Newspaper Page Text
Zl 0.., " SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE. W. 0. TH0MQN, roprleUp. The Sierra Count Ad,vocte i cd tared tthe PottQiBce at Hlllsboro, Sierra aCounty, tfew Ifcexjco, for trannmUmion b rough the fJ 8. UU. as econd clajri J33U.SL.ULJ - , - SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE partially Devoted to the Best Inter ests of Sierra County and the State fit New Mexico. FRIDAY. MAY 18, J917. "Oar Country! In her intercourse jwith foreign nations, may she always Jbe right, but our country right or Strong.'' Stephen Decatur. Grand Jury Report. yuor honorable body tp icyeeti 'into the eevic.' Id the District Couit of jtbe 8ev8ntb Jodioial District pf tha Btata of New Mexico, Sitting With it and for the County of Sierra, May Term, A. D. 1917. , Tp the Hon. Eayrpppd R. Ryan, pjatriotodgej We, tbe Grand Jary impanelled at the present term of the District Court lo apd for the Copnty of flierra, reepeotfally Bpbcait the following report: i We have beep la session three day apd baye diligently and pare fplly exarpined all poattera prougbt to oar attention, we bare returned Jen true bills and to no bills, al pf which have beep duly tqbrnit ted, apd we have examined Jars pomber of witnessear We are glad tp report a geperal tendency towards a better obser fapoe pf cncnipal faw prevails pter the ooqpty and yioient orirpes are not so freqaept as ip former yore. The reports of the committees appointed to examine into and report to this grand Jury, pn tha condition ol the county finanT pes, county building, and of the pouoty oJScers and other matters are attached to apd made a part f f his report. We alsp CQtatpend b,ighly the ' pfSoiePoy, diligpooa fPP8rT fiality displayed apd the thQrop?h jpvestigatiop of all matters before the grapd jury, oopduoted by the Hoporable Harry P. Owen, disr (riot attorney, apd W aaaiatant, William J. Eaton, and to Sheriff JP, ty. Bojorqaez for the diligeocp exerted by hip? apd bis deputy ip Beouring witnteeea for the grand jury and preparing the quarters pconpled by the grand ury and th eq!Hpiat q-owry f r pur deliberation. We wish to extend oar thanks to the Honorable Coprt, court at laches, and all oouuty officials for all ooprtesies extended toua. Haying oonolpded opr duties we respectfully ask to be discharged, Mkbckq JMoxtqTa, Foreman of the Qrand Jury. To the Honorable Grand Jury of glerra County: We the oommittee appointed by crate and examine the oouuty buildingsof Sierra oounty beg leave to report that we have carefully examined all tha county bnildins and find them generally, in very gon ponditjon. We recommend tbt ibe American Flag be kept flying op the court house. We find that the court house Deeds a pew ooat of paint ioside and out, and we find that the gates to the yard are pot kept closed and that stock enters tub court house yard and injure the shrubbery and trees and we recommend that some action' be taken for the better pro tection of the coprt boose yard. We find that the sheriff's office needs new shelving and reccom rnend that it be given him. Respectfully submitted. Will S. Cooper, Joe Hill, Preulo Gonzales. We, the committee appointed by your honorable body to exmiue the couoty jail, beg leave to report we have gone through the jail and have found everything in good oonditjou. The cells are kept o'ean, the prisoners have good bads and are provided good food, and the jail is ip good sanitary copdition. We bod that they Deed a new eook stove in the jail, and they need a new outside door and we reoomend that these be sppplied. Respectfully submitted, Buck Latham. Poblo Tafoya, Ygoaoio Noanez, treasurer's beport. Amount ol taxes collected as ner caeh book this month, $440 28. Halnnea oaah on band.. 9 oov ua " "in bank... SSldOo yy " in Gen'l coouiy fODd ......I. 1109 50 f" in Court fund 49 f in Gen'l school fpnd.rr. t bpeo'l Sobool fund , " " Gen'l Road.. Wild An i m a 1 bounty. ' in Court lioune repair HI y r ' Special iiriage '. " County ItiBti- tpte M Ooun.y Bur- yey " v Uamino nni. f "Sinking fund. ' indigent fund f Bpepial roadt " Salarvfood pi. D. Apodaca, Treasurer, To the Honorable Grand Jury of Sierra County: We, tbe committee appointed by yopr honorable body to examine the condition of the county offices beg leave to report that we have examined all tbe oounty offices and find ihera all kept in very good shape, and find the work of each office a kept pretty well up to d..te, Thereoorda look clean, the ,oks kept in plaoe and their of. fices all show that they are kept ia general good order, We find that tbe oounty clerk's offioe-ie very much in need of a new system of index for tbe re cords of said office and we recom mend that H be supplied him said system to be approved by the couo ty plerk and the county commissioners. V.'c rrt renori oi tbe coudition of county fjoancea furnished ps by the oounty treas urer and ask that the Same be at tached to our report. Pespeotf oily submitted, Charles Hoyle, , Isabel Jojola, F. p. Torres, Here is some of tbe facts about the national guard of New Mexico: 1 . The New Mexico guardsmen are oallad iptoi camp at Albuquer que at once. In pojpt pf training tbey will baye more than three months' advantage over tpe first of tbe drafted men. 2. Hereto ?, except in wht time, the pay for t'h iivat po'. dier has been $13 per month, nn' just a little more when in rciuhI war service. Th pay will b eith- er WJ or fau per monip, iooa, clothing and shelter. There are fw mp in Albuquerque, married or unmarried, who are able to laj aside $30 a month ab ve fxppnsf-s. 8, There will be a board of regular army officers to pass on tbe qualifications of all the commis iooed officers of the New Mexico national guard, . and noy officer found unahle to measure up to the standard of the regular army will be given bis discharge and an officer who does measure pp to the standard will be assigned to bis place, 4. Simeof the offiws svill. be weeded out, and intelligent, ener- getio privates will take their places. No politio'il pull will iiHve any thing to do wiih it. . It will l h mutter of qpnhficatin ouly. p. Ibe nieu wLw enter tbe sfi- , (CaniinapJ on page 3) 744 79 118 95 843 93 117 27 464 62 ! I 70 159 09 79 2723 27 39 11 1 17 166 82 Undo Sam Heeds You. Uncle Sam needs you! He Deeds them worse of all at this minute In tbe national guard, because the national guard la the first of the military organizations, next to tbe regulars? tp be called For L , ' Weak. 1 Women Jn use for over 40 years! Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell- gy ing of the good Cardul VAk ho. Ann thm This is 1. IUU uv'V ...v.". r the best proof ol the van.3 of Cardui. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine for women. There are no harmful or habit-forming drug$ In Cardui. It Is composed only of mild, medicinal Ingredients, with np bad after-effects. TAKE 1 The Woman's Tonic You can rely on CardM. Surely it will dp for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women! It should help. "I was taken sick, seemed to be . . . ," writesMrs. Mary E.Veste, . ... ... "I got down so weak. could hardly walk . . . Just staggered around, . . . I read of Cardui, and after taking one bot-r tie, or before taking quite all, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to dp my work, I take it in the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best tonic I ever saw." . Try Cardui. All Druggists I. TO .... arts 7lt!r0 U And Our Paper AU 0e Year TOIS IS A iWEAt BABCAIN act nuICKLV! nortwatatrfa, orcaII and u . Send 01 your order ngat awsy, or " T"" paper before, do it now . ns whea in town. II you haw new subscribed to our paper , . -t,t tke.e four mapuini. If you are a regular .ubr to I .end ia youTrea.wJ once, md frt the-""J 't : .criber to any of the.e mLae send your reaewJ order to u. and we will eu, : your subscription for one year. TMnl nf It Yoa can get tbete four Magazines for g4 Think Of Iff If yea Sabfcribe to oar paper for one year. Jim hare sample copfc. of the.e magin. on it our oftcc Call , . " r ; . . , iiu,trated covert, and are full t f tee them. They are printed 00 book paper with Uiustraiea w , clew, inure.ting storiel and instructive artidei on Htory. Sc.ence, Art, Ma, ,, Fwhion, Fancy Needlework, General Fannin?, Iivs 5totk and Poultry. , .is Send Your Ordsr Before Yoa Forget The Magazines Will Stop Promptly, When Time is Waller Witums.Bti. Tht most famous shot end thouldcr Two WorMR in One Day v rwithtlie.22 Savage Hi-Power, i T the Bisley Matches of the British National Rifle Association r the biggest rifle match in the world the . 2 2 Savage Hi-Power rifle and Savage ammunition in the hands of Mr. Walter 'Winans on July 25, 1914 made the highest possible score on the (Running Deer target-six straight 5's. This is a World's record. On the same day, with the iam rifle and ammunition, Mr. Winana made the highest possible acore on the Running Wild Bo target six Straight jS. 'Another World's record. This merely clinches what other shooters have proved that the Imp's won derful accuracy (S consecutive shots in a lo-inch circle at 500 yard), tremen dous velocity (2800 feet more than half a mile a second), long point blank range (100-yard trajectory less than three inches), and trifling recoil (4.6 foot , pounds) make it easier to hit moving game wich than any other rifle. And it has killed Alaskan Brown Bear, Grizzly, Buffalo, and man-eating tiger, besides the deer and black bear It was originally designed for. Write us for particulars about "the biggest little gun in the world." Savace Arms Company, 947 Savage Ave;, Utica, N. Y. The 22 SAVASE Hi-Power V f I ?TSZ&!r- Shall It Be an milERE are many kinds of Auto- WjM'l r loading and Pump guns-some to ffe4ftS ' be had at verv low nnvs j:ucV v;,:. n . v - v But ii U typical of sporUmen that the great rnajonty prefer Eernington-UMC Pum Vn!' Auwioauwg guns m ue hand, of the average man; Remington-UMC Deafer ia your let him how you these gtini. Yon will by hie display of the Iu3BtiU Mark lf?Zilm ifM C-SporUmen's Ue.dqrwtern7riton" the difference in guns. 4lwew"l he knows you,r home dealer and 324 other leading merchanta in New Mexico - ' - Is