l '-- II I - JL"
attt it rtllft "ifllWnt.
J 'bice, :t Pen Yeah.
J. K. ( I I.IIE.V,
n-i run vi Pi;irnuToit
Republican Ticket.
(0X0 lllViIuNAI.,
For Delegate T. V. Dwjcr
J. D. Hall I, U. 3JcJ'je
KepresGiilalive. .
Probate Jii'lo. . .
Probate Cl.uk..
,.V. 0. Dudley
.J. 31. Apoduen
.... 31. Webster
..A. 31. Storey
I, Kahler
Nup't of Schools. . . . I'. L. Parker
Treasurer. . J. p. Kinkadu
From lt District. . It. K. Eastburn
From 21 District ....(!,' Peiraujt I
From 'ill District. ... 31, A raon
Juno '. (lonles
Androw Kelly
dementi Dia
For nhort, the tinhorn umhhirs
at Kingston cull themselves "Pinners."
AVlio fn rt i h! i fil the Kingston
Tinners with money to try to Mull'
through this campaign?
Yota for the best in-ii, people,
Don't vote for any man who is
turning the grindstone, fur some.
hub who has nn ax to grind,
Tlio democratic parly leaders in
thin county nro tluowing whiskey
iuto the uiiMUHpiititiiig riink ami
lile of their party nnd playing
thetn for "suckers." They will
drop onto it before election.
AIux Storey not hiH nomination
fair, and tlio defeated nominees
BiuM they would support Iiim with
out a whine, Lick or whimper, idl
of which the best men are doing.
Tiie silliest campaign Ktililt 1 fngo
tho "tinneis" can charge iii'ih'iikI
Storey is that he is a (1, A, P., nan
nnd that organization ie being used
for political cfl'ccl -nil of which
is n downright falsehood ami a fan
tastic delusion hutched up in some
cracked, suspicious brain, 'true,
(Storey wB a I'niou soldier and in
a member of the 11 A H order, but
every nchool-boy knows the order is
... .... .
When tho democrats want a
meeting of tin dt inocnilie central
'omiuittoe why do they call il
h cattle meeting ami call it in one
end of tho county and then (tu n it
iuto h democratic political ratili-
fation meeting? They did thin
Inst tok in Fairview. - .M. n.
Men Nominated to Rep
resent us.
W. C. U.M.u.rv,
H will bo Keen by tlio jupvious
proceedings, wis duly and unani
mously nominated fur tha oflice
of Kepreseulative of Sierra county.
Jn unsolicited term the Lua Yenns
j constituent nml who, also, has the
executive Hbility to Rt it through
after frriningit. Every repubjjan
and every miner iu Bierra county
should veto and work for W. C.
J. M. Wrarnt
in too woll and favorably known to
need any oomrntnilntjou on onr
part. 11 in name is nil that need be
mentioned. Democrats and re
publican iiiikn know him and
like him; tint chihlien and their
mothers admire him, and to any
th.it onemiglit Berch from lilaine
to Oalifornia anl never again find
nuch u lit niun for the potiition,
would be no hallucination or pre
sumption. Why, wo could write
fiix columns about his fitness for
tho position, and neror exaggerate
an ex jivt:Hiii. lie has no peeru
in this county as n servant of the
A. M. S'J'OiiK?,
our nominee for eherifl", is cn old-
time practical miner and ii man of
lirnnn'Ha who in well calculated to
fill the oflico of nherifl with credit
to himself and with entire fat in
fection to the peoplo. JJe in hon
est, caabla niiil fuarleas and ft man
in whono word reliance can be
placed, llo is cool-he id Jd and
has the nerve to enforce un older.
With (ill tlie, ho in a gentleman
who recognizee no fav(. rites M'hn
fullillirig hi duty oh publio oflicer.
The whole twu of Kingston will
v)port him and it in needless to
say l.e will carry tlm biggest ma
jority ever given any one man in
that town. A more deserting ond
populnr man could not pousibly
have beon nominated.
IjKWis Kmii i:r,
of Jns ralomas, in u man whose
perwnml honor and integrity can
not be impeached. Sny wkat you
please, about Lewis KnhW, but
show us ft man who can nay that
Lewis Kuhlcr has not always been
true to his frittnds und met hie
obligations with courage and good
will. Js'ot only this, but Lcnid
Kahler is one of tho bicirest
heurlMl Herman in ihis county,
and ho in m less alle, honest,
energetic, and reliable than ho is
liberal and good-naturrd. lie w ill
muko the l)!iit Asioijsor Sierra
county ever had, and every repub
lican ought to vote for him.
Jokk M. Apoij.Vca
is r.aid to be one of tho mr.fd, if not
the moHt intelligent Spanish gen
tleman in this county, llo has
lired in l'tdomas ten or twelve
years nml follows mcichaiidiziu-j;
for a livelihood, lie served two
years in the territi r id nennto w hen
Sierra was attached to Socorro
county tor reprecenlativa pnrposep.
lie is a wheol-horse anion big
countrymen and his inllnenco aiul
ability ate in no nise small or
iniifl'ective. lie will make n good
IVobn'.e Judge, and a nun every
way worthy of the position.
F. 1 . PAUKI R
for Superintendent of Fn'.ilio Li
strucli on is a goo I iu mince. Mr.
an introduction to a single voter in
the district, he is bo universally
known throughout southern New
Mexico. He came here some fif
teen years ego and commenced
mining, practicing law, fighting
Indians, and indeed making tiaili
fo.t men who are now considered
old timers. Uo located at Finos
Alton when the place was a placer
camp of pome importance. He
represented ihis district in the
territorial lec;isli'tiire once, most
satisfactorily to his constituents
and, if elected, will do ho again
J.pyotnl question he ih the best
man in the j.arly who could have
been nominated for the cdhce.
11. K. EA.ST.'SUltM,
of Luke Valley, was duly nml on
thusiastlcally nominated for tho
trying position of county couimis
(doner. Thin, to pay the nst, is
one .f the most, if not tho most
important positions in the cnfegoiy
of County ofheos, and to pelect ft
man who knows how to distinguish
between jtiHUoe and imposition
(mould bo the desire of every voter.
Tho man wiio ie a chronic kicker
is na bail as the man who "allows
all bills without investigatisii ;"
both nro bud and what too office
reijuiros is a man who can fill the
happy medium between two ex
tremes, and this wo, think, Mr.
Eustlmrn o.-ui Jo.
silver miner down to a par with
the wages ot tho miuers of Cornwall
ami other paits of the old world,
and that the protective policy as
instituted and maintained by the
KcMiililifAn rml-Kv volleIl4.'lf-. ti i
....... , J, - g
American labor a just reward. ' y
We pledge ourselves to biipportir5
the itepn'jbcan nominees in Hien aj
county, and to work earnestly in
ell honorable way to eeenre thoir
election before the Deopls.
0. l'lulllATI.T,
of the firm of Perrnult A
Is well and extensively
throughout (J rant und
counties having lived in this
country for over twenty yaars; du
ring which time he has done as
much, if not more, to advance the
resources of southern New .Mexico
than sny other man in it. We
are going t elect lVrniult, and
by doing go we are electing a
good man for the position.
We, the representatives of Sier
ra county in eotivsMitioi! .i facmbied
at llilI.-b ro re-allirni our devotion
to the republican pMty, and our
adherence to its principles,
v,'j onlor.se t .o action of lli
last territorial llepuhiicHii con-
volition and tlio pli.tform udoptii l
Parker is an able lawyer and
Optic has the following to sayof I "du,lur' n mn ho doesniore
Jlr. lfadley: unni.ing mm lauiug. an t ono
'Th.rej.ublicansof Sierra con , I " '" ,m B.,tc, thi' PHy
y could send n l etter man to the j 'Ma' entire eatisfauti.iu.
legislature tunii Walter C. lladley, J 'Pition but Parkers ohi.iti.in
at Jjuke alley. Ms would maKo ; is n foregone conclufion
an unusually . flicieul nuj w!l ; j I.' Kvri.i-"
posted represcntstivn of ti.o great ! .. '
and growing mining interests f"f Kingston, for county Treas-
hia section with which he is l ircelv
identitittil, and in nil isihm w tisrt.
round reiuiilican principles and
good goveininent w ei involved ho
wcuhl elwsji be found on the
1 gilt aide,"
urer cannot iio unproved upon,
lie is all the olli-;e requires in a
nut shell; respinsibie, competent,
careful and r'Ublo, and will gst
there, without a doubt on tho 21
Air. lladley, although young in ! November next.
years but lung in the territory, has
notoaly thoroughly identified hiui
eelf with (he interests of tlio conn-
a Spanisli geiitlnunu front Canada
Alamos.t in alao a nominee fur (he
ty, but Lus manifested an ability oflico of county comaiiasioner.
and xeal in our behalf which proves j This enUciii-in speaks Kaglisii
a mail in evrv wav niiil Ktianish flnnntlv hp, I fiinillin.' ! t.iiblie ioui nrivali n.-lo !,... .I,'.
tho position. Mr. ihis irieat fritndshii) foi Nick couragsd thu investment of eastern
lnai to l
worthy of
at that time
Wu ilrtelaio that our hist delegate
to congress of the Tinted States
has cla.nlv demonstrated his utter
unfitness t properly represent tho
yrjat and growing interests of this
tir itory. wliereia, hu introducfd
in to congress 12 i measures, he
only succeeded in having three of
them paired, and they i we of no
practical benefit to our people,
we declare, further, that in the
cause of ridding this territory of
tho hostile Li lians, ho put forth no
intelligent effort, und that ho did
m t t von earnestly present to the
government tho fjcU eoncei ning
the ruin and desolation that the
hostiles wrought in New Mexico.
we miiipoit the nomination of
Col. J W Dwyer to be our next
delegate iu eongro.-n, being fully
convinced that his past experience
in public n flairs, couple, 1 with his
acknowledged energy and ability
iiiaure to tho people proper repre
sentation before our government,
and the people of the e;is
We believe that iho public ex
penditures, both county and tor
ritoriul ndioiild bo strictly guarded
in order tnat. the burden of taxation
muy bo us light as possible.
Ve decluie that that tha demo
cratie piuty is alone rtvpousible
for the raprd ilecline iu the mine
of silver, not only becausa of tlie
iletennined anti-stiver doctrines of
the President, but also because of
lite failure of congress to take any
steps to protect tint silver industiy
by coiiterencH with other leading
nations looking to tho adoption ot
a ktaudurd value for the motal.
That euch ii move would prove
helpful, iri etiown by the recent uil
vaiit'o of silver, sincii the appoint
ment of a loyai commissiuu in
l'jwt;!and for Mich a purpose.
Vio deiioiiuco the action of the
President in upjiointnig to certain
federal ollioes i:t this territory men
w tto have proved failures in every
other IjeUi of life, and who have
used thuir ollicir.l posi.ion since
coming here for the purpose of
sallMjing political ends of the
bueChl outer, t.nd who by their
Gregg. McArdle I Asks?,
.rnornitroRa or
Running a lino of four horso coaches from LnkeValley
via Hillsborough to Kingston in the JJlack l'angt, llo
SwitzerlanJ of America,
JOS. E ASKEW. Cen'l Manager.
Absolutely Pure.
This powilcr novor varies. A
mnrvel if purity, strength rdi!
Mora pronomlfrtl trinit h orfMnnry ihidsi. nrl
CntlM'M l;f unlll ill COIll lie li 1 1 0tt Hltll til? Ill 111 tl tldtt
of low tot, t-hnrt ivt ilil, olttm oi plnnpliKin
owtl rn, hoia only iu c:tn. Ivor Ai. Hakiko
UWUEIt L'o ,
Twi Witll l. Svw York.
jBW Prescriptions ciiivfully prepared,
New Stock Just Arrived.
W.M. S. Stand iah,
Drugs Sledicines,
Toilet Articles.
Chaxdi.m: 1 Heap, Uillsboro, New Mexico.
8FTThe only First cless Hotel in the City.-l
Livery Stable in Connection.
Strangers visiting Hillsboro will find this house complete and com
modious in all its appointments
Tubles suppha with all tho niakst affords, Piooms large and well
Shrra I.uaJ and ttdo C.uii..ny.
f TliB I rull'l i ii!
ryt'f't& 1 '"""V "ii U,e !"' !'' 11
' f- I Un in lov fl : inn.i
, fl ri.n"
S 1 ;, run. !""
C (' i ' "' '
-..';'. .r ii Hi ... rw
I n lu. k "A. .. .k. i i-.i i rvU.
i f rv.r It 'i ! t-
-.1 ....llJl,'!
s. h. a
Mutt in,
8 lKsnge
Ai.watb on- Hand "8
ii y
Sierra Land & Cuttle Co.
W. p. Tosscll,
Opposite PostofSce, Deming, N. 31.
All work warranted.
Horses S L C on left hip.
KtijtiT lire. & Sooiffi-.
I'npi.-lj tin I UPttilln
Ki'iro nn.l .i.iikIm
S v-te Aiiimuna rri'ik
1 -.r iiiti'k-. iMt,. till
i i il "I'-'l ' K'l': ""'
vl rl.lt U'fl. Iuiiou
iarv I " " 'leilf tmi
Stftfii. flu ip., tiM.itlilnr.
U','4 Hont-i'lW':
A i ( tii'ti r.o. Mi.-rm
:2 o., iN. M.
. II.
Surveyor and Civil Engineer.
Ollicein Hydraulic Office, Hills- j
boro. Orders by mail promptly '
attended to.
fl .gA.
"'lit .tiowt hrti
iilth itck l lr.r4
to U. II. Ilalluik
jaunary 111 1SS4.
wh tho braml
iw run UIlll! Dniii
!eas3 for all cat-
51,1., ' M r,r 1,1 ft
a h o u 1 il e r for
jumpany horacg
A.eutse expires
January 1st 1887.
W. J. woiipev.
P. O. Palomas, Sierra Co., N.3I
w' )
aTo In out
:lt a tie of cu
OB kit nbviir
cr of home
K n nro ua ib I tt
' C li1f -:
It ii'-n. Jo(im Aum
" ' "'rJ 'eft iJ Uor
how Kin ;
H noil w m i w
In r rui
e.iiub on Tr
Kurt i.r I'aioiuiia, t
'a l-fi Unrlti lit tirr
uoa. Itrun.l. Mu.i
.ink" i fnlliiv.il :
ft'fii "r e it-V u,i
rur,di-l ua ell In-r
iilijur hip; for hur
X.ZJ!' I i'ii nil 1-4 n.LI
llioiiiil..-. liy 1 1 . H. I'ciMrrt.
i O. HilUl--: Uurinufia, N.
(r.Miii & (e.
1 n r jrlit lft
li y , y Ki r mm k: IK.u
S. 1.. NKWCOMH, V, W. PAHKKR, J f.V 'WZ&Zr
Las Cruces, N. 31. Hillsboro, N.M, 1 f i'V , 1k'- v1''1''
Newcomb, Parker d. Alexander
Attorneys at Law.
uillsboro, - . ew Mexico
Elliott, Pickett & Elliott,
Attorneys at Law.
Hn.r.snor.o. - - New Mexico.
M'illlotu (Vtiiu.
the iiuliea end V. C lladley wo
1 ladle v ie the pr pric!,,r
telepnoue line between Lrke ; know very little about him. It is
Valler, Kingston and Hillsbjrx.. : said ha carries th Jlexicau vote
lit is also manager for the Siena ! in his pocket, and, of course this
Grande Mining and Milling com-' makes him ft "mucho grande"
pr.ny at Lake Valley. I ,j short, he fellow.
u a thorough mining nnd minend j jvvat joiis P. kail
man, whose heart ie in the business, t . , t , , ,
, , , , ' Is one or the caudidatee eeleeiad
nnu who, if elected, will know howjt r(()leHBiit the district as tern-
(raaae till iu behalf of his I torial senator, lie scarcely noods
, t.ipiUi wiihiu our tiordore.
Wjlelieve that all just dues or
expenses incurred by the militia
during tho recent .Indian rida
hhould be liquidated by the ter
I itory, but that ail exorbitant
prieeu should be resisted.
We declare that the doctrine of
fres trad os taught by the dem
ocratic party is oim which, if it
should become the law of this na-
The Uillsboro Rastaurant-
K.NK'EK, JENSEN Proprietors.
Tho Only Kestauraut at tho Coun
ty Seat of Sierra Counly.
First-Class in Evorv Rsspect.!
I 4
9U4 lirn.'il nc
un .-lil ..tic.
Ceo. lloss;
A, as per cut,
P. O. Hills
boro, N. M.
. - 2 f .
Indian Sj
n. nr.
tion, would bring tha wages of the j standing."
Boot and Shoe Maker.
Latest style of "lasts" just ro
ceived. Cowboys boots made to
Leave your meamue when in
town nnd get n comfortable "Under.
y Jingle bob
both ears, also.
cuttle branded
X T on left side
earmark: jingle-bob
ears. Ranee:
triugs, Lake Ynlley, N. 31.
Homo mr.a caftl
TV "'-" mniii. thin.:
1 HWPa ;.nl f.lRn..j
'! tfe or
WUkJ k !: nKi, 14
mud m Hibvr U
nil crop oit natbt
P. O. rtdrt-M:
Eiilua, 14. H.
CfS Mil
a -A Si
riuicJ upon U.
en ctiouiJ.r of
PiKct smui Ua
.'ft u1h ot olr.
ut y.irltncfl ntni
nltio leilnouulactf
Q 22 on nyht
'I hip or tide.
! v
H.rr Veple.
nrnd for fcrk:
r.ar n.nrkiioi-oi.pAit
tn tl.a r flit anil
I ngl. bob to ta.
Half cirole ou
ri(jht hip.
N. (i ray son,
P. 0. PalomatL
N. M.
ItMich on I ml i in
.1 uih nf lk.
V O i ;fl1 "O Irll
. m 1 1 a' "' o' 'l
vj5-' V jl n n.'ii r iiiu ot
nrfc. l. k.
I i. H.lilrea:
l4ike VilK, .N.
HZ on left aide.
P. O. address;
Hillsboro, NJC