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SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE. W. O. TUpMrSON, Proprietor. The SierraCounty Advocate is entered t th jPoat Office at Ilillsboro, Sierra .County, New Mexico, for trannmiaBion D rough the U S. Mails, as eocond class palter. " k - -. - , - SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE Impartially Devoted to the Best Inter ests of Sierra County and the State of. New Mexico. . - , . FRIDAY, AUGTST 25, 1916. NEW AUTOMOBILES CAREFUL DRIVERS CAR FOR SERVICE l'AY AND NIG.HT ' The Flag and & Uanl -jir. h Ciwf4 tc For President, CHARLES E. IIUOHES. For vice-President, CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS. epent several days here recently surveying a group of claims on Saw Pit guloh. FOR GOVERNOR. frank A. Hubbell f or U. 5. Senator. fc. - .: , (Special to the Advocate.) Santa Fe, N. M., 8-i6. Nominations: H. O. Bursum, Governor. Frank A. Hubbell, Sena tor. f AIR VIEW We are expecting to be eurpria- ed to bear of two local weddings soon. Tbe Misses Keilb, Katberyn and Ruth, were tbe guests lust week of Mr. apd Mrs. Harry Reilly and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Winston departed Saturday for Evanston, Wisconsin. They pxpect to be gone a month. JLon Gooden, after an absence of about thirty. three years, dropped ia to say how d'do to old-time friends here. A leap year dance on tbe night of the 25lb will be given by the C. J. Roberts, Supreme society ladies, A special invito jCourr. VV. G. Sargeant, State Au ditor. Page, State Treasurer. J. H. Wagner, Superin- tion has been extended to the lore bachelors. f-I r. fid Mrs. M. L. Sullivan and daughter Stella left lust week for their new home on the lower Palo- mas. Dr. McNeal passed through pendent of Public Instruction. gatm-day on his way to tbe James IN PREPAREDNI63 THE AD MINISTRATION HAS FOU LOWED, NOT LED. In the domand for reaxonnble preparedness the Administra tion has followed, not led. Those who demanded more adequate forces were flret described as "nirvous and excited." Only about a year and a half 'p. go we were told that the quesiion of preparedne a was not a press ing one; that the country had been misinformed. Later, under the pressure of other leader ship, thia attitude was changed. The Administration, it was said, had "learned something," and it made a belated demand for an increased army. Even then, the demand was not prose cuted consistently and the pres sure exerted on Con.Trps with respect to other Administrative measures was notably absent. We are told that the defects revealed by the present mobili zation are due to the "system." But it was precisely such plain defects that under the constant warnings of recent years, with the whole world Intent on mJfl tary concerns, should have been studied and rectified. The Ad ministration has failed to dis charge its responsibilities. Ap parently, it is now seeking to meet political exigencies by its naval program. Hut it has im posed upon the country an in competent naval administration. From Mr. Hughes' speech of acceptance. F. W. MBSTEBfi Proprietor LAKE VALLEY, ISJLLS80RG & KINGSTON AUTO, STAGE and EXPRESS LlfSE WHV.N COMING Wire at Our Expense REASONABLE RATES Courteous Treatment -GAS AND OIL FOR SALE- WmX ( ) ( fo fc) m w fe? (4 m mi You Meed a Tonic There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't mako a mistake in taking The loinan's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feci as well and as strong as 1 ever did, and can eat most anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousand Tannin is) m m m m m m m m W. II. BUCIIER. Now for that 10,000 republican majority. Tbe republican state ticket pamed at Santa Fe is a good one and will be a winner from p(ar o finish. The democrats are looking for a man with plenty of cash who is willing to sacrifice hia bunk ao; ponnt Jo aooept the nomination for governor. KINGSTON Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Billings, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney have moved to town. . . ranch where he will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. James. Mrs. F, W. Keith and daughters expect to laava for their home in Cleveland, 0., early next week. HILLSBORO Guy RIcPheraon left Wednesday for San Diego. The new opt buildings at the eohool house are about completed. Earl Richardson left TueBday for Hurley to goto work for Law? rence Richardson. driven on Bullion Hill; one on Ibe Bullion mine and one on the 8u- i i .... . , perior mine. , . Work has commenced on tbe tunnel-site on tho east aide of Kentuck mountain, This tnnnel eite will penetrate Ken tuck mouu fain westward. Fred Hiltscber, county spryeyor, visited this place the early part of tbe week doing some surveying on pullion Hill. ' ' ' D. Ii. McAllister, of the Mod torMiniog oorapany of flermosa, That the 85 Mining company will eopji begin the erection of an ore treatment pla nt at their camp three miles south of Lordsburg is the belief of these cloeely pipo ciated with the company. A test" mill baa been ertabliehed by the of Mines Building at Fort Bliss, Texas. J. W. Crordua is in charge of the plant and is making complete tests of flotation and wet method of treating the 85 mine ores. Representatives of sev eral of tbe largest flotation unit manufacturers and patentees have visited the mine and have gone into the problem of concentrating the ore. A number of shipments of the ore have beeu made to va rious test plants, and it is believed that tbe correct method of treat ment will soon be solved. Lords burg Libaral WANTS AN EFFECTIVE SYS TEM OF RURAL CREDITS. We propose to promote by every practicable means our agricultural interests, and we In clude In thta program an effec tive system of rural credits. We favor the wise conservation of our natural resources. We desire not only that they shall b eafeguarded, but that they ehall be adequately developed and used to the utmost public advantage. From Mr. Hughes' speech of acceptance. Mm FOUR MONTHLY MAGAZINES $f .Ml I Ast3 Onr Paper All One Year 1 J THIS 13 A REAL BARGAIN Slateof New Mexico,? (Joun'y of Sicrrn. ) iu tlm Dit-t tie'. Court (if thu Pevenlh Juciiiiul District. Will M. Kotiins, riuintitr, vs. - No. 1229 Candelario F-arreras, I'efontiant. NOTICE OF SALE. U'hereas a judi;er)ent was rendered iit the h1ovo entitled cause on the 23!li dny of July, 10115, in favor of tho jlain till and ayainst the defendnnt in the sum of $187.55 damages and 88.00 costs ami fortliofurtlier costs that may accrue onaccouDtof sold and delivered to and; I Whereas, under said Judgement a said Court on the 29th day of July, 1M(5 and delivered to tne commanding me to make out of the goods of the said de fendant the above entitled sums and in terest at six wr cent, per annum from July 25th, 1910, till sale on the amount of the judgment, to-wit: 187.55, and; Whereas, I have, under said Execu tion, levied upon the pnperty of the said defendant r.s follows, to-wit: Lots One, Two, Seven and Eight in Block 42 in the Townsito of llillaboro, County and 8t"te aforesaid. Now, therefore, I will sell the eaid property to the highest bidder for cash, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on the 2(!th. day of August, l'JIG, at the east front door of the Court House, at Hills boro, N. M. ' WILLIAM C. KENDALL, ' KhorifT of the County of Sierra, N. M. First pub. Aug.-IG 4. Lastpub. Aug 25-13 ACT QUICKLY! Send ui your order rirdit away, or eive it to cur representative, or call and see ut when in town. If you have never subscribed to our paper before, do it now and I get tr.tse tour magazines. If you are a regular subscriber to our paper, we urge you to send in your renewal at once, and get these four magazines. If you are a sub scriber to any of these magazines, send your renewal order to us and we will extend your subscription for one year. Think Rf If Yoa caa sl tbsss fcur Magazines for I Hum UI It) If yoa Subscribe to our paper for one year. jLO V e have sample copies of these magazines on diiplay at our office. Call and see them. They are printed on book p-iper with illustrated covers, and sre full of j clean, interesting stones and instructive articles on History, Science, Art, Music, Fashion, Fancy Needlework, General Farming, Live Stock and Poultry. S'i! .18 Ssnd Your Offer Defers Yea Forest It $i L The Magazines Will Step Promptly, Whoi Time Is U? lli A ir . A ( rn Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. NEIL SULLIVAN, Proprieior. 'D. SWIPT . CO." nro ban quickly LoMeht Ly Mnniifiirtiir.-r.-4. Send a modol or 8kntch-3 ami doscription of your invention for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability. We get pat ents or no fee. Write for our free book of 300 ni-aicd inventions. D. SWIFT h GO, Parent Lawyers. Estab. 1B89. E 307 Sevenlh St., Washington, D. C.f litis ofliee n