Newspaper Page Text
FIKHI! V OVS IT ADVOCATE HILLHJiOlivrt'-GH, M'W MI-AM! I. SATURDAY, OCT., 2d J 880. W. C. licdly, our rest repre-- -' 'iive, passed throuyb iJillsboro ' .'.1:1 V . .Spi!:. remarked tliat they (Hie tl(;n.:. ni!s) intend jratting up a crtii'!i.l;.te to bora Wells Sube the jo'iiir xis ouiy a oiorey you told, Ibpike. E. C. Watson left tins morning for Socorro wherj lie will prsi-ti'ia with the Socorro hose teutn which will p.-irtieip.-ita m the touninment it the Albuquerque fnir. lilack Xe.m St. Chariot came up from llrtrmosn t b i week and reports that camp flouri.shirijr. Keau Inn n leaao on the (Jrovcr Cleveland and in taking out ore. K-jhh will from now- oa devote his time tj mining. iil izk Itwio TLrouii Hie nolicitntion of friends at Kingston and elsewhere in the county, W. C. lladley lms concluded to make the race foi representative of Sibira conuty, subject to the actions of tLe re publican county convention. Claikni'd Gould cnly ijot two dollars and fifty cents cut of their fttnge robbery and fright dollars out Tl'K I AND .XF. '' "III. We. I Wix, T:iL-i You Loosk.". The Albuquerque Journal is trying to make it appear that Ita publicnnism and hind grantisui are synonymous. See here, Bro. Clark, vou are young in this territory, and inex perienced about this laud grant business. Don't give yourself fin ny too much. Southern New ileiico is full of good rapnblicans and if you don't want to drive all t5ie (square, honest, upright ro-j publicans into the democratic party, let up. Let up on trying to make an i:?sne of tho land grant, : land steal, business. The repub lican party can afford to be just as honest as the democracy and when you try to put forth tha statement that thni-H has been no illegal sle-iling of the public domain by both paities, you are trying to foteo n bitter pill down n squaic, republican throat. We say, don't do it. If you cannot afford to be a square republican, yon cannot of tlie. Nutt Station robbery and Murder. They each got fifteen ysars in tha penitentiary. Verily, it don't pay to be a robber in 2ew Mexico. Notwithstanding the efforts made to keep it quiet, the big strike on the Deadwood mine at Kingston is becoming an assured and well known fact. The mine is situated between the Comstock and Black C It mines, and is, to say the least, a big thing. The min eral is bigh grade and tha ore is being quietlq sp.cked and sent away. We Lave not yet learned who the owners are, but this strike has been a quiet secret for some time. TheJShaft Ledgp, the only paper iu Kingston- and a sound demo cratic paper at (lit calls the democratic primary in that city "h cut and dried Jarce," and da li. iiiices it in bitter terms. That's ju, t like the democrats, they pre lum! to bo ho politically honest, i. nd at tha same, time, do more dark work than anybody. Wait until;we republicans liavo a meet ing, and seeho'vwe do things in the "broad open light of the day?" An Mih-lend grant paper is what we are. We don't behove in stealing the public domain, we do not believe in allowing tli3 rail road corporations to rob the people out of it; neithor do wo believe in land grants. Wo are an anti-land i rant" republican newsoaoer c id we don't care a fig who does or v. he does dot like it Such are vur s'lntimo'its. ifrs. Frank Yager, accompanied by Gaorge W. Orn-gtr, her step father, arrived from Kingston on the morning tram and went on to Wateroiis whore the dead body of tier husband, who was killed at Fort Lyons, by a horse falling on liim, waits her comiug. Until her arrival iu Las Vegas, tha sad, heart-crushing nows had not been conveyed to her. Her only two children recenty died and it wag feared that the shock of the an nouncement of the death of her husband would b too great for hor to bear. Optic. At the republican primaries last right: Messrs. F. Parker, John Donahue hud Jesus Baca were duly fleeted delegates to tho county convention. Mr. JdcLe is, who was nominated on the democratic ticket for Justice of the Peace, was converted from a democratic rebel to a square un fettered and untrammeled republi can. The following gentlemen Mere selected as school directors: V r!.,..W Uf l!n.nn .n.l Afr Aloa TUie mutter of adectiug a con stable was laid on the table indefi nitely. Meeting then adjourned, bin 3 die. E. W. Clark, Chairman. J JJ. Curron, Secretary afford to be ; delusive one. "Truth crushed to the earth is bound to rise," and when you presume that a republican lacks force of character to deuouuee a fraud, and insist that party policy supersedes couscientuous con victions of right and justice, then the foundation of justice and equality to ull men on which our grand old party was established is being shaken and impaired. It la in. t so, a republican can iifloud to be just as honest as a democrat, and can afford to meet a fact with a fact and not try to cover up a fact witli a delusion. "When General Sparks sends inspectors to learn the facts in such alleged cases of fraud, the whole democratic party in convention assembled "depi agitation of land titles!" Those are the declared principles of both the democratic and republican parties iu New Mexico! There is practi cally no difference btiveon them. If either succeeds it is the same to the people. There is absolutely no choice between them, liotn are bail. T ha platform only proves wh t we have often declared heretofore; viz: the land ling, thp Santa Fe ring are composed of the leaders of both parties. One is 'as "deep in the mud as the other is' iu tho mire." These ring leaders Lave control of both parties, and &a n matter of eouise we may expect "t," see a practical unanimity of seiiti mint in both platforms in regard to all vital questions. Gentlemen fight out your sham b'ittl3. Some day there will be a real battle be tween ihn honest manses on one Vide and the jobbers and tricksters onjthe other." The Sierra county democracy are very tnuch disgruntled. However, seeing as there is no democratic paper in town to refute the charges prefered against them we will not abuse tli6ni or take a mean ad vantage of their situatiou. The columns of this paper ara open for communications on both sides Now, "light iu," boys, but sign your proper names to your articles. in or T. for as Col. Fletcher., of Santa Fe New Mexican, . visited the political center of Sierra county this week, lie forgot to subscribe, etc,. The Treasury department is using every effort to .secure a speedy distribution of the new silver certiffeatns, and to that end orders were oday issued for the forco employed on that work at the bureau of engraving nud printing to work extra hours at night to meet the present heavy demand. ' It is now said at the department that tho one dollar certificates will ba ready for dis-. tribution by the first of October, aud twos about throo weeks later Hud tha fives about the middle of November. The output of Silver from tha Treasury department is steadily advancing. During the past week L 114, 904 new silver dollars were put in circulation, a greater num ber than has ever before been put out in any one week. There are now nearly sixty million silver dollars in actual circulation. Of oue dollar silver certificates much nmre is expected to b iVsued, as it is thought they will take the place of some of the larger denom ination greenbacks. Edward Fet made several neat and appropriate speeches. The Advocate acknowledges a pleasant rido to Kingston through the courtesy of that genial cattle man, Mr. Scarce. Clark and Gou'd, the two 'nu n ho rubbed the station at Null and killed Mr. Harvey, ui;d Lo, also, confessed that they were the men who hold up the stage between Kingston and Lake A'alley were arranged before the district court at Las Cruces this wetk, and con fessed their uilt. They were con victed of murder in the second degree, and both were sentenced to peniteutinry forfiftoon years, Proceedings of the Democratic comity convention: Democratic county convention met pursuant to call, Thursday, Sept. 80tli, 2 o'clock p. ra. J. Stiver, Secretary County Cen tral Committee, and acting chair man opened the convention, Willi Dr. North as temporary chairman, ami T. E. Fitzpatric, secietary. V. S. Hopewell was elected per manent chairman, T. E. FiUpatrick secrejary. Committee on credentials: Iler rin, Mcl l.ersou, Fitzpatrick, Du- rad, Garcia. On organization and order lusiniFs: Thompson, Hopewell, C'diill, So.ii co and Mauifce. On resolutions: Murphy, Burns Stanley Peers uid i'eeson. I he conventiou adjourned hour. 2;o0oYWk, p. Convention called to orden. Nominations: Ed Fest Legislature, unanimous; J. Thoino aud 11 (belt West, oiientJ. On motion tha chair appolned two tellers to collect votes; the votes standing 10 foi J. T. Thome and 11 for H. Wn,t. Thome whs declared unanimously elected candidate for sheriff. It was moved and seconded that the sentiment be dy acclamation. Loininanons j. j. unrein, pro bate judga; F, G. Christie, probate clerk ; J. r. i'&ker, assessor. mow hi iin uicr votes were cast by ballots for nomination of county commissioners. ror 1st District: N. Grayson, nominated hy Jlernn and seconded by Durand; win. Cotton, nominated by Burns and seconded by Cahill, the votes Oeing 22 for Grayson Hiial tor Lotton; Grayson nom united. For 2nd District: F. Lindner, 11; George lloss, 18 votes. Boss declared nominated. J. P. Armstrong nomination by acclamation for 3rd District. i. v.- Jiait nominated unani mously for Treasurer. School Supervisors: J. E. Thompson received 27 votes; Elliott 4. J. Ij. Thompson de clared unanimously elected. w. S.Hopewell, J. E. Lucero, Jesus Ochoa, elected unanimously cs cannidates for river commis sioners. 'The Chair appointed Teers, Fitz patrick, Garcia, Thos. Murphy and Goad to select a central commit tee for the next two years, whose names are hereto nttached: J. D. Thompson, W S Hopewell, Wm Burns, J. N. Durand, Edward Fest, Piobert Howe, Merer b M on toy n, Basiho Chavez. J C Pleiuonp, W. Goad. J Bceson, M. Ilobiuson. The above committee were se lected for the differeot precincts to act eg members of the central com mittee for two years, i The resolutions of the commit tee on resolutions were unani mously adopted, after which Dr. Booth delivered a very able and eloquent addiess expounding the principles of the democratic party, etc. Ed ward Fest, cand'data for the-; Legislature, addressed the convention very ably and in a common senpe manner, eliciting continued applause and satisfying every one present in the fairness and honesty of his principles in regard to his interests in Grant and Sierra counties. Col. J. P. Parker then addressed the convention in a very intelli gent talk, eliding continued np plaupe. It was moved and seconded that tho proceeding of this conven tion le published in the county papers. The cunveution then ndjourned, sine die. w. S. Hopewell, T. E. Fitzpatrick Chairman, Secretary. 1 Mul re f u'l In l ho nUlrlrt Ortlirl f l!i Third iiikll hilrirl, T.-Ti l!r uf N.-u- M- tl '-i. willilll auU for O.t- rnn;.iv of ,t.,T,i l!nfciii, .VovrliilK'.- tiT, A. 1. icv-Hi. Ji- K.i.i- i.. ,u:i..u, j I'lmutiir.. I . t Ijit lUi'lit and Attarhuctit. ! The niuk IUiik Ml- DMulgea, I3ixi. i ilikf jabU Milling Com-1 j punr. ( or.oiMllou, bfremijiiu. I Tin hi Ui-fiTidmH. iht I'lurk Ranjif Mining anil Milllnit Ciiinpiiiiv. t'tii mum ion duly I n at. .d utttli'r llio l:ivN uf Itie Sluirnr llli "ui. I lilli'tl Klati'n uf Amcrirn. iw lii'rt'liy nutl. flil iJiul ft mit At law tiv an union in "ilcl'it" lias Ii tu iiiiintfiii ril asnliit It in tlm Third .Inili. ilal nutrut Court, of the Ti'i'il'nrr nf Nw M'x ico. wiililn and for tho cuhty of sierra, tiy the aid JiTtiiiiP H. Nolton, ilaiiittlT-lh Kt-nfral uliioct and unrnii,. i,f .Mid .nil. la to rrcovfi lint uiu uf i Itrt-w liuinlr.'il and f IV l$iiJ) d rllara dama;a, (hp ttaiue liulng for and oil acrnmil nf a Jiulinvut In fHVor uf a:ild Jrnma II Nulton, .inlnittl. h'iiihi tha raid ItUi h Kanee Mining and Milling Coiniuti'. includittie iiiloreaiii and cw-lit of tourl tbt-ri'iu that vmhi JuiIiiicii, wua no olititi iii'd uii lhi Mi-i'oiid iliy of Junu.tiy. A. U. llM. In lli t'iri'iiit "ourt of t.rt'i'lio rottnt'y. Slata of 1 itinolK, I tiiti'd NlMt of Ainwriia, at the rily of t'atrolton. in Maid tir'n coitnty. ,i it,,. Iifi-i'iubi'r kprriiil ti'mi thi'rt'or, A. 1. that your pinpr-ri, in md Sirrra luiinty hai bt'i-n al la hfd, and iIimi ttuli'a voit -ti(r your appcar bikv in .nit on or of 'ore the nt ,uy of Ilii lii'M tcr'tt of Maid ciurt. rotninriH-Itt at Hill. I.oro, in aid coimly ol Si'ira, nn the -oihI Moiidny ol Novifintior, A. O- I, aanic lie H'j; tilt- hlli liny uf .aid Noviun,,l'r, iiulr nt by di'lanll iviil hrt ii'inli'ivd ajraii'.at you and your propcilv will ha o'd to aallnO "'"'uiue. w. . J ill: Cli'lk of lit Sri Judicial Court, Terri tory of Nv t. ii-o. J M. H liasTKIl, llcpiltv. J. Monii Vouiiii, Allortify for Plofntiff. hii, Edlsr I Miller, Wholesale and Retail r linil scores of squares with nice k boudt'8 of working-men, not one hvliicli is a tenement house. Plnla- flf iphia now has dmibla the number of ellinir houses of any other city ol its h in the world. This marvelous in- Iase in its homesteads Is due to its operative building associations knbcritig over four hundred. 1 hey one R' been tried for nearly fifty years, it have proved such valuable forces ltrrim..ltinr nilimlry, cCUIIOIIiy, BO" Daalers in Genera! Msrchandis We carry the Best Selected .Stock Largest and 4 I SI S.I EH B A COCSTIT. We buy from first band, ami our prices defy competition, stock of DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoca, nata, Caps, dat) ind con on n fiLUMBEls it I rOTATOKS, nut plq wh I t -Hayt Grain; FLOUR, Lftud Vftlr. it Uf ('rurrn. N. M.. Inly Huth .Mnl Ire If bervtiy rWpti thut ill flowttte nnnieu HPiiifr u tiled nnlire of tnienilun iu nuiku flottl proof tr. Piipiwri of hi claim, mil that fuid prnf will b ntni!fl hrforu Prutlv (,'ifrk, nt HHIaboroiitrl., on Knntcra tr Oth. isss vix: Jotte Mnrinv Uurrfii, on tMnm'ntfiid No. T6tft rur inn 3 flnu 4. ice. i, in. . ami nw4 m4 tec. H. 1p 14. r 4 w. Ho name tbe lollowtiiif nit- neMdt'H la prove hit roittinunun rceiiieuru upon. ami m Ui vntiuti of, Hi J Jad, ij : Jutin (trtn-m, of Stern tuuHty, N.w Mottro, Trmotro UtttvU. " " ' " " Itlui'iiu Hmrrran, " " ' 1 bian Silva, ' " " K. (i. HIIIEUS, KrKif.tfr. Nottffj of forfeiture. IHIUhnvotwh. N M Julv 1SS8. To J. V. DrNLAr ami J AKf Hbhwh: Notir Is liprvtiv rift'ii that I. i lit iinilfrnitrup, Iiiiy fjt-r'KtIca'Mif luiL'In-tl tjliwi doilurx in U bor upon im: It nf Die fi!lnlnr mlitiuc rlaliiis. In it : Wirtr'tttidln. R it'll tv-! lire p, und Uitldttu PtirHo, iiinah'd In tlit' It A til inm nifnlnir Dis trlrf, HiTi "nuiiiy New Mc?:oo. fortlnyfr K-ir. In order tu bold pm-iiluy iltiif nudt-r fi'itinn ilS4 nf tha rt'Tiard -till utrw f Ih I'nit- ud Slati'N, ami if HMn itUfty Anyn nf4cr Oil milieu nf pitlillrntlait, yon ftl or rrtn t cdu iribult your pnijiurtian uf micli $jki CKpud itur coowtir, hnid '8 thi envt of iknad vertinemcnt, yutir intTt'nt In aaid clttiin will becoihti tli prop'-rtf uf tun nndrr Nined it ac-ordttnea hb tlir' atatniory fimc'.- main, iUk, Mart. by I'han. K. Hart. Atty iu fart. TLf llepublicana BhouM sd to it iu their county convention that they are not made the tooUof iner Ctr,t r y or joc Lo t- Look iix Ui eaU. lairoiiTAxr Notice to hunters and trappers. I pny the highcBt prices for raw furs and fckiiiR, gpiiciinenft, birds aud water fowl's bkina. Seud For prico Jibt to W.Goldspee J3obtn, Mass. ftOTKK OF HI IT Truwman P. Chapman and ahMir rtan'npnoB Vll. Cbuiiri'rr. NiKrtfl, and the In (h 8d Hiatrlct nnknovvti beira of Hanial I court, Ti-rrltury uf I'tinn rii'rvnrif'u, nnn jm uii- lw AlaiKO knuwii pfimona 4'.!ainiunt! of Cuuuty of Hiorr iiuiTviin me i.auy rraitK- iin mine hmu uii Kadir Snaku ruin fitaatfd lii the eminty nt irra aud Terri tory r Nw Mfxltii. l u aaiu nrtRtiuuia 1 hi fun unit tht nn kno.rn hoira of Omill Diijrun di't taacd, and Ih tniknov n p-riioBj tUlinaiith of hiifrcvl iu lUa Lid? Kraitkltu mtno, atMf ibf ItaUlr Km tk" mint. kltuatcd ill Ilia cnunly of Sn-iTa and TtTrittry nf Nw Mf xiro, ai u tmruby nollfll dial a Milt in Cliiuiemy ki m a bn ((iniinonred aifHlimi Ilium In Hit Third Judicial hUnii t court for t hu coiuiiy f (irr ana i rrimry r rstnv Mexico oy rani rutn p la iti aula Tntfinaii CnapiuHtt and Muf rliuuipmMi. to quiet tna tule to tho aalu Lad? Franklin iniue uud Uart!i-8iiaku minn; that uu- nn von cut or yum at)pi'KniiM- in oafd anil, on or be for n ttifl H rat. day uf Ilia next N ivam'ior term of aald etuiT, coin mu item on lha H,h dir ofNuveiuhtr A. 11. IhfMi, di-cna pro coufra therein wilt lie reuUfi-u aaiuat yxi. H . ,t. JoilI.lM, CiM-k, by J. M. Wliitpr Ocpniy. t.'atiron, Thornton, i'luncv and t'ockrall. and J. St orris Vomit; attorney for WalnUtf, FORFLiTUKE NOTICE. llil.J.KUohOtiuii, H. M. J uno 1 'Hi, lit;ii. To A, I.ufflT. hU hein nud rjproauiHatl vol' Ytiu are hereby Molitl'l that I hnvb expnd tl lo Hundred (Miliar) iu labor ui.uii the, Manchester miufut claim, hltuatu in Menu: county. New Hoilco and Ai:iuias minium j district, recorded April M lv.l, in ona Ana county, rsew Jiuxieo, ik-iuk tno sst"snn!iu work letiiiired by Uw for iM hih! IH.v If with ! In Mnely tlayant'ter Huh Notice by ruidieation j you fail or retuao to contriltitu your prosor. tiou of anid exjenditurr an a co uw iter, ywu. ' intercut in aaio claim will bucomo the property ot tbeaub.MilM;r, J, H,M KFjtND, ' Land Office, Laa Cruces, N M., 8eptt'Bibr,1, ISSfl Notice ia hercbvLMvan 1 halt lie follnwliii!-iiam' rd aeitier b filed net ten of hia tnienilun to make fxum proof in uppurtof birtclaim, and that Bit id proof utiJ be made 1'cfui e the Pro hale jnuu nt ilillpboro, ou th tuber lUih, lsti, via; deaaa Vurie Uucort, ou dt-claiatoiy wtHtcmmt No. 1'Ji, or thi aw m e aw i, iiw .w' aec. i5 tp 14, i ( w. lie namee tiir foiiuwnik: wiiur to proi'f hip eoutiiiuoit Jiid(Uice upitii and cultivation of, faid laud, vi. ; ,feti Harir 1'adillo, Aqtubiui Ton ok, (.:, Cudilla, Uoinuio iiariuea, uu of 8ierra coiiutT. KiMvnt(J, bn'ifcj.n, IU-rftnUr. Laud Ofllcc, Laa turners, K.M. tieptf mbnr I, lHNtt Notice ! bcrebv jflven that the following natntd itivt iiac ftjeij nonce nf ina inieiiliou to make Una I proof iu aiiptort of hia riiilm' t,d thaiMtiu prwul wiil onuic In fore tlti Trobatv Jutlije at IMIIslioro, nu Oeiiber 1-Hb vix: jesnit Marie i-ajillo nn Honift)ad No. V', for u. e "4 a. w. 4. n. w. a. e, f. ec. 81, Tp. Vi, i. r. &. w. He iiaiuca tho following wKuhnhom to prote lila contiimoue rci'.dunee upon, aud cultivation uf, eaUl land, viz: J. M- LB'ero, A(dabtiu Tortca, C. 1'adiiio, ttuiuoio Mai'iuv. ii of hitrra Comity, New Mexico. KuMJMa O. Snixt.ii Hegiatei. Land Office, Laa Cnicea, N. M September 1, lHHd. Notice ia hereby cfven that the followlntf nimnti ettler baa Died notice or hia Intvnttoii ia make final proof iu aupport of hia claim, aud that ad pntof will be undo before the I'robate Jude of Sierra Coanly al HUiaburo, on Octotrer I9tb, l"1. via: AquabiLo Torr, oa declaratory laleuieul No. IM. for tbe a. w. a. w. V aec. II, n't tiw. H W r 14 !'P K " lie namea the following Hitneaaea to prove hi contianoua residence upon, and cultiaiio of. raid land, via: Jeana flar'Je Iadi11o, J.M. I.ucero, I'adillo, Kntol Maru,itt,ailof dierra county. M. U. kcMCND G., Uetriater Laud Office at Laa Crncee, N.M. S-pt. 14, 1h4, Notica li herebT (tiffn that tbe following na:ned aettlor haa tiled uolice of till Intemleu to ntuku filial proof in aupport of hia rlkUn;nd thai aaU proof will be in tut o bp lure tne 'r bHtat Itrk at HilUboroi fh, ou Oct. ae, 1-vtn, fia: William w". Hraitoii, on declaratory ata'e No. for the nwi. nw, a-c. a, o'i ni, nf, ac4, aection U. towoHip W, aonth range 7 Wf Ht. tie itftrnei the followlnn Witncaaca to pto?e hit coiiuiiuoun reiduuee upwn, and cultiva lou of aaid land, vit: Jaaiea t-otcr, Jamrp M . Oruer, Jainca Mitt-bel, U.Canibeil all of Sierra couaty, N. m. fcDMO-D (i. SQIKJ.DS. Unwr. Z$ And UuiUing mrvtwial. Wd gif OKDEIIS from uaWxMiug'cwnnei propt attenlioa LAKE V A L 1 E Y AND HlLLSBOnO. A. PKItAULT. N. E.QALLE3. FERRAULT & DALLES DEALEna 1NJ -MINER'S SUPPLIES." NEW GOODS. Full arrival and opening of NEW GOODS., NEW GOODS The Finest Display of Dry Goods in New Maxico- LicluJing New Silks. ColoroJ CashmorB, Lnlios' Cloth Tlmd. French Gingliarasn(l Priuta. Now Notions and fanoy goods of every dasciiption. .Lots of New Boots, and Shoes and Clothing. CWAUS ANDITOBACCO. QUEENSWARE, ETC. Fineet brands of AVins and liquors always on Lands. IIILLSItORO, NEWMEXICO. F. I Wighlman I k, Ltko Valtoy and Kingston. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, and Shoes Groceries and Provisions. Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods and Hats. Shirts and Nnits mnde to or1r. NOTIONS, FURNITURE and CARPETS. Our stock is largs and complete, and we propose to sell all good on tbe smallest living margin of profit-and respectfully request a shara of tbe public patronage. Orders from tbeiuterior solicited and prompt attention guaraaleej