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TP VOL. 34. HILLSBORO. SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, JUNE 72, 1917. $1.00 Per Year No. 16. "The Colons Call. 99 I J, .'V i.. . . j V H. A. VOLFCP.O, Office: First Door east of It. 0 Church. Main Street. Hillsboro - . Naw Mex Offl:.': Room '2(5, Annijo BntLlinf f.jt .,.,,1 iiMilmMil Ave. l'riictico in-t!ie. Supremo Courts oi Aew Mesne and lex a. ELFSQ 3ACJ Attorney aai C'jnm'eUorat l aw , ALHUtfUKKgUK- " NEW MFX Will hp"'Mnitut all tmur of Court of lUrmJillo, Valencia. Socorro itu -Sierra Ooiiutiec Deal i.i o I OnM, Silver and Coppn Mining Properliesin Nw Mexico.- Fhysicszn and S'rgoon. ft' ' C. SL FREZ5, Phsiciin and Surgson Hot Springs Hew Mexico ECKHAMand RE3ER, Attorneys-at-Law. LAWYERS, Las Crucesi K- Me A f j- y d US 1L i AVy- s4 a RifHes "nd Carxricies fcr Ucal .22 Sport 'V;J' k TN the .22 caliber as in the higl . f ''' '$ I anns, your shrewd sportsman V HN 'k.'A I,; rifle nnd cartridess for results l-pov.-er '111 Kt' ' ; his riHe and cartridges ior results. , ,!g And vihen you start to he eritual, there's no- v' i nh'-rp to si op short of h'r.niviy0T-UllC. . '.i Mfi'ie In tint !e Phot in Flirts-Action mo-leli i with '..he fmca lU-uratta-tUC breed) -and .- r,w M Aut-'lo'ulin? moid tuat successMh Reminr'-M A ut 4 tmiim r.m-Art tto-tri hrs uWmulrelwuttxt. : ' roi t'-.'i -i'2 ?jvrt, net voor riile and cartriflc-s from the . dealer who displays th Red Hull MarkoJ RennntUm-L ML. i C.,!,J vnn l-nmA rltlT end 324 w - , other leaair.g nicrtar-t in New iy.ojuoo Cmiriu'on AniK-IIninn Metallic Certriiipe Co. " '' i , WJo!worO"iiu:Wi:ig (2;.3 Broadway) New York Ci!y JAMES R- WAODILL Demins.r. N- M Will ntterd all the Courts Hip ra County and the Third Jodi cirtl Ditrct. V Vi SJ? "-.. W Mi V-. ami prf For Sale of lafeair at this offic? 11 A j vtluiivul hnaamu. ; SEARCH or no IM. WHlB m uu. tnt Lrvvver?. M'b-I3- Good Worinanphip. PriceB llight. II I LS BO HO. New Mexico. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NKVS TO DAY, and Lots of it. And because it i3 inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 70 Cents a month by mail. Albtsqucrque MORNING JOURNAL (Nora Trew, Magdalena, N. M., June 12, 1917.) "The colors call!" the bugles blow, Behold thy sons New Mexico! While, "I have answered," comes the cry Ten thousand heroes' glad reply Yes, thrice ten thousand, from the plain, The deserts wide, the vast domain; The Rio Grande takes a voice, The purple mountain peaks rejoice. The drum-beats roll, the colors glow To arms thine own New Mexico! New Mexico, so arms thine own! The heaping rocks, the sculptured stone, The solitudes' volcanic sands Raise from the dusts their hero bands, The fair-haired Saxon of the plain, The proud descent of ancient Spain Gifts to our shores of warriors old, Unsullied in their valor bold; With Zuni and with Navajo, Spring to thy call New Mexico! Spring to thy cal! to crush the foe, This thy gift, New Mexico; To save from maim and bruise and stroke The Belgian childfrom slavery's yoke Matron, and maid, and helpless age, 'Gainst whom, insane with fiendish, tage The b. utal foemanheap their wrongs, The blood-god Odin tunes their songs; To strike the tryant blow for blow, Blest be1 thine arms New Mexico! No slackers hide in God's great hills; No traitors drink from mountain rills; No cowards 'neath thy holy skies Watch from their camps the stars to rise. Thy cactus, with her prickly spine, Would crush the heart that dare repine That dare not answer at thy call That dare not fight, or fighting fall. God makes thy mother-pride to glow 'O thrice rejoice New Mexico! Blest be thine arms New Mexico, Thrice-armed, in cause so just, we know Thy western manhood no poor boast For "We have answered!" shoutsthe host The strong vanquero of the plain, The gift of brawn, of pride, of brain Of courage true, of loyalty, Themselves the surest prophecy That makes the voiceful colors glow In that response New Mexico! Albuquerque Morning Journal. Over 32VGG0 Register in New Hlexico. New luexitio'H total registration of men 21 to 31 years of age on .Tim T. wb: ?02. Tins was the official announcement made by U. 0. Reid today at the oapitol. It was found that 190 negroes had been omitted from the grand total yesterday, bringiufi up the figures of 32,003 to 32.202. It is estimated that since June 5 at least 200 more have been regis tered. It was found that the total registration is 43 pr cent of the vota of 1910. Other statistics of interest given out today bylieid are the following: Legislative, judicial and execu five officers; pcraona totally dis (Coiitiuued oil page 2)