
: ti ciH'h 4nr.
I1 (). twidrt'ft:
Luku XnlU-y, X, M.
William VuiUm.
Ptwk brand jno
cc P
'ST! oni.KiaiU,
' (TI
Oeo. Poss;
A, as per cut,
P. O. Hills
boro, N. 51.
iut iihowi l.ran4
vvliit-ll KliK'k 0 liHriil
1,1 1). II. Ilulluck
jai-uarj- Ut 18SJ.
wn tho brand
r. 1 1111 uini.i
4LJ 3 'ens? for silent-
W II Jde. WonUft
i h o u 1 tl e r for
r, S )fi'""'PyI'rsM
K- Lease expnoa
January 1st 18S7.
W. J. vvor.DF.x.
P. O. Pitlonins, Sierra Co., N.JI'
l:O.U'!IKIt sri.UK.
Tlii. nlKn In rot
T--. sliirk iH'iiltil u4! (Q
'n 81110 nr tHIt
iii.l on tftlt Miuuk
s x (if h(ii-w.
l.'iincii on the U p
i Hiidit
I t) mtdreAH:
ItirHHin. 1. n Atm
t IKiljlj . ti- U.
(;t'rt Pwwt ll.
f Ciitiln lirm
rtj - 1 W'.V'.l'l mW, IIJ.'I
JlilsMlilll (jtillll (',
Ciitiln lirnivlrtl o
1 iii.r-
boil titer:
-jHiii (itr
liiuu'h on Tr
'i of I'liloriiux
11 14 uiirtti ot lli-r-
Hrunilii itnl
a4 fitlUlv:
cvi'ii (ir o role 1M10
i-ffiKtcd on tilOM-ff
Occir liiit fur hor-
c rek Kjl-i a
r.imW ou rUjl4
'lll)ll..-. II) i,. 11. t'l'CI-M.
t. O. uJJi v". : lle-niKWH, N. M,
(rit)Mu & lo.
N. 51.
Tho Sierra Grande Hotel
Excellent meals, the best of beds
and courteous' treatment. Charges
Jintle bob
both ears, also,
cattle brnnded
X T on left side
earmark: jiu-gle-bob
ears. liange:
Indian Springs, Lake Valley, N. 51.
P- ""a
C 10 i
lick, lvf used the ollL-e of J u.-tice of moderate.
the Peace.
Lako Valley N. 51.
k. i
I 9I..ry liK.
Honw Btiit eottln
'"'"'"t nucli, thus:
f5T3 "IM l'l',l n
Si'l loft s (In or
WjWll p: nlM 14
n.i.J on cithorsiOo
1M orop ou right
P. O. nJilrops:
KiUKTtuuM. M.
nra:i,l fur t'r rk ;
Kur mm k v-n.iiiU
l.j the r i,'ht ini
l l'tfio bub to Iha
rVinrd OO left 0
riaool niwD ttift
vtt HiiouliUur of
eft "lii of clTr
ih! lOirHlnirH snifc
n tho toft ilxwl&u
f bot-JU
22 on righi
hip or side.
tlslf circla on
right hip.
N. , (irByson,
P. O. Palomas.
.; , - ... d-nrh on Tn'Tmi
CV il nik. -lit lulics
' v I "in i.f liiki. Vnt-
O ' . I'r.nrt in left
i .. wl lo I f !-,. if. ni-.l
).'f J o'..
tt.ll(.. N. Jf.;
r 4
-,mi ,'J m 1
HZ on left side.
P. O. address:
Hillsboro, Nil.

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