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.y w S C3 ri . -r.. AT tt '.J K - ' s .7 a mc-wu IU3 VOL. 33. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, SEPTEMBER 29, 1916. 1.00 Per Year. No. 30. . m Jk i . . A 3s A''3hS9 SB 1 w.rj'wwi wi niHwriw m9mmt-mmmimmmmrmmmmmmma0BB mt 14 ' I vi- V "w. . T" ... ' ?4 ' V 5. - 7 V - 7 ft- MDk mwiwi 4- Rifles and Cfrtridres for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as in thehiph-powcr arms, your slirowd sportsman selects u Lis rifle and cartridges tor result;!. And wbc-n you start to he critical, tin-re's no where to stop short cf Remington -V MO. Made in Single Shot models in !-li-Action itiodrls, with the famous kenmieon-UMC solid licccli and now, the Aatolo-idinn mode' Umt sutressfplly han.llr 16 Rtminitlon A udJuo-ling rim-Sit tnt Whites 5i'i'.'- rd aditg. For ril .22 sport, net your ritie anUwrtridiuw fiotn th dealer wi.o displays he Rtd Hail iJarkof Ren.imlon-l, MC. Sol J by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Kemiiifion Armi-Union f.letaiiic Cartridge Co. j.V ' 'Wo,WOrUl''BU',din (233 Bro"lr) New Y' C,ty 'I a- .ild Froof of h.sfeoz For Sale at this office THE IV. S- CCGFO?, General Confractor. AND CIGA110 Good Vorkmanehip. Prices Right PDOIU ARACAJAL & ALES, HILLSBORO, New Mexico. the Automatic land selector '- y' "S. . rkx MENTION : ; OgOVE A .wilt" ... t4 ' X c i t . ' ' .a OR THE STATE LAND TVSNS H- A; WriLilED,.,., OLBce: First Door east of 11, C Church, iXiain troet. Millsboro, How Mr JAMES R- VAOOILL Demin, l Will ntlerd all ths Couits 8u rra County and tha Third Judi. iil Dietrct. c B3NHAM and REBER, QjJZC WJfiy'Z v-0v, LAWYERS, Las Cruces, N- Mix- F, . GIVE?:. M. D. Private ofQco at residence. Givs T-b-m a .Placc to' Play- . PlPEty of room for nlven h ml dnt.s (filter Hnd glare and sin), rioty of r,,-ai for pri.n ;,o,ls (gather the criminal ia), Pu iuv of r -oa. for j ais nud courln ( willinR enough to pay) i,ut ti'ev.r a place for the UJo to rtv; no, never a place to play! V .mty of room for rhopfl and nt-r,',- (nnraiBon mast have the best!), 1.(J'ity ()f r ,,,,, for ths ranuioa Borea th-it rot in t'he city'a breast! Pi My of room for the lun-a that led the hearts of our youths astray, Put evr h ceut on a pUygrouud 8pnt, uo, naver ft plaoa to play! I-ly of room for cho U and lialla, plenty of room for art; p.Vu-y of ro,.. for tea d U, plniform, stage and mart. Proud is thn ci?y-sho find, a plaee for nomy a fad toilay, rl ,h.;, .uorAui. MioJ i? fail, to Ond a placa for the boys to play. . ' Gve thPtn acqanort for i,ioocct eport, give them a ohanoa for fun Ueiler plnygrouud-plot thau a court and a jail when the harrn is Give tlfeTa chance-if you etintthrm now, tomorrow ybn'U have to pay. , i A h.rr bill for ad'irk-r ill, aoKivfl tha a place to 1)pcW A. McCarty, in the Journal of Education. rjava Steel Enznvjh ct plH ground for tho republican op timiam, now eo Reneral through, out the ptate. Easy Cs:ripa"3?i Grease. Iliilsboro, Haw l.hxko Among the republic iiu through out'the fctnte, thore u a Btr"n; ten inrv to r-t-.timisia as to the rf-eult , r,r o ,-omioc 9lecti.m. This I It is now definitely known that tendency i baee-l on aubstautial tbfl democratic campaign man. Oil. J. 0; ETCMEC, ; Physician sn:J Surect, tiillsboro, flew Hex. C. 13. FOSES, Phsician arjd SurgSon, Hot Sprinss, New-Mexlc (rro'iiMlH, Th pt'opltJ '! w Mfsioo, both domoctPts i.nd rc publuMtiS, are fhorouyhly convinc ed of the. futility of tho Mc Donald adiTiir.iBtratioB. At Fonift of mistakes, they have been amused; at others they have bpeo angered and at still other, like tha Lnrt Ctucos bank pcnndal, they have been deeply shocked. Th-3 prition.of SicDonald on ths de ruocralice ticket ninkes hiui to all intents and purpope, a candidate for re-lection. The people do not want soother term of McDonald administration, end the strong torn of public efntimfnt toward H. O. Bar6ura baa iurnifiLed aai- agors, witn toe connivanoa or. Governor McDonald, propose to turn loose something like $300,000 of the state road money during October in districts "sybej: it will do the most good." This does not mean good on the building of roads; not a bit of it. It means where that hae Bum of money will do most to influence votes , for the democrutio state ticket. The peo- of New Mexico are ftbout to receive a bitter lesson iq one of the rankest case of political road building thai h$a ever shamed this nation. Road contracting in Jiew York sttte id its worst days will lok like civic righteousness in co:npnnsoa with this stupendous democratic political frame op