Newspaper Page Text
.JlL-.'LtJJ.LiJJ 11 Advo A HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, OCTOBER 27, 1916. ji.oo Per Year. No, 34. VOL. 33. v V Woolworth Froof For Sale THE JLiquorg PARABAJAL & ALES, - JgSLl&G Blanks Remington rUMC Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges for results. And when you start to be critical, there's no where to stop short of Hemingfon-UMC. Made In SinRle Shot model' in Slidr-Actlon models, with the fa trio in Remington-UMC solid breech and now, the Autoloading ruo lel that successfully handles 16 Remington AvtoLxiding rim-fire cartridges without reloading. For real .22 sport, get your rilir and cartridges from the dealer who displays the Red Hall Markol Rtmint.loH-U UC. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. Building 1233 Broadway) Now York City TpriP Turf WB, of kalioE at this office W. S. COOPER General Contractor. Gqod Workmanship. Prices iiighj, JilLLSBOIi New Mexico. Hughe Sympathetic With De mands of Labor Which Are Proved to Be Just "I am sympathetic with every demand to improve the condi tions of labor, to secure reason able compensation for labor. I am in sympathy with every ef fort to better human conditions, and particularly the condition of those who toil in Industrial pur suits, in railroad pursuits, In all these great activities that are essential to our prosperity. But when you have a proposition to change the scale of wage you have a vital proposition which requires examination. You must at least know whether the de mand is a just one. "Labor, of course, should not desire anything but what Is Just. I do not believe labor intends to ask for anything but what is Just What Is Just can be ex amined and will survive Inves tigation. Nothing Is lost by hav ing the process of reason applied If only that which Is Just is required." Mr. Hughes In His Speech at Portland, Maine. SURRENDER TO FORCE WOULD TEND TO DISASTER. "That kind of virus In our life surrender to force would bring us no end of disaster. If we let capitalists or working men, any interest, learn that the way to get what is wanted Is by applying pressure and If we con tinue In that course for a few years, democracy will be a fail ure, and we might as well give up our form of government" Mr. Hughes In His Speech at Portland, Maine. : PUBLIC OFFICER SHOULD CTAND LIKE A ROCK "Government under pressure Is net American Government. Whenever pressure Is applied to any public officer he ought to stand like a rock and say: 'Here I ctand until we substitute rea son for force. It Is not an American doctrine to legislate first and Investigate afterward.'" Mr. Hughes in His Speech at Portland, Maine. DEMAND WAS NOT FOR EIGHT-HOUR DAY. "It Is said that the judgment of society has made the demand for the eight-hour day. This was not an eight-hour day, and the Judgment of society had nothing to do with the proposition laid before Congress and passed by Congress. The proof of this Is found In the bill itself, which proposes an investigation to find out whether Congress had any business to do the thing which It was asked to do, and which It did do." Mr. Hughes In His Speech at Portland, Maine. ft NO ONE WAS AFRAID OF HAITI. Haiti did not behave as badly to us as Mexico behaved; hut Mr. Wilson intervened, fought the Haltiens, shedding their blood and the blood of our troops, took possession and now has our armed forces In control of Haiti and directing Its gov ernment Ills course of action In Haiti can be defended only If his course of action in Mexi co is unqualifiedly condemned; for such action was far more needed In Mexico than In Hai ti. But tkere was a difference In the two cases; and to Mr. Wilson It was a vital difference. Haiti was weaker than Mexico. No one was afraid of Haiti. From the speech of Colonel Roosevelt delivered at Lewis ton, Maine, la behalf pf Charley E. Hughes. 8 ELECTION PROCLAMATION ! Whereas, by is made the duty of the Board of Commissioner" of each county in the State of New Mexico, to proclaim the elections that are to lie held in their respective counties for the purpose of Voting ffr candidates for the lifierent offices; and Whereas, it is further made the duty of the r)id Board to (five public noticu of the ohj.'Ct of the election, the offices to be voted for, and names of the candi dates for each of the "aid offices as the am are on file in the office of tha Couu y Clerk, and the post office address f eacli of said caudioates, and theplaco a here said election 18 to beheld iue.ieh precinct in said county, and, Whereas, it is required, by Liw, that the sii I notices bo inserted (when ttiere, ic no luily newspaper published in theounty) in the two leading wsekly newfp.ipers by nserting said notices therein in two is tui'S thereof prior to the date when s.iich elocliou is to be held ;'and Now. Therefore, The Board of County Commissioners f the County of Si.Tra, Statu of New Mexico, in nession hel 1 at tlilUhoro, on the 17th day of 0' lobar, 191o have ordered as follows, to-w it: That the object of the election t he held on the 7th d.iy of November, 1910, is t. eJ.'Ct three 'residential KIhc 'ors, one United States St-nior. one Re presentative in Congress, a full hiate Ticket, a District Attorney for tho Sev enth . I uuicial District, a 8tati Senator for thu Thirteenth Senatorial lhstrict and - 'nil County ticket for tho County of Her. a, State aforesaid; the officers to be voted f jr an as follow b, to-wit: Three president! d Electors, one Unit ed Siat'S Senaior, one Keprenentative in Congress, a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, a Secretary i f Plate, a 8ate Auditor, a Sta e Treasurer, an Attorney General, a Supe'intefideut of l'ulil i: In "truetion, a CcJiunisijioner of Public Lands, a Justice of the Supieme C unt a Corpora iun Comniis4o.ier, a Member of tha State Senate, Member of the Houn of litprcHentativts, a Dih iric; Attorney of the Seventh Judicial District, a County Commissioner 1st I'lBtrict, a County Commissioner 2nd District, a County Coinmiisiotier ;hd DUtrif'.t. ft Probata Judie. 8 C jlltity LCltirk, a Sheriff, a County .Assessor, County Treasurer, a l oumv rMiperm t ndeilt of Schools and a County Sur veyor. The names of the candidates for each of the said offices as the name are on file in the office of the County Clerk of Sierra ounty, N. M., and the post office addresb of each of said candidates is as follows, to-wit: DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Felix Gan ia, ostoHice address, Lnm berton.M. M., J. N. Upton, pistolnce address, Deming, N. M., and Jose G. Chavez, postoliice address, Los Lunas, N. M.,for Presidential Electors. A. A. Jones, post office address, East Las Vegas, N. M., for the United States Senate. W. B. Walton, post office address, Silyer Citv, N. M., for Representative in the 65th Congress of tho United Si ates. li. C. de Baca, post office address, Las Vegas. N. M., for Governor. W. C. McDonald, post office address, Carrizozo, N. M., for Lieutenant Gover nor. Antonio Lucero, post office address. Las Vegas, N. M., for Secretary of State. Miguel A. Otero, post office address, Santa Fe, N. M for State Auditor. 11. L. Hall, post office address, Chaina, N. M., for State Treasurer. Harry L. Patton, post office address, Clovis, N. M., for Attorney General. J, L. G. Swinney, post office address, Aztec. N. M.. for Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction. Oeorwe A. Davisson, post otnee aa- dress. Roswell, N. M., for Commission er of Tublic Lands. Neill K. Field, post office addrf ss, Al buqueroue, N. M., for Justice of the Su preme (. ourt. " Bonifacio Montoya, posiomce auuress, Bernalillo, N. M., for Corporation Com missioner. ILL. Kerr, post ofhee address, Mem nir. N. M., for Statd Senator of the 13th Senatorial. Valley, N. M.,' for Representative in the I egislatare trom tne oiu legislative District. MiltonJ. Helinick, post office address, Socorro, N. M. for District Attorney of he Seventh. I udicuil District. John W. Dawson, post office address, Vrrev, N, i for County Commissiouer, 1st District John A. Dye, post office address, Hilla- boro. N. M for County CommiriSioner, 2nd District. Frank A. Calhoun, post office address, uchillo. N. M.. for County Commis sioner 3rd District. Alfred M. Ales, pnst office address, Hillsboro, N. M., for Probata Judge P. 8. Kellov. txt office address. Hills-i boro, N, M., for County Clerk. U . M. Uojorquez, post ouice auuress, Arrey, N. M., for County Sheriff. Eeuiamin Lucliini, post office address, Derry, N. M,, for County Assessor, Juan B. Arajjon, post tfiice address, Monticello, N. M., for County Treasurer James P.Parker, post office address, Hillsboro, N. Al., for County Scho(4 Superintendent, Frederick Hiltscher, post . office ad dress, Hillsboro. N. II, for County pur veyor. REPUBLICAN TICKER. Juan Ortiz, post cfTice aHbess, Gu'lis teo, N. M C. L. Hill post office adress. Las duces, N. M., and II. J, Hammond post office address, Clayton, N. M for Presidential Electors. Frank A . Hubbt II, post office a l dress, Albuquerque, N. M., for the Uuit ed States Senate, Benigno C Hernandez, post office ad dress, Tierra Amarilla, N. M., for Ke- resentaiive in the C5th Congress of tne mtod States. Holm O. Bursnm, post, ( fflce address, Socorro, N. M., for Govenioi. W. K. l.indsey, post t ffice address, P01 tales, N. M., for Lieutenant Gover nor, Gilberto Mirabel, post office address. San liafael. N. M., for Secretary of State, William O. S.irirent. post ofllee ad- deresn, Santa Fe, N. M., for State Audi tor. Gregory Page, post office address, Ga lup, N. M., for State Treasurer. Frank W. Clancy, post office adareg, Santa Fe, N. M.. for Attorney General. J. Howard Wagner, post office ad dress, l as Cruces, N M., for Supeiin- tendent.of Public Instruction. Robert P. Fjrvien, itost office address, Clayton, N. M., for CouimissioVer of Pulilic Lands. ) .Clarence J. Roberts, p"st offico dress, Rutoii, N, M., for Justice of r Supruine Court. f ftialuqui'iH Martinez, post ofTicJ dress, Taos, N. M., for Corporation J mi-isioiier. W. S. C'x, post cfTice addiess, Si City, N. M., for State Senator of 13th Senatorial. Frank H. Winston, roht oflica" a.blj Kairview.N. M.. for Rerresontativs the Sard District, House of JP.epifeeuifc 1 1VI-H. . HairvP. Owen, post office idjies Los l.uiia.i, N. M for Distiict Attorn' of the Seventh Judicial Distri't Jose T. Duran. pofrt office add. Deny, N. M., for County Commissi. IstDist'ict. ' ' W. II. Btleller,, post office ad Hillsboro, N. M., for County Co sinner, ilnd 1'intrlct. Robert Martin, post offler Cuchillo, N. M.. (or UouutyC cr, old Disirict, ADtoniu Armijo, poBt offi Laa Palomas, N. M., for Prot Amado Gonzales, post or.k Hot Springs, N. M., for County t k Charles II. Johnson, post officii ad dress, Hillsboro, N. M for Sheriff. t James Bourguet, post office address, Monticello, N. M.,for County Assessor Mivruel A. A podaca, post office address, Cuchillo, N. M., for County 'freaenrw, Paul J. Given, post office address, Hillsboro, N. M., for Superinteudent of Schools. SOCIALIST TICKET. M. B. Smith, post office addies. Mel rose, N. M.,'T. Smith, pest -ffice ad drebs, Melrose, N. M., Ira N. Crisp, post office address, E. Las Vegas, N. M., for Presidential Electors. W. P. Metcalf, post office address, Al buquoruue.N. AL, for United Statjff!?n- a tor. Andrew Eggum, post offl address, Roswell, N. AL, for Representative Un Congress. N. A. Wills, post ofnee address, L. T im N. M.. for Governor. J. II. Bearuu. post oflicxe address, Guy, . . fur Litntenuut trovernor. Vincent Thomas, post address, Taos, N. M.. for Secretary or htate. Frank Frost, post olF.ce address, Dex X. State Auditor. Frank Phelps. Post office addreBB, Ft. Bayard, N. Al., lur St,ate treasurer No nomination for Aft-rvrnair IliinAral. Mrs. LurlyneLane Alto, N. M., for Sup I 'post office addresfj, i nndent of Put lie Instructijn. I, i A. James McDonalJ, post ofllee ad dress, Clayton, N. M.; for Justice of the Supreme Court. K Samuel II . Wells, post office address, Deming, N. M., for State Senator 13th Dfstrict. C. II. Laidlaw, post office address, Fairview, N. M., for Rejiresentative in State Legislature 23rd Representative Distrfct. The places where the paid election is r, !, fiolr rf h'rnwinriti said county are as follows, to-wit: No. 1, at Keil's Office; No 2, at Court House; No. 3 at Monarch Hall; No. 4. at Underwood Building; No. 5, atAristeo Garcia's House ; No. 6, at Justice of the Peace Office; No. 7. at A. II. A. Dance Hall; No. 8, at Cutter Hotel; No. 9, at Miranda Hotel; No. 10 at Snyder Hotel; No, 11, at Dunce Hall; No. 12, at Fuller Hotel; No. 13, at Residence of 8. A, Hoisinger; No. U, at Domingo Luchini'a House; No. 15, at J. M. Bennett resi dence; No, 1G, at Benjamin, Chafe resi dence. NEIL SULLIVAN, Chairman of the Board of (Seal) County Coram issionerS of Sierra County New Mexico, Attest: Anokew Kelley, , County Clerk of Sierra County, New Mexico. By 1. S. Keu.EY. Deputy. w .'11 .