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Newspaper Page Text
MJW VOL. 34, HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, JUNE i5, 19 17, $1.00 Per Year No. 15. M 111 ' .1, "V p 4 ' J1 y "y"n, y .-" i11 Remington A, ras-tniun Metallic Cartridge Co. r'Xiisv .v(. Woolworth Building (233 Bro.dw.v) New York City Tl nml proof ISULS. -. For SaIe fthrouirh tho old cstanhghed. I phtained ti!nwf' 0 Quickly 1 " lT L. MgnUttCkUiUlA. n CJ 1 or sketches nnd doPcripHon nd rep f Write r foJ'our frl-e Uxk nil Ul ' . . r. a m, -FA1?"; s7.' WinfcinctM. D. C. . .,.o Fstah. IfitS. W 11 aeyc"'" j B zj Rifles and Cartridges ifor Real .22 Sport TN the .22 caliber as in tbe high-power i arms, your shrewd sportsman selects Lis rifle t.nd cartridges for re.ntlls. And whin yju start to he crHimK there's no Trhe'o to slop fhort of Rrmingtnn-U MC. Made tn nutc . hi-f mod"' in Sli lis Act Ion models, ivilh ihi 'j mom Rtnimtaon-UMC solid brfech and now, the Aut "ln'dirg mor'el Thai siircemlully hatitllts 16 Remington A fl. U tdi'.ti tm.-fi. c mr'.rultcs - ithoutreloadinn. roi rtal .22 sport, get your rifle andrartridfces from the dealer who display., the F.;d BrM Slcritol Rcfmngion-U MC. Sold by your heme Metier and 324 other leading merchant in New Mexico of labor at this office TT . A .'. W ' V. . lii 1 Ibis office. H. A- WCLFCRD, Office: First Door ea6t of It 0 Church. Main Street. Hillsboro - Nr,v Mex Offl:c: Room IVS, Arraijo IUiil.linS? Cor. od St. and Railroad Ave. lYurtii'O in tde Supreme Courts of Kw Mexico and Tositf, Attorney and CounceUorrit l.nw , ALMJQUEK(iUK. - NKW ME Will ItrtproHont at ullfemrH of Court of Ikrnalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Couni ies. Deal i 'i iroo.l fJoU, Silver and Coppc Mining Properties i n New Mexico. dr. J- 0. hatckee!, Physician end Sarocn. ct' Surgeon Mew Mexico EQKKAM RE3R, Attorneys-aHaw. LAWYERS JAMES R. WACDILL, Demins,' H- M VTi!l Attend all tho Courts Sie ra County and the Third Judi cid Disfrct. TT7 CV Tyv IT' T"W ., l Oj f'M?Aini' ' v w nsw7 -.J w vm. : Good Wormanehip. Prices Right( UILSBOIIO, New MstUn. EVERYBODY .READS J Phsiciah Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO DAY, and Lots of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 70 Cents a toontb by mail, Albuquerque MOKNING JOURNAL f NOT THAT KfND OP TIE3. Yffluth Unaware of Naturo of Job Ha Aiked For. About 20 yesrs ago, when I was In Spokane, Wash., a youn follow was Bent there from Boston by hla father for his health, anrt, incidentally, to make his fortune, says a writer la th Boston Herald, lie worked at h'.6 trade na a tailrn. t, Ma l, nr. pambled for his fortune. Needles to j Fay, he lost both, for, at that age, j being about 19, he was a dejlcats i youth. Ilia money and job nlviog out abot the s.'irae time, he loekoj around for something to do. C Land rig ta p'asa an employment olRco, ho saw en the blackboard, "Tle-nu: kcrs wanted,, lift centa apiece." Jl wallicd in, trt S Pressed l:laselr to the man oehlnd th desk, a bis, raw-boned specimen, with a fierce mustache. "I see you wajit tie-makers, sir," h ,aaid. "Yes, wo do, sonny; but don't you think you are rather too light for tha job?" "Oh, no," replied tho young ina. "I can sew." "Sow," the other roared. "Why, great Scott! kid, these are railroad ties!" COULD HAVE GOT SUBSTITUTES. Excuse of Election Judge Blown Away by Investigator. In recalling incidents connected with Virginia politics Bome years ago a prominent Virginian recently re lated an account of an investigation of election frauds in the lower aec tion of the jteta. In the course of the proceedings it developed that the ballots In an Important precinct had not been sealed after tho final count, thereby being exposed to fraudulent practices. The chairman of the inves titrating committee closely questioned the election Judgre as to why the pre scribed duty of carefully securing the ballots had been neglected. "Could you not obtain any mucilag In tho town?" "No, sir." "Could you not procure nome eal Ing wax, some shoemaker's wax, If nothing else?" "No, sir." "Well, then, sir, why didn't you go out into the woods and get some resln Do you mean to tell me that there were no pine treos around there J shedding teais at your infamous ras cality?" Ceese Make Good Actors. A farmer would scarcely believe that a goose requires only about 60 hours In order to prepare it for tha footlights and a critical audience, and that a common pig, which has been lnal a common wnicn nas been bouellt ln ih M- wl In 30 hoar, be competent to blossom forth as aa actor. According; to Mr. Clyde Pow ers, a trainer of wide experience an(f much patience, it takes a duck about three days to learn bow to march on the stage, to follow the chorus, and to march off again at the proper time; if takes a chicken a week or more, and a turkey cannot grasp the art of acting before six months' time. Mr. Powers bas tried to train a peafowl, but be finds that it is impossible. A goose la tho most Intelligent of all the feath ered tribe, and a goose Is also the enly one of the domestic fowls that shows affection. Helen Grant ia, Les lie's Weekly. "me Be-aver tn Cans. Pa Manitoba tho beaver ia protectee" liy law from either being shot or trapped, and the protection results ic tncreas. Colonies of the aniaaala csn now be found both on tho Ocbre aci Turtle rivers, to the east cf Paii'thin. One colony has started building a dam on the Ochre rirer at the railway bridso near the village. So tarae have i. i vac auiuims Become tnat u la a com mon thing for the residents to Tislt h wm fn th evenlna: and watch the Industrious anlmal3 at work. In one or two cas tt work of the bearer in damming the Turtle river ha, proved a loss to farmers in the vicinity by their land being flooded and the water overflowing it. The matter was laid before the govern ment la Winnipe; by parties Interest ed, and permission obtaJned to open the dams, but not to molest the ani mals. As the beaver Increases rapid ly, the government is likely to hare another problem on Its hand, to aolve before a great while. ITmn VJVA War Lnti? In the time of CLmt the people seked for aeign, and were rebuk. ed by Him for each fooliflbntSB, In times of bIusb like tiisaa, tiie tendeucy ia to Link, lack io the Btipoi-Rtitior.e of iibcfcrl i.-hj Cld pif idit&irB, and Billed old pio. j'hp6ies,ai ereBurrected, the Bible u eeiucLed and construed in order to iiiid fcoraetliiDg upon which to bass a gtifflB of tthfu pence will be re stored. ' L- fi j ,w.i 1,. fipnrrd out hy tbe rhul uiph 0.?.. ti. Timr-B sr.d, to f ey (helenc-t, it ji -teitstin: rreeident WiI.6oo was boru bom in 1S5G, lock rfiica ficein ...1013 has beet) in office... 4 Ikh lived 61 yearg yeari All these figures to tal 3834 FnBidetit of France wsa born 1800 . took office.... ,1913 has been in office 4 yeara hue lived 57 yeara .3834 King of EDglftDd wan boru .1835 asoended throne 1910 baa reigned 7 yeara baa lived . .' 52 years 3834 King of Italy vraa born 18G9 ascended throne 1900 has reigned 17 yeara baa lived.. 48 yearg 3834 Cznr of RuFBia was born 1808 ascended throne 1804 has reigned 23 years has livtd 49 years 8834 King of Belgium was born 1875 ascended throne 1909 hasreigred 8 yeara baa lived 42 years 3s34 Emperor of Japanborn 1879 BHcended throne 1912 has reigned 5 years b:.8 lived 38 yeara 3834 King of Serbia was bornl844 ascended tbrone. 1903 bos reigned 14 years haB livbd. 73 ytaig 3834 King of ilontecegro born 1811 ascended throne 1910 has rtigned. 7 yeara baa lived 70 years 3834 334 divided by 2 irjanls 1917. The bt ved mentioned repre- r I (Continued on pspe 2)