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t UCTfegEaa laJ.Jl.Jl!lgmm I ' .JU. ' . GATE VOL. 34. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, JUNE S, 1917, $1.00 Per Year No. 14; AIM 4?j.i3i JL Tip Remington Wftolworth mul proof IIIIISL.. For Sale TV " "7 iff! Ained tnrouirii ui ww .mujui.juu . SWIFT CO." r being quickly ight by Manufacturers, ond model or Bketelies and description your invention for FREE SEARCH i report on patentability. We get pat ti or no fee- Write for our fite book ' nMrled inventions. ' -Mwm go. i ; . t Lawyers. tstaD.isss. f ; s.-r, nta St., Washington, D. C. f i -AVE-R5 fjii.y. 'X. i h "r c r I M fi I Mia 'IiQQ&UmL Rifles and Cartridges or Real .22 Sport !N the .22 caliber ns in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle .ni cartridges for results. And when you start to be critical, there's no whero to s'op short of Remiugton-U MC. Made In Single hot models in Slide-Aetion model, with the fanioui Retniiieton-UMC solid breech and now, the, Autoloading ruodc-l that successfully handlts 16 'Heminglcn Aulolw'.iiig rim-Are cartridges without reloading. For real .22 jir,ir, et your rifle an(! cartridpe from the dealer who display the Red Ball Hark ofiiemmilon-U MC. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Afms-Union MetfJIic Cartridge Co. Building (233 Broadway) Now York City . of ."labor at this office , Bjocation- SSIanks H. A. WOLFORD, Office: First Poor eaB. of R. 0 Church, Main Street. Hillsboro - IJew Mex QfH;e: Room 2t5, Armijo Building Cor..5dSt. and Railroad Ave. lVnctico in the Supreme Courts of New Mexice and Texiifr' ELFEGQ CACA, Attorney and Councellorat Law , ALRUQUERQUK. - NEW ME Will he present at alltomrs of Conrtof Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties. Deal in good Gold, SHvr-r and Coppe Mining Properties in New Mexico. on. j. o. iiATCissn, Physician and Surgaon, lliijsbaroy Kew fiEex. ... i. G. HI. FRIES, ' Phsician and Surgeon Hot Springs New Mexico EONHAM and RE3;H, Atlorneys-at-Law. LAWYERS, Cruces, La: U Me JAMES R. WADDILL, Demins N- M Will attend all the Courts Sie ra County and the Third Jodi ciil Diatrct. General Good Wormanehip. Prices Iiight.. IIILSBO ID, Maxioo. EVERYBODY. .READ 3 THE JOURNAL, Why? Bscause it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO-DAY, and Lots of it. J And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar st no political party, 70 Cents a month by mail, Albuquerque MQBNING JOURNAL PROVED HIM AN IMPOSTOR. JudQtt'f Clever Bute Uncovered Trlcta ery of Plaintiff. Joseph Cboate, ttv famous lawyer, related at a dinner party at Lenox some Interesting reminiscences of th bar and bench. "A striking case.," said Mr. Cioate, "transpired in the '60'b. It waa a case of a workman who claimed to have lost the sight of hla left eye la an ee plosiri, "There was no doubt abont the ex piosion antf there waa no doubt that the workman's eye had boen Injure, but the physicians claimed that he could see out of it, while be stoutly declared that the sight waa utterly destroyed. "The Judge heard all the evidence, pro and con. Then, sending: the work man from the court room, he said: M 'Get a blackboard and write a sen tence on It with gs-aca chalk. Also get a pair of spectacles with ordinary clear glass for the text eye and red glass for the right' "This, In the course of an bour mjt mo, waa done. Then the workman was brought back and be waa ordered to put the queer glasses oa. "He put them on and the ludge, salft to him: "'Turn the blackboard rotind and see If you read what Js written.' The man read the sentence without hesitation, whereupoa tho Judge said to him sternly; "'Vour case Is dismissed. You ar an impostor. You mftst have read that sentence with your left eye, for the red glass over the right one turned the green writing black and made U quite Invisible on the blackboard.'" BEFORE AND AFTER ELECTION, President Buchanan Had Had Ail tne Visiters He Wanted. President Buchanan's home Btm stands In the outskirts of Lancsster, Pa. Buchanan was a close friend of Abraham N. Casael. He was presi dent of the turnpike eonrpany which owned a road loading" trm Lancaster past the Buchanan residence. During the campaign nhich gave PenusylYanla her only presided this turnpike prospered on the tolls of the callers who dally thronged to the candidate's home. "Abe," "said Buchanan one day, "can't you abolish tho tolls, or give a special rate, for all these people? I want to encourage them to come want 'em all to come." Mr. Cassel promised to consult his directors, and a concession was granted. After election cams the office seek ers, and the home of the president elect was compassed about like a be leagured camp. Meeting him, Bu chanan again entreated the road j owner: "CaBael,' he said, "for heaven's sake keep 'em away! Can't you build toll gates clear up to the sky so they can't climb over?" Saturday JSrenlnj Post Couldn't Afford It About a year ago Sowell. Ford be came a resident of Rye, N. Y. He had lived there only a short time before be disoovered that one of his neigh bors was Simeon Fod. The revela tion was made over the telephone. "Hello !" said a voice, "la this So Well Ford?" The author of "Shorty" admitted that it was. "Well," went on the voice, "this is Simoon Ford. Sona one's sent me your meat bill." "Good I Why don't you pay it?" "I will if you'rl pay mine," said Simeon." At last accounts the bargain had ot been concluded. Simeon runs a feotel. Exchange. CrleenM About Firearms. A few days ago at Brockton, Mass., a 6-year-old child blew a man's head off with a shotgun; at Bangor, Me, a small boy killed bis Infant sister wt:h a load of shot, and similar occur rences have recently been reported from other places. Ninety-nine per cent of gun acotdenta might have beea avoided by the exercise of a small jymptomrof common sense. The chil dren referred to in the dispatch lound the guns In their homes and the guns were loaded. To keep a loaded gun in the house Is next to criroiaaJ carelessness. To keep a loaded gun 1 the house where there are children if Idiotic Washington Btar. Tha Farmers and tbo Liberty Loan. One aspect of the $5,000,000,000 loaD, the Liberty Loan of JL917, that the farmers of Aaerica may well consider ia that a pery great portion of the money raised bytha iBsae will come directly Into the pockets of Uie farmers of the Ra tion,. All of the rjoney advanced to oar allies will be expended In the United Btates and as they are waking all , their awn munitions practically all of the money ad- Viced them will he epent for pro ducts of the farms for cotton for clothing and high explosives, wool for clothing and leather for shoes; but by far the greater part of the money loaned oor allies will be expended here for food products. In a few aaontha the United States will have under arms 1,200,- 000 men and 500,000 reserves in training; bo including the navy there will be2,00O,OOO meu that our government will feed and clothe. This will make the United States government by far the largest single customer the farmers of America have. The .secretary of the treasury is employing such methods in hand ing the Joan that no community will be denuded of money by rea son of Liberty Loan Iioud pur- cuhasp, The money will be left in local banks and as the govern ment purchases food and supplies the money is raieed by the bond issue will pass back into the pock ets of the people. The farmers of the country should subscribe to the Liberty Loan Bonds. They get the safest investment in the world aDd their money supplies their best customer the funds to purchase their pro ducts. This is political, economy the wisdom of which is plaia to everyone, The Gold Production. The value of the world's gold production ;in 1916 wap, says a London statement, was 95,125,0130 pounds, a Ggure wLich has been exceeded only three timeB. The British empire led the world with CO.0O0.0C0 pounds, while the United States produced 19,000,000 pounds; Kuesia, 00,000,000, aDd Mexico 2,000,000. The United Slates since 1846 has produced gold to the val- ne of about 779,000,000 ponnds. U J li LI MB v , . Ilonolulu, June 2, Twenty-six deathe in two daya from anthrax in a dairy herd brought a report today from Dr. Victor Jorgaard, territorial eteinarian, .that the herd undoubtedly bad;been inocu lated deliberately. Vt, Donald Currie confired it and declared th outbreak of the disease most hHV been due to a plot to, curtail the food supply of the islhnda. Fed eral authorities are eeekisg two men known tohavo been loitering about the infected cattle. r T