Newspaper Page Text
2? mm. rr giuwiwunii AUVUfJATE. W, 0. THOMPSON, Proprietor. " Tli Sierra County Advocateisentered it the PoBt Offic at Hillsboro, Sierra 'County, NW Mexico, ' for transmission b rough the U . Mails, as second class matter. ", ft. SIEREA COUNTY ADVOCATE Impartially Devoted to the Best Inter feits of Sierra County and the State Cf New Mexico. - : i FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1916. For President, CHARLES E. 1HJGIIES. For vice-President, CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS. ' REPUBLICAN PT ATE TICKET. For United Htates Senator, FRANK A. IIUBBELL. For Representative in Congress, B. C HERNANDEZ. For Governor, IIOLM 6. BURteUM. Lieutenant-Governor. W. E. LINDSLEY. For Justice of the Supreme Court, 1 CHARLES J. R0BERT8. ' ' For Secretary of State, GILBERTO MIRABALE. For State Auditor, W. G. SARGENT. For Superintendent of Public Instruc ts , i tlop, ' ' t J. II. WAGNER. , For Attorney General FRANK 7. CLANCY. . W. . ; For Commissioner of Public Lands, I ' It. p. ervien: '" For Corporation Commissioner, 1 MALAQAUIS MARTINEZ. For Presidential Electors, JUAN ORTIZ, L. C. HILL, C. II. HAMMOND. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. 1 ' ' For Representative, FRANK II. WINSTON,, For State Senator 13th. District, f w.e.cox. ' ; For District Attorney, HARRY P. OWEN. For Sheriff, CHARLS H. JOHNSON. ' ; For Clerk, AMADO G AN Z ALES. For Treasurer, MIGUEL D. APODACA. For Assessor, JAMES BOURQUET. For School Superintendent, PAUL J. GIVEN, ' For Probate Judge, ANTONIO ARMIJO For Commissioner First District, JOSE DURAN. For Commissioner Second District, ' W.H.BUCHER, For Commissioner Third District. ROBERT MARTIN. ' Republican Victory State and Rational Assured. t .. . t-. SanU Rosa, N. M Oct 28, 1916. Hon. M. I Kahler, ' Co. Chairman, Hillsboro, N. M. Guadalupe county will go republican by one to. two hundred majoriry. 1 - -. Pedro Romero, ' Co. Chairman. Carlsbad.lTM., Oct 23, 1916. Hon. M. L. Kahler, ' ' Co. Chairman, TT'iIlahnro. N. M. 1 countv will make ahowine forthe re- pub JuLlu an ti ket on November seventh. aie on the job. ' ' C. M. Richards, Co. Chairman. Rosweil, N. M Oct. 23, 1916 Hon. Max lu K ihler, Co. Chairman, HillsLoro. N. M. We expect to sl ow Hie Stafe that the republican patty has a ral vote in Chavez county. yVat fe the returns C. Ij. i 'arsons, Sec'y Co. Com. .Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 1916. Hon. Max LJ Kahler, -County Chairman, Hillsboro, N. M, You have seen statements in demo cratic papers alleging tjfcat' Colonel Theodore Roosevelt in his speech at Albuquerqae' did not mention republi can candidate for Senator, Honorable Frank A. Hubbell and republican can didate for Governor, HoaorabH H. 0. Bursum, because he is not fn sympathy with (candidates of this state generally. I his misleading statement was made by democratic papers with the know edge by them that our candidate fo governor, II. O. Bursum, came to A! buquerque Monday, October twenty third at the request of Col. Roosevelt for a conference. Col". Roosevolt was advised of the misleading strtements and falsa attitude to him. We have to day received from' Cel. Roosevelt tho following telegram: ' '' "New York City, Oct. 30,1916. W H. Gillenwater, Chairman New Mexico State Committee, Santa Fe; N. M. The statement by the democratic committee is of course wholly malicious and mis leading. In my speeches evory where have not spoken of the Jo6ai candidate and I mentioned Judge Kibbey's name in Arizona only in connect on with joint statehood. I am everywhere sup porting the entire republican ticket, and at Albuquerque I explicitly said that no man who valued the honor and the safety the United States should vote for Mr. Wilson or any of his sup porters. Signed, Theodore Roosevelt. The misleading attempt to reflect up on the republicanism of Colonel Roose velt is typically of the comtemptible campaign made throughout by the de mocratic candidates, tti ir campaign managers' and newspaper representa tives. ' We suggest than Colonel Roose velt's telegram' with complete expla, nation be printed in your lcal news paper without Jail 'and plac id on your bulletin board where all republicans can read it, W. H. Gillenwater, State Chairman. Farmington, N. M., Oct. 31, 1916 w 9r . 1 ' lion, max nanier. Republican Co. Chairman, Democratic majority in San Juan county will be reduced one-half, may be even better than that. A. II. Masters, Co. Chairman. East Las Vegas. N. M., 10-81 1916. ''' - (Via Santa Fe) Hon. Max Max Kahler, Hillsboro, N. M. ; Do not be alarmed by democratic re ports of fusion in San Miguel county. It is a mere ripple on the surface and has no hold among our people. Re publican national and state tickets with the strongest county ticket we have had in years will carry San Miguel by the largest majority we have eyer given. Chas. A. Speer, Republican National Ccrumitteemaa for San Miguel. Albuqqerque, Oct. 51, 19 16. Max Kahler, ; Hillsboro, N. M. More than 500 people standing in the Bursum meeting in Albuqqtrque to night; said to have been greatest politi cal! indoormeeting eyer held in Albu- quetque. Kequirmg meeting yester day in Valencia and tody in Sandoval county leave no room to doubt republij can snreess. Increased republican ma jorities confidently expected by county leaders. Uutnrie miiiui, Press Correspondent Denver, Colo., Oct 31, 1916. Max L. Kahler, Lake Valley, N. M. Outlook for republican success in Rocky Mountain region incouracing. Mr, Hughes election seems asuied. Much "vork still Jrequired to insure re publican congress behind bim, we urge you as a leading republican of your community to see personally that every republican cants vote for republican candidate, national, senate and house of representatives. Western Headquarters Na-, " tional Republican Commit-d ' tee. ' ' ' ' ' HoeorroOut. ,31,916. Mat L. Kahler, ' H:!l3bjro, N. M. Gocorro bas up the etroogeft tictet in rf-CHUl ve;ra. Tbe vote for Buiaura tiud republican ticket will a-totiirih the etato. .M. C Spieer, Cbar. Co. Ex cutive,Co.iJ. Silver City, N. il , Oct. .30-1G lion.' Mhx L. Kahler, Hillsboro, N.M. Joan Lsrrnzolo, a cmzenif 0 Mexico, who has been rfttaiued b the democratic state committee i make speeches io this campaign, waa scheduled to epeak at a demo cratic meetiug at ib r.nue. t Theatre bVie after the pictureehow Saturday night. Mr. Larrazolo spoke but five minutes, be then c;ait, delaring bis dismay hi the fize of tbe audience composed of not over 25 people. He said it was evident that Billy Walton npeded more loyal friends jn Sil ver City judging from the size of tbe crowd. Mr. Larrazolo ' then left the nail Governor MoDonald when here spoke to thiity-eight people ht Hcrley last week at a democratic meeting which advertised a republican meeting io order to' get out a crowd. H. O. Barsqm spoke to ktb.e Jargest crowd ever asafmbled n Grant county when he epoe l&ot week. Silver Cty Enterprise. Iloswell, N. M Nv. 1, 1916. Qillsboro'Ad"ocate, Hillsboro, N. "it. Chavez County republicans have been bitting the ball bard through out this oampaigo. We are get ting into ehotioD not with the prospect of carrying (Juavez coun ty bat wab the control that we will so redaoa the democratic ma jority ber'e as to ma'teriaUy affect the result on state election. ' ' C L. Parsons. County Secretary. Carlsbad, N. M., Nov. 1, 1916. Kx h. JTtbJer, Hiiliboro, N. M. By careful organization this county will make a very favorable showing f6r tbe republican state iokoi and individuals on our tick et will get a bis vote. Eddy coun ty will contribute to Uursum s ma- ority.. C. M. Richards, County Chairman ill V Vf VT,- 1-1 fi fl. 0. liursuiu addressed the argest audience ever assembled iu Albuquerque daring the oampaign, enthusiasm wa creat. Wave of sentiment indicate election of Hub- bull as senator. Bernalillo county will return biggest majority ever given for state and county ticket. ibomae Hughes, Char. Co. Central Committee. f Raton, N.M. , Noy.J, 1916. Max L. Kabler, HilUboro, N. M, Thorough organization with strong county ticket 'ind Benatorinl or the republican state ticket ire working together foi repoblicap sucoessiu this county we will give whole state ticket aud presiddnt al lectors a substantial oQHiority. Bursum will rou ahead of bis tick et in Colfax county. R. A. Strucler, '- . Co. Chairman. M W, 1. !9!6 Max L. Kabler, HlllsborD, N. M. Dona Ana Count' y silQ-it'on im- proving dally, tiepuoiicao pros- pects unprecedeutftd. Maj( riiy B" promising we prdiQt mo ati. tctory revolts. Chtirmitn D oh County JJe pnblicn Ceutral Committee GlluPrN. n., Nov. 1,1916 lax'L. Kahler, ' ' 'HilUboro, N. M. Republican viotory io MoKtnlet I Reasons Why Hughes Should Be Electej! BECAUSE h standi for tection, Prosperity, Preparedness and Patri- ' BECAUSE te will not perrnit partisanship to triumph over ?tj" BECAUSE tis speech of acceptance expresses 'his desire to co-operate wiwi labor for its advantage, not to exploit it for his own. BECAUSE he will command the respect of Europe and Asia anu wini the friendship of Latin-America. . ;,( BECAUSE he will never by proclamation deny the right of Americans, ; to pursue their business in other lands under the protection ol tttel ' American flag. , : I 'Rtrr'A TTSTiT ha nnt Tfmndiflte the American flag in any land. j BECAUSE he will not put action into words, but words into action. BECAUSE, as Theodore Roosevelt well says, he has high sentimental of justice and dignity, is upright and straightforward, is an incon testable master of judicial matters, and always translates his words into deeds. BECAUSE he is a strong, sure, courageous man, with a clear-cut program i ' before him and with the courage, intelligence and determination toj .carry it out and bring to our country self-respectmg peace gndl wotidwid6 respect. BECAUSE as Governor of New York he has already proved thai ; he j dared to do the right thing,' and is prepared to further do and dare I when called into a wider field. "RF.P!ATTStt ho in nnt n drpnmpr and not a ouitter. BECAUSE he is a firm friend of preparedness for the United Statesi and not for preparedness through political expediency. BECAUSE he will not burden us with war taxes in 4ime of peace. BECAUSE we need a tariff not founded upon free trade, nor for "reve-J nue only," but to protect American labor and American industry! from the deadly competition of the foreigner. BECAUSE he is a red-blooded American. His policy will be "Americaj first, America efficient." BECAUSE he can be depended upon to keep platform pledges. ; BECAUSE he will protect this country against being flooded with thej cheap manufactures of Europe after the war. BECAUSE he is the chosen head of a party which has long fathered, all great constructive legislation which experience has proved to be wise and which has invariably been opposed by the Democratic party. BECAUSE a Jusinese man is going to be especially needed in the next few years. In consequence of the European war a tremendous read justment of the world's business is ahead. The United States must be economically prepared. It must not, as now, be left defenses less. It must not have a Presidont with an untrained business mind, ever changing. Mr. Hughes made a remarkable record as a business Governor of Kew York. He has extraordinary ability to see jr sides of a question. Not from him, as from Wilson, will be heard any declaration that he will hang business men "high as!, Ham an" if they do not gree with him. BECAUSE he' is a man of forward vision, of practicability and firmness,! not a mers rhetorician and theorist.' BECAUSE he stands forhe protection of American lives and property j abroad well' as at home. ; BECAUSE JLhrough him the whole nation will be in the Government. It will not be ruled by on section, nor by one man. BECAUSE he is for an effective, not an unsound and Bham" system j of rural' credits io help the farmer and fpr a wise conservation of) patural' r4sbur,ca?.;' ' BECAUSE bo is for a Federal workingmen's compensation law suitable! for the employes of the Government, and those employes engaged! in interstate commerce and subject to the hazard of injury. BECAUSE ha fawora ii-;4i W i-.i-i.- ttST EVIDENCE. New York "World" accuses Mr. Ilughes of being pro-German. "The Fatherland," the organ of those who woud have the United States violate its neutrality for Ger many's benefit, asks Mr. Ilughes ten questions which are designed to carry the accusation that he Is pro-British. These directly conflicting charges against him will be regarded as the best evidence thai he is just plain American, without bias toward either sldevAlbany Journal. I PPMMIMUSI ou Need There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her . over the hard places When that time comes to you, you know what tonic fo take--Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs and helps build them back to strength and health,' It ha benefited thousands and thousands of weak ailing women in its past half century of wonderfui success, and it will do the same for you. ' You can't make a mistake in taking The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. Na 4 Alma. Ark says: "I think Cardui is' the greatest medicine on earSi! for wsmen. Before J began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy Spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as" well and is troP?.a LF i an Begin taking Cardul'foday. Has Helped 1&4 No man is going to be elected re-elected to high office' by voteaj gained from States' rights declara tions this Me in the game. TneJ States' rights question was settle4 some fifty years ago to tbe evident! satisfaction of a considerable maJor-J ity. Kansas City Star. J Now Ellis Tarker Butler, author off "Pigs I.s Pigs," has declared for Wll- son. Its a great administration for pork, hll right. '"I Now that Mr. Hughes has left Mis-.' souri they're referring to It out there 1 as the "I'm Shown" state. a Tonic m n eat most anything, Sold by all dealers. Thousands. fn snite of the odds against us Eddy (Continued on page 3)