Newspaper Page Text
'"y "TV- SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE. .' " T ' " W. O. THOMPSON, Proprietor.' TheSiorraCounly Advocate iff entered at the ?03t Office at Hillaboro, Sierra "County, New Mexico, for transmission trough the U H. Mails, as (second class matter. c " SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE Impartially Devoted to the Best Inter Jesta of Sierra County anJ tho Siat t New Mexico, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 195C. For President, CHAULEg E. HUGHES. For vice-PrcHidont, CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS. ' ItEPBLlCAN BTATE TICKET. For United Htutes Fenator, FRANK A. IIUr.RELJ.. ' For Representative In Congress, B. C. HERNANDEZ. For CJovernor, HOLM O. BUUSUM. For Lieutenant Governor. ' V. E. LIN PS LEY, ' For JuHtico of the Supreme Court, CHARLES J. ROBERTS. For Secretary of State, GILBERTO MIRABALE, "or State Auditor, AV. O. SARGENT. For Superintendent of Public Instruc ' tion, J, II. WAONEU. For Attorney General, FRANK W. CLANCY. For CommiHBioner of Public Lauds, ' R. P. ERVIEN. For Corporation Coinmiwibner, MALAQAUIS MARTINEZ.1 For Presidential Electors, ' ' JUAN ORTIZ, L. 0. HILL, C. H. HAMMOND. Secretary Ilodfield's BagS experi prinrt with tho rppijhlioan "icehprg" 1 may have Bonibtmog to do with Mr. Wilson declining to make 'campaign spe?cbeB. JJp to date the the democrats in ifonveatlon at Santa Fo have mad no choice for governor, with 15. 0. dp Baca in lead. Jones will pro bably be nampd for senator and gallon for repieeeutatiyc, HILLSBORO Miss Frances Ringer left tbie saormng for Silver City to resume I lit; her studies at tho Normal School. Arch Brightwell who baa beeD jn the employ of Fred Mister for many years, baa quit bis job. Paul IHven has his hat in the ring for the Domination as superin tendent of schools of Sierra ooun ty. Ur. Given, who is o graduate of tbaA.&M. College, has had more than a year's experice in th office of the county snperinten dept of Sierra couuty, Laying hsd entire charge of the work during that time, confiders himself well qualified for the position. See hia announcement elsewhere. FAIRVIEW. Hrs. Irwia Daroburg and THE r t ir - ' '(ft- hi " HiJ XXr I, :: .ff ' it' . va daughter Florecce Aline of Polk, Nebraska, is here ou a visit. Mrs Darnburg is a sister of Mies Luta Axtell. ' Chas. Longlaw left for SiHs Colo rdo, on Monday's stage. A rULIlT Ur f" I rvivi i uoo nw CONSISTENCY NEEDED. The Nation has no policy of aggression toward Mexico. Wo & have no desire for any part of K her territory. Wo wtssb tier to & have peace, stability, and pros, p parity. We shall have to adopt pj a oew policy, a policy of firm- o neaa and consistency tnrougn which alone we can promote na enduring friendship. We de mand from Mexico the protec tion of the lives and the prop erty of our citizens and the ee curlty of our border from oepre- ij datlons. Much will be gain fed & If Mexico is convinced that we contemplat no metldlesoiae In- W tfrfereuce wilh what docs not c ccucorh us, but that vvs propose R to Insist !n a firm and candid p tnatmsr upon the performance of International obligations. To S a stable government approrri- a.tely dlscharg'ing its Interna- fi tional dutlC3, we should give un- K grudging eapport A short perl- y od of fi.-r, tonsistotst and g friendly dealir.s v. Ill acconipllsh S mora than Ciaay yeari .t vacll- X totlon. iFroiM Mr. " Hughes epoech of cccoptanre. Pi St&toof New Mex in., ) County of Sierra. ) , In tlio PiHtrict Court 1 of the ' Seventh Jjchlial District. ) Will M. KobiiiH, 1 riaintiir, vs. No. 12--9 OnndelarioRatreras, ; - I'efendaiit. 1 NOTICE OE SALE. , Whereas a jtideoient was rendered in the above entitled .cauna ou the 25th day of July. 1'JIO, in favor of tho plain tilt and Hiiainot the ' defendant in the sum of $187.55 damages and $3.(30 vosls and fur the further coats that may accrue on account of poodi sold and delivered to and; Whereas, under paid Judgement a Writ of Execution was issued out the eaid Court on the 'JOihday of July, 191(5. and delivered to me comiaandinjr mo to make out of the jjooun of the Haid de fendant tho above entitlud eumia and in terest at nix p"r cent, per annum from July 25th, 1916, till sale on the amount of the judgment, to-ttit': $187.55, and; Whereas. I have, under sui I Execu tion, levied upon the pr perty of the said defendant a3 follows, to-wit: litw One, Tw' Seven and Eiht in Rl.K-k 42 in the Townsite of Hillaboro, County arid St ite aforesaid. Now, therefore, I will eell the sai l prop -ity to the bigh'est bilder for cash, t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on the St'.th. day of Aunnrtt, 191, at the eRt front door of the Court Hou3e, at Hilla boro, N. M. . . WILLIAM C. KENDALL, herirr ot the County - ,t L'l .XT t First pub. Aug.-IG 4. Lastpub. Au-r 25-lfl SITUATION inn , Office i f S E A M AN M ILLI: i J , " " ' Fefi-ree, 2 Retor Rtrect, New York. N. Y. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. ; In tiie Matter J of In Banlt- UNITED MINES COM- j- ruptcy, PAN Y. I No. 21545, bankrupt, j TO TIIE CitKltlTORS OF TIIE AHOVR NAME!) IHNKRUI'T; NOIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that nil the right, title and inten at of the tibove nanjoi) tmnkr.ipt in and to tho real property hereinafter hc'i!"''t will t hoI4 at public auction under the di- recuon hi Jtchert, if. bti-.Uian, tj-UMtep, i.y Cliuiles Blictfiood, United St-.itoH Auciiimeer, on 'he 18th day of Sep'ein bT,'lilt. at 10:.'it) o'clock- in tho torn noon, at No, ri;i) Rrnaw ay, Horough of Manhattan, City of New York. A denciiption of Baiil property is as follows: ''Real cstatcsituatein the State of iNcw Mevii'o, known as the Lady Franklin iroup of Siim-s, situate, lyinp and boin in the Black Rnngo Mining Di.slrici in tin' Coun'y of Sieira, near tho Town of Kington." The torins f the sale ureas follows: Ton perc-'i.t (10 percent) of the iun:liaB. ITice in ( a h or ct'iliiind eliecU nt, the time of sale; the balance of the pur chase pi ice within thirty (aO) days. The tru Uu; le.ierveH the rLjht to with draw from Midt) tie above iropiity BheuM it not bring t least eeventy-five percent (75 percent) of the apju-aihcd value. Dated New York City, , .August 24th, 19KV si:aman miller, Rcereo in Bankiuptey. Robert H. Sir iban, Trustee in Hai'Uruptey, ;-,7 Wall dtreet, New York City. First pub, Sept. 1. pub. Sept. 15 : ..J'.t'i '.. ;.,.i- fcu-ur,;-.- -a..' - X: Catarrh means inflammation. Inflammation is tho stagnation of blood the corrinrr of the I circulation with impure blood. 1 Of course vou ca.;'t Lc tvcII under tuts conditioii. it ineans, headaches, Indigestion, klaney trouble, coughs, colds, etc PPFUllfl By assisting JL Wlia nutrition in creases the circulation, invigorates the system, removes the waste matter and biightena you up. Over 44 Years Of service to the public cutUIes it to a place Vvilh you. It Makes Good The Peruna Company Columr us, Ohio You caa get reruna to tablet form NEW AUTOMOBILES CAREFUL pIVERS F. W.' MUSTEK Proprietor LAKE VALLEY, K1LLSI30R0 & KINGSTON AUTO, STAGE anil EXPRESS LINE WHN COMTNG- Wire at Qur Expense -GAS AND You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act cently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past -half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything." Begin taking Cardui today, bold by all dealers. He s Helped Ft ' ACT H -' I 4 .10 FOUR MONTHLY MAGAZINES 31i8 5 Ana Oar Pspcr All One Year 1 TOIS IS A SEAL BAEISAEN . " - a i titers k h s 50Mm I Send ui your order right away, or give it to our representative, or call and see ut Tt Jiea in town. If you have never subscribed to our paper before, do it now and get t'lesfl four magazines. If you are a regular subscriber to our paper, we urge you to sin.l ia your renewal at once, and fet thee four magazines. If you are sub scriber to any of thsss intgruines, send your renewal order to us and we will extend your subscription for one year. Thisy flf f Ya caa g tow ragazines for Qg 1 1'lii.i Ui III If yea Subscribe to our paper for one year. i!G?HU copies cf thise f.:o tlvtm. Tliey are printed on book paper with illustrated covers, and are full of t'rn, int-T.;tips stor'es and instructive articles on History, Science, Art, Music, Faiiai rcy iieedlswork, General Farming, Live Stock and Poultry. C.jg Send Your Order Mm You Forget It $ v ' - 'r- T!:2 Magazines Will Step Fromp!!y, When Time Is Up Fine eVinos, Liquors and Cigars. Proprietor. CAR FOR SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT REASONABLE RATES Courteous Treatment OIL FOR SALE- Thousands. QUICKLY! magazines on dirplay at our office. Call and outrun',' ti...-u.'i t.h old eetablished tl "O. bWIF r tO." are bcin Quickly tfl bonfrht by Mapufactui-er. kl of your invention fur Fm SEARCH i and roport on patentability. We gret pat S enta or no lee. Write for our free book of oOU Dee.iwi inventions. ' D. SWIFT & CO. Patent Lawvnrd. Estab. 1889. 307 Seventh St., Washington, D. Oj ILocafloiii shin oniee f! , j