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v.. -) DVO ii IT i HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, NOEVMBER io, 19x6. $i&o Per Year. No. 36. VOL. 33. A COIM W1R IP A i f. ej&'rfr'-. "VT Remington Arm,-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 'A"VS,4 WlwoctkBiiilJii (233 Broadway) New York City '" , y ''V m iiiumii muni Ilia lioaatfoii bosA ' Ffoo of Xalior IMs&sIss For Sale at th5s office THE IV. S, COOPER, fLlit0fS General Ccnfractor, AND CIGAB& , ' P0OXie Good Workmanship. Price Xtifehi CARApAJAL A ALES, , New Mexico, I t y C'fu -tit: cvii'-- PemingtQfirUMC Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges lor results. And when you start to be critical, there's no where to stop short of Rcm.ingtnn-U MC . Made in Single Shot models in Slide-Action mode'.,, with the famous Remineton-UMC solid breech and now, the Autoloading model that successfully handles 16 Keminqtnn A utaliatliHt rim-fire cartridges vilhoitt rtUjadivg. :artr:dizrs Irom the I Remtnglon-U UC, and 324 iew Mexico i in i mm i n irw nmn ii in n i mm i H- A. WOLFORD, Office: First Door J?aut of II. 0 Church, Main Street. Hillsboro New Mex . JAMES R- WADDILL, Demins:, U M Will attend all the Cmuta Si, rra County and the Third Judj cial Distrct. OSie: Room '26, Armijo Buil.lin Cor. l.d St. and Railroad Ave. Prartiro in t e s'iir,JM,e Court of New Mcxie Hil l IVl It, ELFEQO.DACA, Attorney cod Couocellorat Law, ALBUQUERQUE. - NEW MEX Will be preent at all temrs of Court of Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties. . Deal in good Gold, Silver and Coppe Mining Properties! n New Mexico. DR. J. 0. !!ATCE!n, Ptiysfclcit and Surreon. KiiUbtrc. Kew Flex. C. 13. FRIES, PhsicHn and Surgeon Hot Springs, New Mexlc0 THE PErtCHA LODGE NO. 9, I, O 0 F., of hillsboro, N. U, " P. I N. G.; Steye Reay, V G.; W. J. Fergus3on, Sec'y.; M, L KahK Trea urer. Meetings: Second and fourth Fri days of each month. feb 19-10 WADE, TAYLOR & Wade, Attorneys and Cousellors-at-Law. Las Cruces, N. M. EPso, Texas, Masonic Temple. 606 First Nat' Bank. Building1 EVERYBODY REDJ3 THE JOURNAL. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NFWS TO DA , and Lots of it, ii ba suae it is inde p.i i i ' n t in polit cs and wears the collar of no political party. 60 Ontf i motitb rty mail, Alboquerqoe MORNING JOUAL, When you have nnal proof notices, to be published, don't forget that the Sierha County Advocate has publish ed such notices for the past thirtyyears, and will do the work as cheaply and correctly as any one else. UNIVERSAL PEACE This nation la now In the mldat of a controversy as to how best to pro mote universal peace. That question we will leave for diplomats to dis cuss, but peace within nations is no less Important than peace between nations and H is heavily laden with prosperity for every citizen within our commonwealth. Many leading politicians and ofttimea political platforms have declared war upon business and no cabinet crisis ever resulted. Many men have stood in high places and hurled "gas bombs" at Industry ; thrust bayonets into bus iness enterprises and bombaraed ag riculture with indifference. Party leaders have many times broken dip lomatic relatione with industry; sent political aviators spying through the affairs of business, and political sub marines have tent torpedoes crushing Into the destiny of commerce. Dur ing the past quarter of century we have fought many a duel with prog ress, permitted many politicians to carry on a guerrilla warfare against civilization and point a platol at the ; heart of honest .enterprise. 1 No man should be permitted to cry out for universal peace until his rec ord has been searched for explosives, for no vessel armed or laden with munitions of war should be given clearance to aall for the port of Uni versal Peace. Let us by all means have peace, but peace, like charity, should begin at home. Loose PhotearaBfta. Stnclled linen makes a very good case for photographs if a book Is not wanted. The case folds and looks like a bock cover, but inside axe pocket of different size for the various pic tures. A stenoilvd border of plain col or around the edge, with a design la the center, Is sufficient decoration. Gray linen or crash are excellent ma terials to uso, as they are very dux able. Unkind Suggestion. "Ladles and gentlemen," said the manager, before the curtain, "it Is my unpleasant duty to inform you that Mr. C- , the atar comedian, owing to illness, will not be able to appear tonight, His system has had a severe shock, and he is Buffering from nervous prostration." "What ; the matter?" shouted one of the god , from the gallery. "Did ye pay turn la advancer Sugar In Diet Speaking of the ., importance ef sugar in children's diet, Dr. Woods Hutchinson says: "It Is not unlikely that the almost universal and de voutly to be thankful for lack of crav ing for alcohol in children and la women Is due largely to the sweet tooth possessed by them and their In dulgence In candy, cakes, fruit lee creams and sweetmeats generally." Noiseless Gun for Killing Horses. A curious horse-killing gun used In England to kill horses which have been injured Is now being adopted by American anti-cruelty societies be cause of Its noiBelessness and surety of aetlon. By a slight blow a bullet Is noiselessly driven Into the brain of the animal, killing it Instantly, with out a Bound to attract attention In a city street Human Nature. "Why la t" asked the carious guest, "that poor men usually give larger tips than rich menr ''Well, suh," said the waiter, who was something of a philosopher as well, "looka to me like de po' man don't want aobody to find out he's po', and de rich nan don't want nubodr to And ont he's rloh." Voath's Companion. Spoiling Bojre Fun. The scientist who eradicates tfee measles germ win not be regarded as a friend by the boy who would rather be an interesting iavaUd than go to school Fortunate Discovery. Proprietor "WelL sir, how did you find the beefr Diner "Oh, I hap pened to shift a potato, aaej mnU, there it vas." f Ma. of Heme, Sweet Home. Thi original manuscript of "Hotn4 jBweet Home," la said to hare been burled In the grave with Ulsa Harry jl&rden of Athens, Gil She vu Jobs Howard Payne's sweetheart, but re fused to marry him In deference to her father's wishes. After she watf separated from her lover she shul (herself In the old family mansion, aee Ing none but a few members of thf lUUa church to which she belonged (From the Independent I' What's a Frlendf I Apropos of gratitude, a prominent politician gave the other day a veryi musing definition of a friend. "A frlead," he said, "is a man who taker your part against all your enemies, sticks to you through all your advee, eltles, lends you his last dollar with out security and then, when fortune smiles on you at last. Is content to take a back seat and keep oat of ttxe way." - , Courag Ever In Demand. "Not In clanging fights and despet ate marches only la heroism to be looked for, but on every railway bridge and fireproof building that U froing up today. On freight trains, oa the decks of Teasels, In cattle yard on lumber rafts, among the H row on acd the policemen, the demand fos courage Is Incessant, and the supply never falls." William James. Children's Right of Liberty. Do not forget that every child hat i right ta some leisure and some free dom from observation. It Is possible to be too watchful. If children are taught to drink after food and not with It, as a normal thing they will d It naturally, and suffer less from diges tive troubles than if they drink fre quently during a meat Fulfilment ' He fin a restaurant with his best girl) You don't know how happy you have made me by saying "Yes," dar ling. It will be my dearest wish to' make earth a paradise for you and to fulfill your wishes before you ut ter them. Waitress, bring a portion, of cheese for the young lady. File' f ende Biaetter. Strength In Cheerfulness. Wondrous Is the strength of cheer ' fulness, altogether past calculation Its v powers of endurance. Efforts, to be permanently useful, must be uniform ly joyous a spirit all sunshine, grace- ful from very gladness, beautiful be cause bright Carlyle. t, i Remembered by Their Deeds. Who thinkp of Milton as blind or of Beethoven as deaf or of Darwin a , an Invalid T What they accomplished was so great that their personal in firmities are for the moment forgot- . ten In the sense of their achieve ments. The Christian Register. Possible Explanation. ; .. . Ia a Connecticut hamlet where old fashioned regulations are la force, t the night-watchman has a dog that chases the young children off the Btreets at eight o'clock. This must be the dog that put the "cur" In oar few. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. . . i i I Worth the Cost .., Pierre Laurent, in Paris, had hie worn-out stomach removed, and th stomach of an ape was successfully substituted. The operation may have fceen costly, bat he can easily save the price by dieting on peanuts and laeeets, The Gossip, Ton "re a terrible scandal-monger, Linkum," said Jorrocks. "Why la thunder dont you make it a rule to. tell only half what you hearr Thats what I do do," aaid Linkum. "Only I ten the spicy half." Harper's Weekly. SymboUsm, Symbolism is all right If the thins; ' i you have to say is not worth saying In good, plain English. "Right Of" Burning the canal nt both ends , ' ts one way of making both ends meet. B. M. C. .