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1 1 ,-.T jJ.SSTJi'-T.aiLJjLJJl-.'.-i '. 4 V7 ; j -i i b as m SLACKS yoh. 33. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, OCTO0E 6, ?I9i6. $1.00 Per Year. No. 31. w,, ,fc..., ..-i-TiI I. ll.a.ji .. . II rg, WM il....'. 5. 4 5?scri m V U!U. JL Si h jEha yvv u j n .i ii J't ! '.. -Ui.--. - 1 - -.-1 'JEWS . "' ' WILSON CONSISTENT pNLY IN HIS VACILLATION. As It is with "war," no It Is with ' "intervention." President Wilson lias again and again said he would not "Intervene" In Mexico. As a matter of , fact be has Intervened continuously but as he never fol lowed put policy of tlther Inter vention or nonintervention with any reso'mtlou always yiojding at the critical moment to some bandit chief of whom he became fearful both his spasms of in tervention and his epasms of nonintervention huv alike been entirely futile.- From the speech of Col. Theodore Roosevelt, de livered at Lewiston. Maine, In behalf of Charles E. Hughes. Jones and Walton Abandon ' to His finish HEADS OF DEMOCRATIC TICKET SPLIT IN FIRST WEEK OF CAM PAIGN CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS REFUSE TO TAKE ON HEAVY LOAD OF GUBERNATORIAL TWINS AND HIKE TO THE. DISTANT 8AN JUAN, WHILE McDONALD PERSONALLY CONDUCTS DE BACA AND THE MUD BUCKET ON FROSTY TOUR ALONG THE PECOS. -i. )J Aft? j re -T , ... ivl i H 1 wmim. om!ngton:UMC Rifles and Cartrid&'es for Real .22 Sport IK the .22 caliber as in the high-ower arms, your shrewd sportsman selects lm rifle and cartridges for resvltx. And when you start to lie critical, iher' no whtre to stop sbort of Hemington-U MO. Made in Sinnle !-hot models in Slide-Action models, with the famoiM KemltiBton-l!MC solid breecli and now, the Autoloading model that tucctssfutty hand In 1 6 Remington Anlotoadtni rim-Are carttiages without reUtading, Correal .22 port, get your rifle and cartridges from the dealer who displays tlie Red Ball Marko Remington-U iSC. Sold by your home dealer and 324 of her lending merchant in New Mexico 'fSZrZ "vnS Af . Wool worth Building DECLINED TO PERMIT A SQUADRON TO DEFENJi AMERICANS. At Tamplco there wa a gen eral Movement of attack by he Mexjcaria on Americans and other foreigners. We haa a squadron of American warships in the neighborhood. The Wil son Administration declined to permit this squadron to be used to defend the lives of American men and the honor of American women, and the commanders of the German and English ships at Tampico had to step In and perform the task our represen tative had so basely abandoned. At the very time that the Mexl can mob had surrounded the building In which the Americans had taken refuge, and was howl ing for thbir blood, the Ameri can fleet, In spite of the pro tests of the American naval commander, and In accordance with wireless orders from Wash ington, was forced to steam out of the harbor and leave the Am ericans to be massacred by the Mexicans, or rescued by the Germans and Engilh. From the speech of Col. Theodore Roosevelt, delivered at Lewis ton,' Maine, In behalf of Charles B. KfigJboa. Reminflon Atmt-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. (233 firoadwar) Mew York City V"S. N JTJ ""TTT "' r"TT T-'fr " 'T ' "fl Mffl M T act jri: lank: For Sale at this office THE Uiqiior AND CIGAHS pARABAJAL & ALES, W. G. COOPER. 03naral Cjnfracory Good Vorni0nbip. Pricpa fiight Political Jottings If pinng' "to get Villa" are bImuj doned Villa should reciprocate wid refrain, from, organizing expedition", "to get" American citizens. The fact that Mr. Wilson could endorse this Pork Congress shows that fce Isu't seasick, anyway. Mr. Finchot also seems of the opin ion that God Hates a QiUtter. fi A. WOLFORD, OlS. First Door east of R. 0 " Church. Main Street. Hillsboro, New Mex JAMES R- WADDILL, Deminsci N.- M Will attend all the Courts Sie rra County and the Third Jfidi. cm! Distrct. B3NHAM and REBER, LAWYERS, las Cruces, N-Me)c F. . PiVEN. M.. D- Private offioe at residence. ANDRIEUS A. JONES and William B. Walton, Democratic candi dates for Congress, have refused to take on the load of defending the McDonald adminltration. They have declined to campaign with or near to McDonald or de Baca. They have determined to alone. The Democratic candidates hava spilt Into two factions one consisting of Jones and Walton; the other of McDonald, de Baca and the Mud Bucket. Doth factions have agreed that the rest of the ticket may drift News of trouble among the Democratic candidates did not "leak out" from Santa Fe. It burst out. It began to come during the first conference of the bosses on campaign policy and it has been coming ever since until even local Democratic leaders throughout the state know the details of the split. It wt3 proposed to Jonea that he take on his fellow townsman, Mr. de Baca, and attempt to put hlia over. The Jones reply. In effect, was that he was not running a hospital, but was running for the United States Senate; that he had not spent the last four years In the Interior Department delivering land content decisions for deserving Democrats for nothing, and that he proposed to take no chances with such chances as he has.' Defonding himself and President Wilson, he paid, was all the load one senatorial candidate could stand. The second proposal was that Walton should campaign the Pecos country with Governor McDonald, Just to prova to the boys that there Is no hard feeling. Billy, tha InRlders say, asserted vehemently that It couldn't be done. He was not the boy, he told them, to prove to the Democrats that McDonald is one of them. And as for the McDonald record, he merely pointed to the Senate Journals! of the past, fro ses sions, wherein he voted "no" on the record from start to finish. It might be, he said, that it could he proven to some that McDonald had been merely experimenting with the governorship during the past four and a half years, and that as de Baca's understudy and heir apparent, the governor might make good if givrn another chance; but he, Walton, was not the boy to do It. As on official defender of the McDonald administration, he feared Bill Walton would prove a fizzle. Then the party spilt occurred. Jones and Walton joined forces In mutual defense. McDonrld, lacking an alternative, took oa the Job , of putting ovr the lieutanant governorship and its prospects by blra polf. The conditions did not admit of debate. and Walton rought the furtherest corner of the state from the objective point ot McDonald, the Pecos Valley. They left for the San Junn country. McDonald, de Baca and the Mud Bucket mailed on their frit tour alonsr the Pecos. This Is the Democratic campaign line-up today. The heads of the ticket may come trgether on state occasions, like the State Fair at A-Ibuquerrjuo, for the sake of appearances. They will not stick to gether long. (Jones has been flattered Into a sincere belief that he can be electel to the Senate. He propopes to taks no chances with the defense of nnv record but his own. Walton cannot go with McDonald, even if he wished. The governor was against him for the nomination for Congress and Is against him now. lie roust team It with Jones or go alone. His abandonment by Jones Is held to account for the bitter reck lessness of speech Governor McDonald displayed on his opening tour on the Pecos. In the past the governor has spoken with restraint and dignity, even when veracity was lacking. Those who have seen him on the platform say he Is angry and that he is worried over the record he baa written and the fact that he has been left to defend It abso lutely alone. He appears to have started on the long Job of talking down his record and In his effort has exceeded the Mud Bucket in disregard of well-known farts. This has required him to go the limit, for the Mud Bucket, or Gillie Otero, as he Is known in exclusive mil lionaire club circles In Santa Fe has been dipping deep Into his own not far distant record ns a Republican parasite for hla supply or muck. ''The best little governor New Mexico ever had," as the buyers of state tlmLer lands used to affectionately call Gillie, says he has beconio so staunch a Democrat that ha would vote for the worst Demo crat against the best Republican for any office. Otero has not yet referred to "The Official .Sheep Ranch," probably because he knows that his new-found Democratic brothers remember all the harrowing details of that once promising Institution of the days when Gillie was a staunch Republican for revenue only. It is a happy little party that has been touring the Pecoa. Da Baca Is quoted as having said that he regrets his nomination; Gillie is suspected of regretting his record; and McDonald has left no doubt in the minds of anyone as to how he feels about hlg own. To date the only team work In the Democratic campaign line-up is unanimous regret that the McDonald record cannot be disposed of as they were accustomed to dispose of Democratic political notes In ihe First State Bank of Iifis Cruces. That useful Institution, unfor tunately for the Democratic party, has blown up. There are grave fears that Governor McDonald Is about to do likewise. "DESERVING DE RIO CHATS." Howell Ernest was removed from office by legislative act because he was nn6t to hold tha position of auditor. When he had been ousted it was found and proven that he could not keep hia own ac counts straight. He made a settlement of his accounts npon de mand of tbp state. Yet tfcDonald forced this man into vbat is pro buhl y the most important position in the state under present condi tions; that of secretary of the state tax commission; a post where every interest in New Mexico, public and private, demands a man ot intelligence, of financial experience and of sound judgment. It is not Ernest who is to blame for the unhappy events which have occurred iu the departments with which he haa been connected. It is tha fault of the man who appointed him. Trinidad C. de IWa was McDonald's selection for state gams war den oat of a Urge field of candidates, tuaoy of them competent men Sines be took ofiice in 1913 Baca has spent $13,500 of money paid into bis office by the sportsmen of this state. Ho has pat back into fish, game aoimals and birds less than $2,500. The eportsujea hsvs not failed tr protest to McDonld. They have told the governor what they think of bis came ward n and they have been laughed at for their pains and thereafter ignored. De B.tCi is another "deserving1' UILLSBOli Nsw Mezicq. Hillsboro New Mexico democrat.