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COUNTY VOL. 33. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AUGUST ii, i9t6. i.oo Per Year. No. 23. j t-itr-w-fift-i -va 7 SJW-'fef 35 1 ixfe&:di w3 r-?2i-. KV Sf Rcmir.fflnn '- Wi-'-TT-K ' j r :?&"Z5L TsX Wool worth Maa&s ' F?r Sa,e THE ILiquoivs gARABAJAL & A LES, PropB. mst f -fci a' 1 A f muni Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges for results. And when you start to be critical,'s no where to stop short of Reminglon-U MC . Made In Single Shot models in f llrie-Actlon models, with the famoui Remln.;ton-UMC solid breerli and now, the Autoloading model that succusfulh handles 16 Rtminglon Autoloading rim-fire cartridges without reloading. For real .22 sport, get your rifle and cartridges from the dealer who displays the Red Ball MarkofRemiHgton-UMC. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchant in New Mexico Armn-IInion RTeLiIIsc Ca'tridr-e Co. Building (233 Brodwy) . r -. .. . Naw York Citv 1-4 ;,;,'a&-.'iaAa,i5,:.Tij ?l t5 th ofce' W. S, COOPER, General Confraqtor. Qood Workraanshio. Pricea Right HILLSBORO, New Mexico. H. A. WOLFORD, Office: First ,.Door- Eset of R. 0 Church. Main Street. Hillsboro, New Mex WADE, TAYLOR & Wade, Attorneys and Cousetlo rs-at-Law Las Cruces. N. M. Manonic Temple. El Paseo, Tex a 606 First Nat' Bank Building JAMES R- WADDILL, Bemins, N- M Will' attend all the Courta Sie rra County and the Third Judi. cial Distrct. " B9NHAM and RESER, LAWYERS, Las Cruces, N-Mex- THE FERCIIA LODGE NO. 9, I, O O. F., of Hillsboro, N. M. 1; tji. T. II. Byrne, N. G. ; Steve Reay, V G. ; W. J. Fergusson, Sec'y. : M, L. Kahii, Treasurer. Meetings: Second and fourth Fri days of each month. feb 19-10 F, . GIVEN, M- B. Private office at residence. Hillsboro, New Mexico DH. J. O. E2ATC:.ZSl, Pfiysician and GurQeon, Hillsboro. New RIe.i, C. H. FRIES. . Physician and Surgeon, Hot Springs. New Mexico 0(H:e: Room '2(i, Armijo BuildinSI Cor. 3rd St. and Railroad Ave. Prac tico in tlie Hujareiue Courta of Mew Mexice and Texas' ELFEGO BACA, Attorney and Councellorat Law, ALBUQUEttQUE. - NEW ME Will hepreRentat alltemrsof Courtof Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties. Deal in f?ood Gold, Silver and Coppe Miuing Propertiesili New Mexico, NOTICE I When you have nnal proof notices, to be published, don't forget that the Sierra County Advocate has publish- a. I ounh r rt 5 naa f frfif niat f riirfwaora and will do the work as cheaply and correct as.any one else. " CALL For State Republican Conven tion- By order of the Republican State Central . Committee a dele gate convention of the Pvepubli- can Parly of the State of New Mexico, is hereby called to meet in the city of Sauta Fe, on the 23d day of August, A. D. 191G, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day for the purpose of placing in nomi nation the folio wiDj; Congressional, Judicial aud State Officers, to-wit: 3 Candidates for Presidential Electors. 1 Candidate for United States Suitor for a term of six years. 1 Cndidite for representative in the C5th Congress of the United States. 1 candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court for the term of eight years. I Candidate for Governor. 1 Candidate for Lieutenant Gov ernor. 1 Candidate for Secretary of Stat. s. 1 Candidntefor State Auditor. 1 Candidate for State Treasurer. Candidate for Attorney General 1 Candidate for Superintendent of Public Instrortion. 1 Candidate for Commissioner of Public Lan d Each for a term I two years 1 Candidate for Corporation Commipsioutr for the term of six years. and for the transaction of such oth er business aa may come before the said convention. XIju several counties of the State Will be entitled to representation in the said convention as follows: County Delegates Bernalillo .25 Chavez . ..... . . 4 Colfax 14 Cntrv.. 2 Doua Ana 13 Eddy ..2 Grant (J Guadalupe 8 Lincoln Luna 3 MoKinley 8 .Mora . - 15 Otero. "... 1 .... .... 4 Quay 3 Rio Arriba 22 Roosevelt ..2 Sandoval 8 Sierra 3 San Miguel 30 Santa Fe ....18 San Juan .4 Socorro lfi Taos 15 Ttrrance 9 Union ...10. Yalencia 15 Total . 26S By order of the Republican State Central Committee, not more than the number of delegates alloted to each county will be placed upon the temporary roll of any convan. ion and the county conventionand will avoid trouble by cot selecting double delegations. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the State Central Committee, viz: i Rpolwfd. That it is the sense of this committee that at all Republican conventions to be here by held in the State of New AJexi co, the unit rule be not be recog nized or enforced wheu adopted in any county convention or pie cinct caucus of the etata, as in any WBy effecting the liberty of action of individual delegates to the State convention; and "Be it further Resolved, that the State Chairman, be instrnceed to incorporate the foregoing paragraph 0f tbia reeolation or the gist there- of, lu the call of the state conventions." JlATpn C. Ely, XJhai&man, AttPBt: Jose 1). Sena, S-Jcrelary Song of the Sixty-Ninth,. (Mina Irving in Leslie's) We are the fighting Sixty-Ninth The Cassidys, O'Tooles, The Flannigans and Brannigans, The Gallaghers and I'ooles, The flyans and tha .Briars, too, The blood of Irish kings, In every khaki-covered breast A song of battle tings, We are the fighting Sixt'-Ninth, O'Connells and Magees, McGarritys, O'Flahertys, And Hogans and McFees, For sure it is to go and fight An Irishman enlists, And if the ammunition fails, We're handy with our fists. We are the fighting Sixty-Ninth, The Mores and Callahans, The Kelleys and the Kerrigans, The Caseys and McCanns, The Hogartys and Fogartys, First and forevermore. Americans, and after that True Celtic to the cqre. Bursum Leads all Opponents Fairly complete reports fronj evpry county in New Mexioo which .boen brought to Alhuquer- que this week by reliable men in dicate that II. O. Bursum will be the republican nominee for gover nor, and thai he will be named by a substantial majority od the tirst ballot. The falling away from Se cundinoRomero, noted three weeks ago, has continued steadily. Ro mero can only count six counties, with a total of 87 voteB, in a po sition of extreme uncertainty. There is a strong possibility that some of Santa Fe's eighteen votea will be cast for Bursum and the latter haB good ground for his be lief that .he will get part of the Taos county delegation on the first ballot. Bursum's supporters as sert that he hae 140 votes pledged for the first ballot, or more than enough to nominate. Of these he undoubtedly has 120 which he oaa count on. -State Record. At a meeting of the board of county .commissioners Wednesday M. L. Miera was appointed county aesef-Bor to pneceed A. B. Bacn, de ceased, aud to serve until hia suc cessor is elected. The appointee has furnished the required bond and bis certificate of appointment has been issued. Mr. Miera has beep an assistant in the assessor's office for some time and it is re ported that be is still to reoeive his salary as before, the balance of tLc revcr."? of offino to co to Mr. Baca's widow. No doabt Mr. Miera's appointment will prove tQ be a very satisfactory one. Socorro Chief tn- The Quay couuty convention was held Saturday and the dele gates were instructed to vote for T. B. Catron for U. 8. Senator. The delegates were also instructed n nm ff mtMniir 'fori!. O. Euresm lor governor,