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1 ixl Ji J. Aii v vUra J. Jut VOL. 33. JB-i .... HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, OCTOBER 20, 1916. $1.00 PerYear. No. 33. ...f -J V. .r Hi;ifeIi;0:ro Mexico wyl v4 '''' n Hifles and Cartricip VvSv"' ' A fox Real .22 Sport V M a t .'7'"i J" fi ' 1 : . : a y ' i tut i . -.-. i"i . 1 1 ; 1 . . ri W4 vl V x i snns your s!ir-Hd .spcit-m.-in .selects 9 vNV' A ' '' V! Lis rul- iui eurlni;:cs for rouHs. R ' At. J wii.- is v'mi starl to l.e critical, there's no- U Hi I 'rf-", , t.'.i' i l Hum!, : i-t'? rim-.irr Irt.''--i:,..s -:Dn.ii i ' li'tr,- H 7 , . j-. :..!..;;.! siK.u.iK.tvv,:: rir!e.v.dW,MH- t vnttw K ' -' , Seld bv vour home dealer end 324 r! f .i , .,-' other itacLng r.ierchanU in Newr Mexico li e&sZ?'Si-J?4:!L, V V V.'oolwcuih i'liiiding Cw3J3.-aai.lway) New Vtil-- 17 Mine Iiaatioji . ami Fo.o.f Qf Bab or THE jjqiior carabajal & A I es, V. S. COOPER, Gcnsral Gonfractor. Good WorkjunriHl'it.. l'i i. JJlLLbDUli iNew Men , !. I, iXUUV WADDV TT'C MAT AM 1CQTTT?" Villi VV WiViV 1 11 vJ llVA All iv'vVJ EVESVTWNC BANK I 1 :',W THAT MAN M"DCf'ALO A 1 f - ,V' ' Y 1 r ir r-f '"" A GOVERNOR ! YOU KNOW ALL u t0 auBll1 A UAD - V-l A 00 V. AW 4,If E. C. dc Baca Is Elected He Will Make the Same Kind of a Governor I Have Been.W. C. McDonald. MiauEr mm Jim 001 SOLID VOTIG-PCPUUlTlOfl : , FGFI REFoEL!Gi!!S i GhLAT CROWD GREETS HEADS OF THE REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET AS THEY SWING INTO THZ OCTOBER CAMPAIGN. SAN i" A FE ALSO GIVES UTtI AN OVATION Court Hou :p Crow ded by Votoi'S Who Vie wit.. O'.ip"- in Cordial ity cf s'.C'v:. ; i. f.;,! t'v-afit New i.lcxioo fvfAt. (Dy Guthrie Smith.) Raton, N. ?,L, Oct. 5. Sponking here toniylU from tlic same Matforiti, Hon. ('. Li. Jlilier, congiessaxan tteui Mjiwer.ota. and H .?n. il. O. Durtuxii, lu'i'tiblicaii cuiidtu.ite for Bover.'ior of Now M"a!co, disetifsod re." poetivcl y tlie grftt tsHUes of tlie day, an thoy al'Iocl both the liiition and the sUife of f.'ev; Mexico. Air. Miller is one of this three me.nk?ra of national rep utation to enter New Mexico this week to make addresses upon of vital interest to the people. Between bow end tlie 7th day of November, some fifteen to eighteen .more of the e prominent men will join in the inva sion of the stnte, so it is announced by Jmlp-e Heed Holloiiian, chairman of llio New Mexico HpeakerH' bureau. The week which ends today ha been one of tho frertest intere'' to tho Republican .campaign puty which hnfl been compos-ed of frank A. Hub bell, candidate for Ifnlted Rtatni sen ator; Iienino C l.'otnanc'cii, candi date for representative in congress, and Holm 0. Uursum, raididate for povcrpor. The utay in .iihufiuorque, at tend in the Thirty-sixth New Mex ico State Fair, could not be called wholly a vacation. Mr. ilubhell was in his home town-ami spent practically all of his time in effoctiTo work. A blackboard in one cf the bara in Al bmiiierciuo has chalked up a number of offers to bet that A.A. Jonot, the Pernor ratic candidate for the senate, will defeat Hubbell. Every one of these bet has been covered. Any organised opposition to Hubbell that may exist In his home county of Ber- fficenoDe of it was in evidence dur ing fair week. Hernandez was called away before tho close of the fair, to attend to important matters In tho northern part of the state. Dursum at the Fair. Bnrsum was a regular attendant at tho fair, occupying a box with Mrs. Bni'sun) and Miss iiurtsuni. The can didates for the principal offices on both tickets a!.o had boxes, but only U:o Hi t:,Uiv'i!i candidates oecuoied lb -!rs af'.t the first day. Bursuni's to .l.i' ir- hi bits was mors ts r:i !). ,.'!it-Reeing. He wrj f.1!- ' . i.ii.M of tha sv- ",-il .(.,,1,. ii, Vii'i a view to aiding .lnlfila.,'Ii'iy J? Vafl w'dfk jvf develop; moiil, after he hn li n irmngnrafed governor of Now Mexico ra?A Janu ary. In h!a stddy of tha exhibits at the fair, he wca jast m patient end thorough hi he was in point; all over the iaolatPd county of S.-.n Juan coun ty, el "dying th.-.t wonderful country find learning from the people wlwi iheir leot iiiu'rative needs tin. Since tho mailer of beie has been men tioned, it will not be amiss to bay here that tho feame blackboard in Albuquerque contains many offer; io bet ?;,"00 to $100, and others at the B.'ime odds, that Bursum will be elected governor. Not one of the o bets has been covered. Last week in AlbuijaoTfjiio three Democrats and one Profrosfdvo "chipped in" f 50 eaeii .ind bet the puol that Duraim will be elect ed by a plurality of not less than 2,0u0 votes. Gallup's Great Reception. Oal'.up, county scat of MeKinley, and known far and wido as a town ;f po iitl'a.i i'.patiiy, wa-i invaded h'nuoy by tho party. And Gallup, en that aXtonuion and night, lost its ret ut at ion as intlifterent to the viaita of poii il eal workers, Hcl bell, Buriutn ts-A J. II. Wagner, enndidata for suT.erla tendent of public inrftnictinn, made up t:te party of speakers. Ft Hx Baca, of Albu.rierrjne, nocomynnb-d the party and se rved as interpreter. A bh,' dele fat ion of cit'zens fion Gallup and other precincts of the county, ".net the train, where a sort of Informal recep tion was held. The band played an impromptu concert and many other were attracted by the music. Tbi band was the Navajo Indian organi sation from the Crown Point rcliool, and was returning horn on the ffins (rain with the campaiKnars fron. Almi riiierque, wbore an enaprent had been played at tho fair. Following the reception at tho dpot, the band then played for awhile In front of the hotel vhere tho candidates wer quartered. AKain at 7 o'clock the band bean and played u"i'" the open ing; of the meeting, a little after S o'clock. Tlie opera bonne in C.nllnp Is a cornmndious auditorium, but there were mrny who were unrb"i to find peats. They remained standing until the closo of thr meetinje. Bursum mnde t!te opening r hires. ITe raid in beginning that he v es peclollv b i p p 1o be in Onlbin b" cnnp bns wp one o' ihn j 'ioneers of McKinlev c'virny. TwiJtitv-ix years before, he said, bo b d driven a ! mnle team "between "tVingnte and Fort Wlngate; that he had ferni"lmd the props for the mines of Oallun, then the creation of McKinlev county, in the ljrifdature of 1Sn, With the ex eeptlon of a- abort riiucn1 .len of nn ttonnl matters, ho confined his ad dress to stftte affairs. Hubbell epoke or tariffs and other national issues. The nre?ent prosner- ty In the T'nifed mrt, hp dorit la due wbolb; to the rr-" "Rn-on-n t'nr, d li In Ht of th" Hnr'er- -fir- Ml no' bcr ""'' ' f it, rfe solle if,f! ,, picn' ert of the vcifo; s er the .ryin 1 '.l t. -..-x,.. fn'ln.ffsl. flA . v-k'i.. ,c Bine to t,pi . .- i'OW Mex ico understandingly in the senate. i Wfgner, makins bis first speech of ; Qs caippaln. caiifM and b'd at- i ("CTiUan of Tlio audience, hotwlthslafia- I lug it was late when be began spak-i ing. He was aeveral times applauded' tor bis belicfi on school matters. iianta Fe Enthusiastic. J Santa Ke turned out- an audl-j Btu e Thfsdny nlxht which over-1 Howcd. tba ceu' t house. Bursum con-i Uu uod his cot:-. !. Moji. arcu'ner.t in fa vor of good ro: us and unending lni- provement of tho public schools and: I state institutions, ;s prime esentlalaj n the bst development of the state's. efiOurces v.r. Sena servAJ Joz fpoko on the national issnes. Ho icidnred uneiniivocally that he is in Savor of suffrage for women. "HE DIDN'T DO RIGHT" ( li ::"nship. Col. Jose D. is Interpreter. Hornan- Indepcndent Voters Turning This Con viction Over and Over In Their Minds and It Will Cost Mr. Wilson Many a Vote. A 1 emoenit who never voted for a B(jii;'d; t.ii caiidiil.ife for President ex ci'id in v h. n lie was forced by tlie lack of u HeiiKierallc nominee to cast lils ht.llot for Horace Greeley, says: 'T evpect to vote for Woodrow "Wil -on, Lut I don't like bis course in. tin" railroad di psite. He didn't do right." Tb'j railroad controversy has intro duced a mora! Isue Into the campaign. Mr. Wilson wicriliccd principle to ax Iicdleiicy, or wii;M he judged to be expriih ncy, win n he titiucly ' surren dered to fie; demand of the train service ju'otherliit'xls. He put bis own personal and party need before the public good. He angled for votes. He aimed a body blow at the tried and tested arbitration method of rett!!ns dirfcmic". "(e.d help you; 1!," he is said to have exclaimed in tlie railnwd man agers, who do not .oil as many vote as their employes. But he could have helped them if h" h..d .-Mod impartial ly between them a ml the utterly reck-, less trrJn-sei iee representatives v ho were bent on their rule-or-ruin programme. i;t." The conscl t Is sittking deep -.;:.!." That wide ill ost him thou- etiou ),". ,tJ' lie prcferrea I, attitude of tha "He didn't do I' onsne: s of I hat f;t bi:o the A merier-n lb. di-;,."t r s;i"f ad i ii ' s.n saisis of - mi "lie til (lie we:;! born con Tho 'A The l'i e dil'l (io li. J, HIS ti'l, .prnrjt-er. M.rhae p Coll'. Hlii ople like courage, ns. They like a man who has the courage or ills con victions. They like a man who is willing to rlk consequeaces or tha s.i! e .f a $ml cHirse. It as an imjusi cause in which Woojrow Wilson enUsted when he ac cepted the brotherhood view that tha chief Item in their demands cmild not be " arbitrated. Providence Journal, t