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City JMan't 8neer at Country. iora wu a Frenchman -who "hatel oonctry as touch as did Charlei b, but' compressed ' bis feelings Into few words. Tola waa 'Charlefc tMocsetet; who lived on the Quai Vol jUlre, Paris. "It is," be said, "lb place where tho birda are raw." ' Umbrella Stand A sponge in a porcelain umbrella )jitand will keep the umbrella from striking tho bottom of the Jar, which s often broken In this way, and will talro absorb the rain water from a fwet umbrella. A carriage sponge will fit the bottom and is not expensive. Saving Patent Leather. Patent leather shoes and slipper (will last twice, aa long If you wlpfe Ithem off occasionally with a soft cloth fehat baa boon wrung out of oil re olL Xotip the cloth in a small tin hot. one (that has a cover, and the oil will last (a long time. -' . - Reproach to Femininity. For every wing of black and orange Sen a woman's hat an apple tree Is tripped of leaves and yoting fruit, o kin elm is denuded of its graceful foliage by the ' ' canker-'wornv-Our rumb Animals, ' She Knew. "Laura," said the fond mother. ("what are tfee intentions of thaf young jxna'ri Vhori you are permitting to call ton you ao often?" "Never mind that. incther," answered the maiden; "I jfcnow what my Intentions are." . . The players in the post-season games each got more than the aver age college professor gets for profess ing a whole year. Bo long, however, us the professors are content no fearm la done. A man in New York was sentenced to an hour in Jail for shooting the Sweetheart who refused to marry him. Why the girl was not punished for being shot was not explained la the fudlcial process. '' " t; John Wanamaker tells us that wom en who smoke axe "a menace to tb Ration." John is inclined to beooroe too fussy about it - Women who moke In public are not the custo Alans of the nation's morals. A Connecticut man lout his horse, ind after exhaustive searching found the missing animal in an orlbft4 ly ing beside a pile of cider apples in drunken sleep. The snake stories of the season sound monotonous after Ibis. '-r An English sailor, recently arrived Jn New York, tells a startling tale of his capture at the hands of a band of jbabboona. He proudly says they treat d him like a long lost brother. Some H'Pple can be proud of almost any j Local Pride. "Why do you insist ' on lnvestlni fc'our money away from your horn townT" "Well," replied Farmer Corn tossel, "I've got a good deal of local Jirlde, I have, and I regard the peoplf In this here township as ' bein 9 smart that none of 'em is goin' to lol uny real bargains git away from binu . , . " Synopsis of tho Game r ' Law.-" (In Effect March 18, 1915.) ' Note Sec. 6 of the Act Q ime fish as defined by this act, small and large mouthed bass and speckled - trau.V 6f what soever species oV variety also crappie and ring perch. OPEN SEASONS GAME Peer With Horns, (horns to accompany careass.-s at all times), limit one deer. North of thirty-fifth parallel of north latitude, from October six teenth to November fifth of each year. A nd south of said thirty-fifth parallel from Octo ber twenty-fifth to November twenty-fifth of. each year. ' TasseUEared Gray Squir rels', from June ist'to Novem ber 30th of each year. s Wild Turkey, (classed as biff fcame) nrh oi tfcif ty fifth parallel c( North latitude, from ' November " ' 1st. Det eember 31st cf each year, and fint of the said 35th parallel from October 25th Novem-, iber 25 th of each year. Xim . ,, -, . f it. , fc' . endar day. N ative or erested, Messina, California orHelemJet Quail from Octeber 25th to Decem ber 31st, of each year. Limit, 20 in possession in" one calen dar day Dov s from August i(5th to Seprember 30th of each year Limit, 20 in possession one OpVn SEASONS FISH Trout, Large and Small Mouth Bass, Crappie and Rin Fcerh,;from Juris It'.tp November 25 of each year. "Sec. 12 No person shall at any 'dme'shooj, hunt or take m any mwww ---- 1. nfbrame iisn as AnrA in this State without first having in his or herosyesion huipgli as hereinafter provided for the year in which such snooting, U3i& a, 0 done; The presence of any berson in any sperrftcrd, pfai ?ie or forest, whether enclos ed or not, with traps, gun or other weapon for hunting . . ... . .1-r 5n nossession a Wltnout iivuo r.T -1 proper hunting lipense as here Fn provided, shall be prima facia evidence of the violation of this fection. Hunting li censes shall be issued by the county clerks when duly au thorized by the State Game and Fish Warden, and such oc mnv be designat- UCUUUC3 - " " , ed for that purpose by ' the atatc uamc ouu - den. None of the provisions of "this act sMj'Vequire any resident of this statr. to obtain or have a been -e to .fish for trout, LICENSES Resident',' big game, bird and fish,"a.oo. Resident, 'big game, 1.00. Resident, bird license, $t.oo Resident, general, big game and 'bird4, $1 50. Resident fishing license. 1 .00 Non-resident, bigg:me,oira and fish license, 30, Resident-alien, big game, bird and fish, 55- ' Non-resident, bird license, 10.'' Non-rebident, big game and rd,25. ;' . Non-residcnt:ahen,big game and bird, $50. Non resident f ishing license, Agriculture Forest Service THE SIX RULES For, Care Wit( f iif in the Mountains-' If every member of the pub lic strictly observe these simple' rules , the great an nual loss by Forest Fires would be reduced to a- minimum. 1. sure your match is out before you, thfew if away. 2. Knock out your pipe ashes or throw your cigar or cigarette stump where -there is nothing to catch fire. 3. Don't build a camp fire any larger than' is absolutely necessary. Never leave it even for a short time without putting it OUT with water or earth. 1 " j il ' " ' 4. -Don't build a camp fire 7 . . i vi 1. . c-" j r gainst a tree or log. $uild a small ' one where" vou can scrape away the needles leaves'or grass Irom" all ' sides of it. 5, on't build bon fires i .... 1 . : . The wind may pome at any time start a nre yon can not control. ' " T" 6. If vou discover a Jire out it ; out if possible; ii you can't, get word of it to the nearest U. S. Forest Ranger or State fire Warden just as quickly as you possiby can. EVERYBODY REDA3 THE JOURNAL. Why? Because It Print TODAY'S 'NEWS TO SdA , and Lots of if. And because " ftLs "inde "fcendent'ittr 'politics and wears the collar of no political party. CO Cents a cuont hj n id! Albcquerque MQRNNQ JOUNAL. THE WORLDS 6REATESTSEWIKG MACHINE If yo want elth' VI bratl n p SMiut t le, RUn T fehutllorBlngl Thn-nd f Chain SliU-h Bewlng Mnrtilae wrlt to TUE KW K0!V!E SEWIH"? WHOHISS CCfttPAN' Oraiise. Mo. Many Iwliiciiichine re nintle lo sellreeanllrss .,ulitr, but the Ke,w Home ; iusJo t6 ' i ' "Ouv turniny never runi out. Mld by ftutborUed dealer nly. FOR SALS BV mi -WEBSTEfS lm ImTRfJATinfJA! l Dictionary THE MERRLrVln WEBSTER pecanae noN, eoverlnjc every field c( the world's thought, xtetr 'tanibridged dioUoiuuy in many yean. lUrame (t defines over 400,000 IT IM M , 1. 11 .n. mm w v. before appearsd between two eovers. aroo PBgem. Oooo XI- iamtralloax ths onlir dJcUocry rf?:Si; itu lt mv atwd i pass. A oiroJte n ueuue, R-9rt K is an encyclopedia In P5. c . a stasis volume, Roranu ls accepted by the . "if Courts, Pchpcl end Preoa aa li-s Vno kuprc'ix.o thoxity. ' R-ant be who knows Wis J Sooccm. .Let n tU you about tki t&ir VQ?lsi - ' ''SITS or neonsc A M iritt pir!-" ' .1 C.C.MRRIAMCO..PeUuliKm.Slminc,'BW 1 HusaUlipiiw, n(flULaMtgr9anBi- riMHaaig Tradc Marks . O- DMianrn. .'rillli C0SVIHMT AC Anyone nmdlng e kteH and dnntloa my antokly aeaenein oar wpWMn free sbr aa, .525 fee1 tJi'i'issa.- Hnj we. te Vs ' .! eulattoo of any aeleoucto r1ua1 forma. W I year: f oer Biontlia, tU 6vU bj ail Bewadnalera. . lit u n n & ou.""j :T7.nwj ui a -a. , . , MlieaJir - . v.v .s OUNT NEW MEXICO v Is Situated In a I'll I p 3 h - f- p $ - c. C.'' t & l a ie' el .', .a ii a s B n and la noted for its Health, Wealth and Beauty ora pnequaled. They stfc fhc nafurol home of aH ranfie sfocke Cait!, Horoest Sheep ancj Goat thrive vigorously throughout ihea year LEAD, IRQFf AND UNO ' 7 j ts liner: Resources are Inexhnuotlve end practically uncx plprccj find presents an excellent flefti a aa) m . , as tor tne prospector tauta Capiiauole Zz:z.z portions of the mineral tones that havq been unexplored In the past arc now be4 Ing opened up with gratifying rcaulio ancj rich minea are being developed. Larg reduction works are now In course oj const rqctlon and caplialiato are novaf anxious to Invest In Sierra Counft? Eklinf nd toeo0eak6aSySC,TnafctBm.