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;i.l'.L.Jli4!iljlr7. IMTY ABVOCI4T1 EM P A VOI,. 33. J? taar k-oaf T-" niiit f -mm? Hn ' ' A$PY$Ht Rifles and Cartridge I W9fi?M 'Ik A for Real .22 Swqrt ' I .. for iMl :21'aort. te deie who ditteyt Ue J Tjyrjf VV' Kemmgton Arms-Union Metallic tannage VO. TL v Woolworth Building (33 Broadway) NYkOlr Is IsaeaMcm msk Proof InlES For Sale Tt J T7 A A aW Liqiioif, AN1 iOAHS ARABAJAL & A LES, Props. HILLSORO, SIERRA ,COUNTy, NEW MEXICO, AUGUST .35. 1.916. 1.00 W -a ak -oat Vni.-A f ia IN thp .23 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges for results. And when you start to be critical, thefes no where to stop short of Remtngtan-V M0 ' R Made In Mnele Shof nyxieirTrtn swt-Actwn moaeit. if i (fc'aad cartridge torn U arc VKWKiKxw . Sold by your home dealer and ' 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico a . . I a V tofto? at this office. a wa MWdl a. a Gcwd VYknoanahip. Brife? ight HILLSBORO, ew Mexico. ft. A WOLFQRD, Office: First Ooor East of R. 0 Church, Main Street. Iillsboro, New Mex WADE. TAYLOn & Wade. Attorneys and Co,useio at-Law Las Cruces. N. M. El Paseo, Texa Masonic Temple. 606 First Nat put duildmjj JAMES R WADDILL, Deminsr, NM Will attend all the Conrtg Sie rra County and the Third Jndi cial Diatrct. BONHAM and REBER, LAWYERS Las' Cruces, N Mex- TE PERCHA LODGE NO. 9, I, 0 O. F., of H i oro, N. M. T. H. Byrne, N. G. ; Steye Reay, V W. J. Fergusson, Sec'y.; M, L. Kahle, Trea-urer. Meetings: Second and fourth Fri days of each month, feb 19-10 F, I- GIVEN, M- 0. Private ofljoe at residepce. Hillsboro.. fievv Mexico pq. J. Q. i!TpiiE;n. Pliyslelan artfl Surqeorf, Hillsboro, New Hex. 0, 11. FHIES. Physician arid Surgcon? Hot Springs New Mexico Offl:e: Room 26, Armijo BuildinSil , - m tde Supreme Courts of New Mezice aadTexab1" CLFrGQ tACA, Attorney aod Co?c?J!orat Law, AXBUQUBBQi(JK , NW MEA Vi lli be present at aUtemrj ol Cpiirtof BrnriVo, VlAci. Qpcorco and Sier ra Counties. ' w??1'06 Silver and Cobm- When yojii kav tu proof- noli SlERBA COUNTV ADVorjT k...KI d such noicea fpj( the past thirty years, and will da the work as cheaply and correct j a tty 005, el--v JH1NO ADEQUATE FEDERAL WORK JhlEN'9 COMPEliATIOfll LAW. I stand for adequate Fderal Workmen's CompensaUoa laws, dealing not only rtta em ployw of iJoTernment bat with those employes who are engag ed In Interstate oo mm tree, and are subject to the fcaaard of In Jury. f9 that thoee activities wbich are within the sphere of the constitutional authority of Congress may be dealt with un der a suitable taw. From Mr. Hughes' speech of acceptance. 1:4 'VU . PROMISE TO REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING NOT KEPT. pur opponents promised to reduce the cost of lTlng. This they hare failed to do; but they did reduce the opportunities of making a living. Let us not for rret the conditions that existed in this country under the new tariff prior to the outbreak of the war. Production had de creased, business was languish ing, new enterprises were not undertaken, instead of expan sion there was curtailment, and bur streets were filled with the unemployed. What ground is there for expecting better con ditions when the unhealthy stimulus of the war has spent Its fore and our industries and worklng-taea are exposed to the competition of aa energised Eu rope? U U ftlaia, that we must hare protective upbuilding pocles. From Mr. Hughes speech of acceptance. WHAT ONI HQ MAN " TNKS Cjf ANOTHER President W. H. P. Faunoe, ef Brown University, Is a pret ty live wire who keeps abreast of the V.roes, has keen powers of observation, and kiowa a good man when he sees h,hV Here le what he has te eay about the Republican Candidate fer tne presieency; l have known Justice Hughea Intimately alnce we were stu dents together at Brown and have seen him a thousand times at work and at play. No man of ur generstlen has a finer com bjnatien et character, and Intel lect.' ' Asofvtely fearleaev ' un eelflea, loyal to Amerloan Ideala, h la worthy ef a rjailon'a trust. "Ail frlenda fcnow that be hind the dignity et hearing le a rich fund, of humor and cod fellowship. Whether he la climb ing a meuntaln, reading novels, playing wjth hie children, re elating, a political lobby er de livering the opinion ef the Su preme Csit-, ver the same rrcfied. t'eecrtt'e. ir- Per Year. No. 25. tO FOkCET. Ciimt. fc Ctrl itaiiM as nvnota American. Hit varied experience hae given him wide horizon and eypipathy with ev ery aspect of American life. "He possesses twe qualities rarely found together the Judi cial temper and the capacity for wlft and raeotuta action. Un der his administration the fog which now besets many public question; would be cleared away. "His penetrating mind gees te the heart of any subject he se lects and stripe off, the Irrele vant at once. Such a mind Is peculiarly needed amid the In tricate problems that new eon front America. ''We need more than good In tentions. We need olear vision, sound Judgment, strong will, un hesitating decision. In short, we need Charles E. Hughes." "AMEHICA FIRST AND AMER ICA EFFICIENT." We come to etate In a plain and direct manner our faith, eur purpoee and our pledge. This representative gathering le a happy augury. It means the strength ef reunion. It meana that the party of Lincoln Is ro ot ore d, alert, effective. It means the unity of a eommon percep tion of paramount national needs. It means thst we are neither deceived nor benumbed by abnormal conditions. We know that we are in a critical period, perhape more critical than any period alnee the Civil War. W need a dominant sense ef natlonel unity; the ex erelee ef our beet constructive powers; the vigor and resource fulneee ef a quickened America. We deelre that the Republican Party aa a great liberty party shall be the agenoy of national achievement, the organ ef the effective expreeslon ef dominant Amsrlcanlem. What do I mean by that? I mean Amerlea con scious ef power, awake to obli gation, erect In aelf-respeet, pre pared for every emergenoy, de voted to the Ideals of peace, In stinct with the spirit of human brotherhood, eafeguardlng both Individual opportunity and the nubile Interest, maintaining a well-ordered constitutional sys tem adspted to looal self-government without the sacrifice of essential national authority, ap preciating the necessity of sta bility, expert knowledge and thorough organization aa the In dlepeneable oondltlons of se curity and progreee; a country loved by Its citizens with a pa triotic fervor permtttfng no divi sion In their allegiance and ne rlvale In their affection I mean America first and Amsrloa effi cient. It Is In thle spirit that I respond to your summons From Mr. Hughes' speech of acceptance. 1