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Newspaper Page Text
THE NATION It SHOCKING LY UNPRIPARCP. "" It Is apparent tbt we t shockingly unprepared. ' ' Tnere la no room for controverty oa this point since the object le- con on the Mexican border. Ail our available regular - troop i ' (lees, I believe, than 40,000) arc mere of in Mexico, and as thes have been dee mod - Insufficient the entire National Guard ha been ordered out; that is, we are summoning practically all our movable military forces In order to prevent bandit incur slons. In view of the warnings of the past three years, it Is Inexcusable that we should fLod ourselves In this plight Tor our faithful guardsmen, who with a fine patriotism responded to this call and are bearing' this burden, I have Tothlng but praise. But I think It little ahort of absurd that we should be compelled to call men from their shops, their factories, theiT offices and their professions for such a purpose. This, however, Is not all. The units of the Na tional Guard were at peace strength, which was only about one-half the required strength. It was necessary to bring In recruits, for the most part raw and untrained. Only a small percentage of the regiments re cruited up to war strength will have had even a year's training in the National Guard, which at the maximum means one hua drod hours of military drill, and, on the average, means ranch loss. Men fresh from their peaceful employments and phy sically unprepared have been hurried to the border for actual service. They were without proper equipment; without necessary supplies; suitable conditions of transportation were not provided. Men with dependent families were aeTit; and condition which should have been well known were dis covered after the event. And yet the exigency, comparatively speaking, was not a yery grave one. It Involved nothing that could not readily have neon fore seen during the past three yearn of disturbance, and required only a modest talent for organ ization. That this Administra tion while pursuing Its course la Mexico should have permitted euoh condWAons to extat is al most incredible. From Mr. Hughes' speech of acceptance. Rabbits Cause Immense Loss. I Observant and experienced mei fcompute that eight or ten rabbits eat or destroy as much grass as one sheep. As there as so many millions of rabbits in Australia, the loss in the carrying capacity of the country t appalling. The pept Jn New "South KVales is spreading, notwithstanding nil that is being done in the shape of trapping, poisoning, fumigating, and Wigging out Pretty Girls slnd Plain Men. WhMi a nrettv woman marries a (plain man It Is not because she pities Sslro. A woman loves a man because tot his strength. His determination ap peals to ber, and wins her In the end, though she may not have been at jtracted to him in the beginning.' "Firm, (ttcsg compels a woman's admiration fend respect, and that is the first step ping stone to love, rSllOpMs Of tilO Gme Law. (In Effect March 18, 1915 ) Note Sec. 6 of the Act Game fish as defined by this act, small and large mouthed bass and speckled trout, of what soever species or varie jy; also, crappie and ring perch. OPEN SEASONS GAJ.IE Deer With Horns, (horns to icrnmamv carcass 'S at all Kmjt one deer." North Of thirty-fifth parallel of north latitude, from October six teenth to 1 November fifth of each year. And south of said thirty -fifth parallel from Octo ber twenty-fifth to November twenty-fifth of each year. Tassel-Eared Gray Squir rels, from June 1st to Novem ber 30th of each year. Wild Turkey,' (classeel as big game) north of the thjrty fifth parallel cf North latitude, from November 1st. Det ccmber 31st cf each year, anJ her Vcthnf each vear. Limit j n possession in any one cal endar tfay. .... Native or eresied, Messjna, California or.Hderrilet .Quail, from Octeber 2th to Decem ber 31st, of each year.' Limit, 20 in posscssjuii u- jiifi"j dar day Doves from August 16th to Seprernber 30th of each year Limit, 20 in possession one OrN SEASONS FISH Trout,' Large and Small Mouth 5Bass, Crappie and Ring Pcerh, from June 1st to November 25 of each year. "Sec, I ? No person shall . at any time shoot, hunt or take in any manner any w.m mals or birds or game fish as herein defined in this state without first having in hs or her possession a hunting li cense as hereinafter provided for the year m which such shooting, fishing or hunting is done. The presence of any person in any open l'P' fie or forest; whether enclos ed or not, with ttaps, gun or other weapon for hunting proper hunting license as here in provided, shall be prima facia evidence of the violation of this section. Hunting h censes shall be issued py tnc county clerks when duly au thorized by the State Game and Fish Warden, ana 5u. deputies as may be designat ed for that Purpose by the State Game ana den. None of the provisions of this act shall require any resident of this state, to obtain or have a license to fish for trout, LICENSES Resident, big game, bird and fish,' $2. 00. ' Resident, big game, 1.00. Resident, bird license, $1.00 Resident, general, big game and bird, $1 .50. . Resident fishing license. Non-resident, biggame.bira and fish" license, 3 Resident-alien, big game, bird and fish, 55-. , ,. Non-resident, bira nceubc, Sio. . . , . j Non-redenf, pig gac rd,2$- ' ,. , . Non-resident-alien, big game nd bird, $50. N on resident f ishing f icense, 5- Agriculture Forest Service THE SIX Rl)LES Cnr p.arA With Fire in ine a I Ul V ------ , . , , , '4 'Mountains- Jf every membei of the pub lie strictly observe the e 'cimnln rules, the ereat an- -..ii ' hv Forest Fires 1 would be reduced ft a .... ' . 1 ' " minimum. t Re sure vour' match is out before you throw it away. ' k 'MnnrV out vour pipe ashes'dr throw your pigar Or A, 'ir. v.V.rr'stherf is nothing 'to catch fire. 3( Don't build a camp fe any larger than is absolutely necessary. Never leave it even for a short time without putting it OUT witfi water or earth. 4. Donlt build a camp fire gainst a tree or log. Build a it ...Kaa rrii rrt Lilian viiw - scrape away the leaves or grass I rom of it. needles all sides fW -mmmmmm nriiww The wind mav come at any time and start a re yon can- npi control. 0, If you discover a fire out it' out if possible; il you can't', get Word of it to the nearest U. S. Forest Ranger or State fire Warden just as quickly as you possibly can. EVEEYBODy REDA8 THE JOURrJAU Wliy? because It Print tPDAY'S 'NEWS tO IDA 7 and Lots of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. ,00 Cents a woptppj mail. Albuquerqoe MORNING JOUNATj. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWIflG MACHINE h JJGHT RUNNING, WW :) If yon waft eitbrt a Vlh7t;nft!e HrH.r BewlngMaeiiinewntoto m NEW HOWE 2iVVlH3 ftIAHS? Cofr'.PAK4 Orange. Mafca. .ewlnr mchln- or to sell reitardlrsj o, litr. bui th Kw Hoe " Our I urntjr ncvet rut" out. 0OI4 hf aaitlwrliied dealers Ji7' roa tAui pv WebsteiS NE7 I tITERf 1ATI0I1AL Dictionary THE MfRRJAEl EBSTERt 2? TlOWt ooTsring erery field of In world's thoocht, aetioa and otOtore. Tb only new iinabiidgM rtlcttoijary ia many reste. oa..,. it defines orer 400,004 pecauic Words; more than ever before appeared between two oovart. 700 lte- O00O II laattatlonih ycan with the new diyidsd page. A "BtovJta Gn. fm Rmn tt n encyclopedia ixx 1 Decanse a Toluma TUranu lt eeepted by the 22., Courts, fcchooU nd Krue tit. wienie au thority Tf...tA he who knew tra Pca!lrt success. Let us tell mi about this new work. m - - r a m mi sut divided Patt. . . f URIAH CO.; f WkWw. SprfU, mawsl UiM paw, IX" TW - -T e t YEARS' ItNCE Dram 1 1 1 1 'tfffl ceprwiOHTs AC. nt i Aacartkiat eur opinio fr wtot0W a Bwfiui notice, uttbout ohaty. to lb J Scientific American. fell)NH&Co.884Brc,d"',N6wYgrk ' 1 " HI T7r.:.. 1 I' NEW MEXICO U Situated In iTroDic Ji (tnd it noted for its Health, Wealth and Beauty are wneqwaled. They are the nature? home oV all ren5 stock. Catilca, Hopsftp Shcap and Gpfiia thrive viiQs'Orjaty fhroufihou ha ynat mm shy DJEAD. ts winera qro !noxhfiMstlY end practically pnex? plorcd and presents an excellent flefif fpf the prospector and capitalist Sucl norttons of the mineral ones fhijt havq been unexplored In the past are now be ln opened up with gratifying yeaulto an( rich mlnea are b,eln3 developeds lar reduction works are now In course c$ construction and captfallsto sre nov anxious to Invest in Sierra County (Vllnio :or '1 lesources 5.-3 on't build bon fires, rom October 25th iNovem- IF? first ot the said 35 Parailcl