OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, November 03, 1916, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1916-11-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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$1.00 Per Year. No. 35.
VOL. 33.
j, u v. 'A -.-
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is.ZfSrWsf' VY Kemington
rTi .
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1 1 -
aael Fraof of XiabF
ISHIES Tor Sale at this office
Qsneral oj.iJruw or.
IOOXi Good Workiminbhip, Prices Kighj
J CABABAJAL & A LES, ulLJuLbUli .New AUii.
mm mm
' ' 5Tv
Rifles and Cartridges
for Real .22 Sport
I N the .22 caliber as in the high-power
arms, your shrewd sportsman selects
his rifle and cartridges ox results.
And when you start to be critical, there's no
where to stop short of Remingltm-U MC.
Made in Single Shot model" in Slide-Action models,
wlui the famous Remmgton-UMC solid breech and
now. the Autoloading mode! that successfully handles 16
Remington Atitvltjading rim-firt cartridges without reloading.
For real .22 sport, get your rifle and cartridges from the
dealer who displays tiie Red Hall il 'ark of Renuntton-V MC.
Sold by your home dealer and 324
other leading merchant in New Mexico
t it . IT- r . r-
Arms-union lvietamc ,aruiuse
nunaing woo Drou;i new um -
us suw n 16
Wilson's "Chocolate Soldier"
Secretary of War Excites
Nation's Disgust by Declar
ing Washington's Army
Was as Bad a Lot as
Villa's Bandit Band.
"In Their Ragged ReglmertaU Stood
the Old Continentals, Yielding Not,"
and This Is the Reason Baker
Sneers at Real Patriots Because He
Basks In an Environment That
Glories In Yielding Every American
Right Also Takes a Fling at Civil
War Heroes, Saying They Commit
ted the Same Crimes of Which
Mexican Outlaws Are Now Guilty.
The defense which Secretary of
War Newton D. Baker offered for Mr.
Wilson's Mexican policies found quick
response from patriotic Americans
but hardly tiie response Mr. Baker
could have wished for.
In a speech in Jersey City, the Sec
retary likened the Mexican revolution
ists to the Continentals who foupht
with Washington. He admitted the
Mexicans were a rascally lot, but said
their actions were those of all rebels.
The patriots of the American Revolu
tion looted churches and drove minis
ters from thorn on 1 h. ir famous march
to Valley F)ij;t.'. In- added.
Protest have come from far and
near. The Empire State Society of
the Sons of the American Revolution
met and adopted a resolution con
demning "In the strongest terms thi
unpatriotic language of the Secretary
r War." Members of the society
were outspoken in their denunciation.
Some declared that unless his remarks
were repudiated at once by President
Wilson a movement should be start
ed to force the Secretary's resigna
tion. Friend of Baker's Joins.
The Empire State Society meeting
was in the Waldorf-Astoria. In the
chair was Louis Annin Ames, presi
dent of the society, a Democrat, a
stanch supporter of the Administra
tion and a close friend of Secretary
Raker. He was asked if he had any
personal comment to make on the
action of the head of the War De
partment "It Is all told In the resolution,"
said Mr. Ames. "The resolution was
passed unanimously, so it embodies
my views."
The resolution follows:
"Whereas, it is reported in The
New York Tribune this morning that
Secretary of Wrar Baker, at a public
meeting held In Jersey City last night,
used the following language reflecting
upon the character of the members of
Washington's army at Valley Forge,
and likened them to the present Mexi
can revolutionists:
"'I know that the Mexicans do not
respect American life and property,'
said Mr. Baker. I know that they
do not pay their debts, that they are
ragamuffins, that they desecrate
Church property, that their money Is
no good and that they are generally
worthless. But people never respect
those things in revolutions. We did
not respect them in our Civil War.
Washington's soldiers in the march
to Valley Forge stole everything they
could lay their hands on; took the
silver vessels out of the churches and
sold them to buy drink. They drove
ministers out of the churches. Their
money was worthless and they were
Just as bad characters as the Mexi
cans. "Resolved, That we, the descend
ants of the patriots of the Revolu
tion, condemn In strongest 'terms the
unpatriotic language of the Secretary
of War, and direct that a copy of
this preamble and resolution be sent
to him.w
Similar action will be taken by pa
triotic societies all over the eountry.
Mr. Wilsun says the election of Mr.
Hughes will mean war with Europe
and war with Mexico. Why not chuck
In Abyssinia and Patagonia for good
measure? One is as likely as the
other. .
Whereas, by law, it is made the du'v
of the Board of Commissioners of eath
county in the State tf New Mexico, to
proclaim the elections thut are to he
held in their respective counties for th
pnrH.gaof voting for randnlates for the
different offices; and
Whereas, it is further msdetheduty of
the said Board to give public notice of the
object of the election, the olfict-s to be
vo'ed for, aud nHmes of the ran H-dait-af
reic'i.ftbe sid offices as the
;io' an' file in theollice of the OiUu
y Clerk, .nod tiie post office addiens
of each of said candidates, mid the place
where sai'l election is to beheld in each
precinct in said county, and,
Whoreas.it Is lequired.bylaw.thatthe
s ti i notices be inserted (when fiereisno
daily ne wspnper published in the county)
in the two Le idnif weekly newp pi;rs by
inwitii g Hid notices therein in two Is
us thereof prior io the date when
such election is to be hold ; Hnd
Now, Tii'-r. fore, The.Board of County
C, . tni.-s er- f the County of Si.-rra,
S . t' o( Ni w M fi-o, in hesMoii hel l at
llillsboMi, on the 17tli d iy of (Jctob-.-r,
15)16. have ordered as follows, to-wit:
That the ohjoct of the election t
be held on the 7th d ty of November,
1916. is t j elect three Presidentiid Elec
'ors, one United States N-nitior, one Re
presentative in Congress, a full State
Ticket, a li-triet Attorney for ihe Sev
enth Judicial I islrict, a .Statu Hetmtor
for the Thirteenth Senatorial Distrnt
and a full County ticket for the County
of Sierra, State aforesaid;
That the officers to bo voted for are as
follows, to-wit:
Three president d Electors, one Unit
ed S at s Senator, one Representative in
O ict'Cbs, a Governor, a Lieutenant
Governor, a Secr. t.iry f 'ate, a S:ate
Aud.tor, a fta'p. Trea'suter, an Attorney
General, a Super intendent of Public In-,
stnn-tion. a Commissioner of Public
Lands, a Justice of :he Supieme Court,
a Corpora ion Cominis-iio er, a Member
; th Si ite Sen ile, Meinher oi me
H ii i R. t reneiitativ. 8, a Dim
. ic A tor: i v 'f i tie Seventh Judicial
j i-tr.' i, County ('i'lnnr risioi.er 1st
s ri b a I' in y C minissioner 2nd
1 ji' i ! a "lin'y C nrmifsini er 3rd
i i ( ( ; a "' bat J"dg-, a County
( I (k a rrilT, a CnMy Asses r, a
V mi TrcHBur r, , Count v Knp.-rin-t
i" t oi Si h is tt'd a County Sur
. f 'I, j-it
ri i 'ii.
- i -1
I 'I, HI
i lid 0r- t
of th ct d.tie for each
('j I-, ..j. fit. i-Hine Mli OI)
.'. i e ' . n 'v i"'H ot
i.. iy, N. M., an i the po-t tnce
f each' of i I n .i n.'i H is as
. i; ,
! F -lix Hai'i i.i . ! ostotl'n e ad Ires-', Lum
; b'-rton, N. M , J. N. Upton, pototlice
1 .duress, D n tnig- N. M,, Hinl Josh G
Ch -ve., i os'ollice addi. ss, Los f.unas,
N. , f t i r Biden iid Klectors.
A. .. .1 -i n ' olli' ' a !-u8, Fast
I,,-,- e. i , M. toi th. Un 'ed t.ttes
-' at
v t.i
ofll' .' a. 'dreSS,
l- pi( 8. ntaiive
of Ihf United
M ,
h Co
E. C, de U.ici, pi'St office address, Las
Vh. s, v. M., I r G V -rnor.
el ... .Id, pot office address,
V.. I
r Lieutenant Guver-
in "t fli. e address,
,, , ... f r S. tv et:.ry of State.
; , , t ' . "t office address,
t , N'. a!., f..r Statu Auditor.
'1 p si office (v.idreHH.Chama,
.r -Lute Treasurer,
il in 1.. I'athin, o.-.t office ad iress,
'lovis.'N. M., for Att iruey General.
.1,1.. G. stvinuey, post office address,
zl' c, N. for Siiperintei.dent of Pub
lic Instiui-t'on.
G.i.rcc A. Divifi-on, post office ad
di. r-8, R sell, N. M., for Commission
er ii Pubi c Lands.
II. I iel i, post office address, Al
buque que, N. M , for Justice of the Su
po tne onrf-
Boi.ifnC o Muntoys, post office address,
Pern Lilo iN.M.,f.i Corporation Cum-1
II. L. Kerr, jrost office an Iress, Pem
inif, N. M.. I f tft-ta Senator of the 13; h
Senat ii 1.
I). S. Mid r, post office i.d. liens, fake
Vail, y, N. M ., f r Uepr. se taiive in tiie
legi-lature. from the 23id legislative
.miiou-i. iieim cu, postottice add ess,
Socorn, N. M, for i strict Attorney of
the Seventh. I udicial liistrict.
lohn W Pawo", po-4 office ad lres,
Aney. N. for C u..ty Commissioner,
1st iMsttiet.
Jolin A. Pye, p. ist office aJ liess, nills
boro. N. M., foi County Commisaioner,
2nd Pistiict.
Frank A. Cul'ii'iin, pot office address,
f'iuh II, i. N. M.. for t:ounty Commis-
hioner3rd Pistrit t
Alfred Ales, post othce aaaress,
Ilillsboro, N. M.. for Probata Judge.
P. 8. Kelley, post office address, Hills
boro, N, M., for County Clerk.
F, M. Bojorque., post "ffiee address,
Arrey.N. M., for (faiuty Sh-rifT.
Bei j imin I uel ini, ost office address,
i eny, N. f"r County AmviHsor,
JuiU B. Aragon, post office ad J reus,
Montit ello, N. M. for County Treasurer.
James P.Parker, post office address,
Pillsboro, N. M., lor County School
Frederick lliltscher, post office ad
di ess, Hillsboro, N. II., for County Sur
Junn urtiz, post ffiee address, Galis
teo, N. M., iC. L. Hill post office address,
Lhn Ciuc'cs, N. M., ami II. J, Hammond,
post office address, Clayton, N. M for
Presidential Electors. .
Frank A. Hubbell, post office ad
dress, Albuquerque, N. M., for the Uuit
ed States Senate,.,
Henigno C. Hernandez, post office ad
dress, Tierra Amarilla, N. M., fcsr Re
presentative in the CSthf Congress of the
United States.
Holm O. Bursum, post office address,
Socorro, N. M., or Governor.
W. E. Lindsey, post office address,
Portales, N. M., or Lieutenant Gover
nor, Gilberto Mirabel, post office address.
San Rafael, N. M., for Secretary of State.
V ilbam G. oargent, post othce ad-
deress, Santa Fe, N. M., for State Audi
Gregoty Piiee, post office address, Gal
lup. N.M., for State Treasurer.
FianU W. Clancy, post office address,
Stifita Fe, N. M., for Attorney General.
J. lL.waid Wagner, post office ad
dress, I as Cruces, N M., for Suporio
t nd.-r.t of Public Instruction.
Robert P. Ervien, post office address.
Clayton, N. AL, for Commissioner of
Public Lands.
Clarence J. Roberts, post office ad
diess, Raton, N, M., for J ustice of the
Supreme Court.
Malaquits Martinez, post office ad
dress, Taos, N. M., for Coiporation Com
missioner. W. S. Cox,, post office addiess, Silver
City, N. M., for State Benator of the
13th Senatorial.
Frank 11. Winston, post office address,
Fairview.N. M.. for Representative of
the l!3rd District, House of Representa
tives. Harrv P. Owen, post office address.
Los I unas, N. M., for District Attorney
of the Seventh Judicial District.
Jose ,T. Duran, post office address,
Derrv, N. M., for County Commissioner,
1st District.
S . H. Bucher. noat office address.
Hill-rhoro. N. M., for County Commis
sioner, 2nd District. -
Robeit Martin, post office address.
Vfucniiio, jy. w ior fuouniy VOhhuisbioq
er, 3rd District,
r- I mi . I i 1 I . t I
Antonio Armijo, post office address,
La-i P.lotnas, N. M., for Probate Judge.
-mado Gonzales, post office address, j
Hot Spn'i gs, N. M.,for County Clerk.
Cli..ilca il. Johnson, post office ad-
dre-s, Hillsboro, N. M for Sheriff.
James Bourguet, post office, address,
Monticello, N. M.,for Connty Assessor
Miguel D. Apodaca.post office address,-
Ctichillo. N. M.. for County Trearnrer.
Paul J. Given, post office address,
Hillsboro, N. M., for Superintendent of
Schools. i
M. B. Smith, post office address, Mel
rose. N. M., T. Smith, post office ad
dress. Melrose. N. M Ira N. Crisp, post
ffiee address, E. Las Vegas, N. M., for
Presidential Electors.
W. P. Metcalf, post office address, Al
buquerque, N. M., for United States Sen
ator. Andrew Epgum, post office address,
Roswell, N. M., for Representative in
N. A. Wills, post office address, E.
Las Ve.as, N. M., for Governor.
J. II. Hearup, poBt office address, Guy,
N. M., for Lieutenant Governor.
Vincent Thomas, post office addresBt
Tsos, N. M., for Secretary of State.
Frank Frost, post oince address, dex
ter, N. iM., for State Auditor.
Frank Phelps, post office address, Ft,
Eavard, N. M., for Slate Treasurer.
No nomination for Attorney General.
M rs. Lnrlyne Lane, post office address,
Alto, N. M., for Superintendent of Pub
lic ltistructian,
A. James McDonald, poet office ad
dress Clayton, N. M., for Justice of the
Supreme Court.
Samuel H . Wells, post office address,
Iteming, N. M., for State Senator 13ih
C. II. Laidlaw, post office address,
Fairview, N. M., for Representative in '
State Legislature 23rd Representative
The places where the said election is
to be held ia each of the precincts in
said county are as follows, to-wit:
No. 1, at Keil's Office; No 2, at Court
House; No. 3 at Monarch Hall; No. 4.
hi Unuerwooii mniaing; No. ft, atAristeo
Garcia's House: No. 6, at Justice of the
Peace Office; No. 7, at A. If. A. Dance
Hall; No. 8, at Cutter Hotel; No. 9, at
Miranda Ilotpl: No. 10 nr. Rnvdnr HntM
o, 11, at D ante Hall; No. 12, at Fuile
Hotel; No. 13, at Residence of 8. A.
Mo singer; No. H.at Domingo Luchini'a
House; No. 15, at J. M. Bennett resi-
lente; No, 16, at Benjamin Chavez ersi
Chairman of the Board of
(Seal) County Commissioners of
Sierra County, New Mexico.
Andrew Kelley,
County Clerk of Sierra County,
New Mexi.o.
By P. S. Kei lky,

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