Newspaper Page Text
' SIWA 99UNTY ADVOCATE. W. O. THOMPSON, Proprietor, Tho Sierra County Ad vocateisentered at tb Voit Office at Hillaboro, Sierra 'County, ;Aw Mexico, for trariBiniatiion hrough the U S. Mails, ae Bocond class matter. ' " 1' . - ' -'- - . - f SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE Impartially Devoted to the Best Inter sts of Sierra County and the State Kit New Mexico. 0 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1916. For President, CIIAULE3 E. nuaiiES. For vicfl-Preftident, CIIARLE3 W. FAIRBANKS. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. . For United BUtes Senator, FJtANK A. IIUBBELL. For Reprosontatlvo in Congress, B. 0. HERNANDEZ. For Governor, HOLM O. BUUSUM. Lieutenant-Governor, W. E. LINDSLEY. F Justice of the Supreme Court, CHARLES J. ROBERTS. For Secretary of SUte, QILBERTO MIRABALE. For State Auditor. W. 0. SARGENT. For Superintendent of Public Instruc 1 ' " iiuu, J. II. WAGNER. For Aorney General, FRANK W. CLANCY. For ComrniHHioner of Tublic Lands, R. P. ERVIEN. For Oorjioration Comrnwioner, ' MALAQAUIS MARTINEZ. For Presidential Electors, 'jUANOttTIZ, L". C. HILL, 0. H. HAMMOND, LAKE VALLEY. Our young people have returned to their schools aa students or teachers, hisses Marie Knight, May Taylor, and and Frances Hammel have gone to 'State College. Misses Blanche Wilson, Mae Latham, Ida Kinney, Maggie Nunn and Carolyn Beals havo gone to the Normal School at Silver City, ijiiii C,arolyn is at the head of the de partment of rurul Ischools. Miss Flo unce Miller returns to her teaching in Los Angeles, We are compensated somewhat for our loss by the coming in of the ranchers with their child ren for the school. Mesdames Sikes, Wackey, and Wallace are occupying houses in town,. Some children Vide or cjrive in from their homes. The school' numbers around thirty-five, Miss Myrtle Stead, teacher. D. C. Taylor is attending the G. A. Encampment In Kansas City. " Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fisher of Rock port, Texas, are visiting relatives here." Mrs. Fannie Moffitte is leaving us . ....4,miiniti'Hh her daughter n Denver. Misses Helen Hopkins and Margaret Whitney are returning to their horns in Denver and Memphis respectively. May Ricketson of Mesilla Park, made a short visit to her grandmother, Mrs. S. E. McKinney last week. ' gome of our Spanish-Americans got into difficulty Sunday night, which ended in the use of a knife and a conse quent call upon the justice of the peace. Fred Price is back from Los Angeles where he has been attending an auto mobile school. The 8 L C branding round-up U near ly finished. The round-up for the fall ile of ateers will soon follow. The wjuSs, wnftt i 4)' -A, ' Carranza (to Uncle remuda numbers 200 head of horses. Mrs. W. C. Hammel is visiting her daughter Frances at State College. Leroy Graham and brother are. at tending the Normal School at Silver City. KINGSTON f ercy and Bim Keicl are visit ing friends on the Mimbrep. Ton Richardson and John Kel- ley vhnted Kingston the early part of the week. The Bullion Hill road has been put in shape. The tunnelB on Bullion and Su perior mines are bein g ppebed ahead as fast as possible. On the Tooono tunnel site, on the east side of Kentuck mounta in, operations have begun. The tan pel will be driven by compreHsed air drills as soon as a plant is erected. On Saw Pit the Monitor Mining company are potting their pro perties in shape to do consider able development. P. P. McNutt and family bare moved in from iheir ranch. The democrats easemblfld in state convention lad week at Sant B Fe named the following ticket: lor Uuited States Senator A. A. Jonea of San Miguel county. For Member of Congress W. 13, Walton cf Grant connty. For Governor Ezekiel 0. de JBaoaof Sag Miguel oon ty. For Lieutenant-Governor w. 0. MoDonald (present govornor) of Lincoln county. For Secretary of Strte An tonio Luoero of fcjan Miguel coun ty; For State Treasurer II. Leroy Hall of Uio Arriba county. For Corporation Commissioner Bonifacio Montoya of S.indoval county. For Attorney General Harry L. Patten of Curry county. For Superintendent of Pablio Instruction J. L. 0. Swinney of San Juan county. For Commissioner of Publio Lands George A. Davisson of Chavez county. For State Auditor Miguel A. Otero of Santa Fe connty. For Associate Justice of the Su preme Court Neil B. Field of Bernalillo county. For Presidential Electors Ja N. Uptoiiof Luna county; Felix Garcia of Kio Arribia county; Jose G. Chavez of Valencia county- NOTICE OF ePF.CIAL MASTER'S SALE. Under ad by virtue of a decree of foreclosure of nioittfnga. and order of sale of tho faventh Judicial District Court mm CARTltt, la Htw rVt tuning tta Sam)i "Qlddap'i State of New Mexico, within and for the County of 8iprra, entered on the th day of JuDe, Uiltt, in a certain action pend ing in siid Court where Will M. Rabins, was plaintiff, and Juanita A. (ifiicia, was defendant, lining cauce No, 1211), on the Civil Docket and wherein the ail Will M. Rollins, as plaintiff, obtained judgment and decree of foreclosure Bguinst the said defendant for tho sum of Two Hundred Eighty Kix and ($l'86.5T) 55 100 DollrHS, bninnthe amount on the m learnt interest up t the date of naid judmnnnt and attorney's fee with the costs incurred, and t bo inclined, to gether vith interest ut tho rate of twolvo percent fr.,m tho 13t!i day of March, 91i, until tho Hami) in paid, and by viitue of said decree I was a ppointed Rpeeial Master, t'i sol! the property hereinafter described tositinfy the said amounts, namod in said ju lgment, in default of payment being made of the said Bums. Now, therefore, I. tho undersigned Special Master, do hereby K've notice that I will o-i tlie 3rd day of October, I91(j, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court, llou.-ie, at Hillsbo.o, County and State aforesaid, offer forsale and will soil, at public ven due to tho highest bidder for cash, all or so much thrrf us shall be necepsary toeatinfythe aforesaid judgment of the following described property, to-wit: Lots mini bored one and two in Block No. 43 in the Townsite of Hillsboro, Sierra County, New Mexico, according to the suivey ai d adopted pint of said towns te filed in the otlice of the County Clerk, county and state aforesaid, togeth er with all improvements thereon. ML A WOLIOKD, Special Master. First pub. Sept. 8-10 4 Office cf SEAMAN MILLER, Peferee, 2 Rector Street, New York, N. Y. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. In the Matter of I In Rank- UNITED MINESCOM- ruptcy, PAN Y, No. 21545. Knnkrunt. ) TO THE CltKI ITORS OF THE ABOVE NAMED 15ANKRUPT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all tho riuht, title and Interest of the above named in and to the real property hereinafter dencribed will bo sold at public auction under the di rection of Robert if. Ktrahan, truMee, by Charles Sh.miiood, United States Auctioneer, on tho 18th day of Septem ber, 1916. at 10.50 o'clock in the fore noon, at No, 53il Rroadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. A description of said property is as follows: . , "Roalestatesituatein the State of New Mexico, known as the Lady Franklin Group of Mines, cituato. lving and boii'R in tho Iilaek Range. Mining Dintrict in th Couny of Sierra, near the Town of KinRSton." The terms of tho sale areas follows: Ten percent (10 percent) of the purchase price in cash or certified check at the time of sale; the balance of the pur chase price within thirty (30) d.iys. ' The truwteo reserves the tiuht to with ,1 .i -,v Q-ila Ht nhoee ironertv should it iot bring at least seventy-live percent (75 percent) of the appraised value. Dated New Yoik City, August 24Ui,l'JHi. m;aman miller, Referee in Bankruptcy. Robert H. Slrahan, Trustee in bankruptcy, 37 Wall Street, New York City. First pub, Sept. 1. Lawt pub. Sept. 15 ' I LUU5T R ATOR5 wHrU ' NEW AUTOMOBILES CAREFUL DRIVERS Proprietor LAKE VALLEY, HILLSBORO & KZKGSTGri AUTO, STAGE nnd EXPRESS LIKE WHV,N COMING- Wire at Our Expense GAS AND Saved GirFs o o o o o "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Mrs. SylvanJa Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went tn on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no mere trouble. I shall never be without O a a o In my home.' For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black Draught. It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five year3 of splendid success proves its value. Good for o o o young and-old. For sale everywhere. Price 2a cents. , jr jnjn, FOUR KOHTRLY KASAIiaES n .3 And Our Paper AH Crc Year I THIS If ism?- ACT QUICEILY! Send ui your order right away, or Uf when in town. If you have never get these four magazines. If you are a regular mbscriber to cur paper, wa urge you to send in your renewal at once, and pet these fo;tr magazines. If you are a sub scriber to any of these majazinea, send your renewal order to ui and ve will extend your subscription for one year. Thinlf (If It oa cal ct &ts 'aT faps fc? If4 I lUlla UI 1 1 If yon Subscribe to osr paper for cae year. JwO vV have sample copfn of these magazines on display t our office. Call and see them. They are printed on book puper with illustrated covers, and are full of clean, interesting stories and instructive jaticlc ca Histoiy, Scieact, Ait, Music, Fashion, Fancy Needlework, General Farming, Live Stock and Poultry. 9 1 .13 Send Ycor Orfisr Defers Ycu Fcrgct f i $f twm IPAIiACili: Fin o Wines, Liqucrs KEEL SULLIVAH, Proprietor. CAR FOR SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT . REASONABLE RATES Courteous Treatment OIL FOR SALE a u IT' a o o o 0 ft-Ml W f i?V fh f ff f'y T: tf give it to ot?r repreitntatfTe, or c.U atd see subscribed t our paper before, do it now and & 1 i. v -J sr. i V H r?' J F V r--. V 1 f t j ; , ( 4 f old H of your invention far t'R.E SEARCH H anl report n patontabiiitv. We rt pat. f i eVV or n0. ,,':- Vi'nta for ouv free book f I t i 01 net 101 inventions. mm H Patent Lawyers, fcsfab. 1389. M H 307 Seventh St., Washlcgton, D. C.f I I. EBBasalis 1 T "fB . ... i 0 t no. i K V-