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Newspaper Page Text
XT) i ljillt!.i.l!gl; . 2L HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, NOEVMBER 17, 19, $i'.oo Per Year. No. 37. VOL. 33. irk Y. tyvi 'j'"- r"yrrM' Reroinetan Arrat-Uni yr jvf. Woolwot Buadina (23 For Sale THE Liquors AxD CIGA118 f ARABAJAL & ALES,. aim. Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber ai in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his" rifle and cartridges for remits. And when you start to I critical, there's oo wher to stop short of Reminglon-U MC. Male in Simile Shot models in Slide-Action models, rkii the famous Uemineton-CMC lid biwli anil now the Autoloading mojrl Uiat suixessfully hadlrt 10 Htmmtlrm Avioleadiw rim-hf tartridges u ilhatil reloading. Forrral .t'i sport, get yuur rilie and cartndRM from the dealer who dUplays the Red toM Harkof Remtnikm-U MC. oil t . Unm Jolir anrl 224 other leading merchanta In New Mexice) 1U: Mutallii- rrtriHtr Co. (233 Brtdvry) Nw York Cltr I! of Lafeo? at this office w. s. coopen. General Contractor Good WorkmanshiD. Prices Riglit HlLLSBOliNew Mexico. H- A. WOLFORD, OfUce: First Door east of R. 0 Cthuroh. Main S'.re&t. Kilisboro, New Mex JAVES R- WADDILL, Vill attend all the Courts 8ie. rra Copnty and the Third Judi cil Disrct. Offi ..: Room 215, Aimijo EuiUin Cor. .4ra St. and tiailroad Ave. l'nt tu o in t!ie Supreme Court of New Mexii e ami Tei iih' ' ELFEGO BACA, Attorney and Cotincellorat law, ALBUQUERQUE. - NEW MEX Will be ffn4 at all ternr of Court of tit rnahllo, V .tlenetH, oocorru soo sier ra Counties. Denl in 2ol G.)U. tfih-er and Coppa- Mining Proper! ioa i n New Mtin'o. CR. J. 0. HATCHEZn, Fhyslclen end Surgeon. ISitSsboro. New Hex. C. ES. FRIES,' Fhsicjan and Surgeon Hot Springs, (Jew Mexlc0 THE PERCUA LODGE NO. 9, I. 0 0 F., of Ilillsboro, N. M. T. II Braa, N. G.; Steve Reay, V .;W. J. Fergusson, Sec'y.; M, L. Kahh, Treasurer. Meetings: Second and fourth Fri days of eachmonth. feb 19-10 WADE, TAYLOR & Wade. Attorneys and Cousellora-at-Law. Las Cruces. N. M. Ma -ionic Temple. EPso, Texas. 606 First Nat' Bank Building EVERYBODY REDJ.3 THE JOURNAL, Why7 Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO DA , and Lots of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 60 Cents a month by mail. Albuquerque MORNING JOUNAL. nonce When you have nnal proof notices, to be published, don't forget that the Sierra County Advocate has publish ed such notices for the past thirty y oars, and will do the work as cheaply anft correctly as any ojie eUe. Caution. "Shall I empty your wastebasketT" asked th Jaullor. 'lit la brimful ot correspondenoa." "No," answered the man who is combining politics with high finance. "Just hand me my bonds and stock certificates and J'U tuft 'em in some pigeonhole so that you can lock the waste-basket la the e&fe." "Costermorifler." Ribbed costard apples, a eooklnj -kind, are now .to , be aeen In the shopa The costard is referred to in the household accounts of Edward I., In whose reign the street seller of tn apple was called a costard monger hence "costcrmonger" and ''coster." Londoa Standard. Apology. ConJurer"Now, sir, you admit thai the card you have Just taken out ol Jthe handkerchief is the queen of clubs, yet the card you chose and aecurely tied there namely, the ace of spades I now produce from this hat." Timid Volunteer "So sorry my mistake." Home Happiness. Probably nlneteen-twentletns of the .happiness you will ever have, you wijj get Kt home. The Independence that comes to a man when his work is over, and the fueling that he has run out of ani t ri roa lino iniu iih iihh iiiii iiiil ji i the storm into the quiet harbor o! 1 , 1 l ,. with his family, is something real. Poetry at the Bottom of the Mufl. "He will work," said a Tottenham (Eng.) constable of a defendant, "If be knows there is a pint of beer at the end of the Job." This muat have b;n very much the sort of thing Tennyson had in mind when he wrote) "Follow the Gleam" . Women and Suffrage. ft a woman demands votes,' offices and. political equality with men, at among the Shakers an elder and silderk ess sire of equal power and among Ae Quakers It must not be jefused. It la very cheap wit that finds tt so droll that woman should vote. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Hidden Treasure. diseased cow was remored from a dairy farm la New York ny me siai a iotr!. la iU st.omacli was found a gold watch with a gold chain attached to It. The watch had been lost several months berore by a boarder on the dairy fawo. Delfeately Expressed. Little Bobby had been eating rasp?1 . j v.J ! .v.- n..Va II nerry pie auu uuu ciw v j at both sides of his mouth, wnen a little friend, of three came have some of what Bobble's got on; his face!" Whale . Whips Five Crevtra. The largest whale ever captured la that vicinity was caught In Fred Pe rez' fish nets, near Santa Cruz. Five launches tried to tow the monster to .1 . I n . V. n t DtlAAAB Vatl Btlrl ropes broke and the task was aba doned. The whale was nrty reet xong. ww " - ' Hia Limit. .. " . M Th Fathei- ' Can you support my daughter In the style to which she has been accustomed?" The Suitor "Yes, but not in the style to br mother and you have been trying to make me think for the past sla months she has been accustomed. i Tag, Rag and Bobtail, From tegg or teg a doo in the seo . 1 .... m f tap d rra TQ or horrl fi! w.r iiiu, uu'owiii, a rawaj .J A just umr na uea wwucu, uu lection of sheep or dear. For a New Umbrella. Before using a new umbrella Inject a small quantity of vaseline lnte th hinge portions of the frame. Vase line will not spread liae on ana epou Z covering, and 1. a sure preve tlve against rust. Wet umoreiuw should be stood on their handles to dry; this allows the water to run out of them, Instead of Into the part where the sHk and ribs nest, tam paBBlug the meUl to rust and the ilk to rot r. Kcghiowcr Executed. Silver City, N. M., Nvv. 11-, Lucius 0. Highiower, oouvicled of the murder of bia wife, Mrs. Hallio Uightower, at the Tyrone rmoiDff camp io ovember, 1915, today paid the pennlty for bia crime ou the gallows. The tXRoutioa took dace in the court yard at 7:15 tbi moriiinc, the .drp nf 8;x feet da. rajjitHtin Higbtower, death bing ioftHiitaueouB because of hiaweigb beiog over 200 pounds. The uooaa nevered the bend from the body, Uightower went to the rhIIowb without a trptuor. Standing op the trap he made a brief aUtemfvct in which he advised all to turn from evil to a.void getting into trouble aud meeting a fate like ha faced. He forgave all who had anything to il with his conviction and hanging and aeked the for.. givennesB of everybody for what j he had doue. He sairl he flt that I ' he was going to his makor and had made peace with Odd. On bis march to the gallows Higbtowsr stopped at the cells of other pris oners in I be county jail and bade each one goodbye and admonished them to be good. He elept weU Inst night, awakened about ei o'clock this rnornicg, partook of a hearty brettkfat and calmly smok ed a cigar, remarking how much be enjoyed it. Ha left notes to each of his three chilJren, now living with his dead wife's parents in this county. A witness of the execution was thpfalherof the murdered woman. tlicotower was first sentenced to ; j)ttn tJ 5f imt wa9 gjven plny ) " , , t ot execution on an appeal to iub , C0Uft which affirmedlthe . ".... death aentence in Uctober and re set the date for hia execution No vember 11. No further attempt was maue io save ine conaemnea man. Tbi body was unclaimed and was burled this afternoon in ..Jr , fi Girl Mes&engars. The beginning of the second day of ihemessenger boyb' strike fouud I Rro wing piles 0f undelivered tele . ,., , ... . ., grams,in Western Union and Pos. Jtal oom pan fee' offices and the ex- ecutives of the companies con- , . si leriug seriously the hiring of gjrjg j0 ihje tlie pluccs cf boys, A, 2m meMl,nRerB qail ' "7 work. In R08ton ton years ago duriuc a messenger Btrike yoaug wornen, at' tired iu bin jackets aud trouaeret. tte, stepped into the yacanoiea and tilled them creditably, bince tbea , . i , , Bmnar fltriKefl io ocner u arge citied have been broken by injecting fe male strikebreakers into the sit uation. J. C. Turner, general manager of the American Pislriot Tele- . Crapb company, that fnrnishes the ; Diy io me enter u yuwu couj- paoy, and Postal Telegraph offi cials are at a loss to know how tue rnes8i.ngereiteea w ill be garbed in tbe -veut of their being hired. i. N. Y. Son. v .