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-,.Ji -4-.- ----'l"M! c) S3DER3RA COlMT Advocate I VOL. 33. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, NOEVMBER 24, 1916. $1.00 Per Year. l"o. 38. 11 1; 4 u u 111 m i:vi r a.i i n -tiiri Oa' lifetesi. other Woolworth Wmi fSfy For Sale THE AND CIGABS CARAPAJAL St ALES, wv JIT j v i 4mffT Rifles and Cartridges 1 JWI ,1- It A ff Mine Stsatioa I. St. W VUf &'f A. wi, ' WMa Cba.t f KliOlii Mm HisEs for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as in the higb-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges for resuUt. And when you itart to he critical, there's no where to tp tbort of Remington -USiC. Made In Single Shot models in Slide-Action models, with the fa mom ReminKton-UMC aolld breech and now, the Autoloading model that mceesifully hanilts it Rtminiton Auloioadrnt rim-trt tartrUges mttumt rilaadint. For real .22 -port, get your rifle andrartrtduea from the dealer who display i the Rti Boll tJarkof Rtmiugton-V UC. Sold hy your tiome dealer and 324 leading merchant tn INew Mexico 1 Remington Arnit-Unlon Metallic Cartridge Co. Building (233 Broa4wr) Nw York Gty of at this office W. Se COOPER, General Contractor 0cod Workmanship, Prices Bight (HILLSBOB New Mexico, H. A. WOLFORD, Office; Fiist Door east of R. 0 Church, Main Street. Hiilsboro, New Mex JAMES R. V7ADDILL, Demins:, N- M Will attend all' the Courts Sie rra County and the Third Judi cial Diatrct. Offljo: Room 20, Armijo Building Cor. 3rd St. and Railroad A ve.. Pnu-tiio in the Supremo Courts of ew Mexico ana lexas' ,! ELFEGO.DACA, Attorney and Councellcrat Lav, ALHUQUEHQUE. NEW MFA Will be prf went tit alltemri of Courtof Hrrnalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties Deal in s?ood Gold, Silver and Coppe Mining Properties in New Mexico. DR. J. 0. HATCHER, PhysIcEcn and Surgeon. Hitlsboro, New Ilex. C. II. FUSES.- Phsiclan and Surgeon Hot Springs, New Mexlc0 THE PERCHA LODGE NO. 9, I, O O. F., of Hiilsboro, N. M. T. II. Bm-j.'N. G.: Steve Reay, V G.;W. J. Fergusson, Sec'y.; M, L Kahld, Treasurer. Meetings: Second and fourth Fri days of eachmonth. feb 19-10 WADE, TAYLOR & Wade, Attorneys and Cousellors-at-Law. Las Cruces. N. M. EPso, Texas. C06 First Nat' BsnlfJBuildinp; Masonic Temple. EVERYBODY REDA3 THE JOURNAL. Why? Because It Print TODAY'S NEWS TO 'DA , and Lots of it. pendent in politics and wears the eollar of no political party. f0 Cents a month by mail, Albuquerque MORNING JOUSAL. NOTICE ! When you have nnal proof notices, to be published, don't forget that the Sierra County Advocate has publish ed such notices for the past thirty years, and will do the work as cheaply and correctly as any one else. f" Child-Training. It Is cot fair to a small child for the parents or nurse to be careless about the little things that develop thought fulness, self-reliance and self-control In a child. Self-control Is a character- Istlo absolutely essential to manhood or womanhood, and It is not learned In a dy. It Is the result of patient teach ing and training through all the long years of babyhood and childhood. Thought His Duty Ended. The Due de Raguse once explained to the Countess de Bolgne the nature of his oonneotion with the emperor as follows: "When the Mnperor said, 'All for France,' I strvei with enthusi asm; when he said, 'France and V erred with obedlance; but when he aid, T without France, I felt the ne ceeeity of separating from him." Didn't Appreciate Whitman. Shortly after Walt Whitman'i Leaves of Grass" made Its appear ance, J. T. Trowbridge was walking with Lowell in Cambridge, when the latter pointed out a door-way sign, "Groceries," with the letters set als- zag, to produce a bizarre effect "That." said he. "is Walt Whitman Kith very common goods Inside." Yield of a Grain of Wheat Very few people have an Idea of the bounty of nature. A scientist of Cambridge, Eng., recently made an in 6tructive experiment which showed that a single grain of wheat sown In June, produced 47 pounds 7 ounces. One acre of fairly good land will pro duce 30 bushels of wheat or L260 pounds of flour. Nicaragua! "Capote. Instead of raincoats, the Nlcaraguan wears a capote," wnicn is a piece or. Impervious material almost square. with a hole In the center large enough tor the wearer to put his head through. It la made by pouring rubber orer un bleached muslin. . ..' ' Always There. A New York theatrical man Is ad rertising. for the most beautiful wom an In the world, fas If every musical show press agent didn't claim that she was In the front row of the chorus.- Detroit Free Pres. Motor Car Jumps Three Feet A motor car with six oocupants dashed up to a drawbridge at Haddis coe, Norfolk, Just as it was being closed, and safely leaped across a space of three feet between the two leaves. London Mall. Proof to the Contrary. 1 understand that a number of wr men have learned to smUte cigars,' said the frivolous observer. "I don't believe it," replied Mr. Meekton. "The kind of cigars women buy nobody could smoke." v To Remove Virrnlsh. Three tablespoonfuls of baking soda In a quart of water, applied with a rough cloth, will remove the old var dish very easily when you wish to revarnish furniture. Woman's Home Companion. Whale Cast on Coast. A whale, weighing five tons, waa buried recently on the Berwickshire (Scotland) coast. The monster had evi dently been run down by a steamer, and was cast up by the tide. Rabbits Cause Immense Lose, Observant and experienced met compute that eight or ten rabbits eat or destroy as much grass as one sheep. As there as so many millions of rabbits in Australia, the loss in the appalling. The pest In New South Wales Is spreading, notwithstanding all that is being done In the shape of trapping, poisoning, fumigating, and digging out Pretty Girls and Plain Men. When a pretty woman marries a plain man it is not because she pities him. A woman loves a man because of his strength. His determination ap peals to her, and wins her In the end, though she may not have been at tracted to him In the beginning. Firm ness compels a woman's admiration and respect, and that is the first step ping stone to love. . , Lake Valley, N. 1.1., In Room Days. Movie men looking for atomoa phere for s Ren nine western drama would have found it In Lake Val ley, IN. M., , in 1881. Incident transpiring in that place as early as that date are interestingly told by one of the old pioneers who ar rived there in 1881. "I arrived," he said, jnst after the Bridal Chamber woe? discover ed and George Daley, the superin tendent, Lieutenant Smith and seven negro soldiers had been kill ed by the Apache Indians. Daley was killed on the very day the B, 0. was struck. If my memory serves me right, that was August 13,1881. "The Bridal Chamber was the largest body of horn silver ore ever fonnd. Three million dollars worth of ore was taken oat in about tbree months. The town was' all excitement, which at tracted all the floating popula- tion'cf tbe southwest. Among thoce who flocked in were preach-. era, horse thieves, 'high graders' and gamblers. tEveryj house in the town was a saloon. Tbe min ers lived in tents and dugouts on the billndes. Faro gamesjranday and night. The ceiling was the limit. ' Tbe ante in poker gamea was a "maverick.' It took a steer to come in. Men bet high in, those days and slept in the streets. "I was fortunate enough to throw in with a friend of 'mine who bad a. dugout. One cold night nine oui occupied the cabin and slept standing'ap. "I remember tbe time the cattle rustlers came to town. Tbey were wearing several belts of cartridges and began to whoop things up. A gambler Asked one of the metiers f he would not go to Tombstone with bim, but the rustler replied: No Tombstone forme. I am go ing where the waters rnn blue and tbe wolves bowl lonesome.4 He did, Izen Bmitb, tbe town marshal, shot bim that night. The very same evening I met Si Wisher i who was driving the stage. Wish- ert told me had told Thorn posn where be conld find his stolen cat tle. Three rustlers rode np about this time, got oil their horses and went into Bennett's saloon. Wish. ert asked me to go and havea drink with him. I declined and walked over to tho dugout. The excite ment atArted at tht salnnn e Wiehert stepped np to tbe bar to take a drink, A three belted rust-, ler placed a Winchester against Wishert and fired. Wiehert fell and every one ran out of the sa loon, "It was smoonllght night and the boys began to hunt cover. My friend came running to the dugout and told me to get my Winchester (Continued on page 3J .