OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, May 18, 1917, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1917-05-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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; 7
9!9!fS. ' I'g!
:m l sua .
VOL. 34.
U.06 Per Year.
No. 1 1
13 W.
.-mj l !,",?
Office: First Dior esst of It. O
Church, Main Street.
New Mex
rSiiK Shall It Be an
- v -
Autoloading or PumpGaa?
THERE are many kinds of Auto- .' Ji:.l' '
loading and Pump guns some to (? ',) ,J'
be had at very low prices. S- .SV
But it is typical of portstnen that tbe grea! j, vj
Offi-.e: Room 20, Armijo BuildiDf
Cor. ..d St. and Railroad Ave. Practico
in ttie Supreme Courtn of New AJexke
and Tex ft
Attorney and Councellorat Law ,
Will baprcHHiit at alKemrsof Court of
Bcrnalijlo, Valencia, Socorro am) .Sier
ra Counties.
DeaJ in (rood Gold, Silver and Coppe
Mining Properties in New Mexico.
G. El. FE12ES,
Phsician and Surgeon
Hot Springs New Msxlco
DR. J. O.
Physician and Siirgroa.
Hillsboro, Hew fi?c:x.
: Bp IHAM and REBER;
Attorn eys-at-Law.
f MS. of Homo, Sweet Horns.
Tie original manuscript of "Homa
'Sweet Home," Is ald to hare been
buried In the grave with MIsb Harry
Harden of Athena, Ga. She vu John
Howard Payne'0 sweetheart, but re
fused to marry him in deference to
her father's wishes. After she wal
separated from her lover she shut
hereelf In the old family mansion, see
ing none but a few members of, the
tittle church to which she belonged
From the Independent.
What's a FHertd?
' Apropos of gratitude, a prominent
politician gave the other day a very
amusing definition of a friend.
friend," ho said, "is a man who takee
your part against all your enemies,
sticks to you through all your adver
sities, lends yon his last dollar with
out security and then, when fortune
smlle3 on, you at last, Is content jo
take a back seat and keep out of tbe
Las Cpucesi
N- Mex
t s , V i
majority prefer KeminKtou-UMC Vamp and
Autoloading guns in the hauds of the average man.
If you shoot at traps or in the field, go to the
Remington-UMC Dealer in your community and
let him show you the.ie guns. You will know Lira
by his display of the Red Ball Mark if Remington
if SI C Sportsmen's Headquarters and he knows
the difference in guns.
Sold by your home dealer
and 324 other leading
merchants in New Mexico
. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
Woolworth Buildio (233 Broad war ) New York City
is j&aoati
sad Proof -of tolia?-
' W Mil k'tiul WAAAWW
Demln fi M
W Ul attend all the .Courts Hie.
Courage Ever In Demand.
"Not in clanging fights and despair
ate marches only la heroism to bs
looked for, but on every railway
bridge abd fireproof building that la
going up today. On freight trains, on
the decks of vessels, 'In cattle yards,
on lumber rafts, among the firemen
and the policemen, the demand foi
courage is Incessant, end the supply
never fails." William Jaruea.
Ohlldran'a Rlfiht of Liberty.
Do not forget that every child has
a right to some leiRuro and some free
dom from observation. It is possibla
to be too watchful. If children ar
taught to drink after food and not
with it, as a normal thing they will do
It naturally, and suffer less from diges
tive troubles than If they drink fre
quently during a meal.
Fulfilment. "
' He (in a restaurant with his best
Blrl) You don't know how happy you
have made me by saying "Yes," dar
ling. It will be my dearest wish to
ir.a!re tartt a paradisa for you anil
to fulfill your wishes before you ut
ter them. Waitress, bring a portion
of cheese for the young Jady. -File-
gende Biaetter. . ; ' ..
ra County and the Thiid Jadi
cinl Distrct.
Good Wormanphip.
Prices High
HILSBORO, New Meiico.
Strepgth In Cheurfulneaa.
Wondrous la the strength of cheer
fulness, altogether past calculation its
powers of endurance. Efforts, to be
permanently useful, must be uniform
ly joyous a spirit all sunshine, grace
ful from very gladness, beautiful be
cause bright. Carlyle.
- Remembered by Their Deeds.
Who thinks of Milton as blind or
of Beethoven as deaf or of Darwin as
an invalid? What they accomplished
was so great that their personal in
Amities are for the moment forgot
ten in the sense of their achieve
ments. The Christian Register.
Possible Explanation.
In a Connecticut hamlet where old
fashioned regulations are la force,
the niht-watchmaa has a deg that
chases the young children off the
street at eight o'clock. This must
be the dog that put the "cur" la cur
few. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
i n nil. !!!
Felt Himself Defrauded.
Householder "I give you my word
three seventy-five is all I have In the
house." Burglai- "Well, say! "Whea
ye figure me time, an' me tools, bow
d'ye expect me to make any profit at
that rate?" Life.
What "Croft" ISeans.
, WasbiDgton, 1. ). Here is
wbat will happen when the draft
bill now before congress becomes a
law. ;'" ,
1.. Tbe president will desig
nate by proclamation a day of
registration, the votiDg pre
cinct being used as the small
est unit of enrollment. The
governors oi the various states
will be QBked Jtohave tbesber
iffn of tbe counties appoint
regifitt-rato take tbe naves of
' all males between the ages of
19 and 25. TboBe who refuse
to enroll will be arrested.
2. Tbe Btate officers wiU f
exempt from military 'service- i
"persons en gaged in industries,
including agricultural, found
to be neoesary to tbe mainten
ence of the military establish
meet or the 'effective operation
of the military forces, or the
maintenance of national inter
ests daring tbe emergency." ,
3. Those not exempt will
be reported to the war depart
ment, which will make furth
er exetuptiooa. , ,
- 4 - It it estimated that by
August 1 the 500,000 men de- ,
sired will be in, the training
camps. In tbe meantime the
government muBt provide
equipment for the reoruits.
5. It is estimated ibat the
registration will result in an
enrollment of 7,000,009, and
about 40 per cent of tbie num '
ber will b wfiied out on ao-k '
count of physical disabilities.
The GOO.000 to be selected
from the remaining 60 per
cent will be choseu by lot. ,
Appoin tment of
It Dldrtt Work.
A, thing of beauty Is a Joy foi
eTer" remarked the husband as he
Burv'eyed her gown. Tou cant Jolly
me into wearing tta fress another
eeason," responded th wlfe-Wash.
lagtc-n, Herald.
Quick Action.
Complainant After the marriage
ervice my husband told me I had
blasted bis Hfe for ever, Magistrate
--Many mn come to the same conolur
ka, but not bo rapidly.
tainil throiiali the oid entaViIishnd
n SWIFT Al CO." ara buinur uuicklv
'.1 bouprht by Manufacturers.
Send amoilel or ki-tches ti(1 dmcription
II of your invention for FkE 6AKCK
H entn or no fee. W rits for our free book I
M of 300 needed invention. I
Patent Lawyers. fcstaB. loaa.
307 Sevsntii St., Washington, D.C.,H
r -
Of a Copper Hew.
boy of nine on Cromwell: "Cromwell
was a wicked man, and killed lots
of men. He had a nose of copper hew,
nder which dwelt a truly religious
soul."--Christian Life.
oa mean by 'raw matertal.-
an error on the part of the stA
pher," replied Senator Sorghum,
should read, "hurrah material.' "
Husband Got Even,
In Austria a woman was recently
sent to Jail for opening" her husband's
mail. She began a suit for divorce on
evidence obtained from tbe letter and
her husband retaliated by sending her
Washington, Senator A. A. Jonea
nd (JonKresaman.VY. B. VPaltton
ay arranged for an examina
tion to be held at the University
f New Meiioo on May 25, for ap
pointments of mHshipmen in tbe
United States Naval Academy at
Annapolis, tbe two applicants ' re
ceiving tbe highest grades m the
xamination to receive the nomi-
ations for the academy. The ex
amination will be conducted un
der thp direction of the University
authorities, who will frarJe "the
papers, and will be strictly upon
the merits of the applicants.
By pu'ting the appointments of
cadets to tba .Naval Academy on a
bapid of merit it is tbe idea of
Senator Jones and Congressman
Walton not only to remove this
important position from any ens
picion of politics but also to bring
oat tbe very bpst and brightest
young men in New Mexioo to com
pete for the honor of enrolling in
the school which is to turn out'the
future nav'al officers for Uncle
Ssm. In Mher words; it is their
to Jail for opening the letter.
F T C M I N J;
(Continued on page 3)

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