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. ,. It, Advogat: VOL. 34. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, JUNE i, i9r7. $i.oo Per Year .NO. 13. 4 COIMT I I i ! Remington c r --' - jiiifl proof IfliiMs For Sale '"obtaim-d thronsh Iho c!fl established (S "O. SWIFT & CO." ore beinsr quickly 4 bought by Manufacturers ; ... Si Send a model or sketches and dewHpt ,on j of your invention for FREE SEARCH ! and report on patentability. We 8-etpat-1 entx or no fee. Write for our free book $ of 300 needed inventions. D. SWIFT & GO. 1 an I nwvArs. Estab. 1889. y, 307 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. LUU5TKATOR5- DB5IGNrrR5 am CN(iAVEriy7 exciujiveLY - V J 'v'a!)' Remington Arms-Unioi w" A --rf"' "N v ,vf y,Woolworth Building (233 I'll ' , -Jrf- J 11 JL 1 ' M . W n Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges for results. And when you start to be critical, there's no where to stop short of Remington-UMC. Made in Single Shot model in Slide-Action modeli. with the famous ReminKtpn-UMC solid breech and now. the Autoloading model that successfully handles JO Remington A utoloadtng rim-firt cartridges without reloading. For real ,22 jport, get your rifle and cartridge from the dealer who display! the Red Ball Mark ot ' Remtngion-U ML. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. broadwaj) flew lorn v-iiy : ioeati of lalior at this office (iLocafiOii tSi! ell&ec. H. A- WOLFORD, Office: First Door east of R. 0 , Church, Main Street. Hillsboro New M e Offi: Room 26, Armijo Buildin Cor. .'d St. and Railroad Ave. Practko in the Supremo Courts of New Mexiee and Texas. ELFEGO CACA, ' Attorney and GguneeWorat Law , ALBUQUERQUE. - NEW MFA Will heprpHentat alltenirsof Courtof Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties. Deal i n u;ood Gold, Silver and Coppe' Mining Properties! n New Mexico. G. IS. FRiES, Phsician and, Surgeon Hot Springs . New Mexico BOMAM and RE3ER, Atforneys-at-law. LAWYERS, Las Cruces, MMe JAMES R. WADDILL, Bernini N- M Will Attend all the Courts Ste ra County and the Third Judi citl Distrct. (ficncral Contractor Good Wormanehip. Priops Eighf. firLSBOltO, New Mexio.. WEBSTER'F NEW INTERNATIONAL , DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New aoabridged dio- tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative - library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in ft single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. , Write for sample FVv ,2cK,rU"c, ' ! Springfleld, Haas. EVERYBODY READ., THE JOURNAL. fp ;r32lr?V PKe, f uU par V ticulam, etc. Yt ' V Name this Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS- TO- , DAY, and Lota of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of rio political party. 70 Cents a month by mail. Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE. W. O. THOMPSON, Proprietor. The Sierra County Advocate ieenterod at the Post Office at Hillsboro, Sierra County, New Mexico, for transmission brough the U S, Mails, as second class matter. SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE mpartially Devoted to the Best Inter ests of Sierra County and the State or JNew Mexico. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1917. hi V' -v., r- "Our Country 1 In her irjtrcourse with foreign nations, may she always be right, but our country right or wrong. "Stephen Decatur. Registration Refjolailan! Sierra County Advocate, Hilla boro, N. M. I ar Sir: The following Ukeu f rouj the Kepis'tratiop, RegaUtione, Bureau of the Provost Marshal General, are matters that should be brought to tb attention of all peace offiofrs of U state: Sec. Tf law autbaHz'Og us of Federal, St--, Ciuuty, and Wonicipsl It will be found by these regulations, wliioli contaioj the presidents direoti )08 to offi cers of the natiou aud of the statee. countieu, ami muniuipAlitits, 'bat the prf6ident baa di routed specific duties to be performed by or-rtain of each officers aud that he has au thorized the stated t eaiploy cer tain persons as agnocies io the ex ecntion of this act. Since the act prescribes the penalty of imprison ment (with no alternative of tide) ; for the failure or neglect of cuch officers and agencies to perform dutiee so preeoiibed by the pnVi . dent, it behoovps evfry person i charged with duties bereia care fully to study the instructions in geueral aud in particular so much of them as pertains to his own I peculiar dutieB. I Seo. 4. Procedure in case of j Failure or Itefuaal. In every cuse i in which officers when called upon ;retUBe to set, the r governor wiii prpceedat once to prosecute such officers, and will name other offi cers If he deems the law can be executed by such other officers. If the governor should be of the i )u that the law can not be exec ed fully, faithfully, and . effnively in any city or ooanty by the uieaog thus provided, either because offi. cers have refused to aot or because, although no refusal has been in dicated to ,the governor has ,rea son to believe that the law will 11 mmmr opin-M-'- ut.'kM not be executed, he will report by felegraplrto the provost marshal1 general without delay. Seo. 15. Police Officer Police town, towuBbip, oouuty, itate, (it natioD are required to render eta- ry aesiatarjoe in ihe exucotiou-of the law. It is especially mora the daty of eucti police ofHaer to sh that alt male persons withiu the , designated ' tgs bare regiuf er I and to report those who have not registered to the proper registra tion board for each notion as tuny be ueofssary. Police officers may require any such persou to exhibit his registration certificate. ' 8ec. iJ8.Ou t be diy set for registration all pjlici ollisnrs of the nation, tate, j'juij tirtt, town. sbips, or tovi4 atid cuws hil' hold themselves ia readiuesw to reader wbaiever hbsisiuc ajay b ueoBeary iu preserving order at the plofs of registration aud in (Oontiuaed on Dext pg) Health .About -Gone a Many thousands of women Buffering from womanly, trouble, have been benefited by the use of todui, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this cna from Mrs. Z. V. Spell, ofHayne.N.C. "I could net stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly," she says. "As my suf fering was no great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardul. . . I began improving, and it cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dul did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE The Woman's Tcnis T3 She writes furthers " I k i am in solendid health . . . can do my work. I feel I owe it to Cardul, for I was In dreadful' condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try ,fv ly Cardul. Thousands of women praise una meui cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardul successfully with their women patients, for 1 'years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be in splendid health, like ..Mrs. Spell. Give Cardul a trial. ' ' All ft rt fe ll 1 I: I r rW. . t IS