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( TJ ( .(. VOL. 34. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, MAY u, 1917, $1.00 Per Year, No. 10 5fc H. A- VGLFOflO, Would DHnk ap the Rhine. Hm WnB-f waf V-fti a& mJ? f W Jk 9 namr - f tar-Is ( 0!5ce: First Dior east of K, C Church. Main Street. Hillsboro New Mex V-tf -Sai5cts rgiiy.n;-.,- .1. 1.11 u.iri'iMi.a i.iij, 1 j n 111111111 ii ,1 .Vs.-'; jV-'Vr- f''i' , -vi ? ft,' .-7 - ft' ' v. - ' ' Shall I! Be a fling or i urnpon: 7 . ; 1 -. are many kind3 of Auto- f' .V." , V- OflStt: Itoorn Utf. Armijo Buildin? Cor..dBt. and Railroad Ave. Prantioo in the Supremo ConrtH of New Mexiue ana Texas , ELF EGO BACA, Attorney and Councellorat Law , ALBUQUERQUE, - "NEW ME, Will hopnMpnlrat all temra of Gourtof Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties Deal in aootl Gold, 'Silver and Coppe Miuing Frojtertieein Mew Mexico. G. H. FRIES, Phsician and Surgeon Hot Springs New Mexico OH. J. O. SIATCilEU Physician and Surgeon. HSIIsboro, Flew Filex. BOMHAM and RE3ER, Attorn ey$-E,Haw LAWYERS, Las Gruces, M- Mex X, miTERE J. loading and Pump guns some to t 1 l " De naa at very low prices. ' i c " r x. majority prefer Kemington-UMC Pump and Autoloading guns in the Lauds of the average man. If you shoot at traps or in tho field, go to the Remington-UMC Dealer iu your community and let bim show you these guns. You will know him by his display of the lied Ball Mark of Remington UMC Sportsmen's Ileadqu&rters andhe knows the difference in guns. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Remington Arms-Union Metallic CartrMga Co. Woolww th Building (233 Bodwy Now York City HJMIMUl Ml I III III. Ill HUM I 1 1 1 I t 1 1 is V ' V' 't - ; 1 " j ( - r A j For Sale at this office It Didrrt Work. A thtng of beauty 1b a Joy tor vrer." remarked the husband as h purveyed her gown. "You can't jolly pie Into wearing tSail frees another season," responded tho wifsWaab, Sagton Herald. ; Quick Action. Complainant After tha marriage pryice my husband to!4 me I had ' blasted his life tor erer. Magistrate rMany men come to the same oonclur gloa, bat not so rapidly. THE JLiqtior AND C1QAMB OARABAJAL & ALES, JAMES R. WADOILLj Demins,' 11 hi WjllatteDd all the Courts 8ie. ra County and the Third Judi cml Distrct. V S A M.i V..., em era! Centra f or Good Wormanehip. PrioeB Eigh HILSBOUO, Nek Mexico . nn hvuict A on." tiri Imiiiii uuickly ft I bought by Manufacturers.! ... .,r iiior. tor FH EE SEARCH ft . renort on atntaMlitK. We (rot pat- fltn VrtlM jtnh- finr fi-ue book ! of aXl ntedtxl inventions. r. ,UAra t talab. 18B9 307 Seventh St., Washington, D. C GOi (Ilenry WatterBon io Louisville Courier Journal.) Like a bolfc out of .the blue Bky flashed the war signal from; the very heart of Europe, Across tha Atlantic its reverberations felled to find us divided, neutral and unprepared, For fifteen years a body of German reservists diVgotsad as citizens have been marching and countermarching. There followed the asaassia sea monsters and the air ship campaign of murder. All the wlale we looked on either with simpering idiocy or apnthy. Serbia? It was no affair of oura. Belgium? Why should we worry? Foodstuffs soaring, war stuffs soaringeverybody mak ' ing money the mercenary, the poor of heart, the mean of spirit, the blrak and barren of soul, could still plead the hipoensy, of uplift ai d chortle. "I did not raise my boy to be a soldier." Even the LoKitaoia did not awaken ua to a sens of danger, and arouse ua from the stupefaction of, ignorant self-complacency. Fit of all, on bended knee, we should pray God to forgive as; Then erec, as men, Christian men, soldiery men, to the flig and the fiay, wherever they lead ns, over the ocean, through France and Flanders, across the low countries to Koln, Bonn and Koblenz, tnm'itig the fortrf'88 of Ehrenbreitstein, into the Iihine as we pass, and dimming the mouth of the jMoaelle with the debris of the ruin we make of it. Then, on to Berlin, the Blaok Horse cavalry sweep ing the Wilbeimsstrasae like lava down the mountainside, The junker and the saberrattler flying before us, the tunes bing "Dixie" and ''Yankee Doodle," the cry being 4,Hail the French repblio, bail thu republic of Il'uasia, weloouie commonwealth of the Vaterland, no peace to the kaiser, absolutism and the divine right of kings. ILLU5TRATOR5- E-NQ3AYER5 - Piayisg Politic ' ' Word comes from Santa Fe that the legislature may adjourn without providing money for assisting the farmers of the state in procuring seed and oroppiog their laid. It was the iotentioa.of the war board to provide money, when reaFOOHbly secured, at a very low rate of interest, in order to aid the meji of New Mexico iu roisingfoodituffs, wuen it is shown that ex tra aorefl, or even normal crops, cannot b put in without finanoial assistance. The trouble lies in the senate, and the trouble-makers are the time men who elc.od in the way of needed appropriations during the last session of the legislature. In varieu8 parts of the state, farmers are offered money at 8 per cent, provided they will give mortgages on the land, on their orop3 end on their livestock as security. - Farmers cannot afford to take such risks as sre entailed by mort gages of all their property. Also, they cannot affrd to contract to pay 8 percent. They can raise enough food forthemselves, Those who are pot farmers are asking them to raise enough food for them also. If the farmer extends his operations beyond what ha would do under normal oonditions, he should not have to take all the risk. Other people who expeot to be benefited should assume their share of whatever risks are to be taken. If the legislature adjourns without providing for necessary assist ance and bard times come upon tne people of this state in which prices ere eo high that only the well-to-do can procure food, there will no doobt in placing the responsibility, and in such contingency here are few of ua who would oaro to bear that responsibility, Al State Highway Goinntission to Help Out. ; At a meetiDg of the stale highway commission held in Santa Fa the following resolutions were adonted: "Whereas it is neceesary at this crisiB in the life of the nation, and in view of the threatened shortage of foodstuffs in the United States and in the world, that all the energies of the people be px erted to the fullest extent for the planting and prodcotion of grain and other crops, therefore , . "Be It Resolved, that it is the sense of the State Highway Com. r 1 (Ccctinnod on paga 3) t T C. H I NJ3J